Free MyCokeRewards Codes (VII)

Welcome the 7th page of coke points giveaways. On this page, folks can donate their unused MyCokeRewards codes for others in need of the points. I post quite a few codes myself, but there are several contributors far more generous than I. Our sharing community has been going strong for many years, as you can see by the previous six pages. A big thanks to some of our biggest contributors: Darrell, Francine, Robert… your donation of thousands of codes has been appreciated by many!

This page is also servers as a host to discussion of the MyCokeRewards program and prizes as well. We share news, promo codes, and prize details from the Coke Rewards program.

If you’d like to browse the discussion on the previous My Coke Rewards discussion pages, here they are:
MyCokeRewards Post #1 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #2 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #3 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #4 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #5 (comments now closed)
MyCokeRewards Post #6 (comments now closed)

If you’d like to trade or sell codes, please use the code trading post. Or visit this page to beg for coke codes. To keep this page clean, I delete comments on this page that are about trading, selling or begging. I also delete all comments that do not add value to the discussion of My Coke Rewards or the prizes.

For more information about MyCokerewards and this site, check out the MCR FAQ page.

If you’re a new-commer, please bookmark this page! We welcome you to the community of “Coke heads”. If you’ve been around for years, welcome back! Now lets get sharing.


  1. Here are two codes to kick things off:

    As always, please post if you use the codes, so that others know they have been taken.

  2. Vvhitekid2, I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank YOU for all your hard work on this website. Most often we are so busy in our lives, we don’t take the time to appreciate those who go out of their way to make a difference. Thanks.

  3. Cyn, it’s good of you to take the time to thank others who try to help. Francine shows the same kindness. Thanks a bunch.


    Thanks for the new page vvhitekid2! I hope things went well in Michigan and you made it home safe. Okay people, lets rock and roll!

  4. Powerade double points day is Tuesday, April 7. Double points don’t count towards your weekly limit, but the product points do. Its on the website; details under “help”, last item on the list.
    So save your Powerade caps for next TUESDAY.

  5. I also want to say thanks to vvhitekid2!!!
    Here are a few 3 pointers:


  6. HUGE THANK YOU to Darrell and Robert !!!!
    I Got some Codes !!! WOO HOO !!! THANKS GUYS !!!
    I used Robert’s 3 codes THANK YOU !
    I used the 5-10 ptrs and a couple 3 ptrs from the top and then the bottom from Darrell’s THANK YOU !
    The Rest were redeemed by someone else !
    Thank you vvhitekid2 for the Very Nice Comment at the Top of the New Page {{{HUG}}} But unfortunately …I Haven’t really been able to contribute anything in the way of Codes for awhile …Sorry – But my code hunting has kinda dried up …The people at the pizza shops noticed me grabbing the caps from the empties …and of course asked what I was doing …then OF COURSE …THEY started Taking them …Oh Well …lol
    I had a Good Long Run of Redeeming for some Good Stuff like the Home Depot G.C.s !!! Which Bought Shingles for our Roof !!! THANK YOU COKE !!!
    And My Daughter Won a Flip Video from GoGurt Just B4 it ended ! Woo Hoo !
    THANKS AGAIN GUYS !!! I was tapped for Caps ! lol

  7. All codes from post 9 and 11 have been redeemed, not by me. Thank you both for your generosity!

  8. You are right Darrell. I’m new to this site, but I already have seen the giving spirit of Francine and Robert, as well as you and Vvhitekid2. To ALL of you, thank you!

  9. Is anyone else having problems logging in to enter codes on the coke site? I have been getting an error code every day for about 3 weeks now. Funny thing… This started after I redeemed 5000 points for an alarm clock. I haven’t been able to log in since! Never had any problems logging in prior to that. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance. (Also, I have tried 3 different computers.)

  10. Way to go Francine, I have been in hopes you would get some of the codes. Maybe it will happen more often.


    Just a few from me to you. Use them in good health and have a great day.

  11. SWEET !!!
    My Son Just won his 1st Card @ 6:16 AM … and Hubby Won @ 6:21 AM !!! I didn’t win …lol
    Don’t Forget …Tonight is THE FINAL Episode of ER
    🙁 with All the Old Stars from the Show ! I am gonna DVR it . Boy …I need someone who has lots of Powerade Caps …to trade me some Powerade Caps for Regular Caps …Anyone ? otherwise I will be sittin out This Double Points Day other than the 3 I have now.
    Oh Well …If It was Summer there Would Be Tons ! Didn’t They Just plan that one right …I imagine Powerade Sales are Lagging at this Time of year …Time to Boost their Sales …Now IF those $20 Coke wins were Virtual …I could Go Buy a Bunch of Powerade with them . But I just Stocked up on my Coke,Sprite and C.F. Diet Coke 24 pks @ Walmart $5.98
    Well… Have A Great Day Everyone !

  12. Wow Francine You’re lucky i guess lol 😉

    I guess all of Darrell’s codes are RNBM.. i just checked couple of last ones and they were all gone..just don’t feel like checking rest !!

    I had a question.. the April 7th double points day..that’s for ALL codes right? or just powerade codes? im a little confused..

    Anyhow, thanks for postings everyone. I really need points but always unlucky (wrong timing) 🙁

  13. “I had a question.. the April 7th double points day..that’s for ALL codes right? or just powerade codes? im a little confused..”

    Answer: *Offer valid on participating POWERade sizes 20-oz., 32-oz., 8-pack and 10-pack. Offer not valid on POWERade Zero. Offer valid 4/07/09 12:01 am – 11:59 pm EDT. Bonus Point offers are not included in the 120 point weekly limit. See FAQ for official rules and details.

  14. Some codes for the needy and the lucky.

    OJPAK659XVT4 First 4 letters are printed over a line?

    There are several 10 point codes mixed among the others. It’s soon to be Easter, this is like hunting for the prize eggs. I think on the 7th I will enter 15 or 20 Powerade caps. Good luck to all and have a great day.

  15. I won a speakerbox after playing the trivia game last night. Have any of you won a speakerbox and received it? Can you give me a decription of it?


  16. Thanks Darrell! Much appreciated. I redeemed 3 of the codes you entered.

  17. Wow, I really missed out, two days in a row. 🙁 But, wow Darrell, you’re the king of “sharing” and “giving”. Thank you.

  18. This is a new page, #7 in the series. I have thanked vvhitekid2 many times for this site, and although that is not enough, it’s the best I can do. There is one thing that does irk him, me, and a few others. Out of the last 62 codes I’ve contributed, only 1 person (Patsfan) has acknowledged their use. This is all too often true of codes donated by Robert, vvhitekid2, and the few others who donate a lot of time giving codes away. No one is asking for thanks, but just a simple line stating that you have used them so others won’t waste their time entering a code that has already been used. At one time in the past I stopped giving due to the asswipe gluttons who use them but refuse to let others know. A common example: Reesey, sorry you had to try the codes that had already been used. If the one who had used them had taken a few seconds to say so, you wouldn’t have wasted your time.

  19. Here are a couple of Powerade codes:


    I will post more on Tuesday.


    Once again, I ask you in the nicest way possible, if you use them, please let it be known. Have a great day.

  21. vvhitekid2, thanks for the new page! Also, thanks to everyone else who’s always provided free codes!

    I’ve finally got around to working up the next “BAD Code Game” …

    Here’s the link: .

    As always, the FIRST person who figures out the “bad” character(s), gets the code and the ten points! And please (I know I don’t really have to remind y’all) leave a comment on MY blog when you use one, just to keep everyone else from excess futility.

    And if you like, you could reply here also, I don’t mind!

  22. SoulDawg….my daughter won the speakerbox and has not recieved it yet. The contest rules state that the prizes will be sent after the contest ends (4/15/09, I believe).

  23. Hey how long is it taking to get the $20 cards from the game? I won a $20 Mastercard cash card 0n 2/20 and I haven’t gotten it yet. I won a card tonight and it is an EDO card. It says I redeemed for the other card, it is listed and everything, but I did not get an e-mail confirmation on it like I did on the one tonight. Is it because they are two different cards? Is it normal to take this long? I am going to call about it Monday.

  24. Man, it’s been a while since I’ve entered codes ever since they changed things around.

    I was just wondering one thing really. The gift cards for Nike; people have gotten iTouches by using the cards, can people still do that? If I were to spend some of my points on a handful of Nike gift cards (or simply the 3 limit), could I then still get an iPod? And what else have people used the cards for?

    The only reason I ask this is because I remember people having problems with which Nike site would accept the gift cards, and I don’t know if it’s changed.

  25. Yes ~ Alas Darrell’s Codes Were ALL Redeemed – None By me …And I didn’t see even One Not ent.Correctly !
    Thanks for the Time and Effort U Put into it {{{HUG}}}

    Don’t Forget Everybody …After Tonights Cutoff at Midnight Eastern Time …IF YOU HAVE ANY POWERADE CAPS >>>DO NOT ENTER ANY Codes Until AFTER MIDNIGHT Monday Night/Tuesday 12:01AM THEN you have UNTIL TUESDAY NIGHT 11:59 PM to enter ANY POWERADE CAPS !!! (***EXCEPT POWERADE ZERO NOT INCLUDED)
    ALL Regular POWERADE CODES YOU ENTER WILL BE WORTH DOUBLE ! 3 PTS + 3 BONUS PTS Which will Show in Your Points Acct. History .IF At ALL POSSIBLE …Enter your Full Weeks 120 Pts – 40 POWERADE CAPS IF you Have Them!

    Then ~ After 12 AM/Midnight Tuesday Night/Wed.AM – It Doesn’t Matter anymore …You can enter the rest of the weeks points anytime B4 Midnight Sunday night for this weeks Quota of 120 pts. Don’t wait ‘Till the last minute …the Site May Get Bogged Down . GOOD LUCK !
    I Hope You All Get Lots of Powerade Caps B4 Tuesday !!!

  26. ALL of the codes from posts 32, 33, 34, and 40 have been redeemed, NOT by me. Sad part is, because I entered so many “code already redeemed” I seem to be locked out of my account. Hopefully it will let me back in at 12 Noon. Thank you all for sharing. I certainly appreciate you.

  27. Cyn, I can understand your frustration. When there is a list of codes I will enter 5-6 of them. If they come back as already redeemed, I will not waste any more time and risk getting my account locked.

    Bill, I’m currently saving up and redeeming my points for the Nike Gift Cards. I would like to get an Ipod Touch. Has anyone else of this site received one and if so was it worth it?

  28. Powerade codes:


    I will post a lot more tomorrow for double points day!

  29. I got the $200 Nike gift card. I did not know how to use it on the website so I picked out my items and called them and a very nice man placed my order for me. This was a couple of weeks ago and I also got free shipping. I new shoes, socks, three pairs of shorts and a pair of shapris (like capris’s). I was very satisfied and may get more cards if I can. I have only had the one so far. Also I went to my local mall and tried on different Nike things I was interested in so I would know the sizes. I also wrote down the codes from the price tags and it made it easier to locate the product I was looking for. They also have sunglasses, very expensive sunglasses. Good luck!

  30. I am about to enter some of my usual givaway codes. I see from some postings people have been getting locked out of their accounts due to entering codes already redeemed. This is why we have begged, cajoled, and threatened to stop giving codes. Once again, PLEASE post if you use them. After all, you are the one who benefits from the chariable contribution of codes.

    TAT7VPFXRF4A-15PT The second F may be wrong???

    I am now going to enter some Powerade caps for the double point day tomorrow. I guess several people will copy them so it’s ging to be the first to enter. If you are the one to get them, please post how lucky you were.


    These Powerade codes are tough on my diminished vision. I think they are all correct, but no promises.
    I do enjoy giving, so the work is worth the effort. And above all, be safe and have a great day.

  31. I have a question. You know when you text the code to 36569, I think that is the thing that everyone keeps winning the 20 gift cards off of, right? Ok…well I have yet to win…which is fine. Here is my question…once you submit code, it says sorry you didnt win, here is three points, and the next text will be your bonus off. Well I go to the website and enter the promo code at right. So I have this long list of “promotions I can do but they really dont “do” anything. Like it says shop at these stores, thought maybe it would give a discount or something like at or etc…and nothing it just says use this now and when I say yes, it takes me to the website. What kind of bonus is that????? Am I missing the point? Cane someone please tell me what I am missing here or is it is what it is? Confused, Paula

  32. Oh Yeah …CHECK FIRST to Make SURE They Are POWERADE and NOT MINUTE MAID !!! They Look the SAME ! Big Black Caps …You Don’t want to Waste any Double Points by entering the wrong ones …CHECK FIRST ! Good Luck and Happy Double Day !

  33. Is it just me, or are the “Suggest Rewards” never used. I would love for them to have a 5$ Visa giftcard. Have they used any of them before? If so I would like to know.

  34. I redeemed the following codes from Darrell, T5RVVH5RROWV, RF499BPNR5L5, 5VF5FV7JP6AX, 7KM970HTPAOH, 5LLAAATPNHBX, 7LV6MKNWP75P, PWAK4TWVOMLT and F54M5F7R5R9J.

    The code NWMM56L6NBXR came back invalid. If someone can figure that one out it’s yours. I don’t want to get my acct. locked up.

    Thanks for your generosity Darrell.

  35. It has been a couple months since I redeemed some codes from this site…so Thank you Darrell, Gloria, and James.

  36. I was able to redeem all the 3 point codes from post 46. Thanks so much Darrell. The others from that post were all RNBM.

  37. Bill and Dan – I redeemed for $325 worth of Nike gift cards, and used them to get the Ipod Touch. ($299 plus tax). I wasn’t sure what the thing was good for, but now that I have it, its really cool. You can access the internet anywhere there’s an open wireless network. You can get your e-mail, check the weather, get maps, YouTube, and oh yeah, put music and movies on it. Using the gift codes on the Nike site was very easy too. So my advice is – go for it!!

    On another subject, I had redeemed for the Black&Decker cordless drill, and when it arrived, it wasn’t the model described. I got nowhere with Brainstormm Logistices (they send out the prizes), but when I called Coke, they were very gracious and refunded my points. I was very surprised, as I hadn’t asked for anything; I was just complaining. Anyway, kudos to Coke.

    Since I was able to fill the family point quotas with Powerade codes, here are a couple I had left over.


    As usual, post when redeemed, please.

    Everyone got their taxes done? lol

  38. Heads Up !
    The New Black Caps on Coke Zero/Vault Double Also !!!
    I entered one from a coke zero and chose coke zero and it doubled ! 3 1/2 hours left !

  39. Paula, there aren’t any bonus offers that are good, so you don’t need to bother entering them. Also, you don’t have to txt codes in, you can use the alt entry method.

  40. My apoligies for the code I misprinted. Unfortunately I have thrown the codes away and can not look back on them to re-enter that one. I am also rather burnt out and will not enter many codes today. I certainly hope the codes entered for the Powerade double point promo, with the exception of the one misread, were used. Also, congratulations to all who were able to redeem the other codes posted before the doubles. Here are your codes.


    That’s it for this time. To the one who grabs them, please acknowledge. And everyone, have a great day.

  41. Karen, thanks for the information on the iPod Touch. I’m currently closing in on the $200 mark with Nike Gift Cards.

    Darrell, I once again would like to thank you for your generosity. It was very much appreciated.

  42. DOH!… Francine, I didn’t see that info until after the day was up. I wish I would have known that the black Coke Zero caps were doubling. I thought it was only Powerade. I have enough of the black coke zero caps to get my limit plus I could have traded 3 other people on this board for regular codes to get them their limit as well. Oh well, at least I can still redeem them for 3 points each.

  43. Is everyone ready for Easter? My little dog chases the Easter Rabbit every night about 2:00 a.m. The rabbit waits outside until I let the dog out, then the race is on. He can’t catch the bunny, but he gives it all he’s got. Here are a few codes, may the needy get them.


    These add up to 120, the weekly limit for some lucky person, or maybe a few points for several lucky people.
    Dan, I appreciate the acknowledgement of codes given. I would be a liar if I were to say it doesn’t make me feel good about giving. But the main thing is letting others know the codes have been used. I wish everyone a safe and joyful Easter. Have a happy holiday.

  44. It’s been three full days without any postings from anyone. I don’t think everyone has decided to not visit the site anymore. And I hope nothing has happened to vvhitekid2 to prevent him from the chores he has assigned himself. Or that Coke has decided this site is detrimental to the MCR program and is destroying everyone involved with it. Anyway, I’ll enter a few more that I found in my Easter basket.


    I trust all had a great holiday as well as a safe one. Later.

  45. Thanks for sharing Darrell, Gloria and Anon. I don’t know what’s been used or not — I just wanted to say, “Happy Easter all!”

  46. Thanks, everything has been redeemed (not by me) Looks like I didn’t make it in time again! Happy Easter and Thanks Anyway!

  47. TFBHX7WOMT5T, 6WNXMB5KHMH7, BHTWOLRFNR9K were redeemed by me. Thank you so much. I got 16 points. Anonymous’s code was invalid but oh well. Thanks for sharing.

  48. I am trying again to post codes using yet another browser. Maybe it will work this time:


    Hope everyone had a happy easter!

  49. Thank you very much Robert. I redeemed the last 5 codes you entered. Have a nice day!

  50. Thanks Darrell for posting… I got three of the 10pt codes. I think the last 3 point code is incorrect. Too many tries on my part… I should have known better. I am locked out for a little bit so I don’t know about the rest of the codes. Thanks again for posting.

  51. has anyone ever gotton a rhapsody on the go 1 month membership from my coke rewards?

  52. Man I don’t see why they had to change the card to the EDO card…I won the other one and they just sent it to me. Why now do I have to give them my SSN??

  53. you dont have to give my ssn to them. i didnt and the only thing is you cant reload it if you win another one. I got my card a few days ago and just activated it today. I only gave them my date of birth, zip code, and name. Also it was $25 nstead of $20!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. DM,
    You only have to give them your SSN if you register and get a reloadable card. If you register for a one time only card no SSN is required.

  55. DM,
    When you redeem the card just select “mail my card” and you wont have to give your SSN.


  56. My wife won one of the EDO cards and it has been a pain in the butt trying to get the card loaded with the money. I will call in again today for the 4th time trying to get the money… it is almost not worth it. The other four cards our household received were already ready to be spent… none of this hassle.

  57. you don’t have to give them your SS#, thats only for the reloadable card, if you don’t want to enter your SS#, choose the non-reloadable card

  58. i got an edo about 5 weeks ago in the mail. i activated it and still no money on the card. i called them about 25 times to file the information to the back office and still no money i am soo frusterated with these people.

  59. i cant find the rules on the coke site. can anyone tell me how many people from the same house can sign up for mcr acconts? my daughter wants to sign up but i dont want to screw up my account…

  60. mycokerewards has moved everything around so many times, I can’t find them either. However, I DO know this. Only one person can sign up for an account per household. If your daughter signs up, yes, this will permanently mess up YOUR account. I’m really sorry, but I wouldn’t chance it.

  61. Hey everyone,

    We’ve got another Double Points offer for you!

    From 12:01 AM ET, April 20, until 11:59 PM ET, April 30, get double points on Dasani 12-packs at My Coke Rewards.
    Only the Fridgepack codes are being doubled, so be sure to pick up a few the next time you’re at the store.

    Remember, the 10 points you earn from your code count towards your weekly points limit, but the Bonus Points do not. How’s that for refreshing?

  62. anon
    I Believe it is 5 accts per household. 10 per address.
    She must be 13 and have a seperate email address.
    Our Family has 3 – We each have our own seperate email address . My son is 15 and has one, You just have to fill in seperate info for each. We have had ours for a couple of years. Mine I had since it started .
    Make sure you send her the email to “Tell a friend” the link is near the top next to Suggest rewards – Right under your point total…then you will get 10 pts for having another person sign up once she gets like 50 pts in her acct.
    To See the RULES ~ Scroll ALL the Way to the Bottom and it is Really Small and Relly Light …But there is a link for Rules and Help . Click on that.

  63. Anonymous, what you do is call the company with the number on the card, enter the number, but an invalid birthday ( under 18)if you do this three times they transfer you to an ACTUAL HUMAN BEING and they activate your card for you. It worked the first time for me!

  64. i got a $50.00 nike gift card and i am going to get a baseball glove with it and use this season MCR rocks

  65. We got my husbands edo card and called the Tel.# on the paper that came in the envelope with it ~
    1-888-211-8641 then you enter the 16 numbers on the front of the card – and then it says to activate your card you must enter the LAST 4 Digits of the Social Security # as a Temporary PIN # …then it will give you the Balance on the card . And you can change the pin # BUT IF YOU DO …WRITE IT DOWN And put it in a drawer or someplace you will remember it …
    Now if it is a Reloadable edo card – future wins can be added to it – but it doesn’t happen Immediately…
    It took like a week or more …and my hubby got an email that said you won an edo card prize – What it Was is the Notice that they had ADDED the Funds from his 2nd win TO the edo Card …
    And just an FYI …IF you take Cash out of an ATM from the card …They charge like $3. ATM Fees …and probably another $1. or more as a transaction fee.
    BEST to USE it when Purchasing something …THEN you get the Benefit of the Full Amount !
    I was Desperate so I used it to get Cash to put in my Checking Acct…to prevent overdraft fees …lol
    Talk about Robbing Peter to Pay Paul ! LMAO !
    THANK GOD it was there ! Saved my Butt !!!THANKS COKE !

  66. It still have no results for my wife’s EDO card. I called that number Francine mentioned, put in my wife’s last 4 digits of SN# and it told me the balance was $0.00. That was when I started calling and have to this day still not be able to get the card loaded. My wife has tried as well. One guy at that number game me this number to call (615.297.6080 ext. 175) but it always just goes to a voice mail and you can leave info but you still get no results. WTF.

  67. vvhitekid2’s codes are All Redeemed ~ NBM ~ Thanks anyway .
    try these Tel#s
    For the edō cards, with the 5 coke bottles and the edō logo in the top left
    Activate: 1-888-215-6759
    Check Balance: 1-888-215-6759
    OR Call MCR and select the Under the Cap mycoke
    Did you go to
    and enter the code then click Redeem ???
    IF you did NOT DO THAT …That Would Be Why …LMK

  68. Hi everyone, how are things going on our favorite site?
    I have been on a deserted isle for about a week, but I survived. Francine, I see you are being as helpful as ever. You are a kind person. Sorry to see you are in a financial bind, but in today’s economy it’s happening
    to far too many people. At present all I can give is a few codes. And here they are.

    35.RBBON77TRRRP-15 or 20PT

    I have made it very easy to post which codes you have used. Please do so, and have a great day.

  69. Francine,
    How long does it take to receive the EDO cards? It says 2-4 weeks but I think it has been longer than that since I won. Thanks!

    1. 9PRMJ6XWOF6L-3PT
    2. 9RML4ATWLF6O-3PT
    3. 4RLM5OP9W6PO-3PT
    4. O79MAJ7KX9AV-3PT
    5. NMRF74WX5L6X-3PT
    7. BMBRBP94AO9R-3PT
    8. BVXLM54N4BAO-3PT
    9. T6N7TNX5A9OP-3PT
    10. P7677KM7A6K9-3PT
    12. AOFV47BJ976O-3PT
    13. 5JJOPM9447FJ-3PT
    14. 5T6XWFLWX6NX-3PT (F may be a P)
    16. RL5OXL45BPJA-3PT
    17. 9KLLKTHWPVN6-3PT
    18. 5XOKWATAAO6L-10PT
    19. 4WNKMVVP4LM4-20PT
    20. 74V7K5R46NX4-15 or 20PT

  70. All of roberts codes RNBM

    i really wish people would post that they used the codes.

  71. Jessica, those of us who donate often have pleaded, begged, asked in every way possible to get the users to post the codes used. On my last post, and I see Robert did the same, we made it simple to list the codes that were used. The only two reasons I can see for not posting their use is either the users are sorry and lazy as hell, or vvhitekid2 omits those postings, which I don’t think he would do. I have donated literally thousands of points here and do not want to become irritated to the point of not giving any. I became that way enough so I only go to the MCR site once a week to enter my limit. And if necessary will do the same here. Have a great day, and sorry you missed out on the codes.

  72. I agree with all of you — please post what you used. Maybe that way some of us won’t get locked out of our accounts, because codes have already been redeemed. I’ve learned though, to not enter more than 12 or so. I can’t afford to get locked out of our Special Education account. Thanks for so much effort Vvwhitekid2, Robert and Darrell. We appreciate you!!

  73. I agree with Darrell that some users are too lazy to post the codes that they use. By being lazy what they ensure is that someone gets locked out of their own account because they have entered codes which have already been redeemed by someone who doesn’t have the common courtesy to let others know that those codes have already been redeemed.

    I can sense the frustration of those individuals who have donated thousands of points for others to use and all they have asked in return is to let others know that the codes which they have donated have been used. Will it get to the point that vvhitekid2, Darrell and Robert will quit donating these codes! I would certainly hope not or maybe vvhitekid2 will make the site one which a person would have to have a membership to access the page.

  74. One issue, even if everyone posted what they used, that would still not stop anyone from getting their accounts locked, since posts don’t post immediately.

    Example, Darrell posts codes at 3pm, vvhitekid posts that post at 4pm, I redeem at 4:05pm, Cyn tries to redeem at 4:15pm, vvhitekid posts my response ‘RBM’ at 7pm…. Cyn will still get “This code has already been redeemed” for all those codes (and may get locked out), and won’t see anyone posting RBM, because it hasn’t been posted to the forum yet.

    One solution is to have posts automatically come up so anyone who posts ‘RBM’ would show up before someone else tries to redeem.

  75. Thank you for all the feedback on the site, and the current system. “Code Grabber” is absolutely right in that the delayed posts would still ensure some folks to try the codes before the “RBM” is posted. I have made quite a few considerations, and have finally decided on how to fix this problem. Shortly you will see a “Forum” section on this website. That forum will require users to create an account, but it will be fairly painless. The moderation of what is posted on this forum will be shared by several individuals (not just me), and the posts will be in real time.

    The other thing I want to point out is that I’m going to continue with business-as-usual on these Coke Code sharing pages, so if you’re happy with how things are going here, you can still use the site as it’s been for the past 3 or 4 years. The forum will just be a new addition for folks wanting to have a discussion without the delays of my manual moderation. I’m hoping that some folks that have been around for a while will be willing to help moderate the new forum, as I’m sure there will be plenty of junk posts to be deleted.

  76. SOUNDS GOOD !!! SIGN ME UP !!!

    I don’t think alot of people who frequent this site REALIZE How TIME CONSUMING Maintaining THIS SITE IS !
    vvhitekid2 9wkw j0F5 NWpw DOES HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE THIS SITE ! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME & EFFORT And Putting up with all the Pissin & Moanin’ & Whinin’ & Complainin’ and sand throwin in the sand box …LMAO {{{HUG}}}… Now don’t anyone get your boxers in a bunch …lol…BUT ~ If you Don’t wanna get locked out of your acct. Keep Track …the 20th code is the Lockout ! Enter codes you have in to your acct. FIRST …Then If you enter codes from this site and get locked out … pTvJj9 tJ 45Pr …NO BIG Deal ! Lockout only lasts until Noon the next day …
    (Correct me if I am Wrong)
    But Everyone Needs to CHILL … IT IS ONLY FREAKIN COKE CODES !!! LOL !
    Remember …DON’T TAKE IT SO SERIOUSLY !!! Everyday People are Losing their Jobs,their homes,…Don’t forget about the Men & Women Serving Our Country and the Sacrifice they And their Families Make …while we whine about Stinkin Coke Codes …
    Shame on us ! 0954 nlpwPB99 …ME INCLUDED !!!
    A Random Act of Kindness Goes A Long Way to making you Feel GOOD ! And Makes someone Else Feel Good Too !!!
    Even just a Kind word or a Smile 🙂 holding a door open …Letting someone go in front of you in the checkout line at the store …ESPECIALLY a Mom with a fussing kid (or two or more)
    Trust me …THAT IS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED !!!Even if she doesn’t take the time to say so because she is Too Frazzled ! And it only takes paying attention to someone elses needs/circumstances/situation around you … And it Doesn’t Cost any Money ! Just a Kind Thought ! Payback is a Good Feeling – Priceless !
    Right Darrell & Robert ? {{{HUG}}} THANKS YOU Guys !!!
    Even IF the Ones Who USE the Codes Are Inconsiderate of Others and don’t say they used them …or Thank You!
    Typical …for people who are Unfamiliar with GIVING – instead of Just TAKING All the Time …Don’t Feel Bad .
    What Goes Around …Comes Around …And it may Not Be Pretty when it does…then They Will wonder “Why Me?”
    So Keep Doin what You’re Doin ! We Love You For It !!!
    (stepping off SoapBox Now)Sorry But hadta speak up 😉

  77. Francine, your codes already redeemed NBM. Thanks anyway. 🙂 BTW, I have not gotten a code yet on this site but I do say thanks and let folks know when they have been used.

  78. Wow! Talk about response, that’s rockin. Many postings and thoughts. Also seems as if vvhitekid2 has come up with a way to ease all the pain.
    And he has everyone’s email, so no problem contacting anyone for any reason. And I don’t mean to offend anyone, I only want to donate and have it all go smoothly. And Francine is right, although it’s a pain to enter codes that are already used, if you know your going to be locked out at 20, make yourself stop at 15.
    Then no lockouts, just some wasted time. Now, on with the show.


    And may we all find peace and harmony. And lots of codes. Have a great day.

  79. has anyone here won the $20 giftcard from the twist txt get promotion? I am curious about the confirmation email they sent me. Can somone who had won post the email they sent you. thanks.

    Also, how long until you got it? If you got it already.

  80. Ken… I am sure you will end up with some codes from this site at some point. It took me forever to get any, but this site is such a valuable resource for the information that everyone provides. If you have a question or a problem and voice it here you will for sure find an answer. Thanks vvhitekid2… keep up the good work!

  81. Thanks Darrell… codes 1-9 have been RMB. I checked a couple of the others but didn’t want to risk trying them and lock my account. Gloria, thank you too. I got the second code on your post… the first was giving an invalid code error. Thanks a bunch both of you!!

  82. Darrell’s Codes ALL REDEEMED – NBM THANKS FOR Posting them and being so generous!
    Just an FYI …IF you have entered your Points for the Week and want to see if a Code Was Redeemed …You can do it Safely THAT WAY …up to 20 a day of course …

  83. Curious–I’ve won 4 of the cards for myself and two for my son. I’ve received 3 of them, the first one took about 6-7 weeks the next two only took 4 weeks and all 3 came in the same week. (The Edo cards came more quickly than the Coke Card and they were good for $25 instead of $20). The most recent ones I’ve won, all within the last 2 weeks haven’t yet arrived, though I did get confirmation that they will be mailed. Hope that helps. vicky

  84. Hi I’m new to coke rewards and stumbled on this site..

    I was wonderin if anyone knows if coke rewards reset points after the promo ends or do they roll over… and when does it start officially and end officially?

  85. Curious, I have one the twist txt. It does take about 4 to 6 weeks to come in the mail. I’ll have to see if I can find my e-mail and I’ll post it.

  86. WELCOME twain !
    It will continue …your points just keep adding in your acct. until you spend them .The program is slated to continue until 12/31/09 unless they extend it again …Which They Usually Do ! So Don’t Panic when you see “ends 12/31” Read back on the page for info …only try the NEW point codes posted …like if it was a minute ago …lol…otherwise they have been Redeemed ! Otherwise you will get locked out of your acct. After try #20 of already used/invalid code attempts. BUT Don’t Panic …It RESETS after 12 Noon Eastern Time .
    The NEW COKE Setup …is 120 Points PER WEEK and THAT RESETS @ Midnight Sunday Night into Monday AM.
    Try reading back on this page and the older pages for info you need …we ususally have answered the same questions you would ask now …over and over again…lol …the answer is Probably there …if not …ask and we will try to answer it for you !
    WELCOME aboard new fp7f75l74lk9 member ! 🙂
    Does anyone here know about GARABANDAL ? Mari Loli died
    here in Boston a couple of days ago.

  87. i takes more than 4-6 weeks, i’ve won 6 of them, and it takes about 7-8 weeks
    you only get an email (its actually 2) if you won the edo cash card, not the regular mastercard (it tells you which when you enter the code).
    the first one has a header of “your edo cash card registration has been confirmed” and the second one is “congratulations on winning an edo card” which you get 3-4 weeks after registration

  88. Hello twain, welcome to this site. Brought to you and us and maintained by vvhitekid2. An excellent place to find out anything you wish from one of the many visitors who repeatedly post voluntary information and provide answers to your questions. It’s also a good place to obtain codes, or to give them. And thanks to all of you for the better than usual posts about codes being used. And now for more codes for some lucky visitor here.


    That’s 162 total points, so it will help more than one person. Thanks everyone for your continued interest here. And have a great day.

  89. yay thanks darrell!I was finally able to redeem codes from your posts! I redeemed 11-16 i think, the rest were RNBM

  90. Thanks, Darrell. I redeemed #11. #12 is entered incorrectly. Here are some others that are already RNBM: 3, 7, 9, 10, 13, 18, 19, 23, 25, 30.

  91. Li, my apoligies for the incorrect entry. I rechecked that particular code and it is: F60A65WJLWFB. After awhile the letters and numbers run together. Thanks to everyone for the response of codes used. Awesome! Have a great day.

  92. Thanks for the revision on that Darrell, but alas it looks like that one was snatched up as well.

  93. Unreal! From the time vvhitekid2 posted the codes for giveaway, it took less than three, that’s 3, minutes for them to be used. And when you figure he had to scan the message by Zcetaa and then post it, the actual
    time for the codes to be used was faster than a speeding bullet. Whoever used them, you have got it going on! You are faster than the speed of light! Go for it, and have a great day.

  94. why did the site change,they say more points, better things, different things. now you can only put in 120 per week, i put in over 200 a day when it was 10 a day, not so fun any more, not to much offered with diet coke, sprite, just alot of not to much!!

  95. Any twitters out there, there are some free codes being posted if you search “free mycokerewards”

  96. Hello all on this beautiful morning. Another day above ground, the sun is shining, birds are singing, the temperature is awesome at 65. And if that does not make you happy, maybe this gift will.

    1. FMM9OJOBRX94=3PT
    2. 99J7XAH5VAHW=3PT
    3. 7TP95W9PL56X=3PT
    4. 65B7RTNJ55TJ=3PT
    5. 6BL65W7T497V=3PT
    6. 7B6P94L79HVH=3PT
    7. AM794WOK6TRJ=3PT
    8. 4B5MP7BA54NP=3PT
    9. N4WW90K5OJPP=3PT

    These should make a couple of people happy for the rest of the week. And have a great day.

  97. Thanks Darrell! I got codes 2-7 & 19-23… I think. Anyway all the rest have been redeemed but NBM. Thanks again.

  98. A few codes-
    10 points-
    3 points-

  99. Powerade codes:

    1. N59JWBHJVPBN-3Pts
    2. 6WJBPHPH54NM-3Pts
    3. BVP56LKB5AVA-3Pts
    4. 4TJ6O65HK6PM-3Pts
    5. 54XBXHKWW7JK-3Pts
    6. PRPWTM6ALNXP-3Pts
    7. 9AF69X9XR56M-3Pts
    8. 6VPLX6RBNBFM-3Pts
    9. BMM4KFX5O4XF-3Pts
    10. 79NTKB7XFWAJ-3Pts
    11. T9LOWNOW565F-3Pts

  100. Whoo Hoo ! I Won an edo card yesterday ! that is my 3rd win ! the other 2 I got the $20. mastercards.

    BANK THOSE ENTRIES ! The 50 entries you can bank on the Rhapsody sweeps Ends on the 30th ! They can be used to enter ANY sweeps ! Get em while you can !
    Has anyone here Won anything on the Rhapsody Sweeps other than the $1. Free rhapsody code credit ?
    I know of someone who won One of the $100. Codes !

    I miss ROBERT’s Posts ! where are they ? He is usually good about posting free codes ….Hope he is OK !
    have you heard from him vvhitekid2 ? Let us know Please
    I imagine you must be pretty busy …sorry to bother you 🙂 {{{HUG}}}

  101. Francine, and anyone else who won a $20 mastercard – check your balance online. The first one I got actually had $25 on it. I haven’t checked the second one. The Edo card was a nightmare, but its finally straightened out.
    Thanks for the reminder about accrueing sweeps entries. Good idea.

  102. Our family has won total of 8 times on, I agree with Karen the Edo cards are a nightmare. One of those was my father who does not live with us, I talked him into signing up and he was about to give up with the whole process when he won… now he is excited about it. If I happen to win any more I will request not to have that reloadable version. My wife got the reloadable card and it took forever to get the initial prize to even show up on the card. I am talking at least 3 weeks and several, several calls. Now we are dealing with trying to get the next win she had to show up on the card. So far it has been about a week and half and probably about 12 emails and still no funds. Good luck to everyone. If you keep at it and still have not won, I am sure your lucky day is right around the corner.

  103. Francine, I’m OK! My posts just have’nt been getting through. Have’nt been able to post since the 18th! I am going to re-post yesterdays codes:

    1. 6WJBPHPH53NM-3Pts
    2. N59JWBHJVPBN-3Pts
    3. 9AF69X9XR56M-3Pts
    4. PRPWTM6ALNXP-3Pts
    5. 54XBXHKWW7JK-3Pts
    6. 4TJ6O65HK6PM-3Pts
    7. BVP56LKB5AVA-3Pts
    8. 6VPLX6RBNBFM-3Pts
    9. BMM4KFX5O4XF-3Pts
    10. T9LOWNOW565F-3Pts
    11. 79NTKB7XFWAJ-3Pts
    12. 9MR4P56PWOPX-15 or 20 Pts
    13. 7W7JV5HH5M7W-20 Pts
    14. PP4KTVMBN4JR-10 Pts

    Thanks again to vvhitekid2 for all you do keeping this site up & running!

  104. the gc’s from the promo are supposed to have $25 on them. according to coke, its to cover the atm fee, but you can just spend it (and BTW, i’ve won 7 of them and that’s alot)

  105. Karen, The mastercard is only good for $20.
    The $5 extra on your mastercard is to cover any fees for ATM use, if you decide to go that route and get a pin number.
    That’s how I did it, I got pin numbers for my cards and just went to an ATM to withdrawal the $20 so I didn’t have to remember the balance.
    FYI, If you want a pin # they will ask for your SSN.

  106. Hey guys,

    Thanks Robert! I got #12, (my first time successfully redeeming a code from this site), and it was worth 20 points. Thanks vvwhitekid2 for the site and everyone for the codes! btw I think all of Robert’s other codes are RNBM, people never stop to say the redeemed ’em. >:(

  107. YAY ! Robert ! Good To See you Again ! {{{HUG}}}
    Thanks vvhitekid2 ! 🙂 {{{HUG}}}

    All of Roberts Codes Have Been Redeemed
    I Was Able to get the 1st code because of the 3 not being correct ~ That is usually the only way I can snag a code LOL… the rest were Redeemed ~ NBM

    Hope Everyone Banked the Rhapsody Sweeps Entries !
    It ends tonight 🙁 I got one Rhapsody code per day ~ then banked the rest as often as possible and I am using mine on other things .
    And to Clarify the # of Sweeps entries Accrued :
    It all Depends on How Many Points the Sweeps is you are attempting to enter …
    The Rhapsody entry is 6 points …so If you Bank it …and go to enter a 3 pt sweeps …you have twice as many banked …if a 2 point sweeps 3x and a 1 pt 6x ! So Bank as many as possible after getting your Rhapsody win today !
    up to the 50 if Not entering the rhapsody sweeps !
    I Wonder What May Will Bring ? besides the EXTENDED BBQ Sweeps ? We Shall Soon See ! Good Luck Everyone !

  108. HEADS UP ! ALOT to Check Out on Both Coke Sites !!!
    New Sweeps/prizes are up ~ Most lasting 2 Months though …And Some Really GOOD NEWS !
    they replaced Rhapsody IW sweeps with disney instant win game… it still lets you bank 6pt free Sweeps entries !!! Woo Hoo ! I will NEVER Get my Housework Done ! They need to have a sweeps for Maid Service So I can spend ALL my time on The Coke Site ! LMAO !

    Awesome ! They Put the NikeID $50. G.C. Back ! I redeemed the 3 Regular Nike G.C.s on our accts . Maxed out on those – now I can work on getting these !

    They also put some good sweeps and other stuff :
    a years groceries 3 x $10,000 GC ea. !
    HD TV $2000 Best Buy G.C.
    Europe 7 night Royal Caribbean Cruise
    iPod Nano & Docking station
    $1000 to pay bills
    100 12pks Coke
    iPod Touch
    $500. Gas G.C.
    Garmin nuvi 255W
    snowshoe mtn powerade mtn bike race trip
    one month Rhapsody to go 380 pts
    one month Rhapsody unlimited 232 pts
    Coca Cola Limited Ed. music design coke bottle 150 pts
    and some other discount stuff

    AND MYCOKE.COM EXTENDED to 1/31/2010 AND ADDED More and some BIG PRIZES !!! sweeps + Instant Win
    Check rules …ONLY 2 ENTRIES PER DAY !!! OR DisQualify
    2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid OR $10,000. Scholarship
    or $20. Cash Card or Pair of Movie Tix
    CHECK IT OUT !!!

    Well …I Guess That will Keep us All Busy for Awhile !
    They knew they had to do something to get people interested again …lol Good Luck Everyone !

  109. Here are a few more codes:

    1. 4KKOA64OORH7-3Pts
    2. 6NVMNKP74JVB-3Pts
    3. A6TMVJKTNOH6-3Pts
    4. 5WJRPHN5BOVT-3Pts
    5. AAB9ABWNNHMW-3Pts
    6. 74TWXFAK7X5B-3Pts
    7. AOVRNKK5BAHP-3Pts
    8. 6J6FVKTJBKOT-3Pts
    9. F446B9HLJK7R-10Pts
    10. B94HRMLJXWF4-20 Pts

    Karen, the $20 Mastercard I got also had $25 on it. I bought a $25 Walmart giftcard with it. That way I can buy gas at Murphy with it or use it in the store. (no ATM fees that way) I have’nt recieved the Edo card yet.

  110. Hi everyone. And is everyone happy? Seems as if all of the posts are upbeat. You know, I had a weird thing happen on the mycoke site. I had won the $25 edo
    card about a month ago. Yesterday, I was shown a different site than I had ever seen. And first thing, another win. Strange. Now I’m gonna load this bad boy up with points.

    39.PPOHBMLL6940=15 or 20PT

    Everybody knows the routine. Please enjoy the use of these points and may they be beneficial to the recipients. And most of all, have a great weekend!

  111. ALL of Darrell’s Codes ARE REDEEMED except 10 Not.Ent.corr. I am working on it though …lol
    I Got 12-19 THANK YOU DARRELL ! WOOHOO !!!

  112. I can’t believe all of these are gone already, Darrell. Thanks as always.

  113. Francine, forgive me. At times the codes kind of run together. The correct code is; 0R00XRPX57RW. Guess I mixed the R and the O. But I have learned to keep the codes I enter until all have cleared. I hope you are able to get this one since you put forth the effort. Now, it’s time for NASCAR!

  114. Darrell, the site is looking different. As Francine explained in an earlier post there is a new contest on there that runs until January of 2010. You can enter both twice a day using your free entries.

    Congrats on your win! The cards that my family and I are winning on there are really a huge help in getting through some tough times.

    Thanks for being so generous with your codes.

  115. Thanks Darrell, I got the code you “mixed up” 😀

    none’s codes RNBM. btw your second code is invalid

    thanks guys!

  116. Darrell
    No Forgiveness Necessary ! You Have Been Awesomely Generous ! I did not get that one but that is Fine someone else needed it 🙂 I Got like 80 pts. from that Post ! I Was VERY HAPPY ! I am Rarely there when codes get posted . I am usually online in the wee hours …and after getting the kids to school then I crash for a few hours . Then Off and running !
    Believe me …I have transposed/misread
    or incorrectly entered Plenty of Codes ! LOL .
    The Older you get the harder it is to see them …lol
    I have put N in for a 9 …Brain thinking N for Nine
    an F in for a 4 … brain tends to jump in and play tricks like that because your mind gets bored looking at all these Random #s and letters we enter for the codes everyday …and now all the Captcha Codes !

    By the way … Darrell’s Corrected code was Redeemed-NBM and the First code from none also Redeemed NBM
    the 2nd code from none …Not ent.correctly

    You are So Correct in what you said ! like I commented in the past …the cards have saved my Butt several Times !

    I am gonna try to sleep now … long day cap hunting
    and doing errands . Keep Banking sweeps entries and Keep Winning the mycoke Cards Everyone !!! GOOD LUCK !

  117. My 15 yr old son won the mycoke edo card @ 8:05 AM !Just an FYI for the Parents …
    When we went to Redeem the edo Card for him…we were gonna get the reloadable card to make it easier to quickly get all the Future Wins We KNOW we will be Adding … 😉
    And it asks the parents authorization …so it asks for my info and when I enter it …
    It says that the username/id and SS# is already active …DUH …I play too …
    But they want me to authorize it for my son ……But then won’t let me

    SO …I had to Go BACK and enter for the NON Reloadable Card and It went through with No Problems …but 3-6 wks …

  118. I just won my second edo card @ 9:46 AM! Now if I can just get them to send the one I won on 3-23.Ha!


  119. does the twist n txt code have to be from a special type of cap from a coke bottle? can it be from some powerade bottles ive been saving?

  120. Twain- From my experience with the twist txt get program, it seems to only accept red caps. All from 20oz and 2 liter cokes should work, though I’ve had it tell me “not a coke code” more than once on a cap that was from a coke. Also I’ve been able to successfully use red caps from diet cokes, but the new silver ones won’t work. I usually enter using the caps because I have a stockpile and I find it easier to use my mobile phone, but if you don’t have any caps handy you can go to, click on rules and find where it says alternate method of entry. You can enter by typing in the captcha code and you will be notified by email whether you won.

  121. Oh ok. Thanks let clearing it up for me. I was going to use my powerade caps.

    I’ll try the captcha codes

  122. You gotta love it! All these points seem to be going where they are needed and thankfully used mainly by those who post their use, thereby saving a lot of wasted effort by others. So lets do it again.


    Whew! Not quite as many as usual, but my eyes are bugging me. And the weatherman is telling me some tornados are heading this way. Irregardless, someone can raise their point balance with these. Everyone be safe, and enjoy what’s left of the weekend.
    Pssst, c’mon Cyn, it’s time for you to cop some of these. Good luck.

  123. Wow Darrell, I heard ya calling me!! I was lucky enough to grab TEN (count ’em 10) codes for our Special Ed account. I’m so thankful, because this week was a bust for me here. I’m sure the rest of your codes are all gone by now, because I started getting “code already redeemed.” And, my other good news is that today I won a $20 Coke Cash Card to help our program too. Now make sure YOU stay safe!! Keep us informed on your weather.

  124. ALL of Darrell’s Codes Redeemed ~ Not By Me

  125. okay… Just went to the site and I don’t see the new Win Big contest on there anymore. Did they move it? I have entered it a couple times now, but when I click Twist txt get in the corner it just pops up with the old contest and doesn’t give the option to go to the other one. Anyone else having this trouble?

  126. I tried it on Firefox… it works there, but not on Safari. It worked fine on Safari the past couple days, but today it still shows only the old one. Oh well, I have no idea why, but at least I got my entries in for the day.

  127. acein, my Safari browser does the same thing. When it goes to the old site, click on “Home” & when that page loads click on the “twist text win” in the image. It will then have the old game on the left and the new on the right. Sometimes my login button is missing from that page and I have to go to my old AOL browser. I am running Tiger 10.4.11.


  128. Robert’s Code Already Redeemed ~ NBM
    Thanks For Giving It !
    We had a Good Day Today ! My Daughter got a call that she had Won the Coloring Contest @ the Local Grocery Store ! She Won a $50. ToysRUs G.C. ! Picked it Up Tonight ! She asked what if there’s nothing on it ? LOL ! Now she can buy the iPod Shuffle …except she Also Wants a Skate Board …Groan …Never ends lol
    Told her to Think B4 Making a choice …ipod can be used all the time for years to come …Of Course wrong move Mom …She got more determined to get the SkateBoard 🙁 She has Oppositional Behav. Disorder …
    (not joking – Diagnosed from is THAT Bad ! lol)
    And I Got my $25. GameStop G.C. from eRewards for answering surveys 🙂 AND I had about $17. in the Bank after Paying Mtg. etc. and Coke to the Rescue ! I Got my $25. edo Card in the Mail Too ! Bought Groceries !
    God is Good ! Giving us What we Need when we Need it !

  129. Here are a few more:

    99HF09BJAVXP 3Pts
    PN4W6945A95V 3Pts
    NT6XTP4K4H6F 3Pts

  130. Robert’s codes from post 203, RNBM. But, thank you for being so kind and generous!!
    Wow, Francine!! I am so very happy for you and your family. I hope things worked out last night too. And, yes, this is the same Cyn you know, lol.

  131. Francine, I would seem you are in the same place as me. I so look forward to getting the Edo cards in the mail. They always seem to come in when I have absolutely no money left. Now if only I could win that new car I could finally get rid of 89 Dodge Caravan… although it is a chick magnet! Roberts codes from #203 have all been RNBM. Thanks Robert!

  132. acein
    THAT IS A Classic …Almost AN ANTIQUE !!! LOL ! 😉
    I WILL Be ROOTING For YOU to Win that CAR !!! {{{HUG}}}
    Now IF it was a New Challenger or Camaro …Step Aside THAT IS MINE ! LMAO ! I would just LOOK at it Parked in my yard …Couldn’t Afford the Gas …HaHaHa!
    HI CYN !7n6w7hlnlr5v
    We had a Farce of a Town Meeting last night ! For others out there too – Keep an eye on your Town Mtgs THIS WILL be happening Everywhere !!!
    They are Trying to Close the LIBRARY – Which would Mean we Would NOT be allowed to Mooch off Other Towns If ours Was Closed ! And the Senior Ctr – No Meals on Whls for Seniors ! For SOME Seniors -THAT IS their Food !!! and the Rec Ctr. for the kids !
    2 Hrs to decide to Postpone and move to a Bigger Location ! How did they NOT Expect the whole Town ?
    So to be continued tonight …Watch yours ! and Vote !
    Yes the edo cards are Arriving in the Nick of Time !
    For Alot of us ! And we should let that be known to them so they WILL KEEP DOING IT ! We need to say THANKS to them … Not just Complain …I Like To Joke /Complain Alot …But Coke HAS Been a LIFELINE to Our Family SO MANY TIMES !!! Home Depot Gift Cards to Buy Shingles for the Roof !!! SPRITE Cash Cards Last Summer To Buy Parts at AutoZone for hubbys truck !
    and now the edo cards to buy Groceries ! THANKS COKE !
    anwo p64k j7v6
    I Ask for Prayers for Emily’s (heart2unbreak aka emily)
    Dad …he is Very Sick possibly only a few months left.
    She Used to Post here all the time awhile back .Thanks!
    Hope to hear of LOTS of WINNERS HERE !!! GO WIN !!!

  133. Thanks Francine. I grabbed the code by my name!! You’re too sweet, just like Robert, Darrell, Vvhitekid2, and all the others who share what they have with us!! This is one place I can come to read, leaving with a smile on my face.

  134. Maybe one of these days I might win an Edo card…I think two months is enough of a dry spell.

  135. I won an EDO card back on 4/20 and still waiting on it. I won a second one this past week and I’m waiting to redeeem it so I can just have it added to the one that I have coming.

  136. MikeMac… you might double check with Coke on that first win. If the 4/20 date is correct, they might have forgotten to process your win depending on how high they might have been.

  137. Post 212 was made by me… sorry about that. For some reason it didn’t auto fill the name field like it normally does for me. I will have to watch that in the future.

  138. Anonymous, 4/20 is only 15 days ago. It took close to 6 weeks before my wife received the EDO card that she won.

  139. MikeMac, I know… I couldn’t resist that one when I saw the date on it, I had to say something in reference to the “holiday” that some people celebrate that day. I know it takes longer. My daughter won a card and the 21 of last month and I keep telling her not to expect it anytime soon. Good luck on future wins!

  140. Just a quick note then off to Town mtg. …Again …
    I took Michelle to ToysRus and SHE Found a Store Demo SkateBoard for $10.90 and She had $10 + a bunch of Change Cash To Buy That …AND she Bought the ipod Shuffle with her giftcard !
    So She Got BOTH ! Quite the Little Shopper !
    Off in a few …but she wants me to download music NOW and I Can’t …I Gotta Go !
    Glad you got the first code Cyn!You Got Radar GF !LOL

  141. Just got an email from Coke saying I “have been selected to receive a prize by registering in the Coke Zero Fan Mayhem Trivia & Instant Win Game, administered by ePrize for The Coca-Cola Company”.

    Woohoo! Too bad its just a Rhapsody Music download. I don’t use Rhapsody, so if anyone wants it here it is:

    Your promotional code is:


    To redeem your free music download please visit and select the song you wish to download. Use by 7/15/09.

    There ya go! Hope everyone had a great day!

  142. Heads up,

    The free 12 pack coupons are back! But they are back up to 240 points. Limited time, 5 more days.

  143. I finally received my prize from the Fan Mayhem Game, but I don’t want to go through the trouble of creating a rhapsody account, so the code is up for grabs…

    Coke Zero Fan Mayhem Trivia & Instant Win Game,
    You have won a Rhapsody Music Download. Please use the promotional code at to redeem by 7/15/09.

    Your promotional code is: NCA2GF9PQXQ4MJP4

  144. Darrell, we have’nt heard from you since the storms. Hope you are OK!
    Here are a few more codes:

    1. 6HH7KOXH9RFB-3Pts
    2. N6RRBH5MOPXH-3Pts
    3. 6AP4XNNPJP7J-3Pts
    4. N7PKMPRXVFFW-3Pts
    5. BN9J6VB56FF6-3Pts
    6. NJJLP9WF7JKF-3Pts
    7. F6L47TRNKJTA-3Pts
    9. 9TALXJNF9NJO-3Pts
    10. RLXRM9LO46PX-20Pts

  145. I almost forgot! Be sure to go to & print your coupons for free Kentucky grilled chicken. Today only, the coupon is for 2 pieces of grilled chicken,2 sides and a biscuit. You are allowed 2 prints! vvhitekid2 I hope it is ok to post this. Thanks!

  146. Has anyone had problems logging into I just timed it at 10 minutes. This has been happening for several weeks (maybe months). For awhile, it would take several minutes to submit a code.

  147. Morning Everyone
    Well I had a Heck of a Time getting my daughters new ipod Shuffle to download Only HER Music …I finally figured it out …My Daughter Didn’t Want Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull ! LMAO ! She is only 9 but she Likes Bon Jovi ! Problem is …I am enjoying shopping on Rhapsody FAR TOO Much ! I think It Must be Owned by Coke …Once they get you there …there’s no going back ! You will Keep finding more & More that you want …Then you will have to sign up . Well I Can’t now …So am just getting a few downloads with the Free Codes I have gotten and a couple from a Generous Friend ! Thanks ! {{{HUG}}} But it is Addicting and SO Tempting! I hear Pepsi p6t4w ktf fpp9 will be starting up again soon too …The Rain has set in here …Lilacs opened!Smells Like Heaven ! 5vnk pr56 4abp unless U have allergies that is …Well Don’t Forget Mom on Sunday !

  148. All of Robert’s codes were redeemed by me. Thanks Robert for your generosity.

  149. I know that some of you have had issues with the edo cards not being loaded when they arrive so maybe you can help.

    I got 2 of my edo cards and one of them had the money on it, the other didn’t. When I called the edo cust. service # the guy said that he needs the code from Coke to activate the card and that was the way they worked, they aren’t supposed to come loaded with the money, they send the card and then you call with the code to load it. So this is obviously wrong since I have one card that was loaded and I think most people have been getting the card already loaded (it is not the reloadable card, but a regular one).

    So anyway…we are lucky enough to have won several cards, is there any way of matching which card is from which redemption code? I am afraid that if I call and give them the wrong code from Coke then I will get another card that is empty or not get the card at all. I don’t see anything on the cards that references the date won or the redemption codes used to register for the card.

    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Here’s a code for anyone who has bothered reading this far into my question! P4AKNV57TMOJ

    @ Francine….happy to see your post, it looks like your daughter did decide on the iPod rather than the skateboard! Have you posted your e-mail here previously…I have a couple of rhapsody codes that I will not be using if you’d like them.


  150. Francine’s codes from post 225, RNBM. Was out…took Mom for manicure for Mother’s Day. Thanks for sharing!!

  151. Thank you for asking Robert. I weathered the storms quite well. I see everyone is posting and the moods are all upbeat. Good deal! Happiness is good for a longer and more pleasant life. And maybe I can provide a little more joy.


    That is going to do it from me until Sunday evening, at which time, if nothing goes wrong, I plan to load this page up with 10 point codes. God willing and the creek don’t rise. Oops, I almost forgot, I am about to enter another code for a Rhapsody download.
    Be kind and attentive to your Mothers this Sunday, or really every day, since it’s their special day of recognition. And all of you have a great day to go with it.

  152. Wow Darrell. Thanks so very much; you are appreciated. I got 3 pt. codes #1 through 15. I tried my best with #7, and it came up invalid 7 times; so I stopped trying. That one is up for grabs if anyone can figure it out. I’m glad you’re OK. We were worried because of your weather. Have a super weekend.

  153. Man, I can’t redeam any of my rhapsody codes because when I enter the code and submit it I just get a blank screen and then nothing happens…Anyone else having that trouble?

    Cyn Got 1-15 and 16-20 by ??? RNBM and 21-30 By Li !!! WTG !!!And I GOT the Rhapsody Code !!! Woot Woot !!!
    And All Roberts codes Also Are Redeemed NBM …THANKS!
    and the one from Craig on 5/7 RNBM
    And Sprout & Toni’s Rhapsody Codes Were Used NBM

    Shari –
    Read back to my post 6 on 5/5 …She Got BOTH ! LOL ! She sure CAN Shop …lol 😉 I will try to help you with your edo card issues also when you email me …
    I am an old timer here …a couple of years back to Page 3 I Believe …lol …Page 1 was Hilarious …

    And YES Shari and anyone else who doesn’t Want their Rhapsody Codes …I WOULD LOVE THEM !!! THANK YOU !!! Please Send Me Any Rhapsody Codes You Don’t use I Would Use Them Gratefully !!!

    Email me and I will try to help you through the Rhapsody white screen problem …there is another way .Just put asdfhj or Rhapsody in the subject of the email you send me so I don’t delete as junk mail. But
    Please Be Patient with me – I am always trying to do 15 things @ Once and get Behind …So I Am NOT Ignoring or Forgetting about you – I Will Get Back to you ASAP. And try to Post the info here also when able.

  155. Wally, pardon me, I didn’t mean to be so blunt. I have redeemed about 70,000 points from the MCR promotion. I got that many by getting all of my family’s codes, even with them sending codes from other states than where I live. I have walked the roads picking up litter to get the caps, and more often than you would think, 12 pack and case cartons.
    For three years I have stocked soft drinks at convenience stores just to get the 12 pack codes. I have even asked customers at stores if I could have the codes from their coke products. Some stores save them for me due to being polite and asking them to. I recycle and when I take it to the landfill I enter the paper trailer and get dozens of codes. The list goes on and on of ways to get them. Throughout all of my redemptions, I always gave quite a lot to the various charities listed on MCR. I also figure I have recieved my fair share from the program, so now I am giving almost all of my points to the fine people who visit this site. I still have over 4100 points in the bank, and if I could give them here, I would. The pleasure of giving them is equal to the items I’ve recieved, and that’s quite a lot. Have a good day, and if you want the codes, they are out there for the taking.

  156. Okay, one more post. Cyn, as usual I get at least one code wrong, and the person who tried so hard to get it usually doesn’t. But here is the corrected code that is in the #07 position.


    Bye bye.

  157. Well Said Darrell !
    They Certainly Don’t Fall from the Sky ! lol
    Yes – we go hunting ~ Pizza parlors ~ ball fields ~ golf courses ~ hockey rinks ~ Basketball courts ~ Redemption ctrs.~ Gyms ~ Caterers ~
    Recycle locations etc. Asking your Neighbors,relatives ,friends,co-workers,local store clerks, people who fill vending machines , I even got them from the local coke delivery guy – he picked up empties from pizza shops etc. when making deliveries ! Whomever you know that drinks or has access to coke products …ASK if they can save them for you !
    That is what Robert and Darrell DO to Provide all these “FREE” codes to everyone …THAT is Why we ASK you to Simply POST When you USE THEM !!!
    AND vvhitekid2 has to sit and READ ALL the Posts we All Make ! Before he can Post our Comments …He Has to WEED THROUGH Alot of Repeat Crap …And He DOES have a Job and LIFE outside THIS SITE !!! THAT is why we also Like to take a moment to THANK HIM TOO !!!
    We All Take SO Much For Granted …Everyday …
    Think About that …Say Thanks for your Health ~ your Loved ones ~ your Freedom ! Pk70 5×45 Bvkw
    I am finding …the more you are Thankful for what you Have …The More you will Be Given to Be Thankful For .
    Have a Great Day Everyone ! And Lets hear about Winners

  158. Sorry about the Kentucky grilled chicken link! The site crashed at about 2 oclock that day due to heavy volume.
    Here are a few fore codes:

    1. AOA4N96XHTV7-3Pts
    2. 69XLAPPJX676-3Pts
    3. F7HFN9X67JXA-3Pts
    4. 7PLHHNJN7KJA-3Pts
    5. BOJ9AM4JMRJA-3Pts
    6. NH4OLMA79FF4-3Pts
    7. 9BKFFB9MV4JX-3Pts
    8. 7RFKWTFA6KAM-3Pts
    9. 957T7KNHATB5-3Pts
    10. ABT7TOOW97NV-3Pts
    11. R6A9HHLFVOHT-3Pts
    12. PPHVJWPL6KLM-3Pts
    13. AT67FVTM44R9-3Pts
    14. PWOTFH5ATNWF-3Pts
    15. N4T44RJ9K9O7-3Pts
    16. 545HKVJX7L5K-20Pts

  159. I just was able to get 8 codes:

    #11-16 RBM in Robert’s post #242
    Francine’s code RBM in post #241
    Darrel’s code from post #240 was RNBM

    I entered a couple other codes from Robert’s #242 post but they were already RNBM. The one’s I tried were, 1, 3, 8, 9
    Not sure about the other one’s.
    Thanks Robert, Francine & Darrel you help everyone out so much every week and we all appreciate it. And thanks again to vvhitekid2 again for the a place to connect.

  160. All codes from posts 240, 241, and 242 RNBM, but thank you — Darrell, Francine and Robert — for sharing and caring!! Have a super weekend all of you.

  161. Okay Yesterday there was a coupon Fiasco for $1 off a 12 pk of Coke …It went Nuts ! Like the KFC coupon only worse … I didn’t get even one -my printer is not working . But This is the Post on the MCR Community Board from MCR Bill the administrator …

    Those of you who are active on other consumer message boards have probably seen some messages about a $1 off 12-pack MCR coupon that can be printed unlimited numbers of times. Our coupon vendor did not set that up correctly, so the 1 print limit was not being enforced. Someone then posted this to the boards and before we knew what was happening, many thousands had been printed. I read one post from someone who claimed to have printed 750! We are now also seeing this for sale on eBay. We have turned off this coupon so no more prints can be made, and we are also turning off the campaign so that the coupon will be declined when scanned by a retailer. If you redeemed points for one of these in the past 90 days, we will send you a replacement early next week. If you see these for sale on eBay, don’t buy them; they won’t work! I understand the lure of finding a dollar on the ground, but all those dollars really add up. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure my MCR Community breathren knew what was going on and maybe you can update the other communities you participate in. I don’t want anyone to buy these coupons and get burned

  162. Oh yeah …Some people have said they used the coupons – no problem …they can’t “disable” a coupon you printed and Doubt they will tell every store Do Not Take …So They did disable the link to print it …But I guess they figure that if everyone reads that message …They Will NOT TRY to USE the Coupons .

    Shari THANKS for the codes – I will try to help ASAP
    And DM …LMK if that worked for you …I will try to post the Lengthy Process I had to go through to Get Around That Rhapsody WHITE PAGE Problem …after you say if it worked for you DM .

    My Local White Hen Pantry Convenience Store Had a Little Box Stuck on the Door in front of the VAULT fridge door with BOGO Coupons in it …AND the Vault was Marked Down to 99 cents for a 20 oz. !
    so basically you got 2/$1.! SWEET !
    I grabbed and Bought a Bunch !
    There Was Also a Mt.Dew /VAULT Challenge Coupon on the Door – In Front of the Mt Dew. Buy a Mt Dew Get a Free Vault … Since the Vault tastes like it only Better !
    So just a “keep your eyes open” for those …

  163. Hi all enjoy these codes!!!


  164. Awesome ! Just Won a Cash card @ 11:03 PM !
    BAX R 6T B6 A4 L 4
    IF SOMEONE Would Just Clean My House …THAT would be THE BEST Mother’s Day Gift EVER !!! Sigh …
    Even ONE Room …the Kitchen would Be Great !!!
    In my Dreams …LMAO HAPPY MOTHERS DAY {{{HUG}}} 🙂

  165. To all of the Mothers, Moms, Mamas, even Ma, no matter which one you go by, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!! You are overworked, underpaid, under appreciated, and quite ofter ignored unless something is needed. God Bless you all. Have a well deserved great day.

  166. Way to go Francine!! Now if we could just win the $10,000 groceries gift card….oh well, have a great Mother’s Day everyone! (thanks for the kind words Cyn)
    Here are a few more codes:

    1. 9WTOXTHOL9ON-3Pts
    2. BP5WWF74PKLA-3Pts (F might be a P)
    3. 6O7L75V6JLB4-3Pts
    4. 9PKMOA4RRBVO-3Pts
    5. B56OJ9WXFW9M-3Pts
    7. TRP6RL9XJ7HH-3Pts
    8. 5XRFFANAHPFJ-3Pts
    9. T9HNOWFOOHAR-10Pts

  167. One of my favorite quotes is, “God couldn’t be everywhere, so he created Mothers.” What a marvelous job He did indeed!! Happy Mother’s Day to all the ladies in our midst — may the memories you build today last a lifetime.

  168. All codes gone RNBM, thank you Robert and Gloria!

    (Checked the codes an hour ago)

  169. Hi all. I seem to remember entering a post saying I was going to load this bad boy up with codes. First, I must beg your pardon, as unforseen circumstances are going to prevent that from happening. But here are a few, so please, no threats of tar and feathers or such.


    Okay, that’s it. My eyes are crossed, blurry, and closing frequently. I hope none are entered wrong, but I’ll be really surprised if all of them are correct. Once again, Happy Mother’s Day. Good luck to all, and have a good one.

  170. Thanks so much Darrell. That was a lot of hard work on your part. I am happy to say, I got code #1 from your super long post. You are appreciated. All others RNBM.

  171. 26-50 of Darrell’s Codes RNBM …What a GREAT Mothers Day Present That Was For Someone ! I was doing Laundry and Missed it ! THANKS For All Those Codes ! SWEEET !!!

  172. Wow- some really lucky people made it here before I did! All of Darrell’s codes are GONE, rnbm.

    Thank you so much, Darrell!

  173. Okay ALL CODES From Darrell ARE REDEEMED – NBM
    Except I GOT #10 ! And EXCEPT 4 + 9 Not Ent. Corr.
    But I’m Workin on those …lol will post IF I get em .
    Tar & Feather !!! LMAO …MORE Like HUG & KISS !!! 😉

  174. What a huge post Darrell. Unfortunately, couldn’t get any. It was a 3/4 person post i guess. Anyway, Thanks a LOT.

    I wish I end up with at least a 3 pointer sometime 😛

    P.S. I had a question..when is this thing going to end with the MCR so i dont waste time. I only have 139 points and will not be able to get many if it’s ending by this december only.

  175. As far as I know it is extended until Dec. 2010 and they have extended it a couple of times already so it may go longer than that.

  176. Sorry vvhitekid2
    I have several people I need to respond to …Sorry for the LONG Explanations …But HOPEFULLY they will help More than One Person …If they are having the Same Problem …

    Just a HEADS UP !!!
    For ANYONE who Got the Mastercard that Said $20.
    They ARE $25.00 …ALL the cards ARE !!! NOT JUST the edo cards !!! I used Mine at Walmart and told the Cashier there was $20. so she entered that …BUT I Called the Tel.# on the card to Check the Balance and there Was Still $5.00 On it !!! HOW MANY PEOPLE TOSSED THEM Thinking it was Just $20. !!! LUCKILY the Cashier asked me IF I wanted the Card Back I said Yes …Figured I could let my daughter play with it …
    Good Thing I Checked First …

    Did you have any luck with the info I sent you about the Rhapsody WHITE Blank Screen redeeming codes ? LMK

    I Am SO Sorry for the Delay in answering you …
    I Started working on an answer for you and saved the email to my draft file …to be finished later when I had time …HAHAHA …But here is a quick ???
    DID you GO BACK and Redeem again ? I just had to do that for my sons from 4/2 …It STILL was on the LEFT – I Had to RE-Redeem the Code and Click Submit again …THEN go to the edo site and go through all the Confirmation /Verification crap …then it Gives you a Reference #-a 5# Verif.Code Then you can Call them with THAT # …ALSO The NON-Reload Cards Don’t Require SS# …But you Will Automatically Be Given a Re-Loadable Card UNLESS you Scroll Down and CLICK IN THE CIRCLE for NON-RELOADABLE CARD! That is the Type of one my sons was that I had to Go Back and Re-Redeem!
    So yours may be the Same …GO BACK to the EMAILS – Get the CODE THEY SENT YOU And RE-CHECK EACH ONE !!! It is fine even IF it is All Set – You will See that
    LMK and will try to finish the message later …

    Sorry it has been a tough week for me …ALOT Going on …Will Get back to it later and send it to you AFTER I SLEEP and go to the Town Mtg.I was Up ALL Night/Day …gonna try for a few ZZZZzzzz’s B4 kids get home …And the town meeting was postponed for the 3rd time and is back on for tonight …Groan NOT Looking Forward to it BUT It IS VERY IMPORTANT !
    Also THANK YOU for those Rhapsody Codes ! I Used them !

    Also …Everyone who got Rhapsody codes …You SHOULD Doublecheck the Code in your Email …AND the Code in your MCR REWARD/PRIZE Status …Under FULFILLED Click
    VIEW DETAILS …CHECK THE CODE # ! SOMETIMES They Are Different …TRY Them Both If they Are …I got a Couple extra codes that way …Worth a Try !

  177. Hi again. I am a happy man that all of those codes were accounted for. It is unfortunate more people can’t get any. I’ve tried about every trick I can think of, all to no avail. I used to mix the 3, 10, and 20 point codes and not their point value. That worked pretty well until Coke changed the format of the MCR program. So it is what it is, a matter of luck and timing. I will strike again soon, a couple of days or so. Oh yeah, I did notice that most of the posts about use of codes were from RNBM people. That is too bad, but be wary, I think I have a way to reward the proper people. Have a great day.

  178. Thanks for the info Francine. I will try that now and see if it works and if not, I guess I’ll try calling them again.

    Congrats on winning the edo card Darrell…you certainly deserve it for all the sharing you do on here.

  179. Way to go, Darrell!! Gosh, you deserve it and MANY more for all you do for us! Congrats!

  180. everyone… I have a feeling this is karma catching up with Darrell for all that hard work he puts into posting codes. I know my family have won several and with times like these, we can use the extra help here and there (when if finally comes in the mail). My son just won on Saturday night on the new IWS (the win BIG one). That is the first card anyone in our family has won off the new one. Let’s see, 9 days into the new sweeps and already a win. That seems to be a good sign. Almost as good as me winning a card the first time even tried the thing. I was really surprised. For anyone that is getting discouraged from not having won. Just keep up the hope and don’t give up. I never win anything so if I can win so can you. You could be one click away from an extra $25 in your pocket. Good luck to everyone.

  181. Francine, you need to carefully check your emails. I took the liberty of sending you one.
    Cyn, Shari, and everyone, thank you for the kind words.
    vvhitekid2, I hope I’m not bombarding you with the code load. Without you we would all be in the dark.
    And to everyone just some infopertaining to edo. On my third edo win, it was different than any others.
    I was notified by email I had won and the $20 would be put on my card soon. I did not recieve a number for prize verification, or anything in case of problems like usual. But in just a couple of minutes the $25, not $20, was on the card. Catch you later.

  182. Just a question about all these $25 EDO cards… Are these what you can win by texting your code? Do you still get the MCR points? Which number do you text to? On the website, it mentions three numbers, essentially SPRITE, ENJOY and THIRSTY or something.
    Thank you, I sure could use one of those gift cards…

  183. Darrell, you deserve the edo cards, and I’m surprised you didn’t win any more 😀

  184. Thank you Trny. It’s not over yet.
    Sprout. All of the cards I’ve won have come by the alternate, or “free” method. You are given two chances per day each edo on the mycoke site. Click on the official rules, scroll down until you see the “click here” for the free entry. Then enter the number-letter combination presented, case sensitive.
    You can recieve a total of four entries. Then just sit back and let the money flow in.

  185. I finally got my edo card from 3-23 yesterday! Bought a $25 Walmart gift card with it. I called coke about the one I won on 5-3 (still showing available for redemption) & she said as long as they had sent me a confirmation number it was OK. She said they change it to “previously redeemed” when they ship it. Don’t know if she had the correct info or not.
    Here are a few more:

    1. ATB649W4WBMP-3Pts
    2. OBV5W49V9HKN-3Pts
    3. ARB6TV97HTT9-3Pts
    4. 9PAOOPRV4PJR-3Pts
    5. 45AKA7JNLBAW-3Pts
    6. O5KATTJ5PJJJ-3Pts
    7. 4XFF4P6TPOHL-3Pts
    8. T6MT7K56HXXH-3Pts
    9. F7BVX7RBOK4M-3Pts
    10. TBAXXXKL6L4X-10Pts

  186. wait Al, you won a $1000 best buy gift card?! wow congrats, what was it from.

    and the edo cards can be won by going to
    logging in/creating an account
    and by using the 2 links under the twist txt get link
    then go to official rules, scroll down until you see the alt entry method

  187. Robert, thank you very much, I was able to redeem 2 thru 10. Someone else beat me to number 1.

  188. I had thought earlier I was going to wait a few more days before entering more, but I can’t stand it.


    Once again I hope I made no mistakes. But my eyes kept closing halfway through each code. After these, I think I am going on sabbatical for a few days. As usual I hope these codes reach the people who need them the most, but all are equally welcome. Have a great week, and be safe.

  189. ALL DARRELL’s Codes ARE REDEEMED ! I checked them ALL !
    I Got A Few !!! Woo Hoo !!! I musta just got there as they were Posted …And My Daughter is Gonna Be Late For School ! LMAO ! I Think the Ones I Got were #1-6
    and #12 And #32-35 ! THANK YOU DARRELL !!!
    Gotta Get her to School !!

  190. Thanks so much, Darrell!!! I got quite a few, especially the 3 point ones. Please enjoy your sabbatical and have a super week!! Gosh, I hope you know how very much you are appreciated — can’t tell you this enough!

  191. Really trying to save up for the Nike GC to get my kids some shoes for when they go back to school.I am new to this.I bought a 12 pack of coke even tho I do not like coke and did not know the code was on the flap and I accidentally threw it away.Are codes giveaway here all the time?Would love to win some.Since the hubby is laid off things are pretty rough right now.

  192. hthnl23…

    There are several people on this site that are very generous with codes. You will see this if you look back at previous posts. They post codes to share when they have them and then it’s just a matter of being lucky enough to check the site before the codes are used by someone else.

    If you are lucky enough to use some of the codes that are posted, it is considered good manners to post that you used them.

    If you aren’t already playing the twist txt get game….look back to the previous posts or the archives (detailed instructions have already been posted) on this site to see how to do it. You can win $25 cash card from that game and there is no purchase necessary.

  193. hthnl23…
    Welcome to the site of vvhitekid2. An awesome site managed and maintained by the afore mentioned vvhitekid2. shari was quite brief but hugely informative in her message to you. A couple of other things, when you win the edo card it tells you it’s for $20, but it’s actually $25, and you can win several of them. Several have won 4,6, even more. I’ve managed to win 3 so far, and there’s almost a year left. We also try to remember to thank vvhitekid2 for the site, it has helped many people. I was not going to enter any for a bit, but just a couple won’t hurt.


    Have a good one all of you!

  194. Thank you Darrell! I got your codes…it’s been a long long time since I’ve been lucky enough to get any. And thanks for filling in when I forgot to thank vvhitekid2 for the site. I can’t imagine the amount of time that is put into this so that we can have a useful and friendly forum to discuss all things MCR.

  195. Whoo Hoo !!!
    Hubby just won @ 10:47 PM and son won 5 min after @ 10:52 PM !!! We were trying for a Trifecta …I Bombed … lol So much for the sabbatical Darrell 😉

  196. Make that 3 cash wins, and one pair of movie tickets courtesy of Although having trouble printing the tickets for some reason. I have printed tickets for Six Flags, travel, coupons, everything you can imagine. But for some reason, when I click on the print tab, it goes to my media center. I guess that is what the contact number is for. Have a great day.

  197. I’m glad you caught a few of the codes from our generous benefactors, Shari. Short break, huh Darrell? I hope it was enough to rest your squinting eyes. Congrats to all you winners. Please, let some of that luck rub off on the rest of us!

  198. Thanks again vvhitekid2 for all you do!
    Here are a few more codes:

    1. 67B7FMPX6F95-3Pts
    2. TAABV00NXBJ5-3Pts
    3. 9F6VF9969J7V-3Pts
    4. P5PVNJ7T9MFL-3Pts
    5. RN6P0JHKM0P0-3Pts
    6. 4P6TPAARVNHN-3Pts
    7. T7KTLW9KVKMV-3Pts
    8. 6OL6JBAFXBFX-3Pts
    9. FT94FAFVLW5T-3Pts
    10. 7PVB6OB9TFB7-3Pts
    11. NOXBVJRLAJ95-3Pts
    12. N5AXHRXXJANV-3Pts
    13. 5TKT4559T474-3Pts
    14. 5LR7K6HWKFWO-10Pts
    15. PPVF7W6XXB47-20Pts

  199. Darrell… If you win the movie tickets from do you get to print them out immediately? If so I would love to win them because I really want to go see the new Star Trek movie. I just figured it was another win you would have to wait for them to send out to you.

  200. acein…I’m not Darrell, but I can answer your question! Yes, you can print them out right away (unless you have problems like Darrell did). You can either print them directly or there is an option to save and then print. I chose to save and then print because I have been having problems with my printer. I figured if it acted up, I’d still have the PDF file.

    They do ask you to choose which theater you will be using the tickets at and that information is filled in right on the printed ticket. You do not have to choose which movie you will be seeing. The passes that I won expire on June 30, so they aren’t good for very long.

  201. Darrell…with the tickets. Do you have to print them from the computer you are on? I am on a laptop and I can’t print.

  202. Does anyone actually win the sweepstakes, or is it just a way to waste points?

  203. I hope that someone can get use out of these few codes. Good Luck all!!!

    4LXVTMJ40AF0 – 10pt
    PK9XLXWJB5VV – 10pt
    57KN55HHNWPB – 10pt
    T65VAMF7VJ4J – 10pt
    579RVP7L095N – 20pt

  204. Hey everyone,

    I won an edo card earlier today! Yea! However, I’m not sure if I like the idea of entering my social security number online in order to get the card. Any suggestions or other ways to get the card? Thanks for any ideas/suggestions…..

  205. acein, you get to print them out immediately. You have to pick which theatre from the Hollywood Cinema’s chain, if my memory serves me correctly. And you have to enter the name of the person going to the show. And may be asked for ID at the box office. Later.

  206. Stephanie, when you redeem, just click on the circle that says “non-reloadable card” & you wont have to give your social security number!

    PPVF7W6XXB47-20 Pts

  207. Roberts code RNBM ~ Wow Thanks for all the Codes U guys ! Congrats Stephanie ! Keep it Up ! Woo Hoo !
    I live in the Northeast …Do they have AMC as a theatre option ? and can they be used @ iMax ?

  208. There are some new rewards on the site, including TGI Fridays gift cards.

    Well, my friend who goes dumpster diving for me since I was banned from the recyling center had a blockbuster week – over 500 caps. I can see I will have more than I can use, so I’m going to try to post some frequently.


    As always please post when redeemed.

  209. I don’t think there is a Hollywood Cinema around me, so I guess I hope I don’t win those and continue to win the other stuff. Thanks Darrell. Oh and Sheila’s codes from #296 have been RNBM. Thanks for posting them.

  210. They Put a bunch of new Rewards up …and a couple of new sweeps …Check it out

  211. Robert’s code has been RNBM. Thank you so much for your generosity!

    Last night I found a coke cap in the street that pushed me over 1000 points!!!! I’ve been collecting for over two years now, so this is a huge milestone for me! I’ve never redeemed ANY points, and never won ANY prizes. Now I just have to figure out what crappy prize I want to try to get…hmm 5 magazine subscriptions or a beach towel…? LOL Oh well, I’m just happy to finally be in the quadruple digits!! Woohoo!
    I must say, while I’ve never been here in time to snag any codes, I really appreciate you guys and all the helpful information regarding free sweeps entries and EDO cards (haven’t won one of those yet either…) I probably wouldn’t have stayed so dedicated in my collecting if it hadn’t been for this site! Thanks vvhitekid2!! You rock!!

    Hope everyone has an AWESOME FRIDAY!!!

  212. Karen’s codes are gone…Thanks a bunch Karen, I look forward to your coming posts! lol. BTW, did they ban you at the recycling center FOR looking for codes?

  213. acein…I was able to print my movie tickets for Regal Cinemas so I think they probably have an affiliation with different chains and if there is more than one chain in a certain metro area, they probably only give you the choice of whichever one they have the better deal with. I’m sure that they would have something for a theater chain in your area.

  214. Wow…must say I’m dissapointed in the new prizes at For my recently acquired 1000 points, I can get a shower mirror/razor holder with LCD Clock!!

    THIS IS CRAP. This shower mirror looks IDENTICAL to the one I bought 2 Christmas’s ago for my bf from TARGET for $5.00!! AND that one had a RADIO in it! This one doesn’t even have that.

    I’m kind of mad at Coke, I work for 2 years and finally save up enough points to maybe get a relatively cool prize, and each year they have DOWNGRADED the quality of prizes and the value of points. I don’t want to waste all my effort on a stupid coupon or something I can buy at the store for $5. What prize do you think has the greatest value for the point cost? Thanks. Didn’t mean to vent 🙂

  215. Robert,
    Thanks for the information. My card is now officially on its way…..Thanks again! 🙂

  216. Well, I ordered my EDO card on 5-6-09 and it showed up already yesterday. That was fast, considering what I’ve been reading. Nice code sharing everyone! It’s great that everyone seems to grab a few here and there. Have a super weekend all!

  217. Cyn, that give’s me hope that mine will show up soon, although I won my EDO back on 4/20.

  218. sprout
    WTG on the 1000 pts ! And then you got to see the continued spin of the #s . Well we have all vented here at one time or another …Thanks to vvhitekid2 letting us do that here ! And We’re used to it …lol
    And I would say if you don’t see something you want right now …Just Keep Saving the Points ! At Some point ~ they Will have Something you will want . And Then you Will be Ready and Be Glad you Saved them ! At the Very least …the Nike Cards are still Good …They can be used – with accumulation of a bunch …to get an ipod on the Nike Store don’t forget!
    And Just KEEP PLAYING the mycoke game …you WILL WIN !
    I try to hit submit Just as the minute changes on the clock on my computer …It has gotten our family 11 !
    The main thing is ….Don’t Give Up ! Good Luck !!!

    Awesome Friend ! Grear Haul ! Maybe you will Win the Fridays G.C.s and take her out ! That’d be Nice for you Both ! Then she’d see the point of what you r doin

    And just a good Deal on Coke @ Shaws this Week 5/$12. And you can get 2 8 oz pks of Hillshire lunchmeat w/cpn
    That is $2.40 12 pk ! Haven’t seen Those prices lately!

  219. Francine, the Friday’s gift cards are not a sweepstakes, you can use your points to redeem. Does not look like they are putting a limit on how many you can redeem.

  220. vvhitekid2’s codes RNBM Thanks for posting them !

    Yes there is a Sweeps for 1 pt. T.G.I.Friday’s Give Me More Stripes 100 $25.G.C.s in 10 Days
    And the 280 pts for $10 OFF any purchase @ TGIFridays
    and 140 pts for $5. OFF any Purchase Are more like coupons Notice …OFF ANY PURCHASE …

  221. MikeMac…There is also a sweeps for the Fridays cards 1 point to enter – 100 $25 gift cards in 10 days or something like that.

    Sprout, another thing you can do with your points is buy the free 20 oz Coke product coupons. If you sell them in multiples on eBay they are going for a bit less than a dollar each. Since they only cost 24 points each, it’s a pretty good return, then you can just use the money toward whatever you wanted.

  222. vvhitekid2’s codes RNBM. Thanks, anyway.

    Can anyone let me know how to redeem the free download from Rhapsody (the Mayhem contest) without entering my credit card info? Is this possible?

  223. TGIF one of my favorite places to eat. Finally a decent reward! Hallelujah! I got 5 of them! I am sooo excited. Way to go Coke!

  224. Whitekid2 codes RNBM. I have about 230 pts. I am thinking of trading them in when I get 550 for the subscription. I looked on there and a year subscription is $39.99. So I think 550 pts would be a good sacrafice for that price.

    Hope that everyone has a great weekend.

  225. AJ – sorry, the last one is ar6mfk6prmt0. This is why I need that cataract surgery!!. I will try to look closely before I hit the keyboard.

    Sprout – yes the campus security (rent-a-cop) told me I could not remove anything, even after I explained that I would bring them (caps, flaps) back after I got the codes. AND I protested that I also bring in other stuff to recycle there. That’s when he told me if he ever caught me there again he would arrest me. I mentioned this to the Alumni Fund when they wanted to know why we hadn’t made a donation this year…So we’re off to that same campus now for my husband’s 40th reunion. God we are old!!!!

  226. MikeMac, the Friday’s gift cards are also offered in the sweepstakes. They are giving away 100 $25 cards in 10 days! And it is only 1 point per entery! Good luck everyone!


  227. Well, super early this morning, probably just past midnight, I couldn’t sleep. I decided to do the Twist Text for the day. I won 2 movie tickets. Now mind you, I have already won 5 tickets / $50 theater tickets from a different promotion. It says that the Coke tickets are valid through 2-28-2010. Some of your luck did rub off…thanks!

  228. finally decided to start playing the txt game with the free entries I had stopped for a long time because I hadn’t won.almost gave up but had seen so many people win those gift cards I just kept trying. I just won movie tickets. Hopefully I will be able to use them I live in the middle of nowhere but we will see! I’ll keep trying for the gift cards, if you don’t play you can’t win!

  229. Robert’s codes RNBM But Thanks For ALL the Codes 😉 {{{HUG}}} Congrats Cyn & Reesey ! Yes You Have to Play to Win ! And Don’t Give Up ! There were ALOT of 1st Time Winners This Past Week !!!

    Okay HEADS UP ! Couple of New Sweeps Added …
    Mind you I Never Bothered with the Sweeps Until they started letting you Bank Free Entries and use them on whatever you want to enter for …lol so here is info

    Delta Airlines – 4 Pts. Step Off The Beaten Path to Johannasburg 5/17-5/23 (for 2)

    They also just added a New Nascar Sweeps
    Coke Zero Real Taste of Nascar – 3 Pts.
    Winner and a Guest Ride Around the Atlanta Motor Speedway with a Professional Racecar Driver @ 180 MPH !!! + a Bunch of Other stuff ARV $9000. !

    I am Entering THAT with my Banked Sweeps For Hubby !!!
    They better let us Both go for a turn !!!
    Okay NOW I HAVE to Get Banking EVERY DAY !!! Groan …
    Got my Daughter to do it for me a couple of times …Trying to get my son to do it on his acct.
    ha ha ha … probably will only be this once …

    I don’t think I gave them a credit card …try here and sign up they let you sample 25 songs free per month
    you just can’t download them …unless you enter one of the Free Rhapsody codes …then you can
    And Again …If Anyone has Any Rhapsody Codes they don’t Want …I Would Love them !!! Thank U Tracy , Shari Robert & acein !!! I got some good Tunes they don’t carry the CDs for in the Stores Anymore …from the 80’s ;0 lol
    ALSO FYI …SHAWS has COKE 5/$12. ! $2.40 / 12 Pk !!!

  230. Woo Hoo !!! I Won another edo card on the old coke game @ 5:56 AM ! So Hubby & Son won on the 14th and I Won on the 17th …Kinda like completing the Trifecta I was going for …lol 😉 Also If anyone Buys Stouffer’s Frozen Dinners …there is a Code inside the box printed on the side …Please Check B4 you toss the box in the Trash/Recycle bin …Please write down the Code and Write Down my email address Above …rxkj k5tk afbt I would Really Appreciate it If you would send them to me! I Also need Boxtops For Education …These Help the Schools SO Much And so Many People just Toss them .They are on GM Cereal Boxes + lots of other stuff – email me for more info please .7fn9 wtjl p4at And Oh yeah Campbells soup labels too .
    What kind of caps are those codes from ? Pepsi ?
    You will probably get your card any day now …We have cards from 4/2 we still haven’t gotten yet .Gives you something to Look Forward To ! Don’t Forget …They are ALL $25. Even the Mastercards that Say $20. on it!
    Have a Great Sunday everyone ! Go and Win !!!

  231. Thanks, Francine, for trying to help with Rhapsody download. Maybe someone else can chime in? I have the free account, but after I put a selection in my cart and go to checkout, it asks me for billing info (and I can’t go any further unless I add my credit card, which I’d rather not do). Is there any other way to use the coupon coke sent?

  232. Li
    Have you Checked your Acct Balance FIRST ? If you Properly Credit the Code Ahead of time to your Acct. I Don’t Think it Will Ask for a Credit Card . But you need to Credit any Free download Codes to your Acct. FIRST – Then CHECK Acct Go through Link Above …Then in upper Right corner click sign in~enter password then click sign in.This bring up another screen to sign in again with email address + Password (It is Worse Than BRINKS with the Security !)Click sign in .
    This Brings you to your Acct.Mgmt./Acct.Summary Page.
    THERE U Will See your Credit Balance ! IF there is NO CREDIT BALANCE …that would explain it . Then Close it Out …Start OVER …Go Through Link Above again …
    THIS TIME …Click REDEEM COUPON in Upper Right Corner
    that brings up a new page …to the Right side says Already Have an Acct. Sign In …Again a new page then enter your email address + Password And Right Under that …ENTER YOUR FREE RHAPSODY CODE …CLICK SIGN IN
    Then it should say something like ~ get Music
    Now IF a Code Was already redeemed it will show up and say error etc.,Then guess what ? you get to do it again ! Pain in the @ss I Know ! But it is the only way I have found around the White Screen and Other Problems on their site ! LMK How you Do ,OK ?

    I am Sorry For Taking up so much Space And Time with all the Lengthy Explanations …I Wish there was a Way for you to put like a Q&A Side Bar With Links to Click on these Same Problems that People Repeatedly Need Answers To …Then I could Give a Complete Detailed Answer ONCE and then If People Need an Answer …They Could just Click the Link And I Wouldn’t Be Making YOU Read ALL MY Blah Blah Blah …LOL I KNOW YOU MUST Be SICK Of Reading All The Crap I Write here !!! {{{HUG}}}
    SORRY !!! I Don’t Know Much about Programming or Computers So I Don’t Even Know IF That is Possible …
    I Just Thought I Would Throw the Idea Out there to You.
    Well – Obviously …I was Up ALL NIGHT + DAY now ! And I Need to Sleep ! So Have a Great Day Everyone !TTYL:)

  233. Congrats to everyone winning the gift cards & movie tickets!
    Here are a few extra codes:

    1. BBHJ6VL4PT6K-3Pts
    2. 9PT4OJWF7F5T-3Pts
    3. 4P4OBPB97NKN-3Pts
    5. PNL5JHF6HVNJ-3Pts
    6. 66FN7BFNOL44-3Pts
    7. 9XHMFRVWLVTP-3Pts
    8. R7PJ9F65KW4X-3Pts (F might be a P)
    9. BVL6V4NN6JVV-3Pts
    10. FX9KO7AFJP96-3Pts
    11. 7XBV74XH6KVR-3Pts
    12. 6544TNH5OR96-3Pts
    13. ROLTO94A79TB-3Pts
    14. TF94W65LJJ6B-3Pts
    15. 97P96OWTHW7R-3Pts
    16. A57MJHM9KJ6K-3Pts
    17. 7NNJO49TKX4R-3Pts
    18. NWBFPH9VMFNR-3Pts
    19. 7ORXMXOT7K6W-3Pts
    20. R4VVPAK5FW6K-3Pts
    21. OWFFR57BW4BH-3Pts
    22. TKTP7HK9PLH7-3Pts
    23. RBTTXTV4BPBT-3Pts
    24. P5LJF5O7PBX9-3Pts
    25. RLTPAN5O4O7K-3Pts
    26. 6L5XW6W4PPVA-10Pts
    27. 597F95WV5VRK-20Pts
    28. 5BXT5PHVLOXX-20Pts

  234. Hello to all the good people who visit here. I thought
    I would alert those who need points that I will be giving over 300 points here in two or three hours. See
    you then. If this does not post in real time, it is now 5:15 p.m.

  235. My threat of posting 400 points here was genuine. And here we go.


    Delivered. As promised and on schedule. And I’m sure
    these codes can help a few poeple. And if I calculated
    correctly there is a total of 401 points. Good luck in being among the first to go to this site and find them. And have a great week.

  236. Francine,

    Congratulations on being so lucky lol 😛 I don’t have such good luck..

    btw, ur husband, son, and u ALL use their account from the same IP ?? i mean to ask if u can do this..bcuz i’ve been telling my sister not to sign up since on mcr site it says u can’t have 2 accounts from the same ip..please help me out here someone!!

  237. Congrats to everyone winning the gift cards & movie tickets!
    Killer, MCR says 1 acct allowed per person, 5 accts per household, so as long as they have a different email acct it should be OK.
    Here are a few extra codes:

    1. BBHJ6VL4PT6K-3Pts
    2. 9PT4OJWF7F5T-3Pts
    3. 4P4OBPB97NKN-3Pts
    5. PNL5JHF6HVNJ-3Pts
    6. 66FN7BFNOL44-3Pts
    7. 9XHMFRVWLVTP-3Pts
    8. R7PJ9F65KW4X-3Pts (F might be a P)
    9. BVL6V4NN6JVV-3Pts
    10. FX9KO7AFJP96-3Pts
    11. 7XBV74XH6KVR-3Pts
    12. 6544TNH5OR96-3Pts
    13. ROLTO94A79TB-3Pts
    14. TF94W65LJJ6B-3Pts
    15. 97P96OWTHW7R-3Pts
    16. A57MJHM9KJ6K-3Pts
    17. 7NNJO49TKX4R-3Pts
    18. NWBFPH9VMFNR-3Pts
    19. 7ORXMXOT7K6W-3Pts
    20. R4VVPAK5FW6K-3Pts
    21. OWFFR57BW4BH-3Pts
    22. TKTP7HK9PLH7-3Pts
    23. RBTTXTV4BPBT-3Pts
    24. P5LJF5O7PBX9-3Pts
    25. RLTPAN5O4O7K-3Pts
    26. 6L5XW6W4PPVA-10Pts
    27. 597F95WV5VRK-20Pts
    28. 5BXT5PHVLOXX-20Pts

  238. Thanks, Francine. It worked! I had tried adding the coupon code to the space in my account summary page (never through the “redeem coupon” button) and it would always get hung up and not credit me the amount. But using the button worked perfectly. Thanks for your help!

  239. Killer
    Thanks on the Congrats ! 12 wins for the 3 of us Total!
    And ,Yes In fact I/We All use the Same Laptop . The only one in the house that can Handle the Flash from the Site ! The Rules are 13 and Older ,and Ea. must have their own Legitimate email address…in other words if they Check ~ It Must Be registered to them in their name …CAN YOU Imagine Winning A BIG Prize and having them Send you an AffiDavit and It is NOT A REAL PERSON Who Can Go To a Notary Public ??? Whoa ! Bummer ! Big Time ! They Verify ID Legally ! And no more than I think 5 Accts. per household ~ 10 per St. address – like an Apartment Building… You need to Check the Rules for Sure …I Don’t Think it Says Anything About ip Address . My Son is 15 But he can’t hold an email address legally – one of us do- we pay the bills. I had called and Questioned them First after hearing all the acct. seizings a year or two ago. I Think the problem was …as it usually is …there are Always a Few who Take over the top Advantage . They had like 10 or 15 Fake email personalities …but they were all to the Same Address !!! Now I have been doing the program Since it Started …I am a Huge Cokeaholic!
    I drink it 24/7 – No Coffee etc. Our family is a “Consumer” of Coke Brands BIG Time ! But I only got hubby into the program a couple of years ago – and then our Son Also – Once I Knew – Like you are Concerned about …that the Acct. Would NOT Be Seized!
    I Would Be Furious IF they ever Confiscated ALL the Points We Entered SO Dilligently !!! But We Abide by their Rules and it is Okay for the ip adress to be the same – As Long as the Email addresses are in Different Owner Names, Make sure you send her an invite to get the 10 Bonus Points Too ! I didn’t do that …lol Just Double Check the rules under the Help link on the Bottom of the main page – Or Call and Ask – but it should be OK Hopefully But I have NO Say in the Matter …So Don’t Take my Word for it …My Disclaimer ~ I Cannot be held Accountable …LOL 😉
    I JUST TALK ALOT !!! (Sorry) Good Luck !

    Darrell ~ Thanks For the Heads Up -But I am going to be Gone ALL day to Childrens Hospital with my Daughter.
    So I guess I will Miss out . Next time Maybe …It is a New Week now There is Time ! I did not Actually Get to Bed until 3:30 AM !!! Then up @ 8 AM After 2 days -NO sleep AS YOU Can ALL See from my Frequent Rambling Posts ! Sorry about that 😉 I am Amazed I have Not Been Banned Yet …Thanks vvhitekid2 ! I Wouldn’t Blame you if you did ! LOL ! I DO RAMBLE !!! Yikes !Karen ~ Thanks I will get Back to you tonight ! Sorry
    Well Have a Great Day Everyone !

  240. Darrell, thank you very much. I got all the 20 and 15 pointers from both your posts. Your awsome.

  241. Thanks Darrell !!
    I got codes 3’s 28-29-38-39-40-41
    All others RNBM
    Roberts codes from what I can see are also RNBM.
    Thanks anyway.

  242. I think all the codes that were posted have been redeemed in all three of the most recent posts. I keep trying random ones and I found a few 3 pointers that were unused so someone else might have some luck. The one’s found were so random that I couldn’t tell you which ones there were… I will be more careful in the future.

  243. Darrell and Robert, thanks so much for the generous posts. I can not honestly give you the position numbers or tell you what list I was able to retrieve from. I was moving so fast, I gave myself whiplash! I do know that they were all 3 pointers, and when I was halted by “already redeemed” I moved to the next group of 3 pointers. But, you know what? They add up just the same!! And, I am grateful. Oh, I only got locked out of one account…not too bad for making sure nothing was left unclaimed.

  244. Hey Coke People! Sorry about the double post last time. I thought it did’nt go through so I re-submitted. Thanks vvhitekid2!
    Found a few more this morning:

    1. FPJVFW5LVNJO-3Pts
    2. RPVW7O9R9WAW-3Pts
    3. 7LKTXKKHJBM4-3Pts
    4. AL5HN9TRNBL6-3Pts
    5. 4LPR5L4HROVM-3Pts
    6. ONXWK9FLML49-3Pts
    7. AHX57PK5BJJF-3Pts
    8. OORW6M5KJOPX-3Pts
    9. 4FW4PBWPPKT5-3Pts
    10. THN6RA6WAPOO-3Pts
    11. 7BL7ORKKVJT5-3Pts
    12. RPOJJFPNPFWT-10Pts
    13. 5H9AJVNRKBRV-10Pts

  245. Thanks so much Robert… I got codes 8-13 from post #352. Not sure about the rest of them because I hit my entry limit for the first time since the new system came into effect. Thanks a lot!

  246. Awesome ! We Just Got the Mastercards from my hubby And Son’s Wins from 4/2 yesterday ! So it took 6 1/2 weeks from Win to Delivery …these are the Regular cards NOT the edo cards. So Don’t Give up ! They are Coming ! Remember …it DOES Say 6-8 wks. We are all just getting a little impatient …lol It Just FEELS Like it is Taking Forever 😉

  247. I the confirmation Email they said 3-4 weeks. :p Missed all the codes again. Thanks anyway!

  248. MikeMac
    I think the 20 ptrs were from Robert …
    BOTH YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME !!! THANKS for your Continued Generosity !!! Well On the way home yesterday I stopped @ a bottle Redemption Ctr. and out on the ground by the Dumpster …NOT IN IT …LOL…
    were Empty Boxes …and I got 12 Flaps ! The Only thing was ~ I was Upset because All the Empty boxes …and All The Boxes Of Empty Beer Bottles that DIDN’T Have a Deposit …They Were Just out there in the Trash !!! NOT Getting RECYCLED !!! I Am Thinking about going back and loading all the boxes and boxes of beer bottles into the back of my SUV and bringing them to our Town Dump Recycling Bin …unless the trash collectors come by first …Obama Should Pass a Law About THAT ! Since he is going After the Car makers So Much …about Pollution ! And The Amount was UNREAL…Just for ONE WEEK ! ONE REDEMPTION CTR !Yikes!

  249. DM
    That is for the edo cards …The Other Mailed out Original Mastercards was 6-8 wks. And the FIRST edo card takes a few weeks – then if it is Reloadable – I think that gets Added in like A Week .

  250. I didn’t get the reloadable one because when I tryed to it said that there was an error and I didn’t really want to keep giving them my SSN.

  251. DM… you will probably get the reloadable one when it arrives and it will probably be a pain in the butt to activate and get the funds to show up. The same thing happened to my wife. She put in her info for the reloadable, it got a couple errors and then she opted for the non-reloadable card. When it finally came in the mail it was the reloadable card and it took like 3 or more weeks of back a forth in calls and emails for them to load the funds. Just giving you a heads up on what you might encounter. The guy said in one of the emails he sent that there were a lot of people that had the same problem.

  252. Oh great..:p I have won 3 edo cards so far (but haven’t gotten any yet) so we’ll see what happens…

  253. Francine, you are correct. So thank you Robert for the codes as well. I knew that Darrell was posting them and I got so caught up in the excitement of actually being able to redeem them that I had neglected to look at who had posted them.

  254. I want to post some codes before I head to Lost Wages for a looong weekend.


    I had the same experience with the reloadable edo card. Kept getting an error, finally gave up and got the plain one (I thought), but got sent the reloadable one. Pain in the a** to get the $$ on it. Funny thing is I have not won another one since, but my husband and son have won multiple times. They can’t be bothered with the reloadable one, so waiting on the mail.
    Everyone have a nice and safe holiday weekend.

  255. All codes from post 362 RNBM, but thanks for sharing Karen. Have a super and fun weekend. Happy Memorial Day to you.

  256. Found a few more codes today….

    1. BPHO4RWV4PHM-3Pts
    2. OHAOXL65FBPX-3Pts
    3. 55LO9MORXLJ5-3Pts
    4. 5TJMWT4HJW6J-3Pts
    5. 9MNFA5OK5KNV-3Pts
    6. RH7AP6MR4XWF-3Pts
    7. 6LPWNM5W7FXF-3Pts
    8. PK9BT9KRRNRX-3Pts
    9. 4TRNLWTWR4W9-3Pts
    10. 6AHV4H9MR64N-3Pts
    11. RXA0BTX5A6F0-3Pts
    12. FVLOTB74JBW6-10Pts
    13. 4VFBJAVV9XJB-10Pts
    14. 7NMK6XB6MH9K-10Pts

    I entered a 20 point coke code the other day and it only gave me 10 points & said thanks for drinking Fanta!LOL I don’t know how their computers keep up with all these codes!

  257. MikeMac
    THanks for making me laugh ! I TOTALLY Understand getting caught up LMAO ! Look at my post from the other day …I got my daughter to School LATE because I was grabbing a few of those High point codes And a handful of 3 ptrs ! But the Important Thing is You Took the Time To Say Thanks ! 🙂 And I know that The guys Both are Getting a chuckle out of us getting “caught up in the excitement ” lol Right Robert and Darrell ? lol

  258. Thank you Robert. I was able to get my first points ever from this site. I was able to redeem all of the codes from post #365. Thanks again.

  259. I guess I can throw in a few mid-week codes.


    Have a very good day.

  260. Has anyone done anything to speak of with the bonus codes given when you don’t win an EDO card? Should I bother entering and saving these rewards codes? From what I can tell, you can get some discount codes or wallpapers. Anyone know any more about this? Thank you guys! I really appreciate all your generosity and advice!

  261. My 8th grade promotion is tomorrow and i am taking all honors classes at high school. (Yay me) lol. i plan to go into NHS, so as part of my ‘community service’ i am donating a code to some of the temporary codeless cokerewards citizens out there. LMAO. Please post when used. Thanks,DH

  262. Darrell’s codes redeemed.

    I ordered my edo card recently and received it within a week..that was my first..i don’t know why it takes so long for some people !!!

  263. YAY I got my first codes from here EVER! and i have been following this website for like 9 months! i got all of the 3 point codes except for 07. all of the 10 point codes. and one of the 15 point codes. all the others all ready rnbm. THANK YOU DARREL!

  264. I finally won my first EDO card since Coke started this promotion, that has to be some sort of record. I tried setting up a reloadable card but it wasn’t letting me get past the password, so I went with the non-reloadable.

  265. A few more points.


    Seems as if the codes are getting spread around a good bit. That’s a good thing. Hope everyone had a good day, and tomorrow is even better.

  266. someone already took all of darrell 374…in future please post when you do! thanks

  267. Hey guys, I’m new to this but I’ll just take a shot.

    here are some left overs I had. all codes are 3 pts


  268. Hey, I just started working for a food vendor and we sell soda by the cans and we sell coke products and I’d be happy to share the codes I have in excess, I used up 120 points today and have one code left:
    5KXNNH7WNA50 i think it’s 25 points

    But I’d be happy to share more (the codes I have in excess) with you guys. I’ll probably have a lot more to upload later this weekend because we cater to the bar crowd and most business happens over the weekend. Happy coding to you all!

  269. Up for grabs are a handful of $1.00 Rhapsody credits. The codes are


    Please post when used so that I can delete the text message from my phone.

  270. Here are a few more codes:

    1. AP9TFJVFRAVN-3Pts
    2. 7VRVKWXNKW7K-3Pts
    3. 9TKKPNVXB4PX-3Pts
    4. 9LH05HA6PBTB-3Pts
    5. OVWXW9X94RO9-3Pts
    6. TWPBABNOW9AT-3Pts
    7. 594J7NFJF4B6-10Pts

    Hope everyone has a great Memorial day weekend!

  271. Looks like all the codes from post #376 – 379 have been RNBM. Thanks for posting them.

  272. UGHH! I watch this site several times a day and I feel like I’ll never get any points! Sorry, I’m just a little frustrated! FYI – all codes in posts 1 to 381 RNMB! Thanks

  273. Those of you not getting any codes don’t give up, it will happen. I’ve noticed that the more codes given here seem to be snowballing, with even more donated by persons I don’t recognize. I have found myself giving almost every day this week, and so, here are a few more.


    Friends, all of you know that it’s a pain in the ass to enter codes, be it here or the MCR site. So take a minute and think what a pain it is to do it and not get any points due to the code already redeemed by someone else. I really enjoy giving codes away, and even go to the trouble of numbering each one to make it so very simple and almost trouble free for whoever redeems a code to post that they did use it. PLEASE! Everyone please be safe this holiday weekend and have a great one.

  274. Thank you so much, Darrell! I was able to use them all. SO surprised……I am at work during the day so I am never able to get any points. Hooray for the weekend! This has been the first in many, many months. Thank you for your generosity. 🙂

  275. Darrell’s codes RNBM. Lawgirl10, RNBM means Redeemed, not by me. RBM means redeemed by me.

  276. Randy, your time will come when it comes to getting the free codes. It’s just a matter of timing. It was close to 9 months before I got my first code. Since I don’t have an MP3 player I put my codes up here from the Sprite promotion for someone else to use. It’s a small token of generosity.

  277. Wow ! ALOT of NEW people getting your generous Point Distribution Darrell !!!rwwv5kwn5px6 Thank YOU SO MUCH For the Time and Care you take to Do This !!! {{{HUG}}}
    And I Agree ! It seems to be having a 9xl99r0pv546 Positive Reaction ! I Noticed several NEW People Contibuting Points ! THANKS to the New Code Contributors Linda and Christian ! And Please …all we ask is IF you Use the codes …Please Post it IS Used So Others don’t get Locked Out for TOO Many Invalid Attempts Which is on the 20th try ! And PLEASE REMEMBER This Weekend is About Those who have Offered their LIVES in Service to Our Country and the FREEDOM We SHOULD ALL Be SO THANKFUL and GREATFUL For !!!
    GOD BLESS Them And Their Families !!! fjbp9hxpn56l
    PLEASE PRAY FOR PEACE !!! And Say THANKS to those Still Living Also ! All the Sacrifices Are made so we can live as we Choose …Choose to Live Wisely and Be a Blessing to others and You Will be Blessed !ppxl5px6660k

    Just keep trying …I am going to test something here – CAN NOBODY EXCEPT RANDY ENTER THIS CODE ? PLEASE ?fokk4ptx6hj0 PLEASE Everyone Else Restrain the Urge to Enter that code ! It Is Only 3 pts. It Belongs to RANDY

    And Hooray ! They Sent me the email from edo saying I had won a card – (I Won B4) this 2nd email is a Notice that They ACTUALLY ADDED the $$$ to the Cards !!! Just in TIME !!! They added $25. to hubbys card for the win on 5/13 ! And $50. from my 2 wins on 5/13 + 5/17 ! Which is Exactly Enough to cover the Rear Leaf Spring Shackle Kit for my 99 Mountaineer with 115,000 miles on it ! God has Provided Again In Advance for the Need to be Taken Care Of ! THANK YOU LORD !!! BRBW 7NWK 6MKJ that code ANYONE can use …LOL ! STAY SAFE !

  278. Francine i used rwwv5kwn5px6,9xl99r0pv546,ppxl5px6660k THANK YOU! this week has been awesome! i got some codes from darrel (my first codes from here and i have been following this website for 9 months!) and today some codes from francine THANK YOU ALL! the other 2 codes were RNBM and i like you asked i didnt touch randys code.


  279. I wanted to wish everyone a very wonderfully meaningful Memorial Day / weekend. I also wanted to share some exciting news with everyone, because I feel we are a “special” family here (I have especially grown close to Francine since we PM each other a lot) and besides that, I just need to shout it out!! Vvhitekid2, I hope you don’t mind. I usually don’t type a novel.

    My Mom had her oncology appointment Thursday, and there is NO SIGN of any cancer cells!! SEVEN YEARS as a bladder cancer survivor!! God Bless my Mom!! And all Moms!!

    For those of you sharing codes, thanks so much. Personally, I laid off this week to give others a chance. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do though. But, last Sunday before Mass, I received 25 caps from a student I taught FIVE YEARS ago (I teach 5th Grade Religious Ed at my Church on the weekends). He and his Dad gave me a Ziplock baggie full, I got a big hug too, and I was able to visit with one of my favorite students. My, he has grown into a fine young man!! So, for those of you snatching codes for the first time, way to go. To everything there is a season — your season came.

    Also while grocery shopping today, I gave out my email address and home address to two different people at our local Jewel / Albertson’s. They had 5 12-packs (12 oz. cans) on sale for $11. Mind you, I had my $1 coupon for each pack too. Also, with the 5 pack purchase you received $6.78 in luncheon meat ($3.49 each for the turkey and ham, I chose). Mind you, I’m aware of all these folks buying Coke products around me. As I approach these people, I smile and say, “Are you saving flaps for the reward program?” Always a “No” for a response. Well, I ask if they will email the codes to me or mail them, explaining our Special Education Program. THEN I say, you know what, “It’s a good thing you and I are talking right now — where are your 2 free packages of sandwich meat?” A friendship forms, and they are so grateful that they are ready to tear those flaps apart as we speak!! I tell you this because if you are kind to others, you receive kindness in return TEN-FOLD.

    Again I thank those code givers, who share with us all. I admire those who accept codes graciously with thanksgiving. Yes, we are seeing more givers, new to our group. We are also seeing more takers. It all balances out. And, don’t be too surprised if you see ME giving in the future as well, because I know it will return to me ten-fold.

  280. 465NPVNV5JX9 First time posting a free code. Good luck and please have a safe and Happy Memorial Day weekend and please remember to fly that flag and thank a vet!

  281. Here are some 10 pt codes taken from 12 pks of diet coke and sprite. Enjoy!

    1. 465NPVNV5JX9
    2. 465NPVNV5JX9
    3. 465NPVNV5JX9

  282. shoot, sorry all i posted the same code three times

    1. 7L7W46A604BP
    2. 9R54ABXH4MFL

  283. Remember those veterans past and present, and remember those veterans and their families who have made the ultimate sacrifice. As a veteran I would like to say that a thank you does mean a lot to us. Here are some codes:


    Please post when redeemed.

  284. Thanks to all the veterans!!!!

    1. R9MT9XH9WX4V-3Pts
    2. 6K5BHM4LB4MN-3Pts
    3. TWHL9MNHRTLW-3Pts
    4. TJMT9O6V4P7V-10Pts
    5. 4OM5KN49XLR4-10Pts
    6. N7J9BNHK95TH-10Pts
    7. PX6FLBMMHAMV-20Pts

    Thanks vvhitekid2!!!!
    Cyn, congrats to your Mom! My mom is also a cancer survivor (5 years)

  285. WOW Cyn !!! AWESOME NEWS !!! God Bless You Both ! I am So HAPPY for Her And You !!!
    And Robert’s Codes RNBM Thanks to you for ALL your Generous Code Gathering and Sharing Robert ! 🙂
    And Great news on Your Mom Too!!! Always Happy to hear of Survivors from Any Type of Cancer !!! Mine wasn’t

    If you Test drive a Ford Lincoln or Mercury B4 6/13 Ford Will Donate $20. to the Susan G Komen Fund !
    I am gonna test drive a Mustang Shelby Cobra GT500 If they’ll Let me !!! Notice my email address posted Previously …LOL …I Had a Performance Red 1994 Mustang GT ! Then had another baby so that went bye-bye for the 99 Mercury Mountaineer we were chasing parts for yesterday …That 6 cyl. SUV has Been Priceless ! AND while we were there at the dealership for the parts – I Got to Move a 2010 Mustang for them to move another car out …So I Took it for a Spin around the Parking lot a few times !!! I was Very Impressed that I Remembered how to Drive a Stick !!! The Poor Lot boy was trying to get me to stop so he could park it…So I stopped and said Where do you want me to put it ? He said Back where it came from …So I drove around a couple more turns …and then they Locked the Car after I Got out !!! LMAO !!! So that was a Free test drive …I can Still go back for an Official Test Drive for the Donation Offer ! But I was Sitting in the 2009 Shelby Cobra on the Showroom Floor …Dreaming and my guts were churning I Wanted it SOOOO BAD !!! Sigh …If I test drive one I will be Depressed for months …lol
    But the $20 is for a Good Cause ! So I will do it …
    So then I just took my car to the carwash and it will get some TLC today hubby is gonna fix it for me and I will clean it out and try Not to Think about the Cobra!
    Sorry for blabbing – just thought it’d be good for a Laugh ! and hope people will do the test drive – just to get the donation …for a Good Cause ! Gotta get the Garden Ready to Rototill ! Summer time !!! Bye4now

  286. I trust everyone is having a safe weekend. It seems strange to say happy holiday due to it’s very nature. And like Dan, I am a veteran. My time of service was during the Vietnam conflict and the American public had a very different view of us then. You could not walk through an airport in uniform without getting dirty looks and obscene gestures. And no matter what your personal view was, you did what you were ordered to do by the leaders of the country. Thank God the perception of the American soldier had changed. Have some codes.


    To all of you who visit here and are in need of these codes, you are welcome. And I wish you peace and contentment. And please post the use of the codes. Have a great remainder of the weekend.

  287. I want to trade my coke codes for an itunes gift card code, but nobody has posted on the trading page in weeks. Can anyone help me out here? Thank you.

  288. I had a brain tumor removed nearly 10 years ago. Fortunately 99% of those type of tumors are non-cancerous. Little did I know when I had my surgery when my father came down, that would be the last time I saw him before he passed away..God does work wonders. Unfortunately I have had a possible reoccurrence. Up for grabs is another $1.00 Rhapsody credit. The code is:


    Please post when redeemed so that I can delete the text message.

  289. New Sweeps –
    Re upped the TGIFridays for another set of 10 days …
    Delta Trip to Tokyo or any Pacific destination for 2 !

  290. Darrell and all others whom this Applies to …
    I ask Forgiveness from you and all the Veterans from that era who were insulted ,harrassed and ridiculed …
    It was out of anger and resentment towards the Government for what THEY were doing …UNFORTUNATELY …Out of Ignorance…It was directed AT the Soldiers …Who Were Only Following Orders Through NO CHOICE OF THEIR OWN !!! Now …through time and Circumstances …People have seen what COULD HAPPEN HERE IF we don’t try to STOP the Bad People In Power or Fanatics who want to get back at us …9/11 was a WAKEUP CALL !!! But Unfortunataly also TOO QUICKLY Fades from the MEMORY !
    That Phrase ” We Will Never Forget ” NEEDS to BE REMEMBERED !!! We Need to Pray for PEACE EVERYDAY !!!
    Because we Should Hate the War …and Pray for those who end up having to Sacrifice Everything to Keep Us FREE ! I was Sent a Blanket by the Paralyzed Veterans that said “FREEDOM ISN’T FREE” So PLEASE FORGIVE the Insult and Hurt that was directed at you , We ARE SORRY
    We Understand more now …albeit after the damage was done . But If you forgive – it may heal the wounds in the spirit. So GOD BLESS You and all who Have Served – Past – Present – and Future ! And THANK YOU !!!

    My daughter and I went to the Parade and there was a Very Good Turnout ! and they had a Flyover from 2 F15s(?) There IS Support and Gratitude . It is just not shown openly or frequently enough ! So Yes Darrell , I feel it IS a Day to Celebrate WHAT YOU and SO MANY OTHERS FOUGHT FOR AND WON FOR ALL OF US ! THANK YOU !!!

  291. Dan
    I will Pray for you ~ and there are Alot of Others here who will do the Same ! {{{HUG}}} God Bless You !

  292. Dan, you hold a special place in our hearts. Prayers go your way. Please keep us up to date.

  293. Man …I just filled out a Survey for the MCR program .
    Took over an Hour ! It was from a Nadine Barton from public outreach ..Alot of Survey ?s about how many coke products We Buy …Do we Buy MORE for the MCR Program / Because of it …And how is it different from 6 mos. ago… And about the school program etc.
    I let them know I Feel like it is WORSE Now …That the Points are SO Restricted – It feels like you will NEVER Get Anything ! And all there is is Fitness Junk .
    I said alot of people are giving up – disgusted since they changed it …and I REALLY Liked it when they had more Choices and something WORTH Getting and saving the points for …Now …Not So Much …
    They asked if I got points from other ways aside from buying the products …Of Course NOT ! We Drink Coke ALL the Time in this House ! We Would Drink MORE Though IF the Added the Nestea Back to a Participating product ! And Yes I Buy More to get the Points ! And YES I think MCR IS THE BEST PROGRAM at the moment …
    And on and on …IF You get a survey like That …THINK BEFORE you ANSWER !!! WHAT Are they Looking for in your Answer ? Are they going to continue with the program ? Is It Getting You to Buy More Coke so you can Get Points ? If it Does – then they will look at it as a Good Return …If you are just collecting points and Not Buying their Product – why should they keep doing it ? Right ? I know it is something that USED to Be more fun – But I Won’t Spend Points on Sweeps Because I Can’t Replenish my Acct. with points ! It takes Months to Get anything for the Points now ! and I DO Want it like it was before – as to what it is like now …and HOPEFULLY they Will Consider Putting it Back to the Way it was . More Fun !They were asking IF I Recommend the MCR Program to others …Not like I Used to … People get frustrated with it now …Worse than before …people tend to Give Up If they Don’t See a Prospect for a Quick Return …People Love INSTANT Gratification ! That is why the Instant Win – UTC Programs are SO Great ! They also asked how often I visit the site now …Once a week – as opposed to Daily B4 ! Why Bother ? to Get a discount to go to a website I DON’T HAVE $$$ to SHOP ON ??? I THINK they are starting to See and Hear the grumbling from the trenches – Hopefully …So IF you get a Survey …THINK BEFORE You ANSWER – What Are they trying to find out ? and If you answer one way – What will they DO as opposed to If you answer the other way …Will they change or Stop the Program ? Or is there something they can do to make it better to make you buy More to do MCR ? Hopefully it will Help !

  294. Francine, thanks for your post. And I think it’s obvious that I am a giving person. I, and many others,
    dealt with a lot of heartache and anger from those days. But I forgave a long time ago. I mention it from time to time in an attempt to insure it never happens again. I detest war, and will never understand
    some of the stupid reasons for it. But some of the reasons you have to stand behind and not turn the other
    cheek. Peace would be a blessing, but it never lasts very long. And I have said enough. Have a good day.

  295. I, too, am from your generation, Darrell. My brother-in-law served in the Vietnam War. To this day, he has nightmares that make him break out in a cold sweat. And, many times he has spoken words so similar to yours. Freedom does not come cheap and does not satisfy all concerned. I personally think the faults of “observers” during the Vietnam War has caused a change in how we “support” our enlisted men and women ever since.
    Robert, give YOUR Mom a hug on behalf of my Mom and me!
    Francine, I’m sorry about your Mom, and I send {{{YOU}}} a hug. I just hope you never neglect a “butterfly kiss.”

  296. Anonymous, thanks for the hug for my Mom!
    Francine, I’m sorry about your Mom too, sending you a {{{hug}}}.
    Dan, also praying for you, hang in there. Keep us posted.


  297. Wow, I was anonymous and I didn’t realize it until I read your reply. Dang, lose a cookie, lose your identity. Good thing I didn’t lose my marbles. I’m surprised you didn’t know that was me, Robert.

  298. Robert’s code RNBM. Thanks anyway! Hope everyone had a great weekend, and a very heartfelt thank you to all the veterans who frequent this site.

  299. Cyn ~ We Knew it was you …lol
    And thanks for the kind words you guys and {{{HUGS}}} Back ! 🙂 WooHoo ! Hubby won another edo card @ 11:21 PM last night ! Last Play of the day for the Family …
    RELOAD Time!!! And don’t Forget – the Disney sweeps is coming to an end in a few days …BANK THOSE SWEEPS ENTRIES !!! Has ANYONE won ANYTHING on that yet ???
    I haven’t heard of Any Winners Yet on the Disney sweeps supposedly there were Tix …I Bank Most of them but usually try a couple – nothing yet …

    Okay ~ After my Funny story the other day about the Mustang ride at the Dealership …I went to get my daughter a new mattress…and I put a Deposit on one and the guy hands me a sweeps entry for a Grand Prize of a 2009 MUSTANG !!! PLEASE EVERYONE who reads this …SAY a PRAYER FOR ME TO WIN !!! Wouldn’t THAT Be Just Too Funny ??? LMAO 😉

  300. Woo Hoo ! Another Win for our Son ! old game edo card !
    So One is on the way …2 are waiting to be processed

  301. Hey guys, have any of you gotten the Coca-Cola black backpack they have nowadays? I’m wondering if it’s worth the points for it.


  302. Francine – you were supposed to send me your address so I could send you some goodies. Check your email from awhile back. I wanted to do that before my cataract surgery next Monday. Looking at these caps is giving me a headache!
    I too came of age during the Vietnam era, and although we were sort of hippies (hey, this is SoCal), I do not understand how any intelligent person could blame the soldiers. Then as now it falls squarely on the government. Now the economy is to bad, people have forgotten we are still in Iraq. ‘Nuff said.

    While I can see with one eye –


    Anyone else redeem for the TGI Fridays cards? I was disappointed that its just a cardboard card without a strip or barcode. You have to use the whole thing at one time. I’m hoping you can use more than 1 on a single bill. By the way, you should sign up for their “more stripes” card to maximize your purchasing power. They email coupons like 2-for-1 entrees or free dessert. (Like I need that…)
    As always, please post when redeemed.

  303. Hello all. Just a brief note to voice disappointment on my inability to get more than one or two postings of codes used by (this is a new name taught me by Francine) Lurker’s.

    06.T94LJXB74B9M=25PT That’s a rare one!

    Have a good day.

  304. All of Karen’s codes have been RNBM. Thanks for the codes, Karen — I’m always grateful, even if I miss out. Good luck with your surgery, and I’ll send a prayer your way. Is it possible that someone in the family can type to us and let us know how it went? I’m sure you’ll be just fine. Yes, I was told that surgery is in my future too.

  305. Karen’s Codes All Redeemed – NBM Thanks for posting them And I will say a prayer for you and your surgery!
    And Especially for the Dr. Doing it !
    That is Exciting though …You Will Be Able To SEE Again !!! {{{HUG}}} I am so Happy for you !!!
    And I am SO SORRY Karen I need a Brain Replacement !
    I have had my hands full lately with my daughter …I wrote you a message and Thought I sent it …and I just looked – it is in my Draft Folder ;0 lol I will Try to get it to you after things Quiet down later tonight …ha ha ha … please bear with me 😉

  306. Francine – got your email, and I will snail mail you and email you tomorrow. Thanks for your thoughts, and {{hug}} to you too. Time for my last try at the edo card for tonight.

  307. Up for grabs are a handful of $1.00 Rhapsody credit. The codes are:


    Please post when redeemed so that I can delete the text message.

  308. SWEET !!! Talk about TIMING !!!

    I Redeemed ALL of Darrell’s AND Dan’s CODES !!!WOO HOO!
    THANK YOU BOTH !!! 1-6 from darrell and the 6 Rhapsody codes From Dan !!! THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! I Better Go Play the mycoke games ! I’m Hot right now !!! lol 😉

  309. Wow! i didnt know people gave away their codes. Thats super sweet and nice.

  310. This is an old post that never got a reply:

    424:Hey guys, have any of you gotten the Coca-Cola black backpack they have nowadays? I’m wondering if it’s worth the points for it.


    Comment by dan71 — May 27, 2009 @ 4:53 pm

    Dan71, I haven’t gotten one, but a friend said it was nice and made well. I hope that helps.

  311. Ok this is really weird…I just got an email out of the blue saying I won a $20 EDO card but it is no were near the time when I entered today…(I lost all 4 times)I am so confused with the EDO thing..

  312. Just recieved my edo card won on 5-3-09. Got to get busy & win another one! Won 1 Mastercard & 2 edos so far.

    1. A6OXF7LJLTFF-20pts
    2. NFBXMALVART4-10Pts
    3. A4A9VT4FPT9H-10Pts
    4. PFKV9BMHBRPB-10Pts
    5. RHP556HJPABR-10Pts
    6. 5XOKMVVATAPO-3Pts
    7. AOPB7FPALNJW-3Pts
    8. 5J9JFBKTHX5K-3Pts

  313. DM
    I have posted this B4 – They send THAT email to you When they Have ACTUALLY LOADED the $$$ ON THE CARD .
    So IF you have a Reloadable card …Check your Balance
    It should have another $25. on it .
    We got my Sons Non reloadable card yesterday for his Win from 5/2 !
    Last Couple Days to Bank The Sweeps Entries from the Disney Rule 5b – Alternate Method – Get em Free While U Can !!!

  314. DM – The e-mails notifying you that you’ve won on the day you win are from “”. Edo also sends out an e-mail, I believe when they are sending or getting ready to send your card. This e-mail comes from “”

    So if your e-mail today was from membermail, then it’s related to a previous win.

    Hope that helps.

  315. Anyone know when the next double points day is?

    1. 4A5NK6J5VNN4-10Pts
    2. NWVXV5LJM5HV-3Pts
    3. 97V66XJJ9NP5-3Pts
    4. AB56XBHBLKTA-3Pts
    5. B4VL64TNJAOJ-3Pts

    Karen, good luck with your cataract surgery Monday!
    Cyn, I thought that was you (Anonymous) but I was’nt sure. LOL

  316. RBM – Thank you so much – the first time I have ever gotten codes from here!!!!!!!

  317. Ever have one of those days? Thanx to all who wished me well with the cararact surgery. It has now been postponed due to insurance issues, and I am really bummed out. It will happen, but they are postponing all “elective” (huh???) surgery.
    Secondly, my husband won an edo card last night, but the code they sent in the email was invalid. Has that ever happened to anyone? I called, they will look into it.
    Well, I am only doing diet Coke caps because they are much easier to read. I have one here that looks like it was chewed on by an animal. Good thing I washed them first!!!!


    I think someone asked what RNBM and RBM meant. I don’t recall seeing an answer, so
    Redeemd Not By Me
    Redeemd By Me

  318. Francine
    I have not recieved any EDO cards yet. Thanks Shari, it was from membermail so I hope that means my card is almost here! 🙂

  319. DM…it seems like they are getting a bit faster with sending the cards out. The first edo cards we rec’d were taking 4-5 weeks and the more recent ones about 3.

    My family has been very lucky, between the 4 of us, we’ve won 19 cards. For those of you who still haven’t won, hang in there. We’ve been playing everyday from the beginning (except for me, who skipped a week being in the hospital) and 2 just won their first cards the beginning of May.

    We are still waiting on them to fix the one edo non-reloadable card that was rec’d with a $0 balance. Both edo and coke are supposed to be working on it but it’s been over 3 weeks and still not loaded. I’m beginning to get extremely annoyed with them!

    Thanks again to everyone who is taking the time and effort to share codes and a special thank you to vvhitekid2 who sorts through and reads all of our ramblings and provides the place for us to do it!

  320. My family has won many of the Mastercards and Edo cards too. Has anyone noticed that something changed this past week when the website went down last Sunday? This past week we only won one card among 6 of us playing. It has been much harder to win. Does anyone know the times for their wins? Does anyone truly win every 5 minutes or is it like they say “someone COULD win every 5 minutes” but they only have winning times several times a day and not really every 5 minutes? Just curious……something changed this week and I want to know if anyone else has noticed it. We were winning 1-2 cards per day…and now one per week!

  321. Claire….According to the contest rules, the winning times are randomly chosen, so it’s not necessarily every 5 minutes exactly. There could be a winner every minute for 10 minutes in a row and then not another one for the rest of the hour…I’m sure this could also happen for a longer time period, one week could end up having twice as many winners as the next, however, I would think that since the times are computer generated that they would even out pretty well.
    I haven’t noticed that it’s been harder in the last week or so, but I did think that we hit a pretty lucky streak at the beginning of this month. 7 of our wins (more than a third of our total)came between 4/28 and 5/9.

  322. Claire19, I don’t know how often the winning times are, but your family must be very lucky. My wife and I have only won a total of two cards since we started playing in February. We play daily. For your family of 6 to win 1-2 every day is incredible!

  323. You’re quite welcome, Dan71. I have no idea why my computer keeps putting me as “anonymous”. You’d think it would know me by now, lol. And Claire19 I would consider you luckier than the average, so take them Edos and run!!! I’ve won only one Edo card and one set of movie tickets.

  324. K. I need some help and advice from you MCR people out there. I won a $20 cash card On Sunday, May 24, at 4:14 pm. It was won on the WIN BIG mycoke game. I entered all of the information that was required (on mycoke AND the edo site) and Yesterday, on May 28, I got an email stating that my win was taken away from me, and that it was either because I either “(i) entered more than 2 times per day, (ii) under multiple accounts, and/or (iii) redeemed your prize code with a different email address than it was won.” Now, I did use more than one account, but have not used them within the past 3 weeks. Because while i was scrolling through the rules, I realized that this was against the rules and stopped. Still, I only played about 4 days (thats 8 plays) on my other account. So, the Edo Card was validated, and I got a confirmation Email saying it was on its way. So, coke says “Therefore, your plays have been voided and you have been disqualified and are not eligible to receive the $20 cash card.” So, what I am wondering is if I should fight for my card, or give it up. I WON THE CARD ON MY ORIGINAL ACCOUNT THAT I HAVE HAD WITH COKE FOR OVER TWO YEARS. Did they detect the other accounts?? they were under my brothers names who live with me. I want help ASAP so that I can possibly get the card back if it is possible. Any help can be posted here. (the email adresses were my own, but my brothers used them) or at my email which is THANKS A BUNCH

  325. OH yeah!!! i almost forgot! i did play both instant win games!! if that info helps any??

  326. Here are a few more:

    1. OBM79HNF957M-3Pts
    2. 4PT97HPWBK67-3Pts
    3. AAKFLJ7RFXVV-3Pts
    4. TV6WFB7PJOAK-10Pts

    Here is a 3 pointer that I cant make out the second character:


    It looks like a 0 or a J

  327. 01.B6VX4VBAJ7XN=3PT

    Have a good one.

  328. DH
    This happened to another person I know of and they swore up and down they had NOT done anything to be DQd
    Then they found out that while they were Logged on to their acct. – one of their brothers who used the Same Computer …had entered one of his winning codes without realizing he was on the other persons acct.
    So – You need to figure out if something Like that might Possibly have been done ? OR If someone Might have Accidentally Entered a TXT code WITHIN the SAME 24 HR Period AS having entered 2 Alternate Method Entries ? Probably By Accident – Without realizing it .
    You may need to read the rules as to the Timing – on the 24 Hr Period – Like 12 AM – 11:59 PM …and then there is the Time Zone Factor too …If it is going by ET and you did enter within the West coast/ Pacific standard or Central standard time etc.
    But other than that …It IS LEGAL by their rules to have more than one person per household …as I have said before …we have 3 hubby ,son and myself. we all have Seperate emails – in that persons name – seperate accts …
    IF you have an account – and the email it is under or Belongs to Another Name …that could be a possibility … but MCR is SEPERATE from these Under the Cap Games …And ONE of them ENDS Tonight ! So there will only be the New Game to play …
    And Remember …Last Day to BANK the FREE SWEEPS Entries ! Unless (Hopefully) they start a new one !!!
    GOOD LUCK ALL !!! Tomorrow is JUNE 1! My sisters BDAY !

  329. Oh Yeah …Pepsi Starts A NEW Game 6/2 I think …So Start Watching for the New Caps …They are yellow like the pepsistuff – different logo though …

  330. They have posted alot of vacation packages for the summer but its like a limit of one per account. Which really sucks. If you wanted one for all of your family

  331. PHFV4HHBAJ6L – 3 points
    7TBBMK5BJOAL – 20 points? (this was off a 24 pack of water)
    5XVXOMHARW9P – 20 points? (this was a 24 pack of diet coke)


  332. Just redeemed 2 of my ‘Free 24 oz. Sparkling’ coupons. It took a while and I had to pay tax, but it was pretty much free thanks to the contributors on this site.


    (vvhitekid2, Darrell, Karen, Dan, Francine, and all the other contributors) 😀

  333. Up for grabs are a dozen of $1.00 Rhapsody credit. The codes are:


    Please post when redeemed so that I can delete the text messages.

  334. New instant win game posted on the MCR site for a 4 pack of tickets to Six Flags. From a quick view of the rules, it looks like they are giving away about 25/day and you can only win once.

    Just like the other instant wins, you can use your free entries for any sweepstakes. You can enter/bank 50 times per day and each entry is 6 points.

  335. Yippeee! I won the Six Flags tickets already…so I guess I have an entire summer of using the instant win entries for other sweepstakes…..there’s a good one that just started: 30 – $1000 Best Buy Gift cards. One for every day in June.

    Anyone who doesn’t know how to enter the instant win wihtout using your points, look to previous posts for details.

  336. New stuff in the rewards section.
    Blockbuster free movie rental 175 points
    Six Flags ticket 1000 points

    Six Flags sweeps has replaced Disney so you can still bank sweeps entries. Runs for 100 days with 25 4-packs of tickets given away each day.

    We also had a disqualification on hubby’s account, but none of Francine’s scenarios apply. Once before I accidentally redeemed my son’s win on my account, and got the dreaded e-mail. Then the card showed up anyway. I have been very careful since then. Very bizarre…

  337. Woo Hoo ! The SIX FLAGS 100 Days of Winners is Back !
    Free Sweeps Banking on it too 5b ! Ends 9/8/09
    Limit 1 Per Person 25 wins per day
    They also have some New Sweeps 30 – $1000 Best Buy Giftcards – 1 per day in June winners to be drawn 7/15
    Trip to 2010 Coke Zero 400 in Daytona
    The Big Ticket – Pk of 4 Tix to Games – Concerts + more
    Universal Orlando Rockit sweeps
    Hotel Indigo – Scottsdale Getaway
    Delta – Feel Like Royalty

  338. I just got something on my acct history for points …
    It says BONUS for Entering 3 PIN’S +20 Pts. 6/1
    The only thing I did was enter 3x on the New 6 Flags IW

  339. Here are a few more….



  340. Well I won 2 of Edo cards on back to back days each with my 2nd entry. That makes a grand total for our household of 9 cards and 2 sets of 2 movie tickets. Also for anyone who was wondering, the movie tickets can be used at many different locations but you have to pick one for each win while you are redeeming them. I am close to a AMC and Kerasotes and they were both on the list of theaters that will take the tickets. Good luck everyone!

  341. Dan’s Rhapsody codes RBM (well, the last 10.. the first two were already redeemed). Thank you Dan!

  342. Has anyone received any of the prizes from the NCAA game besides the rhapsody codes? We won the speakerbox and haven’t gotten it yet. I think they were supposed to ship after the contest ended, but that was on April 15.

  343. Ok, I am sooooo jealous. Only 1 Edo (old game) for me; and the 1 set of movie tickets for Mom (new game — I thought it was my win, but I was wrong). I think I need some luck!! Way to go all you winners!! Major congrats!

  344. A few more codes:


  345. Sorry – False alarm …the Bonus pts were Actually on a friends acct – who has only recently gotten an acct. and I have been entering the points for her – into her acct. since she is losing her eyesight . So it was from having a New Acct. and entering 3 codes – she got 20 Bonus Points . So as Rosanne Rosanna Danna would Say …” Nevermiiind ” 5bvj6a4vtwrr 🙂

  346. Just won my first Coke Cash Card playing the twist text get game, but I can’t enter the code and don’t know why! Did this happen to anyone else? I clicked the link in the email they sent me telling me I’d won, logged in, but when I copy the prize code, it says “Code Invalid. Please try again.” I’ve tried like 50 times already! I really want this cash card, I was so excited when I FINALLY won, and now the website won’t let me redeem the code! I guess I’ll try to call their number tomorrow, but has this happened to anyone else? Thank you for your advice!

  347. Here are a few more….

    1. A4HJKW555ONW-3Pts
    2. 7FM4F4X476WK-3Pts
    3. FPVJVO54XRXV-3Pts
    4. NKLHAOTJPP5V-3Pts
    5. PKOPM45HXK6F-3Pts
    6. TA76POWLO4VF-3Pts
    7. 59KMAWTNNMKF-3Pts

    I have not found any of the new Pepsi caps yet. Anyone know if they will have codes on the 12 packs?

  348. Just a heads up for some other programs going on. You can see I’ve changed the top header of this site around… You’ll see links to the new Pepsi Stuff (Rock Band) program, as well as the Subway Scrabble game. Both of these have just started. Also be on the lookout for a new McDonalds Monopoly page, as that program is just around the corner as well 🙂

  349. Oh, I forgot to mention, I was NOT the last anonymous post. My computer knows me again…must have been a touch of dementia. 🙂

  350. Sprout – the same thing happened to my husband. I called and gaive all the info. The rep said they would look into it, but honestly, I thing he thought I was making it up. Just a feeling, and I hope I’m wrong. Since it happened to you too, I’m hopeful there is an actual glitch that will be addressed.

    O.K., my question is: anyone else still waiting on $10 TGIF cards? I redeemed for 2 of them as soon as they were available. After the $10 cards were out of stock, I redeemed for a $5 card. The $5 card arrived, but not the $10 cards. I did get the e-mail stating they had shipped.


  351. Karens codes RNBM, thanks anyway.

    Karen, I received my two $10 TGIF cards last Friday.

  352. Well, I called Coke regarding my non-working $20 Cash card code. They took my information and said they would investigate and get back to me in 5-7 days. They were really nice about it, but didn’t tell me for sure if I would get it. *sigh* And I thought I had FINALLY won something…… I sure could use the cash, too. I’ve been unemployed since graduating college over a year ago (but don’t feel right collecting unemployment- I’m young and able and just can’t find the right fit). Anyway, this $20 could be really helpful!! I can’t believe I got screwed like that..

  353. 01.AHOBTWNTPTM6=3PT

    Have a good one.

  354. sprout
    I Know it is Hard ~ but try to Be patient …ALOT Of People are having the Same Issues ! Someone they probably hired to help handle the Overload of Wins
    (a Temp) probably just stuck the cards in the envelope And OOPS ! Forgot to Add Funds to them ! But It is Not Like they Will Not Believe You when It is Happening to SO MANY ! They are having a Bad time with the Site Right now too …ALOT of People are trying to Redeem their Cards for Wins OR the Movie Tix and they are getting the Invalid Code Message …
    Obviously a Computer Glitch …Probably due to the Changeover from the 2 mycoke games to Just the One – New “Win Big” Game …So there are ALOT of Problems with ALOT of People’s Wins and they MUST BE SWAMPED With Angry Calls Right now …Just Give it a few days – and maybe by then – they will have it figured out and you will get yours then ! fv70pvhkkrhj
    It probably made you Anonymous when you cleared your Cache / history …And You will need to re-enter your info Like you just did …each time .
    (this is for those that didn’t know that already )

    I hope Everyone will pray for those Lost on that Plane And Their Families …May God Help them through this Very Difficult Time …and Pray they find the wreckage Quickly so their Loved ones can bring them Home.

  355. Here are a few more 3 pointers:

    1. BVH47KL5NXW5
    2. 444LAFTKKXT7
    3. 5V97JAFH7HOL
    4. 957BVOAXT46J
    5. 46RXWA7XPR5B
    7. 5JHHLKK67JWA
    8. 697OHABPFV49
    9. 9NHTB6XMF65A
    10. 4KPX4LT9HKMP
    11. NWNV95O5KBWR
    12. 5B5FXATWAP5F
    13. 6X7KO6FKFX9R
    14. BXXH9L9AK5JV

  356. Oops, I was the anonymous in 479…I did reset my history and forgot to put my info back in. I checked my acct. and it still says that it is processing for the speakerbox, so I guess it’s just taking them a while to get them sent out.

    I wish it was that easy to get the problem taken care of when they ship the card with 0 balance, Francine. It’s going on a month since my first call to them and it’s still not taken care of. It’s time for another phone call and I’m going to have to stop being nice and understanding because that approach has not worked. Hopefully, those who have issues with invalid codes will have better/faster resolution than I have.

    OH well, as frustrating as the problems are, it’s still been a really great promotion for our family.

  357. Seemed like the zero fund issue are all reloadable card, I am glad I always get the non-reloadable one. I have received 5 cards so far, none have any problems.

  358. Shari
    I Agree – Sometimes you need to keep after them …
    The problem is when it happened to you – you were probably One of the First to Claim getting a card with a Zero Balance …NOW that It is Happening ALOT …HOPEFULLY they Will SEE it is Not a False Claim . I mentioned maybe someone may have stuffed the envelopes not knowing how to load the cards or forgetting because they were New …There is another possibility …they loaded the money from the cards for themselves and by the time it is showing up …that person is probably Long Gone with all Money from the cards that are Now showing up empty . But Definitely ! Keep After them And Tell Them It is Happening to ALOT Of People ! Tell them to check the Discussion Boards as they have done B4 ! One could be an error – THIS MANY …I HIGHLY Doubt it !nvxjxr4h5nan
    Good Luck !!!

  359. Thanks to Francine and Karen for your responses- I guess I didn’t realize how many people were having issues! From what I can tell, some people received cards with $0 balances or didn’t receive their card. I couldn’t even redeem the code they sent in the email! Did this happen to anyone else? The prize code they sent me was invalid, and the site didn’t recognize it. So it wasn’t that my card was empty- I didn’t even get THAT far, lol! This was my first win, but I’m pretty sure I did everything right ( I mean, they tell you exactly what to do…)

    Anyway, thanks for the advice! I’ll be patient and we’ll see what happens. I guess I can’t be too pissed- it was free money to begin with. Let us know if you get anywhere with them on the phone. Thanks again!

  360. I won a cash card today at 1603 hours. When I went to to enter the code it said it was an error and that a tech team has been notified. I called them and asked what has happened. They told me that they would research it. I really hope they will because this is only the 3rd card that I won. Good thing that they were really nice and understanding. Now I just hope that I’ll recieve the card. I see that many of you have the same problem going on.

    P.S. Vvhitekid, thanks for opening the pepsi and subway promotion discussion page, You rock!!

  361. Dan, good idea. I always get the non-reloadable card also.
    Here are a few more codes:

    1. 7N76L9RPTOTP-3Pts
    2. 957BVOAXT46J-3Pts
    3. NVFHNRNR9H9F-3Pts
    4. 46RXWA7XPR5B-3Pts
    5. 5B5FXATWAP5F-3Pts
    6. NWNV95O5KBWR-3Pts
    7. 4KPX4LT9HKMP-3Pts
    8. 9NHTB6XMF65A-3Pts
    9. 697OHABPFV49-3Pts
    10. 5JHHLKK67JWA-3Pts
    11. BXXH9L9AK5JV-3Pts
    12. 6X7KO6FKFX9R-3Pts
    13. 5V97JAFH7HOL-3Pts
    14. 444LAFTKKXT7-3Pts
    15. BVH47KL5NXW5-3Pts
    16. 46MH500JJ4WW-10Pts

  362. I just got my first edo card that I have been waiting. (yay) I activated it online and tryed calling for my balance and it tells me my info is bad and to re-enter it…More trouble with edo…

  363. Okay …
    I just called card Services for edo and told him of the problems people are having and said we need a Tel # to Call to get help ..he gave me this tel # It is for FaceCard …Their Hours are Mon- Fri 9 AM – 5:30 PM Central Time and you CAN Leave a Message !

    So Try this #

    1 – 877 – 340 – 0036

    GOOD LUCK !!!

  364. DM, how long did it take to get? I’m working on 5 weeks now, I tried calling at 4 weeks but they told me to wait the 4 to 6 weeks.

  365. DM,
    i got my reloadable card tried to activate it online and on the phone and it said my info was bad but actully i was just putting my 5 digit zip code in when on the piece of paper that was mailed to me had a 9 digit so try that look on the paper you got with your card

  366. I’ve been on this website about before about a year ago so I am out of the loop on what’s happening Can anyone tell me how your winning these cash cards or edo cards please. Here is a 3 pt code for your help


    Thank you Belle

  367. DM…when you call to get your balance, are you using the last 4 digits of your zip code as your pin? Or if you set a new pin when you activated your card, you can use that. I think that you get the info is wrong message if you use the wrong pin, among other reasons, I’m sure.

    Dan…actually, my card that I’m having difficulty with is a non-reloadable one.

    Francine…The phone number that you posted is the number that I called the last time I called, they said it would take “a while” to resolve the problem. When I asked how long a while was, she wouldn’t give me a solid answer. My last call, to that number, was on May 18 and the first call to edo was on May 7. Still not resolved. I’ll update everyone tomorrow if I am able to get anywhere. At the very least, I expect to speak to a supervisor who can explain why it is taking so long.

    Sprout and John….did you copy and paste the codes? Maybe you had an extra space on the end? I don’t know if this would make a difference, just an idea.

    Has anyone gotten the free Coke glasses that McDonald’s is giving out with a large value meal? They’re pretty nice. Too bad I don’t really like Mickey D’s…I wish we could just buy them. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to suffer and eat the junk food 3 more times to get a complete set!

  368. Hi Belle – welcome back. There is an instant win game at

    Register/sign on and on the menu click twist txt get, then click on official rules. Scroll down to 5ii and click on “click here” and follow the directions to get 2 free entries/day.

  369. I have a solution for the edo card problem. Coke could just mail a $25 check to everyone that wins! No codes to enter, no waiting, no 3rd party websites. That would be 2 easy! Ha!

    1. 957BVOAXT46J-3Pts
    2. 46RXWA7XPR5B-3Pts
    3. 9NHTB6XMF65A-3Pts
    4. 7N76L9RPTOTP-3Pts
    5. 4KPX4LT9HKMP-3Pts
    6. NVFHNRNR9H9F-3Pts
    7. 5B5FXATWAP5F-3Pts
    8. 5JHHLKK67JWA-3Pts
    9. 697OHABPFV49-3Pts
    10. 5V97JAFH7HOL-3Pts
    11. BXXH9L9AK5JV-3Pts
    12. NWNV95O5KBWR-3Pts
    13. 6X7KO6FKFX9R-3Pts
    14. 444LAFTKKXT7-3Pts
    15. BVH47KL5NXW5-3Pts
    16. 46MH5OOJJ4WW-3Pts

  370. I’ve won four mycoke edo’s. Problem is, so far I’ve been credited with only two. The reps have even had the nerve to tell me my third win was added on my card May 11, when I know beyond the shadow of a doubt it was not. It makes you feel like asking who gets the money they steal. This entire MCR thing, on the whole, has been a fantastic program. And I wonder how many millions have been given away. But the mycoke edo portion needs a lot of work. Have a few codes.


    Have a wonderful day!

  371. Most of Robert’s codes RBM. Thank you so much Robert, I have never been able to make it here first before! You’ve made my day!

  372. Thanks, Darrell! I was able to get #1-5 and 8 of the 10 pt. codes (lost track of which ones). 2 others were RNBM.

  373. Can someone here tell me how to win six flags tickets? how and where? i posted this question before too but it never got published i think. PLEASE let me know. Thanks 🙂

  374. Hey Everyone….Quick question…I have been saving up for gift cards to redeem for the Ipod Nano. I just redeemed 2000 pts for the $50 gift card. They sent me the code via email, do they not send out the regular plastic cards? It came in form of a “digital reward”. Is that correct? Oh..well I just looked on the cokerewards site and it does say “Gift Card Code”. I guess I was expecting a card. Anyways…I know a few of you have redeemed these for Ipods. Is there a limit to how many codes you can use when ordering from Like will I have any trouble redeeming a two $50 dollar codes and one $25 dollar code? I can redeem 3 codes on one order yeah? I am going to go throu ebates like someone said and get some change back. Thanks for whoever said that a long while ago back! Any other things that may be helpful or tricks when I go to order my Nano? Thanks! Paula

  375. Hi all. The saying is, what goes around, comes around.
    This has proven true time and time again. The latest proof of this happens to be from this site, and vvhitekid2 personally.
    Due to the donating of codes on this site by myself and
    a few others, we have been surprised and pleased by recieving a Best Buy gift card from vvhitekid2! Keep on donating people, you never know when you will be the next one smiling!


    Enjoy your day.

  376. Killer…to win Six Flags tickets, go to the mcr site and click on instant win. If you click on the official rules and use the rule 5b “free” entries you can enter up to 50 times/day without using any points.

  377. MikeMack,
    I redeemed my card on 4/14 and recieved it on 6/3 (so it was over 7 weeks). It was *supposed* to be 3-4 weeks. I found out that if you stay on the line long enough/enter your card info wrong enough times you get a real person. I talked to them and they said I have a $25 balance.

    I did end up getting a nonreloadable card.

    Thanks everyone and we all need to remember not to get too mad a coke because they *are* giving this away *free*.

  378. I also received one of vvhitekid2’s Best Buy Gift Card. Your gift of generosity for others to use will come back to you eventually. Thank you vvhitekid2 for this website and your generous gift.

  379. post number 528
    Paula you can redeem as cards as you want. I got the ipod nano and Im now saving up for the Ipod touch

  380. Is anyone else (besides me) having trouble accessing the Papa John’s IWG? If I click on the “rules” a box comes up that says “undefined”. I even tried a different browser.

  381. Li: it’s not ready to be used just yet.

    Darrell and Robert: YOU deserve much more, from me alone!!

  382. Li, I too am getting that same “undefined” error and i guess all we can do is just wait.

  383. Li… I am having the same trouble. It won’t load and there is no other link to click on

  384. Paula
    GO FOR IT !!! Our Family has 3 Accts. so we Redeemed for Nike G.C.Codes and used a bunch to get the iTouch ! And got $17.94 Back in a Check through e*bates !!!
    You can use as many Giftcard Codes as it takes ! Just make sure you have enough to cover the tax …Shipping is Free for large ticket orders .Just make sure you write down the codes and keep them together so when you actually go to Redeem you are Ready with everything
    Or Print out a copy of the emails you got with the code in them .They are Shipped Quickly too ! And they keep you informed every step . And if you need to talk to Nike Customer Service , They are Awesome ! VERY Nice and Very Helpful !

    I Actually am getting ready to redeem my families points to get more Nike G.C. Codes to Get an iTouch for our 15 yr. old son. We have 3 $50. codes already -and our accts. are all right at ,or Just over the 2000 point mark to get the rest of the $50.Nike G.C. Codes we need. There is still a little left on one from before that will cover the tax ! My son has Autism and he is a Freshman in H.S. and has Desperately been Wanting a cheap MP3 Player.. He has Been Maintaining Honor Roll All Year !!! We were at Walmart last night to get him a new backpack …and he was looking …lol He doesn’t know yet 😉
    He Carries about 50+ lbs of Books everyday ! so that is his 3rd backpack ! And yes …we used one of his mycoke $25. cards to buy it too …Sweet! THANKS COKE !

    As With Everything on the MCR site …there WILL Be Glitches … As is Usual …” Expect Delays ” They will need to work the Bugs out …and With All the Flashing Pop Up Ads …It is Totally Screwing the Site Up …Just Keep a Sense Of Humor as DM Said …Remember It Is All Free !!! pkf7vfbw5bwn

  385. I won an Edo card back on May 28th and then another one on May 29th. I still have not redeemed the 2nd. I opted for trying the Reloadable card my wife had such a hard time with. I got it in the mail already just yesterday. I couldn’t believe it. I activated it and have already spent some of the money. I just wanted to report this to everyone that not all the cards have problems loading since I didn’t have any trouble this time. That is not to say the next person won’t but I just wanted to post something positive. Good luck to those who still have not won. You have plenty of chances ahead of you. Oh and that Papa John’s link is gone from the instant win section the last time I was on the site. I wonder if that is the promo for next month on MCR??? Could be we just got a preview.

  386. I also received a Best Buy gift card from vvhitekid2! Thanks again!
    Here are a few more codes:

    1. RAHRB6HKMMJ7-10Pts
    2. TWKHX7JHOOXN-10Pts
    3. 5L446TLBPM6L-10Pts
    4. 096NNRNKM45L-10Pts
    5. NR9T4APP7767-10Pts
    6. 9VLOA99TMKWO-15Pts
    7. BR9RWPXFW7L4-3Pts
    8. 9JXKN7H5FH6L-3Pts

  387. Not sure if anyone Posted this yet – if they did Sorry

    Just got the Alert – they are Doubling Dasani 12 Pk Flaps from 6/1 – 6/30 …(again) they know there are very few out there …so they won’t be givin up much on this one …again …But they Are doing a Double Points so it looks good …I bought a recyclable plastic water bottle and refill it from the faucet and add ice cubes for my daughter …sorry coke …can’t buy water on my budget …I Already have a High Water Bill from the Town ! 4m7b74la7jrb

  388. Thank you so much vvhitekid2!!! Your Mile High Code RBM!! You rock!

    RIP David Carradine- Great Actor, Amazing Man.
    “The sage has said “Others are contented, I alone am drifting. Not knowing where I am. I am different. I am nourished by the great mother. In an uncertain hour, the wise man acknowledges uncertainty.”
    -Master Poe, Kung Fu

  389. Hey guys none of these codes actully work. They all are redeemed as soon as they are posted. Is there some kind of trick i have to do to redeem them?

  390. I was actually gonna holler, “Da plane, da plane!” 🙂 Hope you’re having a good time!! You deserve it!

  391. Izzy
    Welcome to the Site ! No Trick to get the codes …just
    be there before someone else gets them . and probably keep a second tab open with the MCR acct open so when a Code does show up …you will be able to enter it right away . Also – You need to Keep track of how many invalid / already redeemed codes you try ! Once you hit 20 that is it for the day ! You are not allowed to enter any more codes until the turnover of the next day @ 12 noon eastern time. And Don’t do that on Sunday Before you enter your points for the week ! Good Luck ! 69kpf59tr9nt

  392. Thanks, all, for responding to my Papa John question.

    Izzy, different people generously post codes on different days, at different times. Whoever gets to them first is very fortunate, and they express their appreciation by posting a message saying “thanks” and what they’ve redeemed (so no one else tries/wastes their time). So there is no “trick” or other way to redeem them. You just have to be fast (and have good timing).

    One more question from me… how do you redeem a Nike GC for an iTouch? Are you saying that the Apple site will accept them?

  393. hi izzy,

    this site is great for codes, but you have to be super quick! i’ve been on this site for a long time now, and only have been able to get a few codes, thanks to people like darrell and vvhitekid2.

    keep looking and trying. you’ll get a few eventually.

  394. Thanks MRWICKED and FRANCINE. I am so worried the cards will vanish before I get the points I need! I have one account for now, I barely get enough points to make the 120 per week as it is…so doing two accounts is out for me!! I do good to just have enough for one so leave it at that. The way I see it is even if i get 100 bucks off it’s all good…got 50 and 300 points away from another 50 so at least I will make that, if the cards stay on there. Will keep saving until I get at least 150 bucks worth. This will be my first “big” prize if you want to call it that. I didnt start until 3/07. I have always gotten the Gold AMC tickets…we do the movie thing weekly. So they came in handy (the silver ones are just dumb, cant see new ones with that!). I think I got over 37 Gold AMC passes and 2 silver ones and 12 or so free large cokes at AMC over the course of time, so can’t complain. Anyways,thanks for the heads up with the Nike cards. Fransine, hope your son is super excited to get his ipod touch, sounds like a well deserving guy! Paula

  395. Thanks Paula
    Yes He’s the Best ! Shhhh ! He doesn’t know yet ! LOL
    They have had the Nike cards on for awhile now and it seems that Hopefully they will stay – Since that Seems to be THE Biggest Thing you can Redeem for …

    No …Not on the Apple Site …It is on the Nike Site .
    Now Click on the Orange Search button on the left – type ipod then click the search eyeglass …this brings up another screen with sneakers …click on the Sort by – High to Low tab …There you will see the itouch for $299. it will Also Bring up the 16G ipod Nano for $199. and the 8G for $149. Or they have the Large Runners Gift pack for $278. or the Small for $129
    Sweeet huh ? It is kinda hidden – unless you know where to look for it …LOL
    Now I hope they don’t sell out B4 I get one for my son now that I broadcast it to the World ! lol

    Also People have mentioned the Vault Bonus – It SEEMS it was Only an Offer to a VERY Small Select few …To See info – scroll All the way Down to the Help – then click on the Vault coupon offer and it explains …Same with the Dasani Double Points . I entered one and it has Not Doubled Yet …signed out and back in a couple of times …Maybe it is after a day – or maybe you get credit when the new week starts ? They have alot of twists lately …

  396. 01.49P7WANKMNRW=3PT

    Have a good one.

  397. I just want to wish everyone a fabulous weekend. It’s so nice to be part of a forum that really cares about one another. I want to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony…

  398. Okay this is a post made by someone on another site who got a zero balance on their card …

    Call the number on the back of the card. They can give you the proper number. I had a zero balance card a couple months ago. Mine turned out to be a double, they credited my reloadable card and sent me 0 balance card. Here’s the number they gave me to call 615-297-6080.

    Also – my friend got one of those Winning codes for the New mycoke Win Big game …when you go to redeem it it says it is an invalid code …so if you click on the contact us tab on the top – it gives you this tel#
    1-866-520-2653 – So we called that and it said press 1 for English – and then it said you have reached SOGO interactive – in Canada …press 1 for english …If you press 1 – it gives you a Coke Co. message – they are there M-F 9-7PM Eastern time…Then Press 0 .
    Other people have said it was a Healthcare place – BUT IF you Follow Through and Press the 1 for English then listen – then Press 0 to speak with someone (When they are there) HOPEFULLY It will Get Some Results !
    We Will try Monday and See ! Good Luck ! 9llbjn5trmj9

  399. The wife and I just won our second edo card. The wife won hers yesterday and I won mine this afternoon. We had to go with the Non-Reloadable cards since it will not let us get past the password stage of trying to set up a reloadable one. Has anyone else had the same problem?

  400. Francine’s code RNBM. Thanks Francine! I hope to get an email from the MyCoke people regarding my nonvalid winning prize code in a day or two… If I don’t I will be calling again until someone tells me whether I’m getting it or not. Anyway, thanks again for sharing. It is ALWAYS appreciated!!! 🙂

  401. There are so many people having problems not only with the Edo cards, but getting invalid winning codes, that I wonder if the fulfillment center is employing cheats. That happened when the Red Cross outsourced distribution of aid to hurricane Katrina victims. Some money was diverted to friends of the employees.
    I hope that’s not the case here.
    Anyway, cataract surgery for sure on Monday (the doctor called), so before I’m down to one eye, here’s a couple of codes

    Oh yeah, go Lakers!!

  402. Here are a few codes for the new week:


  403. SWEET !!!
    I just redeemed for the Nike G.C. codes and Placed my Order for the iTouch for my Son !!! It says 2-9 Business Days ! So It Should Be Here in time for his Last Day of School !!! I AM SO EXCITED !!! Can U Tell ?
    LMAO THANKS To Robert And Darrell for All the Codes ! I couldn’t have done it without you guys !!! And vvhitekid2 for the Place for all us Cokeheads to Get together …Our Own Little MCR Support Group aka Cokeaholics Anonymous! LMAO ! 4k5x4nvfnamj
    Now if Only Nike would Start Selling TVs ! LOL
    But I entered for the Sweeps on MCR That Would Take Care Of That ! 🙂 b9bwmajxhjjx PSYCHED !!!
    Oh yeah …we entered a Dasani Flap Code on hubby’s acct and it didn’t double …so he used the help/contact us form on the MCR site and they gave him the 10 pt Bonus credit last night !
    Well …Now I gotta start saving for my itouch ! that’ll take Oh …about 6 months or more …LOL 😉

  404. Oh yeah …
    When I Finally got to 2000 pts and went to redeem for the $50. Nike G.C.’s it said I had reached my limit for this Reward !
    It Says you can get 3 per acct. per Week !!!
    I had gotten 3 last year !
    So What are we supposed to get if they won’t even Let us Get THOSE ???
    I did get the Nike ID card – But if I get 2 more …then I get What ? Magazines ?

  405. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I won another card on Sunday and my wife won two free movie passes this morning. We had trouble with two of the movie passes before. The were giving an error at the theatre. There is a number to call on there, but it only gives basic BS information that any dummy would know. There is not option I saw for if you have trouble redeeming this at a theatre press…
    I just wanted to see if anyone else had trouble with the tickets and if it is something that can be resolved. Thanks in advance for any help.

  406. Powerade codes:


  407. Robert’s last 6 Powerade codes RBM. Thank you so much! You have made the start of my day a good one!

  408. All Robert, Francine, and Karen’s codes RNBM. Thanks so much, guys, have a great week!

  409. 01.09ARV4TBAOKK=3PT

    Have a super week everyone.

  410. Just got the Mail and my Son’s edo Card was there !
    Again …when we were down to the last $20. We will use the card at the Grocery store – and then I will give my son the $25. to replace it when hubby gets paid tomorrow night !
    As Always … God’s Timing Is PERFECT ! nkr47fr45a9t

    Karen Our Prayers for a Perfect Procedure and Speedy Recovery and It Will Be AWESOME to SEE Good Again !!!
    THANK YOU For the Envelope you Sent me With the Boxtops for Education and the Campbells Labels for Schools !!! The way things are Today with the School Budgets …Every Little Bit Helps !!! THANK YOU !!!

  411. Sorry to keep Posting SO Much 😉 but this info was on another site and may help you guys …

    Anyone having issues with their cards having a zero balance, Jamie would like you to email her at

    include you first and last name
    your email addy you won it under
    your prize code number. the one you had to enter and redeem from the winning screen or from the winning email you got.

    If you would like to call instead, this is the number to call 1-877-340-0036

    ALSO FYI …
    We called the tel# 1-866-520-2653 for the Win Big Promo Code for the Cash Card Win – not working for my friend …You need to press 1 for english – then there is a Recording for SOGO healthcare info – ignore it and Press 1 Again …Then you get a Recording about myCoke Win Big cash card promo …then press 0 to talk to someone ! We Spoke to someone in Atlanta from Coke !About her Winning Code from the Email they sent her Not being Valid when you click on the link in the email and try to redeem it – and Told them about the recording saying you have reached SOGO Healthcare in Canada …They Were Surprised and Will Look into it …
    and try it themselves …
    So they took ALL the info and will investigate and get back to her in 5-8 bus.days or less …
    And We told them about the Zero Balance cards and Movie Tix Not Working …So She was Surprised – they were not aware …I told her that was Probably because people hung up because they were getting the Healthcare Recording …So They Didn’t Get Through !
    So she will Notify them and Check into it …
    I am a Pain in the @ss Persistant B____who Talks TOO MUCH ! LMAO But Hopefully it Will Help You Guys …
    Good Luck All ! nko5bafjmm97 Keep us Posted !

  412. Darrell’s codes RBM…Finally got here at the right time for once! Thank you so much, Darrell, you’ve made my day. Hope you have a good one 🙂

  413. OMG FRANCIE!!!!!!!


    this is my first win! ALL B/C OF YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH


  414. Hi everyone, just received an email from My Coke regarding my invalid prize code. Thought you might be interested in what they had to say…
    “We apologize for your inconvenience. We are currently researching invalid codes. As soon as we have a sufficient resolution, we will send you an email with further information on how to claim your prize. In the meantime, please fee free to let us know if you have any other questions and remember to keep playing for your chance to win more fantastic prizes! Sincerely, Jamie”

    So I guess I’ll have to wait some more to see if I’ll get an EDO card. At least I know now I’m not the only one this happened to…hopefully we’ll all get a card eventually! I know I sure could use it. Oh well, off to bed! ‘Night!

  415. CONGRATS Jessica !
    Aren’t Those Exclamation Points Fun to Use ? LOL
    I Can Feel your Excitement and I Have a HUGE SMILE !!!
    Thanks for making my night ! {{{HUG}}}
    ALOT of Good Timing Goin on around here … 🙂

  416. Okay …Now I need to Thank YOU Jessica !!!
    I was SO HAPPY over Your Win …I was excited and thought it would be a Good Time to Play too …
    So I played and Won a Pair of Movie Tix !!! My son wants to go see the New Transformers movie coming out soon … lol ~ So Once again …PERFECT TIMING !
    LET’S KEEP IT GOING !!! takh06k0txbx

  417. Gosh, I missed out on all the excitement, Jessica and Francine, but I’m reading this at 5:45 AM and smiling from ear to ear! I love happy news and you made my day. Congrats on your wins. And, Francine, thanks for my first code of the week. takh06k0txbx was RBM.

  418. I love this site and everyone on it. You are all so great. It makes my day to see people who actually care about others… it is very rare this day and age.

  419. I’m sorry, Anonymous. I had used that code and was thanking Francine for it. It was in her post #585.

  420. Anonymous, Cyn didn’t post a code. She was stating that she had redeeemed Francine’s code.

  421. congrats francine!!

    and sorry! in all the excitement i misspelled your name! I feel awful!

    thanks again!

  422. Francine, thanks for the phone number to call for the edo cards. It’s been 7 weeks since I won and I haven’t seen my card yet. I called that number and reached Jamie and she was able to look into it for me. Looks like my card got lost in the mail and she is going to reissue it and I should get it in about a week.

  423. Just in case anyone did not get the email from Coke today, I am posting the promo code they sent:


    It is good for 1 entry to the Real Taste of NASCAR sweeps. You can use it once per day thru 6-18-09. Also if you want you can bank the points on this one too. After you enter the code just click done & it will credit you with a free 3 point sweeps entry.

    Here’s a 3 pointer: 9A9FP65PPJLK

  424. Wow, this site is pretty awesome. I have been doing the MCR thing since it first started, I was trying to look for some freebie codes online cause i only need like 15 more points to get the reward i want, and i came across this. Everyone seems so generous.

  425. Francine – thanx for your e-mail – really cute! And thanx for posting that number to call about the edo cards. Both my husband and I had disqualifictions and neither of us did anything that would account for that. Plus the bogus code in the e-mail that says you won. I had called about that before but it turns out the customer rep never sent it to be researched. I like the movie ticket wins better. You get it right away, no questions asked. So there’s a double standard.
    Well, my cataract surgery was very successful, but my eyes don’t seem to want to work together. I think it will improve over time, and also getting a contact lense instead of glasses for the other eye will help. Of course I had to have the left lense removed from the frames so I could see out of my new eye, and it looks sort of funny, but as the famous physicist Richard Feynman once said – what do you care what other people think?
    For those saving up for Ipods from the Nike site, don’t forget you can also redeem for the $35 and $25 cards.
    We also had trouble using the movie tickets. The manager finally just issued the tickets because the movie was about to start. That was at an AMC theater. Anyone NOT had a problem?
    Trying to read a code, hope its correct

  426. Karens codes RNBM
    Wow Glad everything went okay !
    Happy to hear that !!!
    Don’t Feel Bad – That is ALL Part of the Fun ! LOL
    Gotta run now
    Be back later

  427. Karen, you said both you and your husband had won the edo cards? Probably disqualified because both of you would be using the same address. Only one household member can have an account and win.

  428. 1. 7VVNWTW9NV9K-3Pts
    2. 95HPPFTBHJL5-3Pts
    3. P6O9KMTMXXRH-3Pts
    4. 9T5PJMTWPW59-3Pts
    5. AJPFNLOKPH4W-3Pts
    6. BA67XRL4RHKK-3Pts
    7. N5X9PMRR6TB6-3Pts
    8. PXBWTJWJWTB6-3Pts
    9. 9XMJWJV6KWRA-3Pts
    10. 4RR6LN544BHP-3Pts
    11. 6PH7FJPLAKF9-10Pts

  429. I’m happy to hear that all went well, Karen!! And, glad you are back with us.
    Your codes from post 596 are RNBM, but always thanks for sharing!

  430. MikeMac…Karen’s wins would only be dq’d if they were both using the same e-mail address. There can be up to 5 people with 5 different accounts at each address. Each account must have a different e-mail address.

  431. MikeMac… you are allowed to have multiple accounts that have the same address. I was disqualified from the first round of awards, but later won on the same one in the last week before it expired (Not the Win Big one). So I am not sure they ever disqualified me. They said I had used the same phone number, but what I think happened is that I had an autofill set up for other sweeps on my computer and my brother was entering that day on my computer and probably didn’t change something on one of the forms when he filled it out for the win. Anyway, we both got our wins from previous and then I won twice again later so I am not sure why the disqualified email was sent out.

  432. I did the free entry using my e-mail address then did the same thing using my wifes e-mail address. She won on hers. I went and tried to add it to her existing edo card and I got an e-mail disqualifying it. Neither one of us had texted any codes, we were strictly using the online free method.

  433. MikeMac
    You ARE Allowed More than 1 Person per household – We have 3 at Ours … Mine-my husbands+our 15 yr old sons.
    We EACH have our OWN Seperate EMAIL Address though …
    I Believe MCR Rules are 5 accts. MAX to a Household/Family and 10 Per Physical Street address so it would be for like an apartment bldg. If you live in a Highrise/Skyscraper in NY or another City …your screwed 😮 lol So Probably the Same for the Win Big .
    They WERE Going DQ Happy for awhile there …kinda like when you try to use more than one coupon at a store – it ALL DEPENDS On HOW the Person Reviewing the Win INTERPRETS the RULES ! Like if the person says only ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE – IT Really Means One Coupon PER ITEM …Because OTHERWISE When you Went Grocery Shopping – Are they Going to Let you ONLY USE ONE COUPON for your WHOLE ORDER ???!!! Think About it .
    I just dealt with that at a store when buying Packs of Cigarettes – I had 2 Coupons and was Buying 2 packs . I wasn’t trying to use 2 coupons on 1 pack. BUT the Person at the Cash register is the final decision maker …But I went back last night and his boss had enlightened him …I Bought 3 packs and used 3 Coupons – SAME Person who had said 1 ONLY – Last WEEK!

    So IF everyone who Got DQd goes through the email or Tel.#s and Tries to APPEAL the DQ – SOME MAY Get theirs Reinstated ! But You Have to Try !5wxk4nx9wbrf I Even had to Do that with the IRS one year …Even THEY are NOT INFALLIBLE ! LOL – Oh yeah …I Was Right – THEY the IRS Was WRONG ! They Credited the Interest AND Penalties Back to Me ! I must’ve Talked them to Death and they Probably Gave in to Make me GO AWAY ! LMAO 4rntjl67k4j0 😉

    I Got your Envelope today with your Generous Gift of Boxtops for Education !THANK YOU So Much! f5hklv7tlxm9

    In regards to the movie tix …I Think I remembered reading that Someone had said the Problem Had to do with the Expiration date Code ? like the code said 6/30 and they had to actually enter 5/30 or 5/31 ? I will have to look and see if I can find the info …

  434. I just got my 5th edo cash win, along with a pair of movie tix. Please keep it coming. But what I don’t understand is that after entering the security code I recieved a message stating “sorry, you did not win this time”. I then later check my emails and there is one telling me I had won, and this time it went on my card almost immediately.


    Hopefully everyone’s day went well. Later.

  435. Karen, congrats on the successful eye surgery!
    Darrell, congrats on the 5th edo win!

    1. 7FBANXXX66LL-3Pts
    3. NKB77JLKRL7T-3Pts
    4. 5HKXR7MTJWXP-3Pts
    5. P4FLRFH97RRL-3Pts
    6. 0KRKWVVALAFJ-3Pts
    7. ATVPTTRXA0LN-3Pts
    8. 560RVXP6P0MT-3Pts
    9. 9TJPJNRFFNX4-3Pts
    10. BJMWR47BTP9H-3Pts
    11. 6WP6A97B5AVR-10Pts

  436. heres a code, just to give back from all i’ve gotten from this site! thanks all


  437. Hey All, I have to say this site is pretty amazing. I’m still scratching my head as to how you all get all this information on MCR. Anyways, I’m still trying to figure out how everything works. Here are a couple 3 pointers.


  438. Hi.


    Have a good one. Bye.

  439. wow i see you guys are winning your 5ths and 6ths edo cards..I have a little question. They say that someone ‘could’ win a card every 5 minutes: Does this mean that they GIVE OUT a card every 5 minutes or the number of cards they give out in a day average out to be a card PER 5 MINUTES? Please let me know. I am desperate to win something too. Card, tickets, or even some points from this website but always unlucky. Is there a special lucky time to win an edo card or what? Please let me know. Thanks.

  440. JZRN’s and Darrell’s Codes ALL Already Redeemed – NBM
    But Thanks for Posting them !

    Good Question …We All Have Our Opinions …but Basically …we are all just Interpreting the rules …
    I have my way of playing …and I am pretty sure I have posted it If you read back . But Most people say it is Just Luck …I have said alot about it alot of times …But Basically …fn4nb5h44jkx

  441. I Redeemed ALL Of The Codes Robert Posted on #609
    from 6/11 @ 10:31 AM …at 2:35 am on 6/12 …???
    They seemed to just pop in after I Posted a Comment ..
    So I was there and I am Sorry for Being Greedy …But I entered them ALL in my Friend Shirley’s Account …
    I enter her codes for her because she is losing her eyesight – she is almost blind …AND she lost her Job a few months ago…So It Helps her to get Free Coke !
    She used to work for a hud – Financial Counselling Ctr.
    She helped People who were on the verge of Foreclosure
    She Deserves to Get a little Something Back for ALL the People she helped …GOD BLESS HER !!!
    THANK YOU Robert !!! My HERO !!! God Bless You Too !!!

  442. Okay …Now I Just entered ALL of Roberts Codes from June 10 – 11:22 AM …@ 2:50 AM on 6/12 !!! I Also Put All of Those in my Friend Shirley’s Acct for her !!!
    THANK YOU Again Robert !!! Talk About Timing ! 🙂 WOW !

  443. Killer, according to the official rules the cards are given out on average of every 5 minutes. The winning times are picked by computer at random.

    It seems that from later in the evening 10 or so until early morning are “easier” times to win because there are fewer people trying at those times.

  444. This is what we got was in the e-mail on why they declined her win “We reviewed your win and found that you have either (i) entered more than 2 times per day, (ii) under multiple accounts, and/or (iii) redeemed your prize code with a different email address than it was won.” She only has a single aoccunt and the only method of entry that either of us did was the free online method that only gives you two entries. Now the only thing that I can think is maybe it goes by IP and both of use entered from the same computer.

  445. Happy Friday, everyone! I hope everyone will have a super weekend.
    Way to go Darrell on your Edo and tix wins!! You deserve it and much more for all your generosity.
    I checked over all the codes from Robert, Darrell, and JZRN and ALL RNBM (so no one gets locked out trying all of them). Welcome aboard Tara and JZRN, and anyone I missed. Please everyone, who is anonymous still, give us a nicname so we can get to know you!!
    Killer, I too need to know the secret on winning. My Mom has won one Edo, one set of 6 Flag tix, and one set of movie tix (all donated to the Special Ed Program or families in a bind who need a break — way to go, Mom) and I have only won one Edo (for the program). I’m not complaining, but I think I am playing my two entree for the Edo and movie tix at the wrong time of day maybe.
    Anyway, congrats to all the winners. Thanks to all the givers. Vvhitekid2, thanks for all your hard work. And everyone, thanks for all the smiles I get when I read about your wins.

  446. Hi MikeMac, I received an e-mail like that during the old game (not the “win big” one) and I ended up getting the card anyway (and had received a follow-up e-mail saying that it the earlier e-mail was a mistake). So, maybe you’ll still receive it.

  447. Li, she already had an existing edo card so they were just going to add the funds. It has been almost 2 weeks and the funds haven’t been added so my guess is she is not going to be that lucky.

  448. Has anyone noticed being extremely slow today? It just took me 5 minutes to put in one code….

    I have not figured out the EDO cards either. I usually enter in the mornings, maybe I should start at night and see if it helps… any suggestions?

  449. h438dlk34…you are right. For the big win contest, there are 5 minute time intervals with a winner chosen at a random time during those 5 minute intervals. In previous instant wins, they have had totally random win times equal to the number of 5 minute intervals in the entire lifespan of the promotion.

  450. I had mentioned earlier about my fifth edo cash win. On this one, I was not given a winning code to enter and follow up on. I was simply told by email I had won and the cash would be loaded on my card in a few minutes. And it was. But if it hadn’t, I would have had no way to follow up on it. Maybe this is the new way of doing it and their problems have been resolved. One can only hope. Here’s a few codes, before a busy weekend.


    See you later on in the weekend. Have a good one.

  451. Hi all,

    As a new member, I just want to say hi! I hope I get a code sometime. I’m surprised that the people here are so generous and caring to others (besides just giving out codes).


    frozendepths (or Sarah)

  452. Julie
    YES the MCR site is Under Construction , They are going to be making some Big Changes to the Pages and how things Work on the Site on 6/30 .This is according to the MCR Community website . SO …While they are working on the Site …Expect Delays and Problems …
    Hopefully after the changes are made …things will run smoother and Faster …Ha ha …Hey …One Can Hope …Right ??? LOL nr69wv7ann9p BTW …
    Got the iTouch Today !!! I Redeemed the points and ordered it on the 8th …Got it on the 12th !!!FAST !!!

  453. Here are a few more….

    1. RLR6AFBTF4AB-3Pts
    2. 54O7B7O99P7X-3Pts
    3. 4PL0BPNA6X0P-3Pts
    4. BJHX7BN9A0JP-3Pts
    5. B4N6JBWMAJ6A-3Pts
    6. 4NKTNKK7JV4L-3Pts
    7. 4MHFOOVM5AFO-3Pts
    8. 69L4LBTX59HH-3Pts
    9. PNAVP69XTB4M-3Pts
    10. 69F7NPVK6B56-3Pts
    11. OHAKO75ABLKA-3Pts
    12. 4X5T5NAHROJA-3Pts
    13. BB7HKTWMMFM6-3Pts
    14. 6KOMX4JT67KN-10Pts

  454. Anonymous’s codes in 628 and Francine’s code in 631 were all RBM. Thank you very much.

  455. Welcome aboard Sarah! Nice to have you here.
    I think post 628 was our friend, Darrell. All codes in that post RNBM, and Francine’s code in post 631 is also RNBM. But thanks a bunch for sharing you two!! Have a super weekend everyone.

  456. Robert’s Codes Redeemed – NBM this time 😉 Thanks though !

    Also – my son had it show up on his acct. that the Fan Mayhem Kit Was Processed and is Finally being Shipped!

  457. Yes, that was me. I had some computer issues and did not pay attention that my name and email had been deleted from the post box. I try to always sign my name due to being proud of the codes I give. And here are some more.

    14.4BWPOLB5OB70=20PT – Dasani
    15.AR7P5RALWFF6=20PT – Dasani

    I hope the weekend is going well for everyone. May it continue to do so.

  458. I used numbers 1 thru 3 and 9 thru 15 of Darrell’s codes. Thank you very much “again” Darrell.

  459. Here are a few more points to finish out the week:

    1. 95TTR46697O7-3Pts
    2. TJJ6KN79F9L5-3Pts
    3. NPBABALV7TKL-3Pts
    4. 6VJ4FON6FVA4-3Pts
    5. FP6N44ROFFAR-3Pts
    6. 665AVPXW6OF6-3Pts
    7. 4K97FLBL6LRM-3Pts
    8. RBPPWM6MP77R-3Pts
    9. BBKW6XWBT9XF-3Pts
    10. O7PR7P4VBNHK-3Pts
    11. O7K79544MFT5-3Pts
    12. TKKKOVHFN6H6-3Pts
    14. OTT7PMB5PWN9-3Pts
    15. 9AFJWNNHX7L4-3Pts

  460. Darrell’s codes all redeemed. #4-8 RBM, #1-3, 9-15 RNBM. Darrell, thank you. Those codes have been the first I’ve been able to redeem from this forum in the 9 months I’ve been reading & posting here.

  461. Fantastic! You gotta love it when a plan comes together. I may borrow vvhitekid2’s soapbox for a minute, and I thank him for it. As I have said many times, I really enjoy giving away codes and helping who I can. And really all I’ve ever asked is that the user of the codes posts that they used them. The main reason for this is to prevent others from getting locked out of their account due to entering too many invalid (or used) codes. Now, do I enjoy recieving thanks for donating? Of course I do. But it’s not required that you do, and no one can force you to post that you used the codes either. But please do. This last group I donated worked out great! They were all accounted for, and all involved were happy. So, have more.


    And Ken, plus any others, being on site at the right time is the only way anyone gets the codes. I wish all equal luck, and I wish I had enough codes for all of you. What I can give all of you is the wish for a safe and happy week.

  462. Here are a few codes for the new week:

    1. 54V4W6K7J9H9-3Pts
    2. 595RN7T6AK54-3Pts
    3. 5KPMJLB7LPMF-3Pts
    4. 5L0L699TTH9X-3Pts
    5. RNAL9T0B4X6R-3Pts
    6. RR490P9BF0AW-3Pts
    7. R4WMN90WRXFP-3Pts
    8. TFKVV6TPFLF5-3Pts
    9. TBPLHMJHRA4L-3Pts
    10. NWVBX6VTW0N0-3Pts
    11. NX67JXBF4WJA-3Pts
    12. A5MJP7NT7PBM-3Pts
    13. BVWMW06T9HBT-3Pts
    14. 6MF0KXH4MARM-3Pts
    15. 9NMVVMHF9PVN-3Pts
    16. OHWXXROOR6P5-10Pts

  463. My daughter got her speakerbox from the Fan Mayhem promotion today. It came via USPS. She’ll be really happy to see it when she gets home!

  464. A question for you all….When is the best time to enter for the Edo card? Any “lucky” times? I have been entering lately and no wins. Do they alternate between the Edo cards and the movie tickets? Edo for one 5 minute interval, then movie tickets for the next? Any ideas? Thanks!

  465. Claire19
    I try to play when I FEEL GOOD/HAPPY …and then I try to FEEL EXPACTANT ! Like ” I WIN” and Picture the “CONGRATULATIONS” Screen ! GOOD LUCK ! 5v5a5nt4p0v7

  466. I know u guys have talked about this at length somewhere so if you can point me to the right direction I would appreciate it. What the heck is an EDO card and how do u get them. I want IN.


  467. Thanks, jzrn, for the last 2 codes (RBM). The first says it’s entered incorrectly.

    To win an Edo card (a cash card with $20 or $25), go to and register/login. After that,
    1. click on the gray link in upper left corner “Twist txt get”
    2. click on “official rules”
    3.Look for “click here” in red under rule 5, a, ii (alternate method of entry). Follow the link.

    Check or add your info and submit. You’ll know immediately if you’re a winner. You can play 2x per day.

    Have fun! And thanks, again, for the codes.

  468. Francine’s code RBM.

    JZRN – getting invalid code for the first one and RNBM on the next two.

  469. Francine Just wanted to let you know i got my edo card in the mail today! just 6 days from the day i won!! how amazing is that.

    and it had 25$ on it.

    THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, good karma will def come your way!

  470. I finally got mine in the mail today, the one that I won back on 4/20. Now I just need to work on getting the funds from the second edo that I won posted to it.

  471. Walter, RBM means “redeemed by me”.
    I hit my second Edo card yesterday evening. Today I hit the Six Flag tickets!

  472. Got home today and checked my email and it says I won two round tickets from Delta. My wife will be so surprised when she gets home from work. After they took all the prizes that were over the 2,000 range off in Febuary March , I decided to put all 50 sweepstakes a day into Delta airline sweepstakes that ended in april (30). overall I spent over 7,500 points on sweepstakes tickets. This was to at least get me a chance to win. Good luck to all you coke people.

  473. Wow. Way to go, Darrell!! Make sure you have some smelling salts ready for when your wife faints! I’m so happy for you. 🙂

    Okay Robert and vvhitekid2 you guys are Next …
    It Is About Time You Guys Get Some PayBack For All The Payin It FW you Have Done For ALL Of US !!! {{{HUG}}}

    OK …Funny Story …kinda …
    Our Son got his Fan Mayhem kit today …
    the Face Paint Crayons …the Basketball Shaped TV Remote Control holder …the stickers …and a holder and slipcase for the $25. Papa Johns Gift Card …BUT …There Was NO GIFTCARD !!!???!!! 🙁
    Do you think they will Believe a 15 yr old ??? Me Either …But I Opened it …It Is Like with all the People Getting Zero Balance mycoke Cash cards …
    Something Funny is Going on at the Places where they Ship the Prizes/Rewards from… I think they are going to need to start doing CORI checks Before they Hire these People … 4n7a605w5l9h Oh well …Everyone who won the 6 Flags tix …Use them soon …They filed for Bankruptcy too …Hmmmm…Who’s Next …? Disney ?

  475. Cyn, you are good! You answered walter’s question 8 minutes before he asked!!LOL Congrats on winning the edo & the 6 flags tickets!
    Darrel, congrats on winning the Delta tickets!

    1. OWXALAP4BNHM-3Pts
    2. 0TKMPH0TRW96-3Pts
    3. RROLJOB5MXBV-3Pts
    4. 5V5WH6X0LFHM-3Pts
    5. AXR7NAMLXHLA-3Pts
    6. 6VW0F9L7WRFH-3Pts
    7. BFKO69M46RF4-3Pts
    8. PHF0HX0HM77L-3Pts
    9. 79LMXVBA6OPK-3Pts
    10. TKR9A6AFA5NN-3Pts
    11. NXRRPN4OF59J-3Pts
    12. 47VJLLL5NTRB-3Pts
    13. FRB5HK95K6NN-3Pts
    14. 4067LTAWF7JA-3Pts
    15. 7L5NABO4OOJB-3Pts
    16. FN0W74FJJNPH-3Pts
    17. 7T9MRWH7XA4V-10Pts

  476. Congrats Darrell! I always wondered if anyone actually won the “big” prizes… I guess they do! You really deserve it!

  477. did they already send out the winning emails for the sweeps?

    i sure hope not since i haven’t received any thing

  478. Francine’s code and Robert’s codes 6-17 RBM. Thank you guys so much! I really appreciate it!

  479. Robert, I had this flashback to the 70’s when Walter’s post went missing, lol. Thanks for the congrats on my wins. All Robert’s codes in post 665 that were not accounted for are also RNBM, but thanks for sharing!

  480. Congratulations on your win, DARREL, one L. It is super nice to know someone can and is winning larger prizes. Here are a few points to celebrate.


    Oh yeah, this Darrell does not have a wife. You guys have a great week.

  481. Oops …Sorry Darrell ….
    Congrats Darrel
    the 2 Darrel(l)s …lol 😉 my bad …
    G …mine ..??? what is that about ???
    Cyn Congrats on your Win(s) !!!
    Let’s Keep it Going !!! fpltn45lnwpj Congrats Shari !

  482. Francine’s code from 675 RNBM

    Thanks for the congrats. Has anyone who won Six Flags tickets redeemed for them yet? The link they sent in my e-mail does not work. Not planning on using it anytime soon anyway since there is no Six Flags nearby but I was wondering if anyone else had problems with it.

  483. “This is my brother Darrell and this is my other brother Darrell” – Newhart (1982)

  484. This is from the person on the other site I visit that had posted the info on who to contact about the zero balance cards – to contact jaime – Obviously it worked

    Heads Up of sorts

    I just checked my zero balance card and they have added the $25.00 to it. I didn’t get an email nor a phone call telling me this. I just happen to check and it was on there. Not sure when this happened exactly but somewhere between my post above and now.
    Those who have sent their info to Jamie might want to check their cards. Good Luck!

  485. Francine, sorry to hear about the missing Papa John’s gift card! Maybe if you call MCR???

    1. BH46T656TLRV-3Pts
    2. BT9RFLNJKOWX-3Pts
    3. BBWFH7NNJ6T7-3Pts
    4. B6B4J5TLMOLK-3Pts
    5. B6TFONBKJLKX-3Pts
    6. BNO9NV9JPHJA-3Pts
    7. B6PWANFRL6KJ-3Pts
    8. BWA456XO5OTK-3Pts
    9. B5LXRRXKXVO6-3Pts
    10. RMLKH5R95T9A-3Pts
    11. R99OVXK96LVV-3Pts
    12. RMJMOJ6R79KF-3Pts
    13. RABPAJLVT6MM-3Pts
    14. RRA6L6A7MJPM-3Pts
    15. RKB9BFPJFBB5-3Pts
    16. RNK694KBALH7-3Pts
    17. RV76HRX5R975-3Pts
    18. RLA5KWJAFXJF-10Pts

  486. vvhitekid2’s codes RNBM.

    Thank you for not just giving us this site but also being generous with your codes!

  487. Here’s an update on my son’s non-reloadable edo card that arrived with a $0 balance…I called the 877-340-0036 number today and spoke to Jamie. She said that they were having the same problem with this card and about 20 other cards. They are stuck in a “fulfillment in progress” stage that should only have taken a few seconds and now that they have identified the problem they need to figure out how to fix it.

    Very frustrating since this card was received about 2 months ago and my first call about the problem was made on May 7 to the card services number (888-215-6759). Jamie has been working on the problem since May 18 and they have only yet identified the problem but not fixed it?

    Oh well, again, I have to remind myself that this is something that we got for free and that the money has really helped get through some tough times. Although the frustration with this one card has been difficult, between me, my Mom and 2 kids we have won 20 cash cards and 3 sets of movie passes and that’s just from the mycoke site….add in the Six Flags tickets this year and 2 Six Flags 4-packs last year and the $100 from the Sprite contest….plus all of the free coupons for 20 oz coke and the waffle iron from the coke points. OK, sorry…I was just trying to count my blessings and get off of the negative of what wasn’t working with the promotion.

    Thank you Francine for keeping on top of the edo card problems and keeping everyone updated on it.

  488. Thanks Li for the Info on the edo cards.. And Sorry for the incorrect code.

    5ra9hvl7of6n- try this one

  489. Wow ! It has Been a Long time since we heard from Nick also ! So we hear from 2 old friends this week !
    Hi Guys ! Good to hear from you again ! Welcome Back !

    They added the money on 6/15 to hubbys edo card from his win on 5/27 – we are using it to pay our DishNetwork bill online . We only have the One from our Son’s from 5/27 that we are still waiting for … Time to Win Again ! Keep us posted on anyone who had a Zero Balance that has checked and had the funds added since reporting it to Jaime @ edo 6ltbfaknjpnx

  490. A while back, i told my story of how i got disqualified for my $20 cash card. Thanks to the helpful information on this site, i was able to call coke, where i was given an email adress to send my problem to (the eprize customer service one) and i sent the info for my problem there. I was told that i would receive a response in no more than three business days. Today, nearly two WEEKS later, i received a response. The email read:


    thank you for your patience as we looked into your issue. You will be receiving both of your cash cards and we apologize for the confusion.Please give our teams some time to get the winning cards to you.If you
    have any other questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us as wewill be glad to assist you.

    ePrize Customer Service

    Now, I have to say i am a bit surprized with this whole ordeal. I only won one edo card that i was disqualified for. and in the email above, it states that i will be receiving TWO cards!! I am happy that i will at least be receiving one card, and crossing my fingers for another. For all of you who are having disqualification issues, keep your hopes!! i hope that every one of your issues is resolved like mine. As always, thank you whitekid2 for this site, and even though i have never gotten a code from this site before after bein on here for two years, a big thanks to Darrel, Francine, Robert, and everyone else who contributes codes (and valuable information) to this site. Here is a 3 pointer for the first to get it. As always, please post when redeemed.



  491. Hi friends and neighbors. I trust all are well and having a productive week. Just thought I would jump in and deposit a few codes for you fine people.


    Have a great day everyone!

  492. So sorry about the misprint on code #5 Jen. And now there is no way you can get it unless you were extremely lucky. But that code is; FKM4XFLRKV60. And here are a few more to go with it.


    Have a pleasant evening.

  493. THANKS DARRELL ! I Just redeemed ALL the codes except #6 Not ent.Correctly …THANK YOU !!! {{{HUG}}}

  494. All of Darrell’s codes in 699 RNBM. One minute makes a difference. Thanks for sharing though!!

  495. Here are a few more codes….

    1. A69AOHJ5VP9W-3Pts
    2. NWNFH4HF494M-3Pts
    3. OB95KVAHJ447-3Pts
    5. PT99RKT7WBJ5-3Pts
    6. PRT5NBK9PHFJ-3Pts
    7. R4PXFNO4BPJ5-3Pts
    8. RAJ4TN69NTNT-3Pts
    9. RNJH475MKX7B-3Pts
    10. RA4MVVJNFLJX-3Pts
    11. R4HOP46BBLHO-3Pts
    12. 4TPBXOXJJ6VT-3Pts
    13. 5T74OFFXT9W7-3Pts
    14. 67HXTWOT6H6P-3Pts
    15. 6X7V9O9LTONP-3Pts
    16. 7K67H4VA5NMB-3Pts
    17. 7FMKARMKWJFX-3Pts
    18. 9BA44OKV46RK-3Pts
    19. 9NLHXRXTHBBX-3Pts
    20. AKNWFWR9OJAT-10Pts
    21. OLXP747NFFT4-20Pts

  496. katies codes rnbm i was sooooooo close because i was like contstantly refreshing the page oh well

  497. Robert’s codes RBM. Thank you so much Robert! First time I’ve gotten any codes from this site!

  498. All of Robert’s and Katie’s codes already Redeemed -NBM
    THANKS for your Generosity 🙂

  499. All codes from 705, 706, and 707 are RNBM. Thanks for sharing though! Have a super weekend all.

  500. Stay tuned. Tomorrow is a big day for code donating. So check in often, codes will be appearing. Have a wonderful evening.

  501. I wonder what changes MCR is making for July? Maybe they will start letting us enter more than 120 points per week?

    1. 4BXPKV9LWBLR-3Pts
    2. 5LVJ9BM9TBJV-3Pts
    3. 669LR6L7KLPA-3Pts
    4. 99W7M7T57MNP-3Pts
    5. AA647H9MTHFJ-3Pts
    6. B7M04VXBP04J-3Pts
    7. B6T099KBJ964-3Pts
    8. B4AXL95HJKWF-3Pts
    9. FR69KLBX40PJ-3Pts
    10. FXBNHF07JB4K-3Pts
    11. FA6FX6X7NNR4-3Pts
    12. FXHXRK6J6J76-3Pts
    13. NA6479AH9K74-3Pts
    14. P9RVFJL0KRKL-3Pts
    15. PF7BXVHRHTTJ-3Pts
    16. RN6J59FJA9JA-3Pts
    17. R0N64WH5FNX7-3Pts
    18. RRVV4P5B9F9B-3Pts
    19. TVBPHK0FP90F-3Pts
    20. TWOKK599MW6X-3Pts
    21. TOA9RMLJWWT9-10Pts
    22. 5TH55JOVNH6O-20Pts

  502. A fresh start to a new day.


    More to come later. Have a good one.

  503. Happy Father’s Day!

    1. NR5WKH4B4FPB-3Pts
    2. A5J69PATJBRN-3Pts
    3. 6PBBVJHN7H7H-3Pts
    4. TTJ5XW6W7VTF-3Pts
    5. 7PJRM9XMAVN7-3Pts
    6. BF796J4B9N4K-3Pts
    7. NNXOHT6VW9OW-3Pts
    8. O7APKM7MJRN5-3Pts
    9. 4KRKARRWTJJV-3Pts
    10. NHO57APH5HJ6-3Pts
    11. BF4OAXB69FKJ-3Pts
    12. 56XM5WVTTLLJ-3Pts
    13. NXAJPOT94FB7-3Pts
    14. BVJ6RT5RMLBT-3Pts
    15. PLKKRBOXBK7K-3Pts
    16. 4FLJ9VWM9NAK-3Pts
    17. 7JW6JTBRHM44-3Pts
    18. AO96B4OJT9FX-3Pts
    19. R4LMJBJP7W6M-3Pts
    20. 4X9NVWFPW6KL-3Pts
    21. BKJOWB9T4BH4-3Pts
    22. 6OXJOWWMPT5A-10Pts


    THANK YOU vvhitekid2 for the Gift you Sent me ! {{{HUG}}} That Was Very Nice of You ! I should be sending YOU a Gift …I ENJOY your Site Everyday …
    So I Owe the Thanks to YOU ! From ALL of Us !!!

    cokeheads codes RNBM and Darrell’s Codes Also RNBM- except #10 – Not entered Correctly THANKS anyway !

  505. roberts codes 1-7 redeemed by me THANK YOU ROBERT! and the rest all rnbm have a wonderful fathers day!

  506. Damn it! I hate when I enter these codes wrong. They just seem to run together at times. But I’ll try to get it to its intended party. And here’s more for all of you.


    That’s going to do it for us from here for now. All of you, have a great weekend. What is left.

  507. Well, looks like I just missed all of your codes Darrell. Thanks for posting so many. #19 RBM, all the rest, as of 5pm are RNBM and the only post to the effect is GreatOnes2K9’s. Thanks for the generosity.