I’ve been waiting for about a month for another deal on the T-Mobile MDA phone, and this is the best deal I’ve ever seen on it: Free After Rebate! The 1 year contract requirement (instead of the regular 2 years) makes this deal even sweeter. Details below the pic: T-Mobile MDA from letstalk.com I have… Continue reading T-Mobile MDA Cell Phone – Free After Rebate
Microsoft Streets and Trips 2006
About a month ago I purchased Microsoft Streets and Trips. This software included a GPS reciever! Very cool. Out of the box, I had a few installation problems, but after a few tries, I had it up and running just fine. The GPS locks on very fast. Much faster than my old Garmin. The talking… Continue reading Microsoft Streets and Trips 2006
Amazon Deals for June
Amazon Deals for June Here are the codes: $10 instantly off $29 on Lipton Tea — code Lipton06 $10 Instantly off $49 on HOOAH! Bars — code HOOAHBAR $10 instantly off $29 on Conair products — code 10CONAIR $10 instantly off $39 on Today products — code TODAYS06 $10 instant rebate on Lawry’s seasonings and… Continue reading Amazon Deals for June
Da Vinci Code Quest on Google – Final Puzzle Screenshots
Since nobody had any screen shots of puzzle #5 of the final round of the Da Vinci Quest on Google, I took some. If you win, I get half your winnings.
Lyrics: Ben Folds – Jesusland
Ben Folds Lyrics: Jesusland Take a walk Out the gate you go and never stop Past dollar stores and wig shops A quarter in a cup for every block And watch the buildings grow Smaller as you go Down the tracks Beautiful McMansions on a hill That overlook a highway With riverboat casinos and you… Continue reading Lyrics: Ben Folds – Jesusland
Over the Hedge Online Game Answers
I’ve been playing the online game for the upcoming movie “Over the Hedge” over at Hedge Games. Although this looks like a kids movie, the game is pretty tricky. I will post the answers here, as I complete them. Hope this helps someone win a laptop! 006 – Difficulty: Medium RJ’s Advanced Code Can you… Continue reading Over the Hedge Online Game Answers
Free MyCokeRewards Points
Here are some MyCokeRewards points up for grabs! I drink a lot of Coke, but don’t use the mycokerewards points, so I am going to start posting them here! I’ll start off with three: GTVG7 97V9Y Y6PRN 9GPP4 9LHBZ W6KML 7LGNH GYW4N T769H Please post a comment if you use them. First come first serve.… Continue reading Free MyCokeRewards Points
Da Vinci Code on Google – Day 24 ANSWERS
And the real answers to the 24th and final Da Vinci Quest are: 1) 2 2) so dark the con of man 3) madonna of the rocks Good luck!
Da Vinci Quest on Google – Day 24 – LEAKED QUESTIONS
There are rumors going around that someone decompiled the Flash animation for the puzzles, and these are the leaked questions and answers to the 24th and final Da Vinci Quest on Google. The video that will most likely be used today is the “Meet Sophia” video. We have used all the other videos except this… Continue reading Da Vinci Quest on Google – Day 24 – LEAKED QUESTIONS
Da Vinci Quest on Google – Day 23
I am stuck on Day 23 of the Da Vinci Quest on Google. After completing the puzzle, you are asked what city you are looking at. This one is easy: Paris! Now you need to find 9 symbols on the map. The symbols together outline a chalice, and the clue is this: You have found… Continue reading Da Vinci Quest on Google – Day 23