Free MyCokeRewards Codes (XII)

MyCokeRewards Wow! It’s already 2012, and we’re back with another year of MyCokeRewards, and another year of sharing Coke codes with the nice little community we’ve built here!

It has been six years since we first started sharing MyCokeRewards codes, and what I find amazing is that some of the people that were doing this six years ago are still around today, still being as generous as ever.

If you’re new to this site, welcome! You will find news, information, discussion about the prizes and the MyCokeRewards program, and of course, MyCokeRewards codes – for free. No catch.  Out of the kindness of their own hearts, folks donate codes only to be consumed by strangers across the internet, with little more in return than a “thank you” – and sometimes not even that.  This site inspires me to be a better person, which is why I’ve maintained it for so long, I think.

This page is 12th in a series of pages dedicated to sharing codes.

If you’d like to trade or sell codes, please use the Code Trading Page. Or visit this page to beg for MyCokeRewards codes (or anything else for which you feel like begging).

Some quick and easy rules for participating here:

  • If you use a donated code, please leave a quick comment indicating such. A simple “Thank-you” or “RBM” (redeemed by me) goes a long way in saving everyone from trying the same codes over and over. It also encourages our generous donators to post more often!
  • Comments are held for moderation before they are posted. While we have a very friendly atmosphere here, I keep the moderation pretty strict. It boils down to this: If your comment does not contribute meaningful content to the discussion of MyCokeRewards, it isn’t going to show up. Begging or trading requests will also not show here (see above).
  • If you’re asking a question, be sure to check the MCR FAQ page to see if it has already been answered

Again, many thanks to the generous users of this site. It would be nothing without you. Now let’s have a great year in 2012!


  1. 1. HV6RLMT4RH9RH0
    2. 0KN0XK0PHJH7VV
    3. 5RJLH5904RKMRP
    5. HV0XJ4BBX45V7B

  2. Hi does anyone know if tropicana will be bringing back a new rewards program like juicy rewards, and if so do you know when



  3. Ah, a new page. Kind of like a newborn child. Expected, but not sure exactly when, and then bam, it’s here. Thank you vvhitekid2, for your years of dedication to the benefit of others. You are awesome. (And you as well, Mrs. vvhitekid2)
    01. F4VV909MMTLLHK
    03. 0096RRFRFF6JMR
    05. TMPPLF6R7RW9B6
    06. HX9MTXP46WFORJ
    08. 459WB6FRRXN95K
    09. 7FM04VPN60B6P9

  4. 01. 6PKK660T9VK6VO
    02. F45LMPR5K5KPPO
    03. 7MWMHRFJ7XWM
    04. OFHOKV65RNMMF7
    05. OLJ9RTFB4J7T4P
    06. 776BWPN6HRX7VL
    07. R46JWRWN6KWJ57
    08. PKL9B4VNJ70W9R
    09. HH4XTPMM45P7RT
    10. FMHHMXK6L05FM4
    The defense of the Alabama football team has got to be the best I have ever seen. Absolutely awesome.

  5. Karen, the 32GB iPod Touch (4th Generation) just came back to Nike Store today for $299.99.

  6. Hello, is anyone there? Mr. and Mrs. VVhitekid2, is all well in the land of codes? It has been quite some time since we have heard from you, and I’m sure we all have just the slightest bit of concern that all is well. We would all be lost without your services.
    02. VTRTM55MPP6H4K
    04. HOVXJKB5F960JL
    05. R76F6J9LFBVN44
    08. B795FNWF4VFFHN
    09. RB7X9RV6RRFXP4

  7. I just saw this on another site. There is a double points coming up for Coke Zero 12-packs — 1-25-2012 (Wednesday) through 01-31-2012 (Tuesday). That’s two weeks worth of code entrees if you do it right. I don’t think it’s specially marked packages, so our old codes should work.

  8. Hooksfan, thanks for the update. I haven’t been keeping up with anything for the past week. My contractor brother-in-law jut started working on repairing the damage when the tree fell on the house in November. The good news is the insurance will pay for a whole new roof. The bad news is b-i-l and crew are living here while working!
    I’ll post codes later. Gotta go buy more Home Depot gift cards.

  9. I’m back! Shopping for roofing materials is exhausting!


    Peace out.

  10. Found the following codes over the last two days at a new residential area being built along the route that I walk:

    5BV60FW 74JVTTJ

  11. Karen, I opted against the iPod Touch and sold my Nike E-Digital Codes and put that towards an iPad.

  12. My keyboard is screwed up, but I will try this.
    01. FWN7B5N9M95B4R
    02. TRBL09WF9TVJTK
    03. 590F9XVOBVJXMN
    04. 4T4MTTBNXWB47P
    05. VHJ5L5HN6X5BHW
    06. V66RV5T05WL504
    07. 7XT5XHPHFMR4PK
    08. BRN5HTFK7M60WJ
    That’s it until the new keyboard arrives.

  13. Thank you Darrell I got your codes from #28.
    I hope you get the new keyboard soon. It’s so frustrating when things aren’t working as they should!

  14. Hooksfan, I was thinking about whether I wanted another iPod Touch, and was flirting with the idea of selling the codes. I have $450 worth among the family accounts, mostly from the 2010 December sale. Money is always good! By the time I decide, they will probably be gone from the Nike site, so that will force my decision!!!


  15. New keyboard installed. Now my fingers can fly freely over the digits in excess of 100 m.p.h., no speedbreaks in the way. Watch out, stand clear of flying digits.
    01. OPH00LLWH7JJJM
    02. TLTR6JKH6JWJ4T
    04. HPM4074R6XN96N
    05. T67NH4FV6TBMH7
    06. F7XPH6M09THK7B
    08. TB47MV5W44N5B4

  16. And your’s from #35 vvhitekid2. Thank you. Don’t know why I’ve been lucky the last few days, but I appreciate it.

  17. Ok. I found a bunch behind my desk. I’m sure most of these are unused, but a used one may have slipped into this pile:
    1. 4V5B4597MBXTPL
    3. 4V7W5T66VXR79P
    4. P9PH70J0WRWK65

  18. 3 pointers:

    3. 50MHMWBNB9JW4T
    5. 4JV7HPKBM6NT04
    6. 644RBRM07MFLR5

    02. N7WHFK40FW5PWO
    04. 7FLN6V5V6V44L7
    05. 557H7PONPRXJ5W
    06. 6TVJLJNVHM4R79
    07. 05PTJ65FP94LR6
    08. BH606LBVPKHM06
    09. 9BBBLWMM60B9T4
    Yesterday’s BP was 212/84 and my VA doc says I have to have another back surgery. That will make an even dozen all together. Sure takes the fun out of a day.

  20. Hey guys! I’m back with codes!

    3 POINTS
    NV650FF 6MTXFV9
    559WWNX K576H9F
    5XKMPR7 V4PNL96
    5LBKFP6 LKKW500
    R5HV7B4 6TF070X
    0WW9H67 77M7JW6
    64XM56J TWNJWJ9
    0WTH0LK J6FJ5X4
    660X5JT P6TPFTM
    10 POINTS
    5B09RBX 7H5KX6T

    Good luck!

  21. shari, the reason you might have been lucky this week is because of the Coke Zero 12-pack bonus that is going on. For those of us with those codes were getting more bang for our buck.

    Karen, the reason I didn’t redeemed by codes for the iPad is my step-son got a Nook Tablet for X-Mas so it would be useless to get him an iPod.

  22. #42 RNBM. Thanks for the codes Darrell. Im sorry to hear about your surgery but I will be praying for you.

  23. Hi everyone,

    I had a question with the IWG’s do they lower your chance of winning if you have more than one account.



  24. I got a box of Ritz the other day that advertised it’s partnership with MCR, but I can’t figure out where the code is. Any ideas?

    There is a code, right? :/

  25. LookLikeAKango… from what I can see the Kraft partnership with MCR is for the Big Game Sweepstakes instant win game. The “code” from the Ritz and other Kraft products is the UPC. Here is the link to the instant win games page and if you click on rules under the Big Game IWG and go to Rule 5b it explains that how to enter it.

    What I can’t figure out is if this will get you any more than just using the alternate or free method of entry for the IWG which you can get by clicking where it says “click here” under 5c in the rules. I don’t know if you can get more than 5 entries a day or if the odds are better if you use a UPC instead of the free entry.

    I hope this makes sense to you!

  26. There are currently five IWG’s (Instant Win Game’s) you can play on the MCR site. The first one, featuring the Ritz Cracker’s, is like a separate entity that can be played five times by itself. The other four can be played a total of five times in any combination of the four. I have no idea why it is this way, but so be it. But all of them can be played for free under 5c in the rules. Again, you can get five free entries for the Ritz, and a total of five using any combination of the other four. Hope that makes sense to you, I’m not sure it does to me.
    01. 6KFBBXT69MFT
    02. 9T94PV4WR56NB4
    04. 7KRHRTXJ5XLV6F
    05. H9R6JTTK9BFOH5
    06. VH50JW9LKBJJTM
    07. 9RK4NK4KVT5V64
    08. PVMXNVRRJ6PW50
    09. RFRBVPPK969N54
    10. 5NMFN7V6BKVLBW

  27. 01. 605X69XK6PN076
    02. VWK7MN6F9BVOFR
    04. 4WWVNPTJ4MH47L
    06. 6090VWR4VLX60B
    07. PH9J4WRVNOK5WH
    09. 9XJ7RM5M5R5BBV
    10. 5WHWHM759MHB60
    Comment submitted.

  28. Sorry about the error on code #4, and I have already trashed them.
    01. 06WHRN9W609MHN
    02. 77T5BXVK4977VJ
    03. VXP7RVFTNTJR06
    04. 654VWTWKLJLWL6
    05. NM5T497FMR7TVF
    06. B6VH744PON54MX
    07. HRL97BPWP5565T
    09. 7FN97JFX5H4VTP
    10. 5FVN00LRMJT5PX
    Hopefully all are correct.

  29. Darrrell’s codes RBM. Thank you so much with these codes I was able to get the deal of the day today! Thanks again!

  30. It’s awesome when you see a direct result of a charitable action. Makes a body feel good. Let’s do it again.
    01. NJ6VNX60FL06KX
    02. OJOTNLNMWW50
    04. N457VLNKBFTB46
    05. NB44FJOHLKH5KK
    06. TK4BJFPTN64B7X
    07. 4950FORBBLF7RV
    08. BKPX95HML7JK7N
    09. J097NR07JOP90L

  31. Going back a little, I see that Pi man donated 14 codes a week ago. And I guess that act of kindness was rewarded with the codes he got here today. Kind of a roundabout way of getting points, but I guess whatever works.

  32. RBM Darrell, I really appreciate it. It’s incredible how you seem to have so many points! Any advice to a newbie?

  33. I have been doing the MCR site for 5 years. I have received thousands of $$ in cash and gifts. I knew early on it would take much more than one person could gather in codes without help. So, over time, I have talked many others to save their codes for me. Businesses, families, convenience stores, many, many places save them for me. In 4 states even. I never hesitate to ask for them because very few collect them for personal use, and people actually like to help people. So it makes them feel good to give them to me, and it makes me feel good to take them. I’ve always said the codes are there, just waiting to be collected. A little common sense, a smile, a little effort, and they can be yours. Even today, at a local store, a patron was buying a case of Dasani. I asked if I could have the code, and he allowed me to cut it off the bottom while at the counter. It’s really easy.
    01. 5NJF6VBN9VFK7P
    02. RKF605J4R50FJ6
    04. 7XPXRPF76VF4JP
    05. 7VWOVA57MJRK
    06. VVNT6VN07H9FTH
    08. T40F7J74LLN964
    09. 69HOJF45WFFNKP
    10. TX5RX7WVTNWN5K
    I have not noticed a post from Cyn or Robert for quite some time. I hope the two of you are well, just otherwise occupied.

  34. Darrell, good luck with your back surgery, I hope everything goes smoothly.

    3 pointers:

    1. HN45KXL54XLN95
    2. 75KLJ9TMX5P4R6
    3. H0VR7RBMBKT7H7
    4. HN000JTN0WT5FR
    5. TNLTM9V7050M7X
    6. 9XN50P9WFTH4FM
    7. 9HVPHB4TM75BW4
    8. 97X04KX79LLB4J
    9. 76HLW54075049H
    10. 49N5LPLTFNN4VM

  35. 01. 9PFOPKL40NWRL9
    02. 7RKM4P75WXB60R
    03. N5HXFN95TP56KX
    04. NV009LKT5HL9RX
    05. B999P6T9LTWHMX
    07. 9LFTJ6V05TBMBB
    08. 5JJHPTVRT767XR
    09. 450W74HF96VPVO
    10. RKL5NMHKWL74WW
    And another one bites the dust.

  36. Hello everyone!

    First time I got lucky enough to redeem some codes – #64

    Thanks Darrell!

    In return, I’ll post up a 25 pointer.

    I’m going to do it in a simple trivia style – so it’ll hopefully give more people a chance. Versus, just being the world’s fastest copy and paster lol.

    Nothing hard. Just to make it fun.

    1. The number after 6
    2. Number of toes on one foot
    3. Letter before W
    4. __ancouver Canucks (missing letter)
    5. Number that rhymes with heaven
    6. __adison Square Garden (missing letter)
    7. Third letter after L
    8. Famous dog __assie (missing letter)
    9. Green Bay __ackers (missing letter)
    10. Number of quarters in a basketball game
    11. __ashville Tennessee (missing letter)
    12. Jazz legend __iles Davis (missing letter)
    13. The 11th letter of the alphabet
    14. Inte__section (missing letter)

    Good luck everyone!

    Thanks again Darrell.


  37. Oh my gosh what a wonderful day! I just won the best buy home theater system in the form of a $5000.00 gift card off of the football instant win game. I won it on my moms account & she wants me to have it, but email said you have to give social security #, dob, etc. for a 1099 tax form. Is there a way she can transfer to me or can I fill everything out with my info for me to get the 1099 in my name. Is there a # I could call. Thanks for info in advance. Never thought I would win something like this.

  38. Wow- congrats nitros dad. I’ve never won anything, but just to be safe, I would file the paperwork with her information just to be on the safe side. Then, next tax season, just make sure she claims it as income, and you pay her the taxes she will need to pay on the 5k.

    Others might have better advice, like I said, I’ve never won anything. But I did this with when a friend and I hit a jackpot on a slot machine and I had to fill out the tax form.

  39. Congrats, nitros dad. It does my heart good to know the big prizes are really being won. I totally agree with VVhitekid2 on doing the taxes the proper way, under your Mom’s name. You can always make sure you have the money for the taxes for her.

  40. nitro, follow the instructions that vvhitekid2 gave. It’s the safest and smartest thing to do. Last season we had to claim a swimming pool which we won at our minor league ballpark. A home run hit by the home team has to go into the pool (cannot bounce) in the bottom of the third inning. This was the first time in the history of that promo (seven years) that it happened. The tax we paid was nominal.

  41. nitros dad, vvhitekid2 gave you the best advice, and I recommend you follow the rules to the letter by claiming it under your Mom’s account the way it was won. Honesty is always the best policy under any circumstances. I speak from experience.
    01. 9RXFMHNV99JORL
    02. VBPR744F67TOPN
    03. RFWFPK670944LB
    04. H6K59V09HRLHRJ
    08. 6KTRBPWTW54MLH
    09. NV7L4JFWMMLM7X
    10. 4VBP6TJ6MF5WWW

  42. Hailey, I believe you did not interpret the post by Just D correctly. It was not a contest, just a way to make any who wanted the code to have to work for it a little. The code you listed was the code for the points, and should have been entered directly onto the MCR site.

  43. anyway I dont drink coke often but I have a code

    I want to thank Darrell and anyone who donates to this site for making this a great place!!

  44. RBM Harry, thanks!
    And yeah, I suppose I did sort of screw up my last opportunity, I guess it just didn’t click in my brain 😉
    Now that I understand it though, it was a better idea than i thought it was before!

  45. I took everyones advice & had my mom fill it out & I will give her the money. I have redeemed about 3 codes off of this site over the lasts 3+ years & never had enough coke codes to give, but gave a good bit of DR Pepper codes. I just wanted to say thanks to all who put info on this site. That is the reason I have won the stuff I have over the years because of you guys. THANKS & HAPPY VALENTINE

  46. harry, I appreciate the thanks, but it really needs to be directed to vvhitekid2 and his partner. They maintain the site, and have for years, to no benefit to themselves, other than the feel good experience of a charitable act. I am just a simple donor getting the same feeling.
    01. F9J660RNOP6V67
    02. 669PL5LMRT59JT
    03. 554NJ44TNTXNWT
    04. RKXXNOM9PW9K95
    05. V4VXOK9FBWML4P
    06. 00669J4N4WPXNJ
    07. B6XK6W9J60POX5
    08. 576HLH7TNK9WL7
    10. T64LX97LPRNM5W

  47. 01. 54K70JKH47N06K
    02. 6TLX74P469TL7M
    03. 04JONPFJLV5RKM
    04. 44PPLMFXV94BPK
    05. 7TB9VKHV9PK6FP
    06. T9WV9KPMBVJ9XR
    08. POXW4X4WPJHV07
    To those of you familar with it, Club Bing is closing. A serious loss indeed.

  48. 01. 5VLXX6WBOJFXX4
    02. OX6L47TPWWHPOL
    03. NOTBV9H4JR44OJ
    05. NFN7WTHP9L6M7V
    06. ONJ4N7056XXV4W
    07. 6NF6WNLOHV4WTO
    08. BBMM07LPFWF4MP
    10. TT576VHN4W9WWX

  49. Well, I don’t think I can use/post all the 12-digit cap codes before the end of March, but I will try to post more often. If I don’t go cross-eyed…


  50. Darrell, are they going to be doing away with the 12 digit codes? If so, it would be nice if they would send that info out….your mentioning it was the first I heard of it.

  51. Actually I believe Karen was the first to mention it on here. It has happened once before about three years ago. Then they were 14 digit codes but lowered it to 12 digits. But I dread the idea of going through 1000 caps to pick out the 12 digit ones to use first. Drats and shudders!!!
    01. 5P7WKFB6A7NO
    02. 597B6PVRMBTHB9
    03. NR7RFW6FN6JKF5
    04. TK7KR460656N9N
    06. F7HM6RTRFTP4JH
    08. P6JLHXPW67HVHO
    09. H04MV6VHWKF9X9
    10. F5N666NMR94X40
    I only found the one 12 digit code in about 100 so I am not going to worry about it. If I throw a few away, so be it.

  52. p9nphpkwpj5lvm
    ^error in code above, I tried a few things and can’t figure it out. It’s yours if you can!

  53. Crimson, your last name is not Tide, is it? One of the best defensive performances ever! Go Alabama.
    01. 6PHWKOR56JB4TN
    02. 4F4T9949XNJMFX
    03. 7TMF4N9PXOL9M9
    04. 76H5XR7HPW9M77
    05. TXJ997TBP996VJ
    06. 5B4MWK5PRH7RVN
    07. 55VXJX50XVXOFF
    08. VP6XHWFVX554XP
    10. FFMM6J4JLTT9KP

  54. Haha! Good one Darrell. I wish it were Tide 😀 I’m just named after the color, crimson.

    BTW, Post #91 RBM. Thanks for the code and the laugh, Darrell.

  55. Hailey:

    p9nphpkwpj5lvm^error in code above, I tried a few things and can’t figure it out. It’s yours if you can!

    Code is p9Hphpkwpj5lvm. RBM. Thank you

  56. I don’t remember if someone posted about the 14 digit codes or I first noted it on the website, but in the “help” section there’s clear info. Unless you have bags and bags of caps (like me!), its not even an issue. I started sorting out the 14 digit codes from the beginning. Anyway, here’s a few more 12’s.


  57. Karen, I feel your pain, and you have my sympathy. But if you have time to make the effort it will certainly benefit the needy that appear here, thanks to the efforts of our esteemed host, vvhitekid2.
    01. 6RRX490W57PVPK
    02. RWL4X06N4KMP05
    04. 9HT9JXXN7HTLJ4
    05. 5P09K7VFMF665V
    06. 5HXLHHTOXR06V5
    07. P4XXWXM6XJ54B4
    08. 50HXB5WRWMJ5HR
    09. P6MWR47W79RN7K

  58. Karen, here’s what it says in the help section of MCR.

    Will my 12 digit codes still work?

    Yes. The site will be able to accept both 12 digit and 14 digit codes until at least March 1st, 2012. We will update members at the beginning of 2012.

    So have they updated it since than? I’m like you and have two bags of 12 digit codes.

  59. This should help someone with their weekly limit.

    01. 45V5PW PF4VNB
    02. AF40NT BNP5M9
    03. 6AXBOH 5NNXJK
    04. 5AFHB5 FRNVN9
    05. 99HVRP RLWBH5
    06. T5KBVJ NWWAW4
    07. PARKXK X70X9T
    08. 5NAMBX J7J5V5
    09. 9NHW0N M5PNNA
    11. 706NPJ KJTJ0P
    12. FXVLVF L7R0RV

  60. I keep trying to give all these 3 point codes away, but they are coming in faster than I can keep up with. But as long as my eyes can see, and my fingers can type, and my computer does not go kerplunk on me, I will post them here, 10 at a time. Good luck.
    01. 9M6L6RMR4FK9HJ
    02. RB6H7V4TTVLVWX
    03. PAJLR06AB99R
    05. 7L7RKPKBNJL6HW
    07. J00BFTNN9R99XK
    08. R7RNWBVHJ06WXT
    10. BWOW70W7KFKP65

  61. Double up.
    01. B5BH6J9V5NHXLV
    02. OM940M4WKRRK76
    03. HJLOWTX57HMW40
    04. NVVMHBWHKL666F
    05. POHTHH509T75X6
    06. BHVTTVKFJ5J574
    07. TPOH49KFHWJ70F
    08. 4TN4TPNXTV76FL

  62. One more time.
    01. RPBJBB5J9RPHM4
    02. 7NHNJ90BHNWR6F
    03. HBT5BX6R7M50VH
    04. 9J5070NKWPH5RL
    05. PBN75RRF7LMJ44
    06. HR67XJPT4F6VK5
    07. 7747MROPWKF5P5
    08. P6HRWW7NL6VFTT
    10. RWNXBWW9N4W06V
    I posted these back to back to back. It will be vvhitekid2’s judgment as to when and how they appear.

  63. Hooksfan – I just saw that too in the help section. I could have sworn I originally read March 31. Oh well.
    My son works for a caterer, and they buy the 32 packs of Coke. He had some competition with one of the chefs for the codes, so I made a deal to email this guy 40 cap codes a week. i never got any feedback, so I just checked a few of them from the old emails, and apparently he never entered them. I will post them all here over the next few days, because that was a heck of alot of work.





    There may be some errors, and I may have used some of these yesterday – I can’t remember!

  64. I tried a few of each of Darrell’s codes from post 104-106 but all RNBM.

    But I did manage to get most of Karen’s post #107. Thanks so much Karen & Darrell.

  65. OK, these are all Powerade codes





  66. On a roll here – a few of you are going to get your 120 points in tonight!





  67. R5000RALWL67




  68. What happens is that Crimson is locked in on the posting and is making off with all the bounty, or booty. I have seen this happen several times elsewhere, and it usually generates harsh feelings from some of the more unlucky ones. Although I feel it should be a first come, first served site, most do not see it that way and want what they consider their fair share. But no matter the amount of generosity or trying there is no way to please everyone. VVhitekid2, if you recall in the past I have posted 100 codes at a time and usually, if not every time, they were taken by lurkers and no RBM posted at all, and as you know, that is really infuriating.
    02. ROA5WV69XNH5
    04. ATHWV4RF6JTM
    06. 56RJ60VJ7BF4
    09. NMWBTML46605HT
    10. 4W5MWX796J6WMH
    I may stumble upon one or two more 12 digit codes, but I think the six posted here is all I had.

  69. I took the last 15 codes from #113 and 2 codes from #112. Thank you Karen for your generousity.

  70. Got the following email after I emailed Coke:

    Dear Karen,

    Thank you for contacting We appreciate the opportunity to assist you.

    Please go by the date listed on the website, as it is the most up-to-date information. I’m sorry for any confusion.

    So let’s see what we can do in the next 3 days!





  71. When I look at all the emails I sent with codes, and all the work I did, I would be really ticked off if I couldn’t give them away here.





  72. Everything I have tried from #114, #118, and #119 comes up RNBM and I’m locked out of three of our accounts now. It’s hard to figure how long the posts have been sitting since it’s based on hours. “Two hours ago” doesn’t help much. But, thanks anyway for the amazing sharing.

  73. Geez! I’ve been logging in as much as I possibly can and haven’t been able to catch any of these new codes! Is there some way to subscribe to this post for updates that I do not know about?

  74. Way to go Karen. Rock it! Pat yourself on the back and sleep well tonight.
    01. 7JPNBPMX5B6XPP
    02. 4H4KF5LKVOVX7K
    03. NV6X6RXP5RNFM4
    04. F06L6BL7X4BW5J
    06. RFWOTK6RKK54KN
    08. 9BHOVK9VB9JPVH
    09. 956777J44H7LOW
    10. P69HBLH5W5MBTH

  75. 01. 6JM4LV645LKW5M
    02. R6BOXJ4W095LTK
    03. 5KL7T76MPJNLK6
    04. 4LNLVM6F97N5XX
    05. R9FNHF7RRNKM4N
    06. PMKNRNH049T7NL
    07. NXV4XM5N70B4WJ
    08. 776F09HX9RX9NO
    09. PWBX4LJXXRW5F5
    10. 5WXW07VWTHVOKV

  76. Sorry if any come up invalid, but those caps are looong gone.





  77. Hard to believe I kept sending this guy codes and he never used any. His loss, your gain.





  78. 01. R905MM6FBFJHVR
    02. TRB6KK6FOPT45J
    03. FLNXJ7NT4VNT5V
    04. V7HK04KTNBTHX4
    05. OL5ROR47VTKBRJ
    06. 4BFRVBWJ5975K4
    07. 7JB57NJ5HFVXHX
    08. 65T4K6L4R50VBP
    09. RW46M4FK7T6HHF
    10. HN5F6HFKF9WW6V

  79. 7b4hllh9h7tv



  80. 01. PWHFN995BMMVR4
    03. VTP7L9MVLL7BJR
    04. 76B6PWMVVT6L7H
    05. TX4TJ5N9XJVK59
    06. RBJV095TBWBFKT
    07. 4R7L9N4XTXXKOT
    08. 5P5NXPJKH5TV9K
    09. 67MP97MNMHOMRH
    10. TXMKW05M47TLOX

  81. Hope I’m not causing too much work, but I really want to get these codes out there before they’re toast. Since you can’t save them, I hope everyone who needs codes is getting some.





    03. TKP07XK5MV7BT4
    04. VNRJHXP4V4FOW5
    05. TXTXN6MTN90BJ9
    07. 5X7H4MPH4NMLFO
    10. 67N4J7WW99FOWB

  83. 01. 9T75TJF6TT50XB
    02. NKBMX5X4HW4LOH
    03. 4B770B674BW4JR
    05. HRHFPJ09J6LB47
    06. VW4VOV66WB6R69
    07. V59N6BKMHL5TNW
    08. 6KJBH6NXT4WPT6
    09. V6WJT5LH466546

  84. Please post when you redeem codes so others don’t get locked out. Thanks.





  85. 94amhpmn4jph




  86. #141 RBM
    THANK YOU Karen !!!! I really appreciate it!

    6KJBH6NXT4WPT6 has error in it if you can figure it out.

  87. I have 12 sets left to post.






  88. Again, sorry if there are errors, but I was reading A LOT of caps per week.





  89. Karen, I’m getting the following on all your codes from #145
    Oops-there was an error in the code you entered. Here’s some info that might help:
    Codes aren’t case sensitive.
    No spaces are required. If it looks like an “O,” it’s actually a zero.

  90. Ok, now I’m getting that on all codes – even ones previously redeemed. Anyone else having this issue?

  91. if you see that error message, it means you have tried too many invalid codes (used or invalid, you only have 20 chances) and have been blocked for today. just wait till tomorrow and you will be good. read the official rules for details.

  92. It is possible he used some, and its also possible I made errors. I am going to submit the rest of them. My son who worked with this guy and made the deal so I could get the codes off the 32 packs said the guy was lazy. But maybe he did enter some.





  93. 7rhklth6fbxj




  94. Cyn, Karen’s codes are good. I guess you are just not fast enough. I would say the first person who sees the codes can finish all 20 codes within a minute.
    MikeMac, See my previous reply. You are blocked for the day. Wait till tomorrow. Because the posts are not real time , it is hard to tell if codes are redeemed or not. I wouldn’t try any more codes if the first or last code in one set has been redeemed. Remember you only have 20 chances per day for bad codes.

  95. JessT – that is what I was afraid of. And here Karen is posting all these great codes and I’m not able to redeem them. 🙁

  96. What I tried now from post 153 and 154 are RNBM. I’m locked out on three accounts again. Thanks for sharing though.

  97. When I tried some of the codes I had emailed, I found that several at the bottom of the list were used, but the top ones were still good. I started with the oldest emails, figuring if he hadn’t used them he wouldn’t need them now.
    I’m sorry anyone got locked out, and I wish I knew if these were used. I’m done for the week so I can’t “test” any!




  98. OK these are just from the giant bag of caps I still have.





  99. Karen, all of your codes up through #158 are RNBM. Thanks anyways for all the generosity by you and Darrell. Believe me, it is greatly appreciated!

  100. Who else is getting the message “Invalid consumer identifier” while trying to enter sweepstakes/instant win?

  101. 6NN9VX 5HHJX6
    6P9PKM 60MKXV

    5R79T5 0FFMTP
    56L5T4 JW547L
    R9KRKJ T44F79

    AJ6P5P 457NRP

    8MTH5P NKK79A
    RT0XX0 HF96HF
    6N764M VTWLLP
    AJ7X9K 0FJ4LR
    F75BTL 60WRBB

    R576W6 FX595H
    RPN5AH J970MH
    TW775L L4NN7H

    950A7L 06TWVT
    4PB49H X9XP44
    FV04N6 994XPB

    964M7H 40PH4W
    T54AK4 56JW4P

    966F45 7W9PP0
    NJH55R N4H9R9

  102. Zack. I’m getting a message that says we are unable to complete your login request at this time please try again later on MCR… I am also unable to sign into the Arctic Home site at this time.

  103. Can anyone get into MyCokeRewards right now? I’ve heard of a lot of accounts being down and I’m not sure if I’ve been locked out or if theres a site error . . .

  104. 7K5AK4F7P6B5



    03. B7VKNXW5PP0905
    06. FJMKXX7N6FONF7
    07. H665JRW4WPRL9F
    08. TRT9LVJ9FFJOJ5
    09. RMH6JW97KK56LW
    10. 57MJOXFWWKLB6M

  106. Since people are still using these and posting, some more from my bag.


    And some from these old emails to my son’s co-worker. I’m curious to know if all that work was for nothing, so PLEASE post if you actually use any of these.





  107. The correct code is 4jvjk4mpkoho

    Thanks YanezJ for letting me know the codes were still good (until you used them!! lol)

    So next batch:





    (sorry, if any of these are incorrect, I can’t fix it!)

  108. P0479N V5XNX6
    P6AL4F NHA00H
    P4XHK9 TRP4A6
    P6R9TK RPH4J7

    7H5N0P W4KJB5
    7JM9BN B0V0BM

    BF4T4P WMJ94B

    046KA4 95AJ50
    79VNF9 F9XHL6
    96M066 JKFNJV
    44KJLB T46FK7

  109. #178 & 179 RBM. Thanks so much Karen & hooksfan. I was able to max out my account. It’s been a long time since that happened.

  110. This may be the last day for 12 digit codes. No way to know until later.





  111. Crimson, glad you were able to max out. Hopefully others can too.





  112. Are the Treasure Reward points on Artic Home still available? I can’t seem to find any.

  113. AR44XB JAJ4R4
    9BR6F7 M7WTJV

    FRRNBA 0749MA

    9THW40 JR5JT9

    AXXK95 0VLB90
    F5HR7L W0R57H
    B6V09A RHR09K

  114. Mark: To my knowledge, no one has found diamonds for the past couple of days. The site went down for a few hours and diamonds haven’t been spotted since; most are assuming that the promotion has ended early.

  115. #188 is already RNBM. That’s it for me. No more trying. Not worth getting locked out or the aggravation. Thanks anyway for sharing.

  116. Saw this on the MCR site:

    Why is My Coke Rewards changing from 12 digit codes to 14 digit codes?

    Due to the popularity of our program, we’ll be making a transition from 12 digit codes to 14 digit codes to ensure we have a steady supply of codes for you, our loyal members.

    There is nothing about the 12 digit codes drop dead date so I’m not sure if that is a good or bad sign.

  117. Vvhitekid2 has maintained this site for several years out of the kindness of his heart, and in the past I and a few others have posted 100 codes at a time, but all in all over the past few days this may be the most abundant amount of codes ever posted. Awesome!
    01. P46N56LLMXNN6M
    02. 554VONFRNBK94K
    03. 4M5RP7MJ097BJ9
    04. RHJ65WVTOKMK4B
    05. 07VTPF46PXB555
    07. N9RWJOJJR7KT9H
    08. TL76N5F7P9FTOV
    09. TW6W557JW4L7X6
    10. R4XL9KKMMLM77R

  118. hi with the IWG’s is there a less chance of winnig if you have more than one account or does it not matter

  119. Thanks JessT for the RBM. I tend to speak my opinion here quite often, and I would like to thank Karen for the flood of codes posted by her over the past few days. It is none of my business you might say, and this is true, I am simply acknowledging a selfless act of charity by someone. Karen, you were great!
    01. 5NJP00060J6XPH
    02. 9LJP44HH4J9BT7
    03. 54F4KLVJKKXX7W
    04. HBHTLB065TRRMP
    05. 4695559LK7L96B
    07. 6PFK7N6JNPL6RK
    10. RMBHF7J7LWM60M

    02. 5FFHKRF44VBBWX
    05. 4MVH7LKKBL4JRW
    06. FBT7NMTWW7H9LJ
    08. RKPLVJTJ9V66NL
    09. F769HJ9FFK4V5K
    I think I am going to take a break for a day or two. Every so often these codes start to run together and you just realize that you are burnt out from them. I’ll be back later.

  121. 3 pointers:

    1. 4XXX7TLW7HNTR9
    2. 497X4LF60VRPXJ
    3. PWWWHRPTJ490
    5. P9HF6KXNHT69RR
    6. RW7M97TWWPMH0J
    7. R75B6TFXHL7MWK
    8. RNVJ9665B06P79
    9. 0JR66HNKJ0LBNB
    10. 9FLL7H776KJB9T

  122. I took some of the codes from #196 to #198. I think all the codes are gone. Thank you Darrell and Robert.

  123. Zach: I can’t imagine so, the rules state that the winners are based on random computer generated times, so you should have as equal a chance as anybody else.

  124. Thanks Hailey for the response I thought that to, but ever since I made more accounts I have not won. I used to win every month, but now I have not won since December

  125. Zach… I haven’t been winning as much either, but I think it’s because the current IWG’s don’t have as many winners as some of the ones they’ve had previously. I think that the movie tickets is the best odds this time around and there is a winner less than twice an hour. Other contests have had more winning periods, so that is why we’ve won more before.

  126. I did not expect to return so quickly, but it is what it is.
    01. 590HVBP6B4VVKW
    02. P9P9XNBLHM960M
    03. F5L755HF5FB4JR
    04. H94B6P47NOX454
    07. 74904XTJTWT6V9
    08. 9R6VXNRPHKF6NR
    09. HFXWN4KKKK5WR5
    10. 99W79HMW4WWLWN

  127. You are welcome oj.
    01. FKML64507L9TW4
    02. 66RH4PVOKK6K65
    04. RX99T9XJMVNF9L
    07. HVOLKLPB7B5T6B

  128. Does anyone know if the 12 digit codes still work? I put all of mine in just in case, but, if I find anymore will they still work?

  129. 3 pointers:

    1. 040WP0H7MT7H
    2. 4B975PBVWM04
    3. 7R5A9JX6MF40
    4. NK764M0KHF07
    5. P7P99LNT4499
    6. 6T4WB7AH554M
    7. 5P9M9AHWATPW
    8. F064H5406TTN
    9. 0R9J9HJVVWAJ
    10. 6M9X46MAJPXX

  130. 12 digit codes are still working, which is great. But now, as mentioned above, there’s no definite cutoff date. So I guess I’ll just keep using them until they don’t work. With that in mind, I won’t be posting much (lol), but here’s a few.


    By the way, I heard on a financial news program recently that the CEO of Coke made $29 million last year. Wonder how that compares to the cost of this program?

  131. Was that salary, bonus money, incentives, profit sharing, etc. or was it probably just bonus? And I would venture to say this program has cost significantly more.
    01. HBOXF5RR7J76J7
    02. N6LJMNLP5LOJ6J
    03. VJJ5T9FHP7NKX5
    06. HV45TKHHX77T6J
    08. R7LTRFT7W64T5R
    09. 5BH4WOLMP5XR90
    10. NN96WX40WBPK4H

  132. JessT, you are welcome.
    01. BF049MK7X9HPH6
    02. 9W05M00TLLLJVT
    03. 6R5J4B4BV44VVO
    04. HJVFBFK06X95FO
    05. 9M5JTX5J7MWBLV
    06. 94LBMMOF5XBLOT
    07. 5J5XOB7PWLT00H
    08. 4XXJKR56J4M9WP
    09. HLWXB54WFBL7H4
    10. F966VRNWTMOM4F

  133. Found a few under the desk. I don’t think they’ve been used:
    1. 4T05LT4NVW5R9B
    3. 4K9BR4XFH7K0BW
    4. VRT749JNPNKXL7
    5. 4HH9TL496RRFJV

  134. 1. 6FX4WFM4NRMNXX
    2. FW697XPRBR000V
    3. 0X7LVH059N64W4
    4. F9950VP5N499J5
    5. A709NMFLPJNH
    6. 45H5975N97HLBM
    10. 5PN4TRK4MVN57X
    12. 6LP7BK55BMWL7H
    13. 6M94L6BKJ5XJP9

  135. Darrell, it was just on a banner at the bottom of the screen, but I think it was total compensation. And I think you’re right, if we count everything from the beginning of the program, it would be more. Especially at the beginning, the prizes were heavyweight!!!


  136. Karen, you are so right about the prizes. The value of them from then to now is like day and night. If memory serves me correctly, one of the biggies was the use of a motorhome for a week, 200 gallons of gas, and $1000.00 expense money. This was attained for 25,000 points. But then you could enter 10 codes a day, no matter their value. Someone with access to case codes could enter 200 points a day, 10,000 in fifty days, and could have the above mentioned prize in just over 4 months. What a difference!
    01. RFLOVFBJ5B75T4
    03. TJFHNWMP00XRB9
    05. OTJ9WN0906KOMH
    08. 074WJ97WX404PH
    09. HPORFOBF447VXP
    10. FJ04LWHLRMW759

  137. I just want to thank everyone on this site for giving codes, I’ve only been able to snag a few so far, but I will keep trying.

  138. 01. 4J4JKVTK4W769M
    02. VTKKJ04P97NPOP
    03. RMORJOL079HKHX
    04. HLJ07P9RFNMV6F
    05. VJLF745FVNV7XP
    06. 07HP46B69RLBJ6
    07. RKT59KNFKL4K9M
    08. JOTJV6N7M6HWM9
    09. 4PRR5KP5RPOTJJ

  139. Hi everyone,

    Thanks for all the information and codes, does anyone by any chance know of any promotional codes and or new promotions coming soon.

    Thanks again,


  140. 01. 7MTW546KM4X6J5
    02. RB75K7TMOHR5FT
    03. 90KOWTPXMFXLR9
    06. FW5NWF7V6JB7LN
    07. TB60VFP7P5N9NJ
    09. OBWVN74HWOM54J

  141. Good catch, DMan.
    01. 65R66JVLNTN4KN
    02. BTR6RPPR676B5X
    03. RX47WHOJHX7P4T
    04. 7NT5PVTH4RNMB5
    06. 909BF4BNFLXBXP
    07. N04W4PN9MF9VR5
    08. TNJK790VPKPBBK

  142. I can’t get the team lists on the Coke Zero Bracket Game to show up. Is it me or the site?

  143. Mark, I didn’t have a problem a few days ago, but last night I just got a large black rectangle. If that’s what you see, on the upper right above the black rectangle is a clickable link if you’re having problems. The game loads in a different way, but you can play. Hope that helps.


    With no definite cutoff for the 12 digit codes, its hard to know how much to give away!

  144. As I was *forced* to watch hours and hours of NCAA basketball tonight, I heard about the Coke Zero March Madness Instant Win game. You can text (if you live at a Buffalo Wild Wings to get the word of the day) or enter online. Not sure if link is allowed, but it is

    or you can Google it. You can play once a day. If you have an account from last year’s Twist Text Win, you can log in with that info.
    Unfortunately, you are most likely to win a ringtone, if anything. Ah well, you never know. BTW, Twist Text Win will be back in May

  145. Congrats JERRY, sorry about the error. It will be great to have Twist, Text, Win back, I made a lot of money with that one. $200.00 in one six week period alone.
    02. P6BK97F6PXHWVJ
    03. 7TXOJXP00FFRNO
    04. FR9BK5WHXP9L49
    05. HF4B67JHRX69W4
    06. PJ9407F7JB665X
    07. 7T65KPJFLOJTWX
    08. NLH46FXFHTHRH7
    09. HP56B9JR4N79LJ

  146. Thank you for the info on the IWG, Karen. I just enterred and won a $50 Wild Wings GC. I’ve never eaten there, but there is one right by my house so I’ll have to check it out!
    Good luck to everyone else.

  147. Shari – congrats. That’s the most useful item to win. Won a ringtone on my mother’s account. Real useful to her as she only carries a cell phone for safety and its never on!!! LOL But its great that one of “us” won something.


  148. Woohoo!!! I just won a $50 Wild Wings gift card too! Must be karma. Thanks Coke.
    Guess I should share some more…


  149. It’s late, I’m tired, and these are Powerade caps. It will be a miracle if I enter all of them correctly.
    02. N5H40WHM479K5F
    03. 4WKXX96L5RKL7L
    04. 4LPLBL494RXHHB
    06. B66H69VJNM9N9B
    07. WX04WHR6X77N5L
    08. 6LJ9JMXNM4RMMB

  150. What is mine is yours. Does not include women, money, or my first born.
    01. F6WJOJ9V7PVHBX
    02. FPMJ06VN7RJBMR
    03. 4469PT6MVWBV56
    04. 70H9FN6V47MFLT
    05. VLVMMV59WN59RV
    06. PHL9L5500N6T4W
    07. H99XBBPPOFJM59
    08. TFT4654V766LN9
    09. NXW7KW7J99KPWT
    10. 4MVWF5BH4WW79J

  151. Does anyone know where to get the coca cola take a break live nation promo codes? Here is a code:
    F 4 P T V 6 X H 7 V J R J P

  152. If the late winter and early spring weather is any indication of summer patterns, it is going to be some kind of hot. And I’m allergic.
    01. 4N9RX6X47FVB5R
    03. 59JH9VK4RKXPR9
    04. 95RXH4NPTWB64T
    06. OP6BWHHM50KTTT
    07. TLHNVT6NF99BVM
    08. RP9XN6HX40JK77
    09. 76BLWBHWP55JR5
    Congrats to JessT by the way.

  153. Way to go JessT. Timing is everything.
    01. 9MP5BJNOW9XRV9
    03. FK07N040KXTJRX
    04. BPNMKXT7X6WF07
    05. 9HK64JBJRRF4XL
    06. 4PNTPKKKLVFJ04
    07. RH95KLRXHL4JVT
    08. 6H7T6P6RH09N7J
    09. 5MVR7NMBROV9K4

  154. You dman, DMan.
    01. 6FPHMMTOT95JOB
    02. PN9L566TRMV5NH
    04. 5VW5NTHKT45VT9
    06. HNF6HHRTHBX60H
    07. PPL9FJRKR669R4
    08. P95NJFMJR5VNOP

  155. It’s odd. It appears that the same person is getting two of my code posts in a row. This has happened on more than one occassion. This covers a two day period. Odd.
    But anyone is welcome to them, even ten times in a row.
    01. 4KL46BN6LBNFJJ
    03. 9WHHWVTN9LV5M7
    05. T9HLMKX76KBTVX
    06. BVKM46R4RXBT50
    08. OTFMB50WF07LPO
    09. 7KL56WMWBP69LR

  156. I only need 12 points to reach weekly limit. #258 07-10 RBM. Darrell Thanks for sharing!

  157. James, you are as welcome as the flowers in May. Or as it so happened this year, February. I am going to spice this post up just a touch by inserting two 20 point Dasani codes. Congrats to the recipient.
    01. 6TV9H9R7P5TR5T
    02. 4M4F44FLT59PNF
    03. F9PR7TMX4VN00J
    05. R9JK04B65PL5N9
    06. 6TOVNRFR6L5F04
    08. 67MKJ500XP97L9
    10. 5MONHPVHK49HWT

  158. 1. 6HKTHTKMMLWKW4
    3. 6K6J59MB96PWTH
    4. TVBNHMW7K50WR5
    5. T5WB96VKVVB9TP
    6. T6PWP44LM06447
    7. T97JT0RK0W4BNT
    10. 9JPL0VMKLRW65B

  159. 1. 976V7N6L6WT6HB
    3. 95460MN09THMTT
    4. 9MFLHJ6MH7J9TB
    5. 9RMP4066RNWPNJ
    6. 9NLR7WFR6L56RP
    7. 996RP4BWPL6W6R
    8. 96V0764LV6PRWM
    9. 996FK0F4FBJPMM
    10. 9WHWV5HWTRXN64

  160. C’mon MCR…a $5 Subway card used to be 140 points with a $5 reload for 125 points. Now a $10 card is set to go up for a whopping 700 points????

  161. Mark, how can i get subway card? i don’t see an option for subway on the website.

  162. The prices are ridiculous. You’d have to spend like $300 just to get a $10 giftcard. I guess it’s better to wait for some Christmas promotion with a $25 gc for 500 points.

  163. Although an enormous cost increase of points for prizes has occurred on more than one occassion, which I detest, it is still free, and about the best game in town.
    01. PMT6B4T4JWWFJT
    02. 095VWJL5R7PHRO
    03. 9BHTMJL4NNXV60
    04. 760T7NW5PM0576
    05. RX44H9BVXP50M7
    06. RTWT4LRRBOV49K
    07. NTWPR46P5KBJPF
    08. JN7V5K7NVXFHB5

  164. Hey, I guess its all been on Darrell and Robert to post codes recently. Had a rough month getting the house ready to try to sell again. Actually, I’m surprised I remembered where I stashed my caps!!! 12-digit codes are still good, so it looks like I may finish them off. That said, not giving as many away. Also, if we sell and move, I’ll lose my source of codes.
    Sugarbunny, you’re right about the Subway cards. I passed on them because they’ve always been 280 points for a $10 card, 140 for $5 (except the TGIFridays which were 175). Definitely waiting for the Christmas sale.


  165. 01. RX66690JT544TF
    02. TH564NXJ9JRV7M
    03. 7W4NL9R5BJR5MT
    04. HWPR9KJTR4M79P
    05. VOHK5WOP77HFXO
    07. T4654F4JKF7W75
    09. NFKRWR5KX6WN67

  166. Can anyone trade me 4 powerade caps for 4 regular caps???

    here’s a codes just for reading.


  167. Jonathan, I would be more than happy to give you the Powerade caps, but to list them here would probably be a futile gesture. This site being a first come, first served type of format, I doubt you would be the one to get them. I am going to post my usual ten caps, and the first four will be Powerade. If you are able to get them it will be a surprise to me, but here goes.
    02. ORPWB6XWOVB67M
    03. VHP700P5TRFHLV
    05. RTX59X4NHB6JRK
    06. 7VR6VROBH66FH5
    08. H09BHPVKTML7PX
    09. VKX74N5LBPBKFN
    10. 6W40XN4MB66VBM
    Good luck.

  168. Had a good day at the dump (as we fondly refer to the recycling center). Here are 2 Powerade codes.


  169. Hello? Did the Powerade thing work? Jonathan, were you able to get them? I am going to give it another shot, and do the same thing again. The first four codes will be Powerade.
    01. JOX76L79JXTWB4
    02. TNXH95FBR6L9MT
    03. BVW9XMJLJWH957
    04. 4VVFP5WOW54HNV
    05. 50FF5PV60LKMK7
    06. OKNJJ5R9V095V6
    07. POB7LL6MWN9PNP
    08. 9NVB9B5NF5VLXT
    09. N047RLPHWJKRLN

  170. 01. 9R65N5FXRK07VK
    02. BNTP56K5N90HTF
    03. VKLVVPMMW65XH5
    04. 4FXTMNP79M5VOM
    05. 9V07LLWFHL7TX7
    06. H5L059V4HXTL7R
    07. 77ROHHP6B64PK4
    08. 5BRR56BTN7KRXH
    09. 9XVVFOT4JKW4BO
    10. 90TFLRLWMTV59R

  171. I’m usually not the first one to notice these things, but if you scroll about half way down the page on MyCokeRewards, there is a link labeled “Weekly Vespa Giveaway”. Its a MelloYello promo involving texting a cap code. Unfortunately its almost over. Any 14 digit code from a black cap seems to work. I’ve played 3 times (once per day limit) and won 40 reward points.

  172. Anyone else having a problem with March displaying correctly in the “Where’s My…” section of their account?

  173. Dan, you are welcome.
    01. 995H7NVPK6VVT5
    02. VVL45T99607KJN
    03. 60XRR6HVPVX9K4
    04. 4LP7FJNROH694H
    06. 5LF69WF5FOV5R4
    07. 7NML6V4NHJXWV5
    08. 47H6XNVRWP4M9T
    09. R4KHHL40B7PBNP

  174. Thanks to Karen’s post about MelloYello, I have since won 40 MCR Points and a $25 Visa gift card. Thanks Karen for the info and also vvhitekid2 for giving us a place to reap and sow the many benefits of MCR. FYI: Free code begins today.

  175. I don’t know if this will help anyone but I found this in the rules. Every time I try it I get this message:
    There was a problem requesting your code.
    You are allowed to request up to 2 per day per account

    b. Alternate Method of Entry (“AMOE”): To enter the Promotion without purchasing specially-marked Mello Yello products, or without using a Device, follow the instructions below to request an AMOE code (the “AMOE Code”).
    (ii) Online AMOE Code Request (available from April 21, 2012 at 12:00 a.m. ET through April 30, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. ET): To request an AMOE Code online, come back between April 21, 2012 at 12:00 a.m. ET and April 30, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. ET and click HERE. You must be logged in to your Mello Yello account (the “Account”) to request a code. If you do not have an Account, visit and follow the instructions to register and create your Account. Creating an Account is free. To create an Account, you must have a unique, valid email address. Limit: 1 Account per person. Accounts cannot be shared. Persons determined to have more than 1 Account will be disqualified. Once logged into your Account, please go to the official rules page on and follow the links and instructions to request an AMOE Code.

    The AMOE Code will be emailed to the email address provided in your mail-in AMOE Code request (for Section 5(b)(i), above) or the email address used to register for your Account (for Section 5(b)(ii), above). Once you have obtained an AMOE Code, visit the website address in the email you received with the AMOE Code (obtained through either method described above) and follow the links and instructions to input that AMOE Code where indicated to receive 1 Instant Win Game play and 1 Sweepstakes entry for the applicable Entry Period. You must access the AMOE entry page through the link located in the email that you received. If you play the Instant Win Game and are not an instant winner, you will be provided a second chance code (“Second Chance Code” is also called a “Bonus Code” online) to enter online to receive a second Instant Win Game play and Sweepstakes entry. If however, you play the Instant Win Game via AMOE and receive a winning message, you will need to follow the links and instructions online to recieve an additional Sweepstakes entry.

    If anyone has figured out how to make the AMOE work please share. I don’t have texting so it leaves me out of many of coke’s contests.

  176. Has anyone had issues redeeming points won on the Mello Yello promtions? I’ve won both 50 and 40 points but when I enter the code on Mello Yello as directed I get the following error message “Oops! The code entered does not match the account information provided. Please contact customer service at 1-866-775-5806.” Tried calling the 866 number but so far have gotten nowhere.

  177. MikeMac I have not had any trouble redeeming the points. However, I did have to access on firefox. It would not work on IE for me. Hope this helps.

  178. Sorry I have posted no codes of late. I have been lazy.
    01. N5WBMFKHVNJ5K6
    03. BBL6R555RTXN60
    05. RKK564XLL66LOK
    06. PPH5NOL7RH7NMF
    09. 9PBHL6HBV9T054

  179. 01. 6F7W946RTOBMT4
    02. NF974KFJ6B7TMX
    04. HRP4JOV56XH69P
    06. NR4NPVJ5WVT9KW
    09. 6KPBN4LF5T76LH

  180. 01. 4B770BPJN4T6LV
    03. TK77H09L7HH9JR
    05. 5HVH6BWVTOPJB6
    06. H4569LBKTR6H4R
    07. 5FW6P7JNOX9PJJ
    09. BB5WF50R9FPMJR
    10. HTLM76J940HJMW

  181. 01. 6LTR7WWL6XNJTB
    02. V4H59XM4NNK9T9
    03. FVT9BJ5LF6PH60
    04. RL9VTF5HK07TVV
    05. 74TMOB9MH6F7LK
    06. F5NJ6KON4RTLN5
    07. TKP6N7BH44NL55
    08. TONLVVM69P67NF
    09. TBT6MPTVF5JX6L
    10. 00FF4FJMNWLNRK

  182. Zack, those are bricks coupons. They can be printed twice. Just hit your “back” button and go again!

  183. 01. 9XRVJLNBFBKJK5
    02. 5456NP9KPJ6TP6
    03. 5XXKTPKRRF5T7P
    04. 74H4FWRJ9KT6TL
    05. 759XKM5V4JVXMO
    06. 970PLT795X5TOB
    08. 9J9R56JPWPPOXP
    09. NVLF4XNBFNK055
    10. 6NXRL6MFN04MHF

  184. 01. 67LHBL7NJXKK7T
    02. 6FR6W07PJTTM57
    04. VBOR7J40WHK5R7
    05. 57KBJKKTHFP7XF
    06. 5FVN00LWTR59LN
    08. 776H5L75FPF5PK
    09. 74WFXNXB9LJN44

  185. Six posts of ten codes each, and only one RBM? What’s up with that? Come on my friends, don’t make others waste their time trying them if you have already used them. It’s just a little politeness, and it will actually make you feel good if you only try it.

  186. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it appears as though $20 cards are not part of this year’s MyCoke Twist. Text. Get in the Game contest…let’s hear it for soccer balls instead!

  187. 1. PTR07P4XMNKKJB
    2. 4HVWB7X4NHXT0H
    4. BK4BNB7P7F45XX
    6. 9JL6FNHH496NBT
    7. 9XVKNFX6NNB466
    8. BHF6LF5TFR604P
    10. T5NNWFRK6PNBX0

  188. I took some of Darrell’s codes earlier before I rushed out of home but I didn’t remember which post I took when I got back, so I didn’t post RBM. Sorry Darrell.
    #304 RBM.

  189. Darrell:

    Six posts of ten codes each, and only one RBM? What’s up with that? Come on my friends, don’t make others waste their time trying them if you have already used them. It’s just a little politeness, and it will actually make you feel good if you only try it.

    Darrell, Actually there were two RBM’s of three posts. Again, sorry about not posting it.

  190. My wife won a pair of movie tickets. Hopefully we can win a couple more of those and put them to good use with The Avengers or Dark Knight Rises.

  191. Hi, does anyone know if Tropicana is bringing back another rewards prgram, thanks?

  192. hooksfan – can’t believe I missed the first day! Congrats on the movie tix; other than $100 Visa card, to me that’s the best prize. Only 1 prize per 10 minutes, vs every 2 minutes last year. Good luck everyone!

  193. Just to let everyone know that there are $50 best buy cards in, however they are 3500 point.

  194. For the mycoke IWG, does anyone know what “specially marked” means? Does the bottle have to have the Olympics branding to work?

  195. Hey Diet Coke fans! We’re offering double the points on all qualifying fridge packs during the month of May.

    Just enter the exclusive access code below, and we’ll give you 10 Bonus Points on fridge pack codes entered by 5/31.*

    *Codes must be entered between 5/1/12 and 5/31/12 to qualify for Bonus Points and must be from the following qualifying fridge packs: Diet Coke, Caffeine Free Diet Coke, Diet Cherry Coke, Diet Coke with Lime, Diet Coke with Splenda and Diet Coke Plus. Weekly limits on code entry apply. Bonus Points do not count toward weekly limits. See rules for details. Bonus Points will be credited to the account by 6/8/2012.

    My question are these points going to be credited to the account by June 8th…so that means we wouldn’t see a bonus till than?

  196. For all who are doing the DietCoke bonus points from entering the 10pt code off 12pk cans during May, I just received bonus pts to my MCR acct from codes entered the prior day. So ,the rules give MCR until June to post, but I did get mine posted in 1 day.

  197. Li – If you are referring to mycoke twist text win, pretty much any black or red cap from 20 oz. will work. I’ve been using old 12 digit codes that I already entered on mycokerewards. Won movie tix, really psyched!

  198. Thanks vvhitekid2 for alerting me to the RBM’s that you missed posting. Kind of restored my faith in my fellow man.
    01. FBK400FK5RJW7N
    02. HOKLL6PN56R977
    03. 4KX05404X6TK4R
    04. NV4BJX6M46K4X9
    05. 7MFTJFTXJ69R5K
    06. NFW7WJ6BH5M96J
    07. 6J9LOW4VB76XX4
    08. 6TVJLW56F7MOWH
    09. 96MNFX7RVWBV5V

  199. The white polar bear caps also work for the mycoke txt game…. also, I’ve been using caps from 24 oz. and I think 2 liters and they work. No wins yet, but hopefully soon because I’m almost out of caps!

  200. If anyone needs codes for texting, check previous posts and try those codes. You can use them for the game after they are entered for points on Mycokerewards. I always posted cap codes, and I’m sure many of them were Coke and Coke Zero. If its the wrong variety, you just get a message stating that code didn’t work, try again. Not sure if there’s a limit to “bad” code attempts.
    At one prize per 10 minutes, you have to get pretty lucky.

  201. anyone know if mycokerewards is going to have free tshirts again also is tropicana bringing back a rewards program?


  202. Hello all, I just realized that i haven’t posted any codes in a while, so here are a few:
    3 POINTS
    76XF5L7 JMW9MMN
    10 POINTS
    5T9M7VK BRLV7M5

    Good luck to all and don’t forget to leave a RBM!

  203. Whoa – My apologies about the multi-day outage (longest outage this site has ever had!). I made some major updates to the software that runs this site and everything went wrong that could have gone wrong. Anyway, I take full blame so feel free to call me names. We’re back in business!

  204. I thought it was my computer. Thanks for getting it running again! I’ll post some codes in a couple days when I’m not so lazy.

  205. Since they started the 2012 TwistTxt contest my wife has scored three sets of movie tickets and my step-son scored one of the $100 Visa Gift Cards…I think I might have them enter my codes because I have yet to win…

  206. Hey, I was a programmer in a previous life. Murphy’s law always applies in update situations. We would never call you names, we love this site, and appreciate your keeping the faith.
    The twist text win game loves my hubby’s phone – he’s had 4 wins in a week. 2 sets of movie tix, and 2 mp3 speakers. Unreal. I wonder if they cut you off after 5 wins with one phone, or after you redeem 5 times on one account.

  207. Welcome back. I have also been having some computer issues and thought it was jut me who could not access the site. So that’s one less thing I have to fix.
    01. 4TV6JBFJVJ4F6H
    03. RL7KWLPB7MV65P
    05. P4L7P4TNKKNM5W
    08. 5TXX709444XNRJ

  208. Happy dance. Darrell’s codes RBM. Woohoo! Thanks Whitekid & Darrell. You made my day.

  209. 01. NKJH6TM44TRNM7
    02. 907HPOH795WNV5
    03. VNXHLF766T50FR
    04. HMJ75J5PV7757V
    06. 9HLN66VP9HX6TH
    07. FHOK75T5B5V66X
    08. FP4647RW9JJ9T5
    09. PXJX44BRKRLB7B
    Days of joy and giddy laughter, these are things I am after. To give such joy with so few codes, to some it’s like the mother lode. Congratulations Miss Cristagalli.

  210. I can’t get black caps to work on twist text win game. Too bad because I can’t drink regular Coke.

  211. So, CF diet coke and Cherry Coke Zero (all 2-liters) are not working for twist-txt-win. Bummer. What IS working?

  212. I won a $20.00 gift card to Live nation in the twist text game! Still can’t believe it

    Here’s a free code for 3 points because I’m in such a giving mood.

    RTHN46MV7T6P0R (Diet Coke)

  213. I can be incredibly stupid at times. I have received 5 texts from the twist/text/win, and where it says please respond with your email to continue, I was under the impression that I was supposed to go to my email and use whatever they sent me, which of course was nothing.
    I finally figured it out that I was supposed to text the email to them with the phone. So there went 5 probable wins. I only hope God looks after idiots.
    01. 460NTM90KLKH54
    03. 49BT56M6JP5507
    04. PL9TLK5RP9BR4N
    05. RJT66VOHL9MJ9L
    08. B9TP4HX6MNV49B
    10. BWLM9LJN6H9LXO

  214. From posting 312 for the diet coke double points in May. Does anyone know what the access code is. Do you have to have a seperate code or just enter diet coke flaps? Thanks in advance

  215. nitros dad… you need to enter a code that was e-mailed to you (some accounts, not all, I beleive) and then after you enter that code, all the fridge packs you enter will get doubled.

  216. I asked Coke about this, and they say that only “certain members” get the access code. I don’t even know what they base that on. Maybe it’s random or something.
    Hope this answers your question.

  217. Thanks so much Shari & Jonathan. I went back thru my email & found the code.

  218. I still have yet to win once during this Twist Txt contest. My step-son has won once and the wife has won four times. Her last win was the Coco Cola Olympic Jackets…

  219. Here is a code for the double points on diet coke fridge packs, in case anyone didn’t get one and can use it… – B94FBX6F9WNF4F
    This code is not worth any points, but after you enter it, then you will get double points for all diet coke fridge packs that you enter before 5/31/2012.

  220. And another one…

    Here is a code for the double points on diet coke fridge packs, in case anyone didn’t get one and can use it… – 4NNRV7XVP79RBH
    This code is not worth any points, but after you enter it, then you will get double points for all diet coke fridge packs that you enter before 5/31/2012.

  221. I hope whoever took those “individualized special codes” don’t get their accounts locked up. Coke has been closing accounts for suspicious activity. If you received that code in your email, then you know it was meant for you only.

  222. Anyone won more than 5 times on the twist text win with the same phone? Just wondering if I’m wasting my time with my hubby’s phone, as he got 5 wins, but only redeemed 1 so far. Just wondering how they enforce the 5 win limit.

  223. I can’t find any bottles identified with this Summer’s twist text win game in my area of Southern California. Is it localized this year?

  224. Mark – hey nice to know I’m not the only one in SoCal. Have you tried any red or black caps? I’m using old 12 digit caps, but I just tried a random red cap, which worked. I haven’t really noticed if the bottle labels were identified with the game when I’m scrounging.
    Good luck.

  225. All of the following caps are good for use in the twist/text/win game, or promo.
    03. NFOHK7K97VPP6N
    04. BFT6F7NVW7RR9L
    05. 66R9VBJFHR44WP
    07. 9XMM7V65L05VLP
    08. R4P7MKB7WKNNWV
    09. 75X6KKXKJTX6X5
    10. TNMXRB76MMJRL4

  226. The following caps are all Powerade, for use it the extra points instant game if so desired.
    01. R5HOWR4XFNPTR5
    02. TNXXMN66L9VMR6
    03. 6M9X7HVTRFBL7F
    04. HBJ6N4FVHV956X
    05. V5TNR45HFNH64X
    06. N4HOF45PHMJ9VX
    07. 9049V4R7VMLHOT
    08. RHNWMF744HWJ50
    09. 4TJWXH5WHK45HH
    10. VWOW4K6BW6BFPM

  227. Thank you Darrell, I got the codes from #351. I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend.

    Thank you to all the men and women who have served for our freedoms and also to their families for their sarifice as well.

  228. Saw this at Kangaroo Express – Thank you for purchasing your Coca-Cola products at Kangaroo Express. Remember, when you purchase one (1) 20 oz. carbonated product of The Coca-Cola Company and enter the keyword “Roo” you’ll get double points! Limit 5 sets of double points per member per day. Offer valid from 5/1/12-5/30/12.

  229. I am a vet, and appreciate the thanks Shari. It did not happen for years, but I sometimes wear an Army hat and I have been thanked twice by total strangers lately. It was quite a shock at first, but appreciated after a moment. These caps are good for twist/text/win use.
    01. TB7T4TTPFF5JJB
    02. TX5XK7LKVL64HL
    03. HX7BJ4XHHT5NH6
    06. TXN9LM7X4PFJMH
    07. 6FM00T95W07JOB
    08. 40RNXMFP07TOHB
    09. 7F6VHJM5PWTBM9
    10. OLM075M9JRNNPM

  230. Thanks Zack. My sister in law and I were both able to use the “roo” yesterday.

  231. I think I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 4000 to 5000 caps. I would love it if there was an easier way to donate them other than entering them one at a time. But it is what it is.
    02. 74R9W5BVNFNHVB
    04. OPNBV066BVBJW4
    05. T50W5PFPJORXBO
    07. T56XOP590X4N76
    08. 04FJ46P5T45NTJ
    09. BRRMPXR697TRLK
    10. 460MT5P60MJ65K
    11. OX9M094FXXTK67
    12. 4KOJLK4JX6PLKM
    14. T4LWT5N44R7VP9
    15. FMPMBTKN9VPF49
    16. POL74NM7NVNTHX
    18. 09TVNBJV9RH6HK
    20. FPXTW6F5RF9K9W

  232. 01. 50L6BWKHH66495
    02. 44K7P7PLXR96RN
    04. 5HKL59N77FKFJL
    05. 6WTTK49TBWBLHF
    06. VPP66N7RFKRFOW
    07. TFPMRH959J5V4W
    08. RMJ7077MON4P7B
    09. 66LTB74R4795K6

  233. 01. 95HVLBR6HR4WPF
    02. FW5RM7T7KTLVLR
    03. RKJ9KVM65VHMV7
    04. TOVOXH7549546X
    05. 5500P44HP9RNW4
    06. 95M7J69VL6VBF5
    08. PHTTJTV9JJ5N4K
    09. FH5FXKOK6459PV
    10. 90M4VMTF55K90W

  234. 01. 595J5PB5L7V7P6
    02. 4PMK047XBFMKBW
    03. B9FMTM45RL9P64
    04. VHOVOFK04476MM
    05. B94HHHWX9BPVMN
    06. NNKHBF46MNL4F6
    07. 49NHLVRN0650V9
    08. 44B6JXKJT00WWT

  235. Wow, that’s a lot of codes to go without a “thank you”, so I’ll say it — thanks for always sharing with them, Darrell.

  236. Surprisingly not all that much. There are three gallon bags full of grey, 3 of white, 3 of red, 3 of green, and 4 of black. But it is more than I would want to enter at once. I don’t know which would come first, blindness or insanity. Probably insanity since I have a headstart on that. I will enter more in a couple of days. Going in the hospital for a heart cath tomorrow.

  237. Had my heart cath. And I am a lucky man. I have 100% blockage in one of the main arteries going into the heart. But as it was clogging, my body compensated and grew new vessels to keep the blood flow going. It’s called collateral circulation. So in effect, my heart did its own bypass. Awesome! Codes later.

  238. 01. 9NHFT5FHORNT9K
    02. FNWV4HOX70NFMO
    03. 47PTPX7M75R4BK
    04. TR4WOFH69WHFOL
    05. 95FXK76TNLHNMM
    06. F75LTR79VLRPPO
    07. FWOL7JN5HHROM9
    08. PF95W6X9LOFMKR
    09. 74FW9JJXK40X4K
    10. NXMP5JXX5X54MB
    11. 9MTK95

  239. 10 pointers for first time
    promo only:

    1. 6W4JRJFP9B56JT
    2. 57XMBLN40HKMR9
    3. 60NJ56WFNHVX9T
    4. 9K0VRK9K7FTNF9
    5. NHF59RXT47BXKH
    6. 4469PTHFKMBWP9
    7. 4J46K4N5JMT9N4
    8. 07KNLBHXTTV604
    9. TW5B7M7PXW5F64
    10. H4TTR9H5KHB4MK
    11. VKPW7FB4FP5KM7
    12. 475H95M4XR6XRN
    13. NB4007RL75RFVN
    14. N0THM0M5JF6FJX
    16. R0X6KXK0RJ94NB
    17. 9L05XKP6HXJN6K
    18. FXF54WXVX9JJMJ
    19. RBXM47BXP77JFL
    20. TJMPBTXF0F7F0P
    21. 990P7TJBXK65NF
    22. P7M77LBPXJP5HF
    23. 45FR475F0JVNRM
    24. BKHT7WLXF4PNJ9
    25. BP46WHTP7FWHR6
    26. RJJ406XFX46KNJ
    27. 5NR6P9F6BXWMKB
    28. 4NH4NJXT6J56M4
    29. 7P4LKVPB60W7FR
    30. H5NR0JHB4WWKKF
    31. 5VKPN66RN0K7BW
    32. 5PRKF7J5R99JWL

  240. Thanks to Sharon #374 was able to redeem 1 code for 10pts. Current bonus points promo , enter the code coke2012 and then 2 regular codes in the same session, get 10 bonus pts instantly.

  241. Darrell, Great to hear your good news!!!

    1. V5V09WW0VT7470
    2. FNB7P7P9BLFP7P
    3. P96RH5FFTXF5XN
    4. NLJVT049K45BFW
    6. 5LMWR7FB6LXHK6
    8. BK7VJWR4RVTJ67
    10. N5JJL5VFPX7J5P

  242. Darrell – ditto from me, glad to hear such an amazing outcome. Much better than a bypass.
    After a horrendous start to 2012, I’m beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. And just to make this a special week, I won Six Flags season passes.
    BTW, 12 digit codes are still good, but I suspect this is of no relevance to anyone else. I thought I had used them all, but I found a bag of Powerade caps, and a bag of Minute Maid caps.

    These are not them!


    And I define horrendous as my son relapsing for 8 months, totaling his car twice, and my being sued for an accident my mechanic had in my car 11 years ago. Of course if some kid runs into the side of your car, he should be rewarded.

    Anyone won recently in the twist, text, win game? Is it safe to assume if you won 5 times, that phone is never going to win again?
    Peace out.

  243. Congrats on winning the TTW game 5 times, Karen! My phone hasn’t won once yet this summer. Does the game seem to prefer types of phones or brands (AT&T, Verizon, etc.) of service?

  244. Karen, the Twist Txt program is going by household. The wife one four times and my step-son once…those wins negated the speakers that I won. I even tried changing the address for my wife’s account.

  245. hooksfan – I get the “5 per household” restriction, but we have a vacation home in Vegas that I used for my redemptions. All our phones are on a family plan under my eldest son who has his own home, so my other son who is playing is using his address. So theoretically each of us could have 5 wins. My hubby is the only one who has 5 wins on his phone, so I’m just wondering if his phone is somehow on a “disqualified” list, or its just when you log in to redeem, you can’t. Since you apparently had the last win, you could have tried using a work address (or your mother-in-law!) Just a thought…
    As far as the type of phone, my hubby has a 5 year old Samsung something-or-other, and we are on AT&T. He and I have what we refer to as geezer phones – large display and NOT a smartphone. My son has an Iphone and he’s won 3 times, as have I.
    So I’ve given away all my secrets. I suspect as more people max out, it might become easier to win. Also, if possible try the middle of the night. Seems like fewer people would be playing then. It is much harder this year as its only once every 10 minutes. Good luck to all.


  246. I did one of my occasional stupid stunts with the twist/text/win. When I would get a reply saying I was a winner, reply with your email, I would then go to my email account thinking I would receive a code of sorts to then enter on the mycoke site. Not for a minute thinking I was supposed to text my email back to them. And I did this FIVE times. So now I can not get another win I suppose, or at least have not been able to for the last three weeks. I even called and complained over and over and not once did they catch what was wrong. So I forfeited 5 wins. What a catastrophe. Codes in a day or so.

  247. Darrell – sounds like you and I need a new hobby!! I assume you deleted those texts before you realized your error. I set my phone to never delete messages, so every once in a while I have to manually delete. getting all my codes in for the week so I can enjoy some time in Vegas NOT dumpster diving. And personally, it, should be 5 wins per phone/email address because they let multiple household members have mycoderewards accounts. Well, as my grandfather used to say, nobody died so how bad could it be?


  248. Just won 1,000 points on the Million Point Giveway. Still nothing on twist text win, though.

    02. 5RLLVN5K9PVKKW
    04. 7KJ5P77VPM90XM
    05. 7P64KLR7VKP5W7
    07. BKN65VLNVOHJ
    08. PF64PKLLHBNXF5
    09. 9MTK95POK7W9
    10. 4507W4JHMM556W

  250. 01. 7BOFWRNNBPT4RL
    02. 47BBNL67P6KFX9
    03. 60TOK7HBXXLOJ5
    04. 06TMVWVFM40VL9
    06. H060NLNKOWP697
    07. 4LLX496TLRPOX9
    08. 009LVNH6BPRMRL
    10. 4T9N5MTNMPWMNW

  251. 01. P4POXJMKXFKVR9
    02. HF5NPMHK4KJ9TT
    03. VFB5TF05T4XRFP
    04. VB9NOB5VP6L5W6
    05. 67BBJW457LL69H
    06. TNHKWN4B4JJR95
    07. 5XPXWP4JL4THWK
    09. 7WNMJH46KFVK7L

  252. 01. 9RX9J76K056VRX
    02. 5VM5F57NW4P99J
    04. 95BXB7XKWKP66F
    05. 9LM7T69FJBNHTM
    06. 76BK4777PORKTO
    07. OJ9NMRP97TXV7T
    08. R07XJKOPMMHW
    09. P60KLB5L7RRPFM

  253. 01. 59L407JLROLF7R
    02. 7NHPXL5JKK70HH
    04. BJH5HNT9N65HFW
    05. BOFJ0709FTP7HO
    06. TT9R64VB9RBOPR
    07. B7MNXMR9RXN6PO
    09. 7HNKNNNF4F94WX

  254. 01. TF9F5PPFRLNFL5
    02. 55TV4760NK59NM
    03. 07BN00FJHXX5BP
    06. 7THORR6FOB605N
    07. BLP90KNVN5LPT6
    08. PW944PBP4MNWVJ
    09. 5XK9VTMHRJXWM7
    10. 4WBWVLVJ7MN94R

  255. Oh Darrell, that made me laugh (sorry!). Doesn’t your phone save messages? Couldn’t you simply reply, or did you delete them all? Even if you did, there might be a way to get them off of your SIM card (from what I understand, you never really erase anything when you delete) or from your carrier.

  256. The thing is, if you remember the texts you have received, you only have one hour to respond. So, deleted or not, it is forfeited. But I have been able to make a lot of people laugh with the story, so it’s not a total loss. Brandi, that’s quite a feat getting all 60 codes. I congratulate you.

  257. A couple posts ago


    Thanks to Sharon #374 was able to redeem 1 code for 10pts. Current bonus points promo , enter the code coke2012 and then 2 regular codes in the same session, get 10 bonus pts instantly.

    I think that if London2012 is entered you get the bonus points this time. I didn’t pay attention to my balance before I entered it but on my history it shows as a bonus. Hope it helps.

  258. Alas, I have never won through texting to Twt-txt-win (only through AMOE)! So I didn’t realize you only have an hour to redeem. I usually buy cans, and when I buy 2 liters of cherry coke zero and CF diet coke, the caps are never eligible, not this time, not last time they did it. I don’t know if the stores I shop at have old merchandise, or if you have to buy the smaller bottles, or maybe flavors I don’t like.

  259. Today’s MCRPointsPlus was a $5 Subway card for only 27 points and no cash. It seemed to sell out as soon as it was posted (maybe there was only 1 card available). Did anyone snag it?

  260. How about any Mountain Dew orange cap codes? I want that bopper cooler! It even floats.

  261. Mark, I’m not sure there was even one of those cards available! They have had several of those deals in the past few weeks. I tried to get one a minute after they posted and they said sold out!

  262. OK So it looks like MCR is creating bonus codes like “coke2012” or “london2012” which allow people to enter this code and then enter 2 regular codes, which then earns you 10 bonus points instantly. Apparently there is a daily bonus code to find out and use to rack up bonus points when you enter it with 2 codes. Haven’t done all the searching around yet, maybe everyone can take a look into this and then all of us can know how to use this promotion.

  263. Just finished using my free 12-pack coupons from last December while we were in Las Vegas. This time it was buy 2, get 2 free plus a bag of chips (I think I still have chips from last June…) Also received a coupon printed at the register for a free 8-pack of 12 ounce bottles. Those seemed to print out randomly, as I made 12 purchases, and received 7 coupons. That was an unexpected bonus. Cute bottles. Also, I won twice in one night with the twist, text game. I hadn’t won for about 4 weeks, but maybe no one was playing Friday night! No open wi-fi in the neighborhood anymore, so I had to wait til we got home to find out what I won. Another soccer ball, and gasp! the $100 visa gift card. I love Coke! This year is starting to turn around.
    I was able to use the coke2012 promo code with some flaps, and some caps. It doesn’t work with Powerade or Minute Maid caps.
    I am still waiting for a decent Wednesday deal, but I am disappointed each week.


    Summer’s here – keep cool.

  264. Hi Karen,

    Congrats on your wins!

    I have played just few times; I won a soccer ball but didn’t realize it has a due date to enter the coke on so I missed my prize.

    Of course, your codes were already redeemed when I tried them.

  265. Just won a soccor ball! So glad. Yeah, I’m also waiting for some good Wednesday deals.

  266. Hey everyone, here’s how you can get 10 bonus points each day , that’s 70 per week ! You can enter “coke2012” OR “london2012” 1 time every day along with 2 regular codes and get 10 bonus points per day. That’s 70 bonus points in 1 week ! You only need at least 2 caps at 3pts each every day to accomplish this. Codes of higher amounts will work also, but that’s a great deal to turn a pair of 3 point caps into 16 pts total every day !

  267. 1. BX5L9XJM49TXKR
    3. 0VMWH5XBM7XL69
    4. B9KMX6P9HPJRX6
    6. 4FJLKN4RPTB6J0
    9. RLFKK54BNT40BB
    10. 4T5509HTWXH570

  268. Karen my only beef with Coke is the 5 wins per household. They also negated my stepson’s win on the $100 Visa gift card even though our household only has four wins without it. I got my only win which was negated a week after he won his.

  269. Hooksfan – we are having the same problem. Coke wouldn’t let my husband redeem his last 2 wins, even though I have a different address, AND I had only redeemed 1 prize. (Called Coke, they are researching…) I have 5 wins now and have redeemed 4 of them. I was hoping I might win something other than another soccer ball, but I think you cannot win more than 5 times on the same phone. My son has redeemed 3 with no problem, but he has a separate address. Anybody else have anything to add to the subject, I would like to hear about it. I realized how spoiled and entitled I’ve become over the last few years – I cannot remember the last time I paid to see a movie.


  270. I’m back on my rant about MCRPointsPlus. I checked on today’s almost as soon as it was posted. The MCRPointsPlus web site said: All items are in carts…One might become available, so stick around!” Was anyone able to actually get one?

  271. eaglei – fridge pack is 10 points.
    Coke giveth, and Coke taketh away, and then Coke giveth something else. My hubby lost his last 2 wins on Twist, Text (question: do those prizes go back into the prize pool so someone else can win them, or are they just never awarded?)
    Anyway, as to the giveth again, I won the top prize in the 8-Pack of Athletes Instant Win game. I was really stunned, especially after I realized they only award 1 of those a day. I only played because they give you a free entry after you enter 2 codes (and the AM/PM bonus code?) Can hardly wait for that extra soccer ball.


  272. There is a coupon for Spicy Chicken McBites for 75 points – 1 per account. Find it under gift cards and coupons. Does not specify what size order you get, says it expires 8/31/12, and I believe it said you will get your coupon in 8 – 10 weeks, which might be past the expiration date. Hmmmm…. Well, I went for it anyway.
    “London2012” is still working for 10 extra points daily when entered after 2 codes.


    Have a safe and sane 4th, and remember what we are celebrating. Peace out.

  273. My Coke Rewards Double Points 7/4/12 through 7/8/12 for Coke Zero and Powerade caps

    Score even more points from your Coke Zero®, POWERADE®, and POWERADE ZERO® caps. Enter codes from 7/4 – 7/8 and get double the points!*
    * Codes must be entered between 12:01 am ET 7/4/12 and 11:59 pm ET 7/8/12 to qualify for Bonus Points. Bonus Points valid on black Coke Zero caps, black POWERADE caps, and gray POWERADE ZERO caps only. Weekly limits on code entry apply. Bonus Points do not count toward weekly limits

  274. I promised some codes a while back and never gave them. Here’s 10 3 pointers for now.


  275. Will miracles never cease?! I sent a response to Coke’s e-mail regarding hubby’s 5 wins for Twist Text when there were only 3 redeemed and not being allowed to get the other 2 prizes. Got a reply that they made a mistake and to redeem the prize codes. Well, the codes were now invalid, so needed another e-mail, but all ended well. Very exciting!!
    Hope all are still using the London2012 for extra 10 points a day. So if one has sufficient Coke Zero and Powerade codes, its possible to get 310 points this week.

    Some Powerade codes


  276. Enter the word SUNGLASSES at My Coke Rewards and get 10 bonus points! You also get access to the Walmart catalog. It will show up as “Promotion Code Redemption” in your “Points History”.
    Murphy Summer Car Giveaway (Licensed drivers 18+) July 1, 2012 through September 30, 2012
    Entry: and follow the links and instructions to input your Code.
    text the keyword MURPHY to the short code 76060

    Visit to request a free code. Enter up to 5 times daily.

  277. 10 more codes.

  278. Here are two free codes for downloads of Usher’s new song Scream on iTunes. Just enter the codes like a gift card.
    Good luck!

  279. vrrf4t40nwhtm9
    I’m too tired to type out more right now. Here are two 3 pointers.

  280. I admit to being lazy about donating codes here, or anywhere else for that matter. And I do not see any change in sight. Alas, woe is me! And you poor people who need them. Allow me to force myself to enter at least a few.
    01. V07RTPTHL666TJ
    02. 5F6HBNT5MWRROM
    04. 40MHOM60W9TRVW
    05. 9WHFOTTBWVJM66
    08. 7WJKB56MHKL059
    10. NKFV57XVKW9HLB
    11. FWHF4H6V5KFFBP
    12. 7HN566BFWBJ7LJ
    14. 7PMKHWOWN4XJ40
    15. TNMBN77RTT4NPL
    16. 5K79JT69BFHXKB
    17. FFKJVXLPJFB665
    19. 69WP09HL9RN9B9
    20. TKR5XT7HVV06WT
    21. FW5657VBRNVW9W
    22. 57F6N4WJFF77RO
    23. V9F4BX5FT6WJVH
    25. OTHTKT09N5P5HH
    27. 4LWN7VBR5RJ09W
    28. 5XPXPTKHKOL9F7
    29. BK04BPPWHT9J69
    30. 776BW59L4RTTKM
    31. OFVOHJPP07J44P
    32. 45PMROPP64NMHN
    33. OB745F766KOM9J
    34. FNLM959VV9WKRO
    35. 06P50KTHOLX070
    36. 4HKWNM6H4MK65V
    37. 49MWM9HFHRRHFB
    38. FKOMF9J4X6NJW5
    40. BM90V5V6KTRR40
    42. FN40KM40NPLK04
    43. VX59F77PPHRJKJ
    44. 5THOMXJP4PL6X5
    45. 4KJX564H77JFVR
    47. 9XNM67PTPFVFX4
    48. T7RN40P4B604V5
    49. NLLKHL09J9XRN6
    50. 4LBLJFTPN9964P
    Okay good people, that’s it for now. Perhaps I shall locate another bit of ambition and post more later. All we can do it hope. Have a great day!

  281. 3 Bonus Points
    The Thomas Jefferson Trivia Game has returned to

    Answer five multiple choice questions about Thomas Jefferson. At the end of the game you receive a code worth 3 bonus points. Correct quiz answers won’t matter; you still get the code.

    Come back weekly through August 14 to play again.

  282. I must have had a “phantom win” when the computer messes up and you never get to see if you won or not. This was found in my emails, and it was dated July 10th:

    We’re happy to let you know that you’re a winner in the TRAIN LIKE AN OLYMPIC HOPEFUL BROUGHT TO YOU BY POWERADE®! You’ve won an Olympic Training Kit prize pack including a 7-day 24 Hour Fitness pass, bodybuggSPTM personal calorie management system (smartphone compatible with AndroidTM and iPhone), $100 VISA gift card, Duffle Bag, POWERADE Bottle, Jump Rope, Hand Grip, Large and Small Exercise Band, and Towel. This prize has an approximate retail value of $450. Congratulations!

  283. Anyone else having problems with TTW? This is the second day I get a “We can’t validate your code. Try again later.” msg.

  284. Found this on Slickdeals. These are multi-use (everyone can use them) codes for 10 points each:



    to score 30 FREE points

    (10 points for each code)

    Better yet, the codes can be reused daily.

    You also get a free entry for the LeBron James sweepstakes, and access to 6 special rewards. I would pass on the $20 Visa card for 1000 points – way too pricey.


  285. Thanks Karen for the MCR bonus point codes. Do you know how long they can be reused daily?

  286. I scanned the slickdeals post for more info. Doesn’t say anything about how long they will last, but I found it interesting that the “day” for these codes resets at 8 pm eastern time, not midnight. I hope the information I am relaying is correct.

  287. Actually answering my own question……just saw on another site that the 3 10 point bonus codes are good daily until 8/12.

  288. I would guess the codes will be viable until the Lebron James sweepstakes ends – Aug. 12.

  289. Has anyone noticed you can now use your free instant win entries for sweepstakes? Just like old times!

  290. Karen, thanks for the MCR bonus point codes, I was able to successfully use them yesterday. Do you know if they were only good for a certain time? I’m getting “ are not eligible to redeem this code on My Coke Rewards.Please try another or check the FAQs for additional help.” when I try them today.

  291. Family Dollar has released 3 codes that get you 10 MCR points each plus a free entry in to the meet LeBron sweeps. Should work every day until they pull them or the sweeps is over (8/12).”

  292. MikeMac – see my post above, but the “day” for those codes resets at 8 pm eastern time.
    BTW, looks like the TTW (texting) promo is working again. I don’t know if this had anything to do with it, but I read a story about 2 women who were able to scam the system and win thousands of dollars worth of prizes. Also, about 10 days ago, it asked for date of birth again on a phone I had previously used to text. Maybe something was reset. And no, I have no idea how one could scam the system.

  293. Karen, FYI: the TTW scam was reported over a year ago, so the outage was probably unrelated. PS… I noticed the same thing about asking for my info again.

  294. New code in response to Karen’s codes not too long ago:

    10095827987467 (10 points)

    You are able to use this code daily (resets every 8 PM EST) until 8/12/12 just like Karen explained, and you will end up with four free entries to meet LeBron in London.

    The exclusive catalog will still be found, but the Sprite T-Shirt and the $20 Visa Card is officially sold out, but the Sprite Baseball Hat is still available for 100 points (it was 50 points before)

    If you use these 40 codes daily, you should consider getting those 40 points rewards daily until 8/12 such as the free Spicy McBites from McDonalds or the 40 point bottles.

    Enjoy! ^^

  295. 1500 coke points Xbox 360 & London 2012 game
    Free shipping
    I just ordered it and got the message “Your redemption is complete and now you can get your Reward.
    Just follow these instructions so you can get your Reward:

    Please note that the London 2012 – The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games will not be available before June 29th. Console and game will be shipped in late July/early August.”

    I verified this with cokerewards before submitting my 1500 points to make sure it IS the console & game (not a chance to win a sweepstakes) so if you happen to have a lot of points accumulated, here is the chance to look for Family Dollar codes. My husband drinks a lot of Powerade and I just kept entering the codes. This week they’re worth 6 points apiece and they accumulate fast.

    (You must have a Family Dollar code from the receipt to unlock the special offer)
    I found this post on another site dated July 6, 2012. Did anybody here get in on this deal?

  296. The three codes have been working fine everyday until today. The first 2 work, but for the third one I’m getting the message “Sorry! Promotion over – Code no longer active.”

    Anyone else having this issue?

  297. HI,

    For the family dollar catalog, did anyone get the Lebron James Jersery, I dont see it anymore, did I miss it?

  298. Looks like 2 of the codes are working, and 2 are caput! Also, no more AM/PM codes working. Well, it was nice while it lasted. Wish they would have a decent Wednesday deal. Notice there are about a hundred new sweepstakes?
    On a lighter note, does anyone else ever get the urge to to follow someone out of the supermarket who bought Coke 12-packs and mug them in the parking lot for the flaps?

  299. here is a 1 8×8 Photo Book from Shutterfly (Free Gift) offer: digital code: CC4A-CG9V-VG5Y-VD3F08.
    I have no need for it, so congrats to the person who wants it.

  300. Karen, I swear I have asked people in parking lots for the flaps from their 12 packs and 24 packs. And have been given quite a few. But the one I liked best was when I was looking through the trash can outside a convenience store and my cousin came up and asked what I was doing. I told him things had gotten really bad and I was looking for something to eat. It was too funny.

  301. Darrell – you are too funny. I would not have the quick wit to say that when caught in the act, so to speak. I do have a couple of people I met at the recycling center who save Coke flaps for me.

    Just found this on Slickdeals – enter “worldrecord” for 10 points. Have no idea how long it will last.

    Darn, just found out the NASA channel on Directv is only HD, so we can’t watch the Mars landing on TV. Well, maybe another channel will carry the feed.

  302. 10 free My Coke Reward points. Enter:


    I don’t know how long it will keep working.

  303. Wow – sorry about that folks, we lost a few days of comments due to a database crash.

    My restoration point was 3 days old, so I know there might be a few comments missing. My apologies again. I think this is the first time I’ve ever LOST comments on this board over the last 7 or 8 years.

  304. Think my comment got lost so here it is again…

    8×8 Photo Book from Shutterfly (Free Gift).

    Your digital code is: CC4A-FRDK-Z2XR-SJ5FF8

    1. Sign up for a Shutterfly account (or, sign in if you’re already a member)
    2. Copy and paste your code in the Promotional Code field.
    3. Your promotional code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout.

    Offer ends September 27, 2012 (11:59 P.M. PST). Photo book MUST be created and submitted by this date

  305. Are the 1,000 point Six Flags tickets gone? My daughter wants to go tomorrow and I went out to MCR today and it is no longer available. After spending so much $ on back-to-school clothes/items, it will be difficult to pay for an admission ticket.

  306. About the SixFlags tickets > It appears MCR is / was having problems with the codes given for ticket redemptions. In other words, people redeeming 1000 points for a ticket, but receiving a USED and worthless code for getting a ticket. Maybe they will fix the trouble, hope so.

  307. Your digital code: CC4A-9BV5-BXR1-YG2BU9

    Just follow these instructions so you can get your Reward:

    Sign up for a Shutterfly account (or, sign in if you’re already a member)
    Copy and paste your code in the Promotional Code field.
    Your promotional code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout.

    Offer ends September 27, 2012 (11:59 P.M. PST). Photo book MUST be created and submitted by this date. If you have any questions or experience code redemption issues on Shutterfly’s website, please contact Shutterfly customer care center at 888-225-7159.

  308. Ok, I get the following:

    Congratulations! Your code unlocks a bonus offer for a FREE 2 liter Sprite Zero coupon. See details on the side of this page. Limit one coupon per person.

    Where are the details on the side of this page??

  309. Free Shutterfly Photo Book

    Your digital code: CC4A-9V4A-G448-SGDUCD

    Just follow these instructions so you can get your Reward:

    1. Click here
    2. Sign up for a Shutterfly account (or, sign in if you’re already a member)
    3. Copy and paste your code in the Promotional Code field.
    4. Your promotional code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout.

    Offer ends September 27, 2012 (11:59 P.M. PST). Photo book MUST be created and submitted by this date. If you have any questions or experience code redemption issues on Shutterfly’s website, please contact Shutterfly customer care center at 888-225-7159.

  310. Finally cleaned out my work bag, phew!! enjoy!! 🙂

    0NF5K5F 4RL9N7K
    5H7NLN6 7J0BBF0
    4W950XF LH55FNR
    447W6M6 5XLNP5L
    76RBMHM 5MP54NR
    B60W5T6 FN9TNMB

  311. It’s been awhile, but I am still saving codes
    5vh49vhhbm00vp, bor4kfh4hwn4vwo, 9b7rpx4j7rjtk4, hppkw9p5rwxffw, 7nlrxvfrmx7jtt, n9lhvpjlhhwxbw, vxlwbmx7hxffpt, tbjmxrk9pojhnt, 6ktmjl7lh7f04f. This last one is a 20 pt. Vtw6pppn79wlxl.

  312. Hello! Well, I didn’t get any codes :/ first time I’ve seen this page, actually. But I will be sure to check in more often to find codes! I’m saving up for 1200 points. I NEED to get bagbuy certificates! I want a new iPad purse! Lol 😀

  313. Free Sprite Zero 20 oz.
    while supplies last

    One redemption per account.

    1. 9PN5F59PW0RKHP
    2. H0KNNVX679NTF5
    3. 9R9XH7964XV4RH
    5. 76FMNKBJN0JR7B
    8. 4M7XRWRM0H697K
    9. 9X07HFT7HV6T4N
    10. BN4T7N95V4VNT6
    11. 054F5TFBMP7WVM
    12. NV54RTT0J6K6WR
    13. HB90NLRHBM0PBJ
    14. 9T7VPJV094XWNH
    15. H4R666W77FHX7L
    16. FHT0FRW49LR6P6
    17. PFH457NKHV44BL
    18. 4T7PW9XXV570PM

  314. Free Sprite Zero 20 oz.
    while supplies last

    One redemption per account.

    2. 9MNXT6W5PBT0B9
    3. 959W6TK5579NX9
    4. 4R6RMTMHW7FXP7
    5. N0546TJBFBL5PV
    7. 5RNH7NHWWW47XH
    8. JN74RMPNV7997M
    9. V9PFHM55JR0H9N
    10. 0WXBR0P5B59JRB
    12. N4W70BKNRMJFNR
    13. 9BR95FXPXT6KWR
    14. BJ0RBV57XFTP75
    15. VPMXVWJ9MW6N44
    16. V6MMRPVXN5N5WK
    20. RX7NV65M0LF6T7
    21. TJ576WFRH774K0
    23. 546FPH7PWR6WV5
    24. 9NL6VXV0KXX7N6
    25. FP7H954MX9RJ4R
    26. VVKJ5FXBP759R6
    27. PM7MW4V4J79NWH
    28. H96RR45X5TNLVT
    29. NBFBXXN7P4X7LK

  315. RedBox free DVD 1 day rental codes, Expires 9/19/12:

  316. RedBox free DVD 1 day rental codes, Expires 9/19/12:

  317. I typed this up once before, but for some reason it never got posted. So, after waiting a few more days, I am typng it again with added information.

    I asked Darrell’s permission to let all of you know what is going on with him as of late. As you know, he needed lower spine surgery, but that has been postponed now until December (yes, Robert, the date has changed). He went for surgery on his neck vertebrae earlier this month, and things started out well (even though he has been in so much pain), but things have quickly changed. It has been a downward spiral of events since then, and right now he has lost almost all use of his left arm and hand. He has appointments with more doctors and hopefully things will change for the better. In all honesty, he is scared (as am I for him), and I think he could really use some prayers and support right now. He has become a good friend of mine, and he has been part of this website since the beginning and has shared so many codes with everyone here. Please remember him in your prayers. I will keep you all updated as I am updated.

  318. Thank you for the update Cyn – I just emailed him directly with some well wishes. Darrell has been THE most generous person on this site, and has been coming here for almost 7 years. It takes a kind heart to dedicate as much time and energy as he does giving away codes. I wish him the speediest of recoveries!

  319. Thank you for the update.

    Darrell, you are in my thoughts. I wish things were going better for you and I hope that soon they will be.

  320. Hello to all of you. Please allow me to take a moment of your time to thank each and everyone of you for the prayers and well wishes received. Not to sound the least bit egotistical, but I am sure there would be more posted but we must remember this limitations and purpose of this site. I hope to return to posting codes for your needs and uses soon. Thank you, and bless all of you.

  321. Get well soon Darrell. since i haven’t posted any codes in a while here are some codes:

  322. 3 pointers:

    1. RVL79BL5HJHBH6
    2. RMFLK9NLW46W9T
    3. RM4074F9PB46HL
    4. BVMRN7JJL0PN57
    5. T9XJRL4HW4W4WK
    9. FLH5675RLW7XB4
    10. 97KX4WP6XLXKM5

  323. Darrell if you are in a Medical Marijuana State make use of your states medical marijuana program for your pain!

  324. thank you for the codes. some worked, some said they had already been used.
    Darrell, I hope your feeling better soon. wishing you well.

  325. bonus 15 points after you enter 5 diet coke codes – – one per member Oct 2012

    new to the site… but read the comments way back
    would like to share codes in Darrell’s honor

  326. Darrell, so sorry to hear of your health problems. Played one too many football games without a helmet, did you? Laughter, the best medicine.
    Ah, the joys of getting older…

    Haven’t posted for awhile, so here’s some 3-pointers.


  327. Jake:

    Am I correct that individual Dasani bottles don’t have Coke Rewards codes on them?

    Yes. Only the Dasani 20-packs have a coke rewards code on them.

  328. Jake, the plain individual Dasani bottles do not have MCR codes on them. The Dasani bottle flavored water does.

  329. I didn’t know they have Wednesday deals. thanks for the link. I mostly do the instant win games, which i’ve won a few times from, but none of the bigger prizes. what’s the biggest / best prize you guys have won? I won 80 MyCoke reward points in the subway contest awhile back, i won a battleship poster , and a coupon for a free soda, and a free shutterfly photo book ( which was really nice). I also won speakers with the coca cola logo on them, I haven’t received them yet.

  330. Here’s another MCR promo which is open to some people > > >

    ” Thank you for participating! When you purchase four (4) 20oz bottles of Diet Coke® or Caffeine Free Diet Coke® and enter the four codes with the viral code “DIET”, you will receive a FREE Diet Coke Notebook! This offer is valid while supplies last and is open to residents of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, and Kentucky. Limit 1 per MCR customer. Offer begins 10/1/12 and expires 11/14/12. ”

    I’m going to guess that the “grey” caps from various bottles including diet coke will work in this promo.

  331. Thanks for the info seareelz. I was able to redeem for this even though I had enterred my diet coke caps last week… I just enterred diet without enterring any other codes and the offer popped up.

    Mary, I think my biggest win has been the Six Flags tickets. I think I have won them for the last 3 years. My Mom won the PowerAde fit contest or whatever it was a few months ago and got a $100 gift card, some bodybugg fitness thing and some other fitness stuff (jump rope, duffel bag, excercise bands).

  332. They give away great prizes, I entered for the $500 best buy gift card a few months back , they were giving away 90 of them, but, i don’t think i won one, i think i would have been notified by now. But, i’ve now got my fingers crossed for the cruise, and kitchen aid appliances, and the vera bradley bundle.

  333. Here are some Sprite music codes good for one download each at until 12/31/12:


  334. I have won in the instant win games…
    won the Powerade cooler & Basketball hoop in March; also won the Pringles and Coke for a year – –
    52 coupons for a 1.25 liter of coke 26 pringles coupons.

    I just entered the “diet” code and 4 diet coke caps – –
    it didn’t acknowledge I would get a notebook, does this one take a while?

  335. right now they got a dominos pizza instant win game going on. I’m trying for that one. we have a dominos right by us. Good luck everyone.

  336. Can anyone get the deatails of the 12 days of Holiday daels or whatever it is? You have to enter a code to be eligible and I have laready maxed out this week. What is the deal that you have to enter a code just to get the details. I don’t want to wait till next monday to find out.

    Pile up points this fall from your
    Coke Zero, POWERADE, and POWERADE ZERO caps.

    Double points INSTANTLY from 11/7—11/24!*

    You would have thought they would have said something about this before today. I’m already 1/2 through my weekly point limit.

  338. Are any of you in the “MY COKE REWARDS COCA-COLA® GIFT LOUNGE GRAND PRIZE SWEEPS” ?? How many points do you enter on average in a sweep or instant win to get a prize??? Just wondering beacuse I have spent 100’s and did not anything yet.

  339. Has anyone heard how Darrell’s doing? If you know and can share please do so. I check in to see everyday and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
    Love ya Darrell get well soon!

  340. Just won 2 AMC Theatres® Silver Experience™ Movie Tickets and 2 Drinks from the Holiday instant win. so here is a couple codes:


  341. Thanks but it was redeemed not by me!

    Has anybody else had much luck with the “Merry Minutes of Winning game”?

    Does anybody know if the MCR program will be extended?

  342. Hi. I won the Merry Minutes of winning game yesterday. I won a 20 oz. bottle of coke. Still trying for the $1000 walmart gift card. they give 1 away each day. Good luck everyone!

  343. I had a chance to type back and forth with Darrell a little bit. It’s really rough on him typing with one hand, and his back is really bothering him when he sits too long. Even though his back surgery is scheduled for this month, there are some other concerns to be checked out first. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

    While I’m here, I wanted to give everyone the layout for the “12 Days of Christmas” which just started an hour ago:

    Dec. 1: Walmart – $25 Gift Card for 600 MCR Points
    Dec. 2: McDonald’s – $5 Gift Card for 90 MCR Points
    Dec. 3: Domino’s – $10 Gift Card for 180 MCR Points
    Dec. 4: Nike – $25 Gift Card for 500 MCR Points
    Dec. 5: TJ Maxx – $25 Gift Card for 600 MCR Points
    Dec. 6: Best Buy – $25 Gift Card for 600 MCR Points
    Dec. 7: AMC – 2 Silver Tickets & 2 Large Drinks for 470 MCR Points
    Dec. 8: Home Depot – $25 Gift Card for 600 MCR Points
    Dec. 9: – $50 Gift Card for 1200 MCR Points
    Dec. 10: Bass Pro Shop – $50 Gift Card for 1200 MCR Points
    Dec. 11: Shutterfly – $20 Gift Card for 200 MCR Points
    Dec. 12: Coca-Cola – FREE 12 Pack Coupon for 30 MCR Points; Limit 4

  344. heres a shutterfly code for anyone
    $20 to Spend on Holiday Cards from Shutterfly
    Code: CC4N-5FM2-EG7A-VU7KS0
    Sign up for a Shutterfly account (or, sign in if you’re already a member).
    Copy and paste your code in the Promotional Code field.
    Your promotional code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout

  345. Does anyone have a direct link to the TJ Maxx cards? I can’t locate them through a search or through the 12 days link.

  346. Hey everyone, Im back! I took a short break from MCR due to some personal and family issues and I hope to get back going with codes. Heres 2 12-packs to start things off:


    Good luck to all!

  347. I’m having trouble seeing any of the holiday prizes, does anyone have a link to the best buy cards?
    I’ve got codes I can give in exchange.

  348. I’ll also be interested in the Home Depot card on the 8th, it would be really cool if someone assisted me with a link. Again, I have points to share.

  349. Here’s a few, just to get the ball rolling:


  350. Apparently MCR is extending the program, because I just found this on the FAQ page –

    “The current phase of the program ends at 11:59 p.m. ET on December 31, 2013, and you can enter codes up through 11:59 p.m. ET November 30, 2013. We started this up back in early 2006, so we’ve been doing this for a while. We have to take it year by year; the program has been extended in the past, but that does not necessarily mean it will happen again. In years past, extensions have been communicated near the end of the year, so please read the full Terms and Conditions and keep an eye on these dates. Codes can be entered through November 30, 2013; points can be spent through December 31, 2013.

    Check out the new rules from January 1, 2013 for complete details and dates.”

  351. $20 to Spend on Holiday Cards from Shutterfly


    Sign up for a Shutterfly account (or, sign in if you’re already a member).
    Copy and paste your code in the Promotional Code field.
    Your promotional code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout

    Thx for letting me copy your previous post ben

  352. The free 12-pack coupons, the reward I have been waiting for, has not been working for me. I click on it and it redirects me to the homepage… Has this been happenning to anyone else?

  353. #573 RNBM

    I wish the timestamps on here would show when the post was approved by the moderator instead of when the person actually submitted the post.

  354. $20 to Spend from Shutterfly
    one code per transaction; cannot be stacked

    1. Goto
    to redeem your reward.
    2. Sign up for a Shutterfly account (or, sign in if you’re
    already a member).
    3. Copy and paste your code in the Promotional Code field.
    4. Your promotional code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout.

    Codes may only be used once and expire on 1/31/2013.
    If you have any questions please contact Shutterfly
    customer support at 888-225-7159.

    1. CC4N-12V8-DRXC-J0NECM
    2. CC4N-12VC-RGWT-96REWP
    3. CC4N-12VY-8YV6-40DMW4
    4. CC4N-12W1-VY2S-RXNGEU
    5. CC4N-12WS-M0ZH-JMF6RD
    6. CC4N-12WY-HC4U-5E1YT3
    7. CC4N-12X4-NDET-YB0SWA
    8. CC4N-12XV-26RZ-0VSGVR
    9. CC4N-12Y6-8UFB-FRT6BK
    10. CC4N-12YC-8UB8-VJ8RM2
    11. CC4N-12YK-1D2K-XNEJHU
    12. CC4N-12Z5-4CF1-GJEDBF
    13. CC4N-12ZB-JADN-7VU50C
    14. CC4N-12ZG-9DAK-KNC722
    15. CC4N-12ZS-B1RM-5C3NNF
    16. CC4N-12ZX-YHD7-KR4DUR
    17. CC4N-131K-JWTN-BV4187
    18. CC4N-1326-9V6K-3CW22S
    19. CC4N-132A-M7Z2-FGRRUK
    20. CC4N-132N-NDB3-WR0GK1
    21. CC4N-132Y-EB7H-4DBCZW
    22. CC4N-1334-P5D0-1HSR3R
    23. CC4N-133B-RU2U-YXZWH6
    24. CC4N-133K-18NC-KPZE60
    25. CC4N-133T-NV3T-MPBY65
    26. CC4N-1342-B4RV-2TN522
    27. CC4N-1348-FB0M-8KED1N
    28. CC4N-134J-99U2-94HNMF
    29. CC4N-134K-HZ2A-B8N9T1
    30. CC4N-134T-CFDZ-KFWSTR
    31. CC4N-134X-4SZ8-PZS0F4
    32. CC4N-1354-7YMG-H8FDV6
    33. CC4N-135A-TUCU-X27A84
    34. CC4N-135H-NZ9M-4458XX
    35. CC4N-135T-KC53-26JYBC
    36. CC4N-135X-YRG2-6UFP3N
    37. CC4N-1365-13N5-U3BZYJ
    38. CC4N-1368-1Y6U-5UC1RM
    39. CC4N-136T-X6V4-JWR7CX
    40. CC4N-1371-10WS-MWBW2U
    41. CC4N-1375-81D0-ZJEJA1
    42. CC4N-137D-7BG4-T54U60
    43. CC4N-137J-10V3-R3U5XJ
    44. CC4N-137N-AV5K-8G9D9M
    45. CC4N-137V-JCB7-PWUHUD
    46. CC4N-138G-X8SJ-M87KRS
    47. CC4N-138P-G7PY-MVVH7F
    48. CC4N-138X-SRHD-MWR9RX
    49. CC4N-1393-V9P2-XRD1T7
    50. CC4N-13B1-13SD-FY650H
    51. CC4N-13B5-A85D-YASHCN
    52. CC4N-13BA-2A15-A5MY5H
    53. CC4N-13BF-GSZA-EE5TMX
    54. CC4N-13BR-5EZG-3ST3ED
    55. CC4N-13BV-70EJ-PA4H8E


    Get Double Points on all Low &
    No-Calorie 12-packs

    Earn Double Points on your favorite fridge packs from 12/13 to 12/19

    Sure wish they would let members know sooner. They sent this out the day it started.

  356. $20 off holiday cards from My Coke Rewards
    1 per Shutterfly account :


    Offer is for a $20 reward on one order of more than $20 for select Shutterfly customers only. Offer valid for one time redemption per billing address. Qualifying order must be placed by January 31, 2013 (11:59 PM) (Pacific Time). Reward code must be entered at checkout in order for discount to be applied. Customers will be responsible for any additional charges, tax, and shipping and handling associated with the order. The $20 reward may not be combined with other dollar credit discounts and is not valid for in-store pickup. Offer will apply after all other discounts are applied. Discount will not be applied retroactively upon expiration of the promotion. Offer value may not be transferred or redeemed for any value other than stated. Offer cannot be transferred to another account. Offer is applicable towards one qualifying order during the time period. Discounts, promotions, or awards cannot be applied to purchases made from Shutterfly Pro Galleries.

  357. my niece found this on some coupon site:
    enter “gift” and then enter a code, get 10 bonus pts
    sign out, sign in and do it again
    it worked for me with my weekly 120 (+ bonus 400)

  358. $20 to Spend from Shutterfly
    one code per transaction; cannot be stacked

    1. Goto
    to redeem your reward.
    2. Sign up for a Shutterfly account (or, sign in if you’re
    already a member).
    3. Copy and paste your code in the Promotional Code field.
    4. Your promotional code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout.

    Codes may only be used once and expire on 1/31/2013.
    If you have any questions please contact Shutterfly
    customer support at 888-225-7159.

    56. CC4N-92TB-89EA-DH6804
    57. CC4N-CSZ1-8K67-A9KEUU
    58. CC4N-3H58-C4MB-BGFM2G
    59. CC4N-BUGR-SF1Z-17JYR2
    60. CC4N-6ZA7-WFG2-Z0G26A
    61. CC4N-CRK5-27UN-VKNZWH
    62. CC4N-E6B5-UVT9-K64TUB
    63. CC4N-C4WV-XZSN-7ZRAC3
    64. CC4N-D2JC-KHBS-VFU15Y
    65. CC4N-DZN9-57NF-WHNJ7N
    66. CC4N-B414-7GHF-JC68F6
    67. CC4N-2913-CJF6-HRRP4V
    68. CC4N-9KPD-KGSS-FMR09N
    70. CC4N-CD55-ZTPD-H3JW33
    71. CC4N-2FGM-SRX8-HT8AW1
    72. CC4N-6D72-YEJJ-2N6NYW
    73. CC4N-38XJ-GXN3-PKU4U0
    74. CC4N-DY4V-Y1D5-N3A3NN
    75. CC4N-CZY5-5Y5R-XY4NST
    76. CC4N-FR0D-W3K6-MA7CRK
    77. CC4N-F36V-724F-FXN5XJ
    78. CC4N-2667-D7H5-FPABYR
    79. CC4N-7CCU-F2PK-WDM93W
    81. CC4N-CAM1-DCJ1-PKG8VK
    82. CC4N-AJ2B-6NR4-R8PNER
    83. CC4N-5HTG-04UY-KWZV6A
    84. CC4N-8N56-UEXX-BP1WNX
    85. CC4N-BAP4-TZYG-MS9BC1
    86. CC4N-BKN2-F9MC-21RY6B
    87. CC4N-B2GD-5CXX-V6G76K
    88. CC4N-BB74-F88X-BE893A
    89. CC4N-2FAZ-WJH9-C5X4K7
    90. CC4N-FR28-6WSD-RYU4Y8
    91. CC4N-522X-AJ7Z-V84WZA
    92. CC4N-C5CE-XF75-A9N7P8
    93. CC4N-25U2-NNBH-T5ECBC
    94. CC4N-4TZK-FWAW-975NW6
    95. CC4N-9799-W8U8-B78GCY
    96. CC4N-5292-VSXJ-DTAFN8
    97. CC4N-CMER-CG4C-HA3T08
    98. CC4N-FWJ0-A27P-5R307C
    99. CC4N-E9B9-AD0J-S5V6VD
    100. CC4N-58UP-KWBV-VH4PRF
    101. CC4N-6UR3-ZX7K-R31U6B
    102. CC4N-DTN7-HA8G-9M5U7S
    103. CC4N-4FBB-W9SU-88FM6T
    104. CC4N-7JDA-9TPK-X3YE6D
    105. CC4N-F5NN-16VW-51SGT3
    106. CC4N-A647-RG0R-V10N8J
    107. CC4N-52GA-W860-YT8V05
    108. CC4N-57X9-RV8N-X6Z0GK
    109. CC4N-97CZ-1UFK-D14EKB
    110. CC4N-F4Y4-EUD2-KUGZCM
    111. CC4N-924P-AEPX-APRR75
    112. CC4N-53E8-A7BN-8Z8RSD
    113. CC4N-8B7H-K9W7-TRNR06
    114. CC4N-BG9W-HX35-F18X0B
    115. CC4N-4YPK-1T50-0W9SX4
    116. CC4N-97N7-YHAN-1MXN67
    117. CC4N-2JVG-DWME-APND5H
    118. CC4N-D1G8-VFSS-XMRC7V
    119. CC4N-8TEU-8DSJ-HR1HVX
    120. CC4N-B6YH-EKKG-4J5BR1
    121. CC4N-32R3-PB7C-572XHF
    122. CC4N-9FBD-AR6K-28B9GS
    123. CC4N-29XM-C9Y8-3J6WYC
    124. CC4N-2SGN-JGVU-TBDA8T
    125. CC4N-F5WA-9BJ2-S12X2W
    126. CC4N-2EDM-XDP8-624A8R
    127. CC4N-C7KF-EP26-PH4KWV
    128. CC4N-8NN4-JRSD-WW09KS
    129. CC4N-FDM9-9DWP-S2SRCP
    130. CC4N-5820-N8EY-8YW914
    131. CC4N-9E96-DGBR-PBF7D9
    132. CC4N-34ZV-DDST-00BXTD
    133. CC4N-EAD9-CWU3-EAG7RT
    134. CC4N-47R3-0TT6-2U46KP
    135. CC4N-878F-A1VY-NE6F13
    136. CC4N-A479-FDZU-1UVNRN
    137. CC4N-7SWR-8JHA-0J1AUY
    138. CC4N-66WZ-3AFB-F90Z7C
    139. CC4N-D7KR-VTD6-Z1B40M
    140. CC4N-9FUR-FYBJ-2XH98M


  359. One free 12-month wall calendar($21.99) from My Coke Rewards

    1 per Shutterfly account:


    To receive this, customer must place a qualifying calendar order by January 31, 2013 (11:59 PM) Pacific Standard Time. Customer must then enter a reward code at checkout to receive the offer. Offer is applicable to one calendar order placed within the time period. Offer valid for one time redemption per customer. Discount will not apply to other calendar sizes, pre-paid plans, gift certificates, other products, taxes, or shipping/handling charges associated with order. Discount will not be applied retroactively upon expiration of the promotion. Discount may not be used or combined with any current or future discount offers. Offer value may not be transferred to other products or shipping methods or redeemed for any value other than stated. Discounts, promotions, or awards cannot be applied to purchases made from Shutterfly Pro Galleries.

  360. Apparently you can enter the word “gift” in the code box on MCR, and then enter a valid code from a cap which allows the 3 pts PLUS 10 bonus points added instantly. It can be done more than once, don’t know yet if there is a limit. Somebody on the MCR f.b. site stated they got locked out after doing it 10 times. Anyway , get 10 bonus points more than once, AND at the same time it gives you 1 free play in the instant win game.

  361. Congrats on winning Shutterfly® Wall Calendar
    *subject to verification (Standard procedure, no big deal.)
    Your digital code: CC4E-CPC7-FR3J-NV1XZX
    Just follow these instructions to claim your prize:
    Sign up for a Shutterfly account (or, sign in if you’re already a member)
    Copy and paste your code in the Promotional Code field.
    Your promotional code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout.

    Offer ends January 31, 2013 (11:59 P.M. PST). If you have any questions please contact Shutterfly customer support at 888-225-7159.

  362. Program has been extended:

    The current phase of the program ends at 11:59 p.m. ET on December 31, 2013, and you can enter codes up through 11:59 p.m. ET November 30, 2013.

  363. I need a new code for my goodhousekeeping magazine i got an invalid coke and unable to get my mags. as they had already used my points this is the second time this has happened to me

  364. two times i have tried to enter a code from the 12 pack box, and it didn’t go through, I barely can make out the codes too. And I bought a 6pk of bottles of coke and one of those codes didn’t go through when i entered it.And i know i was entering it correctly. But, it seems like the 12 pack boxes are giving me trouble. How do you decide what the numbers/letters are? thanks. Happy holidays everyone.

  365. Who would like a Coke small stuffed polar bear ? Enter the word “holiday” in the code box of your MCR account, and see the details. You will need 6 caps and must live in 1 of the States included in the offer. If you have recently entered 6 caps, you wont need to enter any more.

  366. here’s the terms for the FREE bear, I’m thinking any caps will work Thank you for participating! When you purchase six (6) 20oz bottles of any product of The Coca-Cola Company and enter the six codes with the viral code “HOLIDAY”, you will receive a FREE Coca-Cola Plush Polar Bear! This offer is valid while supplies last and is open to residents of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, and Kentucky. Limit 1 per MCR customer. Offer begins 11/1/12 and expires 1/14/13.

  367. Found another code word “bear” > > Thank you for participating! When you purchase two (2) 20-packs or 24-packs of any product of The Coca-Cola Company and enter the two codes with the viral code “BEAR”, you will receive a FREE Coca-Cola Plush Polar Bear! This offer is valid while supplies last and is open to residents of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, and Kentucky. Limit 1 per MCR customer. Offer begins 11/1/12 and expires 1/14/13.

  368. Just redeemend 100 points for the $20 off Wanna Get Away fares at Southwest. Found out that it is $20 off per guest, up to 8 guests, bonus :-). Just saved myself $60 off the three tickets.

  369. Hopefully everyone rung in the New Year Safely. The one thing I like about a New Year is you get a reset on the weekly point limit.

  370. Hello,

    For anyone who ordered the $25 Walmart gift card during the 12 days of Christmas on Mycokerewards, did anyone recieve the gift card yet?

  371. Yes I received everything that I ordered during the 12 days of christmas


    For anyone who ordered the $25 Walmart gift card during the 12 days of Christmas on Mycokerewards, did anyone recieve the gift card yet?

  372. Non cokerewards related, but ifanyone shops on the NFL site they’re free to have this code.

    Please enjoy your coupon good for $10 off a purchase of $80 or more from the “Chunkyâ„¢ Filled Up Right Sweepstakes & Instant Win Game”.

    Now you can be game day ready thanks to Campbell’s ® Chunkyâ„¢soup!

    Promotional Code: vnPxiyQ79BKe

    COUPON EXPIRES 1/15/13

  373. Double points on Coke Zero fridge packs and 2 entries on their new board game for the next 16 days!

  374. Hello Good People. I am just popping in to say hello. For those of you who do not know me, I am an old hand at this but was forced to semi-retire from donating codes due to health reasons. I must admit to feeling better even though I spent a week in the hospital over the New Year period, and another week as out-patient right after. Regardless of this, I hope to be giving codes soon, but probably not with my previous enthusiasm. I hope the holidays were good to everyone and there were no safety issues. Good day to you all.

  375. Three point codes.
    All for now, catch you later.

  376. Welcome back Darrell, you were missed. I am not talking about missing your contributions as much as missing you as one of the regulars on this site.
    I got your codes 3-10 in post #607 and I thank you for that. I left the first three so someone else can get them.

  377. Welcome back! Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better! I got codes 1-3. Thank you!
    (And thanks for leaving them Shari!) 🙂

  378. Thanks for the warm reception from some of the regulars here.
    01. FXLP6K5M5PH9W4
    03. HRFM967NLJMBP7
    04. 7JVVFWJXW7V9FB
    05. FRW40J4N5RWX9L

  379. 06. TH4LNB5FWMR6KW
    07. R5BVJTTH6PJ4X6
    08. 07FF079TJHVJ05
    09. THTFB6047HKMKR
    10. R6HBFHV00NBL5M
    11. NTR7WNXW74FLV4
    12. HT554MR5KKVPKT
    13. TNHTT9PR609577
    14. 464LMLROR65JT5
    15. BHP44WN5VOBL6N
    16. 5WR00RRNOXXXON
    17. HN40VML4N9V760
    20. HHOHL4KTLF5LN7
    To keep the caps I receive from building up to the point of overwhelming me, I gave away two boxes containing approximately 800 each to a charitable person, who operates several accounts for the needy. I am amazed by how determined she is in seeing that these families and children get the much needed extra help. You go girl.

  380. Darrell, glad to see that you are back and feeling better.

    I just redeemed codes from 612 and 613, thank you very much.

    02. NX6V47JX47VBOB
    03. 6WJVK77X66077L
    05. FWF9BFPMJF5T7P
    07. 9T4NJMHPP94PRR
    08. V7XBOLH96P5VJB
    10. T5XTV49XPBL4FK
    11. 00FLO4JF94BKBJ
    12. VTT57KJB9XMWKF
    14. 09R479HB6X7P96
    Good night everyone. Be safe in all you do.

  382. Thanks Crimson, and everyone else who has welcomed my return. I have been dealt one health issue after another, but there is still plenty of fight left in me. Bring it on.
    01. 455FLWRPV50V49
    02. PPLFJFWR4J9W7H
    03. 9JBBOMX6L4B7RF
    04. 9JVP4WTL9M9VKV
    06. BF5FWT4N05PWHJ
    07. 4XBOBWM64TBHJX
    11. FVVR5M4FMMN5P7
    13. 5FL7FHPWP9L4P9
    14. 7MRXOMV6P5NVJT
    15. JNP4MTLWP47PFW
    It was good to return and see VVhitekid2 was maintaining the site with his usual quality. To have done so for such a long period at no benefit to himself is quite a daunting task, and I applaud his efforts. He is solely responsible for the gifting of codes beyond measure. I thank you.

  383. Darrell, thank you for your kind words. But in the interest of transparency, this phrase: “at no benefit to himself” is not 100% accurate. I do make money on the advertising on the site, but it is just enough to break even with the hosting costs.

    I also have made some good friends over the last 8 years, which is another great benefit! 🙂

  384. You are quite welcome vvhitekid2. I too have made met many people with whom friendships have developed. A special one in particular is Cyn, one of the most charitable people I know. She is constantly involved in church activities, as well as the education of children with special needs. She lost her mother recently, and yesterday lost her canine companion of many years. Her heart is broken, and a prayer would help greatly right now. All of you be safe out there, and aware of your surroundings. It is not a lackadaisial world anymore.
    01. 4BVF5VOL5LOKW5
    03. 5XWXL7L6RNBLBO
    04. R05P4F4X54WJT4
    05. RVXMFRL6F6P99J
    06. BR5RFH9HPKT5XK
    07. H4MXLMWTOJB757
    09. V4RKB4FF9XXTKP
    10. PNV56VT9TMN76H
    11. F46NVR5JPJPW09
    12. TRX5FL9PTXBJ5B
    14. PMTXOTFVP657BK
    15. HMOBPMR760XMWL
    Out of here.

  385. Seems no one wants to claim using the codes donated. Some things never change, and I suppose they never will.

  386. @ Darrell Yeah, wish they would, because it gets your hopes up when you put in the first code only to find out that it’s already been used. But I appreciate You taking the time to type in every code that you donate. That’s not easy and for that, I commend you.

  387. darrell
    there are those of us who really appreciate all of your hard work to list all the codes. Haven’t gotten many, but the few I scooped got me free Nike Shoes. Thanks Again

  388. Jonathan:

    @ Darrell Yeah, wish they would, because it gets your hopes up when you put in the first code only to find out that it’s already been used. But I appreciate You taking the time to type in every code that you donate. That’s not easy and for that, I commend you.

    I second that!

  389. Just for clarification, the Subway codes posted in #631 by Zack C. are multi-use codes and can be used by everyone to play the Subway game.
    Thanks for posting them!

  390. Double Point Day Coming Up

    One day only, 2/14, (Valentine’s Day, of course). Earn double the points from any Diet Coke cap. Bottles only.

  391. You can use any silver cap and then pick Diet Coke when it asks you what product it came off of.

  392. Looks like Kangaroo Express promotion is back. Enter “ROO” before entering your code to get double points.

    Thank you for purchasing your Coca-Cola products at Kangaroo Express. Remember, when you purchase one (1) 20 oz. or (1) 24 oz. Coca-Cola product and enter the keyword “Roo” you’ll get double points! Limit 5 sets of double points per member per day. Bonus Points will be credited beginning February 4th, 2013 within 48 hours. Offer valid from 1/14/13 – 2/26/13.

  393. Not a concert person, family not interested, so here is the code I won from the super bowl squares game.
    I believe it is $25
    Live Nation® Concert Cash®
    Code: RNNJ9PHMFM6097

    I’d rather have won pretty much any other prize, figures!

  394. Would this work on PowerAde caps?


    Looks like Kangaroo Express promotion is back. Enter “ROO” before entering your code to get double points.
    Thank you for purchasing your Coca-Cola products at Kangaroo Express. Remember, when you purchase one (1) 20 oz. or (1) 24 oz. Coca-Cola product and enter the keyword “Roo” you’ll get double points! Limit 5 sets of double points per member per day. Bonus Points will be credited beginning February 4th, 2013 within 48 hours. Offer valid from 1/14/13 – 2/26/13.

  395. Only takes a few bad apples:

    ALBANY, Ore. – An Oregon mother and daughter who devised an elaborate scheme to scam Coca-Cola in a bottle cap promotion have been sentenced to probation and must pay back almost $50,000 to the corporation.

    Carrie Jones, 55, and Sarah Jones, 31, were arrested after corporate investigators in 2011 tracked an unusually high number of winnings to a computer IP address in Albany.

  396. You can get free points from Chip the Virtual agent! Open the pop up box where you talk to him then enter ” I cant enter the code”. 3 options come up. CLick on the one that says I’m getting an error. He’ll ask you ” Does the error say that the code has been previously entered?” Say No. Then click “32-pack” and follow the link. You shoul get 25 free points.

    I was only able to get 70 point before I got this message:
    ” Chip was unable to add any more points to your account. Your account history shows that you’ve been credited the annual maximum number of replacement codes. If further assistance is needed, please call our Customer Care center between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday, at 866-674-2653.”

    Oh well 70 free points!

  397. My Mom showed me that article yesterday. It made me kinda cringe to see how far some one can go to make a few extra dollars. t


    Only takes a few bad apples:
    ALBANY, Ore. – An Oregon mother and daughter who devised an elaborate scheme to scam Coca-Cola in a bottle cap promotion have been sentenced to probation and must pay back almost $50,000 to the corporation.
    Carrie Jones, 55, and Sarah Jones, 31, were arrested after corporate investigators in 2011 tracked an unusually high number of winnings to a computer IP address in Albany.

  398. This is awesome lol! 😀 Thanks for sharing


    You can get free points from Chip the Virtual agent! Open the pop up box where you talk to him then enter ” I cant enter the code”. 3 options come up. CLick on the one that says I’m getting an error. He’ll ask you ” Does the error say that the code has been previously entered?” Say No. Then click “32-pack” and follow the link. You shoul get 25 free points.
    I was only able to get 70 point before I got this message:
    ” Chip was unable to add any more points to your account. Your account history shows that you’ve been credited the annual maximum number of replacement codes. If further assistance is needed, please call our Customer Care center between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday, at 866-674-2653.”
    Oh well 70 free points!

  399. Thanks for the great info Jake, I was able to get 68 free points.

    Jake, looks like the Roo promotion is over, not sure if PowerAde caps worked. They don’t post the points immeditely but I checked today and I can see Kangaroo Express Bonus points being added

  400. Under new rewards, can someone explain this to me?

    Free DASANI® Drops coupon Full Details

    Deduct 215 Points from my balance.

    Not sure how something can be free but they will deduct 215 points.

  401. @MikeMac The coupon gives you free Dasini drops but it costs 215 points. So the coupons not free but the product you get with it is.

  402. The coupon is for 1 free Dasani Drops, but it cost 215 Coke points to get the coupon.

  403. Mike, the Dasani Drops will be free when they deduct 215 points. You will get a coupon that gets you the product for free. The Pink Lemonade isn’t bad but Mio has come out with a new flavor called, Arctic Grape. The Arctic Grape is now my favorite Mio Water Enhancer. It tastes just like Grape Gatorade.

  404. 10 bonus points for each:

    Please continue to keep our good friend, Darrell, in your prayers.

  405. Text Mello Yello caps to 75575. They are giving away movie tix. Two plays per day. GLTA!

  406. YAy! I won 7 free 20oz cokes in the Coke Zero Bracket Challenge! I don’t know what i’ll do with them since I NEVER drink Coke Zero!

  407. FYI:I think all the teams in the Coke Zero Bracket challenge have been distributed.

    PowerAde Caps:


  408. thanks Jake – – appreciate your sharing
    #672 RBM saving for a school donation,
    just waiting, hoping, they will have a “matching points” or a “double points” before the end of the school year

  409. 3/31/13: Terrific site! Stumbled here while looking to donate Dr. Pepper EA capcode. Happily posted code on sister site (post#314). Wished i’d found this site 1yr ago when became active on MCR after learning about bonus points – & now cringing about missed opportunity bonus words (“worldrecord”, “gift” {#585}, etc.). Willing to contribute effective immediately: Starting tomorrow 4/1/13 on MCR’s ‘Coke Zero Bracket Challenge’ Game/Sweeps (separate login via: “Offers & Promo’s tab; “all limited time promos” link; “enjoy more madness””get the details”) – they are offering free AMOE [w/o having to use Coke codes] for this contest for 10 days (thru 4/10) & up to 5 entries per day.

  410. @ GM- All the teams have been distributed.

    +10 bonus points with every regular coca-cola cap!

    Enter a COKE code (afaik, red and white caps only) and a UPC of select Mission Product and get a 10 point bonus and free entry into instant win game.

    13oz Tortilla Chip Strips 073731081006
    13oz Tortilla Chip triangles 073731082027
    13oz Tortilla Chip Rounds 07373108304

    5x/day until May 6th (hopefully!)

    I’m not sure exactly how this works.

  411. Thx
    Participating Coke (prob n/diet, zero, etc) prod’s incl can fridge pks:
    Coca-Cola® 16 oz Bottle
    Coca-Cola® 20 oz Bottle
    Coca-Cola® 1.25 Liter Bottle
    Coca-Cola® 2 Liter Bottle
    Coca-Cola® 12 oz 12 Pack Cans
    Coca-Cola® 12 oz 20 Pack Cans
    Coca-Cola® 12 oz 24 Pack Cans
    Coca-Cola® 12 oz 32 Pack Cans

  412. thanks Jake for sharing the tortilla chip codes – –
    could only get the triangles one to work.
    can you get more than one a day? you say 5, true?
    only had one red cap – – black and green DON’T work

  413. Does anyone know if they plan on getting more NCAA shirts for the Enjoy More Madness promo that ended on April 10? It says in the rules that you can redeem your credits until May 10th but they have been out of stock for a couple weeks. When I e-mailed them, they sent an automated response that says that the promo items are subject to availability.

  414. $.99 Coke coupon on any 14 16 or 20 oz. Fill out the form and the coupon link will come by email in about 30 minutes. You can print it twice.
    If you can’t think of an AHHH idea you can just type I don’t have one and still get your coupon.

  415. Found this on another website while I was surfing the web. 2013 Coke Twist Text program, beginning April 29, 2013!

  416. ONE DAY ONLY (Sun. 5/5) – Double bonus (+10) pts awarded every fridge pk code entered this day. Unlimited ALL-BRAND 12-pk codes allowed up to 120pt wkly max. This is a better deal than ongoing Cinco de Mayo Deal (addl input of Mission chips upc) with the exception of entering 3pt COKE ONLY bottle caps or COKE ONLY 8-pk code. Excerpt from MCR site below:

    Cinco de Mayo Bonus Points

    Offer Overview:
    Earn Double Points on all brand Coca-Cola fridge pack (12-pk) codes during promotional timeframe.

    Eligible Products:
    All brand Coca-Cola fridge packs (12-pks)

    When Points will be Awarded:
    Accounts will be credited instantly after code entry.

    Additional Information:
    There is no limit to # of times a member can earn the offer during the promotional timeframe. Weekly code limits apply to base points only. Bonus Points awarded do not count toward weekly code limits.

  417. Cinco de Mayo Bonus Points

    May 5th
    Earn Double Points on all brand Coca-Cola fridge pack (12-pk) codes during promotional timeframe.

    Eligible Products:
    All brand Coca-Cola fridge packs (12-pks)

  418. Cinco de Mayo Bonus Points


    Offer Overview:
    Earn Double Points on all brand Coca-Cola fridge pack (12-pk) codes during promotional timeframe.

    Eligible Products:
    All brand Coca-Cola fridge packs (12-pks)

    When Points will be Awarded:
    Accounts will be credited instantly after code entry.

    Additional Information:
    There is no limit to # of times a member can earn the offer during the promotional timeframe. Weekly code limits apply to base points only. Bonus Points awarded do not count toward weekly code limits.

  419. 10 BONUS POINTS for Signing Up for Dunkin’ UpDDate Email Program.

    5/1/2013 – 5/31/2013

    Offer Overview:
    The first 25,000 people to sign up to receive exclusive news and offers from Dunkin’ Donuts will receive 10 My Coke Rewards Bonus Points. Go to:

    to sign up ***AND***

    be sure to enter promotion code “MCR” in the promotion code field in order to receive your Bonus Points.

    After signing up, Dunkin’ Donuts will notify MCR of your enrollment and your Bonus Points will automatically be credited to your MCR account. Please allow at least seven to fourteen days for your Bonus Points to appear in your account.

  420. 3 BONUS POINTS for making a tweet. Be sure to be logged into MCR at time of tweet. First tweet only – one time deal.

  421. i the the txt twist and win, and they text me back saying the program was over. I saw that same ad for april 29th 2013. what gives?

  422. hooksfan:

    Found this on another website while I was surfing the web. 2013 Coke Twist Text program, beginning April 29, 2013!

    Has anyone been successful in this years twist text win. it keeps texting me back that the program has ended.

  423. 10 Bonus Points for Signing Up for Dunkin’ UpDDate Email Program
    5/1/2013 – 5/31/2013

    Offer Overview:
    The first 25,000 people to sign up to receive exclusive news and offers from Dunkin’ Donuts will receive 10 My Coke Rewards Bonus Points. Go to to sign up and be sure to enter promotion code “MCR” in the promotion code field in order to receive your Bonus Points. After signing up, Dunkin’ Donuts will notify MCR of your enrollment and your Bonus Points will automatically be credited to your MCR account. Please allow at least seven to fourteen days for your Bonus Points to appear in your account.

    Eligible Products:
    This program is not associated with a product purchase.

    Eligible Members:
    All MCR members are eligible for this promotion.

    When Points will be Awarded:
    Please allow at least seven to fourteen days for the 10 Bonus Points to be awarded to your MCR account. A member must be enrolled in the Dunkin’ UpDDate email program for at least seven days to receive the MCR Bonus Points

    Additional Information:
    You must enter promotion code “MCR” into the promotion code field when signing up for Dunkin’ UpDDates in order to receive your Bonus Points. Limit of one set of Bonus Points per member for this promotion.

    Weekly code limits apply to base points only. Bonus Points awarded do not count toward weekly code limits.

  424. Sorry if this is too late:
    If you enter the Mission Chips UPC code after you enter the Coke 12 pack you can get triple points.

  425. 1) Anyone take advantage of the 50 (10 pts ea) bonus points still available May 6 for the first Cinco de Mayo promo (Mission Chips upc) offered? Since weekly base points earned are zeroed out Mondays, this was a no-brainer even though appeared promo was over.

    2) Official Rules re Cinco de Mayo Bonus Points (excerpt from above)

    Offer Overview:
    Earn Double Points on all brand Coca-Cola fridge pack (12-pk) codes during promotional timeframe.

    Eligible Products:
    All brand Coca-Cola fridge packs (12-pks)

    EXCERPT from MCR response to 5/5 only CdM promo (not the Mission Chip upc CdM promo)

    We’re sorry for any confusion regarding the Cinco de May Bonus Point program. Bonus points were awarded for Coca-Cola fridge packs (12-packs) only. Pin codes from other Coca-Cola brands were not eligible for this offer.

    If you submitted pin codes from Coca-Cola (red) 12-packs on Sunday, May 5th and did not receive bonus points please reply to this email and we’ll further research your concern.

    What is meant by “ALL BRAND” Coke … ? â—„This is from Coke’s official rules printed 3 different times on this forum. The official rules do not specify “RED” only codes as specified in MCR’s response letter to me. On the Mission UPC deal, it was very specific & i posted the qualifying products also in this forum. Shouldn’t/Doesn’t “All Brand” mean every variety of Coke – as long as it’s a fridge pack in this promo? I input 12-pk Cherry Coke – it worked for some reason (+10 bonus points); I input 12-pk Diet Cherry Coke, Diet Coke, Fanta & Sprite and none gave the bonus pts.

    Was anyone else affected on the 5/5 only promo? Is my interpretation of “All Brand” valid? If this happened to anyone else please call/write MCR (via “Chip” will provide form to file to Coke) as I am going to pursue this further and if others complain than the battle is half won. Thanks!

  426. Hi All
    There is a new promotion. All you have to do is enter a UPC code from any Coppertone product and then a coke code. Not sure if all forms of coke work I only used the codes from the fridge packs. You can use the same Coppertone code unlimited times with different coke codes. Here are some UPC’s
    Good luck everyone!!!!

  427. double points on fridge packs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for entering your Coppertone ® UPC code – Now get Double Bonus Points and an entry into the Great American Summer Vacation Sweepstakes, just for entering a Coke ® Brand 12 Pack PIN code today! Details : We ‘re currently offering Double Bonus Points and a Bonus entry into the Great American Summer Vacation Sweepstakes when you enter a PIN code from a participating Coke Brand 12 Pack and eligible Coppertone UPC code. Offer starts 5/6/13 and ends 6/30/13. Be sure to check out to see all participating Coppertone products. Limit 10 Sweepstakes entries per day during the promotion period regardless of method of entry. For each mail-in entry, you will receive 5 entries into the Sweepstakes.

    UPC 041100008879. Entered a Coke Zero flap. Points Double Sweepstakes Entered.

    Also 6 new Summer Catalogue go to and enter
    RWETHEREYET (Travel)
    IMOUTTAHERE (Outdoor)
    SUMMERFUN (Sports)
    SOMUCH2DO (Entertainment)

  428. Re my previous post #693

    Wasn’t working until 2day & don’t believe u need to have a Twitter account to get 3 bonus pts. Give it a shot.

    *NOTE* Larry Bird = Blue/White colored Twitter bird pic

    While logged into MCR:
    Try this direct link first & skip to #4 below; Otherwise follow #1-4:

    1. Click “Offers and Promotions” tab;
    2. Click red-colored â–º”see all” link under middle column topic “Get Extra Points”;
    3. Click on *Larry Bird OR click on “Learn more” under same pic;
    4. Click on *Larry Bird that states “Tweet and earn 3 Bonus Points” located in the bottom right corner of the big LeBron James pic.

    Did u get ur 3pts even w/o Twitter?

  429. Wednesday Deal (5/8 only)

    Input 4 red cap codes & receive 20 bonus points. One time only deal.

  430. thanks Zach, GM, and Sherry for the help with all the pointers for bonus points

  431. re Sherry Post#702

    Also 6 new Summer Catalogue go to and enter
    RWETHEREYET (Travel)
    IMOUTTAHERE (Outdoor)
    SUMMERFUN (Sports)
    SOMUCH2DO (Entertainment)

    GM: The codes above worked as stated; however the last code “SOMUCH2DO” after entering, gives a Coke response “You Got 0 My Coke Rewards Points (enter another code)”.

    Can’t help but wonder if there is something more to this code. Is it a bonus code to give add’l bonus points? Is it related to Coppertone? I somehow think using this code with another code will open up either some prize or bonus points. Inputting “SOMUCH2DO” along with upc from Post#700 did nothing. Can someone shed some light onto this? Maybe entering “SOMUCH2DO” with any MCR code or fridge pack will do something? As usual, thanks for your input and replies.

  432. Here’s 2 more Walmart codes that can be used 3 time per month for a total of 90 bp
    UPC: 0068113191775 (chicken)
    UPC: 0068113171534 (Marketside 16″ Five Cheese Pizza)

  433. It seems all caps except Minute Maid juice and Power Aid work for above promotion
    UPC: 0020279200000 (sandwich) is the last code for
    30 more points. You only need to enter one cap and each of the codes 3 times for a total of 93 points!
    0068113171535 and 0068113171534 are both for pizza so only one will work doesn’t matter which one you use. Don’t forget you can do this every month through November which will 630 bonus points

  434. Here is the code for the sandwich you can use for the Walmart Promo on MCR:

    UPC: 0020279200000 (sandwich)

    If you have already entered the pizza and/or chicken code, you will have to enter one more cap. Then you can enter the UPC Code above 3 times in a row and get the 30 bonus points off of just one cap. I wish all the bonus promos were this easy.

  435. Thanks for all info posted on extra points. got 93 points with 1 cap on 1 account & had to use 3 caps on the other one. does anyone know if it is just coke only to get double points on the coppertone double points. I used a coke zero 12 pack & it didnt double. thanks in advance. Nitros dad

    •Dates: 5/27-5/31

    •Offer Overview:
    Earn Double Points on all Diet Coke Fridge Packs (12-pks) during promotional timeframe.

    •Eligible Products:
    All Diet Coke Fridge Packs (12-pks)

    •When Points will be Awarded:
    Accounts will be credited instantly after code entry.

    •Additional Information:
    There is no limit to # of times a member can earn the offer during promotional timeframe. Weekly code limits apply to base points only. Bonus Points awarded do not count toward weekly code limits.

  437. Re: nitrosdad (#715)

    Did you input an eligible coppertone product upc the same day? You didn’t specify in your post.

    If you view post #702 (Sherry) you’ll see she was given the double point bonus for a coke zero code.

    Eligible 12-pks for the Coppertone double bonus point promo are:
    1. Coca-Cola
    2. Cherry Coca-Cola
    3. Vanilla Coca-Cola
    4. Coca-Cola Zero
    5. Cherry Coca-Cola Zero
    6. Vanilla Coca-Cola Zero
    7. *Caffeine Free Coca-Cola (*s/b – i think)

  438. I entered 4 codes today for the Coppertone promo and used the UPC Code: 041100008879. I don’t know if there was some kind of glitch but when I clicked my points summary, I noticed I received a total of 80 bonus points and 40 points for a total of 120 points for just 4 codes. I don’t know if there is a trick but all I did was enter the same UPC Code each time before I entered the fridge pack code and got credited for 10 bonus points twice on each code. Has anyone else got triple points on this promo?

  439. Just a heads up. At 6:30 this morning eastern time I won the movies 4 a year deal so don’t waste your spin on this today because it is 1 winner per day. Hope you post & see this in time. Thanks to GM for info, the extra points posted 2 days later. 5/25/13

  440. Congrats! nitrosdad. I’m trying to win a McD giftcard between the hours of 1:15a.m. – 3:00a.m. PST.

  441. Does anyone know what the deal is with the Walmart promo? I thought you could enter the promo codes monthly but it did not work today. I wonder if you have to wait 30 days from when you last entered the codes. I will be disappointed if the fact that I entered all 90 points last month means I can not earn any more points for the remainder of this promo. Any answers on this would be much appreciated. Thanks.

  442. Thanks for the info, Crimson. I’ll keep an eye on it. That is kind of strange since last month, the points posted instantly.

  443. June Powerade® Bonus Points


    Offer Overview:
    Earn Double Points on all POWERADE® codes during promotional timeframe.

    Eligible Products:
    All POWERADE® and POWERADE ZERO® products

  444. Double Points on all POWERADE® and POWERADE ZERO® codes 6/10-6/14

    Accounts will be credited instantly after code entry.

    There is no limit to # of times a member can earn the offer during promotional timeframe. Weekly code limits apply to base points only. Bonus Points awarded do not count toward weekly code limits.

  445. I contacted MyCokeRewards about the WalMart bonus pts. I got an email today asking for which UPC codes I used in order for them to help me. I sent it back and now await an answer.

  446. Thanks for taking the initiative Laurie. I am looking forward to their response because my gut feeling is that the maximum bonus for this promo is 90 points. I just don’t understand what is so difficult about listing accurate informative details in the official rules of these promotions. For example, the current promo for Coppertone that nobody knows exactly which brands are valid. I’ve seen countless contradictions on which brands of regular Coke actually give double points. Why does one of the largest companies in the world have such inadequate marketing for these promotions? All they have to do is just be a little more detailed and they would save a fortune on all of the customer service personnel required to answer all of these questions. Oh wait… They don’t hire extra people to answer these questions, they just send automated responses that leave us even more confused.

  447. J.D. I think part of the confussion with the Coppertone bonus is that it’s not a specific brand that works, but it’s supposed to be specially marked 12-packs… I think with a wave on the packaging that get the bonus points.
    I do remember them doing this at least once before, with special heart health diet coke 12-packs being the only ones that got doubled.

  448. More on my previous post…

    “Enter the MCR code from inside a Coca-Cola WAVES 12-pack by clicking the “Enter Codes” button above.”

    There is a picture of this “waves” 12-pack on the MCR site. It has a beach umbrella on it and I guess along the bottom it is supposed to look like a wave.

  449. They gave me an answer, but it doesn’t clarify anything. Someone noted that your should wait one month from when you entered the May codes… not sure .

  450. Powerade codes:

    1. 6WNFRNT06JHWJ6
    2. 7944FLLHVTMXJR
    4. 9N7RKH7HPXK0FN
    5. 6WJ4NJ04BTMF5P
    7. 996FKNPX665XBP
    8. 4V9KTK977KHBR0
    10. TKRFH0RVFXW446

  451. I agree Shari that the best way to be sure you get the double point bonus is to use the wave packaging with the current promo. MCR probably does not give out specifics because then everyone would realize that any regular coke 12-pk will work. I’ve entered a bunch of them without the “wave” and they all worked. My confusion is with some of the other brands like Coke Zero that some have said do work and others said they do not. I think GM’s post #715 was the most accurate description of what products work on the promo. It is frustrating that MCR could get rid of all the guessing by just including this in the Official Rules.

  452. my lucky day. Second time ever getting codes from here. I used codes 6 – 10 in 732 posting. Thanks so much Robert. U rock.

  453. imho I am correct on GM post# 717 (w/unsure exception #7 noted w/ an *) re coppertone 2x pt values. I learned this the hard way (see my GM post# 699). My loss is ur gain as I burned thru my 12-pk codes for nothing. Their rules state “coke brand” which does NOT include “diet” products. Coke Zero is not a “Diet Coke” product.

    As to the Walmart meals I’ve been waiting 2wks for my bonus promo pts [May] & 1wk for my June bonus. Instincts from legal training tell me that the “chicken meal” bonus has finally caught up w/us – ie getting 90 bonus pts from 1 capcode has been detected by MCR/Coke – comparable to how they eventually know someone uses multiple e-mail addys to cheat the system (reason it takes weeks to verify winners of contests). Coke probably noticed an influx of “chicken meal” bonus pt redeemers – but pretty certain MCR will continue w/promo.

    Otherwise: Ordered Coppertone towel [Summer Coke site] – rec’d in 5 days = 29½” x 60″ = too small for “beach” size advertised & very cheap looking & feel. Couldn’t weigh more than 8 ozs = 100% cotton & weird texture – won’t last long.

    Won $5 Subway gc, MCR instant win- 6/9;
    Won $10 McDonalds gc, MCR instant win- 6/10.

  454. Re Post# 734 above I meant “sandwich” UPC# 0020279200000 was probably overused.

    Redeem 50 MCR pts & receive mailed coupon for 1 free ¼ pounder hamburger from McDonalds.

  455. 2 things of note:

    (1) 40 MCR BONUS PTS WHEN YOU JOIN RED ROBIN ROYALTYâ„¢. (in MCR: Click “Offers & Promotions” Tab)

    *NOTE* If signing up need to list accurate ph# & e-mail because you’ll receive e-mail response from RR w/pincode — then you need to confirm RR sign-up by receiving a robotic phone call & inputting the pincode. – Several hoops but it’s easy, you’ll get 40 bonus pts @ some unkn time (like Dunkin donuts), then after receiving 40 bonus pts u can close the acct (like I did with DD).

    (2) Important info re Walmart meal promo (90 bonus pts/per month thru 11/30). This is exact response from Coke re [me] not receiving bonus pts OR even me not receiving 90 bonus pts for MAY. So is this reply valid for JUNE & hereafter? Probably. :


    Thanks for getting back to us. We’re happy to help.

    There are three bundles for this that a member can buy: Coke 2L + Walmart pizza, Coke 2L + Walmart chicken, and Coke 20oz + Walmart sandwich bundle.

    Our records indicate you had already received the maximum amount of points in May for the Coke 20oz + Walmart sandwich bundle.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us again.


    My interpretation: Must use capcode & Sandwich UPC (= 30 bonus pts); separate/different capcode & Pizza UPC (= 30 bonus pts); and separate/different capcode & Chicken UPC (= 30 bonus pts) to be able to receive max 90 bonus pts per month.

  456. Sorry… 1 last note that laurie (post# 727) should be able to answer.

    Post# 738: Stated entry of capcode + entry of one UPC 3 consecutive times will give u 30 bonus pts.

    THIS POST: Now wondering if Post# 738 incorrect due to 1 capcode = 1 UPC code = 10 bonus pts.? ie. wondering if it takes 9 different capcodes to get the 90 bonus points. I already know that you have to use at least 3 different UPC’s. LAURIE: Did you get 10 bonus points or 30 bps for JUNE re Post# 727?

  457. I have no bonus points from WalMart in June. The email they sent me did not solve anything. I entered the May bonus upc’s on May 15 – – so I am waiting ’til June 15 and see what happens, or try again.

    Not sure why it changed so drastically. In May I entered a pizza, a chicken and a sandwich for each cap, I got a total of 60 points for 3 caps & codes.

  458. I’m also hoping that it is a 30-day wait before you can redeem more bonus points on the Walmart promo. It makes no sense that the first time around the points were instantly credited and that they would somehow change the duration of point redemption credit for the next month. Speaking of waiting on points, does anyone know how long it takes to receive the 40 point reward for signing up with Red Robin? I registered over 24-hours ago and have still not received the e-mail with the 40pt reward.

  459. Only took 3 days to get 40 MCR bonus points from Red Robin promo. Should try to sign up even if don’t have one nearby – you can always unsubscribe afterwards.

  460. Couple of things…

    Does Coke/MCR ever offer bonus pts for codes from:
    32pk (12oz can) Coke (plastic/shrink wrap) or
    24pk (.5 ltr bottle) Dasani water or
    24pk+ or larger any Coke brand?

    For months been sitting on handful of codes from these sizes but never see a promo offering bonuses — Promos always seem to be only for poweraid, capcodes or fridgepacks. Anyone following closely enough for a couple of years to advise us?

    Wish to donate couple NON-Coke codes to whomever grabs first but unsure where they belong:

    1) Big black-colored cap the exact size of a Poweraid or MinuteMade bottle. Big words on cap stating “win concert tix” with smaller writing going 360 degrees around cap saying “you could win Live Nation … friends every day!” It is a 12-digit code:

    (unkn if “zero” or “letter O” & unkn website & exp date)

    2) standard size white-colored capcode stating “GO TO” with website I cannot fully read because found on ground: GO TO http://www.icom_ _ _ _ _ ? – with a partially legible phone# to call: 1-866-XXX-3653 ENDS 8/10/13. 10-digit code:


  461. Codes RBM in #743. Thanks a ton GM! Those Vitamin Water Text4tix codes are cool because even though you only get entered into a sweepstakes, you get a 75cent coupon sent to your e-mail for Vitamin Water every time you enter a ccde. The Pepsi Iconic Summer Promo also has some great prizes and I’ve unlocked a few. The pnly bad thing is most of the prizes are already out of stock, so hopefully they will get more.

  462. BTW, I’ve also been holding on to a bunch of 20-pk MCR codes and I’ve never seen a promo for anything larger than a 12-pk.

  463. Just a reminder to everyone and those who might be new to MCR. Make sure you are entering the instant win games on MCR every day.
    You can do this through AMOE (Alternate Method of Entry) without using any points. Go to the rules and scroll down to AMOE (usually in section 5.c.) and click here to get a totally free entry.
    I’ve been really lucky this month… I won the Six Flags season passes, the Cedar Fair Park tickets, the $5 Subway card and today the iPad mini. I also won the Cedar Fair tickets last month. If you can’t use something, like the tickets, it’s pretty easy to sell them on eBay or wherever. (and yes, this is from only using one account)

  464. Shari, congrats on your wins!! Around what time are you usually playing when you win?

  465. Thanks Zack… I’ve played and won at all different times.
    I went back and checked my e-mails…
    Cedar Fair Parks last month 3:40 am this month 2:02 pm
    Six Flags 12:06 am
    Subway card 4:06 pm
    iPad mini 10:06 am
    These times are EST.
    Good luck to everyone.

  466. Dang Shari – nice winning streak u got going!

    re the Walmart Essential Meal Promo on MCR – it is working again. After multiple e-mails, trial & error & 1 phone call, here are the current rules:

    one new capcode + one meal UPC = 13 total pts (3pts for capcode + 10 bonus pts)

    I entered capcode and entered a pizza UPC 3 consecutive times. Result: Only received 10 bonus points. The next time:

    I entered capcode and entered sandwich UPC, pizza UPC & Chicken UPC. Result: Only rec’d 10 bonus pts for the SANDWICH UPC (and not the others) ONLY because it was the first UPC entered after capcode.

    So unless J.D. or someone else can come up with another trick…

    Summation: It takes 9 individual capcodes to get the 90 bonus pts available per month. No more than 30 bonus pts total per month will be accepted per individual meal category. Thus can use maximum 3 different capcodes on Chicken UPC, max 3 different capcodes on Pizza UPC, and max 3 different capcodes on Sandwich UPC – per month. I don’t have the guts to try to redeem more than one capcode/meal UPC per day.

    The 10 bonus points were credited to my account within 24-36 hrs. I suggest keeping a monthly tally sheet or viewing your account status so you don’t accidently try to claim more than 3 pizza, sandwich or chicken UPC’s per month.

  467. Regarding the Walmart promo, it does seem like you have to enter 1 cap per 10 point bonus. I had to do this on all four of my accounts to receive all the bonus points in about 2 days (it might have been 36 hrs). For some reason I was missing a couple bonuses and so I did some more cap and code combos and got those a couple days later. From now on I guess I’m just going to enter twice as many codes & caps as needed, so I don’t have to check back in a couple days to find some missing. I’ve been using half red & half grey caps since I have the most of those. Last month I only used grey and they all worked on the first try but I noticed on GM’s post #738, MCR mentioned using Coke 2L so I thought I’d try some red ones but it didn’t seem to make any difference. It’s definitely more of a hassle now but it’s worth it to get all those bonus points without having to eat all that Walmart pizza and end up riding through Walmart on one of those scooters myself. 🙂

  468. Today (6/30) last day overall for Coppertone bonus (12-pk) Promo – and today won $10 Chilis gc playing the bonus Instant-Win gameplay from Coppertone. See Post #’s 700 – 733. Also last day for June month portion Walmart Effortless Meal Deal. Got my 90pts (well, actually 100 pts.)

    And J.D. — ROFL from:
    … it’s worth it to get all those bonus points without having to eat all that Walmart pizza and end up riding through Walmart on one of those scooters myself.

    It must be nice having an “endless” supply of codes (and 4 accts to boot) w/o having to deal with MCR’s atrocious Customer Service. I have to deal with them about every 3 wks due to promo screw-ups. Talking to them live or by e-mail is still like dealing with “Chip”.

  469. LOL GM. I think that Chip is actually his last name and his first name is Cow. After all, that is what that guy is usually shoveling. BTW, thanks for posting that Qtr Pounder Deal on Post #752. I saw it a couple hours after it posted and they were out of stock but appreciate the heads-up. It’s probably better that I didn’t get any more since I already have 8 of those and might have to get a side-car for my scooter if I ate a dozen of those QP’s.

  470. Good news. I just realized that I had extra points in my MCR accounts because the extra codes I typed in for the Walmart promo last month rolled over to July. That was a nice surprise. I’m going to go ahead and enter a bunch of extra Walmart codes again and see if it rolls over for next month and maybe even the month after that.

  471. J.D.: Did u claim the 2 codes on #749?

    2 new promos + 1 starting soon:

    (1) Dbl. Pts. on Minute Maid®.
    On all Minute Maid® Juices To Go® now through 8/31.

    (2) Coming soon: Past two summers that I know of, MCR has offered 3 bonus pts per week for taking a quiz about Thomas Jefferson/Monticello. I noticed their annual Sweepstakes offering a trip to see Monticello already so I know the bonus pt quizzes are soon to follow. I saved last years link as a reference in case MCR uses the same one again – which works but quiz isn’t activated yet:

    (3) Another tweeting bonus with a special added kicker. Make a special tweet as described in the instructions (sorry, I don’t understand Twitter) within the link below. Within 3 days you will receive a “special” code which not only gives you a one time only 3pt bonus code for tweeting, but this same code gives you DOUBLE BONUS POINTS every time you enter ANY unique COKE ZERO code until the end of the promotion on 7/17. You could rake in some serious points if you do the tweet, get MCR’s special code & have 20-pk or larger Coke Zero codes saved up (J.D.?). And according to my cheatsheet, small-sized black caps can be used as Coke Zero. See below for rules:

  472. Yeah I did snag those Vitamin Water codes in #749. Sorry, I forgot to post it. I don’t do the twitter thing either and prefer to keep things old school. I’d be more likely to use a carrier pigeon than send a tweet.

  473. BEWARE-

    Tried entering Walmart Effortless meal code UPC (from all 3 categories) & this is the message I got after entering:

    Sorry to say, but you’ve enter the maximum amount of Bonus Points this week. Hang on to those, because the Weekly Points Tracker resets Monday at 12 a.m. ET.

    Interesting. (Max bonus points???) My last Effortless UPC entry was June 29, which was a Saturday. Everyone’s points reset on July 1, to which I haven’t entered any points at all this week. I swear, Coke/MCR hates me. Anyway, I didn’t lose any points because I tried the UPC first – which is what i’d recommend u do 1st also. If UPC works for u, then input capcode, then i’d input the UPC code again. Pathetic.

  474. I just entered some of my codes for the week and i was wondering why i received 18pts per 20pk and only 10pts per 24pk? That doesnt seem right to me, didnt the 24pks used to be 20 pts. each? Thanks in advance.

  475. Might wanna hold off on visiting McDonalds for a few. Perfect timing to redeem my (3) ¼pounder gc’s:

    Seen at McD’s:

    It’s Monopoly time again at Mickey D’s!! Starts on July 16th!
    Online Game Prizes:

    (ii) My Coke Rewards® (“MCR”) 40-Points Bundle. Five Hundred Thousand (500,000) prizes available. Each winner will receive forty (40) My Coke Rewards Points (Guam, Saipan and Puerto Rico winners will receive a medium (21 oz.) Coca-Cola beverage from any participating McDonald’s restaurant in lieu of the MCR Points), ARV: $1.79.

    In Store Prizes:

    (ii) My Coke Rewards® (“MCR”) 40-Points Bundle. Four Million (4,000,000) prizes available. Each winner will receive forty (40) My Coke Rewards Points (Guam, Saipan and Puerto Rico winners will receive a medium (21 oz.) Coca-Cola beverage from any participating McDonald’s restaurant in lieu of the MCR Points), ARV: $1.79. The approximate odds of winning a prize are 1 in 151.

  476. 2 things:

    1. Thanks GM for the info about the tweeting bonus. I actually figured out how to use twitter since my kids don’t ever sign out of anything and I used two of their twitter accounts to score over 250 bonus points. (I didn’t even know they had twitter accounts. LOL). I consider that a belated Father’s Day gift. BTW, if any parents are reading this, you have to spy on your kid’s internet usage because: A: They are completely naive as to how public their internet activity is and B: There are a ton of freaks out there and you never know what you might find.

    2. After watching Grown-Ups 2 and hating myself for thinking it could not have been worse than the first one… I decided to give the Mello Yello promo a try and get some e-movie cash to make up for all the $ I just wasted. I have a bunch of green caps and all green (and I think black caps) work since they are both found on Mello Yello. Anyway, it only took me 2 days and 7 cap codes to reach the maximum of 5 movie tickets per household. I was astounded at how easy this was and I won 5 out of 7 entries (probably because I entered them in the middle of the night and the promo guarantees a winner every 15 min). I thought I could win 5 tix on each of my 4 accounts but they are not messing around. That site knew my phone numbers for each account even though they were not listed on 3 of my MCR accounts. It makes me wonder if the gov’t is going to add MCR to the list of companies (like Verizon) that they are spying on. However, I’m glad I tried this promo that ends July 31 because those tickets are worth up to $12 each & don’t expire until Jan 2014.

    BTW, if anyone is on Listia and interested, I have auctions for 22 Free Coke Zero Coupons and 4 Free Quarter Pounder Coupons that end between 7/18 and 7/21. The Qtr Pounders expire 7/30 and the Coke Zero expires 8/30. My user name is klouis145. Also, I mention on my auctions about the Walgreens promo: If you are a member of the Balance Rewards program at Walgreens, you can receive 500 points per bottle if you buy 2. This offer is good until July 27th.
    I recently cashed in eight of the free coupons and received 4000 points which equals $2.00 off my next shopping trip at Walgreens which prints out at the register. I also found out that you can purchase Cherry Coke Zero as well as the regular Coke Zero with the coupon and some Walgreens stores have let me get any Coke product because I asked them if they can try it and it has worked at the register so they didn’t care. The only thing you have to watch out for if you cash in a bunch of these at once and some dumb kid cashier reads the fine print that says one coupon per purchase and says you can only get one. That means you can’t use the same coupon on more than one item (duh) but you can use one coupon per item.

  477. Add’l codes to enter the McDonalds Monopoly sweeps. I’m pretty certain that the two codes above (Jake #761) & the ones i’m about to give are only valid for the Sweeps portion of contest. Thus, don’t think valid for instant wins, only Grand Prize(s):


  478. The code word ” roo ” is back again this summer, enter it in your mycokerewards account and it gets double points on your caps. Enter it to see the rules, lasts for awhile.

  479. Thxs @ #764

    1. Does “roo” work on large caps such as MinuteMaid & Powerade?

    2. Is there max times “roo” can be used per day/week?

    3. When does “roo” expire? Are there official rules or reading material somewhere?

    I will test roo on the Walmart Effortless Meal Promo.

  480. Ditto on thanks to #764. I’ve never heard of this one but it looks great and lasts 6 months!

    I’m pretty sure it only works on regular red Coke caps, there is a limit of 5/day and it lasts until the end of the year. So you can still get a max of 105 bonus points per week if you have 35 of the red caps.

    Here’s what it says when you type in “roo”:

    Thank you for purchasing your Coca-Cola products at Kangaroo Express. Remember, when you purchase one (1) 20 oz. carbonated product of The Coca-Cola Company and enter the keyword “Roo” you’ll get double points! Limit 5 sets of double points per member per day. Bonus Points will be credited beginning July 1st, 2013 within 48 hours. Offer valid from 7/1/13 -12/31/13.

  481. Thank you for purchasing your Coca-Cola products at Kangaroo Express.

    Remember, when you purchase one (1) 20 oz. carbonated product of The Coca-Cola Company and enter the keyword “Roo” you’ll get double points!

    Limit 5 sets of double points per member per day.

    Bonus Points will be credited beginning July 1st, 2013 within 48 hours.

    Offer valid from 7/1/13 -12/31/13.

  482. Thx @ “roo” answers


    I tried “roo” on the Walmart Effortless “Sandwich” promo (which requires 16oz coke cap). I figured with the correct sequence it should still work. IT DID WORK giving me 13 bonus pts for 1 capcode (cap was “green” colored). I’ll check if “roo” also works under Walmart “Pizza” UPC since it requires a 2 ltr coke purchase but should since coke can’t distinquish sizes of bottles (as far as I know).

    Anyway, this is the sequence I used on the SANDWICH promo only (and rec’d 13 bonus pts [instead of 10 bonus pts]):

    1) Input Walmart UPC in code box;
    2) Input “roo” into code box;
    3) Input your capcode into code box;
    4) Play free instant win game offered;
    5) Go back & input same UPC again as #1 above.

    Get 3 points immediately. Get 3 “roo” bonus pts & 10 Effortless (Walmart) bonus pts at later time.

  483. Thanks for the great idea GM in #769! My only question is where is the instant win game in Step 4? I must be missing something because I have never seen it. Maybe it only appears if you haven’t already redeemed your monthly points. I want to win one of those sweet scooters, a box of white tank tops or a years supply of tube tops for my ole lady. 🙂

  484. If you go here and scroll to the bottom there is an AMOE where you can request a code to be emailed to you. Once you do that every time you enter a cap it will pop up (maximum 5 per day) There are 3 instant winners/day in each zone and it’s not available in every state. Check the rules on this page to see what zone you are in and if it’s available to you.

  485. roo bonus resets at 8 PM daily and it is currently working with the double point Minute Maid caps for a total of 9 points per cap.

  486. “Roo” & “Effortless (Walmart)” promo worked for both “Pizza” UPC & “Sandwich” UPC – therefore safe to assume it will work for “Chicken” UPC also? Chicken vs Pizza both require 2ltr purchase for fulfillment. Follow same sequence above (#769). NOTE that u may not receive both “roo” bonus & “effortless” bonus at the same time.

    Playing McD’s Monopoly Game? Anyone here won the 40 MCR bonus points (or 1000pts?) Additional codes to play for Grand Prize(s) only:


    TAB soda (12-Pk only) is on Coke’s List now & will give code to rec’v pts.

    @ J.D.

    IDK how i’m rec’vg the free instant win game plays, it’s just automatic. I thought it was because Walmart promo, but I was rec’vg free gameplay prior (see post# 753 where I won after playing Coppertone promo). It’s certainly not due to “roo” keyword. I only have 2 guesses as to how i’m getting playtime and we need add’l input from the Members here to clinch a reason:

    1. Gameplay is automatic due to being in eligible state with a “Circle K” establishment. See list below w/eligible states. Are u located in 1 of the states below? But this may only be part of the key to playing & maybe to play u need both reasons 1 & 2. The Coppertone free instant win gameplay was also sponsored by Circle K.

    2. Playing a “green” colored cap = Sprite selection. I’ve only been playing green capcodes for promos/bonus points for the past couple months where the code doesn’t have to be “Coke brand” specific. Whenever I input a green capcode I always select “Sprite” purchase. So maybe combination of both Circle K eligible state & Sprite driven for free gameplay? Am I the only 1 getting free instant win gameplay? Members???

    After entering code get message “You earned 3pts & a special offer” with red colored tab to click to play instant win game. One game choice only with the “use it or lose it mentality” w/o option of banking gameplays. Haven’t reviewed prizes available but know one of them. 🙂

    Eligibility: Coca-Cola & Circle K 2013 Summer (the “Promotion”) is open only to legal residents of Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia

  487. RE: Step #4 in Post# 769

    It’s definitely a Sprite thing (sm. green cap) & probably a Circle K eligible state requirement (see Circle K eligible state list on Post #771). Step 4 will not affect using code word “roo” so everyone still s/b eligible for the 13 bonus pts.

    1) Input Walmart UPC in code box;
    2) Input “roo” into code box;
    3) Input your capcode into code box;
    4) * If used green cap & in eligible state –
    Play free instant win game offered up;
    5) Go back & input same UPC again as #1 above in codebox.

    Get 3 points immediately;
    Get 3 “roo” bonus pts at later time;
    Get 10 Effortless (Walmart) bonus pts at later time.

  488. That double points deal until 8/16 is only for zero calorie 12-packs like Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite Zero, etc…

    I’m in an eligible state (Oregon) and I’ve been entering green caps and still no instant win game. Maybe it is because I have already used my 5 free entries on other sweepstakes before I enter these codes. Who knows?

  489. btw GM ╪ Ginamarie for u BB15 followers (nor am I female)


    Not “all” fridge pks available for double bonus pts – ONLY “NO CALORIE” packs are. Since I don’t have any of the flaps on the list i’m about to display, i’m not going to delve into “all brand” or “Coke brand only” possible rules for qualification but will spew out all the possibilities available – and this was copied from another site (not Coke or MCR) so DON’T BLAME ME if doesn’t work; but choices seem reasonable & correct (with the exception of “FRESCA” products which I’m unfamiliar about the product) and DO EXPIRE 8/16:

    Eligible Products = All no-calorie Fridge Packs (12-pks): Coke Zero, Cherry Coke Zero, Vanilla Coke Zero, Caffeine Free Coke Zero, Diet Coke, Caffeine Free Diet Coke, Diet Coke Lime, Diet Cherry Coke, Fresca Citrus, Fresca Black Cherry, Fresca Peach, Diet Barq’s, Diet Barq’s Crème Soda, Fanta Orange Zero, Mello Yello Zero, Pibb Zero, Seagram’s Diet Ginger Ale, and Sprite Zero. [GM speaking now: isn’t TAB considered diet?]

    Played 50 McD Monopoly codes w/o the 40pt MCR win & depressed. Used to be a sure thing. Anyone lucky enough to win 1000 MCR?

    RE Step #4 Bonus Instant-Win Play (Circle K / Sprite) is over.

    Thought this site was gone… had 2 posts (#773, #775) sitting in Moderation Limbo until both disappeared from my sight from lack of interest. Need this place because until I found it, I was wasting my points. Now every code I input gets me more than just the minimum/standard. {now if I could just for once come out with 3 freebie MCR pts posted/offered here}

  490. Dunkin donuts promo
    triple points on all caps up to 6 times per account if you still have Minute Maid caps left you can get 12 points per cap. I have tried entering caps on this page with the roo bonus and the walmart bonus with mixed results. Walmart bonus doesn’t work with MM. That being said you can get up to 15pts/MM, and up to 22pts/any other cap if you haven’t done your 9 Walmart for the month.

  491. When I went to enter codes for the dunkin promo I just enter “roo” three time and got 16 bonus points. I didn’t enter any cap codes before or after I enter “roo”. Did I get free bonus points or is there a catch?

  492. @ Mark

    Terms and conditions of Arch Cards apply. McDonald’s® Arch Cards are not refundable and cannot be exchanged. Limit: 1 prize per person.

    From reliable second-hand sources, a site has a few multiple Winners having reported receiving an e-mail from McDonalds stating that additional wins are not official & they will not receive any additional gift cards won. Although if you win on a separate account???

    ANOTHER MCR GLITCH FOUND THANKS TO SHERRY’S POST# 780. I just got 30 MCR bonus pts for doing nothing but inputting “roo” in the Dunkin Donuts Promo. TAKE ADVANTAGE B4 COKE FINDS OUT AND FIXES (Just like 90 bonus pts from Walmart Promo)

    Excerpt from my Account:
    MCR 2013 Dunkin Bonus…………. 8/20/13………….. +6

    Click link from Sherry’s Post# 780 (above) & log in as usual.
    Click the “Triple Points” yellowish-colored shaded region.
    Enter “roo” in the space & click submit. You will get 6 bonus pts immediately.
    Repeat this “roo” process until won’t accept anymore. No CAPCODE NECESSARY!

    Note that this may affect the “roo” process listed in Post# 775 (w/Walmart) but it doesn’t matter since you’re getting 6pts here vs 3pts w/Walmart Promo.

  493. … Since posts seem to be coming infrequently nowadays

    This video comes from having done some research re a question on the game show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”. This is/was? a true promotional gimmick taken from the country of Singapore in approximately the year 2012 (best guess) – with possible expansion plans into other Asian countries. Unknown if Singapore uses “cane” sugar in their products [pun intended]:;_ylt=A0S00MptWihSYxUACUD7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc0dGJtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMQ–?p=hugging+coke+machine&vid=36a94ea275e18b1cdcbb21b3e8ac282e&l=00%3A58&

  494. Hello? Anyone out there???
    Get your 9 Effortless Meals [Walmart Promo] along with “roo” submitted on MCR before 12:00 a.m. EST today, 9/30.

  495. Apparently they’re starting a beta site.
    “Login or register for the My Coke Rewards Beta Program to score a FREE $5 Domino’s Pizza E-Gift Card. You’ll need to confirm your e-mail, then head on over here to claim your FREE $5 Gift Card! It’ll be e-mailed to you.”

  496. I ran across this today (ongoing since 10/2) & read about people requesting 5, and as many as 9 coupons ea. The description below does say can get a “few”. I requested 1 today (10/7) so the deal’s still active.

    $3.00 off 1 fridge-pk coupon – 160 pts.
    (Normally 250 pts ea for $5 coup)

    … And last year you could request 1 coup for 30pts during holidays (up to $5)…

    Now you can put your Rewards points where your mouth is. Redeem them for a few on us. You’ll receive a coupon good for one (1) 12-pack of Coca-Cola, Diet Coke®, Coca-Cola Zeroâ„¢, Sprite®, Fanta®, Pibb Extra®, Vaultâ„¢, Mello Yelloâ„¢, Barq’s® or Fresca®.

  497. I had a friend send me this code which he no longer has. If anyone can figure out were the error is in this code it’s yours: KMTJJP5 97HN6R7 (10 points).

  498. Darrell:

    02. N7WHFK40FW5PWO
    04. 7FLN6V5V6V44L7
    05. 557H7PONPRXJ5W
    06. 6TVJLJNVHM4R79
    07. 05PTJ65FP94LR6
    08. BH606LBVPKHM06
    09. 9BBBLWMM60B9T4
    Yesterday’s BP was 212/84 and my VA doc says I have to have another back surgery. That will make an even dozen all together. Sure takes the fun out of a day.

  499. WANTED: Courteous & vigilant participants to help post “special” codes to play new Subway [sandwiches] restaurants Hunger Games: Catching Fire Sweeps, just now starting. Related to this site are instantly winning MCR bundles/points. There s/b general codes anyone can play including codes located [but not the only place to be found] on MCR (incl Facebook, Twitter), (FB & Twitter), Subway main Sweeps page (FB & twitter); and also including MCR/Coke & Subway e-mail correspondence subscriptions. I’m not good at finding these codes but will post if I find. There are no online AMOE methods (unless you send thru snail-mail) that I came across.

  500. Free Subway code for everyone to play: 7ALRKYB6

    Double Points on Diet Coke®
    Nov 4-8, get Double Points on Diet Coke® 12-packs.

  501. Another free one-time play Subway code for everyone: AKFNKHNL

    Free code(s) are good for about a week.

    MCR bundles are 40pts & 250 pts – 50,000 instant winners total for the MCR pts alone. GL

  502. Since I use Snapfish and not Shutterfly here’s a free code for $20 redeemable on Shutterfly!

    You’re just a few clicks away from enjoying your digital reward. This email is a receipt which confirms that you redeemed : $20 to Spend on Holiday Cards from Shutterfly.

    Your digital code is: CC6Y-7MYF-JA8Z-CP3HXY

    How to redeem!

    1. Click on the following URL:(or copy and paste)
    2. Sign up for a Shutterfly account (or, sign in if you’re already a member)
    3. Copy and paste your code in the Promotional Code field
    4. Your promotional code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout.

    That’s $20 for free!! Good luck!!

  503. Is anyone else having problems with the “ROO” bonus point promo? It hasn’t worked for two days now and I thought the official rules said it did not end until 12/31.

  504. 101 Free 4×6 Prints* @Shutterfly

    To redeem your reward, please complete the following steps:

    1) Click:

    2) Sign up for a Shutterfly account. If you’re already a member, just sign in.

    3) Copy and paste your promo code in the Promotion Code field.

    4) Place your order. Your promo code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout.*

    Code: KE2X-5AGG-EUEC-A6F0K3
    Expiration date: 11/20/2013

    This offer ends November 20, 2013 (11:59:59 p.m. PST). If you have trouble with your digital code or have questions about your 101 free 4×6 prints, visit Shutterfly’s Customer Service Department.

  505. $20 to Spend on Holiday Cards from Shutterfly.

    Your digital code is: CC6Y-FD36-X8CZ-SPEFPP

    1. Click on the following URL:
    2. Sign up for a Shutterfly account (or, sign in if you’re already a member)
    3. Copy and paste your code in the Promotional Code field
    4. Your promotional code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout.

    Codes may only be used once and expire on 12/31/2013. If you have any questions please contact Shutterfly customer support at 888-225-7159.

  506. I read somewhere that the receipts from Kangaroo Express now have codes you can enter at MCR. I can’t confirm it’s true since there isn’t a Kangaroo Express close to us.

  507. Newest Subway ‘Hunger Games’ one-time use general code for everyone: BXLLNHPH Code valid for about a week.

    Update re Subway prizes: There are 52,000 winners total for MCR points; 50k winners @ 40pts ea; 2k winners @ 250pts ea.

    Thx Robert for “kangaROO” update.

  508. Thanks for a great site! I found this today and it surely made MCR make a lot more sense. It seems as though they have all of these random ways to earn points, but it’s impossible to learn about them.

    Here’s my contribution as a thank you:

  509. Welcome Kim & thx for contributing.

    *Stating the obvious*: ‘Merry Minutes of Winning’ IWG is back. 69k prizes = 1 prize won per minute. Max 2 prizes per account + 1 Grand Prize or 1st Prize win allowed per account (3 wins allowed total if one is a Grand or 1st prize).

    Playing the IWG’s @ no cost [of points]:

    To get to IWG:
    1. Mouse over “Reward Catalog â–¼” topic highlighted in black;
    2. Under “View by Type” heading, click on ‘Instant Win’;

    Getting free IWG plays:
    3. Click on “Rules” (under ea IWG);
    4. Scroll to 5b “How to Enter”/”Alternate…” [AMOE];
    5. Click on the word “here” (it will be underlined);
    6. Enter Capcha code & “Submit” button;
    7. Repeat steps 3-7 until IWG will not give more credits;

    When playing IWG:
    8. Click UPPER bubble titled:
    “Use a free entry for this instant win. No change to my Points balance.

    -And as a special bonus to Kim (and anyone else who may have forgotten), take a peek at Post #656 – anyone who overused may be able to attempt again due to refreshed account? – or maybe starting in Year 2014.

  510. 12 DAYS OF XMAS is back on MCR running daily starting Dec. 1 – 12th @ 12:00pm EST (amt of pts & purchase quantities unkn at this time). It appears you have to input a code first. Seems to be the exact list from 2012 – and by the dates below, appears MCR will continue to run into 2014 (the site is extended 1yr at a time & was due to expire 11/30/13 to input codes & 12/31/13 to redeem).

    “A new reward will be released daily at 12:00pm EST”;
    “ENTER A CODE EVERYDAY to unlock the reward, then redeem with points.”;
    “Reward quantities are limited”

    The rundown:
    Dec.1: Target
    Dec.2: McDonalds
    Dec.3: Nike
    Dec.4: T.J. Maxx
    Dec.5: Best Buy
    Dec.6: Dominos Pizza
    Dec.7: AMC theatres
    Dec.8: Home Depot
    Dec.9: Bass Pro Shops
    Dec.10: Airlines
    Dec.11: Shutterfly
    Dec.12: Coca Cola

  511. I actually won 2 prizes ($10 McD Arch card & AMC Silver pkg) on the merry minutes thing yesterday. Weird because I did that hundreds of times last year and only won the AMC thing once. So if I’m understanding your post #809, I cannot win any more unless its a 1st or Grand Prize. That fine by me because it is so tedious doing that every day on multiple accounts. Maybe I can use all that free time to spend with my ole lady. Just think of the how much more time I’ll have for dishes, laundry, foot rubs, and to just talk. It might be time to open another account. :}

  512. More $20 to spend on Holiday Cards from Shutterfly.
    Shutterfly allows only one redemption per account. Can’t be stacked.

    Digital codes:





    1. Click on the following URL:
    2. Sign up for a Shutterfly account (or, sign in if you’re already a member)
    3. Copy and paste your code in the Promotional Code field
    4. Your promotional code will be stored in your account and applied automatically at checkout.

    Codes may only be used once and expire on 12/31/2013. If you have any questions please contact Shutterfly customer support at 888-225-7159.

  513. WEDNESDAY DEAL Special for 48hrs or until supplies depleted:

    FREE (up to $4.99) 12-pk Sparkling coupon for 30 MCR pts.

  514. Newest Subway ‘Hunger Games’ one-time use general code for everyone: SV76PE9H

    Found posted on site dated 11/20 – not much time left to enter

  515. MCR is doubling points on certain 12-packs. I got double points on Regular Coke, Coke Zero, and Diet Coke. don’t know how long it will last. a Pibb 12-pack code I entered did not get doubled

  516. November Coca-Cola 12-Pack Bonus Points

    11/25/13 – 11/29/13

    Earn Double Points on all Diet Cokeapp, Coke Zero and Coca-Cola 12-packs during promotional timeframe.

    Eligible Products:
    Coke Zero Fridge Pack
    Cherry Coke Zero Fridge Pack
    Vanilla Coke Zero Fridge Pack
    Caffeine Free Coke Zero Fridge Pack
    Diet Coke Fridge Pack
    Caffeine Free Diet Coke Fridge Pack
    Diet Cherry Coke Fridge Pack
    Diet Coke w/Splenda Fridge Pack
    Diet Coke w/Lime Fridge Pack
    Coca-Cola Fridge Pack
    Coca-Cola Lime Fridge Pack
    Caffeine Free Coca-Cola Fridge Pack
    Cherry Coca-Cola Fridge Pack
    Vanilla Coca-Cola Fridge Pack

    Probably last chance to bulk up before 12-Days of Xmas besides the WALMART EFFORTLESS MEAL promo ENDING THIS MONTH.

  517. Hey, WalMart bonus codes for Sandwich, Pizza, Chicken are still working – – might want to try it out!

  518. Thanks Laurie! 1 capcode opens 12 days of xmas & still gets you 16 pts.

    What about all those code words like last year (that I missed) that got people free things such as a stuffed polar bear, etc?

  519. @Daniel re Post# 823-

    Sorry, don’t believe you are correct unless u can back it up. I tried the same thing 5 mos ago [see Post# 750] & was a no-go. Adding “kangaroo” (previously “roo”) to the mix shouldn’t change anything since kangaROO” works per capcode. At least there’s no penalty for doing what u attempted – just be sure to track your account status + it takes about 36hrs to fully see the results of what you did on your post. And it should be noted *again* that kangaroo code only works 2x daily on 2 individual capcodes.

  520. Unfortunately, it looks like this year you have to enter a code each day that you redeem a daily item. There is a trick, however, if you enter a could between 12:00am ESTand 12:00am EST, you can redeem two daily items. Keep in mind that there is a risk that the daily item could be sold out if you wait til midnight EST to get it and you have to wait til the next item is available at noon EST. It is probably better to just go buy one if you want to be safe. These $25 deals are definitely worth it. Oh and don’t get too excited and forget to enter the “Kangaroo” code so you get double points. BTW, GM, did they change the “kangaroo” thing from 5 to only 3 times per day? In post #802, Robert said the limit was 2 but I could’ve sworn I entered 3 bonuses. Maybe one was before or after the cut-off time.

  521. “kangaroo” is allowed 2x per day thru 12/31 per Coke

    “roo” was allowed 5x per day until conversion to kangaroo code (and I know why they changed it too)

    Thanks to Laurie (#822) I’m now doing the Walmart meal deal to open each 12 Days of Xmas offer. Before Laurie’s post, I was doubling my cap point value to open the 12 Days because I knew the “kangaroo” expiration.

  522. One additional year of MCR. As expected, program was extended another year. Direct from their site (from FAQ):

    How long will My Coke Rewards run?

    The current phase of the program ends at 11:59 p.m. ET on December 31, 2014, and you can enter codes up through 11:59 p.m. ET November 30, 2014. We started this up back in early 2006, so we’ve been doing this for a while. We have to take it year by year; the program has been extended in the past, but that does not necessarily mean it will happen again. In years past, extensions have been communicated near the end of the year, so please read the full Terms and Conditions and keep an eye on these dates. Codes can be entered through November 30, 2014; points can be spent through December 31, 2014.

    Check out the new rules from January 1, 2014 for complete details and dates.

  523. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this but on 1/1/14 I received the 90-point bonus on all four of my accounts for the Walmart promo. I thought this was supposed to be over on 12/31/13. I know I entered a bunch extra so maybe they will just keep rolling over to the next month. I doubt they extended the Walmart promo since there is no mention of it so my best guess is it is some kind of glitch.

  524. Happy New Year everyone!

    MCR finally has a new IWG to play but doesn’t appear to be giving free AMOE plays even after capcha code input (using Chrome on desktop computer). But I found a way around it to get your free bonus entries & play.

    Try this:
    1. Log into MCR;

    While in MCR, input/paste 2(a) or 2(b) below:

    2(a) Type or paste this:

    If that doesn’t work then paste this instead:

    2(b) Copy/Paste this link:

    You should then receive a NOVEMBER COCA-COLA… pop-up box.

    3. X out (Close out) the pop-up box.

    You are now in the “Offers and Promotions Rules” page.

    Click the first entry under the bold title “INSTANT WIN” which says this:

    4. Click on: 2014 My Coke Rewards Instant Win Game

    5. Collect ALL 5 bonus plays HERE under 5(c) “Free Method of Entry” in the typical fashion as if you had clicked the “Rules” under the IWG picture.

    If you don’t understand this 5th step, see Post# 809 & follow steps 3-7 but replace Step 4 “Scroll to 5(b)” instead with “Scroll to 5(c)”

    6. Play the IWG.
    You must go back to the original IWG page on MCR to play. You will not be able to get bonus entry plays on this particular game the standard way until Coke fixes. lol

  525. Glad to see this site back up. I wasn’t able to see it for a few weeks. It should be interesting to see if more of my Walmart points roll over into next month.

  526. HOLY CRAP – WHAT HAPPENED??? Everyone’s going to be gone now – this site’s going to have to start from scratch again building Members. I’ve been checking on this site daily with no luck since New Year’s & finally gave up after 2 mos. I’ve been keeping this place a secret since I started but I think I’m going to have to recruit someone to get the ball rolling again. Don’t know why I checked here today, but guess I lucked out. No posts on the FB site either.

    J.D., glad you continued to check as it seems as soon as I stopped checking in (March), the site was resurrected. Anyway… anyone still around here know that the WALMART EFFORTLESS has started up again & is scheduled to conclude on 6/30. Same rules as before but “roo” or “kangaroo” do not work yet.

  527. Hey J.D.,

    Why don’t you throw out a capcode (so if to see if I can get it) to see if there is anyone else here besides you, me & the Mod?

    To the Mod: Are u vvhitekid2? I’ve been here a year & know so little, if anything, about you. Are you the one having gone thru multiple surgeries for back problems?

  528. still works for walmart Pizza)UPC: 0020279200000 be used 3 time per month for a total of 90 bp
    UPC: 0068113191775 (chicken)
    UPC: 0068113171534 (Marketside 16″ Five Cheese Pizza)UPC: 0020279200000 (sandwich) is the last code for
    30 more points. You only need to enter one cap and each of the codes 3 times for a total of 93 points!

  529. Hi GM- I am the moderator / owner, but fortunately have no problems with my back! You may be thinking of Darrell, a frequent visitor of the past, known for his HUGE donations of hundreds of codes at a time. Darrell is an awesome person, but he hasn’t been around here in the last few years, sadly.

  530. It looks like people might be slowly coming back. Here’s a Powerade code GM: 7NJX4LJ9M95LHJ

    Let me know if u claimed it.

  531. Thanks Ben – RNBM
    Glad we still have familiar faces around.

    You’ve all revisited Post #656? Refreshes at least once a year maybe 2x. I’ll try again June/July. lnstantaneous, easy freebie points.

    Walmart Effortless Meals UPC Codes (all the codes I have):


    SANDWICH: 0020279200000


    Had an iCoke code (Canada’s version of MCR) up for grabs but it’s too late now. Hopefully, MCR won’t suffer the same fate by year’s end.

  532. @ J.D. re Post# 837 – code reached intended target = RBM!!!

    Just finished typing Post# 838 & was checking for accuracy after submission when I saw ur post & picked up code 36 mins after it was posted.

    J.D. – I was also trying to get hold of u thru Listia around March 1 (before this site was running again) but was having issues, probably because I’m not a Member & I’m not ready to sign up yet. Good to see u still here.

  533. Glad to see you too. Made tons of extra points with all your helpful tips last year. Does anyone know if MCR will restock any of the NCAA gear for the Enjoy March Madness Coke Zero Promo? I seemed to remember this happening last year and they restocked some shirts once or twice after they said they were out of stock.

  534. Would someone please remind me of the order in which you enter the Walmart Effortless codes and coke codes?

  535. Kim – glad u returned.

    Since “roo” & “kangaroo” are non-existent at this time, it probably doesn’t matter which code is entered 1st. I always enter the food code 1st, then capcode, and repeat as necessary. Make sure u apply a separate food code for each capcode, even if it’s the exact code (ie. the only “sandwich” code [above] = enter sandwich code, capcode, sandwich code again, capcode [if ur going to input for 2 sandwich credits]).

    Note also to give yourself 48 hrs b4 end of month for credit for same month. I input codes Jan.31 & officially rec’d +10 bonus in Feb so my Jan. codes bonus counted for February totals.

  536. Coming soon (or ongoing depending on posting date). 2x pts on all POWERADE (and POWERADE ZERO) capcodes.

    4/22/14 12:01am EST – 4/25/14 11:59pm EST

    Offer Overview:
    Earn Double Points on all POWERADE® and POWERADE ZERO® codes during promotional timeframe.

    Eligible Products:
    All POWERADE® and POWERADE ZERO® products.

    Bonus Point Crediting:
    Accounts will be credited automatically after code entry.

    Additional Information:
    There is no limit to # of times a member can earn the offer during promotional timeframe. Weekly code limits apply to base points only. Bonus Points awarded do not count toward weekly code limits.

  537. Jake #843 RBM
    Joy #845 RNBM (J.D. #831 posted 1st mid-March)

    Addendum to 2x bonus pts on Powerade (& ZERO) capcodes.

    If u enter 5 of these codes (unkn if have to input all in 1 sitting w/o logging out) then u have option of paying 25 pts to receive a coupon for a 32 oz bottle of Mango Powerade. I’m assuming coupon is for free bottle since MCR Members are only allowed 1 coupon & also assuming expiration date to accept coupon is 4/25.

  538. Last week I received an email saying there would be double points on diet coke 12 packs in May. It didn’t say when in May tho, or for how long.

  539. Really pissed off. Cannot log into MCR account which can only mean 1 thing – something big is gonna happen that I’m gonna miss. Prolly a Cinco de Mayo thing or double/triple pt opportunity.

  540. GM…..Thier facebook page advises to clean out you cookies and cache to help that problem.

  541. Still pissed off. (See Post #850) But Coke must respond to me by 5/9.


    Offer valid 5/7 thru 5/11. Bonus points awarded do not count towards weekly 100 pt limit and are eligible on:

    Diet Coke
    Caffeine Free Diet Coke
    Diet Cherry Coke
    Diet Coke with Splenda
    Diet Coke with Lime

  542. Don’t know if anyone is still around. If so, does GM or anyone know if MCR ever has bonuses on Dasani case codes? I just got a ton of them and hoping I can double them at some point.

  543. I’ve noticed that comments seem to be posted all together once there are at least 2 in “moderation”. I need help finding bonuses because they seem to be very rare now. Expecting McD’s Monopoly game mid-July. Walmart Effortless Meal Deal still valid thru 12/30/14 – “kangaroo” & “roo” still not working. Play the FREE iwg for a chance to win 20 oz Coke, drawstring bag or soccer ball (allowed to win 1 of ea – LOTS of prizes available).

    There are 2 [new] pt bonuses I know of for which one entails entering FUZE 12-pk codes on FRIDAY’s ONLY & getting 2x points – valid thru 7/25. Another 2x pt bonus given when inputting Dasani Sparkling 12-pk codes – valid thru 7/31.

    @J.D. – Besides the Dasani Sparkling bonus deal the answer to your question = * See posts #743 & #745 (snicker snicker).

  544. Double Points on zero-calorie 12-packs
    Zero Calories. Double Points.
    Calories are optional from 6/25 and 6/26.
    For two days only, enter codes from any of our
    zero-calorie 12-packs and treat yourself to great
    taste and Double Points

  545. Offer:
    Earn Double Points on all 0-calorie Fridge Packs (12-pks) between 6/25/14 – 6/26/14.

    Eligible Products:
    All 0-calorie Fridge Packs (12-pks) for the brands below:
    Diet Coke
    Diet Nestea
    Diet Barq’s
    FUZE Iced Tea Diet Lemon
    Seagram’s Diet Ginger Ale
    Coke Zero
    Dasani Sparkling
    Sprite Zero
    Fanta Orange Zero
    Mello Yello Zero
    Minute Maid Light
    Pibb Zero

    1. Save room for Walmart deal capcode(s) if u haven’t completed your monthly 9. Entering on Mon 6/30 (even at 12:01 am) is risky & will prolly post for July’s stats (see Post #842)
    2a. DON’T enter FUZE codes if you have more than 10 total codes. Save these for FRIDAY’s thru 7/25 (see Post #855)
    2b. DON’T enter DASANI SPARKLING codes for similar reason as stated above in 2a (code doubling expires 7/31)
    3. DON’T feel pressured to use Diet Coke codes. There are several 2x bonus offers throughout the year.
    4. USE AS MANY OBSCURE BRAND codes as possible. As for me, good riddance FINALLY to my Minute Maid Light (which isn’t even listed on their site anymore as a flavor) & Fresca codes.

    *** â–º S U P E R D U P E R__B O N U S â—„ ***

    Go to the link below to get FREE Coke 20th Essence Festival tote bags (valued $18 ea). Absolutely, positively, free (no ship charge) for entry of EVERY 3 qualifying 12-pk codes (nearly every 12-pk qualifies w/some never even heard of). Guess what Pt.#1? – NO RESTRICTIONS on how many bags you may obtain; Guess what Pt.#2? – Your PREVIOUSLY USED MCR codes WILL WORK STILL to get the bags **AND** your UNUSED MCR CODES used to get the bags WILL STILL BE VALID TO USE ON MCR whenever you want – NO penalties incurred. You must register (unrelated to MCR) on their site & will get e-mail confirmation for every qualifying bag you claim. Site has some quirks though; some people will be exempt for unkn reason even if not using a P.O. & some codes just won’t work for unknown reason. You may leave in the middle & return another time & find yourself in same situation (ie. entered 2 valid codes; come back days later & still need just the one add’l code remaining to get the bag).

  546. con’t *SUPER* bonus: Expires 6/30/14 or until supplies last & bags are unisex.

    I signed up for the SouthWest Airlines (100 pt MCR bonus pts) deal but can’t figure out how to cancel. Is there a way to cancel without having to call there & speak with live person?

  547. 10 bonus points. Go to offers and promotions, get extra points, then click on See all Under looking to pick up extra points click on Bonus points, Scroll down to exclusive coke soccer excitement, click on see details, then on right youll see the earn bonus points. You can get several sets of points but u need to enter 3- 12pks at the same session to get bonus 10 Limit of 30 bonus points until 7/19/14

  548. Free 1 Point – One Time Use Per Account – This will count against your weekly max. Note that Coke has generously lowered it to 75 points per week for 2015.


  549. People were just starting to come back around a year ago after a 4 mo layoff. Don’t think this site can be resurrected a 2nd time after a 6 mo layoff + my comment(s) have automatically been deleted after sitting in limbo for 3 wks at a time. A shame because I hardly understand this Beta thing & can’t find any Sweeps or IWG’s to play.

  550. Thought this site was gone again. Anyone know if they are planning on doing the March Madness promo for Coke Zero products again? I’ve been saving up all year and am getting kind of worried after seeing how lame the MCR site is now. For example: 75 point max now per week, no more rewards over 1700 points (except a $50 Nike gift card), and they totally got rid of all the Christmas stuff. Those Christmas gift card deals were the best thing about MCR. Just plain sucks how they turned it into this awful social media garbage to unlock prizes. Anybody else disgusted with Coke? GM, you out there?

  551. For mcr fans: For those of you with unredeemed Hollywood Movie Money tickets if you don’t
    want to redeem for movie tickets, you can use the $13 credit and go to and
    purchase a $10 Regal Cinemas gift or concession card instead. For credit card payment select VISA
    and just input your name, 16 digit numbers and 3 digit security code that are on your ticket. For company just input ‘home’. Input address: 12200 W Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064. Now when you are inputting shipping address, have it ship to your home address. DON’T select ‘Same as billing address’. The charge is $2.50 for USPS delivery. You’ll forgo the remaining 50 cents balance on credit so essentially you’re swapping $13 credit for a $10 Regal Cinemas gift card. Once transaction goes through you will get email confirmation on 1st business day and a day later an email confirmation that your gift card has been shipped. Enjoy if you prefer this option……..

  552. double sprite points through the 26. All green caps work, red and silver may work and give you the choice to choose sprite. If they don’t hit refresh and try another then you can save those that don’t work for another time. Sure miss all the sharing on this site.

  553. Hi all!!
    I’m finally getting the hang of the new coke rewards. it’s no where near as good as before but oh well… I was actually wondering what the liklihood would be to actually win one of the 85000 boxes of joy instant win? Right now they have an Amazon card on for really cheap points and a 12pk for like 30 points! They have good stuff on some you just got to keep after it.
    Oh and the instant wins doesn’t take points away from your weekly amount those are extra…so that’s nice.

  554. 96XF6TRN0JJRWW was redeemed by me. Thank you, vvhitekid2!

    It’s been a while since I stopped by this forum. Hope all is well and everybody has a nice holiday season!

  555. Don’t participate in the program anymore so here’s a cap from today:

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