Bored? Let’s play Googlewhack!! The rules are simple! Google Search for two-word combinations that come up with a single result. Examples: Deoxyribose xenophobiac existentialism antidisestablish Oxalosuccinate sword cataplexis wehrmacht creamy smegmas Go ahead, try it! But if you want even more of a challenge, try Googlewhackblatt where you try to find single words that appear… Continue reading Googlewhack and Googlewhackblatt
Category: Contests
Free MyCokeRewards Points
Here are some MyCokeRewards points up for grabs! I drink a lot of Coke, but don’t use the mycokerewards points, so I am going to start posting them here! I’ll start off with three: GTVG7 97V9Y Y6PRN 9GPP4 9LHBZ W6KML 7LGNH GYW4N T769H Please post a comment if you use them. First come first serve.… Continue reading Free MyCokeRewards Points