Scam Alert: 727-471-1418

Got a call from 727-471-1418 today on my unlisted VOIP number. They ask for banking account information. I start questioning them and they hang up. Seems like a massive scam. More numbers they use and some other victim reports can be found here:

Live calls from: 727-471-1400, 727-471-1401, 727-471-1402, 727-471-1403, 727-471-1404, 727-471-1405, 727-471-1406, 727-471-1407, 727-471-1408, 727-471-1409, 727-471-1410, 727-471-1410, 727-471-1411, 727-471-1412, 727-471-1413, 727-471-1414, 727-471-1415, 727-471-1416, 727-471-1417, 727-471-1418

Call-back numbers of: 877-247-0786, 800-853-9982, 800-432-6350, 866-545-5486, 888-612-2894

Names given: Agents Travel Network, Distinct Advantage, Freedom Gold, Capital Vacations, Florida Passport

Scam: They offer you a free vacation, but they need to confirm your checking account number bank routing number (these are the numbers on the bottom of your checks). Then they make unauthorized fraudulent debits from your checking account.


  1. I received a call from 727-471-1407 and of all things on my cell phone. Grrrr. It was listed under my “missed calls.” They did not leave a message, but definately a scam!

  2. I got a call from these bastards yesterday. I am one of the few who will openly admit to being stupid enough to give out his checking account number. I don’t know what I was thinking.

    As soon as the last number of my checking account number left my lips, I felt like a complete idiot and did a Google search on the names of the companies this woman claimed to be affiliated with: Distinct Advantage and Freedom Gold. The search results confirmed that I am a dipshit; and I hung up on her and immediately reported it to my bank. The woman’s phone number was 1-727-471-1408. This morning on my caller id is a similar number: 1-727-471-0400. Maybe they’re upset that I closed out the checking account yesterday. I do hope they reach me so I can take the opportunity to tell them to go fuck themselves.

  3. I can’t believe this has gone on so long with them being shut down. I was wondering if anyone was falling for it out there 🙂

    Good call notifying the bank though. Hopefully you did it in time.

  4. I recieved a call today form 727-471-1418 today. The guy told me he was calling fron Distinct Advantage, and they had recieved my number form my Bank and I as a preferred checking-account customer, I was to recieve free airline gift vouchers for a value of $400 ( valid for 1 year).

    He asked me the Bank I banked with … which raised question in my mind, as he had previously told me that he had recieved my number from the bank itself. He said it was only for verification and also wanted details of my bank location.

    Then he asked me to choose a password… as he would open an account for me. I asked why was this needed ? He told me that I would be recieving free advertised products at home which I can try and refer to my friends.On telling him that I did not want any such service, he said it was free and he has opened the account for me. Finally I was asked to verify my checking account number… he read out some digits.. I refused to give any further info as I smelled something fishy.

    Looks like these guys have a lot of information already… like phone nos, addresses.. pls be careful.

  5. I just recieved a call today form 727-471-1418. The lady told me she was calling becasue I had recieved a free airline gift vouchers for the value of $400 because I am a vauled customer. I sad, “Great!!…which of my banks is offering this to me?” She hung up.

  6. I got a call from727-471-1418. It was a scam. I think those pesky canadian scammers are at it again!

  7. I keep getting calls on my cell from 727-471-1416. I get hung up on as soon as I answer, no message. So i decided to do a search after this last call. Keeps happening. call call call, I get hung up on and no message left. Thanks for letting me know about this.


  8. wow! am i stupid? i received a call from 727-471-1414 saying that i won $400 worth of airline tickets. he says he was from Agent Travel Network. he told me like a bunch of my bank account numbers and asked for some more. so, being stupid, i did. what should i do? have i been scammed? and how loong before they can do anything with my account????

  9. Yeah, my cell got a call from 727-471-1407… Only I looked at the caller ID and refused to answer it. Didn’t recognize it, so why bother? They did not leave a message, either.

    I can’t believe you people!! Stop complaining – GET ACTIVE!! Got a gripe about telemarketers?? SCAM artists?? First, get your cell and landline phones registered on the “National Do Not Call Registry”…

    Then, after 31 days, you have the right to FILE A COMPLAINT against ANY annoying caller, SCAMMER or whatever…!! It’s easy and convenient – and this Registry DOES take your complaints seriously!! Put these creeps outta business, or at least cost THEM $$ in defending themselves!!

  10. My mother received 2 calls today from 1-727-471-1408 the first telling her that she would be rewarded with $100 gas cards for having a checking account in good standing and as soon as she questioned, how would you know it’s in good standing by using my account # he hung up. the second was similiar from the same # a woman called and started talking about the same thing.asking for a checking account number again to validate the checking account was in “good standing” it’s all BS.

  11. I had them call me too. I started asking questions like why do you need my bank name if you have it in front of you? And she’s like I need to confirm you are who you say you are, now can I have a password? And I was like well if you can’t be sure its me then how can you ask me for a password. And continuing with my drilling of other questions she said it seems like you dont understand what im saying ill call you back.

  12. These people call me cell phone up to 10 times a day. I don’t know where they got the number and what will make them stop.

  13. These fine folks or some close associates with a nearly identical line of BS also seem to be using the number 714-991-3651 (which is answered as “Vacation Giveways”) as a DID display #.

  14. They’ve been calling me the last two weeks (about three times a day) from a 727 number and never leaving a message. I finally picked up the phone last night because I figured it was a telemarketer and it was time to end things. I had a male tell me that I would get $500 and free travel points because I’ve kept my checking account open for so long. It would cost me nothing if only he could send me a packet in the mail. Whether or not I signed a membership with them I got to keep the prizes. At some point though, I would start being charged for my membership if i forgot to call and cancel.

    I didn’t understand how it would make sense to win “Checking account” prizes from someone other than my bank. He made it quite obvious he was not with the bank.

    He asked me what bank I belonged to and I told him. He couldn’t even pronounce it. It’s a three letter acronymn. Strange. Then he said he needed to verify some account information before sending out the packet in the mail. He asked for my checking account number. No legit company would ask you for that over the phone, maybe a credit card number, but not your direct checking account number. I pretended I didn’t know the number and told him I didn’t have it with me. At this point I know I need to get off the phone with him.

    Then he asked if I had a bank account statement, I told him I was driving in the car (which I actually was) and did not have that info. available. He then asks me if I had a voided check. He tried everything he could to make me tell him my bank account information. Sure let me give my checking account info to someone who can’t pronounce my name or my banks name.

    So after almost ten minutes of questioning, I for a second time tell him I’m going to hang up and to not call my phone ever again. I tell him if I change my mind (because he’s freaking out that I’m hanging up) that I have his phone number and will call him back.

    He tells me that I can’t call him back because the number he is calling from is in the Shipping Dept. and I might not get anyone when I call. WHAT?!?!?! What the hell is this guy talking about shipping dept. So I attempt to hang up again for the last time and ask, “What exactly is the name of your company?” He tells me Direct Advantage. I again say “Look buddy, if i’m interested I’ll go to your website and register”. He tells me he doesn’t know if they have a website, but he could find out. What legit employee doesn’t know if they have a company website or not?

    I finally hang up and tell him to remove me from the company’s calling list. Later last night I went to the .gov site that blocks telemarketers from calling your cell or home phone.

    If this story rings a bell with anyone reading this, you’ve been scammed, call your bank.

  15. They’ve been calling me the last two weeks (about three times a day) from a 727 number and never leaving a message. I finally picked up the phone last night because I figured it was a telemarketer and it was time to end things. I had a male tell me that I would get $500 and free travel points because I’ve kept my checking account open for so long. It would cost me nothing if only he could send me a packet in the mail. Whether or not I signed a membership with them I got to keep the prizes. At some point though, I would start being charged for my membership if i forgot to call and cancel.

    I didn’t understand how it would make sense to win “Checking account” prizes from someone other than my bank. He made it quite obvious he was not with the bank.

    He asked me what bank I belonged to and I told him. He couldn’t even pronounce it. It’s a three letter acronymn. Strange. Then he said he needed to verify some account information before sending out the packet in the mail. He asked for my checking account number. No legit company would ask you for that over the phone, maybe a credit card number, but not your direct checking account number. I pretended I didn’t know the number and told him I didn’t have it with me. At this point I know I need to get off the phone with him.

    Then he asked if I had a bank account statement, I told him I was driving in the car (which I actually was) and did not have that info. available. He then asks me if I had a voided check. He tried everything he could to make me tell him my bank account information. Sure let me give my checking account info to someone who can’t pronounce my name or my banks name.

    So after almost ten minutes of questioning this guy and not giving him any pull, I for a second time tell him I’m going to hang up and to not call my phone ever again. I tell him if I change my mind (because he’s freaking out that I’m hanging up) that I have his phone number and will call him back.

    He tells me that I can’t call him back because the number he is calling from is in the Shipping Dept. and I might not get anyone when I call. WHAT?!?!?! What the hell is this guy talking about shipping dept. So I attempt to hang up again for the last time and ask, “What exactly is the name of your company?” He tells me Direct Advantage. I again say “Look buddy, if i’m interested I’ll go to your website and register”. He tells me he doesn’t know if they have a website, but he can find out. What employee doesn’t know if they have a company website or not?

    I finally hang up and tell him to remove me from the company’s calling list. Later last night I went to the .gov site that blocks telemarketers from calling your cell or home phone.

    If this story rings a bell with anyone reading this, you’ve been scammed, call your bank.

  16. How neat to see how broad this scam is. I am a very sceptical person anyway, but she was offering me the free airline vouchers for me or for me to give away as well as $100 gas voucher, she just needed to confirm that I still have an active account with my bank. Upon questioning how that was relevant she said I was sent to them as a preferred customer from something I bought with a check probably but she couldnt tell me where. She actually read me my banking routing number for me to confirm. That is when I starting getting upset and asking why she had my account info. She said they just need me to read the next seven numbers on my check….HELLO, that is my account number and I am not about to give that to her. She explains by telling me that it just gives them a green light or red light on an active account so they can send me the free gifts, no purchase necessary. I told her to flag me with a red light, and I will live just fine without the gifts, she begged me, literally, but I was finally able to get her off the phone.
    I did call my bank and notify them, they had not heard of this particular scam yet, but they are going to put out a notice!
    I am in Alabama, and I am curious how wide spread this scam is.

  17. I got called one morning by 727-471-0400 and now have six missed calls from them because right when they said that the call was being recorded and then asked for my bank account info, i hung up. and they’ve been calling my cell phone.

  18. I’ve been receiving numbers from the 727 area cide fir weeks! 717-471-1407 about three times a day, from Agent Travel Network. I finally called them back last time to tell them to cut it out and the lady knew who I was when I called. I said that yes, my name was Jennifer and I asked her to stop calling. She said “I don’t call anyone, lady”…I told her that I’ve received a call from her company three to four times a day for the last two weeks and to stop calling and hung up…any ideas on how I can get them to stop? It’s SO annoying.

  19. Has anyone gotten unauthorized fraudulent charges on thier account? All I am reading is that is what they do, no one has said it has really happen to them. Nothing has happened to me yet.

  20. I kept getting calls from a 727-471-1407. Fianlly I picked up.. He said he was from “SOME travel agency.” He said I was a prefered customer.. I’m 17.. how the heck can I be a prefered customer.. I have a bank account but not a checkings so there is no way I used a check. This is def. a scam I hung up and googled the number to find a bunch on people with complaints….now I want him to call back so I can call him on his bull.

  21. I did get charges to my account from these people. I told them I didn’t want anything. My story is very similar to most of these complaints. The only difference is that they had ALL of my Bank information, and edited the recorded message. I listened to it, when I called them to dispute. They took $149.00 from my account. They called from one of the 727 phone numbers. That is how I found this page. I looked up this number. These people need to be stopped!

  22. I recieved a call last week from Florida Passport. They threw their pitch, and I told the lady that I didn’t want anything. She kept on and on, but she wouldn’t stop. She had my bank account number, routing number, name, phone number, and address. I asked her how she got that information, and she wouldn’t answer me. I kept asking, and she said that if I stay on the line, she would tell me. She threw the pitch again, and I kept refusing. She then hung up on me.
    On Feb. 3rd 2006 (my son’s birthday), I went online to check my bank account, and I was missing $149.00. I have not recieved anything in the mail from these people. Florida Passport wrote an elcetronic check without my permission. I called the phone number on the check, and they had a recording of me. The recording was made without my permission, and it was edited to sound like I actually gave them permission. My husband listened to it, and he couldn’t even understand this lady. He even said that I sounded like a robot. I was furious. When I finally did speak to someone there about it, they were rude with me, and refused to give me my money back. I told them that I have not recieved anything, and wanted to know what I supposedly paid for. I explained to her that I told the lady on the phone before that I didn’t want ANYTHING they had to offer, due to the fack that I am having a baby any minute. I don’t have a job, or the money to pay for anything extra. The lady had the nerve to ask me why I am such a dishonest person.
    I went into my banking center, and they saw the check online. Apparently, Florida Passport worte a fake electronic check. Electronic checks are supposed to look like debits, not an actual check. The bank explained to me that this check had the wrong number of digits for the check number. So, the bank gave me my money back and I was advised to close my checking account, and open a new one. I still bank with the same bank, just a different account.
    If this happens to you, you must take action with your bank within 60days. I did this as soon as possible. It really paid off. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me. I promise to answer back.

  23. I just got a call from 727-471-1408 today with the same scam that everyone else has received. I did not give them my account info, and just as others have said, she was BEGGING me to stay on the phone and “verify” my account info. I just notified my bank, and they said that as long as you don’t give out your account number, you should be safe. However, if something does debit that you didn’t authorize, you can fill out a form that get your money back. That makes me feel a little more safe! FYI: I’m in Florida, so this must be a pretty widespread thing!

  24. I just started a new home based business so when the lady called me from 727-471-1412 and said that I had made a purchase through one of heir affiliates and I was to recieve a travel voucher for $400.00. She said she needed to verify my bank info. Asked Name of Bank, Location, a password for their website(the town I was born in). Then SHE read ME my routing number. Next she asked me to read her my checking account number. But I did not so I hope I am safe.phew. that was a close call…something made me not tell her that. I started thinking that I have heard”a legitimet company will NEVER CALL YOU and ask for this info. She also gave me the red light green light story.

  25. I have been called by 727-471-1414 3 times a day for the past 5 days. I always miss the call. They never left a message so I Googled the number and found this place. I called them back and they started with the $400 plane ticket thing. I started to laugh at them and said let me guess, you need my bank info right. Before he could say anything I told him you are nothing but a scam and to lose my number. They called themselfs Travel Agents Direct, so add that name to the list.

  26. To add to my last post…

    I reversed the number and got:
    (727) 471-1414

    ITC is the phone company, but there is no customer info given. Definity shady.

  27. I have a daughter who is 18 and she just called me.  She told me that someone from phone number 727-471-1414 just called her on her cell phone and told her “that since she was in good standings with her bank she was eligable for a special offer and if she signed up she would receive a gift along with her promotion. The representative said that all they would need from her was her checking account number and she would not be billed. They said they would send her the gift and if she decided to decline the offer all she would have to do is call the number on the gift and cancel it.”

    Now I as a mom, that natural protecting mode kicked in. I got the number from my daughter and called it. I was on hold for more than 20 minutes (thinking to myself while waiting, that no one is going to pick up this call). No one ever did. I Googled the phone number and got this website…. “Thank You” I realized that my daughter had got scammed. This time I was able to prevent this company from taking what little hard earned money from her account because I IMMEDIATELY transferred her funds from the checking account that she gave them and put it into another account. She will be closing out that account today and reopening a new one. “I HATE SCAM ARTIST and people who take advantage of vulnerable people.


  28. Got the same call, gave the information for Florida passport deal. I was told I had three offers, all which would come in the mail and then i had a few days to consider them. After which they would automatically take money out of my account if I did not call and cancel withing a few days. I got all the info after the “few days” was up and the money was taken out. HOWEVER, I did call the 1-800 numbers, and you have to act like you are going to take the deal to get through to a human being (by hitting number two I believe) and they promised a refund within 6 weeks for the mistake. 6 weeks went by and no refund, made a second call to all businesses and after the next two weeks I DID GET MY MONEY BACK- just be very persistant!

  29. I just received a call from 727-471-1418 from Distinct Advantage. He said that for a good checking account that I was going to receive $100 Vouchers for gas and $300 for Airlines. In addition, I was able to join a exclusive shopping club which would save me much more. He first verified my name and address, i agreed. He then asked for a password and i was smart enough to not use a password that I would ever use on my computer or for an account or for anything. He gave me a password and then asked me to verify and spell my bank, i did cause that isnt too incriminating. He then asked me to get a voided check or statement so that I could verify that the information he has is correct. I objected, he was very clever and handled the objection and made me willing again, kind of. I told him I would verify the routing number, thats it. He told me he needed to verify my acct#, too. I told him no, he tried talking to me again, I stopped in mid sentence and said let me talk and I said Im done, I appreciate you calling me but I will not give out info over the phone. Should I still notify my bank?

  30. Phone Number (727) 471-1412 – Information Available:
    Name – Available

    Phone Company – Available

    Phone Location: SAINT PETERSBURG, FL
    Report includes matches for up-to-the-minute phone listing updates, unlisted, non-published, cellular, residential, business, pager, pay phones, and other phone types. Address will be listed in report when available.

    That’s what I’ve gotten based on the number lookup.

  31. I recieved the same call that all of you are talking about. I have reported this to the Federal Trade Commission but they will do nothing about individual circumstances however they will investigate if they have many similar complaints. If all of you who have this crap happen to you would please call the Federal Trade Commission and file a statement with them then they will begin investigating this fraudulent company.

  32. I had a number 727-471-1408 show up on my cell and i didnt recognize the number so i let a co-worker answer. The first thing they said is ” Who is this”? How are they going to call my number and ask me who am i! “Who were you calling?!” The woman, named Roalyn said that she will call me back later. I have not spoke with them yet, but its good to know in advance what to expect. Any suggestions on what i should say to them, besides cursing them out?

  33. I got a call on my cell phone this morning from 727-471-1407. I didn’t answer because I only give out my cell number to my close friends (even my bank doesn’t have it) and I noticed it was a long distance call (I’m in Maryland by the way). I Googled the number and – voila! I find it is indeed a scam. Now I get to think up all kinds of fun ways to mess with these guys if they call back:

    “Sorry, I’m already richer than God and couldn’t care less for your pocket change vouchers.”
    “Ah, I see….I see that you are in…Florida, yes, St. Petersburg. And you…want my banking information. Yes, not my routing number, you already have that, don’t you. No, you want my account number…”
    or even
    “Who uses banking accounts? I keep all my hundreds of thousands of dollars under my mattress :D”

    Haha, I almost hope they do call back.

  34. Grrrrrrrr!!! I keep on getting a call from 727-471-1413 on my cell phone! Gosh! these people never stop calling me, first they call me at least 3 timesevery freakin day, now once a day cause I never pick up there damn call. I’d register my cell on the do not call just a couple of days ago but they still keep on calling. Next time, Im sure gonna pick up there call and let them know ‘wassup’ im just so sick of them calling. Plus Im from Colorado and I’ve heard its wide spread. I hope they keep on calling …so i can sue them! hehehe

  35. I’ve been getting calls from 727-471-1407 on my cell phone for a few days now. I finally picked up today. As soon as the lady said something about a free $500 or something, I hung up.

  36. For about the past month or so, I keep getting calls from 727-471-1416 and my son (who is only 15) is getting the same calls, except he picks his up. They ask him for a checking account number and when he says he doesn’t have a checking account cuz he is only 15, they ask him to ask his parents if he could use their checking account. I just got another call today, on my cell, while I am at work. I average 1 call aday for the past month or so from these people.

  37. I’ve been recieving calls from 727 471-1416 for weeks now. I figured they were just another telemarketer so I never answered but today I figured I would answer so that they will stop calling. When I answered the phone I told the man that I was my ‘sister’ and that I was not home. He told me the call was pertaining to my checking account and that he needed to get ahold of me. I asked if there was a name and a call back number and he said NO. He then asked me if I happened to know the authorization numbers on the back of my ‘sister’s card. I told him No and he hung up. Is there any way I can get these people to stop calling me.

    I have been called twice in the past 2 days from 727-471-14707 on my cell phone. Next time they call i am going to bitch them out!

  39. These bastards are still at it. My roommate called the phone number back pretending to be me after the woman said she needed to verify my checking account info. The woman wouldn’t give us any information about herself and hung up on us after we told her we would return anything they sent in regards to free gasoline or airline tickets.

  40. wow, I can’t believe I almost fell for this trap. These guys called me solid for about a week from a few different 727 numbers and finally I actually answered from curiosity. after they gave me the same talk, I reluctantly gave them my bank name after they were rude and then realized that there was no way in hell this was a worthy company. still think it is weird how they had my address and cell number… i live in texas, so these guys have gotten this far around the US….when is it gonna stop!?

  41. These people called me and said very anti-Semitic things when I told them I was a rich Jew. I do not recommend these people.

  42. They call my cell at least 10 times a day. I have a strict policy of not answereing the phone unless I recognize the number. This is why.

  43. Much like Rick, I do not answer calls on my cell from numbers I do not recognize. I got one from the 1414 number and decided to do a google search, thinking it might be from some long lost freind in Florida. ‘Glad I found this site. It will be interesting to see if they call back, as I live in Seattle. I cannot imagine how they got my number…

  44. Hi, I’m gullible. Went through the whole deal with them. Upon receiving my package, I realized that the 7 day trial period had expired YESTERDAY. Imagine that. I called them about the issue and they told me that it was not their fault that the post office had screwed up and that I would be charged $149. I have notified my bank and I am going to contact them again regarding this problem. I have filed two complaints. One through the FTC and the other through the Florida Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services. I’m hoping someone takes these bastards out. Class-action anyone?

  45. I got a call at work from this 727 number telling me I was a valued customer and they seemed to have my address and routing number.I made the mistake of telling them my acct number.As soon as I hung up I realized how stupid I was and immidiately called my bank and reported it and had my account put on hold.Next morning I got a new one opened and transferred my funds there.I tried calling their number hoping to have them not send me any material but was told they dont have my record into their system yet and need to call in 72 hours.I am glad I googled and found out abt this scam before I got hit.
    Can anyone suggest if I need to do anything to get out of their useless offer?

  46. My phone calls started thiss week and will not end. They called me on my cell and told me for having a open bank account I was getting $400 in free airline coupons and $100 in free gas coupons and I didnt have to buy anything. They the gave me a password in case I needed to get a hold of them if my free gifts didnt come. They said the last ting they needed to do was verify that I had an open bank account so they needed my checking account and routing number. I told the lady I did not have them on me and she asked me why I did not have them memorized. She then told me that she could not send out my free gifts without them and she would call back at another time. She called back the next day and I hung up on her. After that I decided to Google it and found this website I was so furious I called the nimber back and told them I knew they were a scam and if they called me again I was calling the cops. The guy assured me they were not a scam and once again they called back.Now I do not anwser my phone but they are still really annoying isn’t there anything we can do to stop them. I called Attorney Generals Office and was told they are liscenced and are doing nothing wrong until they take money from you so there is nothing that can be done… How is there nothing that can be done? That anwser just is not good enough for me!

  47. I got a call from 727-471-1408 the other day. They asked for an “Ear (my last name).” My father’s name is not Ear, it is Earl. When i said that EARL is not home, they asked if I had his account info. I had read these complaints only a few days before, so I called them on their bullshit. I live in Vermont, and from what I’ve read, this is an INTENSELY wide spread problem. I told my father to call his bank and inform them of the problem, just in case. someone better get crackin’ and rid us of the problem

  48. I received a call from this company today, so they are still operating. I did not give them any information, but I was so aghast at what they were doing, I contacted the Florida Attorney General’s office and also filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. I’d suggest anyone else who has been called by these people and who has an extra five minutes do the same. The more complaints, the more likely someone will pay attention. It troubles me that they’ve been operating in MY state for at least 6 months now…

  49. I got the call from 727 683-1125 Distinct Advantage is what they are going by now. Same kinda scam is being used, they get you comfortable with sharing usless info to get what they are really after, your bank acct number. I saw right through their scam right away and didn’t confirm anything with them. As a matter of fact every free minute I get I call them just to take up as much of their time as I can. In a business like that time is money.

    Also I filled a complaint with the Florida attorney generals office and the federal trade commission. I suggest everyone who is contacted by these scum bags do the same.

  50. I got a call from 727-683-1118 and 727-683-1124 and i made the stupid mistake of actually giving them my account number. i hung up on them when i realized what i had done and they called back three more times, but i didn’t answer. i called my back but they said i can either close my account or to a stop payment where some interactions won’t go through but some might. does anyone know the best way for me to handle this? please help!!!

  51. Here’s an update from the Florida Attorney Generals office. I received this e-mail from them this morning

    Attorney General Charlie Crist’s Office is in receipt of your correspondence regarding FTN Promotions/Distinct Advantage/Freedom Gold.
    We are currently investigating the business practices of this company and will contact you should we need additional information.

    Thank you for bringing this to the attention of Attorney General Charlie Crist’s office.

    John MacGregor
    Senior Assistant Attorney General

  52. I have been harassed by these people for days!

    I recently obtained a new job in sales, and my salary has been paid to me on a debit card rather than a check. That was about a month ago. Recently I have been contacted FOUR times by the above number, with details below:

    1st Time: They told me they were with my bank, and I had $500 that was not deposited into my account (with never existed.) I tried to play along — they first asked me for my favorite color and name, so I told them. I was suspicious and asked why they needed my name if they were with the bank, and they responded with “For security purposes.” Although, I knew it was a scam after they slipped and asked “What bank did you open your account with?” “I thought you were with my bank,” I replied, and at that point, she hung up immediately.

    2nd Time: They called me back three days later, like nothing ever happened. When they asked for my name, I informed them that I know their call is a scam, and she hung up quickly again.

    3rd Time: About twenty hours later, the number called me back, and as soon as I picked up the phone to say “Hello?”, she hung up.

    4th Time: About only thirty minutes later, she called one last time. This time, I picked up, but didn’t say anything, but I could here her breathing heavily, and what sounded like a television. She hung up again, and I proceeded to block their number from the cell phone’s directory.

    It’s also to note that I am a computer programmer, and have knowledge of most electronics. Knowing this, I noticed that the background noises in all three calls (except for third, where it was silent) looped about every minute and a half, which was easy to hear in the first and second call, indicating that it was a poor attempt at playing a tape over and over to make it sound like she was actually at an office.

    That’s all for now, she has not tried to call back since.

  53. These people just called me today. I had no clue what was going on. After I hung up, I immediatly called my bank and cancelled all my accounts. Do these people affect Credit Cards at all? Any ways I feel like a jerk, I never thought this would happen to me. As I am only 22 years old. I definetly learned my lesson. It did sound too good to be true. My dad called them back and had a shit fit with them on the phone. Then like usual they hung up! Why do people have to do this?

  54. yea i got a call from 727-683-1124 at 9:30am and didn’t answer cause i was at the doctor but since i didn’t know the number i was like well i might as well google it and see what comes up… its now 11:30am and all i have to say is thanks for posting this you coulda saved me a bunch of money thanks guys lol……

  55. me too. i got the call. i did not give them anything.

    once they ask you your bank name and city they tell you your routing number. THE ROUTING NUMBERS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET ANYWAYS. its the checking account numbers that they need.

    what a scam. gotta say, these guys sound persistant. sadly, persistance pays off for them.

  56. I have been receiving calls from this number several times a day. my wife answered on one call and ther wanted her to give them my social and my bank account info. she never did. i just stopped answering the phone

  57. I got a call today from Distinct Advantage, 727-683-1124, they offered all the same BS as I have read here. I hung up when she wanted the name of my bank.
    For all of you that are amazed that they know your routing #, don’t be. Bank routing #’s are by REGION, ALL BANKS in the same region have identical routing #’s. that’s how they scam you, you think because they know your routing # that they are legit. Report them to the state Atty General;s office, you can google your state’s Atty Generals office and file a complaint.

  58. I got a call from 727-683-1126 this morning… Its the 5 or 6 call I’ve gotten in the last week. How can I get rid of them?

  59. yea so i got a few calls from 727-683-1126, one yesterday, two today.. so i called back to see who it was only after looking up the number on good to find this site, i wasnt sure if this site was still active or not.. so like i said i called the number.. sure enough same offers mentioned by everyone on here, free gas and airline money but i said no thanks and hung up right away, if they call back im just going to threaten to sue them haha maybe that will make them nervous?

  60. Same story as most of you all – although I did give them my city / state and bank (I know I feel really stupid!) but hung up when they asked for account number. Here is my question: Since this happened tonight is there a way for me to set up a trace so that if I call them back the police can get a location and arrest these guys?

  61. Melissa, just be sure to grab the caller ID value when they call back. I would also suggest printing off and showing them this page with all the comments.

    You might have better luck with your state’s attorney generals office. Send them a link to this page. We need to make all the state departments aware of this scam.


  63. I just got off the phone with those Bums! They called me saying similar things about the airline tickets and so forth, but they asked me for the city I was Born in. Now my concern is that some internet sites used that info along with your address to confirm certain things. Any way when he aksed me for that the red Flag went up. Then he read me a bunch of routing numbers, all were wrong. So after that I kept asking him questions. He said he was with Dintinct Advantage located in Clearwater Fl. They are now using the number 727-683-1138
    Be careful People

  64. I got a phone call from “John” at 8PM from “Distinct Advantage” (503-426-3110) wanting to give me gas vouchers for being such a wonderful customer from my bank. BS! First my bank has never authorized anything like that before, the numbers he had was wrong, and the state he had me listed in was wrong. So, they are pr*cks trying to weasel information out of people who are usually helpful. I told him I wasn’t comfortable giving out information on the phone and said that scam artists should spend the rest of their lives in jail. I hope they call again. Notify your bank immediatly so that its security services can begin looking into it. I hate the fact that its people like that who make me trust people less and make me waste my time. If you are in the MILITARY ask your soldiers if they have had the same type calls and remind them NEVER to give out any information like that. Its sad AMERICANS are taking advantage of soldiers trying to protect this country. I will be more than willing to participate in any investigation concerning these scum bags.
    In response to other posts, I am glad everyone is keeping track of the phone numbers and specifics concerning the resons for calling. Also, the “company” should be helpful as well. If we have a trail of information hopefully those who take these dirtbags to court will have plenty of information to send the whole crew to an extended stay at the “20 to life” hotel.

  65. 727-683-1126 has been calling my cell several times a day. I’m glad Google exists.

  66. Got call today that was too good to be true “because of my checking account” That was the 1st red flag. Went on to tell me about gas vouchers and something else that I didn’t have to return even if I didn’t want it. 727-683-1124 is the # I called it back and it gave me a number of options – one is if I’m not interested in any other offers press 3. I absolutely am not interested in any offers. When they called and asked me to verify info I said right off the bat if you want me to verify my checking account # no thanks you and remove my name from your call list. Doesn’t the law ever look into these scamers????

  67. Got two calls today. Called back and I don’t believe this is a scam. While, maybe just a scam to get you to purchase vacations and other incentive programs.
    Question? Has anyone here played a thing like a “register to win” game at their local mall or sporting event. Read the fine print, you give these a-holes the right to contact you by giving out your phone number. Call them back and follow the instruction on the phone and get your number off their database.
    Be cautious every time you give out your number over the Internet. But don’t worry to much about this because it’s not a scam to get your banking info.

  68. I too like everyone else have been scammed. My wife sent an overnite letter to Distinct Advantage for a refund and to cancel this account, they told her that the letter has not been received. We know that they received it because DHL has a tracking number associated with it and she has the name of the person that signed for it. After giving us the run arounds my wife looked on the internet and found out that this was a scam so she went directly to the bank and closed out our account. Please, if you know of anyone who is thinking about Distinct Advantage or Freedom Gold tell them the truth about these companies.

  69. FYI… My wife got a call tonight and I took over about 2 mins into hearing what she was saying. I kept this woman on the phone for 11 minutes, I think she went through her schpiel 6 times by then… she kept insisiting that she could not hang up on me until I said yes to receiving their material or she would get fired… I told her fine, I have a cell plan with unlimited minutes and a full battery. I had just turned my digital cable to the all Metal music channel and was about to put down the phone and walk away, when I heard a 2nd muffled voice come on the line and told her to drop the call. At which point she told me to “have a nice day” and hung up.

  70. I’ve been getting these calls for the last two months. Same story as everyone else’s. I’m in the Marine Corps and i think they mostly deal with these banks that the military offers for some reason. two of my friends got the same calls and offers. one of them hasn’t purchased andything in over a year because he’s been in Iraq and when he answered the phone they thanked him for a recent purchase using his checking account. he told them he better call his bank and see why something was purchased with his account. they then changed the story and said that it was because of him having a checking account for so long. it’s def a scam and be careful and if you research this after you made the mistake call your bank and close that account out and open another its quick and easy so thats your best bet. thanks to everyone that helpped and posted something.

  71. Same thing for me. 727-683-1126. I have never answered, but I’m glad I found all of this info on this site, so I can avoid them. Thanks.

  72. 503-426-3110
    This number came across my cell phone today. I google the number and it brought me here. Guess they are still out there scamming!!

  73. OMG! They called me from 727 683 1124 and claimed the same things as above yesterday as I was walking to work! The claimed to have gotten my name from my bank and asked for my account info I told them I would not give it to them because just last week I got scammed by a company claiming to distribute grants to students which I fell for and now I am under investigation so I told her why do you need my account info to send me prizes! She too said she was in the shipping dept! And she actually started getting mad at me because I said no! I was like I would like to decline the offer and she is like well fine loose 500 dollars worth of gifts! I CANT BELIEVE THIS! How do they get our numbers?

  74. Got a call from 727-683-1126 today.. hmmm I had a bad connection so they hung up. They asked for Trish?? looks like I get to have some fun the next time they call :p


  75. LISTEN UP PEOPLE!!! Dont believe anything these people say to u! The 727 numbers are a scam. The number they called me from was 727 683 1118. They asked me to varify my bank information and that i would be recieving free airline tickets and a bunch of vouchers totalling 400 dollars. Do not give out any info. My bank advised me to close my account before they take out any money because they could do so with just my routing number. i had to open a new account just because of this crap. I hope my information was useful to. Please be careful and dont give out any information over the phone!

  76. My mother got a call this morning from these people 727-683-1125…they didn’t know I had gotten married and hadn’t used my maiden name in years..This is what alerted her.They told her she could use the gas rewards if she was over 18 and had a bank account.THEY DON’T KNOW MY MOM..HEHE she will give them the run around and they won’t want to call her back..Glad I have a computer to check these things out!!!

    And I put us all on the NO CALL LIST!!

  77. These people have been calling us for weeks and I’ve never picked up the call until this morning. God forbid, I actually slept in and woke up to these people calling my phone! Answered it in my sleep induced haze and was actually awake enough to hear the SCAM going on over the phone.727-683-1138, the woman was from Distinct Advantage and said I had a checking account in good standing. I told her that was nice to know and then she told me that she had $100 in gas vouchers for me if I could verify my checking account info. When I told her I don’t give that out over the phone she then tried to keep me on the line with some other lines and I just hung up on her. Then I went and checked the number and found this site. Thank you so much for this site. Now I can give all the info to my bank and let them know this is a scam as well.

  78. Received call from 727-683-1126 where I work at a law firm! I didn’t answer and they left no message. Why aren’t these people being stopped. I have warned my family and we are also on the “no call” list.

  79. I’ve been getting calls in Boise, ID for days now! Over a week. Argh! At least 3 a day, sometimes more. I figured out real quick on the first call that it must be a scam with them asking for info I wouldn’t give my best friend! They keep calling but they hang up quick now. I see the 727 prefix and I just start saying, NO! Don’t call here again! etc. But they keep calling. Phone is registered as a do not call but I’ve been told that takes 30 days or so to kick in. Sheesh.

  80. I just got this same call. What they are doing is asking where you opened your checking account and what bank you are with. Once they know this they can read you your Routing # in the hopes that you don’t know any better and will finish off the #s… which is your particular account #!
    HUGE SCAM!!! Never give out personal information!!

  81. I am glad I saw this site, I was tempted to call it back on my phone. I dont answer my old number, which is the one that they keep calling on, I hope they dont decide to keep calling my new one, that would be annoying. I come home and see 3 missed calls pretty much every day saying 727-683-1126 over and over, its ANNOYING!! Can’t these people find real jobs???

  82. My story is exactly the same. I got several calls sometimes early in the morning waking me up. I also got very skeptical when asked for my account number. Little did they know my mother is a corporate manager for one of the biggest banks in the nation. She told me that anyone can get your routing number, and that thousands of people have the same routing number. They ask you what bank and where you opened the account. This is all they need to get your routing number. They are hoping that you are gullible enough to make you think that they already have your account number and that you just need to “verify” it. When they have it, they can start making unauthorized purchases. Any who I closed my account and opened a new one just to be safe. But anyway that is how they get your routing number. Just use good common sense.

  83. I kepp getting calls from 737-683-1138 claiming to be a travel place wantign to give me a free vacation. I have told them to take me off their list Im not interested and they still keep calling. I had recently signed up for a Publisher Clearing House entry online and have been bombed with all kinds of calls from Florida and Canada. Beware they are trying to get your Bank account info……DONT do it they are all scams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can go to to list your # on a list to not be called anymore and it the persist after 30 days you can report them and file a complaint.

  84. 503-426-3110 is now a mortgage refinance automated message that has been calling my direct number at work. Yikes! I called the number back and the message said that you could enter you number into their “do not call” list but it makes me wonder if that isn’t just phishing for real numbers to create a list that they’ll sell to other scammers. Double Yikes!

  85. These low life pieces of shit just called me. I’m usually pretty gullible but I’m learning quick, and fortunatly did not give out my info. You cant trust anybody!!! The quality of people in this world is going downhill fast!!

  86. I got a call from 503-426-3110. I have actually received several calls from them regarding my real estate. Unfortunately I do not own any real estate so I knew it was a fradulent call. Another annoying aspect is that they are calling my cell phone!!! so if anyone gets a call from this number, do not pick up! Do not waste your time or minutes.

  87. I have been called by a company at 727 683 1138. They also claimed that I won a 100 dollar gas card. voucher etc. I feel this is a scam. please advise. Thanks!

  88. i got a call from 727-683-1124 they said the company was distinct advantage. it was very well rehersed so be careful.She told me that i won 100 in gas and airline voucher ect. they asked me who i bank with then gave me a set of numbers that were supposed to be on my check which were bogus thats where i caught them they expected me to give them my numbers to verify the correct ones. when i told them i dont have any checks she asked me if i have a credit card or anything with an account number that she could verify. i told her no and she hung up on me.

  89. I get a call every day on my cell from 503-426-3110 and the like. I do not recognize the number, I do not answer. I check on these sites and then set the number id as “phone scam” on my cell. It makes it easier to decide to answer or not when you open the phone.

    We should all get out our stamps and actually write to our Congressmen and Senators. It is one little thing that is actually still noticed in D.C. Get the numbers together, say how much time and suffering from worry these people are causing and end the letter with the following lines.

    I feel terrorized in my own home. Please help.

    The war on terror needs to be fought at home as well as abroad. Al Quida can’t really get to be directly, but phone scammers threaten my peace of mind and hard earned money every time I answer an unknown call.

  90. I got 2 calls from these scums yesturday!! the first time they asked for me and i asked who was calling, he was pushy and asked for me again, i think said this is her daughter( meanwhile my daughter is 19 months), he said that wont work i need ur mother. and click the phone was dead. about 8 last night the phone rang again, she said i won $100 in free gas and $400 in airline tickets,i was like LOOK im NOT giving u my bank info.she was like i already have it, i said ok what is it then..she said i cant give u that info. shes like u have to verify it i said i have to tell u my info so u can verify if its me, if u have it u dont need me then do u.i said ur a scam u want me to tell u my info so u can steal my not that stupid, i might have been born at night but not last night. she laughed, ” we’ve been in bussiness 35years is that from scamming people” i said i dont give a d**m how long u have been in business im not giving u any info. she said i won this because i have had good standing with my checking account..and this is sad but my 2 checking accounts are negative now due to a move and change of jobs, yet!!!! im in good standing..HAHAHAHAHAHA funny! then my husband called back the 1-800 number that she said about 50000 million miles a minute. and asked for a manager AND GUESS WHAT apparently the manager doesnt have a phone or a number….right!!!!!! my husband told him to go about his useless life stealing money, and told him to “have a nice day” and hung up. DO NOT GIVE THEM INFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE A SCAM, AND WATCH UR ACCOUNTS AND REPORT ANY FRAUD ACTIVITY. SCREW WITH THEM TOO ITS FUN…THEY GET PISSED..AND THERE IS ANOTHER PERSON ON THE PHONE WHEN THEY CALL, ” THE MANAGER I GUESS” BE CAREFUL….HOPE THIS SAVED SOMEONES ACCOUNT…

  91. I just got a “missed call” on my cell phone with the 727-683-1126 number — it rang 1x and hung up. I don’t answer quick enuf I guess. I’ve had other calls from 727 numbers that I have found to be scams both on my cell and on my unlisted VoIP — thanks for both the internet and this site. I appreciate all the posts.

  92. Yeah these freakin cunt whores wont stop calling. They have been calling since we got this phone number a month ago and just hang up when i pick up. Can’t there be a harrasment case aginst them? They have called over 15 times and never once have they said anything, they just hang up. Can’t this be reported to the police or someone, i don’t know.

  93. These same people have been calling my home as well with their aggravating lies! Thanks to your site, people are being forewarned!!! I called the 727-683-1126 number and was connected to an automated service which offered me the choice of having my name and phone number removed from their database (choice # 3). My number is supposed to be removed from their system within 24 hrs – won’t THAT be great?! Will see if it happens… Planning to have LOADS of fun with them if they call again!

  94. I just got a call from these fukkers this morning. I didn’t fall for his talk that “if the account number was secretive, the bank wouldn’t print it on your checks”. LOL – what a crock! Anyways, I notified my bank in case they have other customers who get scammed. I also tried calling back this number and someone actually answered, so if you need to contact them or just want to bitch them out, here you go…727-683-1138. Glad all this info was online so I could “verify” that this is a total scam.

  95. I’ve been getting calls from 727-683-1126. They are showing up on my cell as “Data Calls”. Now, I don’t know what a data call is so I don’t answer them. On a whim, I decided to google the number this morning and found this VERY INFORMATIVE website. I deceided to call them back and get my number removed (which is legal). I got right thru to a human and she answered “Distinct Advantage this is so and so”. I immediately knew it was a scam so I told her my number and didn’t even give her a chance to give her pitch. I told her “I know this is a scam! I didn’t know how they got my number, but I want it removed from your list. Do you understand?” She replied “Yes” and then I hung up on her. I highly suggest that, unless you know someone in the 727 area code, DO NOT ANSWER THESE CALLS!

  96. I received the same kind of call today and was asked to set up a password and give out my bank info. I didn’t give them and they hung up. So if anyone gets that call, NEVER EVER SPEAK TO THAT SCAM, JUST HANG UP.

  97. I received a call today from 727-683-1138. Distinct Advantage.. Same crap pitch, free gas, travel etc. They had our address and wanted to confirm bank acct info. I told them to piss off and they hung up. Getting a call from these asswipes is a distinct disadvantage.


  98. I got a call from 727-683-1138 today, and when the man on the other end said for having a checking account in good standing I had won $400 in gas cards, or whatever, and asked what bank I used, I told him “I don’t give my financial information over the phone.” he hung up.

  99. I received 2 calls from 727-683-1138 today. I missed them both, so I called back. When someone answered, they know I’m calling because she said “Hi Lisa!” I was like um hello. Same story as above. I had won some free vouchers for gas and airline tickets and they verified my address and said they have some of my bank info but will need me to verify my routing number. I first asked her, “Wait, I’d like to know why a message wasn’t left earlier when you called earlier and I didnt answer.” The stupid biitch replied with “ah hehe, um…i dont know i’m new here.” Then i said “ha, we’re all “new” aren’t we. Can you please ask your manager?” and she said, sure hold on. She put me on hold for about a minute, came back on and said, well my manager said it’s against company policy. And I said its against your company’s policy to make a business call and not leave messages?? Then I said, How much is your boss paying you to scam people? don’t you people have anything better to do? And she said wow lisa you’re being so nasty to me and it’s my first day here blah blah blah. I honestly do hope they’ll call me tomorrow so I can mess with the next idiot that tries to scam me. hahahehehoho.

  100. I got yet another call from these idiots this morning (727) 683-1126. I’ve been on the do not call list for some time now, so I decided to file a complaint. I strongly urge all of you to register your phone numbers and start filing complaints so these people can get shut down.

  101. The number 727 683 1119 has called my place of business (home office) 3 times a day for the past two weeks. I don’t answer it- I know it’s a scam. I returned the call to them and got immediately HUNG UP ON.

    Anyway- they’ve changed their number.

    Suggestion: Tell them to you have to take another call but call you back on your local SHERIFF’S phone number. See if that scares them.

  102. Ok, I had a bit of fun with the 727’s about a month and a half ago. Somehow they got ahold of my work cell phone # and I was getting about 20 calls a day! I tried to have it blocked, but the phone company couldn’t do it. I answered a few of them, they were calling as a collection agency on behalf of Levitz Furniture or some crap. Saying that my account was seriously delinquent, and they were needing payment commitments from me. I stumped them when I told him that I didn’t plan on paying. Why, he said. Oh, I just don’t feel like it. He got really upset. Had him going for 5 minutes at least. Told me he would be calling me the next day to set up a payment plan. I encouraged him to call as often as he likes, and that one of these times he may get lucky and I’ll give in. I NEVER got another call from them on that phone. Yesterday and today I got calls on my home line from the bastards. Hung up both times. Took twice to strike my memory. PLEASE BEWARE, but have some fun with them if you like.

  103. I got a call on Friday (from # 727-683-1138) where they (Distinct Advantage) told me they were sending me a free gas card and were going to save me money on such and such. I played along until they started asking for bank account numbers, routing numbers for my checking account and so fourth. I told him I didnt have that stuff with me and he said that he would call me back another time when I might have that stuff available. He called me the next day (Saturday) but I did not answer the phone. I am going to call my bank and inform them of the situation.

  104. Wow…I can’t believe how big this is! I’ve been getting calls from these people for a week now, at least 2 times a day. Finally I answered a few nights ago and they asked for my husband, saying it was about his checking account. I had seen similar numbers on my ID the whole week, so I warned my husband about it. The guy started describing the prizes and such, and my husband told him he wasn’t stupid, and hung up. I thought it was over and done. Then I got a call one morning a couple days later from an almost identical number. I didn’t get to the phone in time (#727-683-1125). I got curious and looked up the phone number online – and found all sorts of information on the scamming. We just got a new phone number, so we haven’t been on the do not call list for 31 days yet – how annoying.

  105. Today I recieved a phone call from 727-683-1126. The man “Jamall Stevenson” told me I won 100 dollars in gas and 400 dollars for a travel voucher. I played along knowing this was a scam, but the guy asked me to choose a password. He told me most people choose their favorite color as their password so I chose “blue” lol. Anyways, I hung up and had my mother call back. I’m too young to even have a checking account. My mother yelled at them saying how what they are doing is crazy and what not and how this a scam, and the guy said, “scam spam ham!” Haha wtf!? Anyways. Don’t give out your info 🙂 it’s a scam.

  106. I agree 727-683-1138 this guy called trying to talk to Steven my 1 year old son, when I told him who he was looking for and that I was his father “Can I help you with something” He slammed his phone down HARD before hanging up.

  107. These people have been calling me too..I don’t think anything is going to make them go away quick, seeing as its been going on for a couple months now, but I sent out an email to all my friends to remind them how easy it is to fall for scams like this! I think the best thing to fight people like this is to tell everyone you know to be on guard at all times and encourage people to put their numbers on the Do Not Call list! Contacting your bank does not hurt either – its their job to protect their customers!

    By the way, I’m from Michigan, and I’ve only had a checking acct for a few years now (I’m 20). Seeing as I just bounced 2 checks in the past week, I don’t see how my account is in “good standing” but hey- I guess they’ll try anything to get your money!


  108. Been getting calls from this number over the past few days at work, but they left no voicemail. And i couldnt answer the phone each time because i was with clients. I wanted to know who it was, so i looked up the number through google, to make sure it wasnt like a creditor or someone i didnt want to talk with lol. Found this page and saw all the posts. Called the number and got a “Fizora??” I think is what she said her name was, with Distinct Advantage. Told her I wanted to put my balls in their face. She just sat there, so i told her never to call my number again, and then she asked for my social so they could take me off their list. “HAHA” I said, and once again told her what i wanted to put in her face, and hung up. YAY, so much fun!!

  109. I got two calls yesterday and one call today, which I anwered, from 727-683-1126. The man that was on the line said he was with Preferred Advatage (a new name it looks like). The first thing they asked was if I was over 18. Second, they wanted to confirm my address, the funny thing was they didn’t have the unit number of my townhouse. They told me that I was going to receive a $400 airline voucher and a $100 gasoline voucher, but they needed the name of my bank. I told them I don’t give out that information over the phone. I was then told that I give that information to strangers all of the time when I write a check. I stood fast and finally said that I was not interested and hung up. They called on my cell phone, a number I rarely give to anyone and that is on the No-Call-List. Please don’t fall for this time of scam.

  110. So just like everyone else the boogieman keeps calling me and wanting my info. I might have a very helpful discovery for everyone. The phone number and address that they had for me is my work info that I only submited once while signing up for one of those ever so alluring FREE LAPTOP websites, I decided I didn’t want to go through the hassle of signing up for all those programs and trial things you have to complete before you get your “FREE” item. SO DON’T EVER SIGN UP FOR THOSE!!! I hope this helps.

  111. We are from Indiana, and rec’vd calls from 727-683-1124 , then went to vegas and got calls all hrs of the night. now back in Indiana we are still getting calls. Just googled and thought it was a telemarketer, but thanks for the warning..I worked at a bank for 10yrs..and calling for bank info is not ever done, we have everything we need on file already.


    When they call people they use this Script.

    *Agents Travel Network Script & Verification!!!!

    Hi, (Customers name)

    My name is __________ I’m a registered agent calling on behalf of *Agents Travel Network (or Travel Agents Direct which is what it’s called now)in regards to your bank account. As a valued customer we are going to send you $400.00 in American Airline Saving Vouchers and two free nights of hotel accomodations, just for accepting a 14 day free trial into our *Agents Travel Network program.


    This program will give you the same hospitality benefits usually only available to travel professionals, such as discounts of up to 50% on cruises, rental cars and airline tickets. You’ll also receive major discounts at thousands of resorts and hotels nationwide, including Hilton, Marriot and Radisson and you’ll save a ton of money on selected theme park tickets. Your membership will arrive with your own personalized Agents Travel Network (now TAD)identity card.

    After your 14 days, if you decide to keep it, it’s only $19.95 a month billed to your checking account, with a one time activation fee of only $40.00. If you decide to cancel, just call the 800 number in your package during your free trial period, you’ll never be billed, and there’s no further obligation, Either way you still keep the airline vouchers and your free hotel accomodations, as our way of saying thanks for looking over the program. So you can’t lose!

    Now we will be shipping your package to (Verify Address) is that correct?

    How does your name appear on your checking Account?

    If different from customers name: are they authorized signer on this account?

    What is the name of your bank?

    And you opened your account in (Customers City and State)

    Now we are going to pull up your information to confirm that everything is correct. Please Hold.

    (Obtain the nine digit ABA routing # from your manager)

    OK, (Customers Name) I’m going to verify your ABA routing number that’s on the bottom left hand corner of your check book. If you can follow along with me to make sure the numbers are correct. (Confirm ABA Routing Number with customer) Is that Correct?

    ** Now there will be a symbol after those numbers I just verified with you, please go ahead and verify the next set of numbers, which is your account number.

    Thank You!


    Verification Must Be Read VERBATIM.

    Thanks for holding, the remaining portion of this call will be recorded OK??
    (Must get affirmative, YES, OK, OR CORRECT) I’m speaking with (customers Name) and todays date is __________.

    Now we will be shipping your package to (Customers Address) Is that correct? OK. Great ! And I’m showing your telephone number as (read customers telephone number back) For security purposes we need to attach a password to your file. What city were you born in ?

    And what is your email address? These will act as passwords whenever You contact us.

    How does your name appear on your checking account.

    If different from customer name:(Are you an authorized signer on this account?)

    What is the name, city & state of your bank?

    Now, please read your routing number back to me that starts with a 0,1,2 or 3. Now please read back to me the account nunmber that YOU PROVIDED. Ok great.

    After your 2 week free trial period, the program is just $19.95 a month with a one time activaction fee of $40.00 billed to the checking account YOU JUST PROVIDED to us. If you decide to cancel your membership, just call the 800-number in your package. Theirs no further obligation and the airline vouchers and hotel vouchers are yours to keep just for accepting the membership for the first 2 weeks. With your permission we’ll rush your Agents Travel Network card (Now TAD) and materials to you and your benefits will start immediately. OK?

    If funds are unavailable upon deposit after the free trial your bank may charge you a processing fee.

    Now, (Customers name), you qualify for 2 additional packages


    As a new VIP member The Florida Passport (FloridaWay) would like to sponsor your first travel agent fam trip. Its called the Fun in the Sun Dream Escape, you’ll receive 6 days 5 nights of hotel accomodations in Orlando and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. You will receive this on a 7 day free review basis. This fam trip is subject to blackout dates of Christmas, New Years & Special Events. These vacations are fully transferable and will be sent to you with a travel date of 1 year from today, which can be changed at no additional charge. This vacation package comes to you risk free for 7 days. If, during your free review period, you do not call to cancel,the promotional fee of only
    One Hundred Forty-Nine Dollars will be applied to the checking account we have just verified with You. OK? Great. (Must Get an Affirmative, Yes, Ok, or Correct)

    !!!Teliflex Communications UpSell!!! (Changed to Prism Communications)

    As a Special Bonus you will also receive a free 21 day trial of unlimited long distance with voice mail from Teliflex communications (Now Prism). This has nothing to do with your home phone its in the form of a calling card and comes with a pin number. You can use this service from any touch tone phone at your home or office and call anyone, anytime, anywhere, coast-to-coast and talk as long as you want, free for 21 days. If after your free trial you decide to continue its only $49.95 a month billed to the checking account used today and thereafter, but keep in mind you are under no obligation to continue. If You feel its not for you simply call the customer service number within the free trial period and you will never be billed… its that simple… So with your permission under the terms described your billing information will be transferred to TELILEX Communications (Prism) and they’ll send out your free trail in the mail. OKAY?? (must get an affirmative)

    *** Thank you for your time and have a good day/night.

    *** Note You are told to hang up immediately and not engage in any other conversations with the customer b/c he or she might end up asking too many questions.


    Notice a few things on this script. I capitalized some words purposely b/c it lets you know how they get away with charging you. The words are “Now read back to me the account YOU PROVIDED” or “. . .billed to the checking account YOU JUST PROVIDED”. This places YOU responsible NOT them for giving out your information in order for them to have the right to bill you.

    Another thing that sticks out is they tell you to call an 800 number that’s on your package to cancel the travel program but on the second package (Florida Passport or Way) they just say to call and cancel. On the last package (Teleflex or Prism) they say to call customer service # to cancel. Why? Because the truth is that they have 3 different numbers for you to call if you want to cancel everything. The agents are told NOT to give this information out to the customer in fear that they may cancel on the recording. They are also not allowed to give out the customer service number b/c many of them cancel everything on the same day.

    When the customer starts asking questions like, “Do I have to call 3 different numbers to cancel everything?” The agents are told to say, “if you have any questions or problems just call the customer service number on your package and they will handle everything”. The customer might ask what is that number and the agent will say, “it will be on your package the day you get it”. The truth is that any numbers that the customer sees on the packages or gets from the agent themselves ALL lead to the same place Suntasia Marketing customer service department. When you call they tell you in order to cancel the other two packages you must call these numbers. Again it ALL leads back to the same place. They do this to frustrate you enough so you get tired of trying to cancel thus buying enough time to be billed later.

    As for the travel discount card and the 21 day trial calling card, if you don’t send back the travel card you’ll get billed. The calling card has to be de-activated, by you writing a letter to them to do so, otherwise you’ll get billed. Another thing is even if you liked using the calling card (most of us have cell phones so there’s no need for this unless you are that dumb to pay $49.95 a month for long distance), the pin number often doesn’t work at all and you constantly have to call in to customer service to either get it fixed or get another pin number.

    Some have posted here that they were told by the agent they needed to confirm your bank account number b/c the shipping & handling fee is $1.95 and we need your number so we can debit your account. THIS IS A BIG FAT LIE!! IT’S ALL A TRICK!! There is no $1.95 b/c Suntasia ships out the packages (if they ever REALLY do) through regular mail and they pay for that. Of course once they bill you then they make that money back and much more. This is why the agents are told to add the other two packages (FloridaWay which is a timeshare and the calling card) b/c that is where their profit is made. The $19.95 travel card just covers cost of the regular expenses (lights, security etc) in the company.

    Hopefully this will bring you more insight on how these crooks work. I also know what rebuttals they use in case the customer has any objections to the products they sell. I will post those in the near future.


    To begin with Suntasia Marketing is located on 8751 Ulmerton Road, Largo, FL 33771 and their corporate website is .

    Bryon Wolf is President and CEO, Michael Berndgen is the Chief Financial Officer and Roy Eliasson is the Vice President of Management Information Systems.

    There are about 8 rooms total that hold about 24 agents in each. Six of those rooms are outbound (an automatic dialer that calls you), the other 2 rooms are for inbound calls (people who call in and are curious about who called them or maybe have a complaint). There is also one big room for customer service only, where they are suppose to handle the cancellations or any other concerns from customers like being billed without receiving the product. Any phone numbers the agent gives you for their products they’re selling (Travel Agents Go Direct, Floridaway, Prism Communications, Distinct Advantage, Freedom Gold etc), ALL lead to the same place, SUNTASIA MARKETING in Largo.

    Your name, address and phone number are obtained through a third party company that they purchase it from. The third party company gets their information by the products you buy, or any other transactions you do that contains your personal information. They DO NOT and are NOT allowed to have or sell your SS#, DOB etc. Once the information is bought by companies like Suntasia, it is put into their dialer system to call you. The dialer clearly labels the list of names that are brand new leads and also how many times that specific list has been called. Unfortunately, this information is only seen by the manager of the room. He or she has access to it from the bridge (the big, high desk overseeing the agents when you enter the room).

    Vericheck is a software system connecting them to all the banks nationwide that confirm whether you have an open checking account or not. Grocery stores, retail stores all use them to scan your checks to make sure your account is legit.

    The only information the agent has on their computer at the time when they call is your name, address and telephone number. That’s it. After they give you their mumbo jumbo script about how you qualified and the “free” gifts (gas, airline vouchers etc) you’ll be receiving, they tell you it’s a reward for maintaining an active checking and ONLY active checking account holders qualify. They ask you for your bank name and the city you opened it in. The reason is b/c they can obtain your routing number through what else? That’s right Vericheck! It is only then that many are fooled to believe that the agent has your account number as well. The excuse the agent uses is, “we need you to verify the number to make sure it’s you”, but when you call their bluff they either hang up or put a manager on the phone to push for the sale and get the account. Their tactics are slick even downright insulting.

    They usually say that you made a purchase through one of their 400, 1000, 1700 affiliates (pick a number yourself) and that is how your name was entered into their system for this special promotion. ALL A BIG LIE! Like I said before, they bought the names and numbers from another company for anywhere from .20 cents to up to .60 cents per name. Oh and by the way this same information that can be sold to another company by the people who bought them in the first place.

    If you make them mad the agent can recycle your name back into the system. B9 is the code for DNC (Do Not Call List) on their system but unfortunately many times it is not used b/c they want to get back at you. The only way to get these people off your phone is by sending them a CEASE and DESIST letter to their corporate address. Donald Booth is their lawyer and the letter should be addressed to him. When they call again ask them for their FULL name and let them know they need to code your phone call as a B9, Do Not Call, after you hang up with them.

    This company was raided by the feds a couple of years ago. They were there to look at what the agents were saying over the phone with their scripts. This is why management watches the agents to make sure they are not using any other scripts but their own. Sadly many managers turn a blind eye when their top sellers re-word the script to their own liking just to make a sale. I have one of those scripts that are used.

    If you visit other sites (click below) and type in the search “Suntasia Marketing” you will see there are many, many people out there ticked off just like you. (click on message board) (type Suntasia)

    Thank God I don’t work there anymore.



    The media has started picking up the story on Suntasia Marketing and it’s crooked enterprise. The following link is from KOMO news in Seattle, Washington. Please click on the link below. It has vital information on how to report these guys and the investigation that is on going. It’s a REAL encouraging story and the people who have had enough with this company.

    If everyone raises their voices just a little bit these guys can be run out of town.

  115. 727 683-1138. Received this twice on my cell. Will be deleting all 727 calls now after reviewing the post here. And Thanks!

  116. I got the exact same call as the rest of you, but like a dumb ass I finally gave in. I did’nt think any thing of it until last month when I saw that I have been getting charged 19.95 a month for the last 10 months. When I called my bank they told me that they are well aware of this scam and refunded the last 3 months of my money. I called the company and they played the recorded call of me, only the problem was that it was completly chopped up. these sons of bitches have been printing cheques with my name on them for 10 months and there is no shit I can do about it.

  117. Contact your State Attorney General’s office and then file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. It is NOT uncommon for people like yourself to be debited money from your checking account unknowingly for months by this company.

    When I first started working there I remember managers bragging and joking about how dumb people were that they didn’t check their bank accounts for months sometimes even years not aware that the $19.95 was being taken out. This is why they tell their unsuspecting customer over the phone that they have over 30,000 active clients. The truth is the word should be 30,000 “unaware” clients.

    Funny thing is they also tell the customer they’ve been in business for 10, 20 or even 35 years (pick a number) which should be a big red flag when you consider they only have 30,000 “clients”.

    Anyway it is sad to read the posts of people who have been scammed by these jerks. This is why Suntasia is being investigated by the Florida Attorney General. The media as well has started exposing these crooks. If you haven’t seen the news story on KOMO Channel 4 in Seattle, Washington just click on the link below.

    Hopefully with enough voices these guys can be shut down for good.

  118. I did a google search on this number and it directed me to this page. I live in Indiana and these people have been calling my cell phone twice a day for the past 3 days. They told me that I won free gas and to look out for it in the mail in the next 2 days and then they asked for my bank name and checking account number. Whoever I was talking to was blasting rap music in the background and speaking in a very unprofessional way. I asked her “What is this for” and she yelled “FREE GAS I TOLD YOU!” so I hung up. I have already reported this to my bank even though I did not give out any information.

  119. Well, at least I’m not alone. I didn’t give them my full account number, but I still feel stupid. I’ve sent out an email to my friends, family and co-workers. I hope they all heed the warning and warn others. Thank you for this website, without it I probably would’ve thought I had missed out on some great deal! LOL

  120. The worst thing you can do is actually believe these people. It sounds to good to be true. Trust me, as a former employee of the Better Business Bureau, I still was caught in the middle of this massive scam and not even aware of it. Please do not, I repeat DO NOT trust any one that says they need your credit card information over the phone while stating that YOU HAVE WON some kind of prize, gift, $$$, vacation. They contacted YOU first for a reason. They talk fast, seem pleasant, and they leave you with a “rewarding promise”, but it is all a SCAM!!!
    Total charges cost me over $300 in one month! Fortunately, for myself I am in the midst of recovering my loss.

    I am in the mi

  121. i just received a phone call from 727 683 1125 and some lady tried to get me to fork over my banking account number. i told her i dont have a check book, i dont have a banking statement, and played very young, which i am since im 18. while she was keeping me on the phone and trying to convince me i informed that i had been a telemarketer for nearly four months and knew all her tricks and that id google searched ‘distinct advantage’ and this website came up. anyways, these people are still out there, so be aware. i don’t think i gave them any info they can use to scam me.

  122. Isn’t the internet a great thing when used properly!? These guys (Suntasia Marketing) have been doing this scam since the late 90’s when they started out in Treasure Island then St. Petersburg and now Largo, Florida.

    If you want to know who runs this company, just click below and you’ll see the pics of the corporate suits.

    Suntasia Marketing is located on 8751 Ulmerton Road, Largo, FL 33771. Telephone: (727) 471-0276

    Travel Agents Go Direct, Floridaway, Prism Communications, Distinct Advantage, Freedom Gold as well as other prior travel names are ALL or were promoted by SUNTASIA MARKETING in Largo.

    Nothing surprises me any more with this company. They are certainly getting lots of attention from people, state attorney generals and the media. Sooner or later something has to give. Click below.

    The reason you hear music blasted in the background is b/c they want to keep the agents ALERT on the phones. It is easy to sit there becoming complacent and not have any sales for the day. They ONLY get two 15 minute breaks for the whole shift. This includes lunch as well. Also some agents REALLY have no phone skills whatsoever even though they get trained somewhat and thus will be rude at times especially if you don’t comply with what they want or they’re struggling to get a sale.

    The agents prey on gaining your trust and making you think their “free” vacation or gas vouchers is a once in a lifetime deal. Forget it! In times of high gas prices and over worked families it is easy to fall for their “pitch”.

    I have posted the script that they use on customers (just look at the posts above under my name) and how easy it is to obtain your bank information. As long as you don’t tell them anything, for example: what is the name of your bank and where did you open it at, then you’re safe. If you did, call your bank and inform them to close your account then open up a new one. This way they can’t take anything out. Banks are becoming increasingly aware of these crooks.

    If you visit other sites (click below) and type in the search box “Suntasia Marketing” you will see there are many, many people out there ticked off just like you. (click on Hotel Scams link) (click on message board) (type Suntasia)

    If you’ve been ripped off by this company, I suggest you contact your State Attorney Generals Office.


    They have been caught by the government before with deception. Here is the link.,ftn

    Also contact the better business bureau and file a complaint with them. Click on their website below. It will link you to the Suntasia page.

    Finally if you’ve been getting numerous phone calls from this company and you don’t want anymore, send them a neat, professional looking, certified CEASE and DESIST letter to their corporate offices made out to Donald Booth their legal eagle there.

    It is time to get up and do something otherwise these crooks will keep taking your money.

  123. Someone from a 727 number called me quite some time ago and I don’t remember what they wanted cuz I was at work and it was a very stressful time. I think I might have accidentally given them my account info. I don’t remember what happened! But they’re calling again but this time they’re not speaking so I did a search on the number and this is what I got. I think I messed up…Damn my bad memory!

  124. Company doing Distinct Advantage is based in Largo, Florida. They reside in the business of Suntasia Marketing. They train employees to target impulse buyers and to tell people what to do. They make people feel comfortable before they place you on a recorded line. The recorded line is only there to protect them from being accused of false promises. They feed you the false promises that you will not be charged until 2 weeks when you receive your mail from Distinct Advantage and Teliflex, and 7 days after your Freedom Gold credit card.

    If you guys are really interested in taking the company down then contact a high profile lawyer and tell him you would like to start a class action lawsuit. Find out if others in your town have been burnt on the scam by writing to your local newspaper and other forms of media.

  125. Well I guess I’ll jump on the band wagon and say I’m a sucker too. I just finally got the package and it’s convienently past the cancelation date and the charge is made to my account. I read a bunch of people got there money back either from the bank or the company. I dont understand how I can do this since they have me recorded agreeing to it. Even though they coarsed me to and made me think that they already had my info… that I was just verifing all of it… but none of that is on the recording. It just all happened so quickly and after I did it I realized it wasnt right so I called right back and said I wanted to cancle and they told me that since I went throught the recorded confirmation process that there was nothing that they could do I would just have to wait till I got the package. So can anyone help me… Besides telling me what an idiot I am and to not give my info out. HELP PLEASE!!!!

  126. I would like to start off by saying to you that I DON’T think you’re an idiot at all and will not say that either. The last thing you need now is to be chastised for an honest mistake. I know how easily a person can be duped due to the slick “wording” the agents use in their scripts. The REAL idiots are these crooks Suntasia Marketing who think they can get away with it but with the power of the internet, the media exposing them and people in general banning together to stop this fraud, WE WILL shut them down.

    The first step you need to take is immediately talk to your bank b/c by law you have sixty days to dispute a charge. Banks are very well aware of these scam artists and can help or work with you to recover the money but you can’t stay sitting at home waiting. The more time that passes the less rights you have to recover any money owed.


    Many people were charge for months and the bank was able to refund the last few charges that were made by “SCAM-TASIA”. Don’t go by what the recording said b/c there is no SPECIFIC date when your so called “free” trial ends. Let your bank know this or give them a link to this site so they can see for themselves.

    Next, write them a certified CEASE and DESIST letter to their lawyer Donald Booth at the corporate address which is:

    Suntasia Marketing
    8751 Ulmerton Road,
    Largo, FL 33771

    Telephone: (727) 471-0276

    Let him know that you either didn’t get the package or it arrived late and you want a FULL refund b/c you never had a chance for the “free” trial. Also THAT you are NOT interested in anything at all they have to offer other than a refund b/c of the fact that the agents mis-represented themselves totally.

    You can go to your local post office (if you did received their package) to find out what date it was sent. It should be post marked. Let Mr. Booth know this information and also notify him that if he doesn’t comply with your request for the FULL refund you will seek legal action against his company as well as contacting your local media. Trust me they’ve been exposed alot lately and this is the last thing he needs to hear.

    Third, if for any reason you don’t get a respond DO contact your local tv news station. Most news channels in your area have a consumer complaint tip hotline. Go on the net and log on to their site. I know this would be a “juicy” story for them to report on if you don’t get your money back.

    Finally, I suggest you file a complaint with your state attorney generals office letting them know the situation. The more people get involved the better off we will ALL be.

  127. I got a call from 727-683-1119. They wanted my banking information. The guy was saying I won $100 of free gas cards and $400 or $500 towards airline tickets. And alls he needed was to verify my banking information. He already has my routing number but wanted my account number. When I refused to give it to him he starting arguing with me and keep saying they couldn’t do anything with my account. I ended up hanging up on him. Is reporting this going to help?

  128. I’ve received a ton of calls, usually 2 a day everyday this week, from 727-683-1126. I thought it might be a friend from the Clearwater/Tampa area in Florida. But everytime I picked up, no one was there- no background noises or anything either. So now I’m about to report it and block the number. I was trying to look it up in but found no address or name. I then decided to just enter it into google and found this site. I’m so glad I did that. Not that I would’ve given any info about myself or anything but now I know for sure it’s nobody I know and that it’s some sick scammers. Maybe I’ll just block all these numbers listed on this site too because obviously they have my number so they could just call from a different line. Its’ so annoying!

  129. My suggestion is to send them a simple certified CEASE AND DESIST letter stating that you DO NOT want to be involved with their company in any capacity whatsoever. You are not to receive anymore of their useless promotions either by fax, email, postal mail, cell phone, land line, telegram, telegraph or pony express. Make it clear in the letter that you are not to be solicited any more and they are to put you on the DO NOT CALL LIST and if they don’t it is a violation of your rights and it will cost them a heavy fine. The letter should be addressed to their lawyer Donald Booth.

    The Corporate address is:

    Suntasia Marketing
    8751 Ulmerton Road,
    Largo, FL 33771

    Telephone: (727) 471-0276

    Finally if everyone contacted the media to further expose these crooks then they would be boxed into a corner and monitored a lot better by the authorities. All you have to do is go to Google and type in the search area “list of tv stations in (insert city or state where you live here). Then go to the website and click on the links of the tv stations and write to them about these scam artists. You can refer them to websites like this one and others such as The more stations everyone contacts the better the chances are of this story getting done by a reporter.

    Telemarketing companies are being busted left and right by the media these days. This is a “hot” story at the moment and alot of stations will jump on the bandwagon for ratings purposes. You can actually see the news footage of companies that have been busted in the last 2 months alone. The link to that site is:

    So if ALL of you do exactly like Rachel Randall did in Seattle, Washington, your local news station to will get out the warning as well.

    I can only tell you what I know but if you choose to sit there and do nothing then they will just keep calling.

  130. I also recieved a Call from 727-683-1119 .. However he hung up as soon as he called.. Possibly because we are in the medical field… ?

  131. NO! It’s because they bought your name, address and phone # from a third party company. If you read my prior posts it will explain the who, what, where, when and how about these guys. Your profession has nothing to do with why they called you. Your information (name & address, phone # only) was sold to them anywhere from .20 cents to .60 cents per name. It all depends on the list they buy of course.

    Send them a certified CEASE and DESIST letter to get you off their stupid list. Just look above at my other posts and it will give you the address of these crooks.

  132. I have been recieving the phone calls from these people at least 3 or 4 times a day on my cell phone for about a week now. Today I finally answered the phone and when he asked for me I said that it was not me and if i could take a message. he told me it had to do with my bank account and when would be a good time to reach me.and asked if I was over 18, I said yeah but do not have a bank account. So he said it was a shame because if i did he could of gave me a 100 dollars in free gas but would try to reach Kacie tomarrow. Now I do not typically fall for these type of things, but I decided to look up the number and found this site so I will have fun with them if they call me back.

  133. I recieved a call from these guys on my cell phone tonight and asked him to quit calling my cell. He proceeded to telll me to quit making excuses for him not to call because everyone has a cell phone. That turned ugly as I took him as being a smartass. I asked to speak to a manager we all know where that went from there he hung up on me. I called them back via *67 and they actually answered. I asked to speak to a moanager and they said Managers only speak to people who are interested in their services. I said I was interested and would hold only to be hung up on again. Thats what brought me to research this company. Thanks for all the warnings. I hope you all have won this battle against such low life thugs who try to steal our hard earned money.

  134. I received a call, I do not have a house phone my husband and I have cell phones. I kept getting the calls for a few week from “Suntasia” but I wouldn’t answer… this went on for weeks (I don’t answer unless I know the number… other than that they can leave a message if its important and I will call back) So finally I did and they had asked for my husband and I said he wasn’t here that they just called my cell phone and so then they said well we can talk to you about it too. I told him right off the bat that if he’s trying to sell anything I’m not interested. He said that he is not selling anything, that he was trying to reach my husband b/c we were in good standing with our bank so they wanted to send us $100 gas voucher and $400 in free airfare vouchers. (SO dummy me thought WOW! free gas what could be better than that.) Well then I asked how they found us and they said we had made a purchase with one of their affiliate partner companies in the past but that he couldn’t tell me exactly who b/c they have thousands. (So I figured it was from a purchase my husband made so it must be legit) Then he went on to tell me that all I had to do to get the gifts is accept there trial membership thing and if I didn’t want it all I had to do is call the 800# after I receive the package and just cancel and I wouldn’t be billed. So then, he said he wanted to verify some of my info. He verified the way I spelled my name, my bank name, and the location of where I opened my bank account. Then he put me on hold to pull up my account to make sure everything is correct.(which I now know he was getting the bank info to make me think he already had it) Then he said he wanted me to follow the #’s he read to me at the bottom of my check and then he asked is this correct so far right and I said yes… then he said ok, now there will be a symbol after the numbers I just verified with you, please go ahead and verify the next set of numbers, which is your account number. So then, I asked so you just want me to read them back to you and he said yes… we need to verify it… so my RETARDED ass did it. Then he went on to say that now he needed to record all of this for their records. Then he had me say my name, my telephone #, birth city, email addy (which he said this is how they would pull my records up if I ever need to call and talk to them about my account I also had to pick a password), my name on the checking account… so I told him then he coursed me into also saying my husbands name how it appeared on it also, then my bank and the location along with the routing # and then he said to state the account #.. and for some reason I pause for a minute (I know why now) And then he coursed me along saying something like you know or remember those were the numbers after the symbol I had you read back to me earlier… so then I read them. Then he went on to tell me about the package again how all I have to do is call and cancel and I wouldn’t be billed. THEN he said the address where it would be shipped…(which was wrong it was my mother in laws addy were I use to live…. but when he said that, I was so dumb founded that’s when the red flags started to go up that something wasn’t right… but I figured it was fine b/c I would still get them I go to my mother in laws house all the time and I didn’t want to tell him I changed my mind right then cause he had my bank info and didn’t know what he would do with it then.) then he told me about 2 other packages that I qualified for (which he never bothered to mention before now) and gave me the whole story on those how all I had to do was cancel and I wouldn’t be charged anything. One of the things was for a long distance service (which I don’t need I have a cell phone) but I figured I had been on the phone for so long and I just wanted to get off so I just figured it would be simple enough just to call and cancel (If I only knew then what I know now.) Then he just went on to give me like a congratulatory speech and then ended the call. Then I kept thinking about it and went over in my head what just happened here and I thought about alot of questions… during the conversation it all happened so quickly and it was so smooth I didn’t really process it until it was too late… As soon as I hung up I was thinking how he had my account # so I went over the conversation in my head and realized I gave him enough info to find my bank which would give him the routing # and that’s how I thought he had my info already… since he read the first set of numbers to me and then told me to read the second set just to verify. So then I started feeling sick and was so upset… I just couldn’t believe I did that. So I called the number right back and it went through an automated recording and I pressed for the selection to speak with a representative. I told her that I wanted to cancel and she said that I would have to wait until I receive the package and then call to cancel. But I now know that “suntasia” is the whole company… everything is run out of their office… telemarketers, customer service, the packages are sent from there… everything. So they would have had no problem stopping my “order” shall I say for lack of a better word.

    So now… after all this…. I didnt even recieve that package untill 2 days after the date I needed to cancel by. So I checked my bank account to find out that I was billed 2 days earlier for $149. I contacted them about this and they told me that I would have to return the package with a letter to get my refund and that they would waive the $29 processing fee… YES!!! there is a processing fee for refunds stated in the terms and conditions. So this pissed me off that I had to return it. I was told it was part of their refund policy and they also stated that if it would have been cancled before the trial date ended I wouldnt need to return the package and I also wouldn’t have been billed. (to bad they didnt send it out in time for me to get it) And I dont know how legal this is… I was never told anything about having to return anything and it isn’t in the term and conditions. And as for the free gifts(airfare/gas voucher) that were suppose to be mine to keep just for accepting the the trial package… You have to be a member to use them… so they are useless.and the $100 gas you can only get $10 at a time… per month I believe. And as for the air fare…there are tons of term and conditions… and you can only get $100 rebate at a time and thats if you spend $500…. Its starts at $200 to get a $25 rebate… and then for each $100 it goes up you get an extra $25. So as you can see it is nothing but a sham… the wording is just right to make it look good. Its nothing more than misleading representations. I learned over the past weekend that by deceiving someone to get his or her bank information is illegal. And that is exactly what they have done to me… as well and many other people. I hope this helps everyone to see what is really going on.

  135. Thank you Stacey. Your story just validates what I have been saying all along about this company and their products. They “prey” on people like yourself b/c you’re afraid to say anything.

    If you would of said “I don’t want this” on the recording, then everything would of been invalid b/c you’re choosing to cancel right there. Unfortunately, many people are scared to back out in fear that their bank account might be drained. This is a big myth. The banks can assist you in cancelling your account and providing a new one.

    Hopefully more people will come forward and the media along with the feds will go after these crooks. One story has been done on them already by KOMO TV Channel 4 news in Seattle. If everyone wrote their tv news stations in their area more would follow.

  136. I to received a call from 727-683-1125 # stating that they were with Distinct Advantage. They said that they had some vouchers for gas and airline tickets. They then ask to verify my info, Name & address. They then ask what bank I’m with, I told them if they don’t know, then I can’t verify anything. They kept saying that they need for me to state my bank so that they can verify that its me, I then hanged up.
    A day later, today they called again, they ask about my bank, I gave them Wachovia, which I don’t have an account at to see what was next, and they then ask for me to verify my routing number and then asked what my account number was? I simple told them that I was not home and that I don’t have my checkbook with me, they said that they call back at another time. This is when I google their number and
    came to this site , which confirm what I was suspecting, a Scam.. I”ll be more ready next time…..

  137. If you want to check out a couple of blogs about this company, you’ll see more people who have been scammed or were almost scammed by these crooks.

    Blog #1 is someone who got a call from “Suntasia Marketing” promoting Travel Agents Go Direct. He quickly knew it was a scam especially when he saw the news report that was done on July 6th of a company scamming people and debiting their accounts unknowingly.

    Blog #2 which you don’t have to register on their site is basically people who have been scammed by these crooks and are posting their complaints. If you think you’re the only ones being called or scammed by these jerks, you’re sadly mistaken.

    Something definitely has to happen here.

  138. Here is a website of some “idiot” who’s promoting the shameful products that Suntasia sells. His name is Frank Rizzo and he is claiming how wonderful the “savings” are that you get from Distinct Advantage. He even posted the link to the DA site.

    Let me make this perfectly clear to ALL of you. DA is a sham b/c there are “hidden” fees and costs you don’t know about. Anything Suntasia promotes has things in the fine print that need to be read very closely.

    If you want to post your horror story dealing with this company then here is the link to Frank’s blog.

    Let him know how you REALLY feel!

  139. By the way before I forget, if you log onto the Better Business Bureau website you’ll see Distinct Advantage has 148 complaints against them in the last 36 months alone. Scroll down a bit on the site and you will also see a familiar number (727) 471-1416. That’s right it’s Suntasia Marketing ALL over again.

    Here is the link to the BBB site displaying Distinct Advantage’s info.


  140. I recieved a call today from a company (didn’t get their name) that has been though their smooth talking routine enough that I could hardly understand what he was saying. They knew my name from my cell phone number and made it sound legit. I had won a $100 gas card and $400 travel voucher. then they got into the “we need your routing # or account #. I lied. but anyway I thought that I would let you all know the # that I took the call from. (727)683-1138 I think I’ll sick my lawyer on them for my minutes used on my cell phone.

  141. I’d been harrassed by these idiots for a week after telling them I was on the do not call list (and have been since July of 2003). So, I decided to start filing complaints. I filed SEVERAL with the Do Not Call list, SEVERAL with the BBB and SEVERAL with the Florida Attorney General’s office. About a week or so later, I received a letter from the FL Atty. Gen. with a letter from DA’s attorney stating that I have been removed and if I don’t want his company to call me anymore, I needed to register with the National Do Not Call list. If the idiot has read my complaints, he would have already known that I AM ON THE LIST! Needless to say the calls have ceased, but I’m going to take this one step further. I will take Joe’s advice and report this to Fox 5 News in Atlanta (where I live). They do a pretty good job of exposing things like this. Maybe the publicity here in the Metro ATL area will wake some people up. Dunno, but gotta try.

  142. Julie that is EXACTLY what has to be done. Exposing these crooks in the media will put a BIG spotlight on them. Why? Because once a news organization reports a scam, word gets around quickly and thus they won’t be able to do some of things they were before.

    So if ALL of you do exactly like Rachel Randall did in Seattle, Washington, your local news station will get out the warning as well. Here is an example if you didn’t see the news report from KOMO Channel 4.

    There are also other people like Stacey in Michigan for example who not only contacted her news stations in the state of Michigan but has even forwarded her complaint to the local ABC news affiliate Channel 28 in Tampa, Florida. She has emailed Matthew Schwartz the lead investigator for the station there, in order to get her story out on what happened to her. You can email Matthew at the link below, if you care to express your concerns over this company called, “Suntasia Marketing”.

    These are the same people who promote Travel Agents Go Direct, Floridaway, Prism Communications, Distinct Advantage, Freedom Gold as well as other prior names that are now defunct.

    Make no mistake about it, the more voices are heard the better the chances are of controlling these scam artists.

  143. FYI: The Florida Dept of Agriculture announced a few days ago that a local telemarketing company in florida that does vacation trips has been fined for calling people on the DNC list. Here is part of the article.

    Department Press Release


    Bronson Files Lawsuit Against Company For Violating ‘Do Not Call’ Law

    TALLAHASSEE – Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles H. Bronson announced today that he has taken legal action against a Tampa Bay area telemarketer for violating Florida’s “Do Not Call” law.

    A lawsuit filed in Pinellas County Circuit Court alleges that United Vacation Network Inc., of Largo, made at least 7 calls to Florida residents on the state’s “Do Not Call” list during the past 17 months. In addition, the suit claims that at least 4 of the company’s telemarketing calls contained recorded messages, which is a separate violation of state law.

    You can read the rest of it here.

    Even though this pertains to the State of Florida only, I wonder how many other commissioners in other states will follow suit.

  144. just wanted to say thanks i dont normally answer my cell phone if i dont no the number and when i googled i got you thanks again and the next call i get i will talk to them and let them know what i think



    Yes that’s right, you read it! Suntasia Marketing’s promotion of Distinct Advantage was exposed once AGAIN but this time by the ABC affiliate KETV Channel 7 in Omaha, Nebraska. Hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?? Seems that a pattern is emerging here with this company and the media. This is the second tv news station that is an ABC affiliate which has exposed these crooks. KOMO TV Channel 4 in Seattle was the first to do it.

    August 23, 2006

    KETV NewsWatch 7 I-Team

    “Man Warns About Suspected Phone Solicitation Scam”

    An offer for free gas and travel vouchers sounded too good to be true when Ron Gaspard received one recently.
    Gaspard said the call sounded suspicious. He knew better than to bite.

    To see the rest of his story, click on the link below to the news investigation done by reporter Carol Kloss that Distinct Advantage (which is under the Suntasia umbrella) is a scam.

    Oh how many times have I said if everyone called your local tv news station like Rachel Randall in Seattle and Ron Gaspard in Omaha have done, we would ALL be better off.

  146. I received a call from 727-683-1138, Distinct Advantage today 09/08/06..the woman on the phone advised a had just won vochers for “FREE” Gas, plus 400.00 worth of airline vouchers as well, with American Airlines. To fly anywhere in the country, BUT, in order to get these, I would need to give them my checking account number, Which I didn’t. I did call my bank though, and let them know.

  147. SCAM ALERT 727-683-1126

    My wife received a called from this number which we had received several times on our home phone 727-683-1126. The company name given was Distinct Advantantage but only showed up as Distinct on our caller ID. They tried to tell her she had won all types of free gas vouchers and travel vouchers but wanted to confirm our checking information. The man that called rattled several numbers over the phone stating that he had our account and routing number from our bank, but needed to confirm the actual bank name the account was assigned to. My wife asked him how he had all this information and she was told all that information was on satellight. Of course these series of numbers on all checks, but my wife was suspicious of this, so she hung up on the man. She immediately contacted the bank and had our account froze until we can reissue a new account number Monday. She also called our local police and filed a report on these scammers and I have contacted the BBB to file a notice of complaint. If anyone calls from the numbers posted on this site should not even answer if you have caller ID or hang up on them immediately.

  148. Rebecca and Rick if you both read the posts on this site you will see that “Distinct Advantage” is promoted by Suntasia Marketing.

    Believe it or not someone created a “Suntasia Sucks” website. lol I kid you not. Here is the link.

    You can post your experiences their to. Also if you want to read the posts of two employees who ACTUALLY defend Suntasia then click on the link below.

    Talk about being in denial and stuck on stupid. One is a top seller there (Nomad, REAL name Josh) at Suntasia and the other one is April who is in customer service. They both claim it’s YOUR fault that you can’t be smart enough to understand the concept of a “free” trial. lol YEAH RIGHT!

    If you care to express your disgust you can click on the link above and let these two wonderful employees know that they need counseling for their compulsive lying.

  149. I have been getting calls from Distinct Advantage, 727-683-1138, for the last month. My sister has answered them a few times, and everytime she asked who was calling, or what the call was in regards to, they would hang up on her. Yesterday, 9/9/06, at 11:04 am, they called again, and I finally answered. The guy, Benjamin, said because I have an open checking account that was in good standing, for X-amount of years, I was going to be receiving $100 in free gas and $400 in free travel vouchers. He asked me to verify my name and address, and read them back to me. I did not say anything, as I was taken back by what he was telling me. My gut told me this had to be a scam, so I asked him how he knew of me. He said that because I had a checking account, I was getting this “free” stuff. So I asked him if he was affiliated with my bank, and he said yes he was, and that it was them that gave him my info. I asked him if it was them that gave him my info, then why did he need to call to get it from me. He said for verification before they sent my “free stuff” to me. I then told him I do not feel comfortable giving my information over the phone. He started to sound annoyed and said they are a legitimate company, affiliated with my bank, and just need me to verify my name, address, phone number, and the name of my bank. I asked him to hold on for a minute, and pushed the mute button on my phone. He said to someone else “I bet she’ll say Bank of America”, and then said in a rude tone “Hello, hello?” and then hung up. I blocked my number and called back to see if it was a legit number. When a man answered, I hung up without saying anything. I then did some research online about this company. I found numerous complaints about how this is a scam. I am soooo glad I did not give out my info, but am still a little worried that they may be able to do something. I will be going to my local news paper, and hopefully my local newstation, so I can expose these people in my area. I live in a small town, and I’m sure there have been other cases. I will also be filing a complaint on the BBB website, and going to my Attn. Gen. I’m just wondering how the heck they got my info, since I just moved a month ago and all my info is brand new. I haven’t bought anything since I moved, and my new phone number is unlisted. I’m 22 years old and this is the first “scam” I have run into. Thanks for all the advise you posted above, Joe. Any idea what types of places they buy people’s info from? I know that’a a very broad question, but I have no idea where they could have gotten it. Thanks again!

  150. You’re welcome Jennifer. I am not surprised that the agent pulled their usual stunt telling you that they are affiliated with your bank or that you bought something from some business like Costco. They pretend to have your account info on file which they don’t, just your name and number only. It’s all a trick just to make you give up the account.

    Now as to how they got your name and number. There are companies out there that compile a consumer list from a variety of different sources and sell it. You would be surprised how they get the information.

    Here is a link to ONE of those companies that sells the lists. Keep in mind this company is NOT necessarily doing business with Suntasia. It’s just a sample.

    If you want to find out how many companies are out there selling your information, just go to and type in “Telemarketing Lists” and it will give you what you’re looking for.

    Jennifer so far two tv stations have exposed these crooks. On July 6th KOMO Channel 4 News in Seattle, Washington did the first story on Suntasia. Click below if you haven’t seen it yet.

    Thanks to Rachel Randall for speaking up.

    Ron Gaspard called his local tv news station KETV Channel 7 I-Team in Omaha, Nebraska to have these jerks exposed. Click below to see the news story done by reporter Carol Kloss.

    Believe me there’s MORE to come. Jennifer I suggest you do the same thing in your own town like Rachel and Ron have done. I know people right now who have contacted their local news stations to have their story done. If everyone did the same thing these guys would be gone.

    I also suggest you write and send Suntasia Marketing a certified CEASE and DESIST letter to their corporate headquarters letting them know you DO NOT want any contact from them in any form. Make the letter out to Donald Booth their legal eagle there.

    If you need COMPLETE information on this company, you can go to a brand new website called, “Suntasia Sucks”. lol That’s right! It was made by Kalvin B., a man who sued Suntasia in small claims court and won.

    You can go to his site at:

    The site will serve not only as a warning against Suntasia’s shady business practices but other fraudulent companies as well. There is a forum section where you can post your story.

    I hope this helps you Jennifer. Keep in touch and let us know if your newspaper, local news station or any other type of media decided to put your story out there for everyone to see.

  151. Florida Telco Credit Union has posted the following consumer alert on their website:

    “It seems that every day someone thinks of a new way to steal your identity, or your money. The Credit Union works diligently to protect you by training our employees to recognize possible scams, and by keeping you, our member, informed with ways to avoid them.

    Below are scams we are currently aware of, please read them carefully. If you believe you have been a victim, please contact our fraud department at 904.723.6300”.

    Updated 8/8/06

    Telephone Scam
    Target Company: Financial Institutions including Florida Telco

    “If you receive a call from a marketing company called “Suntasia” who is involved with Travel Agents Direct, please be careful. They may offer you a free vacation. The person calling will tell you they know your account number with Florida Telco CU (or other financial institution). However, the number they quote is a routing number, not the actual account number. That’s where the scam belongs — they ask you to complete the rest of the account number for verification. Once you provide the last digits they then have your actual account number. If you have given your account number to a telemarketer who has called you, please contact a Member Service Representative immediately”.

    Here is the link to their website:

    I think the above statement says it all.

  152. These people are persistent…they called me the first time, I picked up…once they said something about my checking account information…i just hung up. However they continue to call me at all times of the day and night…sometimes 4 times a day…same number…727-683-1124…

  153. I received a call 12 Sep 06 from (727)683-1119. “Jessica” said I had won $500 in vouchers for gas, airfare, cruises, etc. She knew my name, my wife’s name, our address, and unlisted VOIP number. She said all I needed to claim them was an active checking account. She asked the name of my bank and what city it was opened in. I provided this info and she was able to determine the first 9 digits on my checks. Once she asked me for the remainder of the numbers on my check I knew I would be giving her my account number. At that time I knew it was a scam and I toyed with her saying that the line was bad. She repeated herself about 4 times then figured it out.
    Ha Ha, Damn Scam Artists!!!!!!!!!!!!

  154. They call you in the morning to probably find you all dazed and condused. I recieved a call from them today this morning, everything lead up unto my checking account number, i didnt give it to them, but i still didnt feel safe because of all the info they already had! I called my bank immediately and added another level of security. Be cafeful

  155. I received the call as well from 727-683-1138

    I’m amazed at how long this is going on, you would think with all these complaints this scam would have been shut down by now!

    I did not fall prey to they’re stupid shit!

  156. I told you I wasn’t lying when I said Suntasia’s customer service department makes it hard to get a refund and that the customers are totally misled. Well a former employee speaks out letting us know what REALLY happens inside the customer service department when you ask for your money back.

    Some of the things she wrote was disturbing to read. Here are some of the quotes from her post.

    1. “i worked for cust service for suntasia which pretty much means i cleaned up their dirty work and took the calls from customers that were ripped off . . .”

    2. “we are instructed when a customer calls and wants their money back to make it impossible for them to receive it.”

    3. “also contact the better business bureau. they hate when they get calls or letters from them bacause they are forced to give you the refund without you having to write a refund letter.”

    These are just some of the things she told a consumer website that logs complaints. Just so you think I am not making this up, you can see the post for yourself.

    Click below and scroll down to the bottom to read the rest of the story.

    I rest my case.

  157. They have been calling my cell too with the number 727-683-1126 hanging up on me. I’m turning them in.

  158. I got a call from 727-683-1124 saying i won 100.00 in free gas and 4 airline vouchers. They read my banks routing number to me (which anyone and everyone knows its not a secret number) and asked me for “security reasons” to read the next set of numbers. haha i said Uh Ok, click. bastages.


    Suntasia Marketing has given their website a makeover along with some crappy music to listen to. Gold colored borders with black text on white background. You can actually see pictures outside of the building as well as what it REALLY looks like inside. There are pictures of just about every room (lobby, executive offices, customer service etc) including the ones where the agents call you from. They actually give you a map of where they are located and all the important information you need to know about these crooks.

    Despite fixing their mis-spellings on one of their webpages like the word “company” they still have NOT fixed the mistake on how they spell S-u-n-t-a-s-i-a. Just click below and scroll down to the middle to see it’s still spelled “Suntaisa”

    Geez you would think these guys would just look at the top of the webpage where it is still spelled correctly. I’ve only pointed this out about 100 times in these forums and then they wonder why no one respects them.

    As for the content on the site, for example their “Mission Statement”, it’s kind of funny. I copied and pasted the statement below.

    “Suntasia Marketing is committed to the highest standards of integrity and excellence in our industry. We strive to achieve supreme levels of quality in every aspect of our business.

    Our mission is to stay profitable by consistently providing incomparably superior service, earning the loyalty and respect of staff and clients alike.

    To do this, we must be diligent, trustworthy, honest and hardworking. When those values are realized, it is then and only then, that Suntasia can truly aspire to reach our ultimate goal – as the best total solution call center in the telemarketing industry”.

    Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol.

    First of all, “committed to the highest standards of integrity and excellence in our industry”? What standards? They have been and are being investigated by the Attorney General in Florida not to mention others around the country. Two news stations have exposed their marketing campaign as a scam and there is MORE to come I assure you plus the Better Business Bureau has numerous complaints about the sub companies they promote (IE: Distinct Advantage, Travel Agents Go Direct etc).

    The next line is even more of a joke. “Our mission is to stay profitable by consistently providing incomparably superior service. . . . . . . .” Yeah right! You mean ripping off people by giving them a product that’s worthless then taking their money to earn interest on what was debited. This is how they “profit” from you.

    Finally the line, “To do this, we must be diligent, trustworthy, honest and hardworking. When those values are realized, . . . . . . . .” Say what! Trustworthy? Honest? With all the complaints that this company has, they certainly are dilussional. You have agents that misrepresent themselves all the time when talking to the customers, the company itself is under investigation and the products they promote are useless. Hey, but at least they’re honest, right? Lol.

    This company belongs in the “Hall of Shame”.

  160. I guess I’m a jackass because those mofo’s got me this morning. I got a call from 727-683-1125 claiming they were a company called Distinct Advantage, and I just won free gas and 400 bucks toward a vacation. I started off before they can finish ” What is the catch?” he said there is no catch, we just need to verify a few things and we will be sending you some brochures on what our company has to offer. He starts spating out everything about me and I ask well how do you know this information? He said that everytime I use a check with their partners it spits out the information letting them know that I was a vauleable customer.

    Okay fine I said, then he goes on; you need to make a password for your account and we go by our customer favorite color, I choosed a color and said I have all of your information but just so we will know that you still bank at this bank and have a good account, I need you to verify you account number, I told him I thought you said you had that information, well he said I do but I need to know if im talking to the right person and with that I need to verify something only you would know, I then said I will verify the last 2 numbers, he asked me to hold so he can get approval from his manager, because he just started 3 days ago. His manager gets on and tells me his name and tells me that he understands why I would be a little scared to give this information but before he gets off the phone he will give the office number, web site and e-mail address to me, but he would need me to verify the numbers and then his computer would blink red or green, they can’t see the numbers after it’s been put in. Well I’m stupied and I believed the bull and I gave him my account number.

    I then ask what their company was called again and he told me “Distinct Advantage” so I typed that in the web while I was talking to him. He said that he was turning on a recorder that will verifty that they will not be taking money out of my account and I just need to go back through and verify everything again, so while he is reading all my information back to me, I found a web site that had scam “Distinct Advantage”. He get’s down to asking me about my account number again and I said I just gave it to you and said but remember we can’t see it anymore, I said I’m online and this web site it says you guess are ripping off people, he then says I don’t know what is saying but that’s not true. I said how did you know what web site I was on? He said you just told me and I let him know that I didn’t, he said you did too!

    I said I really don’t know what your trying to pull but I am reading this right now and I started reading him what it said. He then said what is you account number ma’m, I said I’m not going to give that to you he goes is it &%&$#@? I said you just told me you couldn’t see it then repeated it back to me? He said do you want the free stuff or not? I said hell no! He then slam the phone down. I got up and ran to the bank and shut all accounts and flagged there name at our bank! Those SOB’S will get caught in action and will be in jail mark my words!

    Beware of the Bull!!!

  161. Well I am not surprised by the above post. Agents and managers often lie alot. There is no such thing as a blinking red or green light on his computer. What he does is he prints out your information to the “Router” (that’s the person who verifies if the account is good or not through the network of banks they’re connected to) then once it comes back approved the router gives the agent a thumbs up which means go ahead with the recording b/c the account can be debited.

    Managers are trained to tell customers that they promise to give them ALL of their information about the company at the end of the call but sadly they never do b/c they know the customer will forget to ask for it. Notice he got your account information first before he gave you his company info? It’s a common routine at Suntasia.

    When they do the recording your account information is still right in FRONT of their face. They need you to verify it in the recording b/c this way they have legal recourse that you gave it (account #) away voluntarily and were not “coached”.

    As for, they have been fully aware of this site for years and they know people are beginning to catch on to their scam. It was told to me today that employees at Suntasia have been questioning things lately that they’ve seen on the net like the Florida Attorney Generals current investigation, the two news stories done by KOMO channel 4 in Seattle and KETV Channel 7 in Omaha, Nebraska and the tons of better business bureau complaints. Suntasia’s management apparently has responded by saying they are going to “take care of it”. Yeah right!

    You did the right thing by closing your accounts but don’t be surprised if you get another call from these crooks asking you to do the recording over again. They always try to get back the sales call that failed.


    You read it correctly AGAIN! Like I stated many times before in my posts, banks and credit unions are becoming increasingly aware of these crooks. First it was Florida Telco Credit Union warning it’s members about Suntasia,, now it’s the Teachers Federal Credit Union.

    The following statement comes from the TFCU website.

    Telephone Scam Alert

    The latest tactic involves members contacted by individuals – by telephone – claiming to be a “Checking Account Supervisor” and offering “free” services. Please be aware these are not TFCU employees and the calls are originating from a company based out of Florida named Distinct Advantage. As when contacted by any company soliciting services via the telephone, TFCU recommends exercising caution. Ask questions to fully understand all aspects of the offer being made.
    If you are contacted and note charges were made to your account without consent by Distinct Advantage, or if you feel employees of Distinct Advantage misrepresented themselves, please contact the Florida Attorney General’s Office of Consumer Protection. The toll free number for the Florida Attorney General’s office for filing a complaint is 1-866-966-7226. Complaints can also be filed online at Once on the site click on the ‘Consumer Protection’ link, then click on the ‘How to File a Complaint or Check on a Business’ link. All the necessary information for filing a complaint is provided.

    You can click the link below to see the alert for yourself.

    I promise you more is coming on this company.

  163. The following companies are ALL currently or were promoted by “Suntasia Marketing”. Here is the information I’ve compiled on this company.

    Suntasia Marketing, Inc.
    8751 Ulmerton Rd
    Largo, FL 33771

    Tel#: 727-471-0276 or 1-800-NEW-TEAM


    Better Business Bureau Record: Status-information on this company is being updated, and no report in available at this time.

    Travel Agents Go Direct
    11125 Park Blvd Ste 104-364
    Seminole, FL 33772
    Tel#: 1-888-546-8844 or (727) 471-1411


    Better Business Bureau Record: Status-Unsatisfactory
    Over 160 complaints about this company in the last 36 months.

    FloridaWay Dream Escape
    2655 Ulmerton Rd Ste 407
    Clearwater, FL 33762-3337
    Tel#: (888) 488-8770


    Better Business Bureau Record: Status-Unsatisfactory
    111 complaints about this company in the last 36 months.

    Prism Communications
    3665 East Bay Drive Ste 201B
    Largo, FL 33771
    Tel#: (888) 694-9151


    Better Business Bureau Record: Status-Unknown
    25 complaints about this company in the last 36 months.

    Distinct Advantage
    10500 Ulmerton Rd Suite 726-302
    Largo, FL 33771
    Tel#: (866) 545-5486


    Better Business Bureau Record: Status-Unsatisfactory
    160 complaints about this company in the last 36 months.

    Freedom Gold
    10500 Ulmerton Rd Ste 726-302
    Largo, FL 33758
    Tel#: (800) 853-0473

    Email: N/A

    Better Business Bureau Record: Status-Unsatisfactory
    278 complaints about this company in the last 36 months

    Agents Travel Network
    3993 Tyrone Blvd Suite 608-182
    Saint Petersburg, FL 33709

    Tel#: (800) 853-9982


    Better Business Bureau Record: Status-Unsatisfactory
    230 complaints about this company in the last 36 months.

    Teliflex Communications Unlimited Long Distance
    3303 Seffner Drive
    Holiday, Florida 34691

    Tel#: 617-782-2900


    Better Business Bureau Record: Status-Unsatisfactory
    126 complaints about this company in the last 36 months

    Suntasia Marketing according to their website also promotes other programs such as Leisure City, Freedom Ring Long Distance Service, Monster Mastercard, Variety! Spice of Your Life and Credit Life.

    I have been searching for information on the companies listed above but have found nothing as of yet. I will be updating the list as changes occur. So far everything that is being marketed by Suntasia has had an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB. Currently the products being promoted by them are Travel Agents Go Direct, FloridaWay, Prism, Distinct Advantage and Freedom Gold.

  164. I got my call from them today. the number was 727-683-1117. I didn’t even take the call. Thanks for the info folks.

  165. I fell for this. 1-727-683-1138. My roomate was online and I couldn’t check it out. I called them back today to cancel. I can’t cancel until after I get my package in the mail. Some 1-800 number I believe. I have emailed my bank about them, but my bank has yet to contact me back. If need be I suppose I could open a new account at my bank and just move the money there.
    Any tips (emailed) would be appreciated.
    I flat out told her on the phone that everything google says is that they are a fraud and a scam and that when people try to leave, they still charge them.
    So, we shall see how it goes.

  166. Also, I think the main reason I fell for it was because I (thought) I was on the national do not call list, so scammers didn’t even cross my mind.
    Guess that do not call list doesn’t work.

  167. I received a call today from 727-683-1124 on my cell. I did not answer the call, because I did not know the number and it’s on my daytime minutes. I went to the white pages and did a reverse phone number search and it gae me nothing. So I went to my search engine and typed in the phone number and found this website. I am so glad, but I don’t think they could have scammed me, because after working as a Supervisor for a large credit card company. I will not under any conditions give out any account information, unless I have asked for services. I only use know companies. I am just waiting for them to call me back so I can have some fun!!!!!!!!! Thanks guys

  168. Next time they call have fun with them and just mess with their head. Give the agent an account number that’s bogus and when they tell you it’s no good then say, “Oh I forgot you’re the crooks from Suntasia Marketing on Ulmerton Road in Largo, Fl. Your company are the famous crooks everyone is talking about on the net. Even the news stations are exposing you. Sorry there is no sucker here. See ya!” Then laugh and hang up.

    I guarantee you if more people called their bluff, alot of those agents wouldn’t stay working there for long. Information is knowledge and knowledge is powerful. So go for it the next time they call you.

  169. I have printed out the latest info on my account, as well as several things from different sites, stating that they are scams. I plan on taking this info to my bank tomorrow. And getting a new account.
    I feel like such a dumbass for agreeing to it. Some days I just love my ADD and impulsive things it makes me do. (sarcasm).
    Sorry – needed to vent. So far it’s day uh.. two or three and they haven’t taken anything. I plan on calling and canceling as soon as my package arrives.
    Oh yeah, and I plan on recording it. *evil grin*

  170. I received a call from “Distinct Advantage” phone # 727-683-1138 claiming all of the same things about the gas card and airline vouchers. The guy hung up on me when I was not very cooperative, I called him back and the dumbass answered! He stated that he got his information from Walmart because I had used a check or checkcard instead of cash or credit. I knew this had to be a scam an found this website as a result. There are TOO many people that are being affected by this for nothing to be done!!!!!We need to find a way to take action against these scammers!!!! Any suggestions?

  171. Yes, call your local news stations and state attorney generals office. Report the crooks. The more you put the spotlight on Suntasia the better we will all be.

    I would also contact Walmart Headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas and let them know that a certain telemarketing company is using their name. They have threatened to sue Suntasia before for using Walmart’s name. Suntasia agents are NOT allowed to refer to any businesses which are not affiliated with them.

    The company Costco recently had to send out a press statement letting their customers know that they DO NOT and will not do business with any telemarketing firm. Click below to see the press release.

    So there are many things you could do. You just have to be willing to get it started.

  172. That’s right! Frosted News in Fort Wayne, Indiana is warning all of its residents in the state about “Distinct Advantage”. They sent out the warning on August 30th. They were informed by the Better Business Bureau News Service. Basically, the alert says that the agents misrepresent themselves and in the end your account gets debited. Don’t give them any of your account information.

    You can read it below.

    Don’t fall for free airline ticket scam

    FORT WAYNE (Better Business Bureau News Service)-If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Distinct Advantage, located in Largo, Fla., and whose type of business is a travel club, has been making calls to northeast Indiana residents offering them free gas vouchers and free airline tickets. All of this for free, right? The person on the other end of the line will then ask for your routing number, and then wants you to confirm you bank account number. STOP THERE! You could get a lot more than what you bargained for.

    Distinct Advantage has a total of 145 complaints to date, concerning issues such as misrepresentation in selling practices, refund disputes, and delivery and billing issues. Consumers were told they would receive a free trial membership package prior to being charged. Before the trial period ends, however, money is being debited from their accounts.

    Please do not give any information to anyone until you have completely checked the company out.

    If consumers or business owners receive a call such as this from any company, please contact the Better Business Bureau toll-free at 1- 800-552-4631 or locally at (260) 423-44333, with information regarding the name of the company, how they are trying to get your account information, and whether they are asking for bank account or credit card account numbers.

    End of article.

    If you want to see the news alert yourself, click on the link below.

    I will keep you up to date as more alerts come in.

  173. They scammed me this morning. I ended up giving up my account number and now I feel totally stupid. My bank account is closed now but if I ever hear from them again I am going to give them a large chunk of mind! The number they called me from was 727-683-1124. Beware people beware! We should band together and take these people down, Million Man March style, know what I mean. I’m serious anyone out there who is in write to me at United we stand!

  174. OMG! i almost fell for it! luckily, i was curious. So, I went online and googled the number: 727-683-1138. This lady just called me with this number today. She asked me for my bank account number but luckily i did’t give it to her because i didnt have my checkbook with me and i didnt have it memorize or else i would have given it to her. So, she told me that she will call me back tommorrow evening for my acoount number. I can’t wait to SNAP at her! But i gave her my email address. I hope those jerks wont send me any junk mails! I am so outraged right now! arrrr!


    Consumer Alert: Discount Membership Clubs

    A woman in McKeesport, Pennsylvania called her local news station b/c she got charged for a so called, “discount” package with the same bait scam, free gas and airline vouchers.

    Shirley Smorey really believed she was getting $500 worth of free gas and airline vouchers but as usual the package got to her home late and thus Shirley got charged $59.99 membership fee plus the first monthly charge of $19.99. She also got a bounced check fee and is now out more than $113. Yes it’s typical folks that the people who are responsible in promoting this scam Suntasia Marketing in Largo don’t take the heat for it b/c everyone thinks it’s Distinct Advantage that is the only one involved. Make no mistake about it Suntasia is FULLY behind selling the products of Distinct Advantage, Travel Agents Go Direct, Prism, Freedom Gold and other names as well.

    Suntasia Marketing is located on 8751 Ulmerton Road, Largo, FL 33771 and their corporate website is

    To see the video of the news story that was done by KDKA Channel 2 reporter Yvonne Zanos their Consumer Editor there , click below.

    You all have been asking what you can do, well here is another example of someone taking action to expose these crooks.



  176. I just got a call from 727-683-1126.
    Here is how it went:
    Him: “Hello, Curious?(Only my real name)”
    Me: “Yes?”
    Him: “We are calling about the order you placed using your bank account”
    Me: “Huh?”
    Him: “Everything is OK. We just need to verify your bank information.”
    Me: “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
    Him: “Sorry, good bye.”

    First and foremost, I never give out my bank info. I’ve even gone as far as changing banks several times until I found the Credit Union I use because banks give out my info. The Credit Union won’t even acknowledge me as a customer if somebody called to verify my account. I purchase mainly with cash, sometimes credit card, never checks and never, ever ever with my bank account info. If I had not already learned my lesson about these kooks, I probably would’ve lost all my money today.


    The address where ALL the calls originate from is:

    Suntasia Marketing
    8751 Ulmerton Road
    Largo, FL 33771
    Tel#: 727-471-0276 or 1-800-NEW-TEAM


    Live calls to your house start with the numbers 727-471-####. There are 8 rooms which hold 24 agents in each plus a customer service area. You can actually see what Suntasia looks like on the inside by clicking on their website above.

    The programs and the companies they currently promote are:

    Travel Agents Go Direct
    Distinct Advantage
    Freedom Gold
    Prism Communications

    Here is a list of programs they use to promote:

    Agents Travel Network
    Capitol Vacations
    Travel Agency Network
    Teliflex Communications

    ALL the companies listed above have an “unsatisfactory” rating with the Better Business Bureau. Go to the BBB site below and type in the names so you can see the reports yourself.

    Suntasia Marketing according to their website also promotes other programs such as Leisure City, Freedom Ring Long Distance Service, Monster Mastercard, Variety! Spice of Your Life and Credit Life.

    Three news stations have exposed Suntasia and it’s questionable business practices. Click below to see the news story.

    ABC affiliate KETV Channel 7 in Omaha, Nebraska

    CBS affiliate KDKA Channel 2 in McKeesport, Pennsylvania

    ABC affiliate KOMO 4 News in Seattle, Washington

    Banks and newspapers are sending out alerts as well. Here a four alerts that were sent out in the last two months alone.

    Florida Telco Credit Union Warning:

    Teachers Federal Credit Union Warning:

    Frost Illustrated News In Indiana:

    Pittsburgh Post Gazette Warning:

    The Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist is currently investigating this company. This is not the first time Suntasia has been caught. Click below to see the outcome of the investigation back in 2000 by the then Attorney General Bob Butterworth. (Type in the letters “ftn” in the search)

    Suntasia was sued in small claims court by a man in Tempe, Arizona. He won his case and let the company know he was not going to be bullied around by them. He even created a “Suntasia Sucks” website. Click below to see.

    Former employees have spoken out as well in different forums. Click below to read about a former customer service rep who exposes the inside crooked operations at Suntasia. Scroll down to the middle of the webpage to find it.

    There plenty of website other than this one that expose them. Just click below and type in the search box “Suntasia”. (type Suntasia) (click on Hotel Scams link) (click on message board)

    If you’ve been ripped off by this company, I suggest you contact your State Attorney Generals Office.

    IN FLORIDA THE ATTORNEY GENERAL NEW FRAUD HOTLINE 1-866-9-NOSCAM (1-866-966-7226)or you can file a complaint online at:$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01

    The information I have posted is to help those that don’t know who’s behind this scam. If you have any more questions, please read some of the older posts starting on August 12th which will give you more insight.


  178. WATCH OUT FOR (727) 683-1138. Although they say they are with Distinct Advantage, when I filed a complaint with the BBB after these scam artists continued to call me trying to get my bank acct info for free gas and money vouchers, this phone number is listed with the BBB as ITC Delta Com and has 0 complaints! If you file complaints, which I sure hope you do if you are contacted by these folks, make sure you also file with the phone number they called you from! Lets get them shut down!

  179. Got a call on my daughter’s VOIP phone from “Direct Travel Agents” today. Wanted to verify my bank routing and checking account numbers to “make sure you have maintained your account.” Told me I had won free gas. I told them that they sound and act like an identity theft ring. She said “how can that be? The numbers are printed on your checks for anyone to see.” I hung up. However, what she says is true. Those numbers are readily available on our checks. So, what can we do to stop the scum who steal mail and get our information? Starting to think about moving to an island far far away.


    The address where ALL the calls originate from is:

    Suntasia Marketing
    8751 Ulmerton Road
    Largo, FL 33771
    Tel#: 727-471-0276 or 1-800-NEW-TEAM


    Live calls to your house start with the numbers 727-471-####. There are 8 rooms which hold 24 agents in each plus a customer service area. You can actually see what Suntasia looks like on the inside by clicking on their website above.

    The programs and the companies they currently promote are:

    Travel Agents Go Direct
    Distinct Advantage
    Freedom Gold
    Prism Communications

    Here is a list of programs they use to promote:

    Agents Travel Network
    Capitol Vacations
    Travel Agency Network
    Teliflex Communications

    ALL the companies listed above have an “unsatisfactory” rating with the Better Business Bureau. Go to the BBB site below and type in the names so you can see the reports yourself.

    Suntasia Marketing according to their website also promotes other programs such as Leisure City, Freedom Ring Long Distance Service, Monster Mastercard, Variety! Spice of Your Life and Credit Life.

    Three news stations have exposed Suntasia and it’s questionable business practices. Click below to see the news story.

    ABC affiliate KETV Channel 7 in Omaha, Nebraska

    CBS affiliate KDKA Channel 2 in McKeesport, Pennsylvania

    ABC affiliate KOMO 4 News in Seattle, Washington…tice-you-to-buy

    Banks and newspapers are sending out alerts as well. Here a four alerts that were sent out in the last two months alone.

    Florida Telco Credit Union Warning:

    Teachers Federal Credit Union Warning:

    Frost Illustrated News In Indiana:…0/News/010.html

    Pittsburgh Post Gazette Warning:

    The Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist is currently investigating this company. This is not the first time Suntasia has been caught. Click below to see the outcome of the investigation back in 2000 by the then Attorney General Bob Butterworth. (Type in the letters “ftn” in the search)

    Suntasia was sued in small claims court by a man in Tempe, Arizona. He won his case and let the company know he was not going to be bullied around by them. He even created a “Suntasia Sucks” website. Click below to see.

    Former employees have spoken out as well in different forums. Click below to read about a former customer service rep who exposes the inside crooked operations at Suntasia. Scroll down to the middle of the webpage to find it.

    There are plenty of websites other than this one that exposes them. Just go to Google and type in the search box “Suntasia”.

    If you’ve been ripped off by this company, I suggest you contact the State Attorney Generals Office and the local media in your area.


    The information I have posted is to help those that don’t know who’s behind this scam. If you have any more questions, please read some of the older posts in this forum to give you more insight.

  181. Consumer Alert: Discount Membership Clubs

    (KDKA) McKEESPORT Just one telephone call can lead to missing money in your bank account.

    A McKeesport woman says she was promised big rewards if she joined a discount membership club but she ended up paying for nothing.

    KDKA Consumer Editor Yvonne Zanos reports these membership clubs were big problems a couple of years ago.

    Shopping clubs, travel clubs and home repair clubs all promised discounts if you pay to join.

    Many didn’t deliver and consumers complained, states took action and things seemed to quiet down.

    But watch out… those telemarketers could be calling again.

    “I really believed she was giving me $500 worth of free gas,” said Shirley Smorey. “I thought I was going to get two weeks of shopping. I thought what a wonderful thing.”

    What started with an early morning phone call full of promises turned into a financial nightmare for Smorey.

    “She said it wasn’t going to cost me,” said Smorey.

    She says a telemarketer offered free gas and shopping just to try out a membership club that offered all kinds of discounts.

    Supposedly it was free for a month and if you canceled, you never pay a dime.

    Just two weeks after sharing her bank information and before Smorey ever received her promised free trial package in the mail something went wrong.

    “I was trying to figure out where did my money go,” said Smorey. “My check bounced.”

    Distinct Advantage had deducted a $59.99 membership fee plus the first monthly charge of $19.99.

    Add on a bounced check fee and Smorey is out more than $113.

    “This is killing me,” she said. “I don’t have the money.”

    When it comes to feeling cheated by Distinct Advantage, Smorey has got lots of company.

    The Better Business Bureau says this Florida based company has an unsatisfactory record because of more than 160 complaints.

    Most of them are the same as Smorey’s: “funds debited before the free trial period ends” and no sign of that promised free trial package.

    “You don’t get anything free. You don’t win nothing. You don’t win anything,” said Smorey.

    Smorey’s bank, National City, promised immediate action to get Smorey’s money back and they removed the overdraft charge.

    Zanos talked to Direct Advantage who apologized for any misunderstanding and promised Smorey a refund.

    End of the report.

    To see the news footage of this story, click on the link below.



    The address where ALL the calls originate from is:

    Suntasia Marketing
    8751 Ulmerton Road
    Largo, FL 33771
    Tel#: 727-471-0276 or 1-800-NEW-TEAM


    Live calls to your house start with the numbers 727-471-####. There are 8 rooms which hold 24 agents in each plus a customer service area. You can actually see what Suntasia looks like on the inside by clicking on their website above.

    The programs and the companies they currently promote are:

    Travel Agents Go Direct
    Distinct Advantage
    Freedom Gold
    Prism Communications

    Here is a list of programs they use to promote:

    Agents Travel Network
    Capitol Vacations
    Travel Agency Network
    Teliflex Communications

    ALL the companies listed above have an “unsatisfactory” rating with the Better Business Bureau. Go to the BBB site below and type in the names so you can see the reports yourself.

    Suntasia Marketing according to their website also promotes other programs such as Leisure City, Freedom Ring Long Distance Service, Monster Mastercard, Variety! Spice of Your Life and Credit Life. I have not been able to find out any information on these promotions they sell.

    The Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist is currently investigating this company. This is not the first time Suntasia has been caught. Click below to see the outcome of the investigation back in 2000 by the then Attorney General Bob Butterworth. (Type in the letters “ftn” in the search)

    Suntasia was sued in small claims court by a man in Tempe, Arizona. He won his case and let the company know he was not going to be bullied around by them. He even created a “Suntasia Sucks” website. Click below to see.

    If you’ve been ripped off by this company, I suggest you contact your State Attorney Generals Office.


    The information I have posted is to help those that don’t know who’s behind this scam. If you have any more questions, please read some of the older posts in this forum to give you more insight or go to Google and type in the search box “Suntasia Marketing”. You can find more information about this company and their questionable business tactics by just surfing the net.


  183. Three news stations have exposed Suntasia Marketing and it’s questionable business practices. Click below to see the news story.

    ABC affiliate KETV Channel 7 in Omaha, Nebraska

    CBS affiliate KDKA Channel 2 in McKeesport, Pennsylvania

    ABC affiliate KOMO 4 News in Seattle, Washington…tice-you-to-buy

    Banks and newspapers are sending out alerts as well. Here a four alerts that were sent out in the last two months alone.

    Florida Telco Credit Union Warning:

    Teachers Federal Credit Union Warning:

    Frost Illustrated News In Indiana:…0/News/010.html

    Pittsburgh Post Gazette Warning:

    If you’ve been ripped off by this company, I suggest you contact your State Attorney Generals Office.

    IN FLORIDA THE ATTORNEY GENERAL NEW FRAUD HOTLINE 1-866-9-NOSCAM (1-866-966-7226) or you can file a complaint online at:$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01

    Also calling your local tv stations can help alot more getting these crooks exposed. You can see for yourself from all the media links above how “Suntasia” can be put in check by having the spotlight on them.


  184. Telephone Alert – Members 1st Federal Credit Union

    The latest telephone alert involves members contacted by individuals claiming to be a “Checking Account Supervisor” and offering “free” services. Please be aware these are not Members 1st employees and the calls are originating from a company based out of Florida named Distinct Advantage.

    As when contacted by any company soliciting services via the telephone, Members 1st recommends exercising caution. Ask questions to fully understand all aspects of the offer being made.

    If you are contacted and note charges were made to your account without consent by Distinct Advantage, or if you feel employees of Distinct Advantage misrepresented themselves, please contact the Florida Attorney General’s Office of Consumer Protection.

    The toll free number for the Florida Attorney General’s office for filing a complaint is 1-866-966-7226. Complaints can also be filed online at

    Once on the site click on the ‘Consumer Protection’ link, then click on the ‘How to File a Complaint or Check on a Business’ link. All the necessary information for filing a complaint is provided.

    For more information regarding alerts, scams, and fraud protection information please visit our

    As you can see I don’t make this stuff up. To see the alert for yourself click below.

    This is the thrid banking institution to post warnings about Suntasia and it’s sub companies.



    Phone Solicitation Alert:

    Be aware of a phone solicitation scam that has come to our attention. The caller is claiming that the person has won a gift from their financial institution for being a member or customer in good standing. We know of these calls being placed from the “727” area code. In the past, this group has used the business names of Distinct Advantage, Freedom Gold, and Capital Vacations. Do NOT give your account number, social security number, bank name or any other personal or financial information in response to any unsolicited phone call.

    End of Alert!

    This warning came from the UVA Community Credit Union website. To see it for yourself, click below.

    My goodness how many alerts is it going to take before someone finally shuts them down.

  186. I’m glad that I found out for sure that the phone call I got was in deed a scam. I received the call 9/27/06 and the guy identified himself as John from Florida and he was calling from Distinct Advantage and I was being awarded a $100 gas card because I had purchased something with the last 18 months from one of their affiliate companies. They had my name, address and, obviously, my phone number. I told him that my bank account wasn’t in Florida and he said that he knew that and went through his spill again. The call ended when I hung up on him after he said that he would get my card out to me as soon as possible, all he needed was some information about my bank account and a password. I’ve told several people about the call as a warning to them. The number he called from wasn’t the one listed above, it was 721-683-1126.

    Just wanted to let you know there’s another number.

    C.M. Harris

  187. they told me they were with my bank and the asked me to verify me account number… i did n now they have takin over 200 dollars from my acconut i am still trying to get it back

  188. I have been receiving phone calls from these jerks everyday. Same scam, we have $400 worth of travel voucher’s for you please confirm your banking info. They have a new number again its 727-683-1117.

  189. Looks like the number has changed a little but same area code. Heads up to anyone who reads this. I just got a call from (727) 683-1117. Guy on the phone said he was with Travel Agents Direct. He was telling me how I can get airline ticket vouchers ($400) and hotel vouchers. And he was asking me all sorts of questions about my bank which I didn’t want to give out, for good reason. He read me off what he said was my routing number for my bank, which it wasn’t. Then he was very persistant to try and obtain my real one and wanted to transfer me to someone else to get my account number. A few red flags went up for me. 1 because they called me on my cell and 2 I never signed up for anything involving free anything because there is usually some hidden string attached. So I googled the travel name and found this

    Im not saying the guy was trying to scam me for sure but I didnt want to take that chance. Everything in the link I provided was my conversation with the guy. Except I wouldn’t let him transfer me to someone else and I told him about the site I found and it was enough for me to not want to be bothered no matter how much I love free stuff. It struck me even harder when the phone numbers matched so closely. here is the website for Travel Agents Direct.

    Use your better judgement if you get a call similar to mine. I did.

  190. I guess reading these comments I was wonderinf what cell phone service you have? My daughter got these calls in the last week and they were trying to get information from her. She has Cingualar cell phone and I think the cell phone company is selling numbers to these compaines.

  191. Started getting calls from this number (727-683-1126) yesterday while I was on the golf course. I didnt answer that call and they tried again today while I was at work so I couldnt answer it again. I called the number back and it sounded fishy so I googled the number and this site pops up.
    Just glad others have posted their knowledge…
    Great heads up!

  192. Hi!!
    i’ve been getting these calls too… how do you get them to stop?? i get like 5 or 6 calls a day.

  193. 727 683 1125
    This fucking asshole just called my boyfriend on our home/fax line with the biggest load of shit ever. He claimed to be “Lois”, an old boyfriend, and he “saw me at the library last week” and “wanted to make sure I was okay after my car accident” I never give out this number but on applications, etc. Plus, we’ve only had this number for about a month. I rushed home from school, after my boyfriend had to freak out that I was cheating on him, to call back this “lois” only to find out that when I did, I was added to a call registry. These people are unbelievable!!!
    Imagine if I had a family and a husband that they destroyed with this production!! I can’t even see the purpose of this!! Apparently, up the page here some other woman was asked for bank account info. What a racket! EVERYONE BEING HARRASSED must call police about this to bring justice to these assholes. I can’t believe I am being personally attacked by some big corporate blood-sucking, life-destroying agency.


  194. i find it funny that you all are bitching about this scam….lets just say im a bird in the sky….

    *now this worldwide *scam* you guys talk about is actually pretty simple

    …what happen was you used your checking account to make a purchse with one of our marketing affilates sometime in the past…we dont know how long…and you were list simplying as a customer who made a purchase…either online,tv of radio..through the infoworld….you are than consider a potential BUYER…so you infomation is tranferred to distinct advantage and calling you…about ur checking account you used…tpo make this its not a cold call… bue that is just a way to get you..the vouchers are actually a gift to you for looking over our program…now all of thsi is legal and legit because it is on a recorded line…and as long as you do call within your free trial period you will NEVER be billed…as mentioned in the recording…

    * now the reason you guys get billed is…eitehr you didnt get your package within the 7 day grace period we give you..becuase of whatever difficulties with teh postal system than you call on the wrong day and get billed
    * you call only one number and not all three
    * you dont call within your trial period…as long as youdo what we are never billed..thast how we stay in business..and you acct # is just a way to determine if u will be a potential customer..and ifyou do we have a way to bill you….

    …so we’re not considere TELEMARKETERS…we’re not sellin u anything *sigh*…the uneducated people here…

    everytime u fill out those little pop ups on line..and fill out ur infomation anywhere onlien or give you address over the phone…if you ever ask for the disclaimer or read teh disclaimers…you will see that it says * YOU INFOMATION MAY BE SOLD TO A THIRD PARTY SOLICTOR*….stupidity

  195. Yes, we know these phone solicitations ALL lead back to Suntasia Marketing and it’s call center. Whatever number you get whether it’s the old 727-417-#### or the new 727-683-####, it’s still the same old scam they offer with the so called, “free” gas and travel vouchers.

    If you want to have these crooks stopped, all you have to do is send them a certified CEASE and DESIST letter to their corporate office. Make the letter out to Donald Booth their corporate attorney. Write a neat and professional looking letter requesting them to remove your name, address and phone number from their files. DO NOT threaten them with any violence. Let Mr. Booth know you are not to be contacted by cellphone, landline, email, wifi, US Postal mail, telegram, telegraph or pony express. Simply put they are to CEASE and DESIST. Period. End of story. Inform him that should you keep getting more calls you will contact your own attorney to proceed with legal action.

    One last thing though you have to make sure you write in the letter all the phone numbers that are in the house, just in case you might have an extra phone line. This method does work b/c many have done it and received a response from Suntasia. So instead of complaining, just get typing. It’s time for some action.

  196. Oops! I almost forgot. To those who are going to write the letter to them. Here is the info below.

    Suntasia Marketing
    Attn: Donald Booth
    8751 Ulmerton Road
    Largo, Florida 33771

    The headquarters is conveniently located in central Pinellas County, Florida.

    Hope this helps.


    A former employee at Suntasia let’s everyone know the inside game going on in there. She recently posted her experience working at Suntasia and even apologized to anyone she might of misled accidently.

    If you want to read it, just click the link below and scroll down to the bottom. It’s titled, “ALL OF THIS IS TRUE, SUNTASIA IS A RIPOFF”.

    This company’s “free” vacation and gas vouchers are nothing but a sham.

  198. I Have been reciving a phone call twice a day for the last month, never leves a message from 727-683-1138. I did a search on the internet, was surprized to fined this!!

  199. I am wondering what kind of piece of shit sells our cell phone numbers to scum-artists like that … they should answer to us too … imagine taking 149 bucks from their bank accounts – they’ ll wine like slatered pigs … # 727-683-1119 call me from this number again … i ll give you more vouchers to what you have to sell or just shove it till your butt-crack reaches your neck … oh don’t hang up …what happened not in the mood anymore? should i write a letter? wanna keep me busy?

  200. Hey Rebecca, pay attention! I told you in my earlier posts banks are becoming increasingly aware of Suntasia and their umbrella companies. Well here is more proof for you.

    A fifth bank alert on Suntasia and Distinct Advantage has been posted. This time it is GESA Credit Union sending out the warning basically calling Suntasia’s “Distinct Advantage” a scam.

    Hang Up if “Distinct Advantage” Calls!

    September 28, 2006

    Recently, some members have received calls from a company that calls itself “Distinct Advantage Rewards.” They say they are authorized to give Gesa members a $100 gas voucher and a $400 travel voucher, all they need is your Gesa account number and other private information.

    THIS IS A SCAM. They are not acting for Gesa and they are not giving away anything. They are scam artists trying to get your financial information for fraudulent purposes.

    HANG UP on them, and report the call to the Consumer Protection Division of the State of Washington at 800-551-4636.

    If you have given out private information about your account to anyone in this or a similar scenario, please call the Share Drafts Department immediately for information on how to protect your account. Monday-Friday, call 509-946-1611 or toll-free at 888-946-4372. If you need immediate attention on a Saturday, you may call the Kennewick Branch at 509-783-2117.

    End of Alert.

    Click below to see it for yourself.

    This is becoming an all too common theme with Suntasia.

  201. I have been bothered by these people lately. Yesterday, I was at work and my cell rang on TWO seperate occasions. I didn’t know the number, so didn’t answer. Today, on my only day off, they call me again. Curious, I answered. The moment the lady (Joanne, I think) mentioned my checking account, I acted as if my service was crappy and eventually hung up on her. I don’t HAVE a checking account! My husband suggested that it may have been work-related some how, so I did a Google search on both the name and the number, and find myself VERY grateful for having hung up on the girl. To amuse himself, my husband has taken to calling THEM repeatedly and harassing THEM. It’s all very funny, telling them he’s happy to have an 800 number he can use to harrass them any time he wants to, and various other things, up to and including asking if the female on the line is still located in St. Petersburg and then asking her if she had ever been violently raped, he even asked one guy if he knew that Jesus died for his sins, and then asked if he wanted to have the same thing happen to him. These people are disrupting our lives, and my husband is trying to get revenge for us all! (Besides, he is curious to see if authorities in Florida will call asking after the verbal abuse, so we can possibly get them to do something about these scam artists in their own state.)

  202. Dear Pokey,

    I have recently inquired about the current investigation on Suntasia with the Florida Attorney Generals office and found out that this company has hired an outside law firm to handle their mess. That in itself is saying something about these crooks.

    It is a sad day when the people who run this sham as well as those who work there can’t seem to admit that they have a serious problem on their hands. As for the investigation it was told to me that the spotlight will remain on them for good which means if they continue to screw up it will cost more than any fine levied against them. I believe refunds could be coming to those victimized by these crooks like in 2000. For now though Suntasia’s lawyers might just work out a deal to save face.

  203. Same thing here. I had forgotten my cellphones were not on the DNC list until a week ago. I hadn’t had any problems with dud calls for a good couple of years and now they start flooding in. Distinct Advantage called me earlier today. Guy hung up on me when I asked “what number did you call”. I called back on the CLID number and had them remove me from their list. Siz hours later they’re back on the phone to me. Telling me a purchase I made through my checking account qualified me for this prize. I asked them which purchase through which bank, they “were not able to disclose that information”. I told them if you’re not gonna disclose shit, nor am I. Told them to stop calling me AGAIN. Got hung up on. Called back to speak to a supervisor. He said it takes “48 business hours” for a number to be removed. I said well it takes you a heck of a lot less than that to call me back after I ask to be removed, and that they should remove me immediately. Next call from them I will be using my contacts at the telco I work at to find out some info on them, and calling every law enforcement agency I can get a number on.

  204. You have all the info you need on this company by reading the posts on this website ME. Just scroll up to the posts I have been placing for the last two months. The info is there.

  205. with the phone number 727 683 1126 FL with the name Tampa they strike again, but because i have internt i check for a second time in 4 years if this companys exist, no this company not exist is like a office with same qt of people in side, try to catch some many reciving same percentag.

  206. ahahaha i keep getting called by 727-683-1126, but once i found out that it was a scam and they kept calling, i havent stopped calling them using skype ahahaha. now they get to see how it feels to be annoyed constantly haha!!!

  207. This exact same thing happened to me today, but I was thinking… When you write a check to someone they ALSO have all your account information, remember, your account number is also on the bottom of the check. so how is that any different. Maybe this company is legit…

  208. Hey Mike you must be an employee of Suntasia or something. Let me tell you what the difference is. When I go to Walmart and give them a check I KNOW what is being sold to me. If for some reason I am dis-satisfied then I quickly return it for a full refund where as Suntasia quickly debits your account without seeing the product first hand and thus you have alot of red tape to go through in order to get refunded.

    You should only give your checking account or credit card information to those you are familiar doing business with. Suntasia agents make it sound like they are affiliated with your bank which in turn fools many people. These deceptive marketing practices are what has them in hot water with the Florida Attorney Generals office for the 2nd time in 6 years.

    There is no reason whatsoever for Suntasia to request personal account info if their product was REALLY legit.

  209. Well I am another stupid person who fell for this scam. I am astounded that the state of Florida knows these people are doing this and apparently does not care. I have filed a complaint with the attorney general there so we will see. In the meantime I am not going to take this laying down and am staying on the phone and collecting information. Somehow we must get this across to America. These people are getting so rich off the backs of kind innocent people. I feel like because I was too polite to say no and hang up I got taken advantage of. Then a rep there came right out and told me if I was stupid enough to fall for it I deserved it. They are cocky with you once you become insistent about wanting a refund. Everyone put in complaints so the attorney general or someone will listen. Mary

  210. I really do think this is a scam they called me and asked me for bank account information for chase to verify. I DON’T EVEN HAVE CHASE!!!!

  211. I’ve been reading most of the post lately and I’ve notice that some people are already in the “National do not call list”. But a lot people believe that since they are in the list that telemarketers are not going to call them… WRONG!!! The “National do not call list” only tells the telemarketers not to call you, the Telemarketers can still call you if they want. If you were listening to the recording it tells you to find out their company name or phone number and type it up on and they will go after them. You don’t even need to pick up the phone!! Really you just need their phone number… I know they have multiple phone numbers but you can still report in and the Government will look into it.

    I am only 18 and live in Missouri, I’ve just register for the “do not call list” after reading this website, yet though I am shocked that so many people fell into their trap. The first rule in protecting yourself in scams is NOT PICKING UP!! And then next rule is reporting the number to the “National do not call list”

    Anyways, they’ve called me after work and I knew that it was a telemarketer of some sort, so I wanted to play mind games with them… so I spoke to them in german…

    … Guten Abend. (good afternoon)
    Uhhh is this Bobby *********
    … Ja? der Sie ist? ( yes?, who are you)
    ummm do you speak English?
    … Ja spreche ich gutes Englisch (yes I speak very good english)

    I am sorry sir but you need to speak in english for we to understand you.
    …. Sagen Sie, dass mein Englisch schlecht ist? Sie Weibchen!!! ( Are you saying the my english is bad?? you Bitch!!!)

    * click *
    hehe thank god for foreign language classes

    P.S. the number for the “National do not call list” is: 1(888)-382-1222 and as a reminder their website is

  212. To Mary and Mike:


    The address where ALL the calls originate from is:

    Suntasia Marketing
    8751 Ulmerton Road
    Largo, FL 33771
    Tel#: 727-471-0276 or 1-800-NEW-TEAM


    Live calls to your house start with the numbers 727-471-#### or 727-683-####. There are 8 rooms which hold 24 agents in each plus a customer service area. You can actually see what Suntasia looks like on the inside by copying and pasting their website address above to your address bar.

    The programs and the companies they currently promote are:

    Travel Agents Go Direct (may have changed names again)
    Distinct Advantage
    Freedom Gold
    Prism Communications

    Here is a list of programs they use to promote:

    Agents Travel Network
    Capitol Vacations
    Travel Agency Network
    Teliflex Communications

    ALL the companies listed above have an “unsatisfactory” rating with the Better Business Bureau.

    Suntasia Marketing according to their website also promotes other programs such as Leisure City, Freedom Ring Long Distance Service, Monster Mastercard, Variety! Spice of Your Life and Credit Life.

    The Florida Attorney General is currently investigating them for unfair and deceptive business practices along with illegal debiting of checking accounts for the second time in 6 years. All you have to do is go to and type in the letters “FTN” in the search box to see the report. They have even hired an outside law firm to help them with this mess. That in itself is saying something.

    You can also go to and type “Suntasia Marketing” in the search box to see ALL the sites out there that expose these crooks.

    There are steps you can take to get your money back but it’s up to you to do it and always be persistent.

    The first step you need to take is immediately talk to your bank b/c by law you have sixty days to dispute a charge. Banks are very well aware of these scam artists and can help or work with you to recover the money but you can’t stay sitting at home waiting. The more time that passes the less rights you have to recover any money owed.


    Many people were charge for months and the bank was able to refund the last few charges that were made by “SCAM-TASIA”. Don’t go by what the recording said b/c there is no SPECIFIC date when your so called “free” trial starts or ends. Let your bank know this or give them a link to this site so they can see for themselves.

    Next, write Suntasia a “certified” CEASE and DESIST letter to their lawyer Donald Booth if you don’t care to receive any more solicitations from them. Their corporate address is:

    Suntasia Marketing
    8751 Ulmerton Road,
    Largo, FL 33771

    Telephone: (727) 471-0276

    Let him know that you either didn’t get the package or it arrived late and you want a FULL refund b/c you never had a chance for the “free” trial. Also that you are NOT interested in anything else they have to offer other than a refund b/c of the fact that the agents mis-represented themselves totally.

    Also notify him that if he doesn’t comply with your request for the FULL refund you will seek legal action against his company as well as contacting your local media. Trust me they’ve been exposed alot lately on tv and this is the last thing he needs to hear. If you also contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint with them it at least assures you that Suntasia will have to respond. This is another thing they don’t like to do. It forces them to give a response to the BBB and thus give back the money owed.

    Third, whether you do or don’t get a response contact your local tv news station anyway. Most news channels in your area have a consumer complaint tip hotline. Go on the net and log on to their site. I know this would be a “juicy” story for them especially during the months of November, February and May b/c of the ratings period. They need uniques stories to get their audiences attention.

    Finally, I suggest you file a complaint with your state attorney generals office and in Florida as well letting them know the situation. The more people get involved the better off we will ALL be.

    I hope this information helps you and Mike.

  213. If you want to read about other victims and post your own story click at the link below:

    There are three television stations that have exposed these crooks in the last five months alone and I assure you there are MORE coming. The station’s links are below if you want to read or watch the news story that was done on these jerks.

    CBS Channel 2 in Pittsburgh

    ABC Channel 7 in Omaha

    ABC Channel 4 in Seattle

    There are have been at least 5 bank alerts these past months on Suntasia as well. Here is the list of banks.

    Florida Telco Credit Union
    Teachers Federal Credit Union
    Members 1st Federal Credit Union
    UVA Community Credit Union
    GESA Credit Union

    Like I stated in earlier posts, they are currently being investigated by the Florida Attorney Generals office for “unfair and deceptive” business practices along with illegal debiting of checking accounts. Chances are they will pay a heavy fine with refunds to customers who were duped but at least the spotlight will be on them for a long time to come. If they choose NOT to change their business tactics I am sure the government will either take away their license or shut them down for good.

  214. The Better Business Bureau has finally completed it’s report on the company we’ve been discussing in the posts above, Suntasia Marketing in Largo, Florida. For those who don’t know this company does marketing for vacation packages/promotions and long distance service.

    Of course it is no surprise they have an “unsatisfactory” rating due to a pattern of complaints concerning misrepresentation and sales practices, unauthorized billing and credit issues, refund disputes and delivery issues. Now in all fairness the company did resolve most of the complaints presented by the Bureau but when you have 160 of them in 36 months that’s way too much for such a small company.

    If you want to see the WHOLE report for yourself, please click the link below.

    The more people voice their concerns the better we can control how this company operates.

  215. Once again another bank alert has been sent out to consumers. This time it’s Bridgeview Bank in Illinois making them the 6th financial institution to warn their customers about this company. Bridgeview Bank even names Suntasia Marketing and it’s sub company “Distinct Advantage” specifically in the warning. Take a look below.




    The Bridgeview Bank Group has become aware of a fraud scheme which has targeted some of our customers. In this scheme a consumer is called by a marketing firm and asked to participate in a customer service survey. They claim to have been hired by Bridgeview Bank. They claim that the victim will receive free gifts, but that they need to confirm a bank account number. The caller will read off the bank’s routing number, which is public knowledge, and ask the victim to provide the account number. The account number can be used to withdraw funds from the victim’s account.

    Bridgeview Bank has not hired Distinct Advantage, Suntasia Marketing or any other marketing company to call our customers. You should be very cautious of any free offer made over the telephone. Never give out confidential information such as account numbers, social security numbers or other personal information.

    If you have any questions please contact our Customer Care Department at 800-794-2070 or

    For tips on how to avoid telemarketing fraud, please click here,

    I keep asking how many alerts and warnings is it going to take before people realize these guys are nothing but a scam.

  216. i just got a phone call from 727-683-1126…distinct advantage and giving a $400 worth of bull…so i told her why do you need my confirmation if her company already has my bank info…she was getting mad so i said well may be if you mail me the actual award i’ll read into it and see if i want to give up my bank account info…she hung up…i was so upset that i google her and here i am… what is the FBI doing against this! i’m sure they can do something!

  217. It never seems to amaze me how Suntasia Marketing screws up and then when they read it in a blog like this one, it quickly gets changed. Case in point.

    A few posts ago I said that “according to their website” Suntasia Marketing promotes the following programs such as Leisure City, Freedom Ring Long Distance Service, Monster Mastercard, Variety! Spice of Your Life and Credit Life. I have not been able to find out any information on these promotions they sell. When I clicked on Suntasia’s website, suddenly there is no products listed that they sell. Hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? Do you think they read what they see on these sites?

    This is not the first time they’ve done this. Recently when they gave their website a makeover I noticed they still had major spelling errors on there including their corporate name. As soon as I made everyone aware of this the spelling errors were corrected.

    It’s funny but sad at the same time. They can’t even get their crap straighten out before anyone notices it. If you want to see the products they promote, well, right now you can’t. Click below and you’ll see what I mean.

    Remember this post in the future.

  218. Yal are some dumb ass motherfuckers. I work for distinct advantage and you guys think you`re getting scammed lololol. Notice none of yal gave them your account nmber so you don`t know whther or not they would take money. But my own mother agreed to looked over the program and guess dumb fucks she called the number on the packages and she was never charged anything whatsoever… and yes she got to keep the gas vochers and the air vouchers. You guys think your some victims and shit it`s so pathetic, of the associate hung up on your ass people like yall are pussyass motherfuckers that are a waste of time and like every wants to scam yall when you probably only have like $5.00 in your account. Those numbers are passed to some many peoples hands on a daily basis you can`t do shit with. Here`s my while I`m at you puss ass bitches 322271627 and acct 10143785434 try and burn you weak ass motherfuckers.. yall are pathetic, paranoid, idiots..who wanna feel like you just solved a mystery it some weak ass shit..Our company is one of the most profitable, legitment companys in the nation we have a stronger stock than half the company`s in this country and it`s done nothing but prosper so what weak ass little lifers need to put that victim shit to rest


    Hey Braveheart, how about dealing with the REAL issue hindering Suntasia which is your company being investigated for the 2nd time in six years for unfair and deceptive marketing practices along with ILLEGAL DEBITING of checking accounts! Another words you guys misled the customers. Let me spell that out for you slowly, that’s m-i-s-l-e-d.

    Or how about the six, count them SIX bank alerts specifically mentioning Suntasia and Distinct Advantage in the last 4 months alone including one just this week from Bridgeview Bank in Illinois. Oh wait, you didn’t see it? Let me help you. Here is the link loser!

    Maybe you forgot the 3 tv news stations that have exposed your company as a scam. Oh wait I think you missed that to. Here let me help you AGAIN!

    Your Pathetic Quote:

    “Our company is one of the most profitable, legitment companys in the nation we have a stronger stock than half the company`s in this country and it`s done nothing but prosper. . . ”

    Oh really? I don’t see Suntasia anywhere on the New York Stock Exchange lady. So I don’t know about your stock being stronger than half the nation. If this was true your company would be on the top of the Fortune 500 list and as far as your company’s profits are concerned, of course you have! That’s bc you and the other Suntasia agents constantly MISREPRESENT yourselves so you can hook the client into giving up their checking account information.

    Finally Braveheart if Suntasia is so wonderful, why is it your company has an UNSATISFACTORY rating with the Better Business Bureau. Over 160 complaints in the last 36 months alone and growing. WOW!

    Don’t believe me. Click the link below. Read ’em and weep moron!

    So please if you are going to defend this pathetic company of yours, at least acknowledge the facts and that is Suntasia has alot of problems they totally ignore.


    Hey Braveheart, how about dealing with the REAL issue hindering Suntasia which is your company being investigated for the 2nd time in six years for unfair and deceptive marketing practices along with ILLEGAL DEBITING of checking accounts! Another words you guys misled the customers. Let me spell that out for you slowly, that’s m-i-s-l-e-d.

    Or how about the six, count them SIX bank alerts specifically mentioning Suntasia and Distinct Advantage in the last 4 months alone including one just this week from Bridgeview Bank in Illinois. Oh wait, you didn’t see it? Let me help you. Here is the link loser!

    Maybe you forgot the 3 tv news stations that have exposed your company as a scam. Oh wait I think you missed that to. Here let me help you AGAIN!

  221. Your Pathetic Quote:

    “Our company is one of the most profitable, legitment companys in the nation we have a stronger stock than half the company`s in this country and it`s done nothing but prosper. . . ”

    Oh really? I don’t see Suntasia anywhere on the New York Stock Exchange lady. So I don’t know about your stock being stronger than half the nation. If this was true your company would be on the top of the Fortune 500 list and as far as your company’s profits are concerned, of course you have! That’s bc you and the other Suntasia agents constantly MISREPRESENT yourselves so you can hook the client into giving up their checking account information.

    Finally Braveheart if Suntasia is so wonderful, why is it your company has an UNSATISFACTORY rating with the Better Business Bureau. Over 160 complaints in the last 36 months alone and growing. WOW!

    Don’t believe me. Click the link below. Read ’em and weep moron!

    So please if you are going to defend this pathetic company of yours, at least acknowledge the facts and that is Suntasia has alot of problems they totally ignore.

  222. Your Pathetic Quote:

    “Our company is one of the most profitable, legitment companys in the nation we have a stronger stock than half the company`s in this country and it`s done nothing but prosper. . . ”

    Oh really? I don’t see Suntasia anywhere on the New York Stock Exchange lady. So I don’t know about your stock being stronger than half the nation. If this was true your company would be on the top of the Fortune 500 list and as far as your company’s profits are concerned, of course you have! That’s bc you and the other Suntasia agents constantly MISREPRESENT yourselves so you can hook the client into giving up their checking account information.

  223. Braveheart if Suntasia is so wonderful, why is it your company has an UNSATISFACTORY rating with the Better Business Bureau. Over 160 complaints in the last 36 months alone and growing. WOW!

    Don’t believe me. Click the link below. Read ’em and weep moron!

    So please if you are going to defend this pathetic company of yours, at least acknowledge the facts and that is Suntasia has alot of problems they totally ignore.


    Hey Brain Dead (proper name), why do you and every other Suntasia employee always seem to avoid the facts. You guys NEVER address the problems that is hurting the company’s image.

    For example, the current investigation being done by the Florida Attorney Generals office for unfair and deceptive business practices along with ILLEGAL debiting of checking accounts. This is the 2nd investigation in six years but this time you are under the microscope of the fedss, the media and internet. You’ve been caught before because the agents misled the customer into thinking it was a “free” vacation when it wasn’t. Oh wait! Let me spell that out for you real slowly. The word is m-i-s-l-e-d.

    Or how about the three tv news stations in Seattle, Omaha and Pittsburgh that exposed your con game. Maybe you forgot the SIX oh wait! Let me say that AGAIN! That’s SIX bank alerts in the last 4 months alone. They are Florida Telco Credit Union, Teachers Federal Credit Union, Members 1st Federal Credit Union, UVA Community Credit Union, GESA Credit Union and the latest one just last week, Bridgeview Bank.


    “Our company is one of the most profitable, legitment companys in the nation we have a stronger stock than half the company`s in this country and it`s done nothing but prosper. . . . . .”

    Oh really? Well I have yet to see Suntasia’s name listed on the New York Stock Exchange and if your stock was stronger than half the nation this company would be on the Fortune 500 list. Bryan Wolf (the owner) would be an instant celebrity.

    As for the profits, of course you are making tons of money. It’s because YOU and every other Suntasia agent MISREPRESENT yourselves when you dupe the customer to give up their checking account information so they can have their money taken out before the so called “free” trial begins or ends. Suntasia deliberately sends out the packages late and thus the customer gets charged before they had a chance to react. THAT’S WHY YOU ARE MAKING ALL THE MONEY.

    It’s funny b/c it was just two years ago you guys were bouncing checks to your employees. Don’t say it isn’t true b/c I know people personally who it happened to.

    Finally Brain Dead I am sure your time is coming. No matter what you say or do to defend this shameful company, you can NEVER deny the facts.

    This a deceitful company with a usless product that nobody wants and rude morons like yourself only justify what everyone else is saying about Suntasia.

    IT’S A SCAM!


    Hey Brain Dead (proper name), why do you and every other Suntasia employee always seem to avoid the facts. You guys NEVER address the problems that is hurting the company’s image.

    For example, the current investigation being done by the Florida Attorney Generals office for unfair and deceptive business practices along with ILLEGAL debiting of checking accounts. This is the 2nd investigation in six years but this time you are under the microscope of the feds, the media and internet. You’ve been caught before because the agents misled the customer into thinking it was a “free” vacation when it wasn’t. Oh wait! Let me spell that out for you real slowly. The word is m-i-s-l-e-d.

    Or how about the three tv news stations in Seattle, Omaha and Pittsburgh that exposed your con game. Maybe you forgot the SIX oh wait! Let me say that AGAIN! That’s SIX bank alerts in the last 4 months alone. They are Florida Telco Credit Union, Teachers Federal Credit Union, Members 1st Federal Credit Union, UVA Community Credit Union, GESA Credit Union and the latest one just last week, Bridgeview Bank.


    “Our company is one of the most profitable, legitment companys in the nation we have a stronger stock than half the company`s in this country and it`s done nothing but prosper. . . . . .”

    Oh really? Well I have yet to see Suntasia’s name listed on the New York Stock Exchange and if your stock was stronger than half the nation this company would be on the Fortune 500 list. Bryan Wolf (the owner) would be an instant celebrity.

    As for the profits, of course you are making tons of money. It’s because YOU and every other Suntasia agent MISREPRESENT yourselves when you dupe the customer to give up their checking account information so they can have their money taken out before the so called “free” trial begins or ends. Suntasia deliberately sends out the packages late and thus the customer gets charged before they had a chance to react. THAT’S WHY YOU ARE MAKING ALL THE MONEY.

    It’s funny b/c it was just two years ago you guys were bouncing checks to your employees. Don’t say it isn’t true b/c I know people personally who it happened to.

    Finally Brain Dead I am sure your time is coming. No matter what you say or do to defend this shameful company, you can NEVER deny the facts.

    This a deceitful company with a useless product that nobody wants and rude morons like yourself only justify what everyone else is saying about Suntasia.

    IT’S A SCAM!

  226. Hey guys don`t worry about joe he just probably hasn`t got laid in couple decades and has no life , but he`ll be alright, I can assure you

  227. Quote from Brain Dead:

    “Those numbers are passed to some many peoples hands on a daily basis you can`t do shit with. Here`s my while I`m at you puss ass bitches 322271627 and acct 10143785434 try and burn you weak ass motherfuckers.”

    I commend you on your use of language by the way. It is typical of most people who work at Suntasia. Now here is a REALITY check for the DUMBASS person in the above quote who placed their checking account and routing number for all of us to see. I highly doubt it’s REAL. it is probably from one of their own closed accounts b/c they don’t make enough to keep one. LOSER!

    Take a look IDIOT! You think no one can do anything with that account? Of course providing it’s REAL. Well here it is MORON!

    “Easy check fraud technique draws scrutiny” Click below.

    You talk tough but you’re an uneducated DUMBASS like the rest of your crooked co-workers.

  228. You actually think you know some shit but your just on the shit end of the stick called life and well if were such a bad company and under some many spotlights than why have we been in business for years and continue to grow and prosper and were opening up a new location and well I`ll defintitely be a manager there making about 2 g`s a week and well I just hope your bitch ass is on the do not call list cause i`ll sell you de neez on a platter for $19.95 a month with a one-time activation fee of you mom you fucking faggot

  229. More them half the millions in this country never even graduated high school as for people like joe they spent all their life and school and made money. Damn your smart, so smart your poor!!!

  230. Oh yeah and joe, you dummy, there`s more than 1000 companies in the country. Damn you lame, but you a hero/good samartian for all the lame fucks like you.

  231. Hey Joe I bet you didn`t realize new stations tend to hype up stories like the one`s your familiar to make them news worthy. That`s how those you little 7 on your side reporters wind up getting knocked out and on CNN headline news for having been nosy ass no good motherfuckers try to shut down a guy like Byrons company cause they`re trying to save their own living sitiuation because they couldnt find a real story if they`re life depended on it!

  232. Oh really? Well for your information I use to work for news stations and I can tell you when a scam is out there the media can be brutal but it’s only fools like you that stay in denial when the scam is revealed. While I do agree that tv news stations can hype up certain news items, when it comes to scams like Suntasia being exposed by CNN and such the bottom line is the truth eventually comes out. So far you guys have had three tv news stations in 5 months expose your scam and I PROMISE you MORE is coming. It’s NOT a matter of “if” ONLY when, when the BIG boys like 20/20, Dateline and so forth will come knocking on your door.

    I also know Suntasia inside and out b/c I use to be an employee there. Towards the end of my employment there I knew the product was a sham. This company does not fool me one bit. I still have the scripts you guys use as well as the rebuttals. Totally misleading! The tactics used on the agents and the weekly meetings the execs have with the managers is a bunch of garbage. Bully directors and lousy wanna be managers with no skills to manage whatsoever.

    I figured you would use the media hype as a defense but how about the six bank alerts that have been released in the last 4 months alone. The following banks have all sent out alerts specifically mentioning Suntasia and it’s sub companies (IE Distinct Advantage, Travel Agents Go Direct etc). Did you get the latest alert there player? Let me help you. It was released just a week ago. Click below.

    You’re under investigation for the second time in 6 years for unfair and deceptive business practices not to mention illegal debiting of checking accounts. Your company has even hired an outside law firm to handle their mess. That in itself is a major statement. The first time you guys got caught in 2000, your company had to give back refunds in 16 states. Did you miss that to player? Here is the link. Just type the letters FTN in the search box.

    Oh and did I mention the companies that Suntasia promotes including themselves as a marketing company ALL have an “UNSATISFACTORY” record with the Better Business Bureau? Well why don’t we take a look at your company’s BBB record, shall we?

    Click below.

    So you see Brain Dead your argument does not hold water and like most before you that have “tried” to defend this shameless company you’ve ended up looking like a fool. Maybe someday you’ll wake up to reality. hopefully it won’t be when Geraldo shows up with a mic.

  233. You know what, your so write and really i don`t know what i was thinking! I want to apologize for all the name calling and immature behavior on my half that i demonstrated in order to protect the tarnished name of the pos company. My bad man I hate working at this company the only reason I do is cause it works out with school. M an you so write though I can`t believe that a scam of this caliber is tolerated whatsoever. Man I`m sorry dude I guess I`m just kinda bummed cause I wans`t looking to make money this way I just wanted a alrigth job to pay bills not to work at the most unethical place in The whole damn state of Florida I wish I had the means financially to move on to another job. just can`t believe that they run such a complex scam as far as making it seem like were this huge discount company and all that. I`m sorry dude I don`t know what I was thinking to sit here and bad mouth you, your doing the right, godlike, christian thing and I hope I can join you soon. MY BAD!!I feel alot better apolgizing to you though man!

  234. My friend I accept your apology and I’m glad you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Like you I had aspirations of doing big things at Suntasia but when I found out in the end the product was no good I felt ashamed and embarrassed b/c of so many people I actually signed up for their shameless promotions. There is nothing wrong with wanting to make lots of money. More power to you if you know how but it’s “how” you do it that I question.

    I knew something was wrong at the end of January 2006 when the then former manager Mark announced the company was changing it’s travel name from Agents Travel Network to Travel Agents Go Direct. The Florida Passport was changed to FloridaWay and Teliflex was changed to Prism. It actually sounds like “Prison” when you said it over the phone. LOL It is then I started becoming suspicious and actually found out that Suntasia had changed the names of the companies they promoted every year or so.

    A month before I left an employee there actually told me to go on the internet and look up Suntasia on websites like and as well. I was shocked with all that I found and then I became angry. Angry b/c I was led to believe this was a great company. Nothing could be farther from the truth. People were and still are being ripped off by these crooks.

    The programs and the companies they currently promote are:

    Travel Agents Go Direct (may have changed names again)
    Distinct Advantage
    Freedom Gold
    Prism Communications

    Here is a list of programs they use to promote:

    Agents Travel Network
    Capitol Vacations
    Travel Agency Network
    Teliflex Communications

    This is over a 10 year span and NOT all the former names are listed. Look I am not blaming you for trying to make a living but there are better ways of doing it other than at Suntasia.

    I remember the heavy drug use by the agents and managers there during the shift itself. I am sure it still goes on. I also remember the weekly manager meetings in the upstairs board room with the head of directors Elvis. The bullcrap they make you believe only step on you b/c of politics. If you weren’t liked your ass would be taken out of there by blaming you for crap you weren’t aware of or if your sales floor had low numbers they would use that to get rid of you and promote the next guy. They lift you up at the beginning just to knock you down in the end.

    I hope you can find other employment soon my friend b/c it’s simply not worth it. These guys under estimated the power of the internet and the media to. Time will tell how many people they’ve actually screwed.

  235. Your so right, I appreciate it man, So they`ll fire you just because, they think this and that about you not based on your work performance??? Man for get this job!

  236. They will fire you if you start rocking the boat and asking too many questions. It’s all politics in there. Watch your back b/c the knife is not too far off. Speaking from experience. Keep in touch my friend.


    Yes folks you read right AGAIN! This is becoming a frightening pattern with this company. The following alert comes from the Better Business Bureau website at

    This is the latest press release that came out a few days ago.


    Suntasia Marketing Targeting Area with Deceptive Calls
    Date: November 13, 2006

    Suntasia Marketing Targeting Area with Deceptive Calls
    Company Saying “You’ve Won a Vacation,” Quoting Personal Info

    Spokane, WA. – November 13, 2006 – An elderly woman from Spokane received a call a couple nights ago from Travel Agents Direct. The person calling was named Arthur Holden, and the number displayed on her Caller ID was 877-777-2709, and yet the number the telemarketer left for her to call was 727-683-1112.

    When she tried a call to the 877# number, a voice recording stated that “this is a call to which long distance charges apply, please dial “1” first.

    The telemarketer was offering 2 nights anywhere in the US, and airfare up to $500 on American Airlines for a shipping and handling fee of $1.95.

    The elderly woman said, “NO, I do not give you permission to take money out of my account,” to which the telemarketer said they already HAD her account number. They proceeded to read her CORRECT banking info off, both her routing and account number.

    The elderly woman, with her adult child, went to the bank immediately to report this activity, and the bank is watching her account for any unauthorized activity.

    Scary, or what? And who, exactly is this company, anyway?

    BBB investigations came to find that the long distance number given for this company is directly linked to Suntasia, a marketing group for vacation packages/promotions and long distance service located at 8751 Ulmerton Road, Largo, FL, 33771-3832, Web site:

    This company has amassed 160 complaints as of the release of this alert, and based on BBB West Florida files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to failure to respond to one or more complaints and two or more unresolved complaints. However the business has resolved most complaints presented to the Bureau.

    This company also has an unsatisfactory record due to a pattern of complaints concerning misrepresentation and sales practices, unauthorized billing and credit issues, refund disputes and delivery issues.

    This company has responded to some complaints regarding such companies as, but not limited to, FreeStuffForYou, Imperial Majesty, Paradise Vacations, Membership Services, Capital Travel, Capital Vacations, Two Talk Communications, and Travel Agent Network (TAN).

    End of Alert.

  238. Offered airline and gas vouchers. Hung up when I wanted to know which account the purchase was made from.

  239. So, I got a call this morning and decided to google it like I do everytime I get a call from an mysterious number. I read over this site, suspecting it had to be a telemarketer. Our number is unlisted and has only been given to close family members. Therefore, it boggles my mind how they got this number. After reading here, I decided to confirm the identity. There was no ringtone. Only a clicking noise that to me resembled some kind of recording device being turned on. Then a women answered and said “Thank you for calling. My name is Betty with Distinct Advantage.” I hung up. So, when they call back, I’ll be sure to inform my boyfriend that it is in fact a scammer.

    I’d just really like to know how they got our number.

  240. Yeah I guess Im just another person to join the club here, but I’ve been getting calls from these people for a good two months or so and i finally answered today. These people are blood-suckers to the extreme, I am so happy that I smelled this thing out, but I told them my bank and I am worried that they can still pull something out of this. Add the number (727) 683-1117 to the list and yet again it was the travel agency ploy. Any way we shut these people down, say with the help of the government or the Better Business Bureau?

  241. We got a call with all the same information I have been reading in everyone else comments. I was lucky and while on the phone with them found this website before giving any info to them. You can add 727-683-1113 to the list of numbers. Is there any way we can stop this. I am going to try!!


    The following alert is from the University of Virginia website.

    Scams from new sources:

    11/15/06 – Be aware of a phone scam. The caller is claiming that the person has won a gift from their financial institution for being a member or customer in good standing.

    We know of these calls being placed from the “727” area code. In the past, this group has used the business names of Distinct Advantage, Freedom Gold, and Capital Vacations. Do NOT give your account number, social security number, bank name or any other personal or financial information in response to any unsolicited phone call.

    End of Alert.

    This is now the 8th alert sent out on this company by different sources in the last few months. Six alerts came from banking institutions while the other two came from the BBB and UVA.

    If you want to read the UVA warning yourself, click below.

  243. I received a call from 727-683-1138, luckily the number they called is a fax so I guess they won’t call anymore.

  244. I have been bugged on my cell phone 2-3 times a day for the last several days from 727 683 1125. They didn’t get anything from me except bad words. We need a volunteer to go to 8751 Ulmerton Road in Largo, Florida and record the license plate numbers of the ten best cars parked in that lot during buisness hours. Post that information on this site. Creative people can take it from there. Norm

  245. I had 3 calls from some 727 number and tonight i got the 3 call and the guy told me he was sending me free stuff and 500 dollars in blah, blah, blah. and the guy knew my name, my dorm room phone number and my address at college, when he read the number off the bottoms of my checks, i was like no thats not right and then asked me to reread it, so i read him the wrong number because i was weirded out and i suppose he wrote it down. then i asked him where he got my information and told me that my bank had given it to him. and that was fishy, so i asked to please take my number off his calling list and that i wasnt interested, he immediately hung up. after that i immediately called my bank and froze my account. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!

  246. hmm these guys are still around, I just got a call at my home phone from advantage saying I had won 400 in flight vouchers and 100 in gas vouchers…damn scammers. I work for a Credit Union, and I run accross so many different types of scams, but this was a first for me. they number they used was 727-683-1138…So yeah tomorrow I am going to contact my CU’s Loss Prevention department and see if we can get a bulletin out to our members. Its amazing what they do these days…oh and to those uniformed souls out there remember your bank legally cant give out your information without your express permission, and even then they still wouldnt.

  247. I just receive a call from Distinct Advantage
    (727) 683-1125. They told me that I had won free airline tickets and gas vouchers. They wanted to confirm my address and bank. I asked them how they got my information they said I bought something over the internet. I told them that I have not bought anything or the internet and asked agin how they got my information. They hung up on me.

  248. i got a call from a travel agence go direct…. they called while i was sleeping, i talk in my sleep so i ended up giving them all my info… is there any way to get back all the money they took??

  249. Hi recieved a call from Travel Agents Direct at 727-683-1112 yesterday Dec 13. They knew my name and address as well as asking me for banking information. After questioning the man on the phone several times, he asked me a strange question “what do you dress up as when you go to the bank?” I didnt know what to say…this whole thing weirded me out.

    I have filed a complaint with the FCC, we’ll see if they get back to me. This is the first telemarketing call I have rec’d on my cell phone since i had the number 3 years ago. I am more concerned about the inforamtion they had on me than anything else.


  250. I noticed on my caller ID that I have been receiving calls from this company for over a week now. So tonight I finally answer and was told basically the same as everyone else had been told about the free airline vouchers that were good for one year.
    The lady verufied with me my name and address which she didn’t have my Apt# and I didn’t tell her either.

    Then she asked me to verify my bank name which I did like an idiot.
    Then she read to me my routing # which I told her was correct, once again like an idiot.
    Then she asked me to read the numbers to her after the symbol which of course is my acct #. That is when I became suspicious. I told her that I thought she already had it and she said she did and told me that she had to make sure she was speaking to me.
    I then asked her for the companies website address and she gave me
    I think asked her to describe the home page on the website and she told me that she personally has never visited the site. I told her that was odd for an employee not to have ever visited the company website.
    So then I asked her for the customer service contact number and she told me it was 1-877-777-**** (I dont remember the last 4 digits). I told her the customer service contact number was a different number on the website and she told me that they recently changed it but must not have updated the website with the new contact number.
    So then I hung up on her.

    What worries me is that I DID tell her the name of my bank and the routing number.
    It is a checking account and I do NOT write checks, but I DO use it to pay my credit cards online.

    I cant call my bank and report it because unfortunately this last summer I was stupid enough to fall for the “Canadian Lottery” scam and deposited a counterfeit check into my account. The bank closed out that account and allowed me to open another account but warned me to wise up and not be a victim again because they would be forced to close my account.

    I don’t know what I can do to protect myself without calling the bank.

    Any info that anyone can provide will be appreciated!



  251. I have received numerous calls from the 727-683-1138 number and when I finally called them back, they asked if it was me by name. My only response was to know how they came to have my number in which the lady replied that I made a purchase with an affiliate of theirs and that qualified me for $500.

    I promptly told them to remove my name, number and any other information they had on me from their system to to not contact me again. They stated I would be placed on their do not call list. Now to see if that will work. If not, I will take further action to have them stop harrassing me. 10 calls a day from them to my cell phone is out of line.

  252. Thanks for all your postings. I got a call from 727-683-1124 and googled it to see. After reading what ya’ll said, I called back and played a game with them. They offered a ton of stuff and then asked for my bank numbers. I gave them a closed account bank name and they asked that I verify the routing number and read off a bogus number. I agreed to that number and then shee asked for the rest of the number. I said “no” but send me information. She said a manager would have to call me and discuss it. So far, no calls back! Thanks again for the heads up.

  253. Wow! I had no idea so many people had went through all the same things I have. For the past few months I have had money taken out of my account over $200.00. How do we keep these people from preying on other innocent victims like my husband and myself!? I canceled some Teleflex crap in October then November some Freedom Gold and now December Distinct Advantage, will it ever end? I do not know how they even received my account information. Is there more out there one of the reps. form Distinct Advantaged said there was only 3 companies, if this is false please someone let me know so I can be prepared to go and visit the banks AGAIN! If anyone has any information as to how I may be able to obtain my money back please let me know. I want to thank everyone for posting their story because I would not have ever known this was a scam.

  254. KAM,
    The only information I am able to give you is what our bank requested my husband and I do. We changed our bank account to a new one and are hoping and praying that it will not happen again. Because these people are persistant and will continue to take $money out of your account (check 21) which is through an electronic check and no person at the bank ever sees it through their hands and unless you continue to check your bank statement online and keep an eye on the transactions you will have more and more money taken out of your account.

  255. Folks,

    I have written many, many posts in this forum for you in order to know what to do when these scam artists rip you off. If you scroll UP and start reading from the month of August on you will see ALL the information you need to know about these crooks.



  256. I am in Highschool. and everyday durring school my phone rings. and it is from a 727-683-1125. I am waitin for colleges to call me so i kept thinking it was from one of them. I have about 20 missed calls from them. so i called the # back and it said that this # would call me back. but it didnt even say the Company name. good thing i googled it, I am excited to tell them what i think of them next time they call.

  257. My Husband and I both have been getting calls from these people, They call themselves “Distinct Advantage”. (727)683-1138. They say they got our numbers from our bank. They say that we purchased something through our bank which they are affiliated with about 5-6 months ago and because we have kept our account in such good standings for so long, we are being rewarded with $400. in Airline tickets that can be used for anywhere in the US for one year AND a $100. gas card.
    When they asked for my bank name I ask them “If you got our numbers from my bank… how do you not know who my bank is?” She said they don’t have access to that info, only that we have the account and it is in good standings. She proceeded to ask for “the numbers listed at the bottom of my checks…” Which is the routing number and account number. I ask her “So you want my routing number and account number” She said “Yes, we need it just for verification that you do still have the account.” I told her I did not want to give that to her. She insisted that we would not be charged anything… that it was just for verification purposes. I ask her if she could call me back tomorrow so I could call my bank and ask them about this. She said “Sure, what time would be good?” I said “Any.”
    Well, They never called back the next day. But today, 4 days later… they call again… I hung up, and called my bank. They said, They would NEVER give anyone our info, it is against the law! My bank said to notify the Sherriff’s offive and if they call back again to try telling them that I spoke to my bank and that they said this company is a Fraud conducting a SCAM, and they will probably stop calling???

  258. I got 2 phone calls today, on my military phone number. The person asked what bank I had and asked to verify my imformation. after i did foolishly verify my info, they asked to confirm my account number and then to tell them my account number. I questioned them and said I didn’t have the info and could not complete it, and then they said they would call again. the number was 727-683-1138

  259. How are these people getting my phone number? I don’t give it out on the internet or anything./

  260. i just got a call from 727 683 1117 i thought it might be my dad since he works in florida but he only calls on his cell phone…so i looked at an area code map and it was from clearwater florida which is nowhere near jacksonville florida where my dad was…then i *67ed back to the caller and they answered “Travel Agents Direct: i need your name number starting with area code and blah blah blah”…so i hung up…i wasn’t planning on saying anything anyway…haha…well anywayz…i googled searched travel agents direct and i got this website among many others…i have signed up for the government no call registry thing…but i now have to wait 31 days to complain to them…i am tempted to call and entice them with fake name and numbers since i am calling them with a *67 anywayz…but nah…i am way too lazy to do that right now…but warn anyone you know about this stuff!!!

  261. My daughter got a phone call from her bank saying she was overdrawn by a check that came through for $49.95 She said how when she hasn’t written any checks since November. Turns out it was this place. I looked up Teliflex, and it brought me here. Funny thing is she didn’t talk to those people at all. She doesn’t answer any phone calls that she doesn’t know the number. I told her to go to her bank immediately and close her account which she did and opened a new one. The bank is also refunding her money. However, the bank did say they probably wouldn’t do anything about it because they haven’t seen much trouble out of this company.

  262. Haven’t seen much trouble from this company? My goodness have they not read ALL of the bank alerts (6) in the last 7 months alone? These crooks keep scamming people everyday. They even call you on Saturdays.

  263. Im 13 and I got a call from 727-683-1107 today on my cell phone and this lady ask me if my name was nick and i said yes. so then she said i owe for hotel rooms and asks is this your adress and says my adress so i start wondering how they got all my info so i tell her that that wasnt my adress and she asks if i have a bank account and i say no…so shes like does anyone in your house have one and i say i dont know and she asks if she can speek to someone else so i tell her noone is home so she says she will call back…It was real weird so i googled the number and all these sites came up with info about a scam…SO WHATEVER YOU DO…DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR INFO!!!

  264. If these people have these info will they be able to take any money out of your acount? Can you do anything besides changing your acount number/

  265. If they have your account number they can. Call your bank and put a fraud watch on them. Let them know that an unauthorized charge can come in from Largo, Florida and you want to stop it. At least you’re covering your but ahead of time.

  266. So I have to add a comment to this long list because I have gotten scammed and I didnt even give ANYONE my info. I had a 149.00 electronic debit come out of me bank account and knew immediately that it wasnt mine. I called my back and they told me that the company that electronically debited that money was a company called FLORIDAWAY. I had never heard of them before. I asked my back to send me dispute forms so I could dispute this withdrawl. While waiting for these forms to come I went online to search out this FLORIDAWAY company and found this site right here. Then tonight I go back online to view my account and there has been another 59.95 charge taken out of my account… again without my consent. Just wait till I call my bank tomorrow. I’m not waiting for the forms any longer to get here. I’m closing my account before they take every thing that I have!!!!!!!

    Seriously feeling VIOLATED!!

  267. Hi, I just got phone from 1727-6831117 “Travel Agency” – something like this. A woman told me that I had won 400 in flight vouchers. She knew my address and I was surprised!Then she asked me about my acount number. After this question I disconnected.I’m wondering why they still to fudge so many people???

  268. This website may have just saved me from this horrible scam and i am sooooo thankful i looked up this number online because they have been harrassing me for weeks!!! Luckily I had a feeling it was some kind of telemarketer so i never answered but they call me nonstop at all hours of the day multiple times a day and they have left a couple weird voicemails that would hang up in mid sentence. Now that I know this is a scam next time they call, which i’m sure they will, I can give them a piece of my mind and everyone else’s i’m sure. the number is 727-683-1125 so beware and thank you to whoever has written in about this because you may have just saved me from making a stupid mistake that could have cost me big time!!! THANK YOU!!!

  269. I got a call today from distinct advantage for free gas bla bla bla being the dumbass that I am I gave them the info but plan to close my account tom. morn 8 A.M. I only wish there was a way to get more people ahead of time to know about this!

    This is seariously BULLSHIT!!!

  270. Yep, that’s the one! Same exact deal, they called numerous times on my cell…yeah bite me, eat my minutes! I finally answered to tell them to stop. Anyway interestingly, she didn’t use the name on my checking account. She did know the routing #, and did try to get my checking acct #, and that’s when I said, you sound like a nice person, but no deal. then she said it was all being recorded, and I said maybe, maybe not. Then she said she would get her floor manager on the phone and I said “that could be your boyfriend for all I know”. Then I told her, “smells like a fish, swims like a fish, must be a fish!” and hung up on them. I really don’t have the time to change my account, what a hassle that would be for the legitimate arangements I have for bill paying. And I really don’t have the money for them to scam me. So will they be able to get it if they don’t have my acct # or proper name listed on my account?

  271. Nope. As long as you didn’t give them your account number, you’re safe. If anyone did though, you have to contact your bank immediately to put a fraud alert on them. Remember it doesn’t matter who calls you whether it’s Travel Agents Go Direct, Distinct Advantage etc., ALL the calls originate from Suntasia Marketing in Largo, Florida. The numbers begin with 727-683-#### and they change them every 12 months or so b/c people will eventually catch on that it’s them.

    To make them stop calling you, simply write Suntasia a “certified” (keyword) CEASE and DESIST letter to their lawyer Donald Booth if you don’t care to receive any more solicitations from them. Their corporate address is:

    Suntasia Marketing
    8751 Ulmerton Road,
    Largo, FL 33771

    Be firm and polite with your demands but never threaten them with any violence. Always make sure you list out all the phone numbers in your home including cell# so they won’t have any excuse to call you later.

    The more we spread the word about this company the better off we will all be.

  272. Hi just got scammmed today! They called from 727-683-1126. I was dumb enough to give them my account number but as soon as i did I realized my mistake. They said they were going to record the ollowing conversation to verify my info. and I said I was not interested and the girl passed me to her “manager” and I told her I was not interested and hung up. I am still in danger?

  273. Received a call today from 727-683-1138. Did not answer, after googling I called back. First guy very nervous hung up immediately. Called back, second “operator” could not answer any questions gave me a “customer service” number 877-777-2709. He couldn’t answer any questions either, but did say they had my mailing address and they got this information from a purchase I made on the internet or tv. Called back the first number got the same girl again. How odd is that??? What call room companies do you know that the same person ever answers??? Asked this girl what information she had on me, she said mailing. Told her to just mail out the information. She said needed to verify I had an active checking account. BINGO I asked her the address of where she worked, she didn’t know it. I said you don’t know where you work??? Oooooook. Tried to send me to “customer service” again. Hung up and chose option 3 to remove, let’s just hope this works. So everyone knows, they know your phone number and your mailing address. The only place I have put this in the last week was registering information about my new computer.

  274. I received a call today from these scumbags. her name was mary, from DISTINCT ADVANTAGE. Phone number 727-683-1126. The same bla bla story. My question if this is a scam why isn’t the FBI do something? is this legal?

  275. i got the same call this morning at 9:30 a.m. i know the call is coming from clearwater florida not only did the guy say it was a Tampa Bay based company i searched the # and all i could find is that it was a cell # and was coming from clearwater. I WANNA KNOW HOW I CAN FIND THE ADDRESS OF WHERE THESES PEOPLE REST AT NIGHT.ANYONE WHO TELL ME HOW SUBMIT A COMMIT.

  276. I’ve been getting calls all week from 727-683-1125… I always had a policy of not answering numbers I don’t know. In the past I had the forsight to google the numbers (with little or no results). My friends always gave me a hard time about not answering these numbers. Today they got me! I answered the phone half asleep, and for some reason I fell for the crap that fast talking Jaccob Bentley was saying (employee number 144). He already had “all” of my info: routing #, address, phone number (my CELL phone, argh!), name, but he just needed my account number for VERIFICATION PURPOSES. Having my account number memorized, it was easy for me to rattle it off (while being recorded). As soon as I hung up, my stomach sank. I googled a few of the key companies I remembered the guy saying, and the results all started with SCAM ALERT!. I called them back, and a woman answered, “Hey Mat! Are you returning one of our calls, or did some one talk to you?” Yes, she answered with my name. She said she couldn’t cancel the package of vouchers and trial memberships, etc. because my info was still pending; “You just have to wait until you get the package and cancel through the 800 number.” I got off the phone, drove to my bank and closed out my account. All of this took place within the first hour of waking up, not a very good morning. When I got back to my place, they were already calling me; three times back-to-back (probably because the account number didn’t go through). They’ve called me about five times since I canceled the account. The number they call me from now is 727-683-1118.

    I hate them for existing, but I hate myself more for falling for it… I feel like a royal idiot.

    It’s amazing how far these comments on this page date back from the same scam.


  278. The following information is on Suntasia marketing and its promotions.

    The address where ALL the telemarketing calls originate from is:

    Suntasia Marketing
    8751 Ulmerton Road
    Largo, FL 33771
    Tel#: 727-471-0276 or 1-800-NEW-TEAM


    Live calls to your house start with the numbers 727-683-####. There are 8 rooms which hold 24 agents in each plus a customer service area. You can actually see what Suntasia looks like on the inside by copying and pasting their website address above to your address bar.

    The programs and the companies they currently promote are:

    Travel Agents Go Direct (may have changed names again)
    Distinct Advantage
    Freedom Gold
    Prism Communications

    Here is a list of programs they use to promote:

    Agents Travel Network
    Capitol Vacations
    Florida Passport
    Travel Agency Network
    Teliflex Communications

    ALL the companies listed above have an “unsatisfactory” rating with the Better Business Bureau.

    If you were transferred to a recording department and did not re-verify your acct. info, they cannot debit anything but just to be safe call your bank and place a fraud alert on any of the named companies above.

  279. They call my cellular phone asking for my information; stating I will receive coupons worth x amount of dollars along with winning a trip anywhere around the world. They wanted to verify my bank name and my name. I gave them that and something told me not to go any further. After I hung up the phone, they continued to call me over and over. I checked on line for fraud and I found this website. Thank you guys for the heads up. I am waiting for them to call me back so that I can give them a piece of my mind. Be Alert!!

  280. EVERYONE WHO READS this, and has been contacted by this scam, please go to the Federal Trade Commissions web site and fill out the complaint form. I filled one out and was contacted by the FTC they are in the process of gathering evidence to shut this outfit down. The more info the FTC gets the sooner they can shut them down.

  281. Have been calledy by these guys several times a day for the past week or so. I have nevered answered and do not plan to. Check out MSNBC website today. There is an artical about consumers sueing telemarketers for unsolicited phone calls after requests not to be called again. It also has a link to a site with the how-to on filing paperwork. The following info is a paste from another website that discusses this particular group and one commentor who was able to get contact info…

    “…it turns out that it originated in Clearwater, FL.
    I got on and e-mailed their police department with my strange story.
    They replied with this: ‘Thank you for contacting the Clearwater Police Department.
    The company that called you is Travel Agents Direct, it is a telemarketing company that obtains the personal information, including the bank routing #, of customers through various other marketing companies on line or through infomercials on TV. The customer makes a purchase through one of these of companies and their info is passed on to Travel Agents Direct. They supposedly sell travel related packages. Their address is:
    Travel Agents Direct
    11125 Park Blvd.
    Seminole, FL 33772-470
    They use phone numbers in the sequence of 727-683-1113 / 1114 /1115, etc. This address falls within the jurisdiction of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office. Their phone number is 727-582-6200.
    If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    Heather J. Petsch
    Senior Staff Assistant
    Office of the Chief
    Clearwater Police Department
    ph. (727) 562-4341′”

  282. Just got a call from 727-683-1119. Didn’t leave a message, and being I am looking for work, thought it might be a call 4 work. I was about ready to call them back but then curiosity got the better of me, and I googed that number and found this site. Figures it would be a scam to get bank information, etc. Seems like they abound everywhere now. You can’t trust anyone.

    On message 300, I contacted Heather of the Clearwater Police dept, she referred me to Pinellas County Sheriff, 727-582-6200, who the transferred me to the communications dept where I was put on hold. That dispatcher didn’t seem to want to talk to me.
    I guess they don’t really care to hear these complaints. So, where do you go to shut S&#T like this down? I really don’t want to waste anymore time than this to follow up on it, unless they start calling me three times a day.

  283. They just tried to pull the same crap on me… SOBs…
    It’s good thing I like F’n with people on the phone and retain a healthy paranoia about most anything that’s being “given” to me.


    F’n CROOKS!!!

  284. I got the first call from 727-683-1125 maybe 3 days ago. They said I had like $400 in vouchers waiting for me and before it went any further, I told her I wasn’t interested and hung up on her. Since then, they have called me four more times, and I have not answered. They just called and for some reason I finally got the idea to google the phone number and this came up. I can’t wait until they call back, now, because I don’t plan on hanging up…..

  285. We were scammed too. But hubby said they HAD our checking acct number and routing number already. The did a check fo $1.95, hubby said it was to pay for the “shipping”.

    We will be closing this acct on Tuesday and this Monday is a holiday (presidents).

    Thanks for the info here. If anyone could PLEASE email me the info to contact the local police dept and attorneys office, etc. I would appreciate it.


  286. Since I posted on the 16th, they have called me at least twice a day. I did not give them any iformation to begin with, and every time they call, I tell them I KNOW it is a scam and to stop calling. They hang up right away, but continue to call me many times a day. Does anyone know if I can do anything to stop them?!?!?!

  287. Write Suntasia a “certified” CEASE and DESIST letter to their lawyer Donald Booth if you don’t care to receive any more solicitations from them. Their corporate address is:

    Suntasia Marketing
    8751 Ulmerton Road,
    Largo, FL 33771

    Telephone: (727) 471-0276

    Let him know that you either didn’t get the package or it arrived late and you want a FULL refund b/c you never had a chance for the “free” trial. Also that you are NOT interested in anything else they have to offer other than a refund b/c of the fact that the agents mis-represented themselves totally.

    Also notify him that if he doesn’t comply with your request for the FULL refund you will seek legal action against his company as well as contacting your local media. Trust me they’ve been exposed alot lately on tv and this is the last thing he needs to hear. If you also contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint with them it at least assures you that Suntasia will have to respond. This is another thing they don’t like to do. It forces them to give a response to the BBB and thus give back the money owed.

    Third, whether you do or don’t get a response contact your local tv news station anyway. Most news channels in your area have a consumer complaint tip hotline. Go on the net and log on to their site. I know this would be a “juicy” story for them especially during the months of November, February and May b/c of the ratings period. They need uniques stories to get their audiences attention.

    Finally, I suggest you file a complaint with your state attorney generals office and in Florida as well letting them know the situation. The more people get involved the better off we will ALL be.

    I hope this information helps you

  288. For those who are not aware how important it is to let people know about these scam artists including those in the media, here are some links on news stories that were done in 2006 on Suntasia Marketing and the products they sell like “Distinct Advantage”, “Travel Agents Direct”. Just click below and watch a woman in Pennsylvania who was being taken for a ride as well as others they tried to scam.

    Consumer Alert: Discount Membership Clubs – KDKA Channel 2


    “Man Warns About Suspected Phone Solicitation Scam” KETV Channel 7


    “Telemarketers Using Costco’s Name to Entice You To Buy” KOMO 4 News in Seattle.


    They have not only been exposed by the media but as many as 6 bank alerts in the last year alone were sent out to warn consumers about this scam not to mention a second federal investigation still on going since July of 2006.

    If you think if can’t happen to you think again. Remember ALL the products that are marketed and sold come from one place ONLY. SUNTASIA MARKETING in Largo, Florida.

    The programs and the companies they currently promote are:

    Travel Agents Go Direct (may have changed names again)
    Distinct Advantage
    Freedom Gold
    Prism Communications

    Here is a list of programs they use to promote:

    Agents Travel Network
    Capitol Vacations
    Florida Passport
    Travel Agency Network
    Teliflex Communications

    Any questions are welcomed but please read some of the posts in this site so as to not repeat the same information again. My last two posts answer 95% of your questions on who these guys are.

    Hope this helps clear things up a bit. Comments welcomed.

  289. thank God i found this site they called me but i was in between classes, so he said i will call you back later. When he calls back i am going to tell him to take his offer and shove it.

  290. They called me twice from 727-683-1117, second time I answered… he went on about having an account in good standing with the last 4 numbers listed as … AND HE GAVE THE NUMBERS!

    It leads me to believe they hack into sites on the net that people have made purchases from and steal these peoples bank numbers.

    I just hung up on the guy… how are the feds not cracking down this?

  291. Quote:

    “I just hung up on the guy… how are the feds not cracking down this?”


  292. OK I may be wrong but I just atended a meeting put on by United Vacation Network in Jacksonville Forida – I am in PR so I know scams – I was very dubious but attended anyway just to find out what this was about – I am curious especially if I think people will get ripped off, because they don’t want to mess with me, I hold too much credo with the local press. Anyhow it was a travel discount company. The pitch did seem genuine. The folks were OK no hard sell. Of course I am awaiting the outcome of my free cruise!!!!! but I’m not stupid. Of course I didn’t sign up – I don’t take those kind of vacations – but three couples did in the room. I Didn’t give them any info – used my PO box address and didn’t give them my true birthdate. Anyhow did some research and found that one of the addresses (company LLLC) was very close to the Suntasia Marketing address in fact the address is 7850 Ulmerton Rd. listed under Global Acess Group the owners own both Global Access and United Vacation Network – go figure it out! seems like they coould have started up again under a seperate name – I will be on the watch here in town and will be alerting the media as soon as I have proof of any weird goings on.

  293. Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU for all the information. My boyfriend (M) received a call in late January from Travel Agents Go Direct. He nievely “verified” his information thinking he was going to get complimentary travel vouchers and such.

    He only spoke with two Travel Agents Go Direct reps. Once when he foolishly fell for this scam and another time to cancel. Since then he has been charged 3 different times in the past 3 weeks eventhough he cancelled. Each time from a different company: TRAVEL AGENTS GO DIRECT, FLORIDAWAY, and PRISM.

    We only noticed these charges because his account was in the red for unknown charges. With a little investigation of our own we realized it was the three aforementioned companies. At this point he tried calling all 3 companies which have done nothing but give him the run-around like have an automatic answer after waiting for awhile saying something like “I’m sorry we are currently experiencing technical difficulties/high call volume. Please call back again later. Thank you!” or have the reps being completely rude. After he did talk to an actual rep, the man tried to offer him the gas vouchers, which he automatically said no thanks to. The rep even tried to play back the original recording in which he claims M agreed to all these charges. He played it back and it was completely distorted. One of the voices on the recording didn’t even sound like M. Actually both voices didn’t even sound human, they sounded more like cartoon characters with the amount of distortion. The rep basically said he couldn’t be given a refund because they have a recording with M agreeing to any and all charges.

    What can I say by now but UGH! Since we just realized his account discrepancies and called the company yesterday I was curious to see if there was any information on this company. Go figure. There is. Thankfully someone else has done some research on this. This is really frustrating. I just needed to vent a little. Thank you so much for the helpful information. After reading the above information I called M to tell him some of the information I found. He immediately called his institution to have all electronic withdrawal transfers stopped. I hope I can talk him into closing his account all together just to be on the safe side.

    I have a couple of questions though. With the steps and information you’ve provided above…is it really likely anyone will get their money refunded? I am just wondering how many have actually done it successfully.

    Also, does anyone have a sample Cease and Desist letter. I know where to get it notarized and I understand it must be certified but I don’t know how to go about formulating the actual letter that will get the attention of the company and get results.

    Thanks again for all the information so far!

  294. You’re welcome Angela. I know this company very well b/c I use to work for them. Lasted about a year before I found out about their shameful business tactics. Many have got their money back but you must be persistant.

    First, send them a “certified” Cease and Desist letter (see sample below). Next, contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint with them b/c at least it assures you that Suntasia will have to respond. This is another thing they don’t like to do. It forces them to give a response to the BBB and thus give back the money owed. Also contact your local media (IE new stations) and let them know about these crooks. They were exposed 3 times last year on tv (look at the post links above).

    Finally, whether you do or don’t get a response from Suntasia contact your local tv news station anyway. Most news channels in your area have a consumer complaint tip hotline. Go on the net and log on to their site. I know this would be a “juicy” story for them especially during the months of November, February and May b/c of the ratings period. They need uniques stories to get their audiences attention.

    Finally, I suggest you file a complaint with your state attorney generals office and in Florida as well letting them know the situation. There was an active investigation which began in June of last year which I believe is still on going.

    Below is a sample of the Cease and Desist letter you requested.
    Your Name
    Donald Booth
    Suntasia Marketing
    8751 Ulmerton Road,
    Largo, FL 33771

    Dear Mr. Booth:

    I request that you CEASE and DESIST in your efforts to market your products to my phone (insert number(s) here). I am NOT interested in anything your company has to offer other than a refund b/c of the fact that the agent I spoke to misrepresented themselves totally.

    Also if you don’t comply with my request for the FULL refund I will seek legal action against your company as well as contacting the local media and the Better Business Bureau. It is my personal policy not to deal with marketing companies that solicit over the phone without my consent.

    You are hereby instructed to cease any marketing efforts immediately by deleting my name, address and phone number(s)from your dialing system or face legal sanctions under applicable Federal and State law.



    Your name here

    End of letter


    Make sure you sign the letter otherwise it is not legal. Also, make sure you certify the letter when you send it. This way you have proof they received it. One last thing, remember to list ALL the phone numbers in your home including cellphones so they don’t have a chance to slip through the cracks and call you.

  295. Thank you Joe! You have been most helpful. I (and others I am sure) appreciate your assistance in this matter.

  296. Thanks for the heads up on this.
    I have been receiving calls from these people for a couple of days now.
    Just FYI, they are now claiming the company name is VARIETY. Same MO with the gas and travel vouchers.
    I verified my name and address, but when they mention checking information I hung up.
    Thanks so much for the information on the cease and desist procedure.
    If they call back I’ll be asking them to code my number B9, and put me on their do not call list. I may also ask how the weather is, there in Florida, and how Byron is doing today, LOL.


    Like I have been saying all along, more and more alerts are being sent out by banks, tv new stations as well as the internet about these crooks.

    The alert below was posted recently by Members Plus Credit Union warning it’s customers about Suntasia and it’s umbrella companies like Distinct Advantage, Travel Agents Direct and Freedom Gold.

    Telephone Scam – BEWARE!

    Members Plus Credit Union has become aware of a fraud scheme which has targeted some of our members. In this scheme a member is called by a marketing firm and led to believe that MPCU hired this firm. They claim that the member will receive free gifts, but that they need to confirm a bank account number. The caller will read off the bank’s routing number, which is public knowledge, and ask the member to provide the account number. The account number can be used to withdraw funds from the victim’s account.

    The calls are usually placed from the “727” area code. In the past, this group has used the business names of Distinct Advantage, Freedom Gold, Capital Vacations, and Suntasia Marketing. Members Plus Credit Union has not hired Distinct Advantage, Suntasia Marketing or any other marketing company to call our customers. You should be very cautious of any free offer made over the telephone. Never give out confidential information such as account numbers, social security numbers or other personal information.

    End of Alert.

    You can see the MPCU posting for yourself by visiting the site at:

    Scroll to the bottom and you will see it.

  298. This come’s straight from the BBB website:

    BBB Reliability Report

    The Better Business Bureau®
    Serving Florida’s West Coast
    P.O. Box 7950
    Clearwater, FL 33758-7950
    (727) 535-5522 (24 Hours)

    Suntasia Marketing, Inc.
    8751 Ulmerton Rd
    Largo, FL 33771-3832
    Telephone: (800) 639-8326
    Fax: (727) 471-0274

    The BBB reports on members and non-members. If a company is a member of the BBB, it is stated in this report.

    Original Business Start Date: November 1999
    Principal: Mr. Bryon W. Wolf, President
    Customer Contact: Mr. Donald L. Booth, General Counsel – (727) 471-0276
    Entity: Corporation
    Incorporated: November 1999, FL
    TOB Classification: Vacation Certificates & Vouchers
    BBB Membership: This company is not a member.

    Suntasia Marketing, Inc. is owned by FTN Promotions, Inc. This report also references Guardian Marketing Services Corporation, an affiliate of Suntasia Marketing. These companies operate out of the same offices in Largo, Florida and list the same corporate officers.

    Additional DBA Names

    FTN Promotions, Inc.
    Capital Vacations
    Guardian Marketing Services Corporation

    Nature Of Business

    Suntasia Marketing, Inc. conducts telemarketing services for for various companies, which are listed in detail in the Customer Experience section of this

    This company report also references the name Guardian Marketing Services Corporation, an affiliate of Suntasia Marketing. Guardian Marketing Services Corporation provides the customer service for Suntasia Marketing and the various companies that it telemarkets.

    Customer Experience

    Suntasia Marketing has an unsatisfactory rating due to a pattern of complaints concerning misrepresentation in sales practices, unauthorized billing, refund disputes, and delivery issues.

    Suntasia Marketing provides telemarketing services for the products of various companies. Each of these companies has its own BBB reliability report detailing the company and its complaint history. As the telemarketing service provider for these companies’ products, Suntasia Marketing is the source for many of the complaints. You may get these companies’ reliability reports by contacting the BBB of West Florida at (800) 525-1447 or its website,

    These companies include, but may not be limited to:

    1. Agents Travel, 3993 Tyrone Blvd, St Petersburg, FL, (800) 432-6350
    2. Distinct Advantage, 10500 Ulmerton Rd Ste 726-302, Largo, FL, (866) 545-5486
    3. Florida Passport, 6822 22nd Ave N PMB 432, St Petersburg, FL, (888) 612-2894
    4. Floridaway Dream Escape, 2655 Ulmerton Rd Ste 407, Clearwater, FL, (888) 488-8770
    5. Freedom Gold, 10500 Ulmerton Rd, Largo, FL, Ste 726-302, (800) 853-0473
    6. Prism Communications, 3665 E Bay Dr Ste 201B, Largo, FL, (888) 694-9151
    7. Teliflex Communications, 3303 Seffner Dr, Holiday, FL, (866) 821-8674
    8. Travel Agents Go Direct, 11125 Park Blvd Ste 104-364, Seminole, FL, (888) 546-8844
    9. VersaTalk, 3303 Seffner Dr, Holiday, FL, (877) 494-7363

    Suntasia Marketing’s complaint information is as follows:

    When considering complaint information, please take into account the company’s size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm’s responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.

    The Bureau processed a total of 185 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 185 complaints closed in 36 months, 47 were closed in the last year.

    Company Management

    Additional company management personnel include:

    Mr. Roy A. Eliasson – Vice President
    Mr. Vance Vogel – Executive Director of Sales & Marketing
    Mr. Michael Berndgen – Chief Financial Officer

    Bryon Wolf, President of Suntasia Marketing, Inc., and Roy Eliasson, Vice President, are respectively the CEO and Vice President of Bay Pines Travel, Inc. The Bureau has a separate reliability report on Bay Pines Travel, Inc., located in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

    Additional Addresses, and Telephone Numbers

    Additional Addresses
    9641 Gulf Blvd
    Treasure Island, FL 33706-3209
    Tel: (727) 367-6887

    5621 Park St N
    Saint Petersburg, FL 33709-6310
    Tel: (727) 544-0776

    5510 Gulfport Blvd S
    Gulfport, FL 33707-4827
    Tel: (727) 683-2240

    13799 Park Blvd # 301
    Seminole, FL 33776-3402

    8601B Somerset Dr
    Largo, FL 33773-2714

    Additional Phone Numbers
    Tel: (727) 363-4506
    Tel: (888) 824-7675
    Tel: (727) 360-5889
    Tel: (727) 471-2058
    Tel: (727) 471-0276
    Tel: (727) 471-1777
    Tel: (727) 471-1414

    Report as of March 26, 2007
    Copyright© 2007 Better Business Bureau®, Inc.

    If you choose to do business with this company, please let the company know that you contacted the Better Business Bureau for a report.

    BBB reports may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.

    The information in this report has either been provided by the company or has been compiled by the Bureau from other reliable sources.

    As a matter of policy, the Better Business Bureau does not endorse any product, service or company. BBB reports generally cover a three-year reporting period, and are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. Information contained in this report is believed reliable but not guaranteed as to accuracy. Reports are subject to change at any time.

  299. So… I got a nice call at 9:30 in the morning. I was groggy and they were offering travel and gas vouchers. I confirmed everything… Even my checking account number (yeah… I am not a morning person) and so… I told my mother and she flipped… She told me to call the bank and get it fixed… So… now I have a new checking account and closed the old account that these people had the number to… the phone number was 1-727-252-0432.

  300. I got the call about half an hour ago from this company, saying they had my routing number from a purchase I made within the last 12 months. When I asked them which purchase was it (I have done online shopping), they couldn’t confirm due to some “Consumer Protection Act” or something like that. They then they asked me for my account info, which, like a dummy, I gave to them (yeah, real smart B.G!). Anyways, I did a Google search right after I hung up, and upon reading the customer complaints, I immediately called my bank and told them to put a balance hold on my account. I’ll open a new account tomorrow morning. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

  301. i received call on my cell from 727 252 0432 but i didn’t pick up and they didn’t leave message. i look up the number through and it just how up as lanline but didn’t give the address just location at clearwater FL. then i clicked on websearch on that whitepages and this is how i found this site. i don’t know if that is also a scam number… or not.

  302. Back in Dec Christmas day as a matter of fact I had a fraud charge of $146 from Delta Com like you guys way earlier have been talking about but it was diff than what you guys had described it was a phone number registered from Austrailia and the charge showed it coming from two diff states on one statement it said Georgia and the other was North Carolina. Also what was diff they never called to verify any info or anything I’m not sure how mine came about I only use sec. websites for info from my card on-line like paypal or if I’m paying a bill I go directly to the compaines website say it was Sprint I go to there site to pay so I don’t know how this happend. My new problem infact when I googled the number it brought me to this site but skimming through I didn’t see anything about it, it’s from (732) 202-3702 they will call and not leave a mess when I call it back they don’t answer but this is diff it is very unprofessional sounding it’s kinda a grunt sound on the voicemail and they must do this quite often cause when i called it back a second time with *67 it said the box was full and it does not have a name on the box at all. I tried looking it up and it also took me to a site called phone search central I beileve it was called. And they have a list of the most looked up phone numbers it was on there. And other times it will only ring once they will not wait for me to answer I am not yet figuring out what this is or how they benefit from it it is a NJ phone number. Also my friend the other day replyed to an ad in the paper for secret shoppers and the shipping was only $1.95 they did charge it to her card and it said shopping something as the company name do you think this is one of the scams cause reading these mess. it sounds like alot of the scams listed were $1.95 shipping.

  303. I just did somemore searching on the number I listed on here and here is a website to check out alot of the time it is all hangup calls but there are other listings of scam calls with fake surveys, etc guess it’s another to beware of.

  304. I work at Suntasia in Customer Service and will tell you simply I never worked in the sales departments and frankly could care less what you think of the company. I’m disabled, can’t drive and its ON a major busroute and offers solid work I can’t be fussy. Its either this or welfare and I’m NOT going on government assistance it will kill me inside. Simp;y put I have my own problems I just go, do my job sure that involves doing everything not to give customers any refund but I have a duty to do what the company asks of me and get paid. You don’t really matter to me I have to take care of myself.

    I can’t speak to the charges here in the sales department but they do record part of each sale, so there is a record I assume somewhere and it should cover the legal protections for the company. Anyway legally we are a marketing company and Suntasia just represents clients for a fee. Other companies are legally providing goods or services what they do is not our business.

    I’m not disrespecting any of you but I just wanted to say my bit.

  305. We got a call from 727-252-0512, they had my husband’s cell phone and address. They wanted to confirm our checking account as we had won trip anywhere we would like. We put an alert on our bank accounts and our credit accounts and I emailed the Attorney General’s office. They too said we had made a purchase and that is where they got our info.


    Your name, address and phone number are obtained through a third party company that they purchase it from. The third party company gets their information by the products you buy, or any other transactions you do that contains your personal information. They DO NOT and are NOT allowed to have or sell your SS#, DOB etc. Once the information is bought by companies like Suntasia, it is put into their dialer system to call you. The dialer clearly labels the list of names that are brand new leads and also how many times that specific list has been called. Unfortunately, this information is only seen by the manager of the room. He or she has access to it from the bridge (the big, high desk overseeing the agents when you enter the room).

    Vericheck is a software system connecting Suntasia to all the banks nationwide that confirm whether you have an open checking account or not. Grocery stores, retail stores all use them to scan your checks to make sure your account is legit.

    They usually say that you made a purchase through one of their 400, 1000, 1700 affiliates (pick a number yourself) and that is how your name was entered into their system for this special promotion. ALL A BIG FAT LIE! Like I said before, they bought the names and numbers from another company for anywhere from .20 cents to up to .60 cents per name. Oh and by the way this same information that can be sold to another company by the people who bought them in the first place.

    If you visit other sites like google or and type in the search box “Suntasia Marketing” you will see there are many, many people out there ticked off just like the rest of you.

  307. i work for a man named joey coca at a office of suntasia its not a scam its a big play on words i send out 110 packets a week get around 1,000-1,800 a week doing this 6 hrs a day 5 days a week but i dont and haver lied i tell you to call and cancel if you for get thats on you i wish you all the best of luck but if you hang up on them befor the recording is done it kicks the deal i swear its you that forgets to call

  308. 727 683 2000 that is the call center office that calls alot of you it is owned by a man named neko dawn and josh are there night man. joey coca is the gen . man. there are fellons working with your info just so u know i hope this helps i am not working there and i am sorry for what i did ti the most of you if i called you call and tell me what thay say

  309. joe you make no sense. Are you admitting guilt or defending the company? I know that Suntasia has felons, that’s nothing new. When I was there Charles was the night manager at customer service. The place where the packets were was in was the compliance room. This company has some major legal problems ahead bc many of the so called customers DID NOT forget to call and cancel, they were charged regardless of the free trial. Even when they did call in time they were given the run around about why they shouldn’t cancel or given a bunch of worthless gas vouchers in lew of a refund.

  310. I worked for SUNTASIA/STRATEGIA MARKETING and i just QUIT 2 weeks ago. its just crazy how they get all the INNOCENT PEOPLE to read them THEIR ACCT. #
    I just want TO LET U KNOW THE NEW PROGRAM that they ARE SELLING IS CALLED VARIETY. its 19.95$ mo plus ACTIVATION fee of 40$ , the second package is CREDIT LIFE CREDIT LIMIT which is 9.95 mo plus 149$ ACTIVATION FEE and the third package is FREEDOM RING COMMUNICATIONS which is 49.95mo that equals to 268$ from your checking ACCT. Please Beware people dont let them steal your money. you all work hard to get that money.

  311. And that’s my problem how? I don’t sell the product and frankly since Suntasia is a marketing company or a call center, I don’t think WE do anything illegal. Maybe we aren’t nice and sure we won’t generally just give the money back when asked. But I don’t see we are putting a gun to anyones head and forcing them to buy the products of companies we market for. And I work at Suntasia and I also work hard for my money in Customer Service and have to eat and pay the bills. I can’t again speak for the sales department I never worked there but I’m disabled and in a wheelchair this is the only way I can earn a living and stay off government assistance. I have my pride I want to work and I hooked up with Suntasia they are the only ones that offered me a job. They are great.

    Would you rather people like me be on SSI and taking welfare or be earning my keep?


    This is to let all of you know that the owners of Suntasia have changed their corporate name to Strategia Marketing, LLC. I just happen to drive by their building on the way to the beach and sure enough there it was. Same colors and logo as the prior name but it is still the same scam.

    The company claims they merged with another one but nothing can be farther from the truth. It is same suspects still running the show. The only reason the owners of Suntasia changed their name is bc of all the complaints logged against them. If you look at their Better Business Bureau Report it is full of complaints. Click below.

    Now they have a clean slate with a new name Strategia bc they are not listed or registered with the Better Business Bureau. Same old scam though, you qualify for free gas and travel vouchers or grocery vouchers and they want you to give up your bank information to bill you whenever they want to.

    The only difference in this new company as oppose to the old one is that Bryon Wolf, Roy Eliasson and Fred Wolf are all managers at Strategia which is a limited liability company. Suntasia was a full fledged corporation with a President, Vice President and so on.

    You can view the incorporation documents yourself by going to the Florida Department of State Division of Corporations website at:

    Then type in the names of the old and new company ….> Strategia Marketing and Suntasia Properties Inc separately to see the difference.

    Don’t be fooled bc they are continuing to promote the same product. They are as follows.

    Travel Agents Life Go Direct
    Credit Life
    Freedom Gold
    Freedom Ring Communications
    Florida Direct
    West gates Resorts

    Here is a list of programs they use to promote:

    Agents Travel Network
    Distinct Advantage (Changed to Variety)
    Prism Communications (Changed to Freedom Ring)
    Capitol Vacations
    Florida Passport
    Travel Agency Network
    Teliflex Communications

    Remember it’s always a different name but the same scam. You’ll receive $400 of travel or grocery vouchers along with $100 of gas vouchers in exchange for your bank information. DON’T BE FOOLED! DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION!

    If you receive a call from them and want it to stop, just send them a “certified” CEASE and DESIST letter. The calls will stop I promise, otherwise Suntasia/Strategia will be facing a major lawsuit and these crooks know it very well.

    Hope this helps you understand a little bit better who these clowns are.

    Caller: Suntasia NOW Strategia Marketing
    Caller Type: Telemarketer

  313. I started getting calls from a 727 area code back in October. The initial call was that I won vouchers and they read me off my bank routing number. They said the next thing they needed was my checking account number next to my routing number on the bottom of my checks. Then they wanted my next check number, but my account would not be debited. I hung up. I have so far received 8 phone calls from the same two numbers. I am in MI and this is a FL number. Scary! DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM! Call your bank and report the number and what they said. I received more calls today from another 727 number. When I called the initial October number back they asked if this was…and stated my name. I said no and they said they needed me (my name) to call back. When I asked why they said bc they have been trying to get a hold of me as I won vouchers. Weird since I have not had that initial number call since october. Obvioulsy the numbers are linked.



    The following is from the Associated Credit Union website:

    Don’t Take The Bait! Watch For E-mail & Phone Scams!

    Current Scams

    A company called Travel Agents Direct calls members to inform them that they’ve won free hotel and travel vouchers. They know the credit union’s routing number and ask for your checking account number to debit you for just enough to cover mailing you the vouchers!

    The company gets information from those who may have purchased products from online marketing companies or infomercials, who pass on the personal information to Travel Agents Direct.

    End of Alert.

    Like I told you many times before, bank alerts are becoming common for Suntasia/Strategia marketing company. If you want to see the alert for yourself click the link below.

  315. The Florida Attorney Generals Office is conducting an investigation on Suntasia which is now known as “Strategia Marketing”. The attorney generals office though is stating on their website that, “The case file cited below relates to a civil — not a criminal — investigation. The existence of an investigation does not constitute proof of any violation of law”.

    Here is the rest of it.

    Case Number: L05-3-1172

    Subject of investigation:
    FTN Promotions, Inc.

    Subject’s address:
    8751 Ulmerton Blvd., Largo, FL 33771

    Subject’s business:
    Inbound/outbound telemarketing sales

    Allegation or issue being investigated:

    Unfair and deceptive trade practices regarding telemarketing sales and unauthorized debiting of consumer bank and credit accounts.

    AG unit handling case:
    Economic Crimes Division in Tampa, Florida

    If you want to see the information for yourself, just go to the and type the letters “FTN” in the search.

  316. Suntasia recently changed their corporate name to Strategia Marketing, LLC. Now they have a new website with a different name. The only thing is that it’s just a copy of the old one. Take a look.

    Suntasia’s Website: (former)

    Strategia’s Website: (new)

    The only exception between the two is the different colors on the opening page using black instead of gold but the wording is still the same. If you want to know who runs this crooked empire, click below.

    Remember it is STILL the same people, same scam (gas, grocery and travel vouchers), same products just a different name.

  317. I’m going to fly to florida tomorrow, track down these sons of bitches, and take care of this shit face to face. I’m done fucking around with these guys.

  318. well i was one of the stupid ppl to actually gave out his info. they offered me 4 tickets to florida all i had to do was pay $149 they mentioned a hotel i once had a timeshare in so i fell for it. once i gave out my info i felt so stupid. i never recieved no package in the mail and about a week later $149 was taking out. i called my bank then i called floridadirect explained that i never recieved any package so i could cancel. they gave me a cancellation # and an address i could send a letter to. after about a week i recieved my check for $149. but my mistake was not closing my account. i figured i got my money back everything was cancelled, safe? Nope. a couple days later $59 was taken out now by travel life go direct. this time i cancelled my account wrote the letter and spoke to a customer rep. my check supposebly is on its way. so u could get ur money back from them cuz i did but make sure u cancel ur account so they can’t keep dipping in it


    Variety’s Telemarketing Tactics Deceptive And Questionable
    Caller ID Displays 727-252-0434, Toll-Free 877-777-2709

    Spokane, WA- May 24, 2007 – Variety is targeting our region with telemarketing calls that are raising red flags which include the quoting of sensitive personal info BEFORE you even give it to them!

    Variety has the following contact info:

    13785 Walsingham Road, Suite 113 , Largo , FL, 33774-3221, phone (800) 869-2909 (plus a slew of other 800#s), web site:

    This company has an unsatisfactory record with the West Florida BBB due to a pattern of complaints and has failed to correct the underlying reason for the complaints. Complaints mostly concern sales practice issues.

    A regional consumer called to report that she received a call from Variety stating that she was on a “special list” and was “chosen” to receive a variety of coupons and other free offers, but they first required her social security number as well as her check numbers. The consumer refused to give this sensitive information to a cold caller.

    The number that showed up on her Caller ID was: 727-252-0434.

    When the BBB researched this number at: we came up with a report for as well as a report for Travel Agents Go Direct with the following contact info:

    11125 Park Blvd., Suite 104 – 364, Seminole , FL , 33772-4757 , phone (888) 546- 8844, web site:

    This company has an unsatisfactory record with the West Florida BBB due to failure to respond to one or more complaints and two or more unresolved complaints. However, the business has resolved most complaints presented by the BBB. As of the date of this release, this company has had 259 complaints in the last three-year reporting period. Complaints mostly concern billing, sales and refund issues.

    The BBB did further research regarding this number by surfing online, and came up with a variety of blog sites that relayed such things about the 727-252-0434 number as:

    1. “Called me today on my cell phone and said I am eligible for $100 in gas coupons. They asked to confirm my name and address, and then asked for my bank name and account number. The lady who talked to me called her supervisor, and her supervisor talked to me because I refused to give my bank info. I finally got tired of playing along, and hung up.

    2. “I received an enormous amount of calls from Variety to my pre-paid cell phone. They wanted my personal information including my bank account numbers, home address and my SSN.”

    3. “Told me i earned 100$ in free gas vouchers for good banking account usage. Wanted the bank I used. Wouldn’t give it to him. Tried to keep me on the phone and convince me he was trying to verify information. Didn’t fall for it and hung up!”

    4. “I recieved an obsessive amount of calls on my cell phone from Variety wanting personal information including my bank account numbers, home address and birth city. I urge you all to report this to the FCC at:”


    1. Gain as much information on the company you are speaking to as possible before you confirm or verify ANY personal info. If the caller hesitates or refuses to answer your questions, promptly end the call by telling them to take you off their list or you will report them to the FTC and hang up.

    2. If the calls become harassment, then report them to the FCC, as well.

    3. Whenever your personal information is quoted back to you by someone you don’t know, hang up ASAP and contact the appropriate bank or credit card company(ies) and report that your personal info was quoted to you by a stranger. Request that no unauthorized charges go through without your permission. Then—-

    4. Check ALL bank and credit card statements regularly. In fact, make this a habit. If any questionable or unauthorized transactions are present, you can be pro- active ASAP.

    5. Check the company out with the BBB FIRST before agreeing to anything via a cold call. If you have an unresolved issue concerning this or other companies, file formal complaints with your local BBB for resolve!


    If you want to see the alert for yourself then click below.

  320. The Better Business Bureau has updated Strategia Marketing’s report. It shows an unsatisfactory record including all the DBA names it has operated under such as Suntasia, FTN Promotions and so on.

    Interesting to note they have created yet another LLC known as “Co-Compliance”. Whatever that means. It even has an email address, I guess Bryan Wolf will keep creating companies until he runs out of names to call his unethical practices. Anyway, you can see the report for yourself below.

    BBB Reliability Report

    The Better Business Bureau®
    Serving Florida’s West Coast
    P.O. Box 7950
    Clearwater, FL 33758-7950
    (727) 535-5522 (24 Hours)

    Strategia Marketing, LLC
    8751 Ulmerton Rd
    Largo, FL 33771-3832
    Telephone: (929) 245-5050
    Fax: (727) 254-5055

    The BBB reports on members and non-members. If a company is a member of the BBB, it is stated in this report.

    Original Business Start Date: November 1999
    Principal: Mr. Bryon W. Wolf, Managing Member
    Customer Contact: Mr. Donald L. Booth, General Counsel – (727) 471-0276 or

    Entity: Corporation
    Incorporated: December 2006, FL
    TOB Classification: Telemarketing Service(s), Vacation Certificates & Vouchers
    BBB Membership: This company is not a member.

    This company previously was named Suntasia Marketing, Inc. The company changed its name to Strategia Marketing, LLC on April 30, 2007.

    This report also references Co-Compliance, LLC, an affiliate of Strategia Marketing. These companies operate out of the same offices in Largo, Florida.

    Additional DBA Names

    Co-Compliance, LLC
    Suntasia Marketing, Inc. (previously)
    Guardian Marketing Services Corporation (previously)
    FTN Promotions, Inc.
    Capital Vacations

    Nature Of Business

    Strategia Marketing, LLC conducts telemarketing services for for various companies, which are listed in detail in the Customer Experience section of this report.

    This company report also references the name Co-Compliance, LLC, an affiliate of Strategia Marketing. Co-Compliance provides the customer service for Strategia Marketing and the various companies that it telemarkets.

    Customer Experience

    Strategia Marketing has an unsatisfactory record due to a pattern of complaints concerning misrepresentation in sales practices, unauthorized billing, refund disputes, and delivery issues.

    Strategia Marketing provides telemarketing services for the products of various companies. Each of these companies has its own BBB reliability report detailing the company and its complaint history. As the telemarketing service provider for these companies’ products, Strategia Marketing is the source for many of the complaints. You may get these companies’ reliability reports by contacting the BBB of West Florida at 800) 525-1447 or its website,

    These companies include, but may not be limited to:

    1. Agents Travel, 3993 Tyrone Blvd, St Petersburg, FL, (800) 432-6350
    2. Distinct Advantage, 10500 Ulmerton Rd Ste 726-302, Largo, FL, (866) 545-5486
    3. Florida Passport, 6822 22nd Ave N PMB 432, St Petersburg, FL, (888) 612-2894
    4. Floridaway Dream Escape, 2655 Ulmerton Rd Ste 407, Clearwater, FL, (888) 488-8770
    5. Freedom Gold, 10500 Ulmerton Rd, Largo, FL, Ste 726-302, (800) 853-0473
    6. Prism Communications, 3665 E Bay Dr Ste 201B, Largo, FL, (888) 694-9151
    7. Teliflex Communications, 3303 Seffner Dr, Holiday, FL, (866) 821-8674
    8. Travel Agents Go Direct, 11125 Park Blvd Ste 104-364, Seminole, FL, (888) 546-8844
    9. VersaTalk, 3303 Seffner Dr, Holiday, FL, (877) 494-7363
    10. Variety, 13785 Walsingham Rd Ste 113, Largo, 33774, (800) 869-2909
    11. Credit Life, 10460 Roosevelt Blvd N Ste 312, Saint Petersburg, FL, (800) 869-2909
    12. Freedom Ring, 13799 Park Blvd Ste 312, Seminole, FL 33776, (866) 405-3952

    Strategia Marketing’s complaint information is as follows:

    When considering complaint information, please take into account the company’s size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm’s responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.

    The Bureau processed a total of 176 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 176 complaints closed in 36 months, 58 were closed in the last year.


    This company is in an industry that may require licensing, bonding or registration in order to lawfully do business. The Bureau encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met.

    Company Management

    Additional company management personnel include:

    Mr. Roy A. Eliasson – Managing Member
    Mr. Vance Vogel – Executive Director of Sales & Marketing
    Mr. Michael Berndgen – Chief Financial Officer

    Bryon Wolf, Managing Member of Strategia Marketing, LLC, and Roy Eliasson, Managing Member, are respectively the CEO and Vice President of Bay Pines Travel, Inc. The Bureau has a separate reliability report on Bay Pines Travel, Inc., located in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

    Additional Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Fax Numbers, and Web Addresses

    Additional Addresses
    9641 Gulf Blvd
    Treasure Island, FL 33706-3209
    Tel: (727) 367-6887

    5621 Park St N
    Saint Petersburg, FL 33709-6310
    Tel: (727) 544-0776

    5510 Gulfport Blvd S
    Gulfport, FL 33707-4827
    Tel: (727) 683-2240

    13799 Park Blvd # 301
    Seminole, FL 33776-3402

    8601B Somerset Dr
    Largo, FL 33773-2714

    Additional Phone Numbers
    Tel: (727) 363-4506
    Tel: (888) 824-7675
    Tel: (727) 360-5889
    Tel: (727) 471-2058
    Tel: (727) 471-0276
    Tel: (727) 471-1777
    Tel: (727) 471-1414
    Tel: (800) 639-8326
    Tel: (727) 342-5900

    Additional Fax Numbers
    Fax: (727) 471-0274
    Fax: (727) 342-5905

    Additional Web Addresses

    Industry Tips

    Amended Telemarketing Sales Rule Can Change the Way You Do Business

    End of Report

    Don’t forget that they also have which is the same as the old site but a slightly different color. Now you are better informed.



    For Release: July 25, 2007

    FTC Stops Massive, Deceptive Telemarketer

    The Federal Trade Commission, with assistance from local police and the United States Postal Inspection Service, today halted the operations of a massive, Largo, Florida-based telemarketing scheme operated by Suntasia Marketing, Inc. The FTC alleges that over the last several years, Suntasia used at least fifteen different business names to defraud consumers across the United States out of tens, and perhaps hundreds, of millions of dollars. According to the FTC, when Suntasia’s telemarketers called consumers to offer supposedly “free” trial memberships in discount buyers and travel clubs, they deceived consumers into divulging their bank account information and later charged consumers without authorization for a series of negative option programs. With a negative option agreement, a company takes a consumer’s silence or failure to cancel as acceptance of the offer, and permission to bill them.

    “The essence of this massive telemarketing scam was simple: trick people into giving out their checking account numbers, send them a brochure on a travel and buyers club, take money out of their bank accounts for as long as possible, and make it very difficult to cancel and get a refund,” said C. Steven Baker, Director of the FTC’s Midwest Region.

    Consumers complained in near-record numbers about Suntasia’s practices. In total, the FTC collected and reviewed more than 5,000 formal consumer complaints against Suntasia that were submitted to various law enforcement agencies and the Better Business Bureau.

    According to the FTC’s complaint, telemarketers typically began their sales pitch by indicating that they were calling in regard to the “banking account” of their “valued customers,” to make consumers believe that Suntasia was affiliated with their banks. The telemarketers explained that the consumers had been chosen to receive a series of “free gifts,” typically a combination of either “$100 in gas coupons,” “$400 in airlines savings vouchers,” or “two free nights of hotel accommodations.” Consumers were told that they could keep these gifts even if they ultimately canceled Suntasia’s negative option program. These gifts turned out to be laden with undisclosed conditions and restrictions that rendered them effectively worthless. Also, the FTC alleges that the defendants honored the “gift” vouchers only if consumers maintained enrollment in their programs, despite the telemarketers’ promises.

    After offering the “free gifts,” Suntasia telemarketers quickly attempted to obtain consumers’ account numbers. They indicated that they needed to “verify” this information to confirm consumers’ eligibility to receive the gifts. Having already pretended to be affiliated with consumers’ banks, the telemarketers now purported to already possess consumers’ bank account numbers. They read consumers their publicly available bank routing numbers, and then asked consumers to “verify” the remainder of the account number from the bottom of a check. According to the FTC, many consumers disclosed their account numbers because they believed they were simply verifying information that the telemarketers already had. The FTC also alleges that consumers frequently thought their account number was being “verified” solely to confirm their eligibility to receive the free gifts, not to authorize any future charges to their accounts.

    According to the FTC’s court documents, after consumers divulged their bank account number, the telemarketers quickly began recording a “verification,” asking consumers to repeat the account number they had just “provided.” At the end of the recording, Suntasia telemarketers quickly offered consumers two additional negative option programs, commonly referred to as “upsells.” The FTC alleges, however, that these “upsell” offers were presented in such a way that consumers did not realize they were being asked to authorize the purchase of additional products and services.

    The FTC maintains that Suntasia never disclosed key information about its negative option programs. For instance, the telemarketers did not tell consumers the date that Suntasia’s charges would be debited from their accounts, or the telephone numbers consumers must call to cancel to avoid being charged. Nor did Suntasia tell consumers that they would be required to call three separate telephone numbers to cancel the initial program and the two “upsells.”

    If Suntasia telemarketers did discuss the length of the free trial period, they represented that this period would begin only once consumers received program materials in the mail. The FTC alleges that Suntasia actually started consumers’ free trial periods on the date of the sales call, however, meaning that consumers often had little, if any, time to cancel Suntasia’s programs without being charged. According to the FTC’s complaint, some consumers did not receive any program mailings from Suntasia and thus had no opportunity to cancel before they were charged. In many instances, these consumers received their first notice of the trial memberships when the defendants began charging them. In other instances, consumers received the program mailings only a day or two before their accounts were to be charged. Suntasia did not provide any consumers with the free trial period that was promised in their telemarketing calls.
    The package consumers received in the mail also disclosed, for the first time, the telephone number that consumers must call to cancel. Prior to receiving this package, consumers had no way to contact Suntasia to cancel or to ask questions. The FTC alleges that in some instances, Suntasia proceeded to charge the accounts of even those consumers who canceled its programs. In addition, if consumers successfully canceled one program, they were not told that they still may be charged for two other programs, or that they must call different telephone numbers to cancel each of those programs.

    The FTC alleges that the defendants misrepresented their affiliation with consumers’ banks or other third parties, that they already had consumers’ account numbers, the starting point and length of the free trial period, that they would honor consumers’ cancellation requests, that consumers may easily cancel their participation in a program, and that consumers are entitled to keep and to use the promised free gifts even if they ultimately cancel the negative option program. The FTC also alleges that the defendants failed to disclose, or to disclose adequately, the following: that the consumer’s account would be charged unless the consumer takes affirmative action to avoid the charge, that consumer’s checking account information would be used to debit their bank accounts, the cost of the programs, the dates the consumers’ account would be charged, the dates that the trial period begins and ends, the specific steps consumers must take in order to cancel, including that consumers must cancel each of the programs by calling a separate telephone number, and the conditions and restrictions on the “free gift” vouchers that severely limit their value and usefulness.

    The FTC also alleges that the defendants debited funds from consumers’ accounts without their express verifiable authorization and express informed consent, and that they did not clearly and conspicuously disclose that the purpose of their call was to sell goods or services and the nature of those goods or services, as required by the Telemarketing Sales Rule. The defendants also allegedly illegally purchased leads containing consumers’ unencrypted bank account numbers for use in telemarketing.

    At the FTC’s request, a U.S. district court in Tampa has entered a temporary restraining order that temporarily halts the allegedly deceptive scheme, freezes the assets of all defendants, and appoints a temporary receiver over the scheme’s corporate participants. According to the FTC, the scheme is run by nine interrelated companies that employ more than 700 people. The defendants charged are: FTN Promotions, Inc., doing business as Suntasia Inc., Suntasia Marketing, Inc., and Capital Vacations; Guardian Marketing Services Corp, doing business as Guardian Escrow Service; Strategia Marketing, LLC; Co-Compliance, LLC; JPW Consultants, Inc., doing business as Freedom Gold, Variety!, Credit Life, and Freedom Ring ULD; Travel Agents Direct, LLC, doing business as Travel Agents Go Direct, Florida Direct, and Lucid Long Distance; Agent’s Travel Network, Inc., doing business as Florida Passport; Bay Pines Travel, Inc.; Suntasia Properties, Inc.; Byron W. Wolf; Roy A. Eliasson; Alfred H. Wolf; Donald L. Booth; Jeffrey P. Wolf; and John Louis Smith II.

    The FTC received invaluable assistance in this matter from the United States Postal Inspection Service, the Largo, Florida Police Department, the Better Business Bureau of West Florida, Inc., and the Pinellas County Department of Justice and Consumer Services.
    The Commission vote to authorize staff to file the complaint was 5-0. The complaint and temporary restraining order were filed under seal in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, with the seal lifting today.

    NOTE: The Commission files a complaint when it has “reason to believe” that the law has been or is being violated, and it appears to the Commission that a proceeding is in the public interest. The complaint is not a finding or ruling that the defendant has actually violated the law. The case will be decided by the court.

    The FTC works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices and to provide information to help spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint in English or Spanish, click or call 1-877-382-4357. The FTC enters Internet, telemarketing, identity theft, and other fraud-related complaints into Consumer Sentinel, a secure, online database available to more than 1,600 civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad. For free information on a variety of consumer topics, click

    End of press release

    FTC website:

  322. KDKA Channel 2 in Pittsburgh has updated a story they did on one of Suntasia’s sub companies, “Distinct Advantage”, the discount savings program that was promoted up until a few months ago when the name changed to “Variety”. Same scam just different name.

    A local woman a year ago named Shirley Smorey of McKeesport, Pa was one of the consumers to get caught up in the scam. She says she was promised $100 in gas coupons and $500 in airline vouchers just for trying a “free” membership in a discount buyers club. I am sure she is happy to know these scam artists were shutdown on Wednesday morning July the 25th. You can see Consumer Editor Yvonne Zanos new report by clicking on the link below and then just click play on the video at the upper right corner of the page.

  323. Former Employees Speak Out About Suntasia’s Inside Operations

    For those who don’t know how everything operated at Suntasia Marketing, I am going to link you to a website that gives you inside information on how these crooks got away with this scam for so long. Everything that has been posted here concerning the questionable practices of this company is true. Now here it for yourself.

    Alex Eckelberry is the host of the website where he did a podcast interview with two former Suntasia (aka Strategia Marketing) employees. The two women agreed to be interviewed providing that their REAL names be with held due to fear of retaliation. They go by the names Stephanie and Carol. Many of the things they revealed I experienced myself but the fact that it is verified by these two women proves what I and others have been posting all along.

    They talked about how;

    * they presented the script over the phone to the unsuspecting consumer and how the agents tricked consumers by asking the name & city location of their bank so they could pull up the routing number and pretend to have their account #

    * they heard other agents (ballers: high sales people) misrepresent themselves by saying that they needed the account number to verify that they had an open checking acount.

    * everyone had to use the main key word “TODAY” because that was stating in the recording that they are not being billed for that day, but what Suntasia’s agents don’t tell you is that the consumer is going to be billed the next day and the next days to come even though it was suppose to be a two week free trial.

    * they rebuttaled the person over and over again if they didn’t want to give up their account information. The slick wording that was used.

    * Suntasia management also scammed the employees when their paychecks were wrong and how hard it was to get it corrected.

    * Suntasia doesn’t care about your experience and just wanted you on the phone to make sales as quickly as possible.

    * they felt the area (company grounds) was very restricted because of all the so called “secrets” between each room that was selling different products.

    * the three different offers had three different numbers to call in case the consumer wanted to cancel. Unfortunately the consumer wasn’t made aware of this.

    * the sales person would claim they were in the shipping department and never would give details about the products being offered.

    To hear the entire interview, you can download the Mp3 podcast by clicking below.

    A blank screen will pop up and a little white box in the bottom left hand corner will appear. Once the audio clip has finished downloading, the screen will show a gray Quicktime audio bar. From there you can click play. The interview is very lengthy but so worth it. I hope this helps you understand how massive this scam was.

  324. Another Ex Suntasia/Strategia Employee Spoke Out and Talked to Fox 13 News in Tampa.

    For weeks, Cory Millican put his nagging suspicions on hold and picked up the phone 450 times a day. What was he hoping to get? “Their checking account number,” Millican said.

    Millican says he didn’t feel right doing it, but Strategia marketing pressured their employees to get the caller’s checking account number. They did it, he says, by tricking potential customers with discounts and freebies.

    He was very clear about how the scam worked and how his conscience would not let him continue. He realized that the product was a sham because there were people who had no need for the travel or gas vouchers but his manager kept pushing him to do it. If you want to see the interview click below.

    Also Eric Seidel, he is the consumer lawyer for the station did a story on the fraud and illegal activity that went on. Click below to see video.

  325. The big story on that day was done by Channel 2 investigative Reporter Jim Strickland from Atlanta where he confronts the owner of Suntasia Marketing Bryan Wolf and tries to ask him questions about his shameful company practices.

    To see the report just click below.

    I guess Mr. Wolf will let his lawyer do the talking.

  326. I assume you will be interested in reading the Court appointed Receiver’s report of the operations at here you will find the details that are very much different than those that the FTC and the media claim. Highlights include over $10 million in consumer refunds in 1 year and some $24 million in authorized sales cancelled in the same year by the company’s in house compliance department. I have never met a thief that would pass up $24 million dollars in authorized sales nor one that willingly returns $10 million to consumers. I also find it interesting that this independent report is not posted on the FTC website, perhaps it was not to their liking? I quess there really is two sides to every story.

  327. Oh Fact, how stupid do you think I am? You have gone around different websites refuting what I have been saying. Well, apparently you and I have been reading different reports because from what I have read you left out some very important details.

    Let’s start the REAL truth process here shall we?

    The company is now apparently in receivership, and in August, the Receiver published a preliminary report — which provides some very interesting reading. Yes, it dies details the high rate of refunds and returns, millions in consumer refunds in 1 year and some $24 million in authorized sales cancelled in the same year by the company’s in house compliance department but what YOU don’t tell everyone is that there were misleading sales tactics and the quality of the products sold was very poor.

    Also to, they only starting do this in the last year or so because at the time they were being investigated by the State of Florida’s Agricultural Dept. Coincidentally? I think not.

    In summary, it appears that while the receivership defendants have a strong compliance function (finally after 10 years of stealing from consumers) the overall marketing goal is to obtain, often with MISLEADING TACTICS, (did you read that FACT?) consumer banking information that is utilized to market and obtain payment for memberships and services of questionable value or utility. The Temporary Receiver will continue to suspend operations pending instructions from the Court.

    The document also details the company’s assets and liabilities, including an outstanding loan on an 80 foot Lazzarra yacht.

    So lets see Fact:

    1) Strong compliance in one year

    2) $24 million in authorized sales cancelled

    3) misleading sales tactics

    4) quality of the products sold was very poor.

    5) overall marketing goal is to obtain, often

    6) obtain consumer banking information that is utilized to market and obtain payment for memberships and services of “questionable” value or utility.

    So overall you might say that this company has questionable business tactics but of course Fact you won’t mention that part will you? This is bc you are defending an already sinking ship. Get a clue will you! The company you defend is a scam otherwise the FTC wouldn’t request to have them shutdown. Too many complaints and too many suspicious tactics.

  328. Frank, I am glad to see that you fully read the report and if everyone commenting did the same then they too would see that there are in fact deficiencies in the processes. That being said, my points are accurate as are yours stated in the above. This report covers a period of time and not 10 years of business history, of course the Company was increasing compliance that is what companies do, particularly $100 million dollar companies that employee 1200 workers. Telemarketing is a highly regulated industry with some 463 changes to the Telemarketing Sales Act last year alone.

    The FTC and yourself Frank have the ability to make claims, however those claims must be represented by fact. They did have rogue agents that would speak to fast and misrepresent the product and those agents are terminated for such claims, much like you where terminated.

    Product value and utility are subject to the customer using the product. If I purchase a treadmill and never lose weight is it the treadmill manufacturers fault? Perhaps if I used the product I would lose weight. Value is relative to the buyer.

    As to marketing tactics, negative-option marketing is a legal form of marketing and is deployed by many companies, in both the membership industry and other markets. AOL is most famous for their use of this method in the form of their direct mail CD-ROM’s….load the free trial disc, enter your credit card, fail to cancel the membership in 30-days and they bill the credit card. Very common.

    Your claim that the company is a scam otherwise the FTC wouldn’t request to have it shutdown is again reaching. The FTC has yet to prove the merits of their case nor have they carried the burden in this case. That is the reason the Court has ruled for the company to re-open.

    There was not ONE outstanding case before any regulatory agency involving the Company at the time of the FTC action.

    We understand that you have invested considerable time and energy blogging on the various Internet sites since your termination from the Company. We also understand that your frustration level must be high now but we do reside in a country whose legal system is based on reviewing the facts to determine innocence over guilt.

    The Company is slated for re-opening and that FACT is, in itself, a statement contrary to the allegations claimed by the FTC.

    Oh…..the loan on the boat, is it a crime in your world Frank to own a yacht?

  329. Hey FACT! You sure sound like a lawyer to me but then again you are not man or woman enough to show your identity are you? But that isn’t relevant in your eyes anyways.

    It’s kind of funny how you avoid the subject until you have no choice but to admit it in the end. You finally admit that the report doesn’t cover the ten years your company has duped consumers into your phony packages. Oh wait and that compliance thingy you talk about? Yes, it might of been improved in the last year before the raid but kind of funny you would mention that since you guys were under a state investigation at the time. Geez, I would change my company’s questionable practices to if I had the feds watching over me constantly. Here is a reminder in case you forgot.

    Case Number: L05-3-1172

    Subject of investigation:
    Strategia Marketing, LLC

    Subject’s address:
    8751 Ulmerton Blvd., Largo, FL 33771

    Subject’s business:
    Inbound/outbound telemarketing sales

    Allegation or issue being investigated:
    Unfair and deceptive trade practices regarding telemarketing sales and unauthorized debiting of consumer bank and credit accounts. Acquisition and use of stolen consumer data from Certegy Check Services, Inc., including personal idenfiying and financial information.

    AG unit handling case:
    Economic Crimes Division in Tampa, Florida

    You “rebuttal” me like you teach your agents to rebuttal your unsuspecting victims. It’s what you don’t tell them that got you in trouble. Like the 15 different company names that was used by Suntasia/Strategia throughout the years. Remember FACT. Let’s see Capitol Vacations became Agents Travel Network that became Travel Agents Go Direct. Distinct Advantage became Variety (same website to. lol) Florida Passport became Floridaway and so on and so on. Every year your company changed it’s name with the same script. Why? Because too many complaints came in and you had to change it in order to keep “things” going. That was preached constantly when I was there but I am sure you’ll deny that also.

    Oh and what about that script with the “slick” wording in it. Yes FACT it’s what you DON’T say in it that is the reason your company is shutdown.

    They never tell the consumer:

    * There are 3 numbers to call if they cancel ALL three packages.

    * The customer service number in case they want to cancel unless pressed by the consumer to do so.

    * There is a $29 processing fee charged if they do succeed in cancelling.

    * The $100 gas vouchers are only to be used $10 increments at a time and you don’t get all of them at first

    * The $400 travel vouchers cannot be used all at once either. Your travel ticket has to be $600 or more to get at least $100 off and even more restrictions after that.

    * The second package (FloridaWay aka Florida Passport) was a timeshare which many people didn’t want and the agent was not allowed to mention even though the consumer might of stated that during the sales call.

    * Suntasia/Strategia DOES NOT track their package so the consumer will know when it will arrive.

    So continue with your PR damage control campaign FACT because like I stated before your future is in politics not telemarketing. lol

    Go ahead and re-open, I can’t wait because NOW EVERYONE knows who the REAL scam artists are. This time people will be more aware. For the record FACT I am not frustrated and I have no regrets exposing such a questionable operation like yours. When I was terminated it was a sigh of relief the day it happened. Why? Because I told the truth. How many times was I written up or warned by your management because I gave out the customer service number or an address for them to contact us? Many times FACT. Even your compliance manager told me the day I was fired that he over looked some things I would say when being monitored because I was well liked.

    Oh and just in case you missed it, here is a link to another story that was done last night on your precious Strategia. I am sure you have a “rebuttal” for that to just like you did to your unsuspecting victims that were called.


  330. Frank, I could be anyone and you assume I work for the Company, can you be sure of that? Your right I may sound like a lawyer, perhaps you are correct or perhaps I am investigator of some sort or I could be with a media outlet. I just maybe a person that takes interest in these matters, someone that has a lot of spare time on their hands.

    In my recent spare time I found you are developing friends on the Internet

    The below is from this tread and as such I can not take pride in authorship of this content.


    It’s in its infancy…but here is the OFFICIAL

    To send ENDEARING FRANKIE INFO…just send all emails to:

    Keep in mind Frank that this is not my site rather some Nomad person but I must say you yourself are reaching a new pinnicale.

    Anyway Frank I don’t have too much time for this banter because as I said prior I am not hear to change your mind.

    Best of luck Frank and we may speak again soon. I do enjoy it the odd time.

  331. Oh and Frank on that investigation you mention above you need to update your records as that was pertaining to the Certegy issue and ABI Marketing which I beleive the company was contract by to market their campaign. The Comapany was remove from that investigation when it was determined that the Company was not affiliate with ABI and the data acquired by way of a list broker was done so in a lawful manner.

    You really must stay on top of these things more Frank this is getting boring having to correct you all the time.

  332. How sad isn’t it FACT? That you have to resort to personal attacks on me bc you know you dodge the truth every time. It never ceases to amaze me when someone exposes such a questionable business the first thing the oppsoition does is attack the persons character. Why? Because that is the only thing they have left in their arsenal.

    With all the media attention brought to your precious Suntasia/Strategia the only way you can divert attention from Suntasia is by discrediting me with stupid links to MY personal information sir which NOW you are in a fight because that is posted without my consent. I NEVER have posted ANYTHING personal about ANYONE at Suntasia here and believe me I could of. This has to do with Suntasia Marketing questionable practices and that’s it NOT my personal life.

    Oh and that idiot that posted those links the “REAL Nomad”, his name is Josh Johnson, Mr. Dialer “B” baller but yet he still uses that stupid screen name like no one knows who he is.

    Make this perfectly clear FACT I am not hiding but a COWARD like you is. You know my name but you fail to reveal yours. Since we are exposing personal details here, it’s time YOU stop hiding and come out from wherever you are otherwise you are nothing BUT a coward attacking me personally with these stupid links that have NOTHING to do with Suntasia’s business practices.

    Make it CLEAR to you. Posting personal links about someone’s life is weak and makes you look like someone desperate. I have no respect for you.

  333. Frank, I have never said anything about you personally, I do not even know you. I simply came across the link and re-posted it just as you re-post links regarding the Company. Your links I might add. The difference is you are a individual and not a Company….its nothing personal Frank.

    You make false and unsubstantiated claims and have done so for the past 2 years…..2 years Frank! please tell me this has not been personal for you. It’s all about you Frank is it not? Any person that holds themselves out to be a consumer advocate but only targets 1 company in 1 industry on a daily basis for the past 2 years is taking something personally.

    This is your personally vendetta…admit it Frank! You have dedicated hours out of your days for 2 years attacking this Company and you expect people to believe you do it only for the common good? This has been nothing but personally for you and I never requested your respect or do I desire it. I hope I have not personally offended you by my above personal observations.

  334. The difference is that I have NEVER EVER posted or tried to post ANY personal information about Bryna Wolf or any other member of Suntasia. I basically posted what I knew about the company itself through MY experiences there. Even when the media started knocking Suntasia bc consumers were calling them, Bryan Wolf NOT once had a spokesperson represent the company to handle the tv news stations questions and BELIEVE ME they did. He ignored the warning signs.

    As for a personal vendetta? No, that’s how you see it just like everything else with that company. You obviously haven’t seen my other posts that I placed about phony companies in other forums which were raided by the feds last year, Fidelity Debt Consultants, Timeshare Inc. and so on. You say it is only Suntasia I target? Well you obviously haven’t been paying attention to my popular profile on Youtube. Take a look, there is more than 100 videos (other than Suntasia’s) in there.

    Finally, I think it’s awfully low of you to even post the links because anyone would agree with me that it has NOTHING to do with the discussion at hand. If I would of done that to Bryan Wolf you would have berated me all over the net. I could see you doing that. Unfortunately, you and I think differently.


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    We hereby urge you to claim the winning amount quickly as this is a monthly lottery. Failure to claim your win will result into the reversion of the fund to our following month. For security reasons,you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims is processed and your moneyremitted to you. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you.

    You are therefore requested to contact the appointed Claims Department below and you are to fill the verification and forward to the Alpha Consultants Lawfirm & Schmidtz Associates to enable them start the process of your claims immediately. Failure to contact the Alpha Consultants Lawfirm & Schmidtz Associates your win will result into the reversion of the fund to our following month.

    Contact : Richard cole
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    MRS Susan Moore,
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    Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 21:46:50 +0100 (BST)
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    WINNERS NAME:Polimetla Jobprabhakar,

    The following requirements should be sent to their offices for comfirmation and final process for payment. Your funds Will be delivered to you Via their courier service upon payment of their cost of delivery charges.

    Please You are required to contact our affilated Courier firm with details as stated below:

    1, Reference Number: 074/05/ZY369
    2, Batch Number: UK/9420X2/68
    3, Full Names: Polimetla Jobprabhakar,

    4, A medium of identification, ie either a copy of drivers license or international passport or any other legal means of identification.
    5, Amount Won:£500,000 Five hundred thousand great British pounds

    6, Contact Phone Numbers:+91 99596 22224
    7,Occupation: RUNNING
    8,Date Of Birth: 30 YEARS
    9,Forwarding Address: No 2.ADDRESS: POLIMETLA JOB PRABHAKAR

    Contact Informations:
    World Courier Service ( U.K. ) Ltd.
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    Handling officer:Rodney Armstrong
    TELL: +44 701 115 3085

    Richard Cole
    Alpha Consultants Lawfirm & Schmidtz Associates
    (Solicitors Advocates & Arbitrators)

    Dear Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    We have to send you this final notice on your delivery parcel that has been with us for some time now,we have given you much time to make up the payment for your parcel delivery to your said address details below.

    H.NO; 14-66, VIDYA NAGAR

    Your urgent response is needed before 1st of November 2007, fail to meet to this dead line we are sorry to inform you that your winning parcel will be sent back to the UK National Lottery Board as unclaimed parcel.

    Kindly Let us Know Your Response.

    Mr Rodney Armstrong
    Handling Officer.
    Tel: +44 701 115 3085

    Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 22:07:15 +0000 (GMT)
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    Subject: Contact Our Affiliated Bank For Funds Transfer Into Your Bank Account
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    Attn:Polimetla Jobprabhakar,

    You are to contact our affiliated Bank in England know as WOOLWICH BANK PLC so that you can make enquiries concerning modalities on what will be the cost of transfer of funds into your Bank account.

    Whan contacting the Bank you will provide them with this details below:

    1.FULL NAME:
    6.TEL: (If any)
    9.A medium of identification, i.e either a copy of drivers license or international passport or any other legal means of identification(if any):
    10.ACCOUNT COORDINATES: (Details of the account where you want your funds transferred):

    Below are their contact for you to open communication with them immediately as regards on the requirements of your founds been transferred into your account.

    Below are their contact details:
    57/58 St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge ,
    CB2 3HZ.City Center , England , United Kingdom
    The Director Foreign Operations,
    International Remittance Department.
    TEL: +44 704 571 8136
    Fax: +44 871 251 3992
    Note:You are to keep me posted on any transaction with the Bank on still your winnings get to you and also For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claim is processed and your money remitted into your Bank account.This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program, Please be warned.

    Richard Cole
    Alpha Consultants Law-firm & Schmidtz Associates
    (Solicitors Advocates & Arbitrators)

    Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 22:35:57 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    To: “honey yours”

    57/58 St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge ,
    CB2 3HZ.City Center , England , United Kingdom .
    We Offers 24hours Online Services.


    ATTENTION: Polimetla Job Prabhakar,


    We acknowledge the receipt of your bank details required to initiate transfer into your INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK Account in India .

    You are by this e-mail notified that your winning funds valued to the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Great Britain Pounds (£500,000.00 GBP) in cash is currently in our bank’s possession.It was issued out as an International Bank Draft bearing your name which has been process into cash ready for immediate funds transfer into your INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK Account in India.

    We have been instructed to transfer the sum of £500,000.00(Five Hundred Thousand Pound Sterling Only) in cash credited to file YM35447XN and your claims processing file has been duly forwarded to our bank with specific instructions that the funds should be transferred into the BENEFICIARY Bank Account without any deduction.

    As the sole beneficiary,to enable us effect this transfer successfully as it is normally done electronically which will now reflect in your nominated bank account within the next 24hours.You are now required to provide the Cost of Transfer (C.O.T) charges before your funds could be transfered into your INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK Account in India.

    Stated below is the break down of the transfer registered charges according to the United Kingdom Financial Service Authority regulations for large transfers.

    Cost of Transfer….. £180 Pounds
    Vat…..£150 Pounds
    Insurance……£220 Pounds
    Total..£550 Pounds.(43,870.36 INR).

    Bank Wire Transfer (Information will be provide to you on responding to this email).

    Once the Cost of Transfer (C.O.T) charges is provided you and confirmed by us.Your funds will be accredited and transfer into your INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK Account immediately.You will now be availed with the funds transfer slip for confirmation and reference.

    Note Once Again:
    Your Funds is protected by a hardcover insurance policy, which makes it impossible to deduct any charges from the funds before been transfer into your nominated bank account.Hence,it must be provided by you before any transfer would be initiated.

    In our response to this email,you will be provided with the preferred mode of payment details.To enable you effect the payment at once hence we could continue with this transaction.

    Awaiting your urgent response to this email.


    Mark Gray,
    Director Foreign Operations,
    International Remittance Department.
    Phone: +44 704 571 8136
    Fax: +44-709-288-3868

    Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 20:47:01 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: No Cost of Transfer Charges No Transaction
    To: “honey yours”
    Attn:Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    With reference to our previous email,it was clearly stated that; Your Funds are protected by a hardcover insurance policy, which makes it impossible to deduct any charges from the funds before it would be transfer into your nominated bank account.Hence,it must be provided by you before any transfer could be initiated.

    This was the aggreement reached with the Promotion Board and also the laid down policy of this nature according to the United Kingdom Financial Service Authority ,that no deduction should be made from any funds/money awarded to any person or group of persons as a beneficiaries for a star prize for any reasons,the funds must be transfer in full without any deduction.

    Considering the amount of funds you won which we are to transfer into your bank account,the Cost of Transfer charges should not be a problem for you to provide.

    In your response to this email,kindly inform us if you are still willing to continue this transaction with us.If not,we will not hesitate to withdrawn and returned your winning international certified bank draft back to the Promotion board as unclaimed winnings.

    Respond back to us now.


    Mark Gray,
    Director Foreign Operations,
    International Remittance Department.
    Phone: +44 704 571 8136

    honey yours wrote:

    sir i am jobprabhakar polimetla from india

    your bank swift code, account number,and the
    BENEFICIARY Bank Account. send me immeditatley by


    jobprabhakar polimetla
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    MOBILE : 00 91 99596 22224,
    LAND Res: 00 91 08812 251920.

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    Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 05:27:32 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    To: “honey yours”

    57/58 St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge ,
    CB2 3HZ.City Center , England , United Kingdom .
    We Offers 24hours Online Services.



    We acknowledged the receipt of your email and your response as regard providing the Cost of Transfer (COT) charges to enable us facilitate and transfer your cash into your nominated bank account.

    To enable us facilitate this transfer, you are thereby required to provide the Cost of Transfer (C.O.T) charges which is Total:£550 Pounds.(43,870.36 INR).

    Provided below is our preferred payment information, for you to deposit the Cost of Transfer (C.O.T) Charges via wire transfer to enable us facilitate and transfer your funds,the sum of £500,000.00(Five Hundred Thousand Pound Sterling Only) into your Bank account immediately.

    Wire Transfer Payment Details.
    Bank Name: I.C.I.C.I BANK
    Account Holder’s Name: SAGAR ANAND JAIN
    Account No: 033905001995
    Pan No: AIKPJ5376L

    For confirmation and for our records purpose,you are required to send a scanned copy of your deposit slip or voucher attached via email to us.

    Ensure the payment is made today,to enable us conclude your funds transfer at once with no further delay.After your funds is sucessfully transfered into your bank account,you will be provided with the transfer slip for confirmation and for your reference purpose.

    Awaiting your urgent response to this email.


    Mark Gray
    Tel: +44 704 571 8136
    Director Foreign Operations,
    International Remittance Department.

    Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 04:51:29 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    To: “honey yours”
    Attn:Mr Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    We are in receipt your payment slip which has been forwarded to our diplomatic agent yesterday for confirmation and remission to us at once.Hence,will enable us conclude your funds transfer into your INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK account.

    There was some little delay as at yesterday at the verge of confirming your payment from our diplomat.We are still awaiting his verdict confirmation before transfer of your funds into your INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK will be concluded.

    Be rest assured that once we received confirmation from our diplomat,your funds will be transfer at once.Your will be provided with the transfer confirmation slip for your reference purpose.

    Kindly bear with us and expect a productive response from us as soon as possible.


    Mr Mark Gray
    On Behalf of Management,
    Woolwich Bank Plc.

    Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 17:14:06 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    To: “honey yours”
    Attention:Mr Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    We are very sorry if this email comes as a surprise to you.We want to informed you that today, in the process of transfering your cash into your INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK account in India . We encounter a little difficulties with the Anti Terrorist Department of the United Kingdom Financial Service Authority, monitoring all International transferred out of the UK .

    They where demanding for an exorbitant percentage before your winning funds can be transfered into your bank account ,which is against the instructions giving by the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY Board that your funds should be transferrd into your bank account without any deduction.

    On this note,the Management of Woolwich Bank Plc has no other alternative but to devised another option,to ensure your cash is deliver and transferred to you without deduction.There by sending an Agent straight to India who is now coming to deliver your cash to you by employing the assistance of A Diplomatic Courier Service.

    Getting there which is by tomorrow, your funds will be converted and paid into your INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK account in India by our agent on your behalf.

    Our agent Name is MR ALEX ANTHONY and your contact details is already availed to him.Once he arrived India by tomorrow, you will be contact at once and you are required to correspond with him,so he could assist you in clearing and transfering your cash into your bank account immediately.

    Note that you will be responsible to settle the handling charges as expenses incurred by the Diplomatic Courier Service.The sum of £1,200GBP only which should be paid to our agent Mr JACOB ADEX once he make contact with you.This is base on the agreement with the courier company to enable them release the consignment to him at once.So that, he could carry out his assignment as expected and come back to the UK immediately.

    Kindly inform us once the funds has been cleared and paid into your bank account.Once again we apologise for the inconvenience this might bring to you.

    Your Sincerely,

    Mr Mark Gray
    Phone: +44 704 571 8136
    On behalf of The Mangaement of,
    Woolwich Bank Plc

    Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 02:59:52 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Rechard Cole” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
    Subject: Payment As Been Comfarm
    To: “honey yours”
    Dear Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    Due to the high volume of work load on my table i couldn’t reply your mail yesterday when i got your mail at that poiant of time We apologise for any inconvinience this may cause you .Sorry for the late response.The Bank called to notify me about your payment which was made by you on the 5Th of November 2007 after wchich i got you mail. Said amount paid by you was forte three thousand eight hundred seventy rupes,fifty pais (43,870.36) it was paid by you into this address as follow:

    Address Details
    Bank Name Icici Bank Eluru ,
    Account Holder’s Name:Sagar Anand Jain
    Acconut No: 033905001995
    Pan no:AIKPJ5376L

    The pay-slip send to me by you with attached file,your winning
    amount which has to be send to your Indian Overses Bank Xavier
    Nagar ,Eluru – 534 007 to your given account in India .

    In the meantime, if there is anything else we can help with please don’t fail to contact me at once.

    Richard Cole.

    Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 03:31:48 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    To: “honey yours”
    Attn: Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    We want to informed you once again that your winning cash is already delivered to India by our agent with the help of a Shipment and courier company.

    Our agent Mr Alex Anthony has already informed us about his contact with you.You are adviced to cooperate with him by providing the clearance fees,which will enable him clear the consignment on time from the coureir company.Once the funds has been clear and release to our agent,he will convert and paid the cash into your account as equivalent in India Rupee.

    So kindly ensure you avail the funds to him,so him could carry out this duty as instructed and get back to the UK at once.

    In your Next response,kindly informed us that all is well that your have responded to our agent and your funds has been transfer into your account sucessfully.

    Awaiting your joyfull response.


    Mark Gray,
    Director Foreign Operations,
    International Remittance Department.
    Phone: +44 704 571 8136

    Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 10:43:55 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: GET BACK TO US NOW
    To: “honey yours”
    Attn:Mr Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    Information reaching us is that all effort to get in contact with you has been proven abortive in respect of your winning funds which is already delivery to your country India to be transferred into your bank account being the sole beneficiary.

    Our agent Mr Alex Anthony has made previous complaint about his several effort to contact you on phone which is no avail.You are kindly required to contact him right now,so that he can assist you in clearing and transfering your funds into you account at once.We want him back to the UK as soon as possible.

    Kindly response to us now.


    Mark Gray
    Woolwich Bank Plc

    Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 18:03:14 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    To: “honey yours”
    Attn:Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    Be informed that your cash is already been delivered to India by our agent Mr Alex Anthony and we have been informed that you where contacted earlier before now.You are to contact Mr Alex once again,so that your winning cash can be transfer to you.Ensure you contact him right now.

    Endeavour to also update us on your outcome.


    Mr Mark Gray
    Woolwich Bank Plc

    Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 23:35:06 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: F.B.I. ALERT

    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    ATTENTION: Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    We are still on investigation as soon as we are through we will get back to you by tomorrow if you will still go on with the payment or not as soon our agent is back with useful information we will get across to you we have send some delegate to the WoolWichBank Plc to get us some information and also some useful information about Mr. Alex Anthony who you said claims to be an agent to the Bank.

    We are sorry for the late response to you mail which we receive from you on the 8Th of November 2007, we want to inform you that you mail as been acknowledge and is still on investigation we ask from you to give us time to Conclude our investigation.

    Note: Sir you have to hold the payment for now why we get back to you with useful information if there is any need to make any other payment to any body who claims to be an agent to WoolWichBank Plc not on still our delegate are back by tomorrow, as soon the are back we will get across to you .


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 21:56:22 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: F.B.I UPDATE

    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    ATTENTION:Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    Sorry for the late response to your mail which you send to us on the 8Th of November 2007 regarding you present situation with the Woolwich Bank Plc. We got your mail and it was acknowledged and well understood. We had to carry out our investigation on this matter which took us one week and two days to make sure the emails been send to you by Woolwich Bank Plc was surely from the Woolwich Bank Plc. consulting the lottery board and woolwich Bank Plc regarding the email that they have been sent to you by Mr. Mark Gray, Director Foreign Operations Woolwich Bank Plc it was brought to our notice that it was all you said and forwarded to us about your transaction that was paid by you of 43,870.36 INR as cost of transfer charges to this diplomatic agent in India by the name Mr.Sagar Anand Jain on the 5Th of November 2007 with Icici Bank Wire Transfer Payment Details as follow below:

    Bank Name:I.C.I.C.I BANK
    Account Holder’s Name:SAGAR ANAND JAIN
    Account No:033905001995
    Pan No:AIKPJ5376L

    We had to ask the Woolwich Bank Plc why you should pay this said amount of 1,200 GBP before your winnings parcel will be delivered to you at your resident in India but we where made to understand that the payment of 1,200 GBP which the ask of you was for handily charges of you winning parcel to you in India by this person name Mr. Alex Anthony who happened to be an agent to the Woolwich Bank Plc to carry out safe delivery of your winning funds and other valuable document to you in India making me clear that as the payment is been made to Mr.Alex Anthony your winning funds is right there with Mr. Alex Anthony in India which i comfirm that he opend an communication to you regarding this new development and that both of you spoke on phone before now.well i am please to tell you that we have make a conformation is true you have to carry out the remaining said amount of 1,200 GBP as cost of handily charges but you have to make sure you call Mr. Alex Anthony and Mr. Mark Gray of the Woolwich Bank Plc on this okey take note of this tips before you make the payment and also after the payment as been made by you to Mr Alex Anthony to be sure of safe transfer of the said amount of 1,2oo GBP as the cost of handily charges and the should carry out their trasnfer of your winning funds to you at once with no delay and we are going to make sure your winning funds got you.

    Thanks for your prompt alert Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla it looks to me you’re a Christian well all the same I am a Christian I have been a born again rihgt before I took this job as an agent of the F.B.I nice talk to you and God blessings to your family.


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 06:50:30 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    To: “honey yours”
    Dear Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    Accept our deep condolence as regard your illness and we hope you are doing very fine and okay now.We thought you are no longer interested in getting your prize money that is the reason while you decided to ignore all our response.

    The God you are serving is a good God,he is really wonderfull.If you must know,we have just decided to informed our agent Mr Alex Anthony to returned back to the UK with your prize money when we received your email,it was really wonderfull and surprising.

    Nevertheless,we have no other choice but to informed him that you have made contact with us,he should stay back to ensure him assist you in clearing your consignment from the courier agency and convert the money and transfer it into your bank account before coming back to the UK.

    This is Mr Alex Anthony contact number +91-9967924191 for you to also get in contact with him because him just inform us that you are not picking your phone,he even tried to contact you this morning.

    Kindly ensure that every thing go very well as promised by you so that he can assist you and come back to the UK to meet his family at once.

    You are required to always update us with every thing that is going on out there.

    May God Be With You.

    My Regards,

    Mark Gray,
    Director Foreign Operations,
    International Remittance Department.
    Phone: +44 704 571 8136

    Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 20:57:30 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    To: “honey yours”
    Dear Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    Thank God that you are doing very alright and discharge from the hospital now.Glory be to God and it is very good to know that you are a real christian.You can contact Mr Alex Anthony with this number as stated: +919967924191.Him has also informed us that he tried to contact you on phone too but you did not pick your calls.

    Do endeavour to get in contact with him at once,to enable him assist you in clearing your prize money and get back to the UK immediately.His family can not wait to see him.

    Let us know if you get in contact with him.

    My Regards,

    Mark Gray,
    Director Foreign Operations,
    International Remittance Department.
    Phone: +44 704 571 8136

    Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 20:32:29 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert

    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    ATTENTION: Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    I acknowledge the content of your email. I understand your financial plight at this time.There is no way i can assist you financially.My duty is to monitor all mails online,to protect email users from fruadulent act.In respect to your mail,I had to call mr.Alex Anthony, concerning the R B I and he said that the amount must be paid first before they can transfer the funds to your account at the stipulated time.Try as much as possible to provide the British High Commission in New Delhi the neccessary fees of 250,000 India Rupees.

    I will advise you to look for the money by all means even if it takes you to borrow from your friends to take a loan from the Bank because once you send them the money,your full prize winnings will be remmited to you as confirmed by the British High Commission. I’m really sorry for not assisting you financially.Try as much as you can to enable you conclude with them. I await your prompt response.
    Best Regards


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 05:08:34 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: RESPONSE

    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    ATTENTION: Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    After acknowledge your mail i had to get across to Mr Alex Anthony on phone on this matter and he told me that as long as the R B I fee is going to be paid by you today Tuesday, December 04, 2007 he is going to carry out transfer of your winning funds to your bank account at the stipulated time which is with in 24 hours of india time.

    Thanks for your greetings to us.

    We wish you the best of luck.


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 14:23:19 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    To: “honey yours”









    Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 08:21:45 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: Sincere Response To You
    To: “honey yours”
    ATTN: Mr Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    As regard our phone conversation this morning,i really understand how you must have been feeling at this point in time about trying to raise the percentage amount they requested for before your prize money could be transfer into your bank account.

    I have to put myself in your shoes and took that pain to contact our agent Mr Alex to ensure he finds a way out to conviced the people involved to accept 1% from the total prize money from you.Later after the funds have been transferred into your account successfully you will now pay back the remaining amount.Which he did and said they have agreed that you should go ahead and provide 1% of the total prize money which is now 5000GBP(Five Thousand Great Britain Pounds Sterling).

    I know that things may be difficult for you now,but try as much as possible to raise this last payment,if it require’s borrowing so that once the funds has been transferred into your account you will now return the money back to the person.If i where you,that is what i would have done,just to ensure your money is transfer into your bank account on time so that you could pay back the borrowed money.

    So,the ball is now in your court.

    My Regards And God Bless

    Mark Gray
    On Behalf of,
    Woolwich Bank Plc.

    Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 08:21:45 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: Sincere Response To You
    To: “honey yours”
    ATTN: Mr Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    As regard our phone conversation this morning,i really understand how you must have been feeling at this point in time about trying to raise the percentage amount they requested for before your prize money could be transfer into your bank account.

    I have to put myself in your shoes and took that pain to contact our agent Mr Alex to ensure he finds a way out to conviced the people involved to accept 1% from the total prize money from you.Later after the funds have been transferred into your account successfully you will now pay back the remaining amount.Which he did and said they have agreed that you should go ahead and provide 1% of the total prize money which is now 5000GBP(Five Thousand Great Britain Pounds Sterling).

    I know that things may be difficult for you now,but try as much as possible to raise this last payment,if it require’s borrowing so that once the funds has been transferred into your account you will now return the money back to the person.If i where you,that is what i would have done,just to ensure your money is transfer into your bank account on time so that you could pay back the borrowed money.

    So,the ball is now in your court.

    My Regards And God Bless

    Mark Gray
    On Behalf of,
    Woolwich Bank Plc.

    Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 11:43:55 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: ACT ON THIS EMAIL
    To: “honey yours”








    Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 20:44:33 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert

    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    ATTENTION: Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    I called Mr Alex Anthony today about what you wrote to me and he made me understand every thing you have just said on you mail to me but he also made me understand that there is a problem along the line that is the 405000/- which is the other 1% of the R B I charges of the cost of transfer to your account, i went as far as contacting one of the officers in charge of the R B I charges and he insisted that the R B I charges most be completed before the transfer can be made,i tried all i could but they insisted that the 2% most be paid in full

    So if that should be the case you have come along way to claim this prize,i advice you should try as much as possible to make up the other part payment so that your prize can be transferred immediately to your account.


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 22:15:26 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: ACT FAST NOW
    To: “honey yours”
    Mr Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    If you know what is good for you at this point in time,kindly fine a way to provide the remaining about now,or else you have no body to blame.Instead of providing this little about for your funds to be transferred into your account at once,you are busy talking about refunding all the money you have paid for assisting you by our agent.

    Be informed that what you are asking for is not possible because all the funds was use in the process and they are not refundable.If you dont want to loose every you have be hoping for kindly pay this last cash and let your funds be transfer into your account.

    Have a nice day and God Bless.

    Mark Gray

    Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 22:15:26 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: ACT FAST NOW
    To: “honey yours”
    Mr Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    If you know what is good for you at this point in time,kindly fine a way to provide the remaining about now,or else you have no body to blame.Instead of providing this little about for your funds to be transferred into your account at once,you are busy talking about refunding all the money you have paid for assisting you by our agent.

    Be informed that what you are asking for is not possible because all the funds was use in the process and they are not refundable.If you dont want to loose every you have be hoping for kindly pay this last cash and let your funds be transfer into your account.

    Have a nice day and God Bless.

    Mark Gray

    Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 22:15:26 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: ACT FAST NOW
    To: “honey yours”
    Mr Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    If you know what is good for you at this point in time,kindly fine a way to provide the remaining about now,or else you have no body to blame.Instead of providing this little about for your funds to be transferred into your account at once,you are busy talking about refunding all the money you have paid for assisting you by our agent.

    Be informed that what you are asking for is not possible because all the funds was use in the process and they are not refundable.If you dont want to loose every you have be hoping for kindly pay this last cash and let your funds be transfer into your account.

    Have a nice day and God Bless.

    Mark Gray

    Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 07:43:42 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: ACT FAST

    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Dear Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    I understand all you are going through if only the could see you through but the still stand on the ground that you have to pay the said amount in full before the transfer can be carried out if i most advice you on how you are going to go about the other part payment which the say you most pay before the can transfer your winnings funds to your account, I most tell you the fate that you have to look for a way to pay the said amount so as to enable them do the transfer immediately to you before Mr. Alex Anthony go back to England for charismas to meet his family because I can see that is the only way that is holding your wining funds to be transferred to your account.

    Mr. Alex Anthony told me that he was having it in maid to help you with one thousand if only you can come up with the rest of the amount so as the can now transfer your winnings to you to enable you go pay your banker their money in time before the go for xmas holiday.


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 15:04:24 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: TAKE NOTE
    ATTENTION: Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    Sir this phone number and the email address is not from me or from us take note (Phone: +44 701113 0369 E-mail: some one is trying to play some games here which we need to take Good look into it for now please you are weird not to send any email to that address or call that number in quart, you are to send emails to the useful email ID which we have been sending you emails from any email sent to you from any email ID please is not from us but before then I will have to speak with Mr Alex Anthony about 200000/- INR he is asking for Indian Officers from you for now and I will get back to you sir. Compliment of the season to you and your family.

    If there is still any order thing you will like us to know about please don’t fail to inform us for now. Please you have to hold on why I get across to Mr Alex Anthony to no what is going on for now about you winning funds which need to be transferred to you bank account.
    We will get back to you sir as long as we get you some useful information.

    Note: You have to look very carefully the email address you send emails to if the are not from us or from the Woolwich Bank Plc either from Mr Alex Anthony before you can now respond to any of the above person.


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 04:07:55 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: Compliment
    To: “honey yours”
    Dear Jobprabhakar polimetla,
    Compliment of the season to you and your household.We want to sincerey remind you that you winning funds is still yet to be recieve by you,for the fact that you have not been able to provide the particular funds needed to conclude the transaction.
    By now we want to believe that you have been able to raise the required money,so that your funds could be released to you at once.Our agent is still very much in place to assist you in this regard between a very little time before returning back to London for vacation.
    You still have a little time to provide this money,due to the fact that our agent is still available to help you conclude the transfer.
    Kindly see this as one last opportunity and chance for you to finally claim your winnings or you end up loosing it if something is not done as soon as possible by you.
    Awaiting an urgent response from you soon.
    Mark Gray
    Woolwich Bank Plc

    Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 13:54:11 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Mr.Brad Todd” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
    Subject: Attention Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla

    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    ATTENTION:Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    Sir we will like to know if this corporate as call or send you email before now if yes please can you forward the emails to me at once for investigation we need all emails been send to you by this corporate in order to track them down for fraud late act.

    I got across to Mr Alex Anthony some days back we are still on it as soon we have finish with our investigation on that matter with Mr Alex Anthony I will furnish you with the information on the new development.

    Note: all emails from this corporate should be forwarded to us at any time.


    Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 13:54:19 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: Attention Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla

    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    ATTENTION:Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    Sir we will like to know if this corporate as call or send you email before now if yes please can you forward the emails to me at once for investigation we need all emails been send to you by this corporate in order to track them down for fraud late act.

    I got across to Mr Alex Anthony some days back we are still on it as soon we have finish with our investigation on that matter with Mr Alex Anthony I will furnish you with the information on the new development.

    Note: all emails from this corporate should be forwarded to us at any time.


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Subject: Await Your Responed
    From: “Federal Bureau of Investigation” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 14:26:41 +0100

    ATTENTION: Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    We sent you an email before now and you fail to compley with us on this
    matter we need you to provide us with mr alex anthony phone number for
    us to get in touch with him on phone we need to get his number which
    you have been calling him with .

    Sir your full cooporation is needed on this matter for us to get to the
    end of this matter at once,hope to hear from you soon.

    FBI Agent Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    From: “WoolWich Bank Plc” Add Mobile Alert
    To: “honey yours”
    Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 05:01:37 -0500
    Subject: Congratulation
    Attn:Jobprabhakar Polimetla,

    I want you to belive in your faith and in God that all is going to be okay because you have already done all that is needed,so it is now your time to enjoy your life.Once the sum of 500,000(Five Hundred Thousand Pound Sterling is transfer to you ,all will be well.I want you to remember all that supported you and also remember the poor people in your country.

    We have been informed that you have really made the payment,all you need to do now is relax and allow Mr Alex to do is duty by ensuring your money is been transfer to you at once.

    Congrat and God Bless.

    Mark Gray

    Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 13:56:55 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: TREAT AS URGENT


    U.K. Department of Justice
    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    57/58 St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge ,
    CB2 3HZ.City Center , England , United Kingdom .


    F.B.I Release
    January 29, 2008 Contact: Public Affairs Specialist Agent Mr. Brad Todd (44) 70457-68129 E-mail:

    Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    Your mail has been acknowledged by us, we made a contact to Mr. Alex Anthony some hour back we cloud not get across to him but hopefully later today we will try to get him on phone so to tell us what is the matter as we get to him tomorrow by then we will send you an email to no what is going to be the out come for now .pleases you are to keep us posted on any development between you and Mr. Alex Anthony before you make any transaction with him so that we can on our own carefully see that Mr. Alex Anthony is ready to make sure your founds most be paid to your bank account right there in India and also please we need to no from you the correct amount you where ask to pay now to Mr. Alex Anthony and how much you have right now at hand to pay to him to see that your winnings found is been paid to you bank account .

    We await your response to this mail.


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:21:11 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: Your Urgent Response Is Needed


    U.K. Department of Justice
    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    57/58 St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge ,
    CB2 3HZ.City Center , England , United Kingdom .


    F.B.I Release
    January 31, 2008 Contact: Public Affairs Specialist Agent Mr. Brad Todd (44) 70457-68129 E-mail:

    Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    How are you doing today, hope fine. We will like to no from you if the said amount has been paid already by you as stated on your last mail which was on the 28-1-2008 if yes can you please also send us a scan copy of the payment slip to us for documentation as an evidence to show that the payment as been made and your winning founds has to be paid to your bank account as well. So as we can carry out legal order of your winning founds to be paid to account right away in Indian with no delay.

    We await your response to this mail.


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:21:11 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: Your Urgent Response Is Needed


    U.K. Department of Justice
    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    57/58 St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge ,
    CB2 3HZ.City Center , England , United Kingdom .


    F.B.I Release
    January 31, 2008 Contact: Public Affairs Specialist Agent Mr. Brad Todd (44) 70457-68129 E-mail:

    Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    How are you doing today, hope fine. We will like to no from you if the said amount has been paid already by you as stated on your last mail which was on the 28-1-2008 if yes can you please also send us a scan copy of the payment slip to us for documentation as an evidence to show that the payment as been made and your winning founds has to be paid to your bank account as well. So as we can carry out legal order of your winning founds to be paid to account right away in Indian with no delay.

    We await your response to this mail.


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 16:43:11 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: TREAT AS URGENT


    U.K. Department of Justice
    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    57/58 St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge ,
    CB2 3HZ.City Center , England , United Kingdom .


    F.B.I Release
    January 31, 2008 Contact: Public Affairs Specialist Agent Mr. Brad Todd (44) 70457-68129 E-mail:

    Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    Your mail has been acknowledged by us and also documented in our data base. if I mean ask you said on your last mail that you are going to pay a said amount on the 28-1-2008 as noted by you but with the look of things that to say the payment slip sent forward to us now by you are all dated last year I still don’t understand because your where to forward the payment slip that was paid on the 28/1/2008 this mouth so as to no if you have us now so as to press gaggers on Mr. Alex Anthony and also the Woolwich Bank plc on way the delay on your winning found not been paid into your bank account.
    Your response is needed to no if yes you actually you went on to pay the said amount ask by Mr. Alex Anthony for the release of your found to you.

    Await your response.


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 11:28:49 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Wool Wich Bank Plc” Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: Response To You
    To: “honey yours”
    Dear Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    We received your email and we want you to be a little beat patience i assure you that thing is in good order.Things will be alright very soon and know that it is no body’s fault the way the whole thing turns out to be.It is just that the India Government policy about foreign currency is so hard.That is while every thing turns out to be the way it is and Mr Anthony just info us that they are still requesting for more money before they will release your winning cash.

    But he is still trying to settle things will them so that they could release the funds to him as soon as possible.

    So i will advice you to be patience and lets see how it will be.

    We will get back to you soon.

    Regards and God Bless.

    Mark Gray
    Woolwich Bank Plc

    Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 06:26:17 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Wool Wich Bank Plc” Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: Re: Response To You
    To: “honey yours”
    Dear Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    Your email is received and we want you to stop any other transaction of payment right now untill we fully confirmed what is going on from our agent.We are still trying to get in contact with him but to no availed.Once we have been able to contact him and fines out what is really happening,we will surely get back to you.
    Hold on with any further payment for now.
    Mark Gray

    Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 13:17:59 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Wool Wich Bank Plc” Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: Re: urgently contract Mr. Alex anthony and return my all amounts to me
    To: “honey yours”
    Dear Job,

    Make God see you through this whole process and i want to commend you that you have really tried all this while by providing all the money required to the release of your winnings to you.But all hope is not lost because Mr Alex have just informed us that they are at the verge of release your cash to him to be transfer into your account.You are the one delaying with the required 60,000INR
    if only you are able to provide this money now,every thing will be alright.

    If you dont want to loose all the money that you ever provided,kindly find way to pay this remaining amount and allow them to transfer the money to you.

    Our only advice to you now is to try and paid this amount and all will be well.

    The ball is in your cut now.

    My Regards,

    Mark Gray

    Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 16:46:23 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “FBI UK Internet Fraud WatchAlert” Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: We Will Gent Back To You

    Federal Bureau of Investigation UNITED KINGDOM ( ENGLAND )

    U.K. Department of Justice
    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    57/58 St. Andrew’s Street, Cambridge ,
    CB2 3HZ.City Center , England , United Kingdom .


    F.B.I Release
    February 8, 2008 Contact: Public Affairs Specialist Agent Mr. Brad Todd (44) 70457-68129 E-mail:

    Mr.Jobprabhakar polimetla,

    Your mail has been acknowledged .We are going to open a communication with Mr Alex Anthony and also tell him what you have just said that you need all your money to be paid back to you infull why we do this you are going to wait for us to get across to Mr Anthony to tell us how and when your full money is going to be paid to you.

    We are going to get back to you.


    Mr. Brad Todd
    FBI UK Internet Fraud Watch/Alert

    Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 07:54:53 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Woolwich Bank Plc” Add Mobile Alert
    Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
    To: “honey yours”
    Dear Job,
    I want you to listen and listen cafefully to what i want you to do this time,i want to measure this is the last payment you are going to provide,so that your winning cash will be transfer into your account once this last payment is made.I dont want any problem to arise again,once this payment is provided by you it should be the last you are required to provide.
    So i want to help you monitor this last payment so that once the payment is made by you immediately your cash will be transfer into your account.I am going to give you a Citi Bank account information by tomorrow morning which you are to deposit this your last payment.You are to wait for a go ahead from me before you make any more payment to Mr Alex Anthony.
    If Mr Alex contact you just tell him,you are still trying to arrange the money that he should give you more time to do so.I want your winning cash to be transfer to you at once,i want all your suffering to stop by tomorrow that why i want to help you this time.
    I will give you Citi Bank payment details to enable you deposit your last payment and you are to locate the nearest Citi Bank to do this.
    Expect my email by tomorrow morning.
    May God bless you.
    Mark Gray

    Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 08:00:46 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Wool Wich Bank Plc” Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: Listen Carefully
    To: “honey yours”
    Dear Job,
    It all despend on you now,if you want to get your winning cash immediately just listen to my advice and follow my instruction.I want to help you monitor it now,i dont want any problem from Mr Alex again,so am in charges now.wait till i give you payment details by tomorrom monday of Citi Bank for your payment deposit okay.
    Mark Gray

    Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 06:34:33 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Wool Wich Bank Plc” Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: WHILE THE DELAY
    To: “honey yours”
    Dear Job,
    While the delay? Dont you want this transaction to be concluded soon.
    Get back to us now.
    Mark Gray

    Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:18:08 +0000 (GMT)
    From: “Wool Wich Bank Plc” Add Mobile Alert
    To: “honey yours”
    Dear Mr Job,

    Be rest assured that all is going to be well very soon,if only you could understand and follow my instruction accordingly.

    Your winning sum would have been transfered into your bank account yesterday after every thing has be done.But the India Government was requesting for a very large percentage almost half of your total winning sum.Which you know is against our instruction,your total sum must be transfered into your bank account in full without any deduction.


  337. i would like to know how to report a scam for e.g. i received this email yesterday:
    From: “Mrs.Jessica Brown.”
    Subject: Goodday TO You!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:24:00 -0400

    Goodday TO You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have been waiting for you to contact me for your box african cloth of

    $850,000.00 United States Dollars, but I did not hear from you since
    Then I went and deposited the box african cloth with Fedex COURIER
    SERVICE, West Africa, I travelled out of the country for a 3 Months
    and I will not come back till end of march 2008.

    What you have to do now is to contact the FEDEX COURIER SERVICE as
    as possible to know when they will deliver your package to you because
    the expiring date. For your information, I have paid for the delivering

    Charge, Insurance premium.

    The only money you will send to the FEDEX DELIVERY COMPANY to deliver
    PACKAGE direct to your postal Address in your country is ( $100 .00
    USD) Two
    Hundred and Ninty United States Dollars only being Security Keeping Fee
    the Courier Company so far.Again, don’t be deceived by anybody to pay
    other money except $100 .00 US Dollars.

    I would have paid that but they said no because they don’t know when
    will contact them and in case of demurrage. You have to contact
    Fedex Courier Company Servecis now, for the delivery of your Draft with
    this information bellow;

    1, Your Delivery Address:
    2, Your Cell Phone Number:
    3,Your Age:
    4,Your Country:
    5,Your OCUPATION:

    Directors Name: Marvis Nwachukwu
    Companys Name: Fedex DELIVERY COMPANY
    Telephone Number:011-234-8078-639065

    Finally, make sure that you reconfirm your Postal address and Direct
    telephone number to them again to avoid any mistake on the Delivery and
    ask them to give you the tracking number to enable you track your
    over there and know when it will get to your door step so that you can
    sign on it. Let me repeat again,Try to contact them as soon as you
    this mail and ask them how you will make the security fee of $100 usd
    them to avoid any further delay and remember to pay them their Security
    Keeping fee of $100 .00 US Dollars for their immediate action.

    Yours Faithfully,
    Mrs.Jessica Brown.

    this is part of some scam.

    please do let me know how and where to report.


  338. My Mother keeps getting private numbers calling and harassing her saying she has won money, but she has to pay the security fee for it to be sent. So far, theyve pretended to be FEDEX and just a few minutes ago, a guy pretended to be from the IRS. Isn’t that against the law? To pretend to be from the IRS? One of the names theyve used is John Davidson..obviously highly likely to be a fake name. I told him to NOT call again or Id be contacting a lawyer because it’s against the law to pretend to be the IRS>.he continued to tell me to ‘listen to him’..finally i put the tv on blast and stuck the phone on it and held it there for a minute…he stayd on the phone. I have no idea what these people are up to, but its highly disturbing.

  339. Guess What…They are back in business. They think they can hide from authorities by scamming from overseas/offshore. Same people same scam plus some bolder scams because they think they can trick the FTC. These guys are bolder than you think. They think they are smarter then the feds, bragging about not getting caught and hiding all of their profits from the feds. Aparently so since they have restarted their operations.

  340. Somehow this scammers have some of your information; I have received these calls for several weeks now…numbers 727 and 714 as soon you get this calls Please Please notify your Bank about this, they will be aware of any suspicious transactions and check your account frequently. After receiving this calls for weeks today 10-08-09 I found out someone from Checkcard Touchtone Harrogate charge my card for 79.88 , 151.00 and kept trying , my bank stop the transactions after 79.88 was accepted. The Bank cancel my card. It is better, if you have received this calls, call your Bank and cancel you checkcard they can sure replace you a new one. This people have enough info. to scam you eventhough you do not give them any info over the phone.

  341. My Wife has found a fraudulent transacion on her debit card from chase bank that is coming from TOUCHTONE PROJECT HARROGATE GB
    she has alerts set to contact her on her cell phone in case this happens ,
    but chase has yet to contact her if she did not take the day off she might not have checked ! Looking for any info to help our own investigations

  342. Hasn’t anybody found out who these guys are and taken them down as far as I can research the have been doing this and other scams since Jan. 2005 What give is there nobody that can catch time. I just got taken on my new debit card to the tune of $575.00 thank God I check my balances everyday I will talk to my bank tomorrow when they open and get this fraud taken care of and get all of my money back. Please if there is someone out there that can take the people down do so they are hurting even those on fixed incomes with very little money to spare!!!!!!!!!!!

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