Free MyCokeRewards Codes (XI)

It is 2011 and MyCokeRewards is still going stong!

On this page you will find generous folks donating free MyCokeRewards codes at random times. To snag some coke points, just check back as often as you can. The more often you check our page here, the most likely you are to get some points.

There is also lively discussion about the MyCokeRewards program, the prizes, how to find more coke codes, and more.

If you’re not sure how any of this this works, check out our older pages that have been deactivated and archived:
MyCokeRewards Post #1 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #2 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #3 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #4 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #5 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #6 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #7 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #8 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #9 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #10 (comments now closed)

If you’d like to trade or sell codes, please use the Code Trading Page. Or visit this page to beg for MyCokeRewards codes (or anything else for which you feel like begging).

Some quick and easy rules for participating here:

  • If you use a code, please leave a quick comment indicating such. A simple “Thank-you” or “RBM” (redeemed by me) goes a long way in saving everyone from trying the same codes over and over. It also encourages our generous donators to post more often!
  • Comments are held for moderation before they are posted. While we have a very friendly atmosphere here, I keep the moderation pretty strict. It boils down to this: If your comment does not contribute meaningful content to the discussion of MyCokeRewards, it isn’t going to show up. Begging or trading requests will also not show here (see above).
  • If you’re asking a question, be sure to check the MCR FAQ page to see if it has already been answered


  1. Thanks for the codes, VVhitekid2. RBM. I saw the twitter one and tried it. It comes up invalid. It has 13 characters.

  2. $10 Live Nation digital code: 2032557175588606
    Just realized that I never redeemed this code and it expires today 3/31/11. So if anyone can use it, enjoy!

  3. Couple of 3 pointers


    BTW anyone need Dr. Pepper EA codes? Not a gamer, but I pick them up when I’m trolling for Coke caps.

  4. Whoo hoo. Thanks for the codes, Karen and Vvhitekid2. I am appreciative that the site is more active. Hope all is well with you and the Mrs., and your Mom, VVhitekid2.

    Now that there appears to be more activity, I will get a list together of all the new eprize IWGs and news from and post all of this information later today.

  5. These are the latest IWGs (Instant Win Games) from Coca-Cola at and Please pay attention to ending dates:

    NCAA Bracket Challenge (ends 4-4-2011 [tomorrow]; you can still play the instant game for Chili’s GC’s or NCAA fan gear)

    Coca-cola NCAA Basketball with T.G.I. Friday’s (ends 4-4-2011 [tomorrow]; you can still play the instant game; I just now won a $25 TGI Fraday’s $25 Gift Card)
    Rules and AMOE (Alternate Method of Entry:

    NCAA Tournament Time (Ends 4-5-2011):

    Enter this code: NCAAMYTEAM and any six 20-oz. cap codes and choose your NCAA College Team t-shirt from a list 20 schools. Limit 2 per account. Unsure of end date.

    Enter this code: ncaatshirt and any six 20-oz. cap codes and choose your NCAA College Team t-shirt from a list 50 schools. Limit 2 per account. Unsure of end date.

    Race, Rock & Refresh Game (Sweepstake and Instant Win Game for 2011 Toyota Tundra or Trip to Chicagoland Speedway or Dollar General GC’s; certain states only; Phase 1: March 28, 2011 through May 22, 2011; Phase 2: May 23, 2011 through July 31, 2011):
    Rules and AMOE (Alternate Method of Entry):
    Text red cap to 41461
    AMOE June 5, 2011 at 12:00 a.m. ET through June 15, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. ET

    NCAA Tournament Time (Ends 4-5-2011):

  6. thanks Pickledilly for the info. Actually, if you enter NCAAMYTEAM in the code line, then enter 6 codes(20 oz), pick your shirt then go back and enter ncaatshirt in the code line you will be allowed to pick another shirt without having to enter any more codes.

  7. NKB59TN 7LHKNX7
    TBM6V69 9MRWNK7
    9TV9W4V BHFH0P9

    Codes from the Night Owl 😉

  8. So, I purchased a 20 pack of coke with the Final Four code for the free shirt. I went back to the store the next week to get my second pack and my second code so I could get the free shirt….and….no more 20 packs. 🙁 Does anyone have a second 20 pack code that they would like to trade for an equal amount of codes from caps? (I have plenty of those….)

  9. Do not pay the ransom, I have escaped. And other than feeling drained all is well. A few 3 point codes to celebrate my return.

    01. 54K95L4KWM9T
    02. PP9WHL6J4WN60F
    03. 4VRX9WLMTKV5LP
    04. 7XV09XF9RFBKVM
    05. 5P405J4T054MH9
    06. 4KHOROB4HKL7X5
    07. 9K97HJHXKRJLWR
    08. 6KJJ5HJ5JWMXTV
    09. V6XXNJF9W05V05

    And a couple of 10 point codes, also eligible for the Million Point Givaway, or “bubble game”.

    11. 5WMHTJ4F4TBKJJ
    12. 9LRM76K4PL4PJR

    It will take awhile for me to get to know all of you again, but I will. Is there still a problem here with the lurkers? I suppose that is one thing that will be a thorn in the side forever. Have a great day people.

  10. Here’s a few 3 pointers:

    1. B4HLW5TV7VV6
    2. TTNTN5RH7644
    3. 49RBNNXWVR4L
    4. 6W5PW775BX94
    6. 5MAJ55VBV5K9
    7. 5B965KAJ4VA9
    8. A96AJN9RBW06
    9. FNXXXL9MJ45F
    10. 55NFTF7LVV6W

    Tropicana code:

    MAY 02 11 48RE1954 store—Walmart

    Welcome back Darrell! I decided to return also.

  11. Also Tropicana code RBM. Thanks Robert. These are the first codes I’ve snagged in months……

  12. Don’t be disheartened Ashley, your turn will come. Keep trying. It’s good to see we are still traveling the same road Robert. We have been for quite some time.

    01. N7FW4WAH5P6T
    02. PWT6V6B7FWBOPR
    03. VXVBPV5P5MHXN6
    04. 7PKX4JJH7W04TB
    05. BH5HK64HTRTL54

  13. Thank you for the codes Darrell! I got your codes from post #44.

    And welcome back, you have been missed.

  14. Ashley, here’s your chance, maybe you can snag one of these 3 pointers:

    1. 4A7PARA4JAAF
    2. 009ATLWMVBTJ
    3. 4M05AXWMJ0BN
    4. 7PL6PV56H6HJ
    5. 40JTJWRX0JXB
    6. RJ56P45W9M6B
    7. P7AM90HX7FFL

    Good Luck!

  15. This is the website for Tropicana, Taylor. You are allowed to enter one juice code daily, and you build up your total until you are able to get an offer of your choosing. Sometimes you can use a code more than one day in a row. It all depends on how many others used the code already.

  16. Welcome back to you as well, Robert. It’s good to see more activity here and to see some familiar names back.

    I was able to use both Tropicana codes that were posted. Thank you, I did not know that they could be used more than once.

  17. Three point codes:

    01. F6WXL90K6L7ROL
    02. 7MRL9770B6N6LJ
    03. V9RLVVNKR5L4K9
    04. TVWF94JP6F7K9X
    05. TOJ9H6WX6PMMHT
    06. NJVB97M4WOPT4N
    08. 60JMAKTMOPT7
    09. TBLOX747VXNWHB
    10. 6TVFJX96KHBBKO

    Enjoy the start of your weekend.

  18. Wow, Bryan93, you’re quick. Thanks for posting Darrell. Welcome back to you and to Robert!

  19. Posted this the other day, but no response…thought I’d try again……
    So, I purchased a 20 pack of coke with the Final Four code for the free shirt. I went back to the store the next week to get my second pack and my second code so I could get the free shirt….and….no more 20 packs. Does anyone have a second 20 pack code that they would like to trade for an equal amount of codes from caps? (I have plenty of those….)Help please!!!


  20. Thanks Shari & Pickeldilly for the welcome back. Here’s a few 3 pointers:

    1. PX5FTN66NTK6
    2. NNFR795T5HT6
    5. 6V0FPXNMB99X
    6. 9WVP9K75PWK9
    7. F5VN707NFAJA
    8. 47KLX6RHHXMF
    9. NB6XM6F9TK7J
    10. FRF9FHK7TBTL

    And a snapfish code if anyone wants it:

    50 Free 4×6 Prints 4NFS7D2H3PBN

  21. I got 2-9 of roberts codes, 1 and 10 were already used.

    thanks robert!

    also the snapfish code doesnt work

  22. Sarah, I checked the snapfish code & it was entered correctly.
    A few more 3 pointers:

    1. ARPB470J5A57
    3. 0JKKA9H944VW
    4. TKMM6XK77XT5
    5. 4PKPABAM55LH
    6. RFL64KKBJL0J
    8. 5750LP754TNN
    10. 5WL7T0ATRMLK
    12. 56HA677R6P44

  23. Three pointers.
    01. P7NMBW6XFRX4BB
    02. T5XNN5LTJJ9LKJ
    03. 5PJX47JTJXWHXT
    05. 7TN67B5LMMKVRH
    06. TX04BX7NH5K9N6
    08. 7J9JMBPBVB4FX4
    09. R04VR5BKP5BKJR
    10. 57FMMMFL7HBMHT
    What a glorious afternoon at the Masters.

  24. Stephanie, I thought someone would have pointed you to this post from the last freemycokerewards.


    I don’t know if that is still active. Hope so, and this was also posted to get 2 more t-shirts:
    Enter NCAAMYTEAM and 6 cap codes from any product and choose one of twenty school t-shirts. Limit 2 per account.

    I entered the cap codes first, then the code for the t-shirt. Hope that works for you. They shipped pretty fast.

  25. A few more three’s:
    02. 76XMLN05KLM7X5
    03. 7F56VTTKLHOHPF
    05. 9W6XXL4TXKT6M7
    You are welcome. Merry Monday.

  26. also, it would only let me get one tshirt. i guess i have to enter another 6 codes for another shirt.

  27. Thanks for the T-shirt info, got my two since I had alot of caps entered earlier today.

    Didn’t try #74 so it may be good if entered right.

  28. Every single offer I could find from My Coke Rewards and its affiliate, at eprize, was already posted. Please look at the last few posts of this page:

    As soon as the site became active again, I gathered all of the information for everyone. If you recheck it all, there is another t-shirt offer using caps and the code ncaatshirt.

  29. Karen–(and others)—Thank you so much for the information about the shirts! Serves me right for not checking this board for awhile. Managed to get my free shirts! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Here’s a code to show my thanks: BTJM4VRFBW4V

  30. More 3 pointers:

    2. 555KNH405T7H
    3. 7A7PTNR54RH4
    4. 5J6PKRBMX0B0
    5. 9MX07N0F6VLJ
    6. 767FK07TJNJP
    8. 00F5KT79LPFN
    9. 54VKMRWBT9X6
    10. RJXF7XPW7JF7

  31. Seems that post #84 was lurked. Unfortunate, but it does happen. Here are some three’s.
    01. OWOTMJBHMJN7-The B could be a 9, very marred.
    02. PJB00K4X7JLKW6
    03. PR7T46RTOPH7X7
    04. 79LNNFXHX5766R
    05. 7PFWHF9LKHXJJ4
    06. 4VH7XOT47RMFTR
    07. T4BKOXJXB90MMO
    09. NRL5WN7MFKXOL4
    Good luck, and have a good hump day.

  32. More 3 pointers:

    1. 5JRK N4VK NF4M
    2. TA5L LHR9 W597
    3. T4VN NXMF JV9X
    4. 9PKB 5LWK LT60
    5. TRFB 7NW7 WRWA
    6. 7APN TK6J 6VAW
    7. BB6V F6BF 4FA5
    8. TFT4 A4B4 P605
    9. TBTX 6J4W HWKM
    10. NRML V7AN TMF7

  33. Couple of observations. New reward items don’t always show up when you click on “What’s New” under Rewards catalog. Many long-time available rewards do show up.
    My mom had redeemed for the digital video recorder in October. It broke immediately. Only took 6 emails, 6 calls, 6 months and $2.75 to send it back to get the 4975 points restored. Moral of the story: do not redeem for electronics.

    I have lots of caps, way more than I can use before they switch over to 14 digit codes, so I will be posting frequently (I hope).


    That’s all the clean ones I have right now. I like to pop the plastic insert out so they are easier to read, then give them a quick wash after I do dishes. Mostly my friend gets them from recycle bins and they are very sticky. Over the last 18 months or so I did that to over 9600 caps. (Don’t ask why I kept track – its a mathematician thing…)

  34. Pickledilly and Robert – thanks for the tip about using Tropicana codes more than once. That’s a big deal. Also, I just put the same store for every one I enter because I get the containers at the recycling center and have no clue where they were bought; works so far.


  35. Hello all! I am back. It’s been quite a while, but I am glad to see that everything seems to be going great here!

  36. Summer Music Mix Instant Win and Sweepstakes
    Dates: 4/15/11 12:00 AM ET – 5/31/11 11:59 PM ET
    6 Points Per Entry (limit of 5 per day)
    *Free online AMOE available

    a. Sweepstakes Prizes:

    1 GRAND PRIZE: A trip package for 4 to New York, New York on 8/5/2011 – 8/7/2011 and the opportunity to have dinner with Artist (Kem) for Sweepstakes winner and three (3) guests, on August 6, 2011 in New York, New York, subject to Artist’s availability at Artist’s discretion. Prize package includes round-trip, coach class air transportation for four (4) from the airport nearest Sweepstakes winner’s home within the 50 United States (or D.C.), to New York, departing the day of or before the dinner and returning one day after the dinner; two (2) double occupancy standard hotel rooms for two (2) nights and five hundred dollars ($500) in spending money in the form of an American Express Gift card. Selection of restaurant, airline and hotel will be solely within Live Nation’s discretion. All details to be determined by Sponsor, in its sole discretion. Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”): $7,500.

    1 FIRST PRIZE: A trip package for 4 to New Orleans, LA and the opportunity to attend the Essence Music Festival from 7/1 – 7/3/11. Prize package includes roundtrip, coach-class air transportation for 4 from a major airport near winner’s home (determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion) to New Orleans, LA; roundtrip ground transportation between airport and hotel and between hotel and event; 3 nights’ accommodations at Sponsor’s choice of hotel (two rooms, double occupancy); 4 tickets to the Essence Music Festival; and $1,200 in spending money. ARV $10,000.

    1 SECOND PRIZE: A trip package for 4 to Los Angeles, CA and the opportunity to attend an awards show from 6/24/2011 – 6/26/2011. Prize package includes roundtrip, coach-class air transportation for 4 from a major airport near winner’s home (determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion) to Los Angeles, CA; roundtrip ground transportation between airport and hotel and between hotel and event; 2 nights’ accommodations at Sponsor’s choice of hotel (two rooms, double occupancy); 4 tickets to an award show; and $1,200 in spending money. ARV $5,000.

    b. Instant Win Game Prizes:

    47 THIRD PRIZES (1 per calendar day): An Sony Home Stereo System, all details determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. ARV: $260. The ARV of electronic prizes is subject to price fluctuations in the consumer marketplace based on, among other things, any gap in time between the date the ARV is estimated for purposes of these Official Rules and the date the prize is awarded or redeemed.

    235 FOURTH PRIZES (5 per calendar day): A $25 Best Buy gift card, terms and conditions of gift card apply. ARV: $25

  37. Seems to be quite a few returning to this site. Welcome one and all. A few ten point codes.
    01. T6T7JK964JBM6J
    02. PPR66KLF6MRWRJ
    And a hearty good luck to all. I hope you have an exciting weekend planned. Be safe out there.

  38. Thanks Darrell, I used #1-#3. I leave the rest for others to try their luck with million point game. By the way, did not win anything from million point game.

  39. The 15 codes I am about to post have a point total of 73. That’s 11 three’s and 4 ten point codes. The only thing I don’t do is tell you where the ten point codes appear in the post. So it’s hit or miss, kind of like the instant win bubble game. Good luck.
    01. RXH7RK6TKH74
    02. 545RWBPFJ59FJF
    03. 7XTFOBRJ7T45F9
    05. 7R5N945TXMOJHB
    06. 750XW4FPPT7FWP
    07. TPFM6FTJ9L7LXW
    08. VVWBRF7F5NF4F6
    09. N9JBHRJRJ9TB06
    10. FB595L5B7NX4H6
    11. A9KLXTMFVX45
    12. R7MKTOK9AKNN
    13. TPK4NOT7KJBK5F
    15. HPM9FLV7JL9PW6
    Tim, that was awesome of you to leave two of the codes I had donated on an earlier post for someone else. Sharing as you did shows a fine quality in your persona. A rare pleasure to see in today’s society. Once again, good luck to all who try for these codes. Have a good one.

  40. More 3 pointers:

    1. N0AB6TPHAX64
    2. 0KVLPLK9KVW0
    3. PTR56JKF959N
    4. 4JWW5LRBL69T
    5. RKR6HR56MHWA
    6. 74T74MN9K0J4
    9. N60XT9RXJPN9
    10. 4A5VPPPF5PNK

    There’s an 18 pointer hidden in there somewhere.

  41. And once again the weekend draws to its regrettable conclusion, and for the majority of us another start to a week of work is staring us in the face. I say, bring it on. Perhaps I can help ease the pain with a few codes. Fifteen of them to be exact. Twelve of them are valued at 3 points each, two of them are worth 10, and one of them is worth a cool 20 points. But they are mixed in and I don’t say where.
    01. HW75NFK7F5RP9H
    02. BJVK4H6X9H7WRH
    03. 7X6MBFJ9WL4K
    04. F5VXXOHOX694
    05. RXLHR5P96BV7J9
    06. H6F05X9HTRRRKO
    07. NPV6RBTMRF9LL4
    08. H06XPKP6KB7RT7
    09. 7TVHKBWL4FB5K7
    10. RNXM74X6H7M4V6
    11. NJJ60X65PM94NK
    12. OWJH054J67XRRN
    13. 7JJ7T56BH7X5WH
    14. 6JVNKX5PP7TTB7
    There you have it. Good luck to all of you. I hope you had a great weekend. Have a good week.

  42. Post #119 were RNBM, however I won $10 Target GC texting code BJVK4H6X9H7WRH.

    Thanks Darrell.

  43. here is a bunch I need to get on before my husband throws them out! TEN POINTERS,

  44. Tropicana codes:

    JUN 06 11 48QG1126 — store – BI-LO
    JUN 06 11 48QG1127 — store – BI-LO

  45. Thanks, CokeGirl. Wish I’d known about that promo earlier.
    Here’s some 3-pointers:


    vvhitekid2 – I have hundreds of caps that I won’t be able to use before Coke switches over to 14 digit codes. I would like to get in touch with some of the people who can really use them, instead of posting them for lurkers. If you could pass along my email address to those in need, I would appreciate it.

  46. Thanks for the Tropicana codes Robert… I just love that they can be used by more than one person so the happiness gets spread around!

    I didn’t get any of your codes Karen, but thank you for taking the time to share them.

  47. Hey i have a quick question, at what time does the owner of this site come on at or moderate the comments? Thanks

  48. Sai, I moderate comments throughout the day, whenever I can. It’s pretty random. But maybe others have noticed a pattern that I’m not aware of haha 🙂

  49. April 22 is double ticket day at club bing! They are only doubling up to 500 tickets this time.

    NKMB9PLW4TAF-3 pts

  50. Ah the weekend is finally here.
    1. 9540J65N6LXHTH
    2. NL46M9T40M7XVJ
    3. VNVV65K09LRHBT
    4. PT7P6KL5HR7T4N
    5. TB7LJV0J6LK069
    7. 06J99FWJLTH7F7

  51. I guess they changed the number of daily tickets you can earn on Club Bing to 500 per day from 1000.

  52. 3 pointers:

    1. 75JK40JNPMFW
    2. T565VVFFHV7R
    3. A0054JNP4HN4
    4. 0VH0PF5JJ9XJ
    6. BBRBF4T4NK40
    7. 0BJHBTBF0K5R
    8. 00P0TRW9J6FW
    9. R0HTXWFFKR99
    10. TJ7VT5XHB7KF

  53. Karen, would like to thank you for your generosity through the years. I had one place where I would get caps and donate when I can. Now that place has dried up. My first one was a minor league ball park but with a green initiative this season they collect all plastic before the end of the game.

  54. For 3 days, 4/25 – 4/27, 10 Bonus Points when you enter any DASANI® 24-pk. code.

    On another site, people are saying they got 20 bonus points!

  55. 3 pointers:

    1. B67KWJ6K5PA4
    3. 6R706RFKPM54
    4. 5NRAF09WFJHX

  56. hooksfan – I haunt the recycling center at a university, and they pick up bottles and cans from all over campus. I do have some competition, but I think I get the lion’s share! People used to dump all sorts of stuff there, but its strongly discouraged now. Too bad – I probably made about $300 selling some of that “junk” on Ebay!!
    Anyway, as I have time, here are some 3 pointers.


    Cokegirl – many thanks for the info about the texting to 41461. I won a $25 Amazon gift card and $10 Target over the weekend. Hubby’s phone hasn’t won anything yet – and its usually the luckier device.
    Peace out.

  57. Looks like the prizes for the next texting game are up (the one that starts May 5th)

    35 GRAND PRIZES: a Live Nation® VIP Concert Experience, Approximate Retail Value (”ARV”): $3,500. Grand Prize includes round-trip, coach class air transportation for two (2) from the airport nearest Grand Prize winner’s home, determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion; 1 night of accommodations in a hotel determined by Sponsor, (single room, double occupancy); 2 VIP concert tickets to a select concert at a Live Nation® owned and operated venue in the United States, based on availability for this program and determined by Live Nation, taking into account winner’s preferences; and $250 spending cash in the form of a pre-paid credit card (terms and conditions apply). Approximate Retail Value (”ARV”): $3,500. The ARV of travel may vary based on airfare fluctuations and distance between departure and destination. Winner will not receive difference between actual and ARV. Selection of airport, airline, flight itinerary and hotel are solely within Sponsor’s discretion. All other expenses not specifically mentioned herein are solely the winner’s responsibility. All travel must be taken on dates specified; no alternative travel dates are available or prize will be forfeited and may be awarded to an alternate. All travel subject to availability and restrictions. Winner and travel guest must travel on same itinerary. Travel must be round trip. If winner is a minor in his/her state of residence, the travel guest must be winner’s parent or legal guardian. A minor may accompany winner as a travel guest only if the winner is the minor’s parent or legal guardian. Minors must be accompanied at all times during trip (including, but not limited to, in-flight, hotel stay and all prize-related events) by minor’s parent or legal guardian. Travel guests must sign and return a travel release before any ticketing of travel occurs. Winner and guest must have all necessary identification and/or travel documents (e.g., a valid U.S. driver’s license) required for travel. All entrants understand that travel, whether in civilized or remote areas and whether by plane, automobile, or other conveyance, or by foot, on land and in the air, contains some inherent element of risk of accident, illness, injury, loss or death, which may be caused by negligence, forces of nature or other agencies, known or unknown. Winner understands that these risks may be present before, during and after the trip. Once concert tickets are issued, they cannot be exchanged for other tickets or merchandise. Other terms and conditions may apply to tickets and venues. Tickets to a particular show are not guaranteed. Use of this Grand Prize for unauthorized advertising, marketing or other promotional purposes is strictly prohibited. The Grand Prize is redeemable only through a Live Nation® VIP Concierge. The Grand Prize must be redeemed by 3:00 PM PST on December 31, 2011 for an event that takes place before May 31, 2012

    10 FIRST PRIZES: Trip for 2 to New York, NY for a taping of the BET 106 and Park TV Show. Trip package includes round-trip, coach class air transportation for 2 between a major airport near winner’s home and New York, NY; 2 nights hotel accommodations at a hotel of Sponsor’s selection (single room, double occupancy); 2 tickets to a taping of the BET 106 and Park TV Show (seating determined by Sponsor and BET); and $500 spending money. If winner is under the age of 16, the tickets to the taping of the BET 106 and Park TV Show portion of the prize is forfeited in its entirety and no substitution will be provided except in Sponsor’s sole discretion. Airport, airline, itinerary, and hotel determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Approximate Retail Value: $2,000. Actual value may vary based on airfare fluctuations and travel distance. Winner must travel on Sponsor-specified dates or prize will be forfeited in its entirety. Travel must be round-trip. Sponsor is not responsible for airline cancellations or delays. If trip destination is less than 250 miles from the winner’s residence, winner will be provided $200 in spending cash for driving expenses in lieu of air transportation. All expenses and incidental travel costs not expressly stated in the package description above are the sole responsibility of winner. Winner and travel companions are responsible for their own travel documents including passports if needed. If winner is a minor in his/her state of residence, travel companion must be winner’s parent/legal guardian. Travel companion must be 18 years of age or older as of the date of departure, unless their parent/guardian is the prize winner and must travel on same itinerary and at the same time as the winner. Travel companion must execute liability/publicity releases (except where prohibited) prior to issuance of travel documents. Travel restrictions, conditions and limitations may apply. Sponsor will not replace tickets, travel vouchers or certificates. Sponsor not responsible if the BET 106 and Park TV Show taping is postponed or cancelled, in which event that portion of prize is forfeited in its entirety and will not be replaced. By accepting ticket to taping, winner agrees to abide by any terms, conditions and restrictions provided by the ticket. Sponsor is not responsible and no substitute prize will be provided if winner is unable to use ticket on day of the taping.

    100 SECOND PRIZES: Sponsor’s choice of either (i) a Smart Phone to be awarded in the form of a $500 Best Buy Gift card, ARV: $500; or (ii) a $500 southwestgiftcard®, ARV: $500.

    5,000 THIRD PRIZES: A $25 Best Buy Gift card, ARV: $25.

    20,000 FOURTH PRIZES: 2 Quantum Loyalty movie passes, to be awarded in the form of a downloadable, self-printed certificate, ARV: $24.

    29,640 FIFTH PRIZES: 20 Promotional Card, ARV: $20.

    20,000 SIXTH PRIZES: Southwest Airlines® $20 Fare Saver, ARV: $20.

    15,000 SEVENTH PRIZES: $20 Live Nation® Concert Cash®. The Live Nation Concert Cash voucher code is a ”one time use only” voucher code good toward $20- off final ticket purchase for a select concert at a participating Live Nation owned or operated venue in the United States, based on availability under this program; or $20-off select merchandise sold at the Live Nation Store. One voucher code per transaction. The voucher code must be redeemed by 3:00 PM PT on November 30, 2011. Once tickets are issued, they cannot be exchanged for other tickets or merchandise. Other terms and conditions may apply to tickets, venues and merchandise. Tickets to a particular show are not guaranteed. Voucher code may only be redeemed online. ARV: $20.

    For All Prizes: Limit: 2 Instant Win Game Prizes per person per day and up to 5 Instant Win Game Prizes per household during the Instant Win Game Period.

    **I have no idea what the Promotional Card is… looks like we have the best chance to win it though… Unless of course I get the T-Mobile curse again!!!!

  58. Karen, congrats on your wins!!! I have won $100 Visa, 2-$25 Amazon, & 7-$10 Target so far! I will hate to see this game end.

  59. Hope everyone has a nice, relaxing weekend. Cleaning out the backyard and garage here to get the house ready to sell – so no rest for the wicked. It’s astounding what accumulates over 36 years. But here’s some codes while I can still see straight! 3-pointers:


  60. Hi all, what’s up? Due to lurkers and some computer issues I have been away for awhile. So I thought I would post some codes and see if they are lurked, in which case I am just passing through, or claimed, in which case I will hang around.
    03. BF9NLLOM96JMF5
    05. 764HBKOPFB459P
    06. 7HRRR9NKL7N4N9
    07. HRJLPBWMT76V9P
    08. BMFHNWLTP75XF6
    09. V005V96BR6WK7J
    10. 76T4KK67475RLO
    11. HP59JP4MV7TM9H
    12. 746RNVBRFVJ5KJ
    13. OHJJ757JP9PTX4
    14. VB4RVRT404PLVR
    16. P6MN40BF4XKRTP
    17. F4TT00HHRWJF
    18. B6RWORK4L05L5B
    19. OVKJ7MXVF9L9
    As often occurs with my donations, there are five 10 point codes mixed with 15 three point codes. Good luck to all of you. Have a great weekend and stay safe and well.

  61. the text contest thing you spoke of, does this cost? i have unlimited texting so that wont be an issue. thanks in advance

  62. Thanks, Liz. 6LM9 L4TP RJ9W was RBM.

    All of Karen’s codes are RNBM. Thanks anyway.

  63. I used post 162 and not for sure but #1-#7 post 163. Thanks Karen and Darrell.

  64. There are two new instant win games on :

    125 days of Summers May 2, 2011 to September 3, 2011

    POWERADE® Summer Sweepstakes and Instant Win May 2, 2011 to June 30, 2011


    Mark, the only cost is what your text plan costs you. Just use red or black (not Powerade though) caps and text twice daily to 41461.

  65. So if i have a few caps laying on my desk i can text those #’s? they are a week old or possibly older. and thanks for the reply Pickledilly.

  66. More 3 pointers:

    2. 4K5JFMA7J6PT
    3. FTNW54H9FBNM
    4. A5PL76MM0TXM
    5. B7LMWA0H4TK6
    6. 00VJMAR4XF6F
    7. NH5XVFWNK7H9
    8. 006H6A40TW0A
    9. F9R5P7AMTX69
    10. 9J6PFF7RBHXM

    Tropicana code — JUN 20 11 48QF0421 — Walmart

  67. Tim and cindyW, thanks for the RMB. Saves a lot of people a lot of time.
    01. 9BTP7MVFR04W
    02. RA944JX6KMBV
    03. BK4BN4BP4LBWNW
    04. 5V4F6XFNB9LMF6
    05. RBR6TOB5VV9PRV
    06. VHVWWF6MLKM49M
    07. T9NTNPBBWKP464
    08. FVR0760X9HNXML
    09. T5TV5KKB05THPX
    10. FKLV5KNR57P5XO
    11. N6MJ6TWH7KN4T4
    12. H5VNFW4LBMMM4L
    14. 5JNJT9W70LWMH5
    15. T55KPBBRBR66NR
    It’s hard to celebrate the death of anyone or anything. So I am not going to celebrate the death of Osama bin Laden, just thank God for it. Have a wonderful day.

  68. Tried a few of Darrell’s codes but all RNBM. Thanks for posting them.

  69. Don’t forget that the Million Point Giveaway AMOE starts today and runs though 5/12. If you haven’t yet received three wins by entering 12-pack codes, you can still win points. I just won 100 points on my daughter’s account.

    To get your AMOE codes, go to
    and click Official Rules, then scroll to 5b(ii) or use javascript:fetchAMOE(‘13461’) as you would any other javascript code on MCR. You can enter up to three times per day.

  70. Didn’t try all of them but Robert’s Post #170 RNBM and Darrell’s Post #171:
    Code #1 got an error, #2-10 RBM (THANK YOU!) and #11-15 RNBM

  71. Springtime House Cleaning Coke Rewards Harvest – if some were already entered and didn’t make it to the garbage I appologize!! But I think they’re probably all still usable. Enjoy. 🙂

    090T0M5 R7WJWX6
    5P4HHVH 69N9BJ5
    56TW9N6 PH0L759
    HNMK5HM 97V6HJ0

  72. I just won the sony home stereo system. Waht a lucky day & I LOVE THE COKE PROGRAM. Is there a way or does someone know the model #. Thanks to pickledilly for reminding me of million $ free codes. Have a good day.

  73. 3 pointers:

    3. 4MLR0L 556TVT
    4. 7NMR55 FXKJX0
    5. NFN4K6 0JABR6
    6. A7K5P0 95H5MR


    Night shift is for the birds!! at least I can drink coke….

  75. Mrs. Vvhitekid, your code comes up invalid.
    Dara Seun, your code is already used. Thanks anyway to both of you.

  76. Has anyone been able to enter the new txt game that started today?
    I tried a couple of times earlier and just got a text back saying that the 2010 promotion had ended.

  77. Well I just ran across this site for the first time, funny how I’m so late although I have been collecting for years. I’ve never succeeded in winning on the sweepstakes, but seeing that I LOVE shoes, the Nike giftcards are always my target (if I redeem). I will do what I can to contribute, I also won’t hesitate to use codes if necessary if I am in a jam

  78. Woohoo! Won a $20 edo cash card on my second try in the new twist text win promo. Different this time around – they just send you the card; no more reloadable cards.
    Here’s some codes to celebrate. Also, once you have entered a Coke or Coke Zero code on the website, you can also use that same code to text to “thirst”. However, doesn’t work the other way around if you haven’t registered your phone.


    Ok, back to cleaning the house.
    Good luck!

  79. Congrats on your win Karen!
    My codes are going through now, so they must have just gotten started later than they were supposed to.

  80. High rate of winners on this twist text game it seems. Won the $20 cash card yesterday and the $20 concert cash today. Since the rules say there’s a limit of 5 prizes per account and I have no use for the concert cash, here is the prize code: EBHYDABO. Enjoy!

  81. For post #183, the correct code is R49LHF9RMPVLWW. RNBM. Thanks anyway.

  82. More 3 pointers:

    1. 0P9F56R57AXP
    2. 6TVBFM96HPJJ
    4. 9H5X9AKT4KV6
    5. 5KWHJRLHHP64
    6. BPKF6XMPJ5T9

  83. I have won a pair of movie tickets and $20 Edo card. Not bad at all 🙂

  84. How did you win the Edo Card and movie tickets? Which promotion is that? Thanks!

  85. Claire… it’s the new txt to win game. Details can be found @ but basically you text your code to THIRST (844778). I think it has to be a regular coke or coke zero cap, I know diet does not work.

    I didn’t win anything the first day but I won the $20 Live Nation Cash twice today.

  86. Claire, it’s the Twist Text game like last year. Text eligible caps (red is what I use; I have heard some tried black, but not Powerade) to THIRST or 844778 twice daily. Take a look at Good luck.

  87. Rebecca – so right! I won twice today. I could hardly believe my luck. $20 Southwest voucher and pair of movie tickets (my favorite!)
    More codes to share –


    Everyone have a fabulous weekend!

  88. It would be helpful if there were a bullet point/instruction/item in the FAQ right on the Home page about where to do if you want to DONATE or GIVE AWAY points. Can’t find where to do that. Don’t want to waste much more time. That is what I came here for – can’t find it.

  89. Hello to all of you. A few codes for you.
    03. BKWP00F767KB9F
    04. 9F9770BBXJTXT6
    05. NRWFP6HJ6N04B5
    06. NWP6NX4NXBKK6T
    07. 9FKBWF500T9XRH
    08. 5RH6HR0966PPWV
    09. 9XK5L7PRMNMR4V
    10. 660X5W74NM4H4V
    11. 5XFPRX6MF7VB5P
    12. FHKL5H9WP7TRFR
    14. F7KP75RWH9NOMM
    15. N7007LWLKM56XB
    16. TM090X4HFPOW60
    17. F046XWKMB6PVMT
    18. H6KFX4K50FHJL4
    19. RF697JH6JKBLV6
    20. NJKB54R4RF5NJ7
    Once again I have posted five of the 10 point codes among the fifteen 3 point ones. Good luck to all.
    Now, I am going to post two codes from the mycoke page. The first one is for a $20.00 voucher from Southwest Airlines. Please do not take it unless you plan to use it.
    The next code is for a $20.00 Live Nation win. Once again, good luck.
    Have a great day and enjoy your weekend.

  90. Goofball, to donate codes, most folks simply type in the code into the same comment box you used to leave your comment. The comments get posted on this page for everyone to see. No special work for leaving codes… just post a comment 🙂

  91. I got 3 ten-pointer and 8 three-pointer from Darrell’s post, maxed out of my account , so did not use the rest. Thanks Darrell.

  92. Thank you Darrell. I got your Live Nation code. I appreciate it very much. You are always so generous.

  93. Anyone know if you can use more than one Southwest voucher code per reservation? $20 doesn’t go too far with airfares now. Anyway, more 3 pointers.


  94. One quick question in regards to the current 2011 Twist Txt promo. Are your five wins the codes which you enter via Coke’s UTC site (at this point I’ve only entered two) or is it counting your wins via your text messages? I already have three wins in four days.

  95. 3 pointers:

    1. 5H900T5V6NLT
    2. 5K49F0JTXT9R
    4. TPM95V90X9JL
    5. P6FM0M0RLMXH
    7. FBH7AW55HMW4
    8. B5XBHAH9F6PM
    10. 9BVNB9PPLJKN
    11. 04K06MMVF6RN
    12. 6TFLHJW0AB5F

  96. Hooksfan – I THINK (I’m pretty sure) they only count wins when you redeem. I’ve had 6 wins on my phone and 6 on my hubby’s, but I’ve only redeemed 2 of my wins. We both won twice today. And I “forced” my son to play on his phone, and he won the cash card. He has a separate address, so one down, four to go.
    It doesn’t seem like many people are playing if we are winning so often.
    Anyway, more 3 pointers


  97. Post #227 and #228 are both RBM. Thanks Robert and Karen for posting the codes.

  98. I have won 7 out of 8 times on the new twist/text/win on mycoke. Just this morning I hit a $25 Best Buy, a $20 Live Nation, and a $10 Target on the sister mycoke game. Unreal how easy it is to win. A few codes for you.
    01. 6BOR96M4PH9B
    02. BL644W7006L45H
    04. BWHT5K06K9TNXN
    05. 05TVVHM960FTL7
    06. VBN9M7LHB7XLMX
    07. 7XBLK00PMM9BX7
    08. 09VOV77TM9HVPO
    10. 5XKMONBBVW5X5W
    11. 5RBW5V7LFKWTHM
    Okay, there are 3 ten point codes along with 9 three point ones. The next code is for a $20.00 Live Nation redemption.
    –4AJC5DRE– Good luck to all of you. Have a good evening.

  99. once you text a code to THIRST does it send you another code if you win to enter on the mycoke website?

  100. Ohh well… I am never here when the codes are posted. Maybe next time 🙂

  101. lucky7… yes. You text your cap code to THIRST and if you are a winner it sends a text back stating that you are a winner and then it sends another text telling you what you have won and gives you the code to redeem the prize at If you are not a winner you will only get one text in response stating that you are not a winner.

  102. Good evening all. This code is from wendys. If you have not entered a wendys code then you can snatch it up. Only 10 points per MCR acct. I played at my desktop and then at my laptop and won. I think perhaps due to different IP’s.


  103. 6 wins thus far in the MyCoke instant win game as well (4 Live Nation, 1 $20 card, 1 pair of movie tickets) but haven’t redemmed any of them quite yet. I have won at all hours of the day and night so those of you who haven’t won anything yet, keep trying! Out of curiosity, did any of you win a prize in the Big Game Challenge instant win game back earlier in the year? I won a $50 Visa gift card but have yet to receive it and the website lists it as “processing”, practically 3 months after I won it.

  104. My Mom won the $50 prize in the Big Game Challenge and she got her card weeks ago… just to let you know. You might want to try giving them a call.

  105. I won a $50 Visa gift card too, in Feb 2011. But I’m still waiting. I’m glad I’m not the only one. Thanks for the confirmation Enemy.

  106. The snapfish rewards used to be better. You used to be able to use more than one per order. Now you cannot 🙁

  107. It does appear that lurkers are the proud owners of my last donation. So once again, I will see you fine people in a couple of weeks. Be safe, and have a good one.

  108. Looks like T-Mobile users who were thrown under the bus on the last texting promo have had the bus back over them again only to roll forward just enough to crush the life out of their dreams of participating in the new promo. Not happy!

  109. It working again… somewhat… for T-Mobile users. I was able to do one entry. Then I was informed I had entered too many times today.

  110. Thanks for the post vvhitekid2, but it is giving me an error on the code! Thanks anyway for the thought!

  111. Heres a code for someone who wants it.

    You’re just a few clicks away from enjoying your digital reward. This email is a receipt which confirms that you redeemed 0 points for : 15% off at

    Your digital code is: LNRDSBGWPLCH

    BONUS OFFER: Thanks for entering the 125 Days of Summer Prizes Instant Win Game. You have received a special promotional code for a onetime offer for 15% off merchandise at the Live Nation Online Store,, terms and conditions apply. Code valid until December 31, 2011. 15% discount taken at checkout with valid promotional code and applies to merchandise only. CDs, DVDs, fan clubs, ticket packages and digital download purchases do not apply. May not be combined with any other offers. Code cannot be used toward shipping charges. Purchased items are for personal use or gifts, not valid for resale. Not valid on past purchases or offers. Artist exclusions may apply. Limit: One offer per person.

  112. More 3 pointers:

    1. 6L9NRLK5VLN6
    2. T0MAH9P4RTH7
    3. 5W7K45B4NTJP
    5. 9W4M957RLWLX
    6. 0AW5HAX5JKXF
    7. 9B9JWLNBH7M9
    8. 55B0TVNMR60T
    9. N69XKBAR5FLF
    10. 44H46NMB7LPJ

  113. Has anyone gotten more than 5 winning messages for the twist text win contest sent to the same number? I assumed the limit would be imposed at but after I received exactly 5 winning text messages I stopped winning although I haven’t redeemed them all. I gave away a couple of live nation codes since I don’t want to go to a concert. I won one set of movie tix and I’m trying to get another set to take my family out to the movies 🙁

  114. Codes from post #251 were RNBM. Thanks Robert!

    @Rebecca. I will check how many times I have won from one phone number. I have claim only 2 (Edo Cards). I have several $20 Southwest vouchers, 3 Movie tickets using 3 phones.

  115. Rebecca – I have 7 wins on my phone, and 6 on my hubby’s. I have only redeemed 3 under my email. I too have quit winning, but I think maybe more people are playing (?). Just keep playing.

    More 3 pointers.


  116. i haven’t donated any points on here lately so heres a 3 pointer

  117. On the new twist/text/win I was 7 out of 8 at the start, and now I am 0 out of 12 since then. Very peculiar. I had a similar experience with the Million Point Giveaway. 3 out of 4 to start, the 0 out of 30 after. Same type thing with the Camel Hump promo. Win $20 the first time you play, then nothing for the next 30 tries. All of this has to be by design because that would be too much coincedence otherwise. But I will keep trying. Have a grand weekend.

  118. Darrell… same thing here. I won a ton at the beginning of the new Twist game and won on almost all the people I enter I do the entries for on the Camel game, but nothing really for a while. I think the more time the game is going, the more people are playing on a regular basis. I think this is reducing the chances of everyone winning. On the Camel game I believe you are limited to one $20 win and then the next win would have to be the $1000 win (I think that is what it is). And the odds of getting that one are a lot slimmer. Good luck! If anyone can win it, it would be you.

  119. With my husband phone I have won 6 times without claiming any of them. I haven’t won anymore since that.

    With my phone I have won 4 times and claimed 2 of them. Will see if I win more.

  120. Are the bottles for the Twist game different? I have been entering codes but keep getting messages that the code is not eligible for the game.

  121. The red ones will work. The black ones will sometimes too. I have a stockpile of caps in a grocery bag so I dont know where most of them came from. I think it has to be from coke/coke zero. The green sprite/fanta ones don’t work, and neither do the ones from powerades or minute maids. Oh and the silver ones won’t work either.

  122. In reading the rules for the twist/text/win (which I should have done at the start) it plainly states there are only five wins allowed per phone #. That makes me curious why I won 7. Perhaps I will not get two of the wins, that will be a wait and see what happens. But I know it’s no use wasting any more caps on it. There was not a limit on the last twist/text/win and I won 6 of the $25 edo’s in a 4 week period. I won over $800 total on that one, too bad this one is different. The one starting later this month is for Live Nation only. A $40 win available, other than one of the grand prizes valued at $2500. I do not have any use for the Live Nation, so probably won’t play it. I’ll donate codes at a later date, I’m just still pissed with the lurkers. But they will always be here. Have a great day.

  123. 3 pointers- 9TN5KRB7PWMRK6, FTOHRVF659M7FL, RKL57TV9W5KM, 6LHJRWPPB69JLJ, 7FVHF4T55TMNJ4,
    Have a great Thursday!

  124. Thanks Rebecca – I have a bunch of black ones from Coke Zeros that don’t seem to be working. I did finally get a red cap to work and won movie tickets.

  125. I was wanting to sign up for the Camel game. It asks me for a promo code. Does anyone have a code that every1 can use?

  126. Marissa… if I remember correctly, you do not need to enter a promo code, it’s not one of the required fields.

    Gloria, thank you for sharing!

    MikeMac, congrats on your win.

    Darrell, I know it’s frustrating that people can take the time to use your codes and not take a min. to say that they are redeemed and give a thank you… but hopefully, the rest of us here who appreciate your generosity make up for the frustration.

    vvhitekid, as always, thank you for creating this community where we can come together and share.

    Everyone else… have a great weekend!

  127. Ooops… should have said everyone have a great weekend, not everyone else. I did not mean to leave out Marissa, Gloria, MikeMac, Darrell and vvhitekid! 😉

  128. Darrell… If I remember correctly, last years Twist Text program also stated 5 wins in the rules, but that was not the case. I remember reading that and being disappointed last year, but I won more than that and was able to redeem them all.

  129. shari, I appreciate the warm words. But it’s not so much that a thank you is wanted, but more to eliminate the useless entries of the same codes by many people and causing a lockout. But it is what it is, and the only reason I back off donating is to hopefully make a lurker realize that no response hurts them as well as others. But after several years of doing this you would think I would learn it’s never going to stop. So here you are.
    01. N44BWNJ6HJOLNL
    03. 69BH6V5K5KRNX5
    04. RXLLOR74PONV7L
    05. 409B5X9MJV9JJW
    06. PTPXL67P69WLOT
    07. OVRORRL04BTJ
    08. H59BXJP90VBJP9
    09. VBHOF9T904597V
    10. FNHTFMB67TFFN5
    12. 46PX7756BPBJF9
    13. HHN56ROHBP400M
    15. 60J560LL940TK4
    One hundred points here folks. Ten of the 3 points ones, three of the 10 point ones, and two of the 20 point ones. Good luck to all of you and have the best weekend possible.

  130. acein, the one last year said “up to 5 winners per household”. I first thought it meant 5 prizes and stopped playing for about 3 weeks. Then I re-read it and decided it meant up to 5 people per household could win. Now it is saying up to 5 prizes per household. Of course leave it to Coke to try to confuse us with the fine print. I’m not complaining though. There’s no telling how many edo cards I won on the old twist text. I ended up with 3 on the new game plus 2 sets of movie tickets. Not to mention $125 worth of Target cards, $50 in Amazon cards & a $100 VISA card in the 41461 game.

    A few 3 point Powerade codes:

    2. R4X0PFH5L9AN
    3. 5LVXLKFTP77R
    4. BJ0NM9RMNPT5
    5. 4TTR5WVB0K0N
    7. PT5M94KR96FN
    8. A6B4RJHL7JM4
    9. NJHHX5MAR50R
    10. 4H7W4TTXBWNP

  131. I have heard about texting to THIRST (844778) and 41461. Where else do you all text too? Hope you all had a great weekend!

  132. Heads up T-Mobile users… the College texting game is back on for you! Good luck!!!

  133. Darrell’s #6 RBM. #7 invalid. The rest RNBM.
    Robert’s RNBM.
    Got locked out after trying too many.

    Thanks for posting all the codes, Robert and Darrell.
    Robert congrats on your many wins!

  134. I got one 20-pointer and two 10-pointer, and may be 7 pointer from Darrell’s post. The rest RNBM. Thanks Darrell for sharing.

  135. I redeemed 5 codes from post #227 and 3 codes from post #276. Thanks both Darrell and Robert.

  136. You are all quite welcome. In the past, I have donated several Live Nation codes. I really don’t know if someone
    else can use them, although I don’t see why not, but none of them have ever been claimed as used. So I hesitate
    to post anymore, but suppose I will. Here is one, a Live Nation for $20.00. EMV7MMRP, for the newest mycoke twist/text/win. Good luck. Next are ten 3 point codes and two 10 point ones.
    01. 76KALKRK76P7
    03. RMPLOXM77P5KH5
    04. BRWBBMVR4690JL
    05. RVV5JFM4RWXOB5
    06. RPHRLH7KTRP9L7
    07. NOHF4P5MF4LBLN
    09. OR5N60HNB9T4NP
    10. 5TFXRH9BJVB6WO
    12. H4W5FLWLMKB7HW
    Once again, good luck. And remember to be safe out there while you are enjoying whatever you are doing.

  137. Can someone sum up all of the instant win texting games going on right now?

    I know of:
    Text Twist Win: red caps only
    Unlock the Fun: red and black caps?
    and the new one starting tomorrow, Coke Zero Summer Music – Coke Zero caps are black?
    are there any others?

    Here are a couple of gray 3-pointers:

  138. Toni, you have the texting games down pat.

    Here is a bit of news:

    Score Bonus Points this June 1-7 with 20- and 24-packs of Coca-Cola

  139. OK, need some help here. Where do I find info on the new Coke Zero text game? Like where to text to? I’m not seeing it anywhere.
    Some 3 pointers


  140. Thanks for the codes, Mrs. Vvhitekid2 and Karen (posts 294 and 295).

    Karen, text your Coke Zero code, twice dsaily, to 741741. Here is a link of the rules, info, AMOE, and prizes:
    20-ounce, 24-ounce, 2 liter, 12 pack, 20 pack or 24 pack of Coke Zeroâ„¢ products.

    The Instant Win Game begins May 25, 2011 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time (“ET”), and ends August 31, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. ET

    Online AMOE Code Request (available from August 21, 2011 at 12:00 a.m. ET through August 31, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. ET): To request an AMOE Code online, visit and log in to your MyCoke account.

    Limit: 2 Instant Win Game Prizes per person per Day and up to 5 Instant Win Game winners per household during the Instant Win Game Period.

  141. 1. VPJT97HRWB6WVT
    7. TNXLV54W5M90P0
    9. 9L5VVF7BP5JX09
    10. 96PWRBFW5JJXVV

    Head on over to our Twitter feed, and our Facebook fanpage for more today. I’m cleaning the house!

  142. Pickledilly – thanks mucho!! Won twice on my phone and twice on hubby’s. You have to start early in the promo period, before everyone else starts playing. I haven’t won on the Twist Text Win game since Mother’s day. But I keep playing. If anyone wants the Southwest voucher codes, let me know at kfox at – I’m saving my 5 redemptions for movie tix and cash cards (hope I win some more).

    Some 3 pointers


    We are putting our house on the market and had to de-clutter. Everything put in a closet or a drawer (fortunately we have a LOT of those) or the garage. Cannot find my reading glasses or coupons, but I kept track of my caps and flaps!! Not sure where I put my toothbrush, either!!

    Peace out (now where did I put the coffee maker?….)

  143. Thanks for posting, Karen. But all, RNBM. I think I’m almost locked out now, lol.

  144. Hey everyone! I’m so new to this and i think its awesome how people are donating codes, ha only if i could get to them fast enough before they’re snagged 🙂 Can someone explain all of this to me with the sweepstakes and such?

  145. Mark – I’ve previously sold the live nation codes on Ebay. You get about 40% – 50% of the value. So if you end up with nothing else to redeem, its worth a few bucks. The new Coke Zero texting game prize is a $40 live nation code, so that’s definitely worth it. If you don’t do concerts or T-shirts (I hate crowds and have about 200 T-shirts) Ebay is the way to go.


  146. CokeBoy, frequently the codes given here are snagged by the dreaded lurker, or scumbag, who thrive on taking them and not posting a RBM. A shame, but it is what it is. Below are 15 codes, ten of the 3 point ones, and five of the 10 point ones. Good luck, and keep your fingers crossed these aren’t lurked.
    01. F6NL6MLTL769
    02. 4K9KKFHH76KHNF
    03. 4RVW9VLXH05RFP
    05. 7F7ATLP75FKK
    06. VOV506BPN9J547
    07. 76LTVNNPMKTFL0
    08. 655J4MOMV5TNX4
    09. KNMR6XNJR757RV
    10. BVW5POK074BNWH
    11. NK7M7KKHHV7MHX
    12. 5LL5T4HPKKVJTF
    13. TB7LJV4TOTXKH5
    15. 664PLKXHW7M6R5
    Unlimited thanks to all personnel who made the ultimate sacrifice so the rest of us can live the life we choose. Memorial Day is for you, as all 365 should be. Have a blessed day everyone.

  147. here are some 3 pointers

  148. All of these are taken, but it doesn’t say that they are. People should really let us know 😀

  149. Here’s a lurker proof 3 point Powerade, if anyone’s interested.

    (__ Network is the home of award-winning, original television. Shows include Sons of Anarchy, Justified, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.)(Quanex Building Products Corporation stock symbol)(tag creates a horizontal line in an HTML page.)(30+40)(Acronym for Trademark)(First letters of the singer of What Goes Around… Comes Around)

    Good luck!

  150. For the Coke Zero texting game, it seems like they’ve upgraded their software so that after 5 wins on a phone, you don’t win anymore. It would be nice if they just told you you couldn’t play anymore. So if you won 5 of the $40 Live Nation cash, you have no chance at the grand prize. Sucks. Has anyone won more than 5 times on that game?
    Seems like lurkers are grabbing all the codes. But here’s a few.


    Peace out.

  151. Thanks, Karen and Bianca for your info on LiveNation. Here’s another 15%-off code: LNRDVBHR5GBW

  152. Karen
    Thank you so much for the codes. First time I got 3 in a row… Usually too late. Thanks again

  153. #315 were RNBM. Thanks for posting!

    I have won 3 times on the Coke Zero Summer texting game, but I only redeemed 1 of them.

  154. This week Publix has it 12 pack of coke buy 2 & get 2 free. I had 8 of the 12 packs free when they were 30 points each on the wednesday special & I got sixteen 12 packs today for .72 cents. Thoughts & prayers for men & women in armed forces & those that paid the ultimate sacrifice.

  155. More Tropicana codes:

    JUL 11 11 48RG1457—Walmart

    JUL 18 11 48QJ0466—Walmart

    Toni—yes these are multi-use codes. Everyone can use them 4 times each per acct.

  156. Karen,
    You are welcome for the LiveNation codes. Question: are they stackable?

  157. 3 pointers:

    1. 0M5XLVT549LH
    4. AN7TKFMA4W7V
    5. NTX7M9465LWL
    6. 4JN74W4FT66R
    7. 70JHVLX55NR9
    8. 99B06T9KLWA5
    10. 95XJRH9XR09H

  158. i’ve got a bunch of extra points i cant put in this week (already put in the max) so heres a few codes


  159. Could someone please tell me where the code is on a 32 oz. Powerade or if there is even one. I bought this individually and the only possible code I see is on the inside of the bottle behind the paper but it’s only 11 characters and it didn’t work….

  160. Cheryl – if its a regular Powerade, its inside the black cap. If its a Powerade zero with a a white or clear cap, there is no code.

    Anyone won more than 5 times on the texting games? Definitely only 5 wins allowed on the Coke Zero game, but I keep trying the Twist Text Win, although no luck the past month. Any thoughts? Anyone?

    Couple of Powerade codes


    Not sure exactly where I hid my stash of caps while the house was de-cluttered for showing, but I’m hoping to have some time soon to regroup!!

  161. Codes from post #339 were RNBM. Thanks Karen.

    @Karen, I read the rules and haven’t seen anything about winning 5 times only. It says 5 winners per household. Maybe I am wrong.

  162. Good day everyone. Even you lurkers. Here are a few codes.
    01. 9JOW7WOK9VKBHP
    02. 9PMOVKJK5NKT4J
    03. VRL9HF5L94F565
    04. P977V5FNFRWF9V
    06. PBT6HBBBNM6466
    07. 450M65RBF9HTBT
    08. BJ57R9N6L64J
    09. NRMHM7HM9J9MKP
    11. HTRJOTRN96X5B9
    12. PJ4L05X4VJBL6L
    13. P7LJ4PVL4JP4L9
    15. TF74P995J60BXR
    The usual post of 10 caps and 5 labels mixed together. Good luck to you all, please post when redeemed. Have a wonderful day.

  163. Karen:

    Cheryl – if its a regular Powerade, its inside the black cap. If its a Powerade zero with a a white or clear cap, there is no code.
    Anyone won more than 5 times on the texting games? Definitely only 5 wins allowed on the Coke Zero game, but I keep trying the Twist Text Win, although no luck the past month. Any thoughts? Anyone?
    Couple of Powerade codes
    Not sure exactly where I hid my stash of caps while the house was de-cluttered for showing, but I’m hoping to have some time soon to regroup!!

    Karen, the last time I won on my acct. was May 12th and my wife a few days later. I think for that first week there weren’t many people playing.

  164. Hey good evening all. In celebration of receiving my $20 edo cash card I am posting a few codes.

    *** = 3 letter word for the huge ship built by Noah
    ** = Abbreviation of tuberculosis
    *** = 600-55
    If there are any problems, let me know.
    Also, I know to text red caps to 844778 & 41461 and coke zero caps to 741741.
    Can I text codes somewhere else to win? Winning is fun!

  165. I got 1 ten pointer and 2 three pointer from post #342. Thanks Darrell for sharing.

    Also Mrs. VVhitekid2’s and Marissa’s codes RBM. Thanks Mrs. VVhitekid2’s and Marissa

  166. 3 pointers:

    1. P9K97FT9M00W
    3. 0L4BMJA9F0WJ
    4. T7T0LA777AP6
    5. 7X7NB6XRNMXN
    6. 0KHBXX9R07BR
    8. 7BJRBAWH74L9
    9. 4RNPX750HVLM
    10. AW4704W7JP4L

  167. Anyone win a Target gift card in the Coke College game and figure out how to redeem it?

  168. @Mark

    Go to go to mytarget. there click on MyGiftCards

    There you create an account and add your gift cards. There are two sets of numbers. Enter those in the place provided. Your card will be saved. To use it you csn click on the card and print the page with the bar code or you can show that page on your smart phone to the cashier to scan the bar code.

  169. Dear CokeGirl,
    Thank you very much. The information you provided was very helpful and it looked like I was going to be able to purchase a physical gift card on using the gift card code I received. HOWEVER, does not allow you to do that. I called Target Customer Service and found out that you do not need a physical card to use the code in brick-and-mortar Targets. Cashiers can take the codes as payment.

  170. I am having trouble with the $50 Southwest gift card instant win. I am using my free plays on this game, but when I click on submit, I skip the spin page, and go straight to the “thanks for playing, sorry you didn’t win page”. I just tried again a few minutes ago and got to spin 1 time. On the other 4 attempts I did not get to spin, but was sent to that “loser” page. Anyone else having this problem? I would appreciate any help concerning this situation. Thanks

  171. Be sure to also watch our twitter feed and Facebook page today 🙂

    1. 0FH96NPTF6BNRJ
    2. BKXJ6MB50LP54P
    3. R0H7WBNRKR46BP
    4. 4TBPFFVX7L0V9L
    5. 5W06BVL5KTB9BK
    6. RW5404KVPFWVRN
    7. 67FW0JTRR)ML6T
    10. 7XJ09FV9BXF0VW

    Please post if you use some.

  172. Ok so the weirdest thing just happened to me (although I’m certainly not complaining about it). I won 2 of the $20 edo cards early in the twist text win game. I got one in this past Wednesday and the 2nd in Thursday. Today (Saturday) when I checked my mailbox, I had 2 more! I called and activated them and they both work!

  173. A thank you for posting a rbm to June and Max. Folks like you make it worthwhile. Up next, 100 points.
    01. HK0964H95NL4WN
    02. 7TJPW9H59TV5XM
    03. H7LXH7X70ROR7
    04. P06X4MBJPHNO
    05. RLV696JNTPFPPV
    06. VH40VTV964L57H
    07. BTVWN9V6JRX5BB
    08. P5TMX705V75LJF
    09. 4RHX45LK5M9W
    10. HWVR9PKL5XWBK6
    11. 5KR9FBP4LWPJRB
    12. NTN7HR00J66RHK
    13. 4TMPVKT44MXH4L
    14. 66MKMXFP7WFXBM
    15. 5MVR7NBF60HLPN
    In this post, there are 10 three point codes, 3 ten point codes, and 2 twenty point codes. Good luck to you all.

  174. I used one 20-pointer, two 10-pointers, and and three 3-pointers, maxed out my account, the rest RNBM. Thanks Darrell for sharing.

  175. I was able to redeem one ten point and one twenty point. Thanks Darrell. and have a great weekend everyone.

  176. All the codes were redeemed by others before I got to them. Thanks for posting them anyway, Darrell – hope others enjoyed them.

  177. Stephanie:

    What is your twitter and facebook name/id?

    Stephanie, if you look on the right column of the page (you may have to scroll up up the page), you will see links to the Twitter and Facebook pages.

  178. As I mentioned in post #356, I am experiencing problems with the Southwest instant win game. Today I tried again. This time in 5 tries I went straight to the “thanks for playing, sorry you didn’t win” page. Never did get to spin. Seriously, am I the only one having this problem? As the Beetles would say ” Help I need somebody”.

  179. Bummer! Got my Edo cards, but this time around they actually are only $20. Guess I got spoiled by the previous $25 models.

    Gary 24 – I had that same thing happen (straight to the sorry you didn’t win page) with the million point giveaway. Also, sometimes the site just goes “Ooops”, and you lose a turn. It may have to do with the amount of traffic on the site.

    Rebecca – cool!!

    Some 3 pointers:


  180. The codes had already been redeemed by someone else earlier. Thanks for posting them anyway, Karen.

  181. Gary 24- I too had that same thing happen numerous times (straight to the sorry you didn’t win page without even spinning) when I was playing the Six Flags IWG.

  182. Mark: you text a Coke or Coke Zero cap code to “thirst” (844778). You can enter the code on MyCokeRewards first if you don’t want to link your cell phone, then text the same code to thirst.

    I got 2 cards, then another one a few days later, but I only won them twice. My son won once and got 2 cards. I think the earliest winners got sent doubles.



    Gary 24 – what browser are you using? I had so much trouble in the early years with IE that I had to switch to Firefox. Works better, but i still had a few of those skip-the-spin-straight-to-loser moments.

    Off to Vegas for 5 days!!! Yippee!! Hope the open wifi network in the neighborhood is working so i can keep up.

    Peace out.

  183. 1. T6BLV64RBM5RX6
    2. 5P4M6LTVJ6PJ7R
    4. PF75WK9RVW0R6F
    5. PMW4R0KWT755VJ
    6. P5KR0JKHPB46T4
    7. HT0JX777555RL4
    8. 690XKKW9RL5LP6R

    all 3 pointers 🙂

  184. Has anyone received a “You’ve won a gift card” text in the Coke College game and actually been able to make it work?

  185. @Mark.. What do you mean with “make it work”? I have win more of a couple of hundred already. I have saved the gift cards in and I have used some of them.

    As I told you before, you create an account in that website. Then you save the gift card. The first set of numbers you got in the text is the GC number; the second set of numbers is the validation code. After saving the GC you can click on that card. The new page will show a bar code. You can print that page and show it when you purchase something in the store or you can have that page in your phone and let the cashier scan it. Really easy.

  186. Rebecca:

    Regarding posts # 307 & 330 by Robert, where do we redeem tropicana codes?

    Rebecca, go to:
    Daily, you can put in one code worth 6 points. It allows me to use a code FOUR times, before I need to use a new code. When you reach gold in status, you even get a juice glass and a coupon or a free Tropicana juice.

  187. 3 pointers:

    3. A9FAW70XN6VT
    4. 6R44VV6M6JK9
    5. 5PALA9M9VBBR
    6. 70B0LM5VN6RX
    7. 975VK0L7XWKF
    9. R5LM499TL7WX
    10. 0KX6FL6RVAPX

  188. I swear, I was away from this site for so long I keep forgetting it is here. Listed below are 10 cap codes and 5 twelve pack labels. All mixed together.
    02. PJB4B577TPVOBM
    03. BKA5WPOW9R4R
    04. NX7WNB5VVBTBN6
    05. VXRKJ459HMTBNR
    08. BV6JVB5RRR04H9
    11. HBNX74XN9N99JP
    12. RBPNM5B75T5667
    13. 4V9669XOL9HXML
    14. V5BN5LTOHMNW09
    Mr. and Mrs. VVhitekid2, you do not receive enough thanks for the site and the work maintaining it, plus the donation of codes you personally give. But I know I speak for all when your efforts are applauded. Wishes of continued good luck in your still new union as husband and wife, and once again, thank you. You allow those of us who like to give the opportunity to do so, and those who need codes the chance to get them.

  189. Won a pair of 6 Flags tickets – kept my streak alive!! I guess now I can try for the southwest gift card.
    Some 3 pointers:


  190. And amen to what Darrell wrote. Thanks for maintaining this site. I have gotten so much useful information from others, and it makes the whole Mycokerewards so much more enjoyable.

  191. I was surprised that the codes are still good, it must be my lucky day. Thanks so much Darrell and Karen.

    Congrats on the win, Karen.
    And thanks Mr. and Mrs. VVhitekid2 for the site.

  192. Thanks for all the donations recently, and all of the kind words 🙂

    I’m at work, so I just have a 3 pointer right now:

    This one was hard to read. Not sure if that was a “T” or what.

  193. BWVNVLTVPBJK5H is already RNBM. Thanks anyway, vvhitekid2. Don’t work too hard.

  194. HVHF04R NS46X9N

    Shout out to all you fellow vampire shifters out there 😉

  195. It is time to strike again. Time to sneak up on it and post codes at 2:30 in the A.M.
    01. 4FP6R6B7XMB4HJ
    03. BMPHMTVB509FKV
    04. V6WF6BTV7BBROL
    05. 7KPVN5BBHN5F4T
    06. 4JXW4VP690BNJX
    07. RNNK4V6HPVB7XH
    08. VO4K7XWR570K9F
    09. 6LNWMW4VPF9RL5
    10. OL964PPJ7P96J5
    11. 4MOT695F5HRNOX
    12. 4H7RJ45WPJX4HR
    13. VBJPJVHV9R56FT
    17. VBW94J96VFTKKL
    19. 6RJJ7MBWJTH7H7
    21. 0665H9FMRPTNO6
    22. 9V657799WRPXT5
    23. P6BBNKRN449KKW
    24. H9FNP6P4V4BPMT
    25. 970PTRRJK9MNL9
    Fifteen of the caps and ten of the labels. A total of 145 points. Good luck to all of you and enjoy your Sunday.

  196. all of the even # codes from post #410 RNBM. i didn’t check the odd #’s. thanks for sharing Darrell

  197. How unfortunate. It appears that each time I post a larger than normal amount of codes, they wind up being lurked. Even after all the requests and practically begging that their use be acknowledged, this happens with regularity. Some people actually take pride in being a low life scoundrel lurker. Oh well, it is what it is.
    Have a wonderful week.

  198. ALL of Grufly’s codes RNBM from post $414; 7VMV0NNHV6LN6 comes up invalid. Thanks anyway. 🙁

  199. All 3 codes from post #423 are RNBM.

    Come on people! If you are going to grab the codes, at least post that you used them!

    TY Darrell for posting the codes!

  200. post #427 and #429 RBM. Thanks Darrell for sharing.
    post #427 was posted 16 hours ago, but I did not see it earlier, only see post #428, may be some how find it way to Spam folder.

  201. All of Darrell’s codes #427,428 & 429 RNBM. Thanks for all your generous donations. Just a little too late.


  203. Thanks so much, Gloria! TFV7TJRR6W44BB comes up invalid, but the rest of Post #433 was RBM. 🙂

  204. Thanks, Gloria. I figured that the F should have been a P in TFV7TJRR6W44BB and got 10 points!

  205. Good job, Li. I was almost locked out trying to switch T’s and 7″s, 4’s and H’s or K’s.

    I want to be able to enter a few red caps (you can use 12-count flaps and 24-count flaps too from what I have read; I don’t know about the 20-count boxes) with the Nabisco UPC’s to get the 3-point bonus today — limit 3 per week, per account.

    Here are the UPC’s to help you out from products in my house:
    Nabisco Wheat Thins, Reduced Fat: 44000 00013
    Nabisco RITZ Wheat Crackers: 44000 00071

  206. Thanks, Pickledilly, I didn’t know about the Ritz promo and used the Wheat Thins one.

    Has anyone else signed up for the Southwest Rapid Rewards? If so, do you receive the 60 MCR points promised? It’s been over a week for me and still no joy.

  207. Some codes that I hope will go to the nice people!


    All 3 pointers.

    Have a safe and sane 4th of July. I remember when we always hosted a BBQ for our kids and their friends. Now they have parties and we are not invited. Of course, who wants their parents around when they party?? Gettin’ old!!!

  208. Hi everyone i am new here… everytime i try to use a code it says “There was an error in code you entered. Try entering it again. No spaces are required.” I am not sure exactly what i am doing wrong. It is not saying it has been used only that there is an error. >.<

  209. @Li I signed up for the Southwest Rapid Rewards but have not received anything yet either. =/

  210. @Zoey, there are a few reasons why you could be getting the message. You might be mistyping a letter or number (some are very hard to read!). You might have forgotten one, or added a space. Why don’t you try this next time: carefully type your codes into a file, like a draft of an e-mail or a Word doc. Then copy one and paste it into the “enter your code” space on the MCR page.

  211. Zoey – if you are cutting and pasting, sometimes you pick up a space at the end of the code and don’t even see it. Li’s advice is very good, but I would add that you check to see where the cursor is after you paste the code into the box. Try doing a backspace and see if you delete a character or just move the cursor closer to the last character. This is something I learned over many, many years of computer work!!!


  212. This is what I just now found out about the bonus codes and Kraft products. They are giving the bonus of 3 points FOUR times. So, enter a cap or flap, then enter one of these UPC codes. ONLY enter a UPC once, or you won’t get additional bonus points. Here are five codes for you to use (in case you get a connectivity issue like I did on one account). This gives you an extra UPC code, just in case.

    044000048150 RITZ Whole Wheat Crackers
    044000002242 Nabisco Wheat Thins, Vegetable
    044000014803 Nabisco Triscuit Fire Roasted Tomato & Olive Oil
    044000001193 Nabisco Triscuit Original
    044000000134 Nabisco Wheat Thins, Reduced Fat
    044000009045 Wheat Thins Sundried Tomato & Basil

    Karen, your two codes from post #448 are gone, but thanks for sharing!

    Have a safe holiday weekend all. Enjoy while you remember the reason for the 4th of July.

  213. You are sooo welcome.
    Be safe people, and have a great holiday weekend. Just remember, most of the nuts are still not captured.

  214. All codes 454 RBM thanks darrell !!

    @Karen I finally got it to work =) I have no idea what the problem was but thanks for the info!

  215. Hey All. I have a question. I got a white cap on my 20 oz coke zero today. Can I still text it to 741741? Happy 4th

  216. I just now tried your code Mrs. Vvhitekid2. RNBM, but thanks for sharing.

  217. #464 RNBM. I just put a curse on people who redeem codes and dont write it down. Don’t blame me when you get genital warts.

  218. #464 RNBM, thanks Darrell as always for all the posts you put up. Stay safe my friend.

  219. #466 RNBM, thanks again Darrell for posting, hopefully a real person snagged them.

  220. CokeBoy, the type people who lurk the codes and do not post as such already have genital warts. And I do believe they enjoy having them to trade back and forth with one another.
    jrmx, keep on trying. The lurking bastards can’t get them all. Good luck to all of you responsible people out there.

  221. 3 pointers:

    1. F6F4HTPNTLF9
    2. 7RFPK75WHXJF
    3. 7LBWRWT9LK4R
    4. 4RRXJ70A06PF
    5. 9J0JHH6N6BHM
    6. 77KMRH7W7N4P
    7. 6W5V6BNP7NKT
    8. 4R55T5WRHB4K
    9. BLVKTM4B6LX9
    10. P5V9PT7L0MJN

    jrmx, welcome to the thread, good luck snagging some codes!

  222. Thanks Robert for the kind words of welcome and of course, for posting. Glad a real person, Max, snagged your post than a lurker (way to go Max). Maybe I’ll score some next week since this week I’ve hit my limit, so I’m done til Sunday night- so that means any RNBM’s are not me. Have great night and rest of the week all.

  223. HEADS UP — NEW

    Get to know Thomas Jefferson and earn 3 bonus points:

    1) Library of Congress
    2: Coffee
    3) John Adams
    4) Dome
    5) Mockingbird

    Use your new 3 points to enter for the chance to win the Ultimate Monticello Family Experience OR save them for later.

    Come back weekly through July 22, 2011 to play again.

  224. Post #480 RBM, also got 2 codes from post #479, the other RNBM. Thanks Darrell.

  225. Is there a different definition of “week” for the Wheat Thins bonus points? It won’t give me any more bonus points since Saturday, and I assumed the new week started Monday. Anyone figure this out? I don’t want to enter all my points before the Wheat Thins week begins. Unless its only once during the month of July. But it wasn’t phrased that way. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.

    Some 3 pointers


  226. Karen, I just noticed that the bonus Ritz info is no longer on the MCR site. Maybe that’s why there’s no bonus? The site had said you could get 3 pts. a week, I believe through at least the 14th, if not the end of July. Looks like they changed their minds!

  227. My bad. I was looking under the wrong column! (extra points rather than limited time promos)

  228. I won a $20 southwest airlines coupon code. Too bad i don’t fly with them. anyone interested in a trade or something?

  229. 3 pointers:

    2. B6LM5H54PRVM
    3. 9PA44FAM60TW
    4. 95FL0BNRJ7PA
    5. BPJ4XW6N0KMX
    6. RT76VJBW5THF
    7. AJ64AKMKR9WF
    8. 7VXX5V4B5PX7
    10. TVMWXKAKK5B4

  230. As of Monday night you can redeem for the Carl’s Jr. gift card multiple times. Just in case anyone is interested. Also, if you are doing the Tropicana promotion, please suggest they offer movie tickets or free juice. There’s a suggestion button to click on the left side of the rewards page(silver or gold level).

    Some 3 pointers:


  231. Tim & th.kyle, you are both welcome.
    I’ve noticed that when I post a few codes, as now, I get a much larger response to their being redeemed than when I post up in the 100 point range. I think perhaps when I post the larger amounts people feel that others will think they are greedy for taking all of those, thus the lack of response to their being redeemed. As a consequence, no RBM equals no remarks about taking what’s perceived as more than one’s fair share. Then again, maybe not. Have a good day.

  232. #503-#506 all RNBM. thanks Karen and Darrell for posting anyways. FYI all Minute Maid Jice to go cap codes are getting double points for today and 7-14 so each cap is worth 6 points with only 3 against your limit.

  233. Go Max. Way to clean up my man.

  234. Many thanks for the info, jrmx. I entered 13 of my Minute Maid caps today and got a ton of points!

  235. Darrell’s codes on #511 RBM. They are the first Coke codes that I RBM-ed from this site.

    Thanks so much; you made my day!

  236. Qwerty, you are welcome. Has anyone received the $20.00 from the Camel promo?


  237. Vjhmmnxv9tlkrr

    I hope a real person gets these.

  238. #514 RBM. except H4B4HJBFPBMNNX is invalid. Thanks Darrell.
    All of #515 RNBM. Thanks anyways.

  239. My apologies Crimson. The code should have been H454HJBFPBMNNX. Nice post Noah g. I hope you don’t have the same problem I do when posting a lot of codes. No response what so ever.

  240. #517 RNBM. Thanks anyway Darrell. And thanks for reposting the H454HJBFPBMNNX code. RNBM. But at least the code was not wasted 🙂

  241. #517 RNBM, thanks for posting Darrell, hopefully a real nice person got them not a lurker.

  242. 3 pointers:

    2. 0RA9A7KH6AW6
    3. BWXHF97BJ0RT
    5. TTWHVF7R5R76
    6. T759VNF7W4NP
    7. A4RA0F5RP9TK
    8. 0KXBJX9FK5LV
    9. TRR0NTL9NJV4
    10. 5NV6J47BB465

    Hi Crista, welcome to the thread!

  243. Darrell… I got my $20 gift card from Camel a week or 2 ago, and I just spent it today to buy COKE.

  244. I wish I had some codes with me to share, but I’m not sure I could see them well enough right now. My youngest son’s best friend was killed in a head-on car crash this morning and I am rather devastated. He was a really good person, and stuck by my son through some terrible times. He was supposed to get married in 2 weeks and also leaves a 5 year old son. I have been crying all day, and we are supposed to be on our vacation. I don’t know whether to be thankful or not for cell phones. I am so afraid that the stress will be too much for my son.

    I will post codes when I get home, but it seems so unimportant now in the grand scheme of the universe.

    Peace out.

  245. I won ANOTHER $20 for southwest airlines. Too bad I don’t fly with them! Is anyone interested in a trade or something? I now have $40 that I will not use!

    Allow me to ask one more time, has anyone received the $20.00 from the Camel promo?

  247. #525 RBM. Thanks, Darrell!
    Sorry, I don’t know anything about the Camel promo.

    #521 RBM. Thanks, Robert!

    Karen, sorry to hear the news. My condolences.

  248. Karen, I am so sorry! I will keep you, your son, his best friend’s family, and all, in my prayers.

  249. Karen, our hearts go out to you for this loss. Two years ago I lost my best friend who also happened to be my brother. It can be so very hard to deal with, but let your son know he is in out prayers.

  250. Karen… so sorry for your loss. You and that young man’s family and friends are in my thoughts.

    Darrell your codes from 525 are rnbm, thanks for sharing. As you can see now, I did answer your Camel promo question in post 522, it was just in moderation.

  251. Shari, I thank you. I have figured out why about half of my codes are lurked. The stupid idiots can’t spell “RBM”.

  252. Darrell:

    Allow me to ask one more time, has anyone received the $20.00 from the Camel promo?

    We received ours in the form of a Visa Card, Darrell, about 6 weeks ago.

  253. Thanks to Querty, Pickledilly, Darrell, Shari, and all for the kind words and prayers. My son has continued to call me for advice and how to help his friend’s family. We just had to go cancel the tuxedo for the wedding. I am finally back in my recliner watching TV and catching up on email. In a strange twist of the universe, this was the first time this year we came back from Las Vegas with more money than we started with.

    OK, as I said, here are some 3 pointers.


    Darrell – “the idiots can’t spell RBM” LOL. Thanks, I needed that.

    Anyway, I urge everyone to drive carefully, and don’t take chances – it’s not worth it. Especially if you drive a small car. I do miss my ’66 Buick, but not when I’m at the gas station.

  254. Darrell how did you win the $20 camel promo? I tried the hump day promos but I did not win anything.

  255. Marissa, the Camel promo is over now. I won the first time I tried it but never again. I have not received my card yet, but I see some have. Hopefully it will arrive soon, then I can put it with all the other wins. One day I will have a huge shopping spree.

  256. #544 RNBM, thanks anyways Darrell for posting, stay safe and cool my friend, and to all of you here at

  257. 9THH6X9HW970M9
    I believe the global warming is well ahead of earlier predictions, if this miserably hot summer is any indication. Watch out for heat strokes my friends.

  258. If you can figure out whats wrong with this one then its yours, post the issue that was with it as well, im curious:

  259. 3 Pointers:

    2. 4XLP9TP06RMN
    3. 9MAK5H4VMPX4
    5. A5P0795AV9J7
    6. 05A97FMLV6PL
    7. 4TV9XBB9RXPW
    8. 0WTBFJLH99WW
    9. BRBB5A7L9H5V
    10. PTLFL9V44XXV

    Tropicana code:

  260. Hi Robert and Crista. How are things going? I haven’t heard from either of you for awhile. Good to know you are alright.

  261. Hi Darrell. I glad to see you too. All is well. I’ve been lurking on this site for sometime. Got so excited seeing your codes because I thought I’d get some on this site but no way. People are just way too fast. Thanks for posting.

  262. I don’t know how vvhitekid2 does things, but according to the posts there was a five hour gap between my posting and FishStick’s RBM. That’s really quite a long time.

  263. The problem is the moderation time gap. When we submit the post is when it is time stamped but it might not show up on the page until hours later when vvhitekid2 lets them through.

    #571 is RNBM.

  264. Please don’t misunderstand me, I think vvhitekid2 does an excellent job with his site. When I was referring to the time gap I was talking about five hours going by before anyone claimed the codes, not the amount of time in moderation. I am grateful for vvhitekid2 and the new wife for the work they do providing this site and maintaining it. And as I have said before, they do not get nearly the recognition and thanks for their efforts. I just happened to notice my wording in post 571 seemed a bit abrasive, but that was not my intent.

  265. DM, totally get the delay in moderation, but i dont get how posts with points are already redeemed when the RBM post is 2 seconds later. shouldnt it be a while before the person who RBM sees the points like the rest of us?

  266. Darrell, I took no offense to your post, and I don’t think anyone read it that way.

    And, really, the people who donate codes – like yourself – really make this site possible… I just try to keep some sort of law and order in this mostly anonymous world 🙂

  267. here you go!


  269. 4400004815 UPC worked for the Ritz bonus points promotion for 3 extra points. You can enter it three times for the bonus points

  270. Hi Darrell. Hope you’re staying cool in this heat wave.
    I’ve gotten behind in donating points so here are a few 3 pointers:

    1. 6HBAWLNN0H5F
    2. 0LV9L0V0PWXA
    4. 4J0HWNWB594V
    6. AKWTH9J4N46P
    7. N70M67TBHKT0
    9. F7PVKW0KPLH0
    10. 56MWK5MW5M6L

    Tropicana now has juice glasses as a reward. A set of 3 for 270 points and 3 singles for 90 points each. Limit one redemption each. So I was able to get 6 glasses total for 540 points.
    Also wanted to thank Mr. & Mrs vvhitekid2 for their work keeping the site running

  271. Post #583, #4 -#10 RBM and Post #584, #585 also RBM. Thanks Robert and Mrs. VVhitekid2

  272. I have recently found a couple of white caps. The codes are so easy to read it makes one wonder why they have not used them earlier.
    HTWRH7HPXFVVBV – The second H could be an N.

  273. Heads Up!!

    Million Point Giveaway Starting August 1st

    * Stock up on
    participating 12 packs!

    * You could instantly
    win up to 10,000 Points

    * Better odds! Nearly 1 in 15
    codes entered WINS

  274. KLB, you are quite welcome.

  275. Darrell’s codes RNBM from post 592. Thanks for the welcome Robert. Nice to see you & Darrell here.

  276. It appears post 592 was redeemed by both Tim and trotter. I wonder how you did that, but congrats to both of you. A couple of magic people.

  277. ”You’re a winner* – so let’s celebrate.
    Congrats on winning Sports Illustrated 1 Year Subscription and EA NCAA College Football Game

    *subject to verification (Standard procedure, no big deal.)

    Just follow these instructions to claim your prize:

    Sports Illustrated subscription: Please allow 6-8 weeks for the first issue of Sports Illustrated to arrive.”

  278. #606 RNBM, thanks Darrell for posting once again, hope you are having better luck with the bubbles than I have had. Zero for bubbles- ugh..

  279. First MPG play I hit 5 points, 0 for 11 after that. Like last time. And double the amount of winners means you win half as much twice as often.

  280. Here are some cap codes I found in my backpack. I’m not sure if they’re renewed already, but they’re definitely worth a try!!

    1. P4JFNL0 9LXT4VL
    2. 4B59JM0 X66V9FF
    3. RTJ5XB6 M796LHL
    4. PNRTB6W XH7PB9X

  281. 3 pointers:

    1. 9HMF0B604VAW
    3. 6JN56X96J5R5
    5. NKK6TF97R0H5
    8. 9A47J57N7TTP
    10. 7W6VFR54AA40

  282. MPG: what a joke, sadly it isn’t that funny since I am 0 for the MPG.

    Mark, great win, just don’t spend all those 5 points in one place.

    FYI: enter 6 red coke caps, 6 grey diet coke caps, 6 black coke zero black caps, or a combination of those to equal six then enter the code “football”, and you can get a coke college football t-shirt. Limit 2 t-shirts per account. I didn’t see this anywhere here yet so if it is already then this is a reminder.

  283. Thanks jrmx for the info about the t-shirts. Oddly enough, my son got paint or something on a Wisconsin t-shirt today from the earlier basketball giveaway and it doesn’t look like its going to come out. So I just ordered a new one! Not as good a selection as the first group this spring.

    These are Sprite caps, or at least they are green.


    No wins here from the MPG. Only have a few 12 pack flaps left, so probably won’t win anything, but really, 5 points? As jrmx said, don’t spend them all in one place.

    Peace out.

  284. The Million Point Giveaway is unreal. I won 5 whole points the first play, then 0 for 17 after. Methinks something is amiss here, by golly.

  285. #623 and #624 rnbm, thanks Karen and Darrell for posting. I too agree something is amiss with the MPG but then it is the MPG on the MCR- and how often is something not amiss there. Okay, I’ll temper that for at least I did get some free T-shirts yesterday.

  286. Congratulations. You have won a 1 year subscription to Sports Illustrated and a $10.00 EA Sports card. Approximate retail value- $70.00. I always did think SI was overpriced. I would rather have a 1 month subscription and a $60.00 EA Sports card.
    And since today is my birthday, and my last year in my 50’s, here is a 20 point Dasani code. 4B066BBMXRPFTR

  287. Happy Birthday Darrell!
    I assume everyone on here probably already knows about the putting in the code FOOTBALL after or before entering 6 cap codes to get a free College football t-shirt (similar to the college basketball promo that was going on earlier in the year). After I earned and redeemed my first of 2 shirts. I started playing around with the promo codes and trying different things. When I put in MYTEAM it immediately gave me the opportunity to select another shirt… so go get yourselves some shirts!!!!

  288. The instant wins with the football or ritzcracker falling is cheap. There’s a wall blocking the win side on the last fall

  289. Thanks for the info about the MYTEAM code acein.

    I usually put the code in first so I don’t forget it and when I put the code in, it took me right to the page to pick my team… so I got all 4 of my accounts t-shirts without enterring any cap codes. I have only enterred one 3 pt. code so far this week so it’s not like it’s giving credit for ones that have already been enterred.

    I asked my mom about it and she did hers earlier today (only using the FOOTBALL code) and she says she enterred football first but still had to enter codes.

    So anyway, I’m not sure if this is a temporary glitch or what.

    Happy Birthday Darrell!

  290. Wait..what are you talking about? It just took me to a page that said “thanks you just added 0 points”

  291. I had a strange occurence at MCR. I entered a code from a 12 pack to play the MPG and was credited with 30 points for it. I did not win the MPG of course.

  292. Nice on the 30 points, maybe MCR realises they should tick you off. Anyways, #630 RNBM, thanks for psoting Darrell and good luck on the MCR, hopefully you’ll do better than I (zero for every entry).

  293. Entering TOUCHDOWN works, too, for the shirts. There are only 10 schools available, though.

  294. First oops, my last post should have said shouldn’t not should- dumb dippy fingers.

    Next, nice tip on TOUCHDOWN, thanks Mark. Here are the 10 schools if it matters:

    Boise State
    Colorado State
    U of Washington
    Idaho State
    Utah State
    Washington State
    Weber State
    Portland State (though it might be just Portland- though I’m more sure it is PSU)

    I did a BSU since I know some people out in those parts.

  295. Entering TOUCHDOWN takes you to a different selection than does MYTEAM. The latter offers a choice from perhaps 25, maybe 30 different schools. I currently have 6 T’s on order, all from one account.

  296. Here is another viral code for a free shirt if you have entered enough cap codes
    The choices are very limited on this one.

  297. In case anyone wondered why the comment times are screwed up today: sometime today, while in a rush, I went to moderate comments. I selected the batch to approve (out of the junk comments) and must have clicked delete instead of approve.

    Fortunately, I have records of all the comments that get posted stored in my email account, so I manually put them all back in (with the owners name) to the site.

    Thanks to Darrell for the heads up. The comment spam system has been working flawlessly for quite some time, My heart sank when I saw his email – I’m glad it was just human error this time 🙂

  298. #647 RNMB, unreal, boy someone was really fast or from another dimension or both. Anyways, thanks for posting Darrell.

    Also from my previous post, it is Portland State not Portland U.

  299. I got 3 tees one from texas tech, U of Michigan, and U of Washington. All of them were random except UW. I just need another 6 codes to get more teeshirts XD

  300. Thanks Darrell (and belated happy birthday) for the TOUCHDOWN code. I thought I might have to wait until next week since I got all my points in for this week before we leave for Las Vegas. But I logged into my MCR account and entered touchdown and got to order a shirt, and did it again. Now I have to do the other 3 family accounts and that makes 2 dozen shirts. It s great for my son because he doesn’t have much money for clothes (or anything else), and I live in T-shirts. At least the school selection is different for this code. All western US states. Now, has anyone found a code for some California schools?
    I’ve run out of 12 pack codes and haven’t won anything on the million points giveaway. That’s some weird code you got Darrell, because I don’t know of any package that’s worth 30.

    These are 3 pointers:


    These caps are so old, some of them are blue. Anyone remember Sprite originally had blue caps?
    Hard to remember when going to the recycling center WASN’T the main focus of my day!

  301. 6L5TK7MRRFFRNV RBM, thanks vvhitekid2. I’m having fun sitting here refreshing. Have a great weekend.

  302. Save yourself the trouble of me being in the middle; just send them to Crimson, lol.

  303. Wow! One more RBM. Let me know if you want me to leave the rest for others. Thanks vvhitekid2

  304. Here’s another LiveNation 15% off: LNRDTBZT3FDS
    I won it a while ago but never used it. I was going to delete the e-mail, but it appears people use them.

  305. PXXOTV7NBL596B
    And to answer sugarbunny’s question, no, there is no shipping fee on the t-shirts. Have a good weekend.

  306. When grabbing a few codes from the bag to list here I pulled out one of the 15 digit codes used several years back. It certainly looks odd.

  307. sugarbunny, how do you have 8 shirts I only have six for the codes, touchdown, my team, and football. Do you mind telling me the other code?

    Thank you.

  308. Darrell, and all, this is the 4th code that works for t-shirts:


    I am trying all codes from last year.

  309. Qquick question did anyone win the $50 southwest gift card from the instant win game? If so, when I go into where is my on mycokerewards it says status fulfilled, so I clicked on track shipment and it says I shall recieve my prize in 8-1- weeks with no traffic number. Is anyone else having the same issue?

  310. Zachary, I just noticed today that my win is no longer listed under the month I won it. (It had been listed as “fulfilled” with no tracking, just as yours is.) However, the GC arrived in today’s mail.

  311. Li, Thank you for the information, wow that was fast, way before the 8-10 weeks. I am not home for the weekend so I am hopeful that it will be there when I come home. Did it come FedEx or regular mail if you don’t mind me asking?

  312. Has anyone won the Delta airline tickets? If so, when during the 24 hour period did you play? What a shot in the dark that is!

  313. 3 pointers:

    1. AL6H6MBF0F04
    2. N4PBJAJRM5A5
    3. 4XHPJ7F9KWMF
    4. N9MV4JAKF0HH
    5. 5A79HWN9NP0A
    6. RW4XWR0TBB5L
    7. R5XFP0H5MJP6
    9. 7M95AK6P9B6R
    10. 5W5ALK49KLN9

  314. Steve, the codes are for anyone, no matter what race, ethnic background, sex, age, or any other reason. The issue is that the codes can only be used on an American based ISP. So help yourself to codes, and I wish you luck in your future endeavors on MCR.


  315. I see you have been burning the midnight oil vvhitekid2.
    As usual, and I feel sure I speak for all, you are thanked for your efforts.


    Watch out for the Monday blues. The day is what you make it.

  316. #706 rnbm, Thanks Darrell for posting. Hopefully, a real person rbm’ed them, not the lurker.

  317. Hi are there any other codes for the free t-shirts besides, tshirt, football, myteam, and touchdown????



  318. Has anyone else won the $20.00 Camel promo and not receive it yet? I am going to call the contact number today and see if I can get an answer as to why it’s taking so long. If anyone else needs it, it is #800-334-8157.


  319. Ordered all my T-shirts. Still no California schools offered. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

    3 pointers:


  320. Are there any other free t-shirt codes besides myteam, football, touchdown, and tshirt?



  321. Tropicana code:

    OCT 03 11 48HD1110

    Powerade 3 pointers:

    2. 6XRR6XNHKMJ6
    3. 6B56JPJAN7RV
    4. RWMFK6A4W094
    5. 97VRJ0AR9VMT
    6. PMR67VFARKB0
    7. 5NX97TA75LTR
    9. RTXAKB5A65AL
    10. BJFPX5JT4XJX

  322. I’m going to feel bad next March when I have to throw away bags of 12 digit cap codes. So I’m trying to get them out there for you guys. Hope a deserving person gets these.


  323. OP9TP9L4MJ7N

    I never hear of anyone winning from any “mycoke” cap entries. I think there are probably quite a few newer MCR players that don’t know about it or the potential for prizes there. I guess I will find out after this post.

  324. Max, way to clean house! Thanks for the RBM post.


  325. Darrell’s codes RNBM. I refreshed this page so many times. People are way too fast around here.

  326. I think I have redeemed codes from this site once. Many times I don’t participate but I check it often. Maybe one day I will be lucky and get some codes.

    Thanks again to all who donates codes! And to whitekid2 for keeping the site.

  327. Nicole:

    3 points for all of the above

    These are already RNBM. Thanks anyway.

  328. Darrell I have won and used already 2 sets of movie tix plus 4 edoe cards. I won 1 and they sen t me 3! I was thrilled. What have you won?


    I never hear of anyone winning from any “mycoke” cap entries. I think there are probably quite a few newer MCR players that don’t know about it or the potential for prizes there. I guess I will find out after this post.

  329. I won the usual. Two sets of movie tickets, two $25.00 Best Buy cards and one edo card. I absolutely hate the five win limit, and hope they change it. I don’t try very often anymore due to that, but I still give it a try about once every two weeks.


  330. #741 rnbm, big suprise. Great on the wins, Darrell, but a big boo on MCR with the 5 win limit. Thanks as always for posting- maybe one day the code fairy will bless me with a score from here.

  331. I played the “mycoke” site. You text a cap code to 844-778, after registering with, and they will text you back to let you know if you won. I have never known anyone who did not get all of the available wins possible, which is five. It’s one of the easiest things going. After you get the text informing you of your win just follow the instructions to claim your prize. It’s well worth the effort.


  332. #748 rnbm, I sound like a broken record don’t I? No matter, thanks for posting Darrell. Have a great night all.

  333. I have managed to confuse myself about the available wins using the “” promo. It plainly states a total of 5 wins per household. Yet in the next sentence it states “Odds of winning a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th prize are based on the number of eligible Instant Win Games received during the applicable 2-minute intervals.
    So which is it? A total of 5, or a possible 6th and 7th? Inquiring minds would like to know. Any help would be appreciated.


  334. Darrell that part of the rules is talking about 2nd-7th place prizes:

    100 SECOND PRIZES: Sponsor’s choice of either (i) a Smart Phone to be awarded in the form of a $500 Best Buy Gift card, ARV: $500; or (ii) a $500 southwestgiftcard®, ARV: $500.

    5,000 THIRD PRIZES: A $25 Best Buy Gift card, ARV: $25.

    20,000 FOURTH PRIZES: 2 Quantum Loyalty movie passes, to be awarded in the form of a downloadable, self-printed certificate, ARV: $24.

    29,640 FIFTH PRIZES: 20 Promotional Card, ARV: $20.

    20,000 SIXTH PRIZES: Southwest Airlines® $20 Fare Saver, ARV: $20

  335. Darrell:

    I have managed to confuse myself about the available wins using the “” promo. It plainly states a total of 5 wins per household. Yet in the next sentence it states “Odds of winning a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th prize are based on the number of eligible Instant Win Games received during the applicable 2-minute intervals.So which is it? A total of 5, or a possible 6th and 7th? Inquiring minds would like to know. Any help would be appreciated.

    Darrell I think it means like a 5th place prize, 6th place prize, etc. Like the grand prize is a trip, 1st place prizes are tickets, etc. The 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th place prizes are the easiest to win so those take up out alotted 5 wins.

  336. Here’s some coke codes. Have a great day 🙂 All 3 pointers


  337. Darrell, I have only received five winning texts but didn’t enter all of them. I haven’t won since the last win on May 12th.

  338. More confusion for me. I’m on a roll. A few minutes ago I was playing the Million Point Giveaway. On the second try I entered a twelve pack code and was awarded 15 points for it. I did not hit the MPG for any extra, so I am open for interpretations of this occurence.


  339. Darrell, I have a feeling that may have been a Sprite 12-pack? I know there is a bonus of 5 points on some of the “specially-marked” packs.

    Sug, your donation, post #758, is RNBM, but thanks anyway.

    AMOE began for the “2011 Coke Zero Summer Music Text Program”. Get your AMOE at:
    The link is dark blue on black, under the ENTER CODE NOW.
    Follow the email directions to submitting your code.
    Limit: 2 Instant Win Game Prizes per person per Day and up to 5 Instant Win Game winners per household during the Instant Win Game Period.

  340. Last night I entered the mycokezero promo close to midnight. I won two $40.00 Live Nation codes. I have offered these to a friend, but if they do not accept them they will be posted here. I explored the Live Nation store and they do have some nice items.


  341. Starting to get a little cross-eyed here from reading codes, but here’s a few more. Time for new batteries in the flashlight!


    I’m also posting Dr. Pepper codes on that site if anyone is interested.

  342. TKJ7THVNWH4T94

    My fourth and final grandchild came into this world two days ago. She is awesome, as were and are the rest.

  343. here are some codes for 15% off at
    i figured i’d post them here because i dont plan on using them

  344. I find myself caring less and less about all the unjust deeds that occur on MCR. Like entering a code from a 12 pack for the MPGiveaway. I have won a total of 20 points, but was not credited with the 10 points for entering the code. The list goes on and on, but like I said, I really don’t care a whole helluva bunch anymore. I guess I am burnt out after five years of it.


  345. HEADS UP

    Be on the lookout for this email attached to your Coke account. Each code is unique and one time use:

    Buy one, get one free

    Enter the code below by 11/23 to receive a buy-one-get-one-free coupon for a 1.25 liter bottle of Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite, Fanta, Mello Yello, Barq’s, or Pibb Xtra. Coupon supplies are limited so act fast!*

  346. #781 & 783 RBM. Thanks Darrell & Mrs. Whitekid2.

    Darrell: Sometimes it’s just too much work trying to get credited for 3 or 10 points from MCR.

  347. tropican code oct 31 11 48jd1526
    I have won 3 of the $40 cokezerosummer bucks & my friend won 4. I just rcvd a pallet of powerade yesterday weighing 484 lbs. They sent me 12 cases. I thought they would send coupons so I could redeem when needed.
    Thanks Pickledilly for the info.

  348. Crimson, that was my point. I have been getting tired of all the hassles with MCR lately. I still have to admit it has been the best promotion ever put on by any large corporation, and they have given away tens of millions with it. I just no longer care to email them when cheated out of several instant win tries, or points not being awarded when they are supposed to, or any of the other faults that occur. I have given 1000 points at a time to Toys for Tots, the USO, and several other charities Coke asks you to give to. But you never receive a thank you, or any kind of proof it even made it to them. But it is what it is, and until I get fed up enough to close my account I really need to keep my mouth shut I guess. And just enjoy the pleasure of giving away codes.


  349. Darrell, Crimson, I agree – don’t sweat the small points. I now just discard caps I can’t read, or come up invalid. However, i have several 32 packs with no codes, and I have emailed MCR 2 or 3 times, and never even got the automated response. I may have to resort to calling them. That’s too many points to throw away.
    Here’s a few 3 pointers


    Also, Darrell, congrats on the grandchild. I don’t think that’s in the cards for us, but maybe if my youngest son stays clean and finds the right girl… my mother REALLY wants to be a great-grandmother!! LOL

  350. #789 rnbm, thanks Karen for posting. I guess Karen you’re right, about not sweating the small stuff, but I wish I had such a code stash that I could discard the goofy codes that don’t work just right. Though when I have had big issues, I have no issue with MCR on email or on the phone on issues from codes to coupons. Oh, belated congrats on your grandchild too Darrell.

  351. Has anyone been able to enter the contest through online amoe as outlined in the rules? it was supposed to open today, but I don’t know if I’m missing it, it just says to log on at which I have, but I don’t see a link or anything.

  352. Not sure if this cap was posted yet – hopefully you can still use it!

    F5XKBT0 5WK4BX5

  353. Rebecca, actually it opened a few days ago. I have had no problems getting two AMOE codes each day and have won two of the $40.00 Live Nations codes so far. Just go to, sign in, then click on AMOE code request. Enter the security code and you will receive an email immediately with a game code to enter. Good luck.


  354. Darrell, I think Rebecca’s talking about the Twist-Text-Win. The Web site was supposed to offer AMOE codes starting Aug. 27 but still has no link for the online method of entry. Hopefully they’ll fix it Monday. (People are tweeting their disappointment.)

    BTW–Congrats, Grandpa!

  355. 3 pointers:

    1. 4MXRNT5HR5FN
    2. P44B4LF0BRWP
    3. 0F0VRVTV95JV
    4. RVJKA0666RFT
    5. 74AHBKRPTVX0
    6. 5MW40X9BH50R
    7. R009XKP6WP5L
    8. 4LHNLN6TM06W
    9. 6JXKX94WRNHW
    10. 9LK60ATRX054

  356. #801 RBM, thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO much! Almost have enough for the Coca Cola messenger bag. ♥

  357. I cannot see where to get the AMOE on the Mycoke site, even following Robert’s link. I found the one for Coke Zero.
    Sorry no codes for now – off to see the eye doctor.

  358. Thanks so much for the link, Robert! I was able to win an Edo card (my first in over a year and a half… I usually buy cans so no cap codes to text).

  359. I must agree with Karen. I have gone to the site, have read the official rules, paragraph 5b, three times but can find no link as to how to get the amoe code. I have clicked until I clack but no deal.


    I have however won three of the $40.00 Live Nation codes so far. I gave the first two away, but think I may see about winning a couple more and getting something for yours truly. It might be my turn. Stay safe and well.

  360. Karen, follow Robert’s link, and then put your cursor after the link in the navigation bar at the top of the new screen. Click once (so the URL address is no longer highlighted) and hit “enter.” Then you’ll see the option to log in (if you haven’t already), followed by the AMOE screen. Ignore the gray box on the left (for a keyword). To be able to get your second entry, just put your cursor in the navigation bar again and repeat.

  361. Sorry Karen, that link is not working for some browsers, including mine. I found a non-clickable one on another site & drug it to the url bar, & it worked.

  362. I just found out you can copy & paste the above link back into your browser, log in fill out the capatcha, then hit refresh & do it again to get the 2 AMOE entries. YMMV

  363. The page comes up with Robert’s link but WHERE is the place to sign up for the AMOE code? This is SO frustrating!!!

  364. Karen, follow Robert’s link, and then put your cursor after the link in the navigation bar at the top of the new screen and hit “enter.” Then you’ll see the option to log in (if you haven’t already), followed by the AMOE screen. Ignore the gray box on the left (for a keyword). To be able to get your second entry, just put your cursor in the navigation bar again and repeat.

  365. Li, Thanks for the info!!! That’s a lot easier than the way I was having to do it.

    3 pointers:

    1. 0MT99BWHFXMP
    2. 9JTTHNH7N9JR
    4. 5LRBTFM56XVA
    5. PP6ABNH076V6
    6. 9VPV4LJ7FTMR
    8. NL7LR4V0XRRP
    9. 07W6W5FW0PPM
    10. N9XJ55P7VMVV

  366. Tim, you are welcome.


  367. Thanks for the AMOE info. I used Robert’s link and Li’s instructions and was able to get it to work in Firefox. No matter what I tried it would not work with IE. I won a $25 best buy card! Will be very useful with Christmas coming.

    Thanks again to everyone who shares codes and info on this page and to vvhitekid and his family for keeping this site for us.

  368. Li, thanks. I accidentally discovered that trick. I’m using Firefox, so that may be the culprit.
    Turns out the vision in my left eye went fuzzy because there were some leftover bits of the cataract that was removed 2 years ago. That was scary until the eye doctor dilated my eyes and confirmed it. Apparently its fairly common. (I had cataracts at a *young* age – LOL)
    So I’m cleared to squint a these caps. Put some new batteries in the flashlight and I’m ready to go!


  369. #815 RNBM, does “Awesome Thanks” mean RBM Chrissy? Either way, thanks for posting Karen, and hope all is well with your eyes and flashlight.

  370. Just added a page for Pepsi’s program: Refresh Your World. You can use the bar at the top of the page to get to it. If you have any of those yellow caps sitting around, I invite you to post some!

    A few codes for the early birds: