TurboTax Online Discount

Here are some discounts and promotional codes (promo codes) for Intuit’s TurboTax online editions. To get 35% off your TurboTax e-file, even if you’ve already started your return, follow these steps: If you’re currently logged in to Turbotax, log out. You can pick up where you left off in a bit. Go to fidelity.com and… Continue reading TurboTax Online Discount

Categorized as Hot Deals

Googlewhack and Googlewhackblatt

Bored? Let’s play Googlewhack!! The rules are simple! Google Search for two-word combinations that come up with a single result. Examples: Deoxyribose xenophobiac existentialism antidisestablish Oxalosuccinate sword cataplexis wehrmacht creamy smegmas Go ahead, try it! But if you want even more of a challenge, try Googlewhackblatt where you try to find single words that appear… Continue reading Googlewhack and Googlewhackblatt

Ghost Riding the Short Bus

Just when I thought I’ve heard enough about the act of “Ghost Riding” I found this. Truly amazing how retarded some people can be. The song is called Ghost Ride it by Mistah Fab. The lyrics are below the video. Yeah man this ya boy Mistah Fab man The yellow bus rider man Shawn T… Continue reading Ghost Riding the Short Bus

Categorized as Videos

Jailed for a cell phone call

Judge Norene Redmond sentenced Carmen Granata of Eastpointe, MI to 30 days in jail because someone made a phone call from her porch. Thank goodness the police aren’t out dealing with real crimes in Detroit! Check out Carmen Granata’s story. This was also featured in the Detroit Freepress, among other places. Man, I’m glad I… Continue reading Jailed for a cell phone call

Categorized as Rants

UR7089.exe Process Information

This process, UR7089.exe, showed up in my task manager today when my Windows XP box was running sluggish. It was running at only 2604K, but taking up several percentages of CPU. After restarting my computer, it was nowhere to be found, and a file search came back with no results. Anyone have any idea what… Continue reading UR7089.exe Process Information

Categorized as Tech Stuff