Trade MyCokeRewards Codes Here

Looking to trade Coke caps for flaps? How about Pepsi points for coke points? Well, here is your place to do it. Be sure to leave your email address in your comment if you’d like to trade. Keep in mind that some people will try to steal points. Trade at your own risk.

Also, please do not beg here. Visit the MyCokeRewards Beggars Page if you must beg.


  1. I would like to trade 5 (3) =15 point caps for a flap …10 points..the reason is I need to add more points to my account per day. I will email them to you first and after you find they are good can email me the flap code. I will check back often let me know if you want my email for trade of caps for flaps..I have many

  2. Unfortunately I need to tell you all to BEWARE of Josh
    the first post on the trade page!
    If he decides to make good and send me the 50 pt code he got a bunch of cap codes from me for- I will update this comment – I have Successfully traded with alot of people from here – But He is NOT Someone you should Trade with ! BEWARE ! DO NOT SEND HIM ANY CODES

  3. Hey Luara, i have many flaps availabe, but your reason is a valid one and the trade off looks good. Send me the caps, i’ll check them up, and then i’ll email you the flap. Just give me a few days after i get the caps. Plz email me at

  4. BEWARE aquastarboy / takes codes gives nothing back !
    Changes names/email addresses too !
    He is Also on beggars page begging for codes as a “VICTIM” of Hurricane Katrina !!!!!

  5. I also had aquastarboy / try to get cextra odes out me. Will not deal with him again.

  6. I can put a 3rd on aquastarboy/ Tried to steal 40 points from me. Tried to get me to blindly send codes, then he said he’d send me caps. Yeah, right. When I refused he called me a “cheapskate,” which makes no sense whatsoever. BEWARE

  7. i have LOTS of coke rewards codes and will continue to get them from where i work. if anyone wants to trade pepsi call your play codes for coke codes please email me. thanks not sure exactly what going trade rate would be but will listen to offers.

  8. Just an UPDATE on
    He sent me a FAKE Code last night – then Sent me an EXPIRED PROMO CODE 10008 # …then an email saying Why would I Call Him a Scammer ??? I shouldn’t Judge him …then today sent me an email saying Here is your 50 pt code …SUCKER765432
    So if anyone else wants to post on here looking for trades B CAREFUL – he probably has other emails & names he goes by …
    There are 3 posts so far on him …email me if he contacted you or if you have any ? And if he got codes from you..LMK
    I have traded with a bunch of people here B4
    I am looking for higher pt codes – I have caps to trade with …Thanks

  9. traded with nicholas and hope to keep trading with him. i have lots (prob 100 or so) of coke reward flaps(10 pointers) only looking to trade for pepsi call your play codes. send me offers with how many pepsi codes you have

  10. willing to trade my mcr codes for pepsi cyp codes. Please tell me how many you’d like to trade and what exchange rate you propose

  11. MIKE —
    Or should I say ? or Dave ? or David ? or Josh ? or Ray ? or aquastarboy ???

    As I Said —he changes Names AND Email Addresses >>>
    What’s the matter ? Did people stop sending you codes to STEAL ???

    Anyone who Believes this post from Mike on 9/13 @ 8:47 p.m. – Simply needs to READ Back from the First Post until This One to SEE that He is OBVIOUSLY trying to discredit US HONEST TRADERS for His DISHONEST WAYS !!!!!

    AND IF THAT is not Enough PROOF … Email me – and I Will Forward a Copy of All HIS Emails to Me – AND MY RESPONSES to them ! INCLUDING a COPY of ALL the CODES I SENT HIM AND HIS REPLY of the 50 pt. code – SUCKER765432 – and the Expired promo-code !!!!!!!!!!!

    What name will you use Next ? Chameleon or cockroach ?
    Why Don’t YOU DO what everyone Else Does – Go Look for the Caps /Codes !!! They can be Found easily Enough ! You Don’t need to Lie (LY)cheat steal or Scam to Get them – Just Stop Being SO LAZY !!!

  12. Some Good News !!!
    I just posted on the other page also :
    They Have ADDED the PINK & BLACK DS LITE !!!

    And More GOOD News !
    I was emailing with David Ly and we have agreed that he will stop taking codes from others in false trades and stop posting bad codes under multiple names. He said he was sorry and I am Saying I am Sorry also for saying/posting some very mean comments here about him. So he can’t replace what he took from us but no big deal – they ARE JUST Coke Caps- Right ? But the main thing is he will Stop it ! So we Will drop the bickering and Move on now …
    Also VERY SORRY to vvhitekid 2 for messing in the sandbox we all enjoy playing in ! 😉
    I posted a couple of codes on the other page – may be used by now – not sure …

  13. Thanks David – I am doing Better now. And So Are You !
    Keep it up ! Less Stress for Everyone is Good !

  14. Looking to trade for a 50 Pt Code – A Real One …
    (LOL – sorry David – couldn’t resist …)
    I Live in the NE and they seem to only be down south so far – I have caps to trade for the higher point codes – email me – Thanks

  15. i will trade callyourplay codes for mcr codes i go around my high school looking 4 them and they r unused b/ no 1 cares there. We only have pepsi machines at our school. email me at make sure you state in the subject that it is a trade for codes otherwise i will just delete it

  16. Okay I just gave “Katelin Ly” 5 caps and I just realized that it’s probably “David.Ly” so I probably just got scammed…! It’s alright I guess I do have like 700 caps.


  17. I have coupon codes, that I earned, that are worth up to $5 each off of a music download purchase from If you are like me and want to get your music the legal way , then this is for you! It is 100% Legal!!!

    9 MCR Points = $1 code
    22 MCR Points = $3 code
    36 MCR Points = $5 code

    I’m basicaly paying you $1 – $1.25 for every 3 caps!!!

    This is a great deal, especially if you look at how much things cost on When can 36 points buy you something worth $5.00? Make your points count toward something you will use!

    Email me at:
    Subject line: MCR Codes for Music Downloads

    Supplies are limited.

  18. I traded with ace
    daisyfighter1@yahoo – Good Trade !
    Any more LMK ! Thanks !

    I Have 1 Pepsi CYP code from a 12 pk = (2 game plays)
    Will trade for a 25 pt MCR but I will not send 1st
    I have traded with Alot of People – Mostly Good but been burned by a few too – so if that is okay with you
    email me
    But Please Check with me first – B4 Sending to make sure I Still Have It !

  19. Who the Hell is krunal ? I NEVER Traded W/U !
    How dare U post Bad things about me ?
    Are YOU someone I EXPOSED as a BAD Trader ?
    Making up New names 2 go by ?
    What the hell is a hicker ?
    Thou Shalt NOT Bear False Witness …
    I Have Never Burned ANYONE in a TRADE !!!!!!

  20. Notice Similarities in posts by krunal + yoda ? Hmmm

    And Anyone Trading–Be Extra Careful … If the person is Legit – they are willing to go slowly to start out.

    How did U make out ? LMK





  22. hal, i’ll trade with you i dont scam i prefer the coke promo over the pepsi cuz i dont get the pepsi 1. im a frosh in my high school and thers only pepsi machines in my school so ill trade with you. the trades are over email so email me at to discuss terms. that goes 4 the rest too. if you want sum cyp codes instead of mcr codes ill take them.

  23. I have several Call Your Play codes, including many which are for 3 plays. I am looking for mycokerewards codes, so if you have MCR and want Call Your Play codes, email me. I would like one ten-pointer for every call your play code if possible

  24. Hello people do not trade with He emailed me about a trade and I told him no but he still wanted to trade even though I told him a scammed people. He kept asking me and said if I give him 10 pepsi caps he will send me three hundred coke flaps

  25. Just a Good News Comment FYI
    I have traded with Bruce – bbailey @ email above and he has been an Excellent Trader!I Highly Recommend !!! Fast Response and Follow through ! Thanks!

  26. Hal
    The End of the 12pk coke box -it pulls off like a flap
    worth 10 MCR pts ea.

    The caps are 3 pts. ea

  27. I’m looking to trade pepsi call your play for my coke rewards. I traded over the weekend with someone –
    but he sent used codes. Is anyone on here legit or only users??
    I also have dr.pepper codes to trade for coke.
    so drop me a line and let me know..

  28. I have Tocken codes, that I earned, that are worth up to $5 each off of any music download purchase from If you are like me and want to get your music the legal way , then this is for you! It is 100% Legal!!!

    2 MCR Caps = $1 code
    5 MCR Caps = $3 code
    8 MCR Caps = $5 code

    I’m basicaly paying you $.50 – $.60 for every cap!!!

    Email me at:
    Subject line: MCR Codes for Music Downloads

    Supplies are limited.

  29. I have for trade 1 month free netflix trial code – seeking 1 25 or 20 point code or 2 10 pt codes, but i am going to test your end of the bargain before i give mine. the normal free trial period is 2 weeks.

  30. Sorry ! White DS Lite is Out Of Stock Again !
    Only Lasted about 4 Hours ! Hope Anyone that had the points grabbed one !

  31. Does anyone know who here is a fair trader. I have about 100 flaps that I will trade for caps, but I have no idea who is a good trader

  32. i just traded wth he is a good trader i traded my call your play codes for his my coke reward codes he is still trading i just ran out of call your play codes he is a fast responder and sends the code he didnt scam me

  33. Beware…I gave someone points who emailed me with the email address of David LY in it. I gave him codes and he gave me one back….SUCKER1234…lol what a hopefully no one else gets burned

  34. I am looking for someone with caps to trade with me for coke flaps I have around 100 now please reply back at FYI I have traded sucessfully with Francine for almost 2 months I think and there hasn’t been a problem unfortunately she is running low on caps and she isn’t providing enough. So hit me up if you wanna trade

  35. Just Letting you all know – I Highly Recommend Trading with Sean ! Excellent Trader ! He just got the Flaps Faster than I could get the caps ! Very Honest !

    Also I redeemed 1250 pts for the Jensen Sport CD/MP3 Player (value of $50.) Model # CDMP-600 for my son But he doesn’t want it – he wants an ipod …it is still sealed .
    So I am looking to trade it to someone for either a Wii game or 2 – $25. Home Depot Cards or
    1250 pts in flaps email me



  37. if they do a scam on something, it shouldnt be something like this over bottle cap points… its very lame.

  38. Hal
    Someone posted the same thing earlier in this thread .
    I suggest you Start at the top – and read All the posts
    I Tried to Warn Everyone…Sorry

  39. FYI sean wants 7 caps for 1 flap so don’t waste your time if you think this is as ridiculous as i do. Francine, were you trading at that usurous rate? I feel bad for you, no wonder you ran out!!!!

  40. If you read all the posts above, I am the nicholas dalton mentioned. Adam boyer has been a good trader, he does have many valid coke flaps, just not enough at the moment. I found 20 CYP (pepsi) caps tonight, will trade 2 to 1 for coke flaps, 4 to 1 for 20 pters. Will verify coke flap first, only way this works, pay to play. I am not getting scammed again, so don’t bother me without a code to test. until i know you we will do one at a time. also traded pepsi for coke succesfully with a ROss Novello, if that helps anyone.

  41. I have a $10.00 iTunes gift certificate (via e-mail) that I am willing to trade for for about 30 caps or your best offer. Please e-mail me or post here if you are interested!

    e-mail address:
    subject line: iTunes for MCR

    Thank You!

  42. I have some MCR 10 and 20 pt flaps that i will trade for caps. I will trade 5 caps for a 10 pt flap, or 8 for a 20pt flap. They are all unused. If you are interested, email me at

  43. Traded here before but it’s been forever ago. Looking to trade my 6 caps for your one 10 point flap or 13 caps for your 20 point flap. I just recently realized that I have more caps than I’m gonna be able to put in before it ends. We can trade for one flap at a time to prove myself since I’m not known on here.

  44. Hey Sean! I couldn’t get through with your link. If you haven’t traded all your flaps yet, I’ve got quite a few caps. E-mail me at I am also looking to trade Pepsi codes for Coke flaps. I have over 70 plays to trade for. I am your average soccer mom, so don’t worry about me scamming you. You can even check my Ebay record and see I’m a very honest person.

  45. Hal, let me know if you still have Coke codes left to trade for my Pepsi Play codes. I’ve got quite a few if anyone else is also interested. I only want flaps though, I’m overloaded with caps. We can trade one at a time so you know I’m honest. Also, if anyone out there wants to trade me Coke flaps for some of my Coke caps, that would be great! E-mail me at

  46. I am an honest trader looking for a trade. I have 6 50 pt. codes that I will trade for either 6 coke flaps or 32 coke caps each. If anybody would like to trade please email me. I would prefer flaps.

  47. Linda, a 50 pt. code comes from a 24 pack of coke with an Adidas logo on the front of the box with some athlete on the front


  49. Nick
    In the middle ? – caught me off guard – @gmail not yahoo
    that is okay – I reported those codes that were scammed from me to Coke – they are tracing them to the email Acct. entered into ! Bwahaha!!! They can track EVERY CODE they Said !!! So for all the Scammers – Watch out ! Coke sees EVERYTHING !
    Got another trade request just now
    Mario4lyf15@aol looking for cyp codes …what the ???

  50. Francine, what type of trade are you looking for with the cyp codes. Let me know. I have more than enough and I am looking to start trading.

  51. yeah, francine, i guess you can’t catch em all. i never give codes away without testing one first, and then i only do small trades at first. having said that, i have bout 20 call your play pepsi codes and 14 dr pepper caps for trade

  52. I am trading 800 MCR Accounts for 2,000 Wii Points.
    I only have like 3 though so hurry up.

  53. DO NOT TRADE WITH he does enter the codes right away by the time he tries to redeem them you have alredy traded with somone else and then calls you a fucking asshole DO NOT TRADE WITH HIM

  54. Looking for CYP caps…i have a couple of MCR caps and 2 32 pack codes…i am looking for a 1 to 1 ratio of caps and because it works out mathematicly, 8 cyp caps for a 32 pack code…email for more info

  55. contact me again ezwill625 – when you get a Good code to Trade – I am glad I did not send first this time 😉

  56. i want to trade pepsi codes for coke codes. I really dont drink that much coke but im only using mycokerewards so e-mail me i have many pepsi caps

  57. feralhatem is a good trader, i offered 2 flaps for 8 cyp codes and both sides went through with absolutely no problems…i would like to thank him for being honest and not trying to screw me over….

  58. Do not trade with a Ross Novello, he seemed good at first many good trades on a small scale, but he has ripped me off for 30 cyps for over a week now, he’s just waiting til you trust him enough to get a bigger score, apparently. anyway, I am back up to 16 or so new cyp’s love to trade em for coke flaps only, you tell me the rate, i need someone to trade with now

  59. Johnathan, you left out a couple of numbers in your promo code. If you have the number still, could you correct it. Thanks

  60. nick, ill trade you a dasani water code equaling 20 points, if you would trade me the CYP codes, if you are interested, e-mail me @
    thanx, Larry

    p.s. if you need proof that i am on the level, ask feralhatem79,we have traded quite a bit this past week and both sides seem happy. I have won 5 hats a DVD and a Madden 08 game so far, now i want a t-shirt or beanie or a reggie bush autograph. greedy i guess….

  61. i have a kodak mouse pad code that i want to trade to get my 83 points back.. i cant pay the shipping and handling without a credit card and my parents wont let me use theirs. if you want the code email me to trade

  62. I have one MCR cap right now, and Im willing to trade 1:1 for CYP or GFM. I will get more in the near future. Email me for a trade.

  63. I have plenty of CYP codes I am willing to trade. I have them in an excel spreadsheet and I am looking for 12, 24 or 32 pack codes.

  64. Because I’m in a good mood. I work a recycling center

    Good Luck

  65. Rick’s codes already redeemed – Not by me
    But thanks for sharing your Good Mood ! I bet you made someone’s day !

  66. No mario4lyf15@oal can not be trusted he always wants you to send your codes first because he says does not want to get rip off but if you ask him to send his codes first you will get codes that have been used already and if you ask him why did he do that, he will say, ohh! you took to long to get back to me so I traded them with someone else

  67. thanks.. i will not trade with him.

    on another note, i still have a 24-pack coke flap that i am looking to trade for CYP caps

  68. brett
    notice the “ly” in the mario email address ?
    B4 Sending Codes !

  69. I have some coke reward points that I would like to trade for dr pepper go for more codes post here if you want more details thanks

  70. I have some coke rewards points that I still would like to trade for dr pepper go for more codes thanks
    post if you would like to trade thanks

  71. I have some coke rewards points that i will trade 10 for 2 box ends of the dr pepper go for more codes

  72. I am Still Looking for Someone to Trade Flaps/caps of 1250 Pts. or a Home Depot Card of $50. value or an Unopened Wii Game – worth 1250 Pts for my Jensen CD/MP3 Player I got from the Coke Program . It is Still UN-Opened ! It is Gone from the MCR Site now and If Anyone Wanted to Get it and Missed it …Here is another Chance !
    It Would be a great Christmas Gift ! email me with Serious Offers Only Please .

  73. I am looking for someone who has caps and is willing to trade those caps for flaps(10 point codes off 12 packs) I have over 50 flaps available, that I am willing to trade email me if you would like to trade at I am a honest trader so do not be worried

  74. I have traded with daisyfighter / ace
    and had NO Problems .
    Fast easy Trade …Hmmm maybe you sent redeemed codes by Accident ??? That is Possible …

    I also have traded with Sean And He is Very Good to Trade With ! I am Just Completely Out of Caps to Trade with – Due to Health Issues – Can’t Go Collecting Like I Used To ! I am Very Sorry Sean ! I don’t have any – even to enter for myself …
    I Recommend Sean as a Very Good Trader !

    And CYP is Officially OVER – Ended Midnight 12/1
    Dr.Pepper – still going until 1/15/08 Good Luck !

  75. the transaction went through later she just took a little bit longer than usual sorry about negative feedback daisyfighter is a good trader

  76. Well I hate to do this – especially at this time of year but I feel I have waited long enough to be fair – I sent Lee 1 CYP code – and he gave me the MCR codes –
    then I sent him 4 more on the 7th – he didn’t send codes – so I emailed him – he responded on the 9th and said he didn’t notice – and that he would send as soon as he entered them …today is the 19th – he Still has not sent me any codes even after a couple more emails..
    I will update this post – If/When he fulfills the Trade

  77. if anyone wants to trade any of the new pepsi stuff codes for my coke rewards I have a lot to trade please post for more details

  78. I have 1 (100 pt)Disney movie rewards code from a second copy of pirates of the carribean 2- apparently you can’t redeem a code from the same movie twice, no matter how many copies you buy- dumb, but it’s their game so whatever. I will trade it for coke points, make me an offer, behemoth11@yahoo. com

  79. I just wanted to update the attempted Trade with Lee – I never heard back from him – BUT – To His Credit – I Believe he DIDN’T USE the Codes I Sent Him . So I just wanted to Update this – and Say No Harm /No Foul done here – just that he never responded back…

  80. i have 1 100 point codes for disney 1 from underdog and one from pirates 3 worth 150 points. the 150 point code consists of 2 codes put together. email if interested my email is i want coke rewards or pepsi stuff

  81. i hve alot of pepsi stuff codes to trade for mcr codes
    ratio is caps 1 pepsi caps: 2 or 3 mcr caps, 1 pepsi flap:6 or 7 mcr caps

  82. I have disney movie rewards to trade for MCR codes. Im thinking even up, points for points. The movie codes i have are:

    Game Plan DVD
    Pirates of the C: At World’s End DVD
    Ratatouille DVD
    Santa Clause 3 DVD
    High School Musical 2 DVD

    Email me at if intereted.

    Thanks, Paul

  83. I was wanting to tell everyone that I have given her a couple of days, and I traded her some my coke rewards points for some of the pepsi stuff codes that I had traded her 2 for 1 and she gave me the codes, and when the pepsi promotion started the codes were already used when I tried to contact her she said she made a mistake and she would give me back the codes that was about a couple of days ago I just tried to contact her again and she never contacted me so maybe she really is a scam I will post if she either gives me back my coke points back or gives me some pepsi codes so as of right now I wouldn’t suggest trading with her

  84. Hey, I have a bin full of over 100 coke caps at the moment, would like to trade for pepsi stuff, 3 to 1. Only way this works is you give me 1 code to test and verify first, THEN, I will send you 3 coke codes. rinse and repeat as many times as you like. I am trustworthy, have traded many times on this website before, never ripped anyone off, but have been ripped off myself. give me a try, you won’t be disappointed.

  85. i will trade 100 my coke rewards…(my family drinks alot of coke) for at least 80 pepsi stuff codes..if you dont have 80 just give me as many working codes as you have.

  86. Hey I NEED COKE POINTS (perfer flaps) and i have a load of pepsi codes!!!! HELP WILL TRADE !!!! The prosess will work as the following if you want some. You send me the # of codes of coke points and i will test them then send you codes! I AM NOT A SCAM! I promise i will not rip you off!

  87. Winifred
    I have 2 Stouffers codes to trade for MCR Codes – But you didn’t leave your email …

  88. I have a Coke Code from a 12 pack of cans. (I’m not sure how many points that equals). I would be willing to trade it for a verified Pepsi Code. E-mail me to trade.

  89. Im Willing To give A runescape account or high rank socom fire team bravo 2 account or any psp game for the old psps 1.50 or 1.00versions or m33 custom fimware for pepsi codes or coke codes!!!!!! Email me at



  92. DO NOT TRADE WITH E.ABAIR@YAHOO.COM SHE STOLE ABOUT 200 POINTS FROM ME AND “HAHA I GOT YOUR CODES AND I’M NOT GIVING ANY CODES FOR YOU” WTF is wrong with these people they don’t need to cheat people just, to be asses you know we get on this site not to steal, but to try to help each other and this is starting to turn into a pyramid with all this going on you are pathetic you sicken me


  94. Hey guys, i have many pepsi codes that i dont use, about 80 of them, I would like to trade for coke rewards codes, so if u would like to trade, email me at , first come first serve .

  95. That AKA James Rutger is an arrogant little sob!! After I told him I was going to wreck his reputation if he didn’t send me his codes. he e-mails me back saying that he doesn’t need a reputation. It’s people like him that just piss me off!!!

    I would like to let people know that I have a bunch of mcr points that I would like to trade for pepsi points. But now thanks to I will be needing to recieve the codes first, so I don’t get scammed again. Sorry to all those honest people out there. But just one person wrecks it for everyone. my e-mail is

  96. Ive been scammed by ebair, and I nearly got scammed once again. However, I still have 7 pepsi codes up for trade for mcr codes. i really wanna just get rid of these things so someone please send me an offer, you’ll have to send your code first since I’m sick of all the scammers out there. seriously, who needs codes so badly they have to steal them? regardless, if you’re an honest person looking for a fair deal, shoot me an e-mail:


  97. I have 813 MCR codes and would like Pepsi Codes. I’ll even take a picture of all my caps and send it to you before you send me the codes to show you that I do in fact have the codes. I would be willing to send codes first if the pepsi stuff person did the same.

  98. Hello everyone,

    I currently have about 1,200 points for Stouffer’s and going slowly day by day that I am willing to give away for the right deal. I have only been keeping up with Stouffer’s and MyCokeRewards so Pepsi points here would not be useful. I am willing to trade my points for MyCokeRewards points or even case. Email me if you are interested and we will work out the details.


  99. Hello, I have about 3,000 points saved up in Coke flaps and in an Excel spreadsheet. I want to see if I can sell them as Ebay will not let anyone sell them anymore. If you are interested, first check what I have sold on Ebay so you know you are dealing with someone who will not rip you off and then let me know if you want them all or some of the points. My Ebay account is carbonero15 and my email is Look forward to getting rid of the points. I prefer to mail them so I do not have to put them all on an excel spreadsheet, but I can do that for smaller quantities.

    Let me know if you are interested and we can email each other from there. Thanks.

  100. I have 6 coke lids that I will trade for 6 pepsi codes. email me at cradleofthorns@

  101. I will trade one coke cap for one pepsi cap. So, 3 coke points for every pepsi point. I will only deal one cap at a time until I can trust you. You must be willing to send first pepsi point. I do have coke flaps as well, but I will not trade them until I can trust you. Email if interested. Thanks.

  102. If anyone would like to trade caps for flaps, please email me at I have tons of flaps that I am willing to trade for caps. Email me 5 caps per flap. ask Cathy I have traded with her in past.


  103. hi.. my mom works as a massage therapist and give free waters to her costermers so i have about 100 (20 point dasini) codes and i am willing trade them for cap codes…, my email is … ps you dont need to have that many points because i can split the codes up and make like 4 or 5 trades with all of my codes..

  104. I have a coca cola flap that I would like to trade for some coke caps. I know you will trade 5 caps per flap, but with my previous experience in trading, the going rate is usually six caps per flap. What do you think about this? To prevent scamming, I think you should send me two cap codes first, and then if they’re valid, I will send you my ten point code, and then you send me the rest of my cap codes.

  105. I have 7 caps to trade for 1 flap … this is my offer..thats 21 points for your ten …and 30 points for a 20 point flap …36 for a 25 point flap .. ,My codes are all good. hit me up if your willing to trade ..thanks

  106. I have two 32-pack codes for MCR worth 25 points each for a total of 50 points. I am willing to trade with anyone for “Publix race to the movies” codes. If you have any other offer feel free to ask me

    My email is

  107. does anyone have a live search club account email me with offers and maybe we can work out a ratio

  108. i’m willing to trade the pepsi stuff codes for the my coke rewards codes if anybody would like to trade.. send them to me @

    and i can send u pepsi stuff codes as soon as i get them

  109. I have a rhapsody music download code i redeemed from MCR. My dad wont let me download music on his computer in fear that i will download a virus. I bought the download for 33 points. I am willing to trade for 7 caps or 2 flaps. I am honest and will email u the code after u have given me either 1 flap or 5 caps. My email is
    Also! Be sure to put Rhapsody Code Trade in the Subject Line. Thx in advance!

  110. DH again! Sorry! i 4got 2 mention that i am only willing to trade MYCOKREWARDS CODES for my (1) rhapsody music download. Ratio- 7 caps:Music download, or 2 12 pack flaps (or 1 from a 24 PACK):music download. Thx again!

  111. I have some Pepsi Fridge Pack codes. I want to trade for mycokerewards fridge pack codes. Email me I don’t want to get ripped off please. I just want codes I can use. If you are honest I will do business with you. If you do the Mt. Dew Oldschool Newschool promo, I just added a bunch of new codes to that page so check it again.

  112. i have a coke reward code i wish to trade for a pepsi points code email me if intrested

  113. Dh here again! after my last offer, i am lowering the point amount i will accept for my rhapsody music download code. I will take either 1-12 pack flap or 4- 3 point caps. I purchased the download for 33 points! this is an amazing deal. Email me @=at

  114. I currently have around 70-100 SPRITE/Fanta blue caps which as you know are currently worth an instant win play each. will trade pepsi pts 1 to 1 or coke flaps 1 to 3 that is 1 of yr 10 pt coke flaps for 3 blue cap codes.

  115. I have unlimited supply of codes… I work at bar at pool, mostly PowerAde and larger Coke bottles. Open to offers for codes… what can you trade? I like electronics, software… usable, legit, interesting websites (no porn) and of course anything that will make me cash.

  116. ooooppps! wow. kinda done on the fly. imkrakdru, thats what some say. do you need my addy?

  117. lori lookin’ 2 trade u need to contact me. email me. if anyone else is intrested… poolside bartender. lots of caps / codes to trade check 318. list of wants and or needs.

  118. Pepsi for Coke flaps and caps.

    I have a few pepsi flaps and caps that I am looking to trade .

    I would prefer flaps

    I also have some old school and misc …

    E mail me at

  119. I have an abundance of coke caps that I would like to trade for coke flaps. Usually trade 5 caps for 1 flap, but willing to up the antee. Email me at with “flaps for caps” in the subject line.

  120. my e-mail is
    I’ve got a pepsi flap ill trade for a mycokerewards flap

    il trade my cokereward flaps for caps
    i currently have a coke and pepsi flap make me offers at e-mail

  121. I have many Coke flaps and 1 Pepsi flag looking for a trade at least for the Pepsi flag.

    For the Coke flap, I am looking for a good trade.

  122. Hey I have a canadian code I can’t use (as I don’t live there) if you can use it e-mail me at You don’t have to have one for me. (To anyone who lives in the USA, you can’t sign up for this- I’ve tried)

  123. i have lots of pepsi codes to trade for mcr codes. preferrably flaps but i will take caps too. email me codes at

    once i enter codes and they WORK i will send my codes.

  124. Me a scammer?Brad is the scammer. I am only giving him a taste of his medicine. Do Not trade with he is a scammer he scammed Josh david and micheal. I am only a mod.

  125. I have a lot of pepsi codes but I only collect coke codes. anyone want to trade? my email is

  126. I have about 130 pepsi codes and I’m looking to trade for coke codes, I am on my email daily so any trade offers will be replied that same day, email me at and don’t try to make me give you 2 or 3 for 1 coke codes, my ratio is straight up 1:1

  127. this is for real. i have 5 different caps… 3 being pepsi caps, 1 being a mountain dew cap and 1 more being a dr pepper cap… i want 1 coke cap per code. and ill even post the 1st half of it.




    email me… i will explain what will go down when i recieve a email. Thanks!


  129. does anyone want to trade a 100 dollar gift card for some coke points i really could use them haven’t had any luck so far could use it for school supplies thanks email:

  130. WARNING!!!!! SCAMMER!!!!

    Jesus Gonzales >>> wanna trade pepsi stuff for mcr when you mail me include pepsi stuff in the subject line i am only going to take one pepsi stuff code for one coke code


  131. I have some unused MCR points looking to trade for unused Pepsi stuff points; one for one.

    email me at plushmail @ (no spaces of course ;))

  132. I suppose I should clarify what I have and what I expect in return.

    I have 4 Coke flaps from the 12 pack can fridge packs. I assume these are worth 2 points like the same in Pepsi are. So I will want 2 point Pepsi codes in return for each one of these.

    I will not email all of them at once, will do one for one so that you and I both can make sure all the codes work.

  133. Trading pepsi points for coke.
    I will trade cap for cab or flap for flap.

    I will also trade coke caps for coke flaps.
    10 caps-30 points for a 20 flap
    5 caps – 15 points for a 10 flap

    I will also do the same with pepsi
    10 caps for a 12 pack code or 10 caps for a 24 pack code

    be good


  134. my cousin gave me 14 20 point flaps but i could care less. i told a kid and he wants them but he wants 10 point codes. so i will trade for 2 twenty point flaps for your 1 ten point code trade as much as you want or until i run out.

  135. gave me a code that didnt work and said it was new,then he called me a scammer,then i tried to give him a 3 point code and didnt want it because it was to low so here people have a free code rl9v6ko6fhbv


  137. I am looking to trade Pepsi flaps for Coke flaps on a straight up basis.

    a 12 pack, 24 pack, 32 etc… pepsi for the equivalant coke pack code. Even and simple.

    Do to all the scamming I see here. I must insist on whomever wants to trade with me must send the 1st code. If I am a bad trader you can post it . If you are a bad trader I will post it.

    My E Mail is

  138. I will trade 2- 12 pack codes of pepsi for 1 coke 24 pack. I have a several codes
    I am takining my Q from what I saw posted above about the scamming cause I have the victim tooo many times.
    My rule is you send then I send. If you are honest then you all will work out

    If interesed:

  139. I have tons of pepsi codes. I would like to trade for coke codes, One for one. I have three 12 packs, one 24 pack and 27 caps. Due to all the scamming you need to send the first code. then we will send one code at a time. If I am a scammer you can post me name. If you are a scammer I will post your name. Thanks. P.S.

    Here all the people who have traded fairly with me.

    and Nathan

  140. Chris,
    my email is and is Jesus, the guy i trade with, that I have never had a bad trade with. so far 16 trades, 2 codes up to 7 codes, and still nothing bad from Jesus. u want the emails of the transations? email me. and dont accuse me of scamming. oh and just for the record, he came through again as of an 1 1/2 hours ago, just FYI.

    and for all we know you probably gave him bad codes to start with… just a thought…

  141. I have a lot of Coke caps and flaps for trade. I like Pepsi codes. Send them my way. Thanks


  142. If anyone is looking for Dr. Pepper codes, I have several that I’m willing to trade for Pepsi codes. Mine come from 12 packs and I’d like to trade for 2 or 4 point Pepsi codes. Thanks,


  143. I also have Coke caps that I’ll trade for Pepsi caps. Sorry for not putting that in the first post.


  144. trading straight up…

    I have 3 four PS pts for 3 20 MCR pts
    I have 1 two PS pt for a 10 pt MCR flap.

    you send first, then i will send. email me at..

    darkstar169 (at) gmail (dot) com

  145. I still have over 100 pepsi points I want to get rid of. I am looking for coke flaps only.
    3 PP for 10 MCR points.
    7 PP for 20 MCR points.
    One trade at a time.

    Here is a a free 2-pointer to prove i’m legit:


  146. dont mine my last post.

    I have 6 PS box codes. I want 4 MCR box code or 7 MCR flaps or 22 coke caps.

    i also want to trade my 5 caps for your 1 flap. email me at…

    darkstar169 (at) gmail (dot) com.. ThankS!

  147. I have PS Caps and MCR caps available for trade. I am looking for MCR Flaps. My rates are:

    3 PS Caps for 10 Pt MCR Flap
    7 PS Caps for 20 Pt MCR Flap
    5 MCR Caps for 10 Pt MCR Flap
    9 MCR Caps for 20 Pt MCR Flap

    e-mail me with offers.

    nathangates65@gmail got me too! He wanted 9 Pepsi caps for a 20 point MCR Flap. I told him I would send 5, then he had to send me the flap, and I would send him the other 4. I sent my 5 and havn’t heard back! He even says in his e-mail that he does not want to get scammed.

  149. Hi all,
    I am new here and hoping to make some trades. I have 6 coke caps I would like to trade for pepsi codes. Due to what I read above about people getting scammed I would like for you to send 1 code and then I will send 1 to you until we have traded all of them. Or if you have flaps worth multiple I will send the same amount after you send the code to me.
    Thank you,
    Sandee Rice

  150. Hi,
    I believe you people are all being scammed by the same person in a lot of cases. I call him the White Page E-mail Scammer as he picks out his names from the White Pages.

    He always has the same MO in all his e mails.
    These are some of the e mail addresses he uses. I can remember most of their e mail address. You have to fill in the blanks, but this should help
    Trade safe
    david ?
    sam ? @gmail.coms
    gettingcokepoints? “ and”

  151. PS:

    I can list the good traders, but truth be told, the good traders are about as bad as the good traders 50 50 so trade safe

  152. what are sopposed to do with all the pepsi codes that each of us saved for computers or tv.Can yu tell me what do with the codes under the cap if we can send them to pepsi ive tired to contac them by email and they dont seem to get the meaning of contac help me to do what is right and tell us what we can do with codes to use.on what?

  153. i am looking for the dr pepper codes with UWIN in the last line every one that you give me and i can confirm it i will give you 1 or 2 10 point flaps

    howdy email me for info

  154. Looking to trade for Pepsi Codes. I have 117 Coke caps that I can trade to you. Please contact me at acaciaw AT comcast DOT net if interested in trading.

    Also, have traded Patrick ( Very honest and is safe to trade with.

  155. I have a small mountain of coke points, if anyone would like to trade codes, e mail me at ” ” . you tell me in the e-mail that you want to trade, I’ll send you the coke codes, then, you send me pepsi codes. I have 20 coke codes as of now.

    1 coke code = 1 pepsi code

  156. i have a few pepsi stuff points and i actually have a few of the sunkist UWINs… let me know and i will trade for coke points. for the UWINs though, i want 40 points… they are, afterall winners.

  157. I have many many coke codes (caps) that I am more than willing to sell for cheap. Please email me if you are interested.

  158. I have a ton (over 400-500) of the 10 point Coke flaps that I would like to get sold. Send me offers to If you are worried you will get stiffed, I have an Ebay account so you can see what type of seller I am. Look forward to hearing from you soon!

  159. i am trading my coke codes for pepsi codes or mcdonalds codes i have 12 powerade coke codes,3 fanta coke codes and 24 regular coke codes…1 coke code for 1 pepsi code and 3 coke codes for a mcdonald code..
    i will give 20 coke codes for a mediterranean avenue code…

    email me at

  160. Here is what I have to trade:
    – Pepsi Points
    – MCR Caps
    – 1 hour of wifi at mcdonalds
    – New Fuji Finepix A500 Digital camera (e-mail for details)

    Here is what I want:
    – MCR Flaps (10 or higher)
    – Stouffer’s Dinner Club Codes (inside meal box)
    – Monopoly Codes

    e-mail me with your offers and any questions. Thanks.

    For anyone still reading this: Here is an MCR Cap code: FBNLMWL97R5L

  161. I will trade Pepsi codes for Coke codes. I have 5 points on my account and more that have not been used. All you have to do is email me your coke points and I will give them to you.

    Please do not scam me, send codes that actually work. I will not scam you.

  162. SCAMMER ALERT – Chris Rogoski ( scammed me out of five coke codes. I traded him three coke for three pepsi, which went fine. He then asked for five more coke codes and in return I’d get five pepsi codes. After a week I sent an email reminding him to send the codes and he claimed he never received them. A week later I sent another reminder and sent the codes again. Never heard from him again. This all happened within a four week span. Will update if I receive the codes.

  163. Adding a little more, as I think my description was a little confusing.

    “After a week I sent an email reminding him to send the codes and he claimed he never received them.”

    After I received the three Pepsi codes (from the first trade). I sent him five coke codes (for the second trade) My reminder emails included the five coke codes, which meant he received three emails which gave him the five coke codes, yet I never heard from him again.

  164. hey I just need 4 more pepsi codes to make an even 30. i wnat to get these befor the promotion ends november 11. I trade one coke cap code per each point, so 4 caps. email me at

  165. I have mcdonalds free wireless that I would gladly trade for coke reward points (I already have a wireless roaming card so the mcdonalds wireless is going to be wasted for me)

    And I have a question (sorry I’m new) why would someone want to trade flaps for caps? That sounds like a scam to me (I’ll give to 10 if you give me 3, huh??)

  166. Oh and to add on to the last post I have at least 100 coke caps to trade for pepsi caps and I need to trade them all by november 13

  167. I got a pepsi code unused. and i want 2 coke codes for it. Email me at I dont want to be scammed. Send me 1 coke code (as trust insured) then ill give pepsi code and then you give other one. I have b een scammed before and i dont want to be scammed again.

  168. Hey, im legit and ive got about 1000 or more MCR caps in a bag if you want proof i can take pictures im just really wanting someone that is legit to trade with me for flaps im willing to trade 5-7 caps for 1 flap worth 10 points. Please if there is eanyone legit to trade me besides these scammers email me at

    Thank You,
    -Harrison Z.

  169. Hello, I have 1 coke cap, willing to trade for 1 pepsi cap. Please leave a message here first to let me know you want to trade, then I will send 1 code to you 🙂

  170. i have about 13 pepsi codes and im 100% sure that nine or more of them are unused so if anyone wants to trade coke codes for pepsi codes email me at, and we can trade…

  171. used to be one of my reliable traders. i traded MCR codes for his Pepsi Stuff codes. We used to trade one at a time, then moved up to multiple code transfers. Now, that guy owes me 4 pepsi stuff codes and i havent heard back from him in weeks. Dont trust him. Not worth it.

  172. What are the usual rates for trading between MCR points and Pepsi points? Is it 1 Pepsi point for 3 MCR points and vice versa?

  173. I got some mycokerewards codes but I need stouffer’s food codes this month really bad becuase I am trying to win a gift for my mother for christmas
    and I can’t even afford my rent right now.
    If anyone can help
    Thanks so much,

  174. Hey all, I will trade off Pepsi Stuff points for mycokerewards points. There IS a catch, You MUST be absolutely sure that you get the code to me correctly, I wont send Pepsi points if the points I get dont work. Thank you and enjoy buying with them. My email is Thanks!

  175. Items I have for trade(can send all items via email):
    – 50 song downloads card from Universal Music
    – Brunswick Bowling Center certificate for two hours of bowling, shoe rental, & a pitcher of Coke
    – $10 gift certificate
    – 10″ 1-topping pizza from Domino’s
    – Free appetizer or dessert from TGIFriday’s
    – Year subscription to Golf Digest
    – AMF Bowling certificate for free game of bowling for up to 6 persons

    Looking for these codes to trade for:
    My Coke Rewards
    Pepsi Stuff
    Miller High Life Extras
    Stoffer’s Dinner Club

  176. I’ll trade your Coke Rewards codes one-for-one for my Pepsi Stuff codes. Bottle cap, 12-pack, 24-pack.

  177. Maverick, I’ll take your one to one offer. I’ll take all your pepsi points as I have plenty of coke ones. How many do you have?

  178. are they for the new promotion i will see what i can do probably 25 points a piece if their for the new gaming promotion

  179. Hi. I just got an xbox 360 and was wondering is i could trade 10 coke cap codes for a microsoft points code. I am really desperate. If you want to help me, email me the code at I will send the 10 coke cape codes over right away.

  180. Is anyone interested in buying Unused MCR codes. I have about 5000 points in 10 point flaps. I would sell them in bundles of 100 codes (that’s 1000 points) for $50 each.

  181. I have a code that i won in the instant win game for the following:

    This meal deal coupon offer is for a 1-topping thin or regular crust pizza, plus four (4) 20 oz. Coca-Cola products.

    If anybody is interested they can e-mail me back with an offer of points. I am not sure how many points I want. I can forward the e-mail sent to me if you would like also.

  182. i have a lot of coke caps cuz i stopped entering them cuz i already got wat i wanted soo ill trade for wii points or anything else nd if worse comes to worse ill give them away.

    ps i rlly need those wii points cards ill give u 25 cap codes for i 2000 points code

  183. If anyone wants to trade coke codes for my extra edo codes email me at I got diqualified from recieveing them but it still let me win so if anyone wants to trade email me.

  184. i am looking for no fear energy drink codes and if you got the pepsi news letter you got one free i will trade 2 coke caps for each no fear code and i will give 1 20 point code for 5 of the no fear codes email me at

  185. Hi! I have some coke flaps and caps for trade. I’d like to trade for Disney Movie Rewards points (found inside their new DVDs/BluRays). Have been trading 20 MCR pts for 100 Disney points but am open to negotiation.

  186. Melissa,

    I have a disney Rewards account with 2,300 points and i think i have some unused codes in my email. Would you be will to trade for your coke account or unused codes… Please let me know

  187. Okay… I am trading nine (9) Dr Pepper cap codes for Mycokereward codes only. Email me your offer at I trade codes one by one. Make sure to put “coke trade” as the topic… I want good offers…

  188. I have 2 Dr. Pepper codes that HAVN’T been used.. I dont like the drpepper website….its not user friendly, so I only do My coke rewards. I would like at least 1 coke code in return, but if your nice 2 will be just fine. 🙂

  189. Will anyone give me an iTunes gift card code for some mcr cap codes? I have lots and I get more all the time. Any takers?

  190. Anybody got something to trade me? I don’t use pepsi stuff, rewards, etc. I am into computer downloads and stuff. I normally give these away for nothing, but you guys seem to be in the know. any ideas of what you can trade me? I am even willing to take Microsoft Game Points. Let me know what you got and how many caps I have to give you. Very legit!

  191. Yeah, that’ll work. I am willing to trade for itunes.

    And does anyone know where I find the codes on 6 packs? Or do they only come on the red caps?

  192. Yeah, itunes would be great. Email me if you have them.

    And, does anyone know where to find codes on a six pack. Are they under the cap also?

  193. No for 30 caps that I have and post your e-mail so I can e-mail you. BTW I want to trade my caps for your itunes gift card code not the other way around.

  194. From Ben Kuku
    Financial Bank Cotonou Benin
    Address: C/65 plot 12 Jerico
    Phone: +229 97237107
    Fax : +229 21 33 23 1133


    I honestly apologize and hope I do not cause you much embarrassment by contacting you through this means for a transaction of this magnitude. This message could be strange but it’s real if you pay some attention to it, Due to the confidentiality and prompt access reposed on this medium, it became necessary for me to seek your assistance and it is imperative for me to know your opinion.

    In a brief introduction, I am Mr Ben Kuku, the Director of Operation with Financial Bank Cotonou-Benin Republic. I have a very interesting deal to discuss with you, the deal under discussion has to do with Mr George C.Williams from America who based in lebanon while he was employed as a Consultant/contractor with Societe Nationale Des Products D’ Agricole (SONAPRA) a cotton manufacturing company in Cotonou-Benin.

    On 25th December 2003, Mr. George C.Williams with his wife and their only daughter was involved in a plane crash when he was traveling to lebanon with his family, victims with Boe 727-type air plane belonging to African Transport Union (UTA). In this fatal tragidy with Beirut-bound flight, 110 persons died and Over 40 others still reported missing, while 22 passengers survived, you may confirm the event of the air crash throug, or(

    Consequently, Mr George C.Williams made a numbered time (fixed) deposited for twelve calendar and his account with our Bank accrues to about (Ten Million, Two hundred and Fifty- Two Thousand US Dollars) US10.252,000.00. Hence my decision to contact you so that you and I will go into partnership hence late Mr George C.Williams has no other relative to claim his left fund in our bank. However,the nature of your business is completely irrelevant to this transaction as all I need from you is an assurance that my interest will be fully protected once this deal is concluded.

    All I want you to do is to ACT as the next of kin of Late Mr George C.Williams because you are an American like him which makes this claim straight forward, this fund will be reverted to the government ownnership as abaundoned treasury if no body applies as his next of kin. Therefore, you as an american is fully qualified to stand as the next of kin to late Mr George C.Williams so that the fruits of this old man’s labour will not get into the hands of some corrupt government officials as the expiration period is at hand. I will back you up with all the needed informations ok.

    Please note that There is no risk at all, my position as the Director of Operation guarantees the successful execution of this transaction. It is expected that upon the receipt of your acceptance, this transaction will be concluded within 7 Banking days and the money will be paid into your account for us to share in the ratio of 50% for you and 50% for me. and also you send to me your private phone, or mobile numbers for easier correspondence.or you can give me a call on + 229 97 23 71 07 I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Mr. Ben Kuku.

  195. Please somebody give me an itunes gift card code for my coke codes. Just post your email and I’ll email you.

  196. I am looking for yellow PEPSI cap codes for the Rock Band game tracks promotion. I cannot find any in my area and I’m willing to trade multiple coke cokes for each rock band Pepsi cap. Please email

  197. Hi all,
    I have a TON of coke rewards caps and flaps that I’m looking to trade away for Pepsi rock band cap codes. I used to collect my coke rewards but don’t find the prize pool worth it anymore so I am willing to trade multiple coke caps for single pepsi caps! E-mail me at I’ll check my email DAILY to get back to you ASAP!

  198. I have rhapsody $1 codes willing to trade for mcr or rock band codes tell me if willing on this site

  199. Throwing my hat in, I have numerous mcr caps and a flap looking for Pepsi rock band codes. E-mail is
    cfonville (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks

  200. theg.dless at gmail dot com
    I have a whole lot of 10pt flaps and the little capitalist in me awoke…

    paypal payments only!
    make me an offer…I have well over 2000 pts available but being it ends july 1, sigh oh well.

  201. have one rock band cap
    willing to trade to the highest offer of mcr points posted on this page if high enough (post what your’re going to offer not the codes)

  202. want: yellow pepsi caps rock band promotional codes
    have: credit – 25.00

    send best offer to jlf278 at yahoo dot com

  203. Someone named John Wang ( just ripped off four codes from me, do not send codes to this asshole. Hopefully the spam bots will scrape his e-mail from this site:

  204. Just noticed something. When I was recycling bottles, I found many caps and flaps. Deposit centers are a great place to find caps and flaps.

  205. I didn’t realize you can’t see my E-mail address so reposting:

    I have a ton of free magazine subscriptions I have access to (like Time, Entertainment Weekly, Redbook, etc.) and I would trade something for some Pepsi Rock Band Codes.

    E-mail Me at The13stuff @ aol . com

  206. Trading 2 MCR FLAPS for 2 Rockband caps. The parents have a huge stack of unused MCR Flaps. Any takers?

  207. Someone named John Wang ( just ripped off four codes from me, do not send codes to this asshole. Hopefully the spam bots will scrape his e-mail from this site:


    I’m quoting the above because he did the same to me.

  208. unfortunately i used my only pepsi rockband code i had 🙁
    let me know if you would be willing to trade mycokerewards codes for my pepsi rockband codes, by emailing me at because i will probably find more, email me if you are interested and give me an offer and i will email you back when i find some pepsi codes, and will see if you are still interested, please email me thank you! 🙂

  209. i am looking for 3 point sprite codes. preferably used. i want the codes for the twist text get promo. email sprite cap codes to
    label the subject “sprite codes”. the person who sends me the most USED sprite cap codes will receive an unused 3 point powerade cap!! its a win-win!! thanks in advance..

  210. have: tons of codes at home 10’s and 20’s have like 50 of them
    want:any electronic gift cards

  211. I will trade MCR codes for Pepsi Rock Band Codes!!

    Also if you are giving away free pepsi rock band codes!!

    email me at

    I am also willing to buy each individual code at 40 cents per code^^^^

  212. watch out for a scammer named JAKE/ ANON/ he said i scammed him when he is the one who sent me a invalid/ now redeemed code GET A LIFE LOSER

  213. how many mycokerewards/pepsi rockband codes can i get for an electronic $5 amazon giftcard?



  214. i have few dr pepper cap codes will trade them for coke codes if anyone is interested contact me via email thanks john

  215. Will trade lots of Coke codes for some pepsi rock band codes. To prove this is true. Here is a free coke code: FHTN4H4KAF9B. E-mail me at if you are interested! 🙂

  216. looking for used sprite codes (as posted higher up) i use them on the instant win game and will give anyone who gives me 10 used sprite caps an unused powerade code. if you send me 20. ill give you two cap codes. 30 ill give u a 10 pointer.
    email me at:


    p.s. i am honest and WILL NOT RIP YOU OFF!! i hate getting ripped of myself so i am trustworthy. thanks in advance! 🙂

  217. I have tons of pepsi codes, will trade for coke codes, will trade 1 for 1 i will send the first one, we can set a time and trade them on yahoo messenger. I work in a resturaunt that sells pepsi in the bottle. Get 50 to 60 a day, and need coke codes email me put coke codes in the subject

  218. I’ll give a MCR cap to anyone who emails me with a VALID Pepsi Rock Band code. plz email me at I actually have three, but they are off of sprite bottle idk if that makes a difference aha but anyway, anyone just email me. NO SCAMMERS PLZ!


  219. looking for pepsi rockband caps and will trade coke caps 1 for 1. email is my wife collects the coke points but i play too many games and would rather get the pepsi codes atm for the promo. not sure how everyone is trading but send me a code to test me out and i can send the coke codes back. please dont send a ton as i only have 3 unused caps atm.

  220. I have 8 MCR caps I’d like to trade for 8 RB caps – I prefer drinking Coke but never really got into MCR. Just hit up my email at deep.4.2.thought at GMail and we can figure out how exactly you wanna do the trade.

  221. Willing to trade Coke Rewards pts for Pepsi Rock Band codes. Feel free to contact me @ e-mail!

  222. I am willing to trade a club nintendo code (from mario cart wii) for 2 pepsi codes. Or a disney movie rewards code for a pepsi code. or 2 xbox rockband song codes for 2 pepsi codes. Please email me at and please put trading in the subject box. Thank you.

  223. My coke reward caps are starting to multiply. I currently have 9 valid codes (never been used). This number will keep on multiplying during the week ( every M-F). I am willing to give them for Pepsi Rock Band Codes. Email me at if you are interested.

  224. i have 2 and more coming pepsi codes, i am trading for mycokerewards codes, 2 mcr codes for i pepsi rockband codes

  225. I have a total of 38 my coke reward caps stored up that I kept for some reason. I am looking to trade them for some Pepsi Rock Band codes. I would like to do a 2 for 1 trade (2 MCR-1 Pepsi) but will take other offers as well of course. If anybody is interested please let me know. My email is

    Thank you in advance.

  226. I have a rhapsody $1 song code that I won from the MCR instant win and I want to trade it for a MCR cap code. Please email Thanks.

    P.S. I also have a disney movie rewards code to trade for a coke code. And a mario cart wii Club nintendo code to trade. Thank you

  227. i have many drpepper and coke codes i will trade 4 coke codes for 1 pepsi code or will trade 3 drpepper codes for 1 pepsi code. my email is email me if interested and thanks

  228. heres some drpepper codes……ide appreciate it if whoever used them would send a coke code…

    but well see how that does..

    1. 36nfmdb07jvq
    2. fvsjdeark9df
    3. 9qj1kgb4dme3

  229. I have a total of 34 my coke reward caps stored up that I kept for some reason. I am looking to trade them for some Pepsi Rock Band codes. I would like to do a 2 for 1 trade (2 MCR-1 Pepsi) but will take other offers as well of course. If anybody is interested please let me know. My email is

    Thank you in advance.

  230. I have 1 disney movie rewards code for a coke code, one mario cart wii club nintendo code to trade for 1 coke code, 1 3month club pogo code to trade for 2 coke flaps (20 points) and 1 rhapsody song code for 1 coke code. Email thanks!

  231. I have about 5000 caps of MCR willing to trade for Subway Scrabble letters. I just need a few more.

  232. Add to comment before: I need some subway scrabble letters and i will be willing to trade a lot of caps for one letter.

  233. ijust got robbed!!!!!! i gave ths person all of my caps which is like 10000 points and he did not give me anything back!!!!!!

  234. I have 1 disney movie rewards code for a coke code, one mario cart wii club nintendo code to trade for 1 coke code, 1 3month club pogo code to trade for 2 coke flaps (20 points), 1 rhapsody song code for 1 coke code, 2 ps3 rockband codes to trade for one coke code each, and 7 pepsirockband codes to trade for 2 coke codes each (I may trade for 1 coke code if you email me within 5 days). please Email thanks! SCAMMERS BEWARE! if you trick, scam or steal my codes, I will spam your email address.

  235. im trading 12 3 month memberships for 500 coke points and 2 memberships for 125 so if u want to trade my EMAIL IS TAETW524@YAHOO.COM AND ILL TELL YOU THE FIRST PASS JUST BECUASE IM NOT A DICK ALRIGHT IM GOING TO BE ON THE YAHOO MESSINGER SO IF U WANT TO NEGOTIATE THEN COME TALK

  236. I have a 3 month pogo membership, and i have already won one, so if you want to trade for MCR points, that would be great, looking for like 20 or so, email me an offer, i check often!

  237. I have five 3-month Club Pogo memberships that I’m looking to trade for MCR points. Since Coke wants 250 MCR points for the same thing, I’m asking 100 points for each membership. if interested.

  238. I have a couple coke bottle caps and a flap from a 12-pack. I’m looking for pepsi rockband codes

  239. hey i am looking to trade my coke reward codes for your pepsi rockband codes! I hate pepsi but love rockband. I have about 30 or so unused coke reward codes. If you want to trade e-mail me at

  240. I have 2 club POGO codes from the wheel at Subway, looking to trade for Coke points winners from the wheel from Subway. I have all the cap and flap codes I can use. E-mail me at and we’ll swap. Thanks

  241. I have 2 pogo 3 months instant wins and one rhapsody instant win and 2 xbox live codes. email All i want is for you to join with my referal so i would earn lockerz points. after you sign up you never need to login to your account again. so email me first, i will give you a referal and sign up. and i will give you what you want. I have 2 pepsi codes coming tomorrow. my email is

  242. I have a 9 month club pogo from subway scrabble. I’m willing to trade for 10 mycokerewards points.Thanks!!! Email Me at JUST 10 POINTS for 9 months of club pogo. That’s a 5 dollar value!!!

  243. i have 2 song credits from pepsi rockband. i have not redeemed them yet and have not chosen the system for which the codes can be redeemed on. if anybody wants them, make me an offer of mycokerewards codes. also. would trade for a few used sprite codes so i can use em on the instant win game! thanks.

    email me at:


  244. Thank you snippee pants for the good trade!

    Still have MCR available for pepsi rock band caps but time is running out for pepsi as it ends the 13th. Again, my four mcr caps (12 pts) for one pepsi rock band. Thanks.

  245. I will trade My Coke Rewards codes for Club Nintendo product registration codes. These are the PIN numbers found on a slip of paper inside the cases of Nintendo Wii or DS games. Email me if your interested.

  246. Now that the Pepsi Rock Band program is over, I ended up winning 2 Rock Band kits out of about 400 codes entered. I won a Wii which I’m using and an Xbox 360 which I am not. Is there anyone out there interested in the Xbox 360 kit? Of course, unopened still in the shipping box from Pepsi. Taking offers. Live in NY area so that would be easier to pick up. Also would trade even up for a Wii or PS3 Rock Band 2 kit. Would make a great Christmas gift for that special someone!! :-)LMK, Andrew

  247. Anyone interested in trading for or buying a Rock Band 2 kit for Xbox 360, lmk. I live in the NY metro area so an in person trade would work best. Looking for same kit for the Wii. Thanks, Andrew

  248. I have a bunch of coke caps willing to sell if someone wants to send me paypal payment.I will sell 333 x 3 point caps and add another to make it 1002 points for $30 email me at or send me a $30 paypal payment.

  249. I have 12 pack ends I will sell worth 10 points each.I will send 50 of them or 500 points $15.00,this is enough to get 20 bottles at 20 oz eah at the 24 points per bottle then you will have 20 more codes if thats the way you would like to spend them.I ask that payment be sent by paypal to and I will email you the codes.

  250. selling unused coke reward points cheap. i have thousands in 125-point or 500-point increments. nothing smaller, sorry. also have tons of club pogo years. let me know how many you want at what paypal’ed price.

  251. I have pogo codes that I would like to trade for unused subway codes (can’t be the ones that are limit 1 per account, but where everyone can use it). Would also trade for coke codes. Please email me if you want the pogo memberships. they are 3 months each.

  252. Folks, the best deal I have EVER made was through “” (See comment #644 for his offer)

    A very smooth transaction and a very nice person to deal with!

  253. I am looking for mycoke reward codes I have these things to trade!

    $5 ding e gift card
    $10 subway gift card
    $5 zandoos cell phone gift card
    $25 gift card

    I also have paypal cash to trade

  254. I have TWO 20% off codes from Subway Scrabble for

    I will trade them for either 2 125-point or 1 500-point MCR code(s).


    NOTE: I will reply with the Champs Sports codes to the FIRST person to send me WORKING MCR codes for either of the criteria above.

  255. trading these things for mycoke reward codes!

    $5 amazon gift card
    $5 ding e gift card
    $10 subway gift card
    $5 zandoos cell phone gift card
    $25 gift card

    send me an offer at

  256. I will trade 5 McDonald’s Monopoly codes or 10 MCR points for one Club Nintendo product registration code. Club Nintendo product registration codes are the PIN numbers found on a slip of paper inside the game cases of Nintendo Wii and DS games. (Note: The PIN numbers are only included with games made by Nintendo. ex. Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, ect. games) If you have a Wii or DS, you’re bound to have Club Nintendo product registration codes. If you’re not using them, feel free to trade them to me for a few extra McDonald’s Monopoly codes or MCR points. If you’re interested in a trade, please email me at Thanks.

  257. Currently, I have these items for trade:

    McDonald’s Monopoly codes
    MyCokeRewards codes
    $5 Amazon gift card code

    I am interested in Club Nintendo product registration codes, gift card codes (including Amazon), ect. Just shoot me an offer! Please email me at Thanks.

  258. Currently, I have these items for trade:

    McDonald’s Monopoly codes
    MyCokeRewards codes
    $5 Amazon gift card code

    I am interested in Club Nintendo product registration codes, gift card codes (including Amazon), ect. Just shoot me an offer! Please email me at Thanks.

  259. I have three Club Pogo 3-month codes. I’m willing to trade them for MCR points, Club Nintendo product registrations, or Lockerz sign ups. Just email we and we’ll set up some deals. Thanks!

  260. I have some MCdonalds Monopoly codes that I will trade for MCR codes. EMail me and we’ll work something out. Thanks

  261. I’m looking to trade MCR codes for GreenLabelGear (Mt. Dew’s promotion) codes.

    I have lots of MCR’s. Green Label codes end on the 15th so the sooner the better!

    Email me @ to trade.

    Small initial trades to establish trust please.

  262. i now have 3 pepsi rockband codes and 3 mountain dew codes. id be willing to trade them all for 2 mcr codes

  263. I will trade MCR points for Club Nintendo product registration codes. I am offering 6 MCR points for a code from a DS game, and 10 MCR points for a code from a Wii game. Club Nintendo product registration codes are the PIN numbers found on a slip of paper inside the game cases of Nintendo Wii and DS games. (Note: The PIN numbers are only included with games made by Nintendo. ex. Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, ect. games) If you have a Wii or DS, you’re bound to have Club Nintendo product registration codes. If you’re not using them, feel free to trade them to me for a few extra MCR points! If you’re interested in a trade, please email me at jjoey56 (at) ymail (dot) com. We can then work out a trade. (DO NOT POST THE CLUB NINTENDO CODES IN A COMMENT!) Thanks!

  264. i have a code for two hours of free wifi from gogo. The code is for two hours of free wifi (up to $12.95 value) on certain airlin companies. If you are planning to travel, and will need wifi, check this code out!! check out to see if your air company is covered. I will trade this code for my coke rewards codes or a $5 amazon gift card. If you want to trade coke codes for it, make me an offer!! Hurry, the code expires 3/31/2010. my email is
    Email if interested!!

  265. Willing to trade MyCokeRewards codes for iCoke (canadian mycokerewards) codes. email me at or more preferably AIM (screenname:daturkeandralph3). have lots of american codes if you have lots of canadian codes

  266. I have 10 MCR flaps for 10 points each, and 1 20 pointer. I want to get 4 caps each for the 10 pointers, and 8 caps for the 20 pointer. First to email me codes will get the flaps. My email is If I get extra cap codes, I will send them an email that says I didn’t use them.

  267. I have 2 $20 Live nation Concert Cash I won in

    Email me if you are interested and let me know what you have to trade those for.

    my email is b.cokegirl.r at gmail dot com.

  268. hey peoples! i’ve got a good deal here, i have lots of club penguin codes.
    if you play club penguin, this offer is for you! ive got a seiries 2 puffle code and a seiries three code too. i also have two card jistu codes.
    the trade will be like an auction. highest bid wins.
    i will strt both puffles off for 6 points each, and the card jistu will be three. CODES ONLY. to place a bid, email me at
    if you are outbidded, i will notify you via email.
    mcr points only. i will update here on highest bid. ends when supplies are all sold. transaction will go like this, you will first send me half of the codes, then i will send you my code, so if i get scammed at least i got somthing. im 100 percent christain, so you will never get scammed by me.

  269. hello everyone i have recently quit mycokerewards and am wanting to trade my account and codes for the following.
    lockerz account
    straight up money
    or club bing account
    either one of the above is acceptable email me at and we can work out a ratio and thanks!

  270. I really need anyone who would be willing to sell a specific reward on MCR. I need someone who has enuff points to redeem for a 1-day pass to six flags (3 or more). Going on vaca next week….need asap. will work out payment arrangements after I talk to you. Thanks!

  271. I have some 30 point codes that I won for the Wendys summer of real promotion, but I can’t use them because I’ve already used one.. I’d be willing to trade them for some 3 or 10 pointers if anyone has any. Email me at “” if you’re interested!


  272. I’ve recently won some 30 point codes from the Wendy’s Summer of Real promotion.. I’ve already used one so I can’t use the new ones I’ve gotten. I’d be willing to trade them for some 3 or 10 pointers.. if anyone’s interested, email me at “”


  273. Sorry for the duplicate posts above.. didn’t realize the first one had been approved. Codes are still available 🙂

  274. Ok will some still be willing to trade My Coke Rewards Points for ICoke Points.

    I will give 2 My Coke Reward Points,For 2 ICoke Point Codes ASAP.

    Reason: Cause theirs was just a miss understanding when i sold a pair of MCR Codes

  275. Hi Everyone.
    I have received coke-cola cards for my work and they are worth 20 points each. I have 320 worth of points, and am willing to trade for even, or close to even amount of points in normal cards.
    Im doing this because you can only add 30 to your account and I have already added a lot and mycokerewards wont let me post anymore. I have 20 left so you shouldn’t have a problem.
    Email me at,
    Thank you!

  276. Will trade 3 flaps worth 20 points each for a Minecraft code

    send code me at

    I will send an extra 20 point code after i receive Minecraft code

    so that will be a total of 80 MCR points!


    I am willing to BUY MCR (My Coke Rewards Points)…
    I would prefer 10 or 20 point “FLAPS” from 12pk / 20pk or 24pk. but will also take individual 3pt twist top bottle caps too depending on the cost.

    Email me and let me know how many you have and maybee we can work something out.

    Thanks a ton,

  278. flaps are on the inside flaps of cardboard boxes, this is where the codes are located.

  279. hey i was wondering if anyone would like to trade coke codes for dr.pepper codeif s or pepsi codes. As in i would give dr.pepper or pepsi codes for coke codes…..thanks. So if you are intrested please email me at :

  280. Need Pepsi Power Codes (Yellow Tops) today through Sunday! Can trade back Dr Pepper Codes and can get Coke Codes if you need.

  281. I have plenty of My Coke Rewards codes, but I’m in need of Pepsi Refresh (yellow bottle cap) or PowerVotes. Will trade – please email me at


  282. Have a code for a free Redbox rental I got from McDonald’s Monopoly. Will trade for some MyCokeRewards codes.

    Reply to this comment and leave your email if you are interested. Thanks!

  283. Well over 1000 caps for sale paypal account. I’m going to be up front, I’m fair and just fool one once shame on me, fool me twice fool on you. So, I will not do big orders until there is a trust. on both ends.
    What is your poison.. ?

  284. Looking to trade 12 pack codes for DVD’s/gift cards. I have A LOT of Fanta, Barq’s and Mello Yello 12 pack codes and a backpack full of caps. I will NEVER be able to enter them all. I am willing to trade 10 12 pack codes or 33 cap codes (100/99 points and also the weekly limit) for $5 worth of gift cards.

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